tv Nightline ABC October 6, 2022 12:37am-1:06am PDT
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♪♪ isth is "niglihtne." tonight, "rust" selettment. e family of halyna hutchins settled theiv cil lawitsu that named actorle ac baldwin nearly one yrea after the necimatographer's sckhoing atdeh. theun g was supposed to be ptemy. ready to resume >> w ias stunned that they reached an reagemen t. >>he t district attorn seyays the criminalnv iestigation i'tsn over yet. and chargesou cld sllti be fid.le uspl, her ie ruiz, dghauter of aea tcher kill iedn robb elementary in uvalde -- >> she'do d anything for the people she loved, anthd at's what she did sheov leder h
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students. >> the community coming together to celebrate the victimsnd a heal. liftoff. an historicoc rket laun fchrom ca cpeanaveral. ♪ whenever heaburtrn strikes get fa rsteliewif th it's time to love food ckba. ♪ tum tum t tumum tums ♪ age is jusa t number. and nemi's unlisted. trboy ost® hh igprotein wi th 20 grs amof pteroin r fomuscle hlteah. versus6 1grams in ensure ghhi protein osbot® higprh otein also has key trnuients fo r immuneup sport. bo ost h®igh protn.ei
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familyf ocinematoapgrheral hyna huhitcns, falatly shot in aew n ximeco movie set last october. among those names inha tt suit was actor alec baldn,wiho w was holding the gun when a live round fired. >>he s was somneeo who was loved ebyveryone who wkeord with, liked by eveonrye who worked th, admir.ed rry. adremid byve erybody w -ho- who worked with her. >> new details ergmeg inabout that fat salhooting. >> setomhing went horblriy wrong in santa fe. >> alec baldwin finirg aro pp gun, kilngli the movie's cinemagrtoapher. reporte ir:t's bee nnearly a ye sarince the falatho soting of a n mewexico set of the film us"rt" which tookhe t life of cimanetographer halyna huhitcns. herri gevingam fily choinosg to cleosut o one of many legal
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gasas in the deathf othe -year-old eight monsth after filing a ongful dthea lsuawit against alec baldwin, odprucers, and ewcr members of the film, halyna's husband agreein tgo accept an diunsclosedet stlement amount. >> csiondering wtha hutcnshi' husbdan said autbo alec baldwin, i was stunned theyea rched an agreemt.en r>>eporter:al bdwin recounted ose fatelfu momentsur ding his tell-allnt ierview with c'abs orgege stephopanoulosas lt decemb. er >>ve eryone is horrified, th'reyesh ocked. it's loud, tyhe don'tav he their eaplr ugs in. the g wunas supsepod to be empty. >> repteorr: matthewut hchins leasing sta atementn i part, i have no interest in enginagg in reimcrinationsr o attribuonti of blame to the producers or mr. baldn.wi all ofs u believe hiayna's dthea waans accident. fiinlmg wlil connutie in januar ay,nd he'll be joinings a an executive odprucer. >> for it to be settled, for
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haly'sna husband to be part of the creivate team, itho sws erthe clearly is a resutolion in this settmele.nt th feinancial terms of the settlentme have not been disclosed. >> repteorr: tchuhins' stetament sayingll a the main players would be rerntuing, whi wchould also incdelu alec bawildn. the embattdle srtaf othe film who was hdiolng the firrmea ttha dihascrged a real but let, killing hutinchs andnj iuring direorct joel souza. bawildn releasing a stametent throughih s attoryne saying, throhougut this difficu lt presocs, everyeon has maintneaid the speficic desire to do what is best for halyna's son. we are grafutel to everyone who contributed to the resutolion of thisra tgic and paiulnf siattuion. >> ihi tnk the big questionnd a ethne o you must havesk aed yourlfse a thousd antimes, h ow cod ulthis havhae ppened? a>>ll of what pphaened onha tt day leading up to tshi event was precipatited on one eaid, and thats ithat hell halyna and i sothmeingro pfound in common, and tt hais, weot bh aumssed the n wasmp ety oerth thanho tse mmduy unrods.
