tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC November 2, 2022 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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>> lou: from hollywood, it's “jimmy kimmel live”! tonight, nick kroll. yvonne strahovski. and music from viagra boys. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. i appreciate that. thank you, thank you. welcome. very kind. i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thank you for watching. i'm glad you're in the mood. today was kind of a scary day here in los angeles.
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that hang happened again. what do you call it? rain. [ laughter ] it rained today. hasn't rained here since easter of 1993. [ laughter ] woke up, it sprinkled for like an hour this morning. everybody who works here showed up dressed like the crew of an alaskan fishing boat. [ laughter ] galoshes galore! in london, where they get a lot of rain. they had some wind too. the wind blew a giant holiday ornament down the street. blew the tinsel right off it. it was part of a display and rolled into oncoming traffic. and then his friend showed up. [ laughter ] you know, balls travel in twos. [ laughter ] i think that's god sending a message that it's too early to put up christmas decorations. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] it's unbelievable, it really is. a lot of stores and people have their decorations up already. we are two days into november. my neighbor, last night, was either setting up a nativity scene or having a baby in the front yard.
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[ laughter ] i don't know, either way, not appropriate. the neighbors who put their christmas decorations up, i'm convinced these are the same people who show up to the airport five hours before the flight. [ laughter ] i have to say, i think this is thanksgiving's fault. halloween's strong. halloween's got witches, skeletons, candy, it's got a color scheme. christmas has the color scheme, christmas has the tree, mascot, reindeer, fictional headquarters. thanksgiving has turkey and corn. [ laughter ] and not even corn you eat, dried corn your mom hangs on the door. [ laughter ] thanksgiving needs to get its act together. this is 2022. there's no place for yams. i'm sorry. [ laughter ] tonight in philadelphia, game four of the world series. the astros are playing the phillies. monday's game three was postponed due to the rain. it's an epidemic, it's everywhere now. [ laughter ] so they played it last night and the phillies clobbered the astros, 7-0. it was a tough loss and no one took it harder than a colorful local texas furniture salesman known as "mattress mack." he's one of these guys on tv
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selling mattresses. mack bet $10 million on the astros to win the series. when the phillies went up 2-0 in the first last night, he was none too pleased. >> [ bleep ] you! [ bleep ] you! >> jimmy: in philly, that's how you say hello. [ laughter and applause ] still, i don't know, that's kind of crazy, i don't care. i don't care how old you are, how much money you have. 10 million is a lot of dollars. if the astros don't pull this out, mattress mack is gonna be sleeping in the store. [ laughter ] this is an interesting time in this country. american workers are said to be slacking on the job more than ever before. worker productivity is at its lowest point since 1947. i wonder if this has anything to
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do with how many of us are still working from home with unlimited access to porn in the midday? [ laughter ] even this chart that illustrates the decline in productivity looks half assed. like someone drew a line and said, "all right, good enough." [ laughter ] we have no attention span anymore. we're easily distracted. you get on a zoom. all it takes is gary from sales wearing a weird sweater and that's all anyone can focus on. [ laughter ] another reason americans are unproductive is this twitter. ironically, employees at twitter right now have been working 12-hour shifts, seven days a week, to meet deadlines established by their terrible new owner, elon musk. elon musk, he tried to get out of this deal. he offered way too much for twitter. now he's trying, i guess, to get back as much of his $44 billion investment as he can. right now they are working on something called “paywall video.” which would allow users to post videos and then charge other users to watch them. really good idea. i was browsing through instagram
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the other night and i said, "this is great but i wish it wasn't so free." you know? [ laughter ] many believe this will turn twitter into onlyfans, inevitably leading to pornography and adult content. and an $8,000 bill for ted cruz, if you know what i mean. [ laughter and applause ] i feel like elon musk, being the owner of twitter, is the tech equivalent of when michael jordan tried to play baseball. [ laughter ] meanwhile, one of the commissioners at the fcc is calling on the federal government to ban tiktok in the united states out of concern that china, you know, the chinese own the app, they could be getting their hands on our private information. i get it but, if americans really cared about protecting our private information, “password” wouldn't be the fifth most common password. [ laughter ] between tiktok, twitter, and facebook, seems like the safest app nowadays might be tinder. [ laughter ] maybe you get herpes, worst-case scenario, right?
