tv ABC7 News 600PM ABC October 4, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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isth will behe t worst yrean ia cadede scein 22,01 11 27 ppleoe rewe killed. its ione thi tngo look atht e mbnuers, anoerth to lookt athe ctims. n:da two teenage brothers were shot and killed at hseou party saturd nayight. yesterday eth city's 0t10h mihocide in e thmiddle of the teafrnoon, alo bck from ndmaela rkway in west oakland. what started aas catalicyt coernvter theft turinn to a homideci,um nber 101, the victim killed i fnront ofis h own house tryi tngo protec htisre ptty. ama: ithn e midst of this, it'' ha trdo talk about aet bter bay area, butha tt is whawet want, a safer peaceful y baarea butt i isoi gng to ta tkeime. n: leslie brinkley found people who we erin it fothr e long porerter: t bheullets are flying, despite cifalornia's innotivave effor ttso stop violen.ce >>he t work weav he de,on while nation leading, nisot enough.
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it's notno eugh to be the nati'o's gun safety leader when our bibaes a greetting st hoover e weekendto, teen brheotrs omfrer bkeley, angel and jazzie, shot t doeath at aat birthday party. days befe ora mass shoinotg here in oakla andt a scho solite that le sftix ppleoe including two students gravely injured. reporter: at thisat ghering hosted by pserocutors oaklasnd mayor to tldhe group ttha teache hrsave tolder h students admit ctoarryingea wpons. >> manofy thesam id yes, i feel like n ieed to cryar a gun to school to protect myself. peop'l's choices about wheerth not tabo ide by ls,aw to trusgot vernment jtiusce, otor take jtiusce into eithr own hands. is a cichoe that ware e sineeg remo and more, horricafilly in front of us.
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report:er iegllal weapo ansre being seized. programso twork witath risk youtarh e in place. calirnfoia's toatrney general has opened a new office gofun olvience prentveion to identify progmsra that ar weorking and roll them out in remo cities. >> san dgoieou cnty is doing a great job wh itgun violceen straining orders. others should do the same. oakld ancan do the same, berkel ceyan do th seame. porter: t gheoals are preventi aonnd intveerntion. unfortunelaty, there areo neasy ort-termol sutions to the violceen happengni right now in kloaand. i am leseli brinkle ay,bc7 wsne. dan: l'e's moveo tthe newest informatn iowe havebo aut oh's late hstomicide. it -- oakldsan latestom hicide. it hapneped in the englview neigorhbhood. our reporter has aro fm family and ngheibors. >> he aladrey had the catalytic
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nvcoerter, w dhyid you sotho my d? porerter: sheid d not wantot shoot -- hoher face t bushe nted to she arthe storofy her erth. heas w shot and killeind front of theirou hse. e hwasve erything ciould ve askedor f as a dad, given the ciumrcstances atth we grew up in, he dihid s best to to be the stbe dad. reporter:ak oland pole ica they were resndpoing to a catalytic nvcoerter death in the glenn -- tht efin the gnvleiew ighborho.od >> i saw the g punoint out the windowsh, oot thretie mes in the car okto off. reporter: victor nzgoalez lives he dcresibes t mhean as a good family man. heai sd the ngheiborhood swa hit wi tthworm aed rbeobries and anothecar talytic nvcoerter theft. theea dth marks 101 homicesid in kland th yisear. t' 's dguissting. justhe t fact tt hait is happening, is a sign of desperatiorin ghtow n, around us. i am sad that lheost hisif le.
