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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  November 17, 2022 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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>> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight, patrick dempsey, nicholas hoult, and music from the backseat lovers. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: that's very nice. wow. welcome. thanks, i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you very much. thanks for watching. thanks for coming. thanks for taking time away
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from trying to get taylor swift tickets all day and night to be here. [ laughter ] we are lucky to be in hollywood or maybe we're not lucky, but we're lucky we're not in van wert county -- [ moan ] from there? reacting negatively for no reason? [ laughter ] van wert county, ohio, which is not far from fort wayne, indiana, where there are thousands and thousands of aggressive vermin on the loose. >> thousands of mink are on the loose in ohio after being released from their cages during a break-in. between 25,000 and 40,000 mink were released. the letters "alf" were spray painted on a wall alongside the phrase "we'll be back." apparently stands for "animal liberation front." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, no, it doesn't. i know what alf stands for, it stands for this. >> pass the plum sauce. >> jimmy: he's back and he's
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moved on from eating cats. [ applause ] no, this is a serious thing. they say about 10,000 mink are still on the loose. so, if you feel something exquisite rubbing against your leg -- [ laughter ] call local animal control. they are very active and aggressive. they're excellent swimmers. they can climb trees. and if threatened, they bite, hiss, and discharge a strong, musky scent from their anal glands. very similar to mike pence. the day of the insurrection. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] the former vice poodle has been making the rounds, promoting his new book and wowing the world with his robin williams-caliber charisma. [ laughter ] mike pence last night had a town hall event with jake tapper on cnn. and when you see him in action talking with the people interacting with real americans, suddenly, you understand why this guy made it almost all the way to the white house. >> i want you to meet andrea barber dancy from indiana. >> thank you. i represented madison county in
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congress for many years. >> andrea. >> jimmy: it happens. honest mistake. he isn't usually allowed to talk to women. he got nervous. [ laughter ] i'm sure it won't happen again. >> i want to bring in our first hoosier of the night, daniela melosi, she's from fort wayne. >> well, michelle -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i think we just found a new spokesperson for prevagen! [ laughter ] maybe the reason he calls his wife, "mother," is he can't remember her name. i don't know. [ laughter ] he did correct himself and then got on to the hot gossip we expect from the white shadow. [ laughter ] you know, not all of his stories about donald trump are negative. before trump stood by and enjoyed watching his henchpeople try to hang him, he offered a very meaningful spot, turned out, to pence, being commander of a then imaginary branch of the military. >> the only committee i asked to be on in congress was the nasa subcommittee. what he didn't know, karen and i
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had taken our kids when they were little to vacation at cape canaveral, just to see the rockets. i'll never forget saying to him on the phone, would i leave the space council? would i! and we went to work. >> jimmy: i think he might be a robot. [ laughter ] i think someone built trump a robot vice president and, on the morning of january 6th, he lost the remote control. >> then we sat down. and i prayed. i prayed for god's grace to meet that moment and that spirit. and it wasn't easy. and -- and to be honest with you, i'm as human as the next guy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yep, definitely a ro robot. [ laughter ] is the "next guy" a ziploc filled with miracle whip? then i'm as human as he is. in the meantime, mike's former boss is making a run for the oval office without him. trump got a visit today from a woman who could be his next
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running mate, failed arizona governor candidate kari lake. traveled to mar-a-lago today. you know, there was a real fear that the maga brand candidates who lost would go full trump and claim all their elections were fixed but that hasn't been the case. to their credit, adam laxalt conceded in nevada, dr. oz and doug mastriano conceded in pennsylvania. in arizona, despite the fact that she lost by 17,000 votes, with no evidence of any election shenanigans whatsoever, kari lake still isn't giving up. >> irwanted to reach out to let you know i am still in this fight with you. >> jimmy: thanks. [ laughter ] that's like a very scary message from your wife the morning after an argument. "i wanted to let you know that i am still in a fight with you." [ laughter ] just like trump, kari lake claimed the election was rigged before it even happened, and as a result, her followers have been lashing out at officials in maricopa county, specifically the guy in charge of elections there. phis name is bill gates and here's the thng.
