tv ABC7 News 600AM ABC October 5, 2022 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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buildina g better b aayrea, ving forrdwa, finding soluontis. this is abc 7 news. >> now at 6:0 p0,arts of californ oian edge this morning withhe t psiosble isextence of a riseal kleilr into sckton. new devio of the suecspt as we e learni ongne of theic vtims has bay eaar ties. reggie: new veoid showing a person hitur ding a sideshoonw the restets of s fanrancisco. kuma:si and tayod is the dayo t ride theer fry at safrn ancisco, why otherra tnsportatn iois free today. reggie: it is wednesday, october 5. kumasi: ware e startg inwith the foreca wstithdrew. drew: gdoo morni, ngin the north y in our proembls bough mt,any cities deangli with recedud
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visibili, tyhalf a me ilin pelutama, milend a a half to pa. sewhere,le car skiesut o these mbnuers arep u45 in saant rosa, e onof the colder mornings we have seen in quite some time. 50's along the shoreline, take the light layer this -- and you won't need it this afternoon. i thin marine layer, you can see this power clicking off in the background. fog does not linger that long. 90 is returning lint, 70's along the base shoreline. regg:ie we starwit th develinopg news on a string of killgsin th sattarted istn ockton. kumasi: police areiv ging wne insight tonhe evidee ncthey are workinwig th and wtha mighte b outht ere. police have tied at least seven shtioongs to the mesa casend a x siof them veha been delyad. ggreie: one womanur svived being shot and was able to give a scriptioton dettiecves. he's'between 5'"10 and six ftee
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tall, arweingll a dark clothing and a vicod leg fe acmask. -- like cefa mask. masi: picole say the connected timove is ainn tention ktoill. thwae rnings are for stockton and thbae y area, reggie:oo gdor mning, there is new vio deon a pern soof teinrest. >> goomod rning, trehe isti sll question autbo the moteiv but theyay s it misissi oonriend.te stockton poleic reaelsed rveillan vceideo shongwihe t peonrs of ierntest i tnheir spected serial killer case. we now know th datetectives in stockton haveel reased six muerrders ungsi balliicsts, one st year tinhe seminyar distri.ct a womawan s shoant d heard but did survive. five of the sevenic vtims have been h baseen i.
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the video giving lipoce new uecls. >> w iant y touo paytt aention ttohe unevestn ride this person s.ha i want youo tnotice h uowpright this psoern'sas psion -- stpoure .s >> at the tuesd saytockton city uncocil meeti, ngleaders are minded ridesents to cbeareful. tonight erthe will be at town hall abo cutommunityaf sety. criminogolists tell ushe tre is less a lndess timeet bween the recelynt linked secas andha tt the eris a reward of $12005,0 rfo infortimaon relatg into an arrest. kumasi: in t cheity of oakla,nd deinalg with a overwlmheing ount of n guviolence. the city counl cilooking rfo lusotions. some councilmeermbs say they expand and use of licee nsplate readers could help, while giving more tools to find suspects nted in imcres. cociunlmember yltaor says the ci wtyill respect oppele's ghts. >> with data, theres ia
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spreonsibili.ty we wilbel using tt.ha we shoulnod t limithe t use of toolwes know will ke pepeople sa.fe kumasi: critics say fectivens esof license plate reerads is shongwi little ntoo maownper is anheotr issueit wh e thlicense atple readers. councianlm taylor is hoping the planwit ll move rwfoard as snoo asos psible. reggie: preside bntiden and the fit rslady areis viting friloda todayo tassess t dheamage of the hurranice. the number of people killed roacss -- search crs ewareti sll okloing for rvsuivors. >> the house sayths e presidten will be briefed lerat by the govern aornd fema administtorar. helping homeoerwnsnd a sllma bunesiss ownerins fort myers, rescuere cws contienu tooo lk rfo survivo arscrosths e state. crews a greoing door-to-dootor ordo lookingor f people. >> there ia s lot of
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structio an, and lot of bris. hatome like this, we igonto the door, take aoo lk and clal out ifny abody is meho. >> the dame agis wideseaprd. neighborodhos and budiilngs are allon ge at theat werfronts. at lstea 300,000eo pple are still thwiout power. e thutility cpaomnies say electricity is supposed to be uted back to l alhabitable homebys the endf othe week. kuma:si part of buiinldg a better b aayrea inclesud fosicung on thcle imate and envinmroent. today is cifalornia clnueap day. officials coenurage you to celebreat by taking pubcli tranorsptation wchhi is better for e thenvironmt.en more in alameda onow hhe ty are edplging tole car the a oirf llpoution. >>oo gd morning. allay d, peoplean c ride thsae n franciscfeo rry for fe reand it does notnd e here. agenciescr aoss the sta wteill be pviroding fe rerides to