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porerter: she says her faerth woedrk to contrast -- cotrnsuction, theurned 60ea yrs dol in may. this was his bs,os they woedrk fo20r years. >> he woulned ver hurtny abody. he helped eth neighrsbo. wheould helrap ndom wheould doha wtever. wheould wake up every morngni at:0 60 and goo t work. dheid so mu fchor me. report:er mhaicel was ao lswoken up by th neoise. he is struliggng to dealit wh a ighbor who died inro fnt of his ownou hse, tryi tngo protect hisro pperty. >> ihi tnk that s waprobably more itinsnct. heid dn't reizale the gritavy of wh tathey coulpod tentialldoy toim h. anned ither wod ulion the moment. you kind of ntwa to prote yctour operty. reporter: poleic and crime stoprspe are offinerg up to $10,00 f0or infortimaon leading to t aherrest ofhe t set -- dan: iyof u or someone you know needhes lp dealing wh itthe trauma of gun violenc ye,ou can find a local allbyy going to
6:05 pm a: aew rard is oerffed at leinadg to a psiosble serial investatigors in stockton releedas to thisid veo of a nma they call aer pson of ierntest the case. they say he has been sn eea ffdierent creim scenes. the police iechf wants people to noticeis h unenve >> we ntwa you to notice how uprit ghthis pern's's posteur is. i like t tohink we l alhave a normal gaiant d wk,al but this pers'o's poste uris extremely up rightnd a is nicoteable. >> thehi cef a msentionede h hasss aemble thtae sk for ocef profsiesonalsnd axp eertsha tt i kn wowill not sp tountil justice is sveerd. ama: a wom wanho washo st and injud rein her tent into sckton inpr a lilast yr easpoke with police and ge ava description of e gunman. ballistic evidence nncoects ven cas iesnll a.
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onean m was shoant d killedn i east oakla, ndothers in ocstkton. dan: new details in a searcfoh r mifaly kidnaedpp from a busesins minerced. the shiferf's office has a person oinf terest in custody, of aid knapp eedight mon othld byba. her parent asnd unclere a still missing. sujes salgado iscc ausedf o inusg one viimct's at cmard in atat wer this rnmoing. investigoratsay s it los oklike mesoone seenn ia surveianllce pho otfrom theid knappingce sne. he is hostile aiells in cricatil condioitn. veinstigatorsas y he trdie to ke his o lwnife. sheriff lott f--'s ofcefi be- - th seheriff's'office reaevled that it happedne in wentn ithis morning. hisro bther, sierst-in-lawnd a inntfa nieceer we missin agnd d habeen kidppnaed. the sheri'f's office ssay emotive is unknown -- emotive is knunown -- aot mive is unknown. ama: founders uofc hastin agsre insug the steta. they' trerying to preventhe t
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scolho from chgianng its neam to you see colgele of the ugloh san francisco. -- uc collegef othe law, san frciansco. we he avseen thidis scussion acrosshe t state. shldou schools or blduiings med aftehir storicalig fures thro pblematicat phs be renamed? lastee wk at govnoerr newmso made hisos pition onhi ts ail bl atth wou cldhange t nheame of hastingsol clege of eth law, citing t theroubling tsie to the killinofg nativeme aricans. isth lawsuitha cllengesha tt cidesion. aitrgues chgianng the ne,am woulbrd each of 1-y44ear-old contract. the founder ohaf stings cleolge tofheaw l, alongit wh some of the hoscolslu amni are insug the state. theyre a alleging a new law pass bedy the gerovnor that would removhae stings neam from the scolho becausef ohis volvement ithn e killinofg naveti americans ia s breach of corantct. ca''t have yr oucake andat e itoo t. u yocan't grab the ntcoractnd a
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take out the ptsar you do''t keli and keethp e ones y douo. >>hi ts attorns eyrepresenngti th pelaintiffs. shsae ys in 1878, the state entereind to a binngdi contract with htiasngs, t fheirst- - chief jtiusce who fndoued the law schl.oo >> t fheounder oucf hasngtis agedre toay p in ldgooi cns to the atste of calorifnia to estaisblh the soochl in exchgean, califoiarn agreed that it wldou forevere b kwnno aucs hainstgs and that a member of theas htings falymi would sveer onhe t board othf e school. >> for44 1 yearshe t college, was fausmo alumni, iluncde vice esprident, hars,ri has retneaid sit ne,am b autmong theac rial ckreoning, htiasngs troliubng stpa has comune der stre hwne. allosiw gned by governor and cash -- a law sigd neby vegornor newmso says, hastings did genidocal acts.