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not that he did anything wrong, but if you're trying to avoid stirring up these conspiracy crazies, you're not doing yourself any favors going by the name "bill gates." okay? [ laughter ] might want to stick with "william." bill gates is a republican, by the way, which makes this argument particularly stupid. but still, the wingnuts are fired up. i don't know if you remember this, but about a year ago, this character showed up at a board of city supervisors meeting in san diego. >> do you think that the four feet of marble that holds you above high in this chamber will help you from the fate of humanity which you are unleashing! no! your children and your children's children will be subject! i only ask, how many vaccines have you had? have you been a good little nazi? >> jimmy: fun, right?
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his name is matt baker. not only is he concerned about vaccines, he hitchhiked all the way to arizona to support kari lake's claims of voter fraud. >> which is more valuable? your vote? or your money? now ask a lobbyist that same question. now ask a campaign manager that question. now ask mark zuckerberg that question. which is more valuable, your money or your vote or your country or this world or the corruption that is taking over every single county in this nation! and then you look into your own soul, and you look back at yourself in the mirror and realize that you are the cancer apart!s tearing this nation - good day! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you. our next speaker is kimberly burlson. >> jimmy: good luck topping that kimberly burlson.
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the sad thing is it makes you think differently about guy white guys with dreadlocks. [ laughter ] republicans yesterday officially won enough seats to regain control of the house, which pmeans they're getting right to work. shifting focus from inflation, climate change, and a woman's right to choose to what americans really care about, hunter biden's laptop. a group of house republicans announced today they plan to investigate hunter and the whole biden family to determine whether his business activities "compromised national security." the highly classified documents in the mar-a-lago rumpus room, no problem. hunter's crackhead photo stream, that we need to get to the bottom of right away. they're also talking about investigating dr. fauci. for what, i have no idea. and neither do they, by the way. they'll come up with something, i'm sure. it's ridiculous, it's childish. we learned today that outgoing speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, is not going to seek a leadership role in the next session of congress. she's 82. she said it's time to start an
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onlyfans account. [ laughter and applause ] the new speaker of the house, come january, will be trump suckup kevin mccarthy, a man who always somehow looks like he's in the first half of a cialis commercial. [ laughter ] "more than 50% of men experience some form of erectile dysfunction." [ laughter ] take control of your life. the democrats control the senate, republicans have the house, which means we've got an exciting two years of non-stop fighting ahead. but this, i think, is a glimmer of hope. as divided as this country is right now, to me, this is proof that we can come together and put our differences aside, no matter what transpired in the past. >> what is this? >> i got you an ear. >> no, it's not. >> this ain't my ear. >> yes, it is. cherry pie filling. >> my ears don't taste like cherry pie. >> yes, they do. >> don't. >> yes, it do. >> don't. >> yes, it do. i ate your ear, i should know. >> you're right.
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>> jimmy: i think i know what i'm getting you for christmas, guillrmo. [ cheers and applause ] if you told me 25 years ago that not only would marijuana be legal, mike tyson and evander holyfield were going to star in a commercial together, selling it, i'd have said, "what are you eating, evander's gummy ears? " [ laughter ] as the holidays approach, mariah carey looms. you know that "all i want for christmas" song you're gonna hear everywhere all the time every four minutes for the next five weeks? well, apparently, mariah, as a result of the enormous popularity of this song, tried to trademark the name "queen of christmas." "mariah carey, queen of she filed paperwork to own that and was denied. according to the u.s. patent and trademark office, another artist is already known as "the queen of christmas." a woman named elizabeth chan fought against mariah carey. she says, "christmas isn't about one single person."