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encoagure all of us to catree newab hits to hp elclear the air. this is begin put on as a precojt by theoa clition for clnea air, the states only ornigazation wkiorng excluvesily aonir quali ityssues. theyay s in a state whitom sofe the wot rsair pollioutn in the countr iy,t is iermpative the mmcounity wksor togethetor imovpre air qliuaty and pteroct blpuic health. this is the same group that came upit wh the orinigal ideaor f e thstate smochg eck program on s gapowered carsn ithe 80's and remo recently th heyelped pass legiatslion that put one million electric cars on the road by 2025. thgre oup is ainskg everyone todatoy take thcle ean air pledgeit eher as ainn dividual orgazanition. remo than 53or0 ganizatison acro tsshe state including the san francisco ferry are already participating. if you take the pledge, you can choose from three main categories, reducing vehicle
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emissions by leaving your car at home and taking public transit, carpooling or attending meetings below the. go genre by planting something -- meetings remotely. go green by planting something, and switching out your air lter at home, gas powered garden tools to electritoc ols wi stch to aaln l-purpose cleaner. moreha tn 1.8 miiolln ppleoe participedat in thisas lt year. ifou y wldou leik toig sn this pledgeou y can do so online at eir webse,it kumasi: still to come, a south rean msiisleal mfunction setting f ofconflictit wh north korea. ggreie: and a person hit during aid seshow onhe t streetsf osan ancisco. drew: fetle week undwaery, if you areea hding tohe t city later thisee wk or thepc uoming weeken id,t will bvee ry nice.
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reggie: p aerson got hity ba carur ding a sesidhow and nsa frciansco. can see this car doing doughtnu afr tedoughnutge, ttinglo cse to the rspeon in thmie ddle. enth you seehe ter pson in the blueoo hdie go dn.ow ghrit next to the back retis of the car, gettg inrun over. as you c sanee, theer psonid d t geup and wk alaway. oh gosh. that really lksoo like itur ht. ewdr:ne o of manyea rsons.
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oh! let's sh yowou a leivoo lk, this is o curamera as time aispproaching:1 61. sengei more fog, minareat ler in compress.ed waerrm weatherom cing our y.wa the higish inching closer to us. you seeom se clos udunder the high pressure. we will get addioitnal cloud coveonr ourhu trsday. day it is l alabout suhinsne and a waerrm afterno.on furetu weather showing ware e arstting inhe t 40'snd a 50's. :0110 a.m. we are inhe t 60's an70d 's. 90's'in the wmearr spots telar datoy. odgo air qliuaty, sunsnehi and 70 in thcie ty today. 83 in nsa jos 8e,7 santa rosa, a hotspot in faiierf.ld goodor mning, jonabi. bijona: good moinrng. we are stickgin with the crash we a freollowingn isan jose.
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is in the prossce of cleangri on nthorbound 10pa1 st oakland road. want to chk ecin on the comtemur alert pinlace fmro bart unlti 15. hopefuy llit clears soon. inot bh directions, ooingng eartuahqke rroetfit work. packed there right now, media lights came on at 5:40, very owcrded at t rheichmond-nsa raelfa bridge. we just checkedn othisam cera abt ou30 minut aesgond a it okloed very ffdierent. we were llfoowing a crash in yba inpote that eaclred butoo lk how has impteacd the highwayou fr mmute. antiocho t hercules, o hneour 14 minus.te reggie:ti sll to come, yor wkers oatne bayre aa-based mpcoany willav he to retnur to the offi sceoon but t noevery day. lolca arostnaut saitod make histy.or histy.or how she your sripit is strgeonr than yr ouhighs anlod ws.
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yourre cativity nca tsouhine any baday d. because u yoe argreater thanou yr bipolai,r and you can help teak control yofour sympmsto - anasd k about ayvrlar. someed micines oy nltreat the lo owsr highs. once-daily vylraar is prenov to treatep dressive, acutmae nic, and xemid episodes ofip bolar i iadn ults full-spectrum reli for all pobilar i sytompms. derly dentmeia patiesnt vehanc ireased risk of death or soktre. ca yllour doctor aboutnu usual chans gein behavior or sciuidal outhghts an tidepresntsas can ineacrse these inhi cldren anyod ung uladts. porert ferev, stiff scmules or confuonsi whicmah y me ana life-threatengni reaction, or uonnctrollabl muscle movemen whicmah y be pernemant. high chostleerol andei wght gainan, d high blood sug,ar whiccah n le tado co maorea dth, y maoccur. movementys dncfution and restssleness areom cmon side efftsec. sleepine assnd smatoch issues are also cmoomn. desi effects mayot n apprea r fosevel raweeks. you are grteear th an your bipor lai. ask ouabt vrayla and len arhow abbv iecod ulhelp youav se. nai:om every year the ldwifires, th e smoke emses to getor wse.