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some disputing -- or mmsuer spdiuting theos claims. -- somare e disputg inthose claims. >> it iennttionallyin mimizes the dissenting vceois. >>in a stametent, spas rk-- spokesperson says it is a lengthyro pcess thatnc iludes thoughtfules rearch, several public hrieangs and aid we range of comnimuty stakeldhoers. san frciansco asselymb member, phil, o whauthoredhe t bill swa shkeocd to lea ornf the lsuawit. i tnkhi it's a very dsa stematent when you he avmembers of a family oswhe ancesrto mmitted genocide, andom sehow they want tfio nd benef fitrom e state for that. >>he t plaintisffay s first and forestmo, they a aresking the stattoe keep thsce hool's currten name, tyhe save the statdoe es not do that, trehe asngki the steta pay bacthk e descendasnt $100,0 00in gold
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coins igorinally in toda''s currency, tt hais tepontially veseral millnsio of llars. we reach oedut to the indnia tresib,hi wch hasee bn working on ts hiissue wi tthhe we have nohet ard back. governor newsom'ofs fice clined to cmeomnt. ama: trehe is a desceanndt of stings othn e schoo''s board. is he partf othe lawsuit? >> he is ando, n he is n.ot this inos t all of the descdaennts partf o this. la ystear the hoscol's arbod tevod uninamously tcho ange the name othf e school. that mea tnshat descdaennt suorppted theec dision. wehover, the attoryne reesprenting thela pintiffs, said none o dceesndant hashe t fu rllight to rmteinate the contctra. they belveie the conactrt stands and th aeyre readyo tgo to court. ama: thank you so much. dan: w aell do itny away metimes. now uyo do nohat ve to woyrr abt ougetting tia cket fort. i e thnew law autbo jaywainlkg. sanda:hyar mine inflncuee going
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dan: at some poi intt is safe to say we he avall jayal wked. soon it wi blle considered legal. a bill sigd neinto law by governorew nsom newm solast week says you can nloo nger be ticketed f corrossing eth stetre,nl uess therise an meimdiate daerng of a cshra. as pedestriatrn affic dehsat isare, dustinor dsey lookins to the concerthn at this wne law may on mlyake thin wgsorse. >> we've all beetan ught at a young ageo tbe safe tonhe adro. but the eris one re uleveryone has broken, t ahect of crsiosng thste reet, outsidae jaalywking. it' bseen a fiabndle offense forc eedntry. seaslymb bill 2147ro ptects peleop from tictske. >>he t freedomo tal wk such a critic balill. wean wt everyone to makeur se they have a rhtig to crosths e restet witho buteing your flul ofei bng cited- -without being
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cited. >> the maigon al was tado dress the re acand soci -al- this in garerds to so -- citatio.ns >> ppleoe are crossing in rtceain neiboghrhoods and certn aipeople we ergetting cited. african eramicans were there tis meas likeltoy get cit.ed >> that oft lenead to confrontioatn with picole. now police- -people can only be cited if trehe's isn aimmediate dang oerf a cshra, when cssroing busy street. hovewer, oppontsen say it is lyon going to meak the rinisg depestrian tffraic fatalyit nuermbs wseor. san jose has suffered 26 pedestanri fatalits iethis year. lipoce state many cuocr outside aof marked oscrs wksor -- lkwas. however assembly membedor es not think witill leado tmore aths. >> what pedestriacrn osses the stetrehi tnking, he atwould be a good idetoa get in onfrt of a car? -- hey it would be gaood idea to getn ifront of c aar? >> the sanos je departntme of
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ansportaonti agrees. he sayits is the d.o.t.'gos al to create sutolions to kema rosad safer. >> it isur o job aa s city vernment to make it easier, moreon cvenient,or me enticing to use marked pedtresian crossings d anmake morofe them and make the ones hweave a functionet bter. but if people a nreot given a goodpt oion, they wl ilcross in the miledd the road. >> the law will igonto efftec in janua.ry dan: it mabey leg balut we have to bvee ry caref.ul ama: absoluty.el we are watchg inthe weatrhe cafurelly. dan:et meorologi sstandhyaat pel tisracking faa ntasticee wk. ndsahya: it will bein fe flying ather. i ntwa to showou y what the refocast holds f torhis week, as the blueng aels takeo tthe skies friday it will beic ne for the airsw.ho low 70's. there wl ilbe fog aunrod over the weendke.