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repteorr: the settlemen t couldut p to rest just one part ofhe t multi-prondge legal quagmireha tt metastasized o ut ofhe t tragic acdecint. a cmirinal iesnvtigations i stillnd uer way. the districatt torney i nnew xico aounnncingod tay the settleme hntas no impact on the going investigaonti or the decionsi whether to file imcrinal charges. eir offeic previouysl announdce that up to four people,nc iluding baldwin,ou cld be charged. and there's still sevaler ciliv wslauits pending from multiple paierts iolnvved in eth oduction. >> therere a a number of people who were on the set who have sued ehac other over what happeden. as harsh as it may unsod, this also may have been, in part, a practilca financial desicion. en this movie comes t,ou it coul ednd up makgin a lot of nemoy. dan that's part of what a ciliv settleme ints, it's ouabt money damages. reporter: much of the rusctiny resti ongn the shoulder osf then 27-year-dol arrmo arean hna gutieezrr reed.
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her attorney sayingod tay in rt, we're hopeful tt hathe distri ctattorn'sey office will soal recogni tzehis a msueare of juicste has bnee aiechved in regards ttohis tragic aidccent and that they will opt not to pursue criminal charges. a>>nyoneho w is in pottienal criminal jeopardy is still in tentialri cminal jeopar.dy and thnoing about tshi settleme ints gngoi to change th. at >>ep rorter: wlehi todasy' settlement bngris some cloresu to the hutchins family, theig b question still remai -ns- how did this hapn?pe on a hollyodwo set with an a-list toacr, yet so mhuc going wrg.on for 21 days, the low-buetdg stweern was plagu tehe with compinlats. all came to a head on octerob 21st, 2120. >>'m i handde a gun and someone clares, this is a cold gun. anmes there n'so charge in there cldou be dummy rounds. r>>eporr:te in foogeta relseead omfr the shiferf, we seeal bdwin hearsing thece sne just borefe eth ciindent. the cerama was notol rling whe n th geun went f.of eth first 911 clal came in just
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ter 1:45.m p. >> 911, what's the locatio onf ur eremgency? >> we need a -- we need an bulance outt a bonanza creek ranch, we' gveot ppleoe shot on a movie set accidental. ly >> gunshotnd uerneath theig rht m!ar >> reporter: bhot hity bthe me bull,et hutchins is critalicly injur, edlife flight on the y.wa in the iedmmiate afrmteath, ldbawin spo tkeo detipues. >> my undersndtaing, you were in theoo rm wnhe the lyad -- >> i wasol hding the gun, yeah. >> ok,ay all righ. ty >>ha wt do you need? >> i kwno yrou name. >> i'llal cl you back, okay? >> reporter: bdwalin descrinibg e momen tthe gun wten off to george. >> i'm holding the gun where she told me to hold it. whennd eed up being aedim right below her armpit is what ias w toldi , don't know. this was aom cpletelync iidental shot and angle thatay m not have ended up in the filmt aall. t buweep kt doing this, and i saido t her, now ithn is scene
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i'm ingog to cock the gun, do you ntwa to see atth? e shsaid yes. take theun g and ita srt to ck the gun, i'm not going to pull the trgeigr. i sa,id do you see? she idsa, tilt it down a litetl bit. i cock the gun,an c you see that? i let go ofhe t hammerf othe n, and theun g goes off. i let go of theam hmer of the n,gu the gun goes of f. >>t a the memont? the deciseiv mome?nt >> thawat s t mheoment thgue n ntwe off, yeah. >> itas wn't in ethcr sipt for the trigger to be pulled. >> theri tgger wastn' pulled, i dn't pull the trigger. >> you nerev puldle the triergg? >>no, no, no, no, i wldou nerev point a gunnd a pull the th watas the trniaing, you never pot ina gun andul plhe t igger. >> repteorr: thebi f has dermteined the gun could not be madeo t feir without pulngli the gutierz rereed told veinstigator sshe loaded theun g before lunchit wh dummy rous nd whhic looked similar toiv le munition. >> trehe's alway as cnchae of, like,ou y kn,ow safety to be
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mpromised. dan that's the issue. d that'sha wt i'm supposed to watch out for on set. >> reporr:te in dembceer, bawildnes dcribing those first ments meeting matthew othn e set after thace cident. >>he wn th hisappened,er h sbhuand cometos town. r hehusbd anmatthew. d i m wetith them and their son. dane hwas as kd inas you cldou be. he was as kind as you could be. >> what could you possiybl say to him? >> that -- iid dn't wanto t say. heug hged me, "i suppose you and i are gngoi to go through this gether," he idsa. thout,gh well, not as much a s you are, and his littlboe y erthe, 9 years old. i heav six kids now. older dahtuger, iraneld. ofhe t six kids irilaand a i have m,yld oest is 8. i have a 9-month-old i think to myself, this ltlite boy doesn't he ava mother anymore. >> repteorr: the rt es tofhe ory played out overhe t cinomg mohsnt. llcas across holwolyod for