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well, don't tell that to jesus. [ laughter ] what a ballsy move for mariah. i mean, the first line of the song is "i don't want a lot for christmas." now she wants to be queen? [ laughter ] seems like a lot. i didn't know you could name yourself queen of something. but when i read this, i decided thank you, i've wanted to come up with a name for myself. i've always wanted to be king of something. so we did some research to see what was available. the following titles are already spoken for. they're trademarked. i can't be king of pop, king of the jungle, king of queens, king of leon, king kong, king of the hill, the sausage king of chicago, keerchg the world, kings hawaiian, king of the road, king of new york, "the lion king," keerchg the mountain, king of swing, king of king, king midas, king of rock - 'n' roll, or pat's king of steaks. none of those are available. but i did find one that's not only available, it's a really good one. and so, by the power vested in me by the u.s. patent and trademark office, i hereby
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declare that from henceforth, i shall be known as -- [ drumroll ] thank you and bring me my crown. the "king of those little plastic things on top of pizzas that look like a tiny table!" [ cheers and applause ] thank you, guillermo. >> guillermo: all hail the king of those little plastic things on top of pizzas that look like a tiny table! long may he reign! >> jimmy: thank you, my lord. >> guillermo: you're welcome. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and heretofore, the cheese on your pizza will never stick to the box top again! what are you doing there? all right. now, one more thing before we forge ahead, the king declares that it's thursday night, which means it's time to bleep and blur the big moments of the week, whether they need it or not. it's "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> coming up this hour, chance the rapper's got a big [ bleep ]
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you'll see only on "cbs mornings." >> they're our [ bleep ], not their [ bleep ]s. these are our [ bleep ]s. and we are coming. >> you've also made a career out of, i guess, [ bleep ]ing matt damon, too. >> oh my god. oh my god, yeah. >> she, biden, they met, they [ bleep ]ed for three hours. >> now i've got a smaller [ bleep ], larger [ bleep ], why? >> excuse me, have a little [ bleep ]. >> $100 apiece? >> yes. >> what about $160? >> what about [ bleep ], [ bleep ], we'll call it good. >> yes, yes. >> i really want to do it. >> all right. >> when my lead agent, tim gables, came in, "sir, we've got to get you out of the building now." i stuck my finger in his [ bleep ]. i'm not leaving. >> finally somebody's [ bleep ]ing my [ bleep ]. okay, you heard the man. [ bleep ] it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we've got a good show for you tonight.
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nicholas hoult is here. we have music from the backseat lovers. the great billy gibbons is here. and we'll be right back with patrick dempsey. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: yeah, all right. welcome back. tonight, from the new movie, "the menu," nicholas hoult is with us. then later, a good new band from the good old state of utah. their album is called "waiting to spill," the backseat lovers from the mercedes eq stage.
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[ cheers and applause ] and we are very fortunate here in our studio. sitting in with the cletones all night, the sharp-dressed man himself, billy gibbons. [ cheers and applause ] how are you doing? thanks for being here. billy, is that true that is jimi hendrix's guitar? >> that's true. way back in 1970, isle of wight. billy is celebrating jimi hendrix's upcoming 80th birthday with this never-before released live album, "the jimi hendrix experience - los angeles forum." [ cheers and applause ] is it true hendrix gave you a guitar lesson? >> he did, he did. >> jimmy: wow. >> it was -- "foxy lady." you know. this. ♪ >> jimmy: he taught you to play that? [ cheers and applause ] did he -- did your mom have to pay him or something like that?