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itil wl be finfle yingea wther, breezy a cndooleror f sunday after mpteerature ais start out in the mid0'-'s, getting up toin the upper 60's' it is alws aya good idea to drs esin layers. you know hoitw gets in nighttimane d in theor mnings. high-presse urcoming in. it's going to ilbud over the next days, begniinng our wmiarng ocpress. today did''t see--m see that muchar wmth. there waa s lot of f aoground. we have a foarg ound the the temrapetures a 5re9 in half moon bay, allhe t way to i81n enbrtwood. tempaterures werrue nning bowel avagere for th tisime of yr.ea as we look at our, li pfeictures from o turower camaser you see the fog from our camera and sunshine from all of thote her weram ceras, fr tomhe east they hlsil camera, haze. areas of fog near the coastnd a bay ornveight, wainrmg trend is startsom torrow, a indt will be niceea wther. tonit,gh if u yoare stepngpi out ab awe sater and on t cheoastline it will be coolest 7at:00. tomoowrr morning the fogil wl
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ben giright ne tarhe coastnd a arndou the bay. inlandre aas will cbelear. thfoe g pulls back in the wathrm bensgi on wedneaysd you' blle in e 80' asnd 90'snl iand, coid-se, 60'--s coast se,id 60's. '5's for etprty muchve eryone, a few isatoled spotsha tt will get up i--n drop into the '0's. torrmoow afteronno it isun sny, rmwaer, upp 8er0's toow l 90's near the coast, you wilbel in e mid '0's. a tbire bezy. but the good thing ise ware not expectg inextremes. rehe's a look at t sheeven-day warmg inbegins tomorro iw,t gets put onol hd on thursda ay,s we see an irencase in cudlo cover. frayid, low 9''s inland, mid-6''s coastid se. we will keep that going suratday fore tho tseemperatusre begin to drop off, bree pzeicks up sans -- ckpis up on ndsuay. and coongli next we wekith low 80's inlan md,id 60' csoast youan cnot ask r fobetter weather isth week. dan: we couldut b it woulbed ricudilous. [lauteghr]
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sandhya: c ian't etme everyo'e's madends. n: thank you. ama:tu sdents had san bhaas sahencz elentmeary are celebrinatg --an schez own measur gesoal areel cebrating hispan hiceritage month -- sanczhe lamentre te school are celeatbring hispican heritage month. we skepo to the unyogrt aist. >> you guys ntwa to breasok me leti? >> with a manrsoy hammer, these thd-irgraders pta these tiles odprucing musicalot nes. thousands tofhese pies cewill me togetrhe to create eth moicsaur mal they vehaam ned, thgeer we >> we haveee bn seein kgids eaking pceies that weer whole. theres ithis who sleymbolic piece ofha wt has been broken, coming back tetogher to form sothmeing stroerng and more beaufutil togetr.he >> ross is the artist redicting the chireldn.
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he has helped produce 4mu0 rals public hoscols rothughout san fransccio. >> we arine the mide dlof the fun part. were a on dayiv fef o ehtig, woinrkg with t kheids. so, all 300lu ps studen ftsrom sanchezle ementary llwi paicrtipate inhe t project. >>t' 's kind of ha brdecause there wi slltille bap cs, -- gaps. >> you mhtig have toov me it ound. >> but their little hands quickly t gea better understandginf ospatial concepts. there will be 24 sheetofs plywoo ed,ach with tiles forngmi pa ortf the sryto of brazilians. >> theai rnbowea mns, it is corfloul,nd a to me,t imeans iefrndly. >> thema ige is gogin to deptic stenudts helpingac eh other aup unmotain andak ting ofteton flig, htto join a community ttha are -- communityf obirds that e nativeo tcentral d ansouth america. >> aon cdor is siring abovet i
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all. >> i le ovthat theady dedhe t coornd. i am from ecuador. it's on the flag and it'' reayll imrtpoant to me. >> t mheosaic mur walill go against isth wall. 20 feet tlal by 40ee ftid we and rategicay lloverlookg inthe ayground. >> i'm'going toee fl like wow, atth is how titurned o.ut i wapas rt of that. thats ihow i will feel. n:da that sound means just one thing. fleewet ek is aoo lk atha wto texpe tcthis arye over thske ies of san fransccio. stay with us.
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first psiaorsis, then psoriat aicrthrisit. even walkingas w tough. i had to do mesothing. i startecod sentyx®. coseyxnt can help yomou ve, oklo, and feel bteetr... byre tating thmue ltiple sympto of psoriat aicrthritis. don't use i yoreu' allergitoc costyenx. be fore startin..g.get checked for tubeulrcosis. annc ireased rkis of infecontis so anthd e lorewed abilit y to fight them may occu tellou yr doorct about annf iecti oonr symptoms.. or if you've had v aaccine orla pn to. te ll your doctor iyof ur cr ohn's diseassye mptoms.. devep loor worsen. se riouals lergic rcteaions may cuocr. wa tch me.