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ask ouabt vrayla ssjeica: the ires actual particles nai:on every sine glsurface.res, th e smoke emses to getor wse. dr. coe:ok califora nihas th e worst r aipollution tinhe count.ry th e top 2 uscaes are vehicles and wildfires. prop0 3helps clean our air. it wilrel duce theai tlpipe emsiisons thatoi pson our rai ke vin: and hel ppsrevent t he wildfisre itthat create xitoc smokepe emsiisons thatoi pson our rai that's why lfcaire fireghfiters, e thamericanun lg ascisoation, d the coitalion for clean air su pport pr 3op0.
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naom ii:'m vongti yes on .30 regg:ie oakla pndicole are investiginatg the ci'y's 101st homici odef the officers we ercalled tevo erett enavue near amdiond park yestery damorningor f a reptor of c aatalyticon cverter theft enwh they fod una man dead at e scene. they td olabc 7 he heard p aop aof neighboacr ross thetr seet ying to opst the suspeedct theft. >> i heard gndriing, met oaln metal. i went ttho e door a ind heard arturo, my neighr boacross the street, sayinheg y, hey. soundedik le they spptoed ingrding. he kept yisang hey. then i believe i heard a pop. reggie: this comes one day aerft
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oaankld city ldeears talked about wh tathey are indog to creaseun f -- gunio vlence, includinadg ding trangci eqpmuient. masi: oakndla police y saa missin10g -year-old girl sha enbe found se,af they been loinokg for fallon robinson. she sisafe, not cle warhere she has been found. reggie: the seahrc for these ur filamyem mbers still missg,in kidnapp fedrom a siness in percent -- the eight month old baby, her parents and her uncle are nowhere to be found. the person of interest is this man, jesus manuel delgado. his own family tournament, reporting he admitted he was involved. e thfour deputies got to him, he attemptesud icide. he is in theos hpital in critic calondition.
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the sheri'f's offi rceevealed they wereir fst tippetod this kidnappi fngrom a truck fire mondayor mning. three gisteredwn oer of that trkucs ithe unclone the e thmotive ists ill unonkwn. kumasi: san francisco-based uber is calnglimp eloyees bkac to the office but notac bk to a feiv dawoy rk week. e thplan is for tuesds ayand urthsdays toe b anchor dsay where workers sndpe at least lfha the dayn ithe offi.ce eyth srtta novembe1.r huberan wts to balance flexibitily, produivctity and coablloration thwiin the company. still dendpeing on circumstaesnc forem rote work is availleab for meso reggie: t sheupreme crtou -- rmer president trump calling on theup sreme court to hold the investigioatn into the docenumts
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ketan from m-aar-lago. this was made to claree ncthomas o c ranule on his ownr otake to the llfu court. e thjustice padertment has until next wk eeto resndpo. kuma:si a missile blew up, while south korea was doing missile tests at a time. north korea had launched eithr n owmissileshe t dayef bore but it is unclear tifhis fisrom north korea. onone was. the s.u. and south korean litary a dreoing drisll to ow they are tepontially leab stop a attack. reggie: t fheirstat nive eramican wom tano gont io space. nn a sreet -- is set toak teay . she will serve as the commander of the mission. we talked to her in 2020 when
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she learned about the mission ahead. >> i love to get outdoors and explore, the bay area a great place for that, but never did i realize i would have the opportunity to go to space and the moons. reggie: that spacex rocket will take about a day to reach the international space station. they will exploit the possibilities of space travel. she is bringing wedding rings, a dream catcher from her mother and a gift from her family. congratulations, that is cool. quite a sight for people in colorado recently. kumasi: please look at this. this is exciting, new people around bothering these animals. reggie: except for her. kumasi: i spoke too soon. it was caught on video. it happened along the bank of lake estes, about 90 minutes northwest of denver. the elk walks away from the interaction, this is called
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letting. -- routing -- rutting. the mail elk has to assert -- male elk has to assert dominance. look at people. have you been there? it is beautiful. especially around the fall, they really are just out. drew: north, south denver? liz: -- kumasi: north of denver. about an hour. reggie: from the airport, five hours. kumasi: that airport. i'm here, but i'm actually still an hour away. reggie: the airport is the worst part about denver. drew: the terminals are huge. you've got to run all the way down. got to take a bus. kumasi: you got to go through security. anyway.