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we are now less than a week away from the midterm elections. there is a lot at stake. anything can happen. and as a reminder of that, today is the 74th anniversary of one of the greatest election upsets ever. in 1948, harry truman defeated thomas dewey. no one expected truman to get re-elected. particularly not "the "chicago tribune"," which led to one of the most iconic photos in u.s. history. a victorious president truman holding up the early edition of the paper that incorrectly declared “dewey defeats truman”" it's very famous. [ laughter ] that blunder led to another iconic photo the next day. “dewey says election was rigged,” [ laughter ] followed by, ”frankly dewey did win this election.” and, “dewey supporters raid capitol, poop on floor.” [ laughter ] one of the most hotly contested seats next week is for the senate in georgia. the incumbent raphael warnock is running about even with the herschel walker claims to be pro-life, yet two exgirlfriends
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have come forward to say he pressured them into having abortions. one of the women says he personally drove her to the clinic. gave her cash and made sure she did it. and while a revelation like that would be a five alarm fire for most campaigns. herschel walker is a businessman. and when opportunity knocks. >> you were responsible. you used protection. but accidents happen. and herschel walker got you pregnant. we've all been there. it's time to get you the care you need. with oopser. download the oomser app and hit the button that says "herschel walker put a baby in me." >> wait, he's my driver? >> within 15 minutes, a courteous driver will arrive at your location. >> hey, herschel. so -- good -- good to see you again. >> once inside your oopser, herschel walker will take you to the nearest abortion clinic and give you $700 cash.
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>> thanks? >> that's right, this one's on the house. >> what if i don't want to get an abortion? >> you're getting an abortion. >> i am? >> unlike other rideshare services, oopser will wait outside until you come out. and when it's done, we'll make sure you never tell a soul. we'll even throw in a get well soon card signed by herschel himself. >> what the [ bleep ]? argghh! >> oopser. just get in the car. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the other night, i was talking about the day after halloween and how many people get canceled because of their costumes. well, it took a couple days, but we may have found one. thanks to the oblivious sheriff's department in lake county, ohio. >> so the riders thought, well, what a great idea if we would have big ghosts going down the
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street. >> the horses were covered with a white sheet with holes cut out for their ears, eyes, and nose. they also had on orange pumpkin lights. >> as the horses went down the street, they were lit up for halloween. and tell you the truth, the community loved it. the kids were coming out, whoa, these are great ghost horses! >> jimmy: yeah, adults are like, "oh, hell, we better run!" i love the explanation. "no, no, we were trying to dress the horses like ghosts." [ laughter ] halloween is a tricky one, right, guillermo? >> guillermo: yeah, you're right. >> jimmy: a lot of tricky tweeting going on. >> guillermo: everywhere. >> jimmy: after two long years, our annual halloween youtube challenge is back. [ cheers and applause ] people love this so much, the last two years we didn't even ask anyone to do it, but hundreds of families did it anyway. so we gave up and did it again. this is like our “top gun.” we have to have a sequel. the first time we did this was ten years ago. we've been doing it so long,
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some of the kids we tricked, grew up to have their own kids to steal candy from. [ laughter ] so there are people who are unhappy that we're doing this, but we put it to a vote. and this was the will of the people. elections have consequences. [ laughter ] i do want to say for the record, kids cry about everything. my son had a psychotic meltdown this morning because he didn't like his umbrella. okay? [ laughter ] so with that said, here we go again. the new for 2022 edition of “hey jimmy kimmel, i told my kids i ate all their halloween candy.” [ cheers and applause ] >> last night we ate all your halloween candy. i'm so sorry. >> you're not being my best friend. so, so that's like you're not my best friend anymore. >> i'm so sorry, baby. >> mommy and daddy got real hungry last night and ate all of it.
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>> i wanted some! >> but you said we could share. >> yeah -- but i want all of the pieces that didn't have nuts! >> well, i got hungry last night, and we ate all your candy. >> let me see. let me see. >> mom, dammit! >> i ate all of your halloween candy last night. >> ooohhh! >> mommy and daddy ate all your halloween candy last night. >> oh! >> are you -- are you mad?