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st41 anniversa.ry . of fle weteek sinan franccois. it's a nglo-standing tradition to celebtera those w shoerve our coastlinane d sees. thpoe pularhi sp to his begins tomorrow and the blue angels show friy,da saturday and sunyda wi rthehearsal on thuraysd. >> fleet weeisk not just about the blue angs,el it is abouto s mu mchore it is autbo developgin a relioatnship with our militaryth, e people who put eithr lives tonhein le. ama: london breed sigofn he t official fleetee wk prlaocmation datoy. the naviebas nd perfosrm nitoght. you can fd ina complete schedule of aivctieits on our website abc7newsom.c. n:da a retired phycisist in wautln cre ieks a nobeprl ize nner. john ishs aring t phehysics prizwie th t owother sencitists. he did the resrceahha tt earned him th yisear's izpre at uc
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beelrkey and lreawnce bkeerley b in the early 70'whs en he was a podostctoral reaesrcher. his wk orin quantum entglanement s wanot widely regard deat the time,ut b has sin bceeen proven true. >> itut rns out thaeit nstein was and --ve eryone athe t time was tellgin me,hi ts is silly, everyoneno kws quantum mhaecnics ig rht you d'o't en veneed to do anxt eremity. dan: thess aociated press srehad e thvideo ofhe t intvierew, in which he reiecved in -- p ahone ca tllelling h hime won. congratutilaons. ama: ihat s been almost a week sinceur hricane ian hit florida as aat cegory fo surtorm. e sehow calirnfoia is helping out wi tthhe searcanh-d-rescue efforts. >> ourom cmunity flsee vuerlnablend a fearful. dan: now they can batrehe a little easier witthh e suspect arrestednd a charged with a
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don't mi mnde. i' m just the flu. i' m quite rmhaless, really. and wheneo pple k,as “buart en't youin lked to dangers ouflu compcalition like pneumonia, heart attack, d anhospalitization”? jui st say, “but, i'm just the flu.” it h'sim! who?'m i just the flu! fi ght the u flwith saniof u flvaccines, which he plprevent flu in older adults. theye 'veven been shnow toro pvide betr teprotecti from fluel-rated comicplations compedar to standard sedo flu shots. do n't get uzflone highos-de quadrilevant if you've dha a vesere allergic re action tito s compontsen, clinuding egprg oducts, or after previous dose of f vluaccine. do n't t geflublok quadrivalent if you've had a severe allergic rcteaion to its components. tell youher althcare pr ofesonsial
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if you've hased vereus mcle weakne assfter a f sluhot. peleop with weenaked immuneys stems may have aow ler vaccine spreonse. this flu season, you do he ava choice. choose t pherotectio n of aan sofi flu ask uryo phaacrmist or docto which sanofi flu vaccine is rig fhtor you. >> buiinldg a bett beray area, movingor fward, fiinndg lusotions th iiss abc7 ns.ew
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dan:ne o suspect, more than a dozen hate crime chaesrg and ltiple b aayreaou cnties. the tgearts wereld oerin hdu mewon of diinan desce.nt ama: the robberiesnv iolved breakinghe tir arms d anbeating theirus hbands. as our newans chorel tls us, the spsuects may havmoe re >> this is not a newri cme. she got attacked. >> this video was from sta ory i broke in 2020 were a wom ians shpued tohe t gunrod foher r gold neighbors told me t vheictim was sout ahsian. what is new? ha cterime chaesrg for this man, 37-yr-eaold, lathan johnson. weau cght a glpsime of himn i cot.ur e thsantala cra couy ntda says he tgearted h14indu women of hindu dceesnt -- inandi dceesnt, aringra tditionaltt aire. their age bs,etween 5 a0nd 73. >> he rips f oftheirew jelry, drive th demown this gre -at-
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stetre, beats up erthe has been, terrizores them. it is much worse than an econicom criminaorl property thief. >> gd oljewelry ais ceremiaonl d ana sacredar p hindu culture. t ofwith a number of indian hols and festivals coming soon, spreading awareness is crucial. >> our community feels vulnerable and it fearful. >> community leaders want more counties to charge crimes targeting asian americans as hate crimes. >> we are facing an uptick of hate crimes. seeing we are making progress on one issue by prosecuting this to the fullest sense a strong message. >> santa clara county da says there may be more victims, which is why we are sharing this mug shot. there asking anyone with information to come forward. johnson remains in custody with no bail, and faces a maximum sentence of 63 years behind bars. his next court appearance is november 4. dan: here at abc 7, we are
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committed to stopping hate. to get involved, we put together a list of local resources, which you can find on ama: flight mandates will get -- attendance will get more rest between hours. that f.a.a. is extending that to 10 hours between shifts. unions have a font for the changes think flight attendants are heavily fatigued and overworked. >> well rested crewmembers are important to safety. as we have seen too often recently, they are in the front lines or on the front lines, responding to unruly passengers who could threaten the safety of flight and other passengers. ama: delta has already mandated a 10 hour rest requirement. other airlines will have 90 days to comply. dan: overseas, north korea launched a ballistic missile directly over japan. triggering evacuation alerts. no one was hurt.