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that is great. drew: what happens if they are just stuck? does that ever happen? kumasi: nature finds a way. reggie: it does. if it's up, if it's up, it's up, that it stuck. like cardi b said. drew: i did not know she was a rutting fan. a fan of many things. kumasi: she could be. [laughter] drew: let us know. ever been to estes park? reggie: leave us a comment. drew: here is sfo this morning. a little fog. good visibility as the plane takes off on roadways -- runways. dense fog in the bay area, this is our problem spot. it is not widespread.
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a warming trend with sunshine on the way. it is nice for fleet week. live doppler 7 invisibility mode showing santa rosa, half a mile, quarter of a mile, petaluma. a little more than a mile in novato. 101 is impacted. slow down and out extra distance. fog is an issue in spots this time of year. 83 in san jose, about 80 cupertino. for the peninsula, temperatures mainly in the 70's. 60's in the coastline and sunshine. downtown 70, the norte looking nice but warm. 87 in sonoma. 90 in ukiah. good air quality in the space. a lot of sunshine. 76 in san leandro. 75 berkeley. in the end, good air quality, 80's and low 90's, not a lot of sunshine. overnight, patchy fog, temperatures in the 50's as you get into thursday.
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here is the seven-day forecast, nice if you are heading to the city to see the blue angels. warmer than the two days, looking fine, nice fall weather next week. kumasi: now we are checking in with ginger zee, live with what is coming up on gma. reggie: good morning. >> great to be with everybody. victor of kendo still in florida -- victor is still in florida with the latest on search and rescue operations after hurricane ian. some folks are lining up for food, water and resources get stretched so quickly. shelters are filling up. president biden set to visit this afternoon. the urgent morning for parents ahead of halloween about that. that is not candy, that is rainbow fentanyl. i don't get it. this deadly drug is being to sized -- skies as candy and
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recently, police seized thousands of pills from a lego box. and tom brady and gisele bundchen getting a divorce? and then sean mendez, hilary swank and more joining us. reggie: are they all on a project together or are they separate? >> javier and shawn are in lyle, lyle crocodile. hillary is not in that -- hilary is not in that. reggie: unrelated, have you figured out what you are going to be for halloween? >> we are working on it. we are leaning toward a 70's rock stars, conglomeration. but miles is on the fence as to what elton john. we will see if that works out because he is the clincher. reggie: ooh! kumasi: that would be cute. >> i love the white feathers. reggie: big glasses.
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we here at abc 7 mornings are working on our group halloween costume and i can't say anything more other than you're going to receive a text from me very soon. we are going to need some things that maybe you can provide me. kumasi: a tease. >> i'm into it. reggie: you say that now, wait until you see the end product. ginger zee. what's it like having xfinity internet with supersonic wifi?
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it's fast... like beyond-gig-speed fast. yeaaaaaaaaay!!! with three times the bandwidth, and the power to connect hundreds of devices at once. get the xfinity supersonic bundle wifi equipment included and a free 4k streaming box. all for $50 a month with a 2 year internet rate guarantee and no annual contract when you add xfinity mobile with unlimited data. switch today!
