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tv   America This Morning  ABC  October 5, 2022 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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right nowin. arimeca this morning, president biden and governor de santis, the two policatil ralivs seto tmeet day ttoo ur the damage from hurricean ian this morning. what floraid ndsee the mtosnd a the rd h aitreain fally reonipeng to resenidtsod tay. plus we hear from the man who swam across urfo blocks rtoescue his thebo artion corontversy suourrnding georgia's seneat caidndateer hschel waerlkwh, o deesniay ping for his ex girlfrndie's abortnio. walker's son speaking out agastin his father. family values ppleoe, he hasou fr kids, four different mewon, walker is norew sponngdi his s'son attack. new rvsueillceanid veo in the search r foa suspecdte serialil kler in california. seven people shot
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six killed the big question. pocelire a now trygin to answer ffrey dahmeret nflix series w setting recdsor, but critics lash out as one of the killers. personal possessnsio. hesad for auction brady and gisele bunch and adheedor f divorce reaction to t lheatest report,nd a home run hisryto. so what haenppso t thhie storic blal? roaan judge hit ltas nhtig we hearro fm the n fawho caught it. from abnec ws in newor yk. ts hiis america this morning. good wedneaysd moinrng, evyoernee wbeginit wh e thcrisis unfolngdin iflorida pr. esident benidis vitshe t today he llwi meetit wh governoron r de santis as the death tlol from rrhuicane ian rises. lateast03 1 peoe plare nfcoirmed dead with e thdoor to doorea srch for survovirs. oningog thoanusds of peleop are living in shelters. there'as despatere neefod r supplies and 400,000 hesom and busesinses ve npoo wer. in the mnteaime,
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other rerkmaable resecu stieorsow n coming ltoight abc is. jo brieneg bins our coverage this moinrng j. good moinrng. ranhinon good morning, presidten biden will get a firsanthd look datoy at the longda, unting rovecery ahead in orida. today president biden will survey the damage from hurricane ian meeting with people affected by the storm and coming face to face with governor ron de santis, fierce critic of the biden administration. i think he's gonna maybe tour the air. i don't know if i'm gonna do that, but i know i'm going to have a briefing with him. there will be plenty of time to just plenty of time to discuss differences between the president and the governor, and but now is not. the time comes amid new questions about florida's preparations for ian county, which includes the hardest hit. areas of fort myers, emergency officials issued mandatory evacuations the day before landfall. while ian's track did shift as it closed in on the coast, the national hurricane center three days before landfall had warned of a
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potential storm surge of up to seven ft for that area. and, according to the local emergency management plan, a storm surge forecast of that amount should have triggered evacuations. governor desantis says there will be a review of the response. meanwhile search and rescue operations are still underway across southwest florida. some people are desperate for basic supplies like food and water, and entire communities remain unlivable. this area in fort myers beach is home to the largest commercial shrimp ng fleet in the gulf of mexico. in this community, they rely on these boats to make a living. but now this boatyard looks more like a scrapyard. and they're out of work. more stories of survival are emerging . johnny lauder swim for four blocks to reach his 84 year old mother's home in naples. couple times old man johnny was whispering in my ear like, uh, you might not make it and i'm like, well make it shut up,
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finally making it to his mom's house. when i heard her screaming, it was a relief and panic in this picture waters mother shivering but smiling when she sees her son. do you owe your mama mother's day gift is this cover about a year or two? i don't know. i just you know, i would do it again in a heartbeat. i would do it for your mother. anybody's mother. meanwhile crews are step evacuated 1000 people from hard hit santa bell island residents they are are allowed to temporarily return today, brianna jay. thank you. former president. trump is asking the supreme court to intervene in his battle over documents seized at mara lago trump wants the court to give the special master in the case access to classified records seized by the fbi. trump's legal team, says anapalc confidence in the stjuice stem. abisc jonathan karl explnsai hn't had chmu luck at e thsupreme urcot. three of the nine justisce on the supreem court are there becseau donald tmpru,ut b the court