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this is the farthest a north korean ballistic missile has traveled. it the 23rd missile test in 10 months, a record-breaking number. japan's ministry of defense says the missile was airborne for 17 minutes, traveling 2800 miles before crashing into the water. south korea and the u.s. responded with a precision bombing drill, destroying two virtual targets. ama: russia's war in ukraine, ukraine is gaining ground. it is pushing south past russian troops, liberating towns and villages along the way. the move because a large part of russia's front line position to collapse -- the move caused a large part of russia's front line position to collapse. >> it is critically import for the russians. if they lose crimea, putin will fall. ama: this comes as president biden announced a new $625 million security package for ukraine. the package will include weapons and equipment. the u.s. defense official tells
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us some of those weapons could be in the hands of ukrainian forces within a week. dan: at home, hurricane ian is considered the 25th deadliest hurricane to ever hit the u.s., at least 108 people have been found dead, some in north carolina. nearly all in florida. crews are searching through the wreckage. california's office of emergency services ascending 16 on -- six canine search teams out. est from fort myers, florida. >> drone footage of the beach shows how wide spread the devastation is. >> one of the big giant yachts landed on my car. we had 14 feet of water. in my house. it never occurred to us. >> joanne has lived in the area for 50 years and decided to write out the storm -- ride out the storm. >> we figured we would get some of the storm. we are ground zero. >> search and rescue teams in full force, nearly week after hurricane ian made. landfall.
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>> we did 842 rescues so far. unfortunately, we had 55 total deaths. >> thousands pulled from their destroyed homes and taken the shelters. hundreds of thousands still without power. for some it may be up to a month before their lives are back on. on the small island, north of sanibel, this is how people are getting from one side to the other. >> a single boat is the only way. jump on, you grab that rope and pull yourself over. >> access is making recovery difficult in places like sanibel and pine island. their causeways destroyed. crews are working on temporary bridge fixes. >> they will be able to get that done, relatively quickly. this is not going to be a bridge you will want to go 45 miles an hour over, but at least you have connectivity to the mainland. >> president biden will be visiting the area on wednesday to to or the destruction himself and meet with the people here who have been affected.
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yeah! i can't believe those idiots are going to fall for this. 90%! hey mark, did you know california is sending us all their money? suckers. -those idiots! [ laughter ] imagine that, a whole state made up of suckers. vote no on 27. it's a terrible deal for california. we win. you lose. life is busy. so, come to shell and get three things done at once. first, fill up with shell v-power nitro+ to help keep your engine running like new. nice! then save up with the fuel rewards program and never pay full price for gas again. oh wow! and, finally, snack up to save even more at the pump. that's great! make the most of the stop you need to make with shell. wait! there's three of me? awesome!