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kumasi: 6:27, new at 6:00, something that might get mixed reaction from parents. the american academy of pediatrics says kids with head lice should not be let out of school. they say students with lice should be allowed in classrooms and should be taught to manage headlights. the report points to the low contagion in classrooms and
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>> blduiing a beertt bay area, movi fngorward, finding sotiluons. is is ab7 c news. reggie: at 6:30, oneou hsed ople inhe t south b aayre confusedbo aut theim teline of when they shldou me.ov yitrng to firegu out theex nt epst. makusi: and gas pricesea nring a record high yet ainga, how much moree ware playing -pa- ying is year anth last reiegg: a and cal berlekey grant and prossfeor the newt esnobel
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prize wiernn, what s sheaid outhe t prestigusio honor. ie i canlws tryingo tter rselves. reggie: we relyal are. ewdr: iwit ll work e onday. the red lightge, t readyor f the ven at 007:. good morngni everybo.dy take a look at live dploper 7, sibilitys i a probl iemn the rth bay. down to ouabt a quart oerf a mile in ntsaa rosa,he t same in taluma. just like yestdaery morni,ng the rth bay s hathe greastte imctpa with e thdense fog. tempaterures cooinl the north bay. 47 in saant rosa, 55 san jose, we are in store for a very nice afternoon on the way. this is our camera showing you a hint of the sunrise. there is the fog below but you notice it is a thin leray of fog
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sot i shod ulmix out icqukly is morning. a lot sofunshine tonhe way, nglassesut o the door. ceexpting warmer mpteeratesur in nt at th90e degesrear mk in r hteotst. fleet week this wee ck,oming up in eightin mutes. reggie:bc a 7 is commitdte to buildi ang better yba areand a one suise we focus oisn the climate d anour envinmroent. day is t fheifth annual calirnfoia cleanir a day. transitge ancies acssro the ate areak ting partnd a they have dlsea to know abo bor urommute. with trentli anakeo tour rertpoer. >> traitns agencielis ke the san frciansco ferry are hopg into couragell a of us tdoo at leasont e thing datoy to help clear e thair, such as ditinchg your cart a home a tndaking the ferrfoy r free, like isth one from aladame into safrn ancisco.
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eanir a days ibeing put on as a project b tyhe coalionti for ean air, thenl oy oanrgization in the steta workingxc elusively on airua qlity isss.ue th geroup is soal asking eryone ttao ke the canle air pledge eithe ars an indidivual or oanrgization. more than 0 53organizaontis roacss the state iluncding the san frciansco ferryre a already rtpaicipating. last year, califniorans took 3.4 million actions to clear the air on this day, up by 10% compared to 2020. if you take the pledge, you can choose from three categories. reducing vehicle emissions by leaving your car at home and taking public transit, carpooling or attending meetings remotely. go green by planngti somhietng or starting ctoompost your food tor oo, it to a n than 1.8 mille
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across the state participated in clean air day last year. if you would like to sign the clean air pledge, you can do so online at clean air -- kumasi: growing controversy in georgia surrounding senate candidate herschel walker, a republican and pro-life accused of paying for an abortion years ago. he is denying the claim. even though she says she has receipts. >> anonymous woman claims in 2009, walker urged her to have an abortion. she provided receipts for the procedure, a $700 check and a handwritten get well know. walker has denied this and says he has sent a lot of money to a lot of people because he is quote always helping people. there is a growing list of
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republicans standing with him but his son is outraged. >> it is his handwriting in the card, he gets on twitter and lies about it. i'm done. everything has been a lie. >> walker is calling for a ban on abortion in georgia. this is a critical time for his campaign, just one month until election day. we should also note abc news is allegations against wakusima: ad what -- residentsre a living on a basellba field aoscrs from san sejo intnaertional apoirrt and e arat risk ofei bng pusheoud t becaeus of the the pe oakf the panmidec had this shelterui blds on t lheand. the eaar was cleared recentltoy me aet federalea ddline. many resenidts movedcr aoss the streeto tcolumbusar pk. >> thaist columbus.
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thatas h a numbeofr am nes based onhe wther youhi tnk it isaf se norot. t buthis is e thlast hoppee ople veha, theseas lt few blksoc. kumasi: the city notice has a deadline for this idfray but says it llwi start roveming opinerable vehicles, maa jority tofhose pard keat theit se,nd a itoe ds not attempt to completely clear tshi andap c metannt uil novemr be18. the ceunrtainty sistressing redesints out. reggie: some ldeears in oakland's'chinatowarn e calling for ci ctyouncil psiredentas bs resign. soonmee called for -- abouthe t tick in olvience. he is dippsaointed with eithr forts to reaocllate police >> w iant policitians to undersndta this. we are thene os who hid reyou. we can also fireou y.