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has pereatedly knoedck dn owhis peals. dan even if he wins here, it wldou be a naowrr procuredal win. they wldou not ve aig snificant impactn o the crimalin investitigaon into those asclsified dumocents. the court gisiving the justice depamertnt one week to rpoesnd to trump's rueeqst. now to eth orabtion conovtrersy surrounngdi georgi saenate candidate rshechelal wker, accusedf o pangyi for hisir glfriend's orabtion. dheenies t chelaim, and republinsca are now comgin tois h defense, b nutot his own son. this morngin. herselch waerlk's son ibls astinghe t growing list rofepublicans rallngyieh bind his all this has been a liean, d u'yove knownim h. chrisanti waerlk posted thivis deoft aer shi father, nfl great hscerhel lker denied a report that he paidn a ex gifrrliend to veha an fily valsue peoepl. hheas fr oukids. foudir fferent women wasn't in thhoe use, raisgin o onef themas. the senate candidate in gegiora, lkwaer has cleald for a total ban on aboiortn. but accorngdi
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tohe tai dly beastan, anonymous woman clmsai walker urgeder h to ven aabortionn i 2009 and provedid receiptsor f the ocedure, alongit wh a $700 ecchkll aegedly from wkealro t cor vetheos ct. abcew ns has not independtlenyer vifiedhe t algaletions. walker said tshi when aedsk about the $700he cck , sendon mey to a lot of peleop, danha tt's what s'so funny. i ve money toeo pple allhe t ti,me bauecse i'm aaylws helping peop bleecause i belveie in inbeg genero wusoman also rip poor tdlidy provide aet g well rdca. the ndhawrittenot ne ads, prayoy u are feengli beertt. chrisanti walker sayse h knows w whorote the note. the abortion car drops yesrdteay. 'sit literallyis h handwriting inhe t car swho senateac re next moh ntcould deretmine wchhi party controls the u. ss.enate and repliubcan learsde are coming to walk'ser defense senator rk icscottwr, iting demoatcrs know they e arin the veerg of losinghe t senate.nd a ey know ttha herschewal lker is winning s,o they heav cranked
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uphe t smear mhiacne. and rahlp reeda, promintne conservivate tiacvists in georgia, libeeves en jelliecl. christnsia will ick withal wker. i will omise yothu is. voters are georagi are going to rejecthi ts ndkif ogutter politicsnd a this kind of dirty lipotics. so lkwaer didck anowledge his s'son comments by yisangi , love my nsono, matter what in rtnohern liforniaol pice say aos psible sealri kilrle appears to be on a mission, but a timove remains unclrea. stockton picole heav leased video oaf person of teinrest in eth cas se.even ople have be senhot since ltas year, six have died. most victims were hianspic. eyth were alone when ty hewere shot outseid in thdae rk. we dotn' know what theot mive is. atwh we believe is atth it's miiossn oriented. pole ichave not redul out the possilibityf oanother peonrs's invveolment in the killgsin a $nd125,000 reward is now being oerffed in the case.
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meanwhile ia n separateas ce 80 miles south in merdce couynt, califoiarnor f members of one family, inudclingn a eight mthon old byab are misngsi after tirhe aprepant abdtiucon. poli sceay a rson of inretest is now in custody.he ty say the speusct wases en using one of eth victs im80 m car.ds overseas ukrainniaro tops are pushing ckba russian soldisero treclaim moreer tritory. a itcrical ctseion ofus rsia's frontline has reportedly coapllsed and ukraine may be on the bnkri of retakinghe t regiona clapital of erkhsonab, c ea asynd panel reports. russiafon rces are outnumrebed and outnngued. this is o onefhe t main rosad that leadits inttho e donssba. it's onlyec rently liberat bedy the ukraiainns. youan c see som oef eth damagone here, seomf othe gns of the ttbales that were foug thto takehi ts terriryto, thuse is sendingno ather $625 llmiion in limitaryid a to raukine. social media watchgdo oups aremo a tnghose expressing conrnces about onel sk takinovg er musk
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yssa he now planso tgo ahead thwi his $44 bliilonur pchase of the coanmpy. he's already said 'd like to see ittwter place weres rtrictionsn owhat users -pwt trums p'accountmo. re ads are coming to instagram a. droinp revenue h pasromptedar pent mpany meta to add more advertising intohe t apps. explore feet. moreds a will soal be includedn ithe ft eeof posts from ase ur's it is time now for l aook at your wednesday focarest. more gusty wis ndare expteecd to bl sowand on ts hinew jeryse beachnd a nyma others alo tnghe east ascot . for most of today, th setorm system that's been ipln ace since laswet ekend. finally movesut o to ase by tonight on the radar. therise rain in the upperid mwest tayod and thundetorsrmsn ithe utsohwest and the sthouern rockies, clear across the soueathst and along the stwe coast. let'chs eck day's high tempeturares. it is unseonasably wm araround the
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great lesak. on eth pinlas and in the pacific northwest 87 in 79 in stal lake. comgin up $8 a gallofon r gas why prices areis ring at the pump, the delyadru dg fceen and all disgseuidn i a legoox b. the new alert for parents that you need to know before halloween and later reaction to word that tom brady and gisele bunch in appear to be headed for divorce. hilary snkwa liveor mning on
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abc'soo gd morning america. what that smell?he tet nflix seri mesonster autbo serial ller jeffrey dahmer is