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>> yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes, okay. thank you, billy. billy gibbons is with us. [ cheers and applause ] next week, we have new shows with kristen bell, carey mulligan, machine gun kelly with music from angela alvarez and noah kahan. so join us for that. for 11 mcdreamlike seasons, our first guest was one of the horniest doctors at the horniest tv hospital ever. [ cheers ] now you can see him singing and dancing his heart out in the long-awaited sequel, "disenchanted," on disney plus. say hello to patrick dempsey! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> whoa! >> jimmy: look at you. >> thank you very much, thank you. >> jimmy: you just get more handsome each year, it's ridiculous. >> and you as well, thank you very much. >> jimmy: i don't know about that. it's good to see you. there's something i want to ask you about. >> yes? >> jimmy: something i might need
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your help with. >> okay. >> jimmy: about six weeks ago, you were named the disney legend. [ cheers ] >> thank you very much. thank you. >> jimmy: this is a big disney event. then because you were on "grey's anatomy," how long were you on "grey's anatomy"? >> 11 seasons. i think 243 shows, something like that. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: abc, owned by disney, the disney corporation -- >> correct. >> jimmy: now, i've been on abc for almost 20 years. 243? that's like a year's worth of shows for us. >> yes. >> jimmy: and i'm not a disney legend. yeah. >> not yet about. >> jimmy: well, not yet, but -- >> you have a star. i don't have a star on the walk of fame. you have that. [ applause ] >> jimmy: you don't have a star? >> but you do. >> jimmy: maybe we can change that. >> we'll work together. >> jimmy: great idea. >> if we team up, i'll get a star -- >> how sad they'll be, "of
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course we'll give patrick dempsey a star." "but he's not a disney legend." >> disneyland free passes. i don't have to wait in line anymore. [ cheers ] thank you. if you want to go call me, i'll take you. >> jimmy: the first movie you ever did was a disney tv movie? >> it was the movie of the week they would do sunday nights. i believe it was -- '86, maybe? >> jimmy: 1986? >> yeah, something like that. so yeah, it's been a long time. >> jimmy: beau bridges was in it? >> beau bridges played my father. i played a character who had epilepsy. i believe he was suing his parents to get this special surgery to prevent it from happening. >> jimmy: "the boy who sued his parents." >> yes. >> jimmy: we happen to have a trailer. >> oh, no. >> coming to the disney sunday movie -- >> are you always this nervous? >> only around people. >> his life had just begun. >> hase's built up a tolerance the drug.
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>> this operation splits your brain in half. >> this is the last chance i've got. >> the answer is no! >> he's fighting for awe 92 life. >> i'm being sued by my 16-year-old son. >> karen valentine, beau bridges, a story of courage and love, "a fighting choice." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you blew up your dad's car? >> thank you, thank you. that's so funny. >> jimmy: you are a disney legend that settles it. >> yeah, that's where i seal the deal. >> jimmy: you were at that event, i believe -- you had white hair. >> oh, yes. >> jimmy: here's your thing. now, i have to say, you do -- and i'm not just being cute here -- you have beautiful, beautiful hair. were you really nervous about dyeing it white, about turning it white? >> it wasn't supposed to be that white initially. i went into -- i was in a film, finished a film about ferrari. i play a character who's a race car driver in the 1950s. t
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terufi. the silver fox. that's the character. that's the hair color we were going for. >> jimmy: that's the hair color you were going for. the first time they do it, you look at it in the mirror, do you freak out? >> well, i was constantly texting my wife. is this the right direction we're going in? because it was yellow. she's like, no, it needs a toner, it needs other things. okay, let me talk to the hair people. it took a considerable amount of time to do it, like six hours. by the end of it, you're frying your skull. basically, your scalp is peeling off by the end of it because of the chemicals. >> jimmy: i'm surprised this is legal. because your mare -- >> i don't know how women and people do it. >> jimmy: nobody does that, right? nobody makes it white. right? >> that was very popular, a lot of people called me after this. >> jimmy: you and barbara bush, i think. [ laughter ] >> well, she did a good job with her roots because you never saw them, so i'm impressed with her hair person. >> jimmy: you must be so psyched to be in that ferrari movie,
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right? >> it was great, a dream job. >> jimmy: you love car racing. that is really what you love more than anything. more than your family, even. >> no, no, no. they asked me that question last night, snuck it in, my boys. >> jimmy: they did? >> "do you love us more than racing?" >> jimmy: they did? >> i'm like, "of course i love you." they're like, "dad!" "i'm joking, i'm joking, i'm joking." i got their attention. my sons, you know, both of them are getting ready -- they're at that age they start to learn how to drive. >> jimmy: are you going to teach them? >> i have been, they've been driving, they're doing a great job. >> jimmy: do you tell them they're going too fast? >> all the time, constantly. "slow down." "dad, stop." >> jimmy: you can't say that to them. >> not when my behavior isn't really an example. >> jimmy: as a kacar lover drivg a ferrari, i guess there's no key, right? there is in the street ones. >> the street cars, yeah. the race cars, there's a different type of key. >> jimmy: did you get just an
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incredible surge of pleasure when you turned that engine over? >> yeah the whole -- 82i do all the driving. constantly get in the car, drive all day long. we recreate sequences in the movie where they're racing. >> jimmy: is that one of the conditions? "yeah, i'll do it, but i need to be the one driving the car." >> michael mann, incredible director, i've been stalking him the last ten years, begging him for any role in the movie. then i heard it was going with adam driver playing ferrari. i called him up immediately, "is there anything for me in the movie?" "let me think about that." he called me back, "would you like to play terufi?" dream job, i loved it. to be in italy, it takes place in the 1950s so you have the costumes, you have the romance of that period. the cars were incredibly deadly. >> jimmy: yeah. >> you think about that.