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well, we were really hungry. >> you're making me sad. >> i got really hungry and i ate it all. >> i'm so sick of you! >> i ate all of your halloween candy. >> mmm! >> i'm so sorry. >> it's okay, mommy. >> are you mad at me? >> just sad. >> i'm teasing. >> you guys had to poop. >> you teeth will have a cavity.
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>> my teeth will have a cavity. >> are you mad at me? >> the worst halloween ever! >> that's okay, she ate all my candy. but when it's the next halloween, we can get more. >> that's right, we can. >> your dad and i ate all your halloween candy last night when you went to bed. >> hey, don't do that! you can't do that! >> why? callie doesn't care, she's eating fruit. >> i don't want fruit! >> what do you want? >> i want candy. >> i ate it all. >> hey, don't do that! >> my parents do this every single year! >> are you mad at me? mark, are you mad at me? huh? markey?
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>> what do you think? guess what? >> what? >> april fools'. >> maddie, maddie, look at it! >> do you still love me? >> no! >> no? oh, wow. >> are you mad? >> i didn't eat your candy. it's downstairs. this is a prank! >> didn't really go that well, honestly. we thought you guys would get a little more upset, honestly. >> guys, you know who made me do
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this? >> what? >> jimmy kimmel. >> who's jimmy kimmel? >> i dreamed about doing this for years. and these guys didn't give a [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right, well. once again, sorry, kids. we'll make it up to you somehow. we have a good show for you tonight. yvonne strahovski is here. we've got music from viagra boys. and we'll be right back with nick kroll. so stick around!
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[ cheers and applause ] then later, all the way from stockholm, which is now located in sweden. their album is called “cave world.” viagra boys from the mercedes eq stage. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night our guests will be rob mcelhenney and emayatzy corinealdi, with music from the heavy heavy. join us for that. our first guest is the voice of assorted humans and hormones on his very funny and very filthy animated series “big mouth.” season six is on netflix now, please say hello to nick kroll. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> hi. >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> i'm good. >> jimmy: very good to see you. how was your halloween? how old's your son now? >> he's a little under 2 years old. >> jimmy: so is he of trick-or-treating age? or no? >> we took him trick-or-treating. he did not -- he was not engaged in it. he doesn't really know what
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candy is yet. so i would go up to the houses and i would be like, "my son," you know -- and i'd take the candy. [ laughter ] i ate all the candy. >> jimmy: he was your beard, he was your candy beard? >> yes, exactly. >> jimmy: nice. did you guys dress up? >> we tried to dress him up. he really wanted no part of it. he loves blueberries. and so we tried to dress him up like a blueberry. and he wanted no part of it. and now, trying to get into his mind, because as a father you're trying to understand where your kid's coming from. if i were him i'd be like, if i dress up as a blueberry, there's going to be a giant toddler who's going to see me and try to consume me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, right. you're bait at that point, really. >> little does this idiot know it's my dream to be consumed by a huge toddler. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so you -- so he did not dress up at all? >> no, he did not. well, we put him in a little skeleton pajamas kind of thing. >> jimmy: okay.