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breakingec rords in its secdon we. ekit is alreadthy e ninth st popular shown inetflix history. critsic say it glamoresiz dumber glasses he reportlyedor we are n uowp for sale for15 $0,000or wries about oil andas g prices. tayod, opec is eecxptedo tcutro pductiont a a meetgin todaynd a as a surelt , prices jpeumd% 3 yesteayrd. meanilwhe, gas prices are surgining califora,ni even toppin egight $8 a gallon at some stitaons. due ipan rt to finery issues and regulioatns . we he ava new alter for repants thimos rning, thoritie asre calli ingt a newly ckpaaged poison. we're talking abouthe t deadly dgru feanntyl disguised as candy, and now it's been founind a lego boxhe. re's a b c's liolne this morngni sounding the alarm once again about rainbow fentanyl, this time ahead of halloween. the pills look like candy. and to have very young person. should they be exposed to them? and should they take them? the
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potential for tragedy. if they can sue them consume them is very high. officials say mexican drug cartels are trying to market to younger people. agents in new york city now seizing 15,000 multicolored fentanyl pills hidden inside a yellow lego box, the largest bust of fentanyl pills in the city were $300,000. this is deliberate. this is calculated. this is treacherous deception. to market. rainbow fentanyl. like candy. this is every parent's worst nightmare. especially in the month of october. as halloween. fast approaches, rainbow fentanyl is a major concern. experts say parents should speak to kids about the dangers of all street drugs because fentanyl is being laced in counterfeit pills made to look like prescription drugs such as vicodin and adderall. many are marked to trick people into thinking they're authentic . laura brinker and matt white
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of san diego lost their 17 year old son to fentanyl poisoning. the team thought he was taking percocet. it was not a dozen pills in a bag. it was one pill. was taken. fentanyl is 50 times stronger than heroin and has been found in all 50 states. the only difference between rainbow fentanyl and other forms is the color but ingesting just a tiny amount can be deadly, nearly 108,000 drug overdoses were reported in the us last year, and 71,000 were linked to synthetic opioids like fentanyl, rhiannon, andrew lionel. thank you for that scary numbers. they're coming up new details on abuse allegations against brad pitt's head home run history in the major leagues last night. what's happening to the ball hit what's happening to the ball hit by aaron overactive bladder? i've been there. i also used to plan my days around finding a bathroom, in fear of an embarrassing bladder accident.
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you're not alone, and you don't have to live like this. i don't! i found real relief with axonics therapy, a proven non-drug solution, and i got my life back. go to to get started. ask a bladder specialist if axonics therapy is right for you and to discuss potential risks. results and experiences may vary. your life is waiting! ♪♪ ♪ free to feel ♪ experience the perfectly balanced rich flavors of lindt excellence. by the lindt master chocolatier. ♪♪ [coughing] hi, susan. honey. yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry. ♪♪ age before beauty? why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in just two days.
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new crepe corrector lotion only from gold bond. champion your skin. the chef's chicken sandwiches at panera, freshly prepared with clean ingredients... spark an explosion of the senses. so when you finally taste it, it just confirms... this. is. fantastic. and only at panera. $1 delivery fee on our app. new astepro allergy. now available without a prescription. astepro is the first and only 24-hour steroid free spray. while other allergy sprays take hours astepro starts working in 30 minutes. so you can... astepro and go. dandruff goodbye, too stubborn dandruff with nasal role. back now, with the word that tom brady and gisele bunch in could
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be one step closer to divorce court. they have been married since 2009 this year. two children. the new york post reports, both of higher divorce lawyers after a period of turmoil, including bunch in being upset over brady, playing football for another season. all this time we've been suspecting that there's been deep trouble and the relationship but we did think that it was possible that they might be patching it up behind the scenes. but the fact that someone hasn't you know, hired a divorce attorney means that they intend on taking action sources tell the new york post brady and bunch and would share joint custody of their children and new details this morning about angelina jolie's abuse claims against her ex husband, brad pitt, court papers show. jolie accuses pit of choking one of their children in hitting another in the face on a private plane in 2016. julie also claims pit slammed her into a seat representative for pick calls the allegations untrue to sports and home run history. aaron judge has finally hit number 62.