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>> jimmy: no air bags. >> nothing like that. >> jimmy: yeah. they didn't outfit them to be safer? >> we had a little bit of a cage, but no roll cage. we were racing without that. >> jimmy: wow. all right, we'll take a break, talk about your new movie out now," disenchanted." patrick dempsey is with us. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live!" are brought to you by gillette labs, effortless shaving in one efficient stroke.
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[sfx: stomach gurgling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪ when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, ♪ ♪ upset stomach, diarrhea. ♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief... when you need it most. (♪♪) this season, you can spend less and make holiday dreams come true at t.j. maxx, marshalls and homegoods, with amazing gifts for everyone on your list. ♪ cheerful holiday music ♪ ♪ yeah, that's nice. ♪
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care coalition, where are we on alaska airlines? we found that people are raving about their customer care. i mean, take a look at this! wow! [dog barks] says here they have the most flights from the west coast. they fly to chicago, hawaii, cancun! wow! do they fly to my magical faraway kingdom of care-a-lot, way up in the clouds where anything is possible? they have direct flights to vegas. close enough! ♪ ♪
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it appears you've forgotten your sword. >> no, i don't have a sword. >> i'd just as soon now that you are a country squire you'd have more need of the sword. >> still a lawyer. >> tragic. how desperate you must be to truly do something. >> i do a lot. >> yes, of course. a brave front is required to face a life as barren as this. perhaps this will help. >> oh, no, i couldn't. >> oh no, you must. robert this sword and i have slayed many a beast. and seen magnificent adventures, testing both body and spirit. may it do the same for you. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is patrick dempsey and james marsden in "disenchanted" which is the sequel to "enchanted" you did, what, 15 years ago? >> it was 15 years ago. >> jimmy: that's crazy. >> really crazy. >> jimmy: before "grey's anatomy?" crossed over? >> no, right around the beginning.