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your timen ioakland iuns der our control. when can we stop this violence? we have to work together and make changes. reggie: councilmember bass said as a resident where chinatown is located in district two, nothing isor me importt anto her tnha e thhealth and setafy ofer h mifaly andho tseer h office seesrv. esh is runng infor reeltiecon. masi:as g pricesre api sking againnd ae ware close to an l-altime recd orin califniora. ggreie: t aheverage price for a gaonll of regular and calorifnia is $6.42. that is sibacally wh wate are payi wnghene whit the recordn i nejut a$6.43. a year ago the aravege priceas w on $ly4.41. weno kw gas presic are higr hein e thbay area, in oakndla, a gala cost49 6 -- six dollars $9..4 in san fncraisco it is $63..6 kuma:sir. d jill benid is
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schedudle to arre ivin san anfrcisco tomorrow danou tr a caernc research facility isan n frciansco frid mayorning. she wi sllpeak at a democratic congssreional caaimpgn comttmiee luhencon that y.da aanro jgeudre gw up a gntias fan in the ctrenal valley but grew famo auss a yaneke and now as e thamericanea lgue homenru he hit his record-ttseing siki -- 6d2n hummer. onbee tter than roger maris. he hit theec rd orplaying tinhe tional lgueae and there is a steroicld oud over that e.on juedg preouvisly turned dn ow$30 miiolln a yr eafrom thean ykees. anthd is happened. yep. this fanas w trying to catch the homerun ball and fl elfromhe t stdsan. e thdallas mniorng news porerts hes inot hurt b wutas escordte out of thear pk. the man who did cchat the ball
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saide his not se urwhat he'' ing to do but it isst eimated to be woh rtmillions. juedg says itou wld be grtea to get the ball back tbu says the fan has erevy right ktoeep it. reggie: thats ia far fa.ll kumasi: i know,ut b for millions? reggie: a new poll finds more people want to leave the bay area. 54% of people surveyed by the newsgroup and joint venture silicon valley say they are likely to move in the coming years. many 18 to 34-year-olds are likely to leave,0% 4 over 65. this is similarve or lower income and wealthyol f.ks 57% pofeople minakg less than $35,000 a year and 50% of people kimang $500 a yrea -- $5,00000 a ar or mo arere >>it wh the hoinusg cncruh we are in, iits hard to know how many ppleoe would tuacally have
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to leave f torhe supplany d demand equatiochn anged enough. ggreie: the san fncraisco, oakland,er bkeley meo trarea saw the third highest numbeofr peopleov ming out ridung the height othf e pandemic according to csuens data. kumasi: trehe may be an ialde window of ti tmeo eat dungri the day. eating early may be benecifial yifou are tinryg to lose weight d ankeeping almes within 1 a0 urho periocad n impvero olchestel roand bloosud gar. researchser say findings add to extiisng evideenc theres ian tiopmal timef oday to reiegg: becseau -- kumasi: i read eat in the morninang d within 10 hou,rs i''s like y aoure fasngti. got 14 other hours yo''re not supposedo t eat, sleepg infor that teim a sndix otherou hrs u yoare reiegg: idot esn't veha to be
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eay rldoes it? kusima: i yfou want ltoose ight. get upnd a eat. ggreie: befeor it was you wait, u fast lal morni angnd you n'd't eat tiunl lunch. which iist? makusi: i'm restssed out. reggie:t iwheneverou y want. i'm t noa doctor. kuma:si withi10n hours. reggie: a used otclhing store said to offe ornline sas leand kumasi: l'e's looatk t shetock exchange d,own, not prey,tt alstmo a hundr pedoints. reggie: one of the best weeks in san francisco, fle weteek in full sedpe duchesseg mhan. the eventsou y can sti cllatch. you n cawatch us for aho wle extra hour, we are live every weekday from 007: to 8:00 a.m. tonhe bay aa restreamin agpp. downloaded for your phone, tablet, roku, amazon refi or
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anoidrd tv. this ishe t first teim i'm ckba onhe t roundtaebl which mnsea i llwi be looking at the wrong mera at aslet five tesim. makusi: at reggie: maybe luc skyeven. dr:ew one c hanope. one c oannly hope. let'gos outside, here tishe exploratiuorm camera. rlcay cloudyki ses this morning, dense g foin the nthor bay. herehe t visibily itmap. some irompvement in novato, petamalu, less tn haa mile. we wilkel epur o e oyen the north bay. elseerwhe, visibitily is good. live doperpl 7 along the sateitlle, high-esprsure engein cle.os a warmi tngrend getuns derway. yo suee some ghhi cloud ts,hose ll move in tela tonightnd a rntu tomorroinw to a parytl oudy sky. we arexp eecting aot l of nshine. furetu weatheran, y fog pulls back to the ascot. '6's on t bheay shoreli,ne 70's away fmrohe t coastnd a we do pect widpresead 80's'and low
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90'aws ay fromhe t coast. a lot of0' 's around theay b shelorine. ey will elfe warmerha tn yesterda ty,emperatus reabove average r fothis timofe year. 70 in the city, 87 in santa fe, 87 santaos ra and 90n i fafiireld. planninghe aad iyof u are thkiinng of congmi tseo e the blue aelngs fridaysa, turday or suaynd, expect sunshine and temperatures in the 60's and 70's. let'chs eck trafc fiwith jonabi: good if you were wh itus earli aernd you hearmed talk abt outhe part commuter alert, that has cleared but we have a new issue at the richmond-san rafael bridge. in the wesoutbnd directiona, ascrh between a big rig and one other you are lkioong at dayels in that al asot the bay bridgtoe ll plaza, tsehe lights meca on at 5:40 and we veha rlleay slow drive times foreo pple travinelg stwebound on highwayou fr.