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ama: stocks surged today. the dow climbed 800 points, and above 30,000, getting out of bear market territory. the nasdaq was up 360. the s&p also gained a triple digits. dan: cable companies are seeing a mass exodus of subscribers. more of us are canceling subscriptions and moving to streaming services. ama: what is stopping you? michael finney joins us with information that makes cutting the cord easier. >> this is your government tax
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dollar at work. really. at the end of this year, according to the website tech jury, 55% of u.s. consumers will have cut the cable. now, that still leaves millions behind, why? some like the convenience of cable and keeping what they know. others find the cost and availability of broadband service, make -- that can make cable cutting a chore. on my facebook page i asked if anyone had cut the cable and where they happy. the response was fast and furious. all who had made the switch were happy with it, telling me, saving $160 a month, hulu is where i watch tv. somewhat not switched were concerned if it would cost more if they have to pay for wi-fi. but also its familiar. she has a summer home on the russian river and cut the cable there. >> we are paying $69 just for
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robust broadband service because i do work from there sometimes. it is in the woods. >> heidi really understands all of this stuff. she works for verizon, which is now offering broadband service at prices, ones -- once it just reamed of. >> for anyone on our verizon wireless premium services, you can get the home internet service for just $25 a month. that is all in. >> other services are offering deals too. how do you find them? well, here are your tax dollars at work. the california interactive broadband map, the state offers this interactive map, so you find every single company offering broadband at your home. rob is with the california public utilities commission. >> we collect data from over 130 providers every year. we map it. before we map it, we validated to the best of our abilities, using the data sets we gather,
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including from the providers. >> i put in the abc 7 address and checked out broadband services and speeds here. you can do the same for your address. the map does not give you pricing but it does show you who is in the game and that is extremely valuable. so go to our website, i have a link to the map. dan: that's great. ama: thank you. dan: this seems a good a time as any to remind you abc7news is streaming funny 47. -- 24/7. join us whenever you want, wherever you are. ama: it looks and feels like fall today. but you might get a summertime feeling this week. see the seven-da
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you might take something for your heart... your joints... or your digestion... so why wouldn't you take something for the most important part of you... your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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and a ceremony of contrition. the event starts at sundown and last until the end of nightfall tomorrow. in israel businesses, such as the stock exchange, are traditionally closed. dan: the first lady of country music, loretta lynn passed away at the age of 90. she died in her sleep at her ranch in tennessee. during a career that spanned more than six decades, lynn wrote over 160 songs. her iconic coal miner's daughter inspired her first -- best-selling autobiography and later an oscar winning film. ♪ lynn grub in poverty in kentucky and when will -- grew up in poverty in kentucky, she had her first child at 16 and was mayor to her first husband until he died in 1966. president obama awarded her a medal of honor, she stopped
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touring after she suffered a stroke. there are no plans announced for her memorial, what an iconic performer. ama: one last check on or whether. dan: sandhya patel is here with our weather. sandhya: i want to show you a life picture from our east bay hills camera. you can see the sun is getting ready to go down. good air quality across the bay area as we check out our live view from a roof camera. there's a bit of a breeze in the air quality will remain good for tomorrow. it turns good to moderate thursday, friday. we will notice the temperatures coming up. the good thing is we still have the marine layer from our ca mera. we will keep those temperatures in check at the coast. if you are suffering from allergies, blame it on the tree pollen. elm is the biggest culprit. live doppler 7 is showing you fog it near the beaches. it will advance across parts of the bay tomorrow morning. we wake up with limited fog but it may be dense in spots.
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tomorrow afternoon temperatures are going up, upper 80's to low 90's. 90 in fairfield, 76 in oakland, 84 san rafael, 87 in santa rosa, 70 in san francisco, 83, san jose, 66 at half moon bay. still in the 60's to 90's range on thursday. friday we warm up. as we head into sunday -- saturday, temperatures dow back on sunday. as we look at the acuvue weather forecast, temperatures in the mid 60's to low 90's. it will be nice for the blue angels as they take up to the skies and friday, saturday, sunday, it's going to be beautiful weather here locally in the 70's and dropping down to the 60's on sunday. more cloud cover and breezier for the second half of your weekend. we cool off a few more degrees as we head into early next week. dan: very nice. let's talk a bit about baseball.