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started i think right after the first season of "grey's anatomy." >> jimmy: you sing in this one? >> i do, i sing and dance in this one. [ cheers ] thank you. it was a great experience. >> jimmy: were you excited about doing that? or something you were not looking forward -- >> dancing i was okay. singing, a little nervous about. petrified. >> jimmy: there was a musical episode of "grey's anatomy" and you did not sing on that one. >> no, i did not. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you say, i don't want to sing? or they said, no, you don't get to sing? >> i elected not to sing. >> jimmy: you elected not to sing. so they went around and said -- >> i was not confident. >> jimmy: it wasn't like staff karaoke night," yeah, no, he's not going to sing, we're going to let ellen sing." >> she has a wonderful voice, it's a shame she didn't sing. >> jimmy: she's leaving the show. i don't know if you heard. because she got caught stealing band-aids from the set. [ laughter ] >> did she really? finally they caught her. >> jimmy: yeah, they had to sadly let her go. but isn't it --
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>> imagine what she would have in her house now from 19 seasons? >> jimmy: oh, man. if i ever get a -- >> "do you have this? i need it." >> jimmy: do you find you get better attention at the hospital because of that? >> absolutely. >> jimmy: you do? >> i get around the line completely. go right in, do a consult, i'm good to go. >> jimmy: do you ever meet people who say, "i became a doctor because of that show"? >> i have, i've met them. who have said it was because of the show. they've gone through medical school, now they're practicing. >> jimmy: wow. >> that's the greatest thing about the show. >> jimmy: you wouldn't be treated by one of those people, would you? >> yeah, it would be interesting, wouldn't it? >> jimmy: yeah. >> get a consult from one of those young interns. >> jimmy: remember when "l.a. law" was a big show, all of a sudden there was this huge influx of attorneys because people thought that was how it was going to be. >> yes. >> jimmy: and boy, it isn't, the reality is -- >> jimmy: the reality is quite different. >> right now there's a real crsis in the nursing field. that's where we need to get
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young people in there. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, we need to do a show about nursing. >> support the nurses. >> jimmy: yeah, you might have to go back. >> he comes back, he has a brother. a nurse. >> jimmy: kids are watching "grey's anatomy," teenagers, like crazy. >> second-generation. >> jimmy: i imagine you get approached by these kids that weren't even born when you were on the show? >> technically, yes, that's right. which is really -- it's amazing the power of that show and how long it's lasted and the impact it's had around the world. it's changed my life profoundly and my family's. >> jimmy: thank god you look good, too. otherwise it would be like, "oh -- mcdreamy." [ laughter ] >> i've had things like, "oh, this is what you really look like." yeah, thank you. >> jimmy: it's very good to see you. >> great to see you. congratulations. you're here for a few more years. >> jimmy: that's right. and congratulations on your disney legendary status. >> thank you. >> jimmy: we'll work together. >> we'll work together on that. >> jimmy: patrick dempsey,
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everybody. "disenchanted" is on disney plus. we'll be back with nicholas hoult! ♪biggest, biggest, biggest♪ ♪this is the biggest bounce of the summer♪ ♪ay, ay, ay, ay, if you coming in,♪ ♪come, don't play play♪ [camera clicks] ♪if you feel too shy then watch pon me,♪ ♪watch pon me, watch, watch pon me♪ ♪shake your♪ ♪this the biggest bounce of the summer♪ ♪if you ain't coming that's a bummer♪ ♪freeze♪ ♪watch pon me♪ [car zooms] ♪ ♪bounce oi oi, biggest, oi oi, biggest oi oi, biggest♪ ♪this is the biggest bounce of the summer♪ [crickets chirping] oh, hey, it's the donovans. you know, legend has it... the donovans had a bar-b-que that fed half a town. you know what i heard? they drove cross-country, just to walk their dog. ...apparently, they climbed a mountain to save some wild horses. [wind and thunder]
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nicholas hoult and the backseat lovers are coming up but first, being a soccer fan seems easy, but it takes a lot of dedication if you want to do it right, and no one knows that more than the goat, guillermo. >> the biggest soccer match of the year is happening across the
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globe in qatar. but it's 2:00 a.m. in los angeles where america's biggest soccer fan, guillermo rodriguez, is sleeping by a baby. but wait a minute, like the mighty phoenix, guillermo rises from hisbed. >> guillermo: ughh! >> he pots to the bathroom with the speed and beauty of a wild gazelle. he takes blade to face, using gillette for an effortless safe. when you look good with gillette labs, you're ready to game good. here he comes. about to make contact with the sofa -- and it's good! now it's time to fill that clean-shaven face with well-earned nachos. good going, guillermo. >> score! >> lou: looking at left warming the bench. with a chance to get a wakeup call from guillermo during the competition, go to
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hey, now.