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>> but i then -- i put on the blueberry outfit, hoping it would inspire him. >> jimmy: you and your son are the same size? >> we are very similar, yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: a very, very big boy. >> by the way -- oh, this is it. >> jimmy: this is the ensemble. [ laughter ] this is the blueberry outfit, huh? >> yeah. that's a blueberry. >> jimmy: did anyone get that you were a blueberry? >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really, you're just wearing a colorful sundress, really. >> yes. >> jimmy: and jeans. >> yeah. but now i'm looking at my outfit right now. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's your color. >> i'm dressed as a blueberry here on the show. >> jimmy: well, whatever it is -- >> trick-or-treat, i'm dressed as a guest on "jimmy kimmel live." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i do want to ask you about something. i don't know if you know about this. charlize theron was here last week. >> uh-huh, yes, yes, yes. >> jimmy: and she was talking about her friend, her good friend, she threw her a surprise
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birthday party. >> yes. >> jimmy: the party wasn't a surprise but there was a surprise at the party. >> there was indeed. >> jimmy: and that surprise was michael bolton. >> sure. always a surprise. >> jimmy: even in his own home, people are like, "oh, how wonderful. >> yeah, "look at that." >> jimmy: he comes in, showing him this video, i noticed something in the background of the video, which we will share now. ♪ when a man loves a woman ♪ >> yes! ♪ can't keep his mind on nothing else ♪ ♪ ♪ if she's bad he can't see it ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: look at that little blueberry there. so did you know this was happening? >> i didn't know michael bolton was -- i did know ahead of time. i was going with michael to the
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party. [ laughter ] then he's like, "excuse me." >> jimmy: whipped out a microphone? >> no, we showed up, he comes out, and he's -- you guys can't see it but he's wearing the finest black leather gloves is what i really remember most. they fit so beautifully, he was wearing, like, a scarf, and i was like, oh, it's to keep that voice warm. >> jimmy: what about the hands? the hands? >> i guess the hands are where the music is born. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i see. the fingertips? >> yeah, in the fingertips. it must stay warm in the fingertips. >> jimmy: i didn't know that about music. >> it travels up his arms then through his core, then you've got to warm it up right before, you know what i mean? > jimmy: uh-huh? >> like putting a little muffin in the toaster right before you're going to eat it. little pat of butter, boom, you've got michael bolton. >> jimmy: are you a michael bolton -- a bolton buddy, as his fans call themselves? >> it was a wonderful thing to
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watch those people love and enjoy michael bolton. my wife and her family are huge golden state warriors fans, and i'm like, well, this is exciting to watch them be excited. >> jimmy: you enjoy michael bolton vicariously? >> yes, exactly. and then i -- i -- well, i -- >> jimmy: you murdered? >> i murdered both of those people and i wear their skin around. [ laughter ] so that i can fully live as them. >> jimmy: well, that's quite a revelation. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know -- you don't hear talk show anecdotes like that that often. >> i know. i was cosplaying as guest on "jimmy kimmel live" and i really went for it. >> jimmy: which musician would you -- your birthday party, if you were to -- let's say we were to line somebody up for you as a surprise. >> yeah, huh. >> jimmy: who would you want it to be? >> kanye? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: west? kanye west? >> kanye west.
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he's, like, my favorite musical artist. >> jimmy: right. well, yeah. maybe -- yes. even now, still? >> why, what happened? [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: what do you mean? >> what? what did i miss? [ whispering ] >> oh, uh-huh, uh-huh, copy that. really? oh, oh! so then -- but then he apologized for it, right? [ laughter ] [ whispering ] uh-huh? really? okay. he's going to israel, okay. [ laughter ] okay, okay. whoa. >> jimmy: yeah, so -- >> i think it's going to be -- it's going to be weird seeing him at synagogue. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: nick kroll is here, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back. >> lou: portions of “jimmy kimmel live” are brought to you by wordle the party game
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i guess you're right, lola. we got the same score, we live in the same building, we are basically the same. >> well -- truth be told, we're not exactly the same. when i got my yeast infection, my mom didn't come running home. she just sent me a cameo from cvo. >> hey, i heard you got a yeast infection, gnarly. don't worry, i'm going to staple my nut sac to my leg in