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>> now abc 7 sports with larry beil. >> time is running out on aaron judge as he was trying to capture the american league homerun record with three games left. when judge did not go deep this afternoon in the doubleheader in texas, but then came -- came game two. here comes history. there goes. judge launches hthcae lifornia s harris. barry bonds, theeg lendary giant holds the all-te imsingle-ssoean corerd with3. 7 but the oucld hangsve or that
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mark. judge, 6-7 to 80 pounds, hbee t on himself turning down eth yaeenkexs tension ntcoract fer. he will be paid handselomy, ybmae by the yankees, metsr o giants. e thteam jud ggerewp urooting for. week to we iekn the nfl is literalla y roller cstoaer. the 49erths is week, sky high after eithr demolitnio of the defendg insuper bo cwlhampion, ramsas lt night. deebo ran wild t buthis game was won with suffatocing defense. nick boasait wh two ofhe t nine srseven sacks, the one man wrecking crew. the whole league is starting to takeot ne,ic theic pk six who lpheed seal eth deal. litooksik le he ymae beon of the bestaf seties inhe t league. nine hrsave beathe t rams, the ne blemi oshn theirhy psical dominati oonf l.a. the loss of the ted again last
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season buto ndoubthe tse ninser arcoe nfident aiagnst theam rs. >>ve eryim te we pla tyhese guys it ia s physicalat mchup. as a denefse we wa tnto be a rock andol sid. we want to stand our ground, go out there and swardme them. the ysgu are jusflt ying around, and mas kefootballo smuch more fun. >> hdee serves it. he is pulling t ouof his mind. there waas huge bitig me play. >>ll a threeev lels, elite ayplers, i tnkhi best in the ague. that's kind of r oumindset erevy arye. >> it looks atth way. ridung the 4rs9e game, lk ooat isth young man, stepnhe curry was a guestn ithe manning cab. eythou fnd a pho otof him aas yoh utfootballla pyer. look at the size of his equipment. evyberody got goa odau lgh. >> trehe goes theos pads. to what nfl plarsye wear today. th deyon't enev wearhe tm. they got the kneepads. >> t kheneepads eaocn pads. they are dblouing up. au[lghter]
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>> looatk lookt athese pads. [laughr]te >> mom, had m hilike a mheiclin man. thear wriors open the season against eth lakers on ring nhtig cathase center. the rrwaiors had aivcte sienc erthe tokyo trip. klay thompson did not plan those preseason games. it is unclear if he will play in this game against the lakers. the dubs are taking a cautious move with >> i doubt clay llwi scrimmage thursday, wn heweec dided on this plawin th the tinraing aff, it was, must be really cautious and conservative. iil wl talk to the aitrning aff more tomorrow. >> the n sbaeason is cinomg, ckhoey is nofat r behind.
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eth sharkfis nal preseason tuneup, in berlin. this is a sweet goal. nice passing there. sharks wnhe tall -- shar wksin a 1.3- that will be ithn e czech republ.ic we should go. [laughter] we're n gotonnao, g but we should go. then we codulo. g why not. dan:t iis beautulif this time ofea yr, is wh iat have hea.rd it is aha sme stepho tnot rsueoo ftball. >> you k63, people think he is . he is then. but is actually taller than most of us. everybody's gigantic. oh tiny steph. ama: coming up tonight on abc 7, at 8:00 catch bachelors at heard eyes followed by 10:00 a -- catch the bachelors, followed by
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10:00. a one hour special, our america invisible in celebration of hispanic heritage month. we explore what hispanic heritage looks like a different aspect of society. it available on roku, apple tv, fire tv and android tv. thank you for watching. dan: all of us here, we appreciate your time. we hope you have a great evening. we will see you again at 11:00.
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and no annual contract when you add xfinity mobile with unlimited data. switch today! ♪♪♪ from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy!" [cheering] please welcome today's contestants-- an engineer from pittsburgh, pennsylvania... a software engineer originally from kansas city, kansas... and our returning champion-- a customer success operations manager from ocean city, new jersey... whose 2-day cash winnings total... [applause] and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings. [cheers and applause] thank you, johnny.
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and thank you all for joining us today on "jeopardy!" now, if you were watching yesterday, you saw our champion, cris pannullo, find and respond correctly to all three daily doubles in the game, adding $8,200 to his score. that, along with his 23 other correct responses, helped pave the way for his second straight runaway game. sean, jacqueline, welcome to the alex trebek stage. good luck to all three of you. let me walk you through the categories we have for you in the "jeopardy!" round. we begin right here in... next... "c" in quotation marks. we have some... then we'll be... and finally, ooh... cris, start. 50 states, $800. - jacqueline. - what is maryland? - that's it. - states, $1,000.
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