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we have music from the backseat lovers still to come. you know our next guest as the boy from "about a boy" and an x-man too. he received an emmy nomination for courting catherine the great and now you can see him eat in the new movie, "the menu." it opens in theaters tomorrow. please welcome nicholas hoult. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. >> how are you doing? >> jimmy: i heard you like to race ferraris also. >> i do. i busted into patrick's dressing room to talk about it. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> sounds very exciting. >> jimmy: i don't have that bug in me, but boy, seems like when you get it, it is something, it's all you can think about. >> it really hooks in there on you. >> jimmy: how long have you been doing that? >> you know what, not too long. i kind of got into it through michael fassbender in "x-men." ferrari have kindly given me the chance to get into it more and
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more. i actually had my first race two months ago. >> jimmy: is there a better name for a race car driver than fassbender? >> sounds like you're really fast. hoult is not good for that. >> jimmy: there you are, you look official. they gave you the helmet. >> yeah. >> jimmy: are these the standings here? >> that was the names of everyone who was laughing at that moment. >> jimmy: so you didn't finish 16th out of 20? >> i'd have been thrilled to finish 17th. you can't see how slow i am. i'm at the beginning of the journey. >> jimmy: how many miles per hour is slow in one of these? >> the fastest i've been so far on one of those tracks was at coda, which i think 165, 170 down the stretch. >> jimmy: on the straightaway? >> yeah, not through the corners. >> jimmy: oh, boy. >> i'm closing my eyes screaming, i don't know what's going on. i hope it was on the straight. >> jimmy: could you beat patrick dempsey if we set up -- >> no, way faster, way skilled. that's why i wanted to ask him
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questions, figure it out. >> jimmy: i see, you're sizing him up. [ laughter ] >> i want to be there, i want to learn. >> jimmy: i know you shot a movie with nicholas cage. >> yeah. >> jimmy: nicholas cage was here in april, i think. he was, i have to say, one of the most interesting and delightful guests we've ever had. i was really taken by him. and i wondered, you worked with him when you were just a kid, right? >> yeah, the first film i did in america was "the weatherman." i played his son in that. >> jimmy: what was he like at your movie dad? >> he was great, from what i remember, but i was 14 so it's a bit of a blur. it seems normal, but clearly it's not, it's nicholas cage. [ laughter ] then it's got even more bizarre over the years, because now he's in this movie we just shot, it's called "renfield, i'm playing his familiar. he's dracula. it makes sense why i'm moving like that when you see the film, i swear. [ laughter ]
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that's not a bold acting choice, i's a fun action comedy. >> jimmy: it's a comedy? >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, i didn't know. >> yeah, no, sorry, i should probably have said that, it's a comedy. >> jimmy: yeah. >> about kind of -- i've been his familiar for 100 years, i'm tired of working for dracula, he's narcissistic and a horrible boss, how do i get away from him, essentially. >> jimmy: that's fun. >> yeah. >> jimmy: have you ever had a crazy nick cage night with him? >> i haven't. >> jimmy: you think that's because you played his son, maybe he thinks of you in a paternal way? [ laughter ] >> yeah, he didn't, like, take me out for any wild nights when i was 14. >> jimmy: yeah, no. >> this, we were working a lot of nights, actually.pthat's a l >> jimmy: sure, you're vampires, you can't be out in the middle of the sun. it's one of the hazards of being in a vampire movie, i guess. so okay, so nothing like that. he just is -- just normal to you? >> i found him, like you said, he was so focused and charming and brings all this inspiration
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from all these brilliant films. he's just passionate. it's really -- for everyone around him, just brings the best. he elevates. we had a crazy moment where we were weeks from shooting, we're in the director's office, and he just, like, put his script down, knew all his lines already. it was just like, standing over me, delivering all these lines. and i'm laying on the floor, pretending my stomach's cut open. out of nowhere, bizarre -- i'm not really telling the story well. i wasn't planning on telling it. >> jimmy: it's all right. >> when i get to do press for that film, i'm tell that story, it will be great. >> jimmy: come back, think about it, retell it. >> yeah. >> jimmy: although i think we probably got it. he's over you doing the lines, right? >> no, i