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kuma:si aay b aare pferossor and two otrshe werewa arded the nobeprl ize forhe tir work in chisemtry. stanfordro pfessor dr. carynol is the eighth wanom to receive the benol prize d anis sharing it with thees others, iluncding is one atht e univertysi of san egdio. e shwas sprurised witthh e call in theid mdle of t nheight that she dha w.on >> tt hais an unrsdetatement. 'm not tienrely posivite it is re balut it iset gting real by the mitenu. kuma:si since 2000, the three haveor wked on chemistry.
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thr eiwork will advance agdinosing inellsses and ogressintrg eatment chniques. she tishe seconbad y area scntieist to w iinn two styeerday, thisan mon wor f his rk in qutuanm physics. ggie: flitgh attdaennts will gemot re mandad terest time between igflhts. right now thegey t at least nine hours aerft being on dyut for 14 hours loress. theyre a expdianngha tto t10 hours beeetwn shtsif. igflht attenntdas are heavily fatiguednd a >> welles rted crewmembe arsre poimrtant fosar fety. as we haveee sn too ofnte recent, lythey are in the frtlonines or tonhe frontin les respondi tngo unruly passengers whoou cld threan tethe safe otyf li fght and heotr passenrsge. reiegg: delta has already mandated a 10 hour rest requirement. other airlines will have 90 days to comply once the rule takes
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effect. kumasi: fle weteek iuns derway in sanra fncisco a gndoes througthh e weekend. our reporr teat livine the new rtual realitexy periencet a thaie r show. >> youil wlet g tfeo el what it lisike to be in the nav iyn a life or death situation and it is because of virtuarel ality. is all inse ida hate --n a18 eewhler. if you le ikyou are in a high-spe bedoat andou yr mission is to pick up navy seals under five. dust fire. theer is even a serteing wheel so y foueel like you are there. theom cmand -- vyna commander brian sayshi ts is close rtoeal fe. >> it is v aery high caliber machine and as close as wcae n al with virtlua reality and the systs emwe have pinlace with vr to sulimate wha itt is keli in realif le. it showcases what our nyav don'e't what our sailors do, the
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pride,ro pfessionalism and traini tnghey door f this -- eaplse missis.on >> to get edfeback on w hoyou did, youan c experiee ncthis om friday thrghou sunday at 100:0.m p. -- iist part of fleewet ek. ey are ungsi this as a crooni tngool, comg inup at 7:00 during our newscast. reggie:ur fther monyda report, more adsnd a your inagstram feed soon. parent company metta is pushing fomor re a odsn thexp eloreag pe and the profile feed section. revenue droppedor f the first timen icompany sthiory. e new afed atures a iren the testing asphe. the future of tifhrt and from home. yowiu ll soone bable to do your thriftho spping atoo gildwl lionne. the20 1-year-olnod ronpfit has launch aed secondhand retail markpletace thatll aows shoprspe to browse and purcha isetems.
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prior to this, tyhe mostlsoy ld lionne throughit ses like ayeb and azamon. life look at the w neyork stock chexange, weer we dowan w minute asgo and we reinma there, down abo 2ut22 points. an update to s atory we toldou y abt oulastee wk, a strgeanr things insrepid howlel read just inspidre halloenwe dplisay in ilnoliis. one nehbigor decid tedhey n'd't ke it anthd ey took ditown. eth familyla pns to talk to cyit fiofcials tpoo ssiblyeo rpen it on publiprc operty. what iths e problem? kusima: they d'n't like inthgs tinhe yard. reggie:t iis apo soky seas.on masi:ot n at th hatouse. t anymore. shut idot wn. ggreie: a fcyan restaurt anin ndloon fillead uniqueos pition,
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it hir sedomeone tfeo ed people kusima: ts hiis a lk ooat the job stpo. the restaurantot ok out a fullag-pe newsparpe ad and it says we are hiring ndloon's first grade apicplants must ha gveorgeous hands andas bic grasp. drew: a basic grasp. kumasi: you know, g aoogle. job perks includeeg rular nicures d anfine food and newi. job was pteosd three ysda ago and they havelr aeady hired somedybo to feed customers russiacr sapes dirtlecy into their op menouth. drew: youou wld startit wh mesobody who has a basic undetarsnding ofat lin and gekre andod their nlsai. kumasi: y douon't inthk it is more imptaornt to ha tvehe ndhas? ifou y areik le that,ou y have to see the hands comg inat you. reggie: do you wanthi ts?