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62. judge is the american league. all rise for aaron judge the new american league home run king closed yankeesdugout erupting as the long awaited 62nd home run reached the stands. those this is what it's about. you know you you dream about stuff like this judge's mom looking on waiting for the ball to clear the fence before letting out a big sigh of relief judge sharing in that relief. you never know what's gonna happen in a couple of thought. it was a no doubter and you know, they catch it at the track. back in new york, the empire state building lit up in the yankees colors. but while judge now holds the american league record, his efforts sits seventh in baseball history. three men sammy sosa, mark mcgwire and barry bonds have all hit more. but many believe those
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other records shouldn't count, arguing those men cheated because they tested positive for or admitted to using steroids. just asked the son of the man, aaron judge, just surpassed should be revered for you know, being the actual single season home run champ, but judge says he believes bonds mark of 73 is the rightful season record. either way, the ball hit last night could be worth millions. the fan who caught it says he's not sure what he'll do with the ball. what are you going to do with the ball? corey thought about it happens to be vice president at an investment firm that manages nearly $200 billion, so money may not be his motive. and consider this judge's number 99 hit home run number 62 on the same night, the yankees record improved to 99 62 big congrats to him coming up next, a new option for shoppers who love thrift stores, plus goodbye to the gecko. why we'll goodbye to the gecko. why we'll be seeing less of him on tv. ♪ ♪
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on abc. go modorning, eramica. time to check e thpulse, anwed bengi with goodwill epstping to cyberacspe. sendcohand ore just lauhencd an online busissne that is cleald goodwill nds andri dfters now have 0,10000 items to oochse fmro online shoppser havbee en flocngki to thrift shops as inatflion soars, the secondhand clhiotng indusy tris expecdte to grow 16 tesim fasrteha tn other tails in theom cing years. nextom sething that coulhad ve ended up aa t goodwill store. grandmheotr's oldas be was outhght to be a repcali. but biddser at anuc ation in france thoughtth oerwise bieelving it's rare chiseneas ve. it just sold for nearly8 $ million. that is 4000 timeshe t origilna timate. next, we could be seeing less of geoic gecko on tv . the coanmpy icus tting ba ockn its ad bgeudt. t ihensurance
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giant, which presid itsfel on funnyom cmercialsas h cut staffi ingn its mkearting department. iasnflationff aects its botm toline. it'sls ao rertpoedly rhietnking its laretionship with its long time aadgencyne. xt new resul when itom ces to chgiarng your vices, at least in eupero, plape users you'llan wt to take noteth. e europnea parliamten has approved the seol use of usb c connectors for all mobeil pheson, tabletsnd a cameras. apple wl ilneed to tgeid r of s lightngni charger for iphosne and oerth devesic. finayll this morngin, a historic voyage across theon pdnd a irish man sha becom tehe first person to row from new york city to elirand. foerrm rugby plarye damien bwnro spent 100nd a 12 ysda at sea in 20a ftoa bt is owgring rtpaner droedpp out, so hero cssed thece oan anelo. i arlened that i. cribs connectnio with people around meit. gives u yogreat perspective on what's importtan in yo lure.ife h rode
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importtan in yo lure.ife h rode 3400 miles my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. i'm steve, i lost 138 pounds in nine months on golo and taking release. ask your asthma specialist since taking release, my sleep is way better. my inflammation has gone way down. i'm nonstop now, i feel way better than i did before. i don't sit down in life anymore. think he's posting about all that ancient roman coinage? no, he's seizing the moment with merrill. moving his money into his investment account in real time and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill,
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a bank of america company. how did kellogg's combine crunchy oat clusters with a touch of honey... plump, juicy raisins and tasty fiber into one delicious cereal? it took a lot of bran-storming. get it? kellogg's raisin bran crunch. two scoops of delicious. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhh - here, i'll take that woo hoo ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar and now in two new flavors (♪ ♪) with mucinex all-in-one you've got unbeatable relief from your worst cold and flu symptoms. so when you need to show your cold who's boss, grab mucinex all-in-one... and get back to your rhythm. feel the power. beat the symptoms fast.
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>> building a better bay area. moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. >> we are experiencing a very
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critical moment in the city of stockton. if you know something, say something. reggie: now at 5:00, the search for a possible serial killer. what we know about this series of murders. kumasi: some oakland councilmembers expanding -- calling to expand the use of license plate readers. reggie: a statewide effort to learn more about air quality. good morning and welcome to wednesday. kumasi: back with gifts. drew has not gotten his yet. drew: i got real excited. kumasi: thank you. we missed you. happy you are back. drew: did you have fun? reggie: it was so nice, so relaxing.
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if you hav


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