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solidarity, yeah! argghh! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're back with nick kroll. that is "big mouth." season six is on netflix now. >> i like that that's the most network-safe clip from the show that we can bring. >> jimmy: the first one you sent, they're like, "no, no, that can't be on." yeah. but a lot of kids probably watch the show, right? >> yeah, yeah, a ton of kids. yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what is the appropriate age to start watching "big mouth"? >> i mean, i think when it's -- when kids can speak. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: once they can speak? >> yeah. so they can say "i like your show, keep your netflix subscription, let's do this." no, i don't know. andrew goldberg, one of my cocreators of the show -- the show is based on me and i. he always says, when my kids are the age of the kids on the show. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> so that -- because if you're thinking about it, kids are going through that stuff, they have access to everything that
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the kids on the show have access to, it's a decent time. >> jimmy: your kids on the show have been going through pinuber for six years now. >> yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: very long puberty. >> it's like live action, "the wonder years," kevin arnold, you've got like three seasons, you know what i mean? it's over. with us it's all adults to begin with. >> jimmy: right. how many characters do you do on the show? >> i do -- like some -- about 30 to 40 characters on the show. >> jimmy: that's a lot of characters. and you got -- who's on -- jeff goldblum is on the show this year? >> jeff goldblum is the apple brooch. we have a bunch of great guest stars. kristen wiig is returning as a talking vagina. [ laughter ] and then we have tyler the creator is on the show this year. >> jimmy: who is tyler playing on the show? >> tyler is a fan of the show and just asked me at some point, he's like, i love the show if you ever have anything, i'd love to do it. we cast him as jesus.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: you cast him as jesus? >> yes. >> jimmy: the talking vagina. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you've got jesus. >> yes. and the apple brooch, the three pillars of society. >> jimmy: do you get that a lot, people say, i want to be on? >> yes, it's nice. jack mac brair and craig robinson, the show early on, if you have anything fun on the show, i'd love to be part of it. >> jimmy: what rules did you give those guys? >> jack and craig play my two pubes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: tyler is jesus, jack and craig are pubes? >> yeah, it's all biased on -- it's all based on instagram followers. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: do viewers of the show, fans of the show, stop you and go, when i was going through puberty this happened, maybe you should -- >> yeah, people will tell me their puberty stories. people also -- i have a stand-up special out called "little big
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boy" on netflix. >> jimmy: that is so funny. i got to see that live when you did it live. >> yes. >> jimmy: it is super, super funny. >> thank you for coming to see it. >> jimmy: thank you for plugging it yourself and not making me do it. [ laughter ] >> you know, i'm always here to plug. so in that case, i tell a number of stories about pooping my pants. >> jimmy: uh-huh, yeah. >> and so people will come up to me on the street and tell me their pants-popping stories. >> jimmy: once you open that door. >> literally. [ laughter ] so i was at a yom kippur break the fast. i'm fasting, haven't eaten. i'm about to take my first bite of an everything bagel. this guy comes up to me, "i got to tell you a couple of stories about [ bleep ] my pants." he starts telling this story. he's walking through work. he pooped. it's sliding -- he's cuffing his leg, trying to walk to the bathroom. and i'm sitting there, did somebody just dry-in the crowd?
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[ laughter ] anyway. >> jimmy: we should mention that that man who told you that story? kanye west. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] a friendlier time. >> yeah, he's got those big -- you know, the pants -- that's why he wears the big boots. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you can get a lot of diarrhea in those. >> that's why he's wearing those big galoshes. >> jimmy: nick kroll, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] season six of "big mouth" is on netflix. we'll be back with yvonne strahovski!
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♪ ♪yum yum yum♪ ♪gimme some gimme some♪ ♪yum yum yum♪ ♪gimme some gimme some♪ ♪i've got all the flavors♪ ♪wrapped in pretty paper♪ ♪i'll do you a favor♪ ♪save you some for later♪ ♪ ♪yum yum yum♪ ♪gimme some gimme some♪ ♪yum yum yum yum♪ ♪ tis the season to hashtag match. you took it really far la lar lar lar. wait, is this hashtag twinning? is that what this is? ha-a-a-a-ash-tag sorry not sorry. (vo) red lobster's finer points of fun dining when mouth is full, and shrimp is endless, the "booth bow" is the proper way to say "shrimp me!" ultimate endless shrimp is back, now with argentine red shrimp. welcome to fun dining.
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chocolate. vanilla. strawberry. but this isn't ice cream. this is big tobacco. and their candy flavors are served with a strong dose of nicotine. because big tobacco knows four out of five kids who use tobacco started with a flavored product. and once they're hooked, they can be addicted for life. it's time to put the brakes on big tobacco's candy-flavored trick and protect california kids. vote yes on proposition 31.