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ewdr: a santrger'san hd in your mouth? reggie: in this cteonxt. sihould bepe scific. kuma:sila [ughter] i' nmot goingo tdo the je.ok dr:ew does it enhae ncthe expericeen? reiegg: iist a funnyde ia. but i don't'actually want tgoo tohe t restaurt anand have somebo fdyeed me gperas. makusi: until y souee who tyhe pickma, ybe. ggie:ou y make a point. krteisn: thi--s drew: thiiss supposetod be a ni acectivity thwi your falymi. w noit's irwed. ggreie: do they wa tshheir hands in bweeten, enjo iyst? dr:ew do you get to choose? noint my whato d you thi ynkou get o outf that? kumasi:ou y get to elfe ppeamred and tread.te
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reggie:t iis forhe tra gm. tiktok. tha''s all. that is l alanyone ds oeanymore. drew: dito for the t.ok reggie: tkeict for the tok. we will -- take it for the tok. we wilwol rkshop atth was on-e-thfly. ew: allig rht. wndo to a quart-merile sibilityn ithe soutbah y. numb 1er0 is you doan wt to see the cits ieoutside e thnorth bay. good air day, sunshine, a warmerft aernoon. m88organil hl, 83 sajon se, 80 r so smeunshine onalg the cstoa, elfeing warm. wndotown we willet g a 70, 65
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nshine. good a-qiruality. 84 in saant rosa, brighskt ies re. eastay b lovel by,reezy but suhinsne. 75 or6, 7 and inldan you will feelar wmer weatr.he so low 90' 8s,7 walnut creek, 89 in liveorrme. fog lia ttle cloud cover tonhtig. '5's on the board. rehe is thecc auweather t 7he refocast. warmerea wther orve the ntex sen vedays, its ibeautiful. sardtuay is the warmer tofhe o twdays. kumasi: i'm hay ppyou are ckba. ggreie: thank you. it inis ce to beex nt to you. kuma:si i'm'glad youad h a good we'veot g fleet ggreie: smao ny thingtos look forward to. kusima: nt,ex the senev things you edne to knowod tay. ggie: watch all oouf r
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kumasi: it is 6:57, here are seven things to know this morning. new video of a person of interest in a potential serial killer investigation. stockton police say someone has killed six people in recent months including one man in the east bay. they have no motive. reggie: two oakland city council bears calling to expand the --council members calling to expand the use of license plate readers by police. when asked say there are privacy issues and they won't help. kumasi: a new planned out residents of the homeless camp.
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planning to move them to a piece of land near lake and west grand. it used to be a private army base and conserve up to 300 people. reggie: today is clean air day, to encourage californians to improve air quality, using public transportation and more. today the san francisco bay ferry service is offering free rides all day. drew: a nice day outside, we have the fog in the north bay from santa rosa to petaluma. elsewhere, partly cloudy skies. it is a warmer afternoon going above average, 70 for the cit, . low 90's. jobina: most of our traffic issues of cleared up but it is going to be slow in a lot of areas including the toll plaza. lights came on at 5:40. kumasi: i love this, number seven, history will be made today when a petaluma born astronaut becomes the first
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native american woman to go to space. we are talking about nicole mann. she had four other astronauts are headed to the international space station, lift off at 9:00 this morning. jobina: and it is five months. reggie: whatever it is, that is too long for me. kumasi: three hours would be too long for you. drew: and we are down, i'm like that is enough. kumasi: it is quick. drew: and pricey. jobina: that too. reggie: maybe two nights. like vegas. -- drew: simple needs. reggie: a weird toilet
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situation. ♪ good morning america. for our viewers in the west, a growing humanitarian crisis in florida after hurricane ian. urgent door-to-door search as residents in the hardest hit areas line up for food and water. shelters are full as president biden heads to the storm zone to survey the devastation. russians on the run. ukrainian forces make new advances gaining ground on two fronts. could they retake a key city? urgent halloween warning. rainbow fentanyl. now 15,000 pills seized, some in this yellow lego box. >> this is every parent's worst nightmare. >> what parents need to know about the brightly colored pills
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