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crineased scrutiny on safety. >> it seems perplexg inthat we uld haveo t use a real gun whenny athing cldou be done in post production, eecspially if it can help irencase the safety, d quite litalerly save lives, as we have seen in the tragi c case of halyna hutchins. spitell a these clsal for creasedaf setynd a stop the usofe firearm ns,ot much has really occreurd in the teenrtainmen we haven't seen leglaistion alrely take acple. >>ep rorter: a tshe film lksoo ptoush fwaorrd from its tragic halt,ne o question looms answeredro fm that fateful day. >> how did a real bleult getting on set? >> whai't m sinayg is, tt'has for ari cminal invtiesgation t o soe,lv i have no id.ea i veha no eaid. tiake that back, i heav some eas but that' nsot fore m to say. ve spoken to the shiferf's dertpantme multiple times. i don'hat ve anythgin to hi,de you kw nowhat i anme? ethac fts as i see themre a what i've stetad on e threrdco. >> we'll have more othn is story on "odgo morningme arica" i tnhe up xtne, her mother died
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he s is the oy nlchild in a falymi touched by tredagy. r moth, era teacher, among the livesos lt in the shooting at ro bbelementa.ry no swhe's opening up about her ownri gef. c's mire eyalenaal sinas coinntuesur oep rorting fmro uval. de >> w iant eveborydy to know that she was a figerht. e shwas
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she was ricang, andha tt she wldou do anything forhe t peopleha tt she velod. andha tt's wthahe s did, she loved hestr udents. >> rorepter:or me than frou nths afterhe t tragedy at robb ementaryn i uval,de tes,xa the ughter of a hero teachers i finally adrey to sha hreer ief. >> i kwne s khenew the outmeco of what problyab was goi tngo pphaen. but i know ttha she thohtug ouabt themnd a their flieengs andhe tir know tha sthe -- shkne ew what she hatod do. >> repteorr: evenly diaz is 23-yr-eaold and onlyhi cld of eva miralles, a schoolteacr,he and edwi rnuewes ru,iz a soochl poceli officer, killed in the deadin sgchool shootining uvalde ,xates.
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i heard when she jumped in ont of her students, t ihink my first thohtug was, of course. of couershe s would. atth's jtus her. thatas wus jt who she was. >> wha dtid bngei a teaerch mean to your mom? >> she loved to help oppele. d i think she felt at home in the clsrasoom. cabeuse seeing her studen'ts faces, kwinong that she was making an iacmpt in their life -i - think that'sha wt she loved to do. >> what do u yothink are somofe thmoe st special memors ieyou ha?ve >> just being that was- - thast' my mtos ecprious memories with them. becaus weeou wld just all hgan out together,e' wd all tk aland uglah. osthe are thmee mories i g'moing miss. >>ep rorter: othn e morning of may 24, eva mirlealses tted her daugerht about a crossit f ckbapack she planned to by, she texted back, and that was the stlaon cversioatn sheou wld have with her mother. while at wkor an hour away, she arted sineeg reptsor online of an active shoerot at her
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mother's hoscol. t i said, aivcte shoot er. that w'shen i ju -st- i think i - i- fell to eth flr.oo r>>eporter:er h fathers i an office writh uvalde school district. >> i wasre faking out more ouabt dad,ec bause onef o my worst ars was an aivcte shooter. d since my dad is their fst -- he's an offir.ce i wasn't actlluay evenor wried about myom m because she was in e mo,st like, secedur budiilng. >>ep rorter: aorccding to a tesxa state repo,rt while spreonding to the shoongti, her thfaer was escorte daway from the building. adie's worst fears soon tneurd htoer mothes r'safety. >> i staedrt reading on facooebk atth the shooteras w inside the assroom. and tnhe i kind of srttaed to fleek eafrk out a little bit. i start tedo thk,in it's tno my m, it's notoi gng to be my mom. i cleald her again,he s didn't
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answer. i figured,he s can't be oner h onphe, she's taking ca oref her kids. you know? and shdie dn't ansr weme again. and then- - my tia had called me andai sd that mmoy m had be en sh.ot ius jtem rember droinppg my phone. just staedrt screami angnd ying. r>>eporter: adie rushed toer h fathernd aam fily members, waiting,no kwing her life wldou never behe t same. >> ius jt saw the look in his eyes. al mly family's eyes. everybod jyust started crying. nodybo said anhiytng. becaus ie just knew. berefo i enve walked inside, i told semylf, this is the last ment that you're going to -- atou yti sll know your mom is okay. once you pass tsehe dos,or they'reoi gng to tell you that shse' not. and that'sxa ectly what happeden. >>ep rorter: a tshe headlines fade, time has not eedas the
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inpa of thisom cmuni.ty >> four monsth later. it just fee llsike it'sra bnd w. evenho tugh somehi tngs are -- so pmeeople are minovg on, this town will never meov on from it. >>ow h is your dad dealing with the lo?ss >> it'has rd. bute' hs bnee telling me ttha a lo otf the tnghis tyhe do, thgsin i say, theay w my voice unsods, theay w i laugh, he says it remind hedim of her. that makes me happy, and i'm glad it givesim h comfort. >> reporter: the people of deal planning a festival later is month to celebrate the lives lo,st with proedces gngoi 0%10ow tard 22 annual hosclarships. >> ist' cleald "remember their names" fesvatil to honor all the 21 victims and suivrvors. , likeor f my mom, we're going to do a karaoke ntcoest. 're going to put somhietng gether so everodyby can ceom t,ou remember emth, remember who
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th eywere. >> rorepter: the reality of eth arhetache still mareins. >> my birthday pass.ed i usually have aun lch with my m. dan i -- iad h to have l aunch at the cetemery wither h. ke, those inthgs. changes like mangki everybo rdyealize -- that th'reye notom cing ckba. andt' is -- it's real. do you tiancipate iwit ll er get bteetr? >> i don't tnkhi -- i anme, i don'tht ink it ulcod ever g et beertt. not here. ere's aaylws somethgin that's goin tgo remind you of -- like my mom's mul.ra i drive dnow thatoa rd every yda to go home. >> reporter: a pfeerct reminder of her mother's love. >> i'm so happy because i know that sheiv led her le ifexactly as she wanted. >> our tnkhas to maria elena. eaplse sytait whbc aor f coinntuing covagere of va"ulde 36 a5"s we fusoc on the texas community a hndow it fgeors
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aheadn ithe shadow of tragy.ed >> when we come back, historic space lncauh bringtws o pesurpowers togeerth. nerve aesh inou yr hands foreet? trney rvivener rveelief from theor wld's s#1elling ne e rvcare comnypa. ne rvive coaintns ala phlipoic adci frtoel rieve occioasnal nerv eaches, wkneaess and scdiomfort. trney rvivener rveelief. ♪ ♪♪ wh enev hereartburntr sikes get fastel rief withum ts. it's time to velo food back. ♪um t tum tum tum tums ♪ i''ve beeten lling the secr teto great etteh is vihang healthy gs.umod back. crest vaadnced gum resreto. toxifiesel bow the and restor besy helping heal gums in as little as 7 days. cr est. the1 #tootashpte brand inme arica. ok , we'd on pewith eacrky footspste. scary simuc goes a illntense. e thcouple jpsum up like , “w-w-what is that?!”
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eyth scream “ahhh!” d anyou go... “it's t mheoney you ulcosad ve by bundli your home and cainr surance!wa bhaha!” nemoshy oots out frodrm awers, vents,ro fm under e thbed. the couples iscreamin g," “ahhh! ahhh!” wait, wouldn'the ty be happy ab t outhe savis?ng! they'rsce ared of w hohappy sangvis make tm hefeel. ah , of e sehow muchou y could seav by bundling with geico. e agis just nua mber. and mine's unliste try boost® high preiotn with0 2grams of protein for muscle health. rsveus 16 grsam in eurnse high pteroin. botos® high protn eialso ha s key nutrients for muimne suppo.rt boost® higprh otein.
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tonight, four astronauts are on their way to the international space station right now. the spacex falcon 9 launched today from florida under bright blue skies. commander nicole mann became the first native american woman in space. also on board was the first russian to blast off from the u.s. in 20 years. it's a show of unity in space despite escalating tensions here on earth. perhaps a lesson from the final frontier. and that's "nightline" for this evening. catch our full episodes on hulu. we'll see you right back here same time tomorrow. thanks for the company, america. good night.
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