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>> lou: what starts with an "h" and ends with an "l"? >> guillermo: holy hell! >> lou: too many letters. >> guillermo: no, i said, “holy hell” because my battery is down to 1% and i cannot play wordle without my phone. >> jimmy: actually, you can play wordle without your phone. we can all play together! >> guillermo: no way. how? >> jimmy: like this! >> wordle, the party game? >> jimmy: yes, cleto, wordle the party game. how did you know? it's so simple to play. what i've done is i've written a five-letter word on my card. and now you guys have six tries to guess the word using your dry-erase game board. whoever gets it in the fewest tries wins. all right? just like wordle. ready, set, go! you can have these little yellow and green tiles that i will place on the letters to show you
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which ones you got right and what spot they're on. all right, let's see what we got here. yours says -- wait a minute did you look at my card? >> guillermo: no. >> jimmy: pizza. yours says -- pizza. what does yours say? >> cleto: pizza. >> jimmy: am i that predictaabl who's at the door now? >> all: yes, jimmy. who's at the door now? the pizza guy? >> lou: the pizza guy? >> jimmy: yep, the pizza guy. ccc >> thank you. >> lou: get wordle: the party game. available at major retailers and online at and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to
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and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ thanks for coming, it's good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> jimmy: it's been a long time since you were here last tight. one thing i remember specifically about our conversation was, your family moved from poland to australia. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you were raised as a po-stralian. [ laughter ] >> we speak polish. >> jimmy: polish with an accent? english is i guess what they speak over there. [ laughter ] did they make polish jokes? was that a thing? or were you too young for that? >> oh, no, they make polish jokes here. they make fun of the polish here like we make fun of the irish in australia.
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>> jimmy: really? >> yes, the same jokes. >> jimmy: interesting. it kind of stopped in -- i think like 1986. it ended. but archie bunker was really keeping it going for a long time on "all in the family." i don't know if you are familiar with that show. >> i'm not. >> jimmy: well, don't watch it, your family will be mad. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you -- do you still have, like, relatives over in poland that you are in touch with? >> yeah, it's my whole family is there, just my parents migrated. so first-gen australian, and the only one. and we actually have polish family, friends, visiting and staying with us right now. >> jimmy: here in l.a.? >> here in l.a. >> jimmy: where do you take a family from overseas when they come to visit l.a.? what are the sights you take them to see? dave and buster's is nice. [ laughter ] >> they really wanted to see yosemite and sequoia, so we rented a little 15-passenger bus, van thing. and we got -- >> jimmy: that's a great idea. there's so many people who live here who never go see that, it's
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crazy. >> i know, and it's gorgeous. >> jimmy: it's spectacular. they like that, i assume? >> they do. it's gorgeous. seeing the american wildlife here. >> jimmy: yeah. over in australia, you can't go camping in australia, you'd be killed by every animal imaginable. [ laughter ] >> this is a bone that i have to pick with everyone in america who comes up to me over the last 16 years i've lived here and said, "how do you survive, how does anybody survive in australia with all your spiders and snakes?" i don't understand. this is the opposite. i file americans are wrong here. >> jimmy: really? >> you guys have bears and giant animals that will literally shred you to pieces. kill you. >> jimmy: yeah? >> wouldn't you rather just have a little snake bite you, and just you die? [ laughter ] like that? >> jimmy: no. >> than a bear just shredding you to pieces? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but bears rarely attack people. i mean, i think like five people a year in the united states get killed by bears. and most of them are dummies who
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are taking pictures with the bears. [ laughter ] >> right. >> jimmy: whereas snakes will get you. and spiders you got over there? you've got -- even like your cute animals are deadly. even like a kangaroo will mess you up real bad. >> that's true. >> jimmy: right? >> that's true. >> jimmy: you brought a video of a bear incident you had, right? >> yes. i feel confident after -- well, i had this experience where we saw a park ranger just run towards a bear. she had this weird -- like an '80s television satellite strapped to her. and she was listening to the bear somehow. [ laughter ] and then she just ran straight for the bear screaming bloody murder. and i thought, well, okay. if it's that easy. >> jimmy: that's how they handle the bears? >> that's how she did it, yeah. >> jimmy: let's have a look at this. oh, yeah, that's a bear.
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[ yelling ] >> jimmy: oh, yeah, she's got one of those parabolic microphones. [ applause ] that's what she does? >> so easy. >> jimmy: that's not what you are supposed to do. because the bears will figure that out eventually. >> well -- >> jimmy: that will work five times, on the sixth time the bear is going to come back and swat you one is what's going to happen. >> then shred you apart, like i was saying. >> jimmy: are there no bears in australia at all? >> no. >> jimmy: there's koala bears. >> they're not technically bears, they're koalas. >> jimmy: so we've been lied to about that? >> yes, heavily. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: let's talk about "the handmaid's tale." your character, you probably agree with this, is one of the most despicable villains on television, including like tucker carlson. [ laughter ] like right up there in the pantheon, right? >> yes. >> jimmy: well -- >> awful. >> jimmy: but now -- and i don't want to give anything away. but now people have kind of mixed feelings because there was
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a scenario in which your character had a baby. and elizabeth moss' character helped you with having the baby. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and then it was a little bit of a bonding experience. and this was right after you really had a baby. >> yeah, it was literally months after i gave birth to my second son at home, actually. i did it at home. >> jimmy: that's really researching a role. [ laughter ] im, a lot of people go on a ride-along. learn to shoot or something like that. but you went to the wall on that one. >> i did, yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what is the main difference between having a baby, a real baby, and then having a tv baby? >> well, i think -- [ laughter ] aside from the obvious. things. is that the baby, on set, is -- i mean, so like a 16-day-old little twin, they're twins, usually -- >> jimmy: 16 days old? >> they're tiny, teeny.
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they cover them in cream cheese and jam. >> jimmy: for real? >> so it looks like it's got all the stuff on it. then you go to, like -- i'm being serene, "oh, i love my baby." then you're smelling this cream cheese smell. [ laughter ] you're trying to do a scene. >> jimmy: oh my god, i gave birth to a bagel! [ laughter ] >> exactly. where's the salmon? >> jimmy: and then this episode, being the finale, there's something very big that's going to happen. do you want to reveal it? go ahead and just ruin the show. >> ruin the show? >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know -- i just feel like -- all i will say is that whatever people are expecting to happen, it's not the thing that's going to happen. >> jimmy: okay. all right. all right, well, very good. all right, the season finale of "the handmades tale" wednesday on hulu. the thing you expect is going to happen is not going to happen. [ laughter ] but you will have a delicious
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>> lou: the “jimmy kimmel live” concert series is presented by mercedes e-q. all electric, all mercedes. i want to thank nick kroll and yvonne strahovski for being here. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. “nightline” is next but first it's time to get loud. their album “cave world” is out now, here with the song “troglodyte.” viagra boys! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ he goes to work on his computer he thinks about his gun at home ♪ ♪ one day he's gonna be a shooter he's gonna bring his gun to work ♪ ♪ he thinks about the ones who wronged him and the punishments they'll face ♪ ♪ but things they would play out much different
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back in the time when we were apes ♪ ♪ ♪ when everybody was a monkey ha ♪ ♪ we had to fight just to survive ♪ ♪ and now you got yourself a weapon you think you choose who lives and dies ♪ ♪ but when we had hairy arms and legs and you were still swimming round in a lake ♪ ♪ yeah you were still a troglodyte you just evolved a bit too late ♪ ♪ you ain't no ape you're a troglodyte you ain't no ape you're a troglodyte ♪ ♪
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♪ yeah you're a troglodyte-yte-yte ♪ ♪ yeah you're a ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ he says he don't believe in science he thinks that all the news is fake ♪ ♪ and late at night he sits on his computer and writes about the things he hates ♪ ♪ but if it was a million years ago and we were still living in caves ♪ ♪ you would not be welcomed by the other apes
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♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, the death of rapper takeoff. >> caller heard gunshots and people screaming. >> a founding member of the influential trio migos. ♪ >> they single-handedly changed hip-hop. >> fans in shock, paying their respects to the mild-mannered star. >> this was somebody's family member, this was somebody's cousin. >> the latest in a string of rappers taken too soon. part of the national epidemic of gun violence. >> when is enough, enough? going to stop?nseless violence - destination unknown. the latest craze hitting the travel industry. surprise vacations. >> you're going on a trip? where are you going? >> i have no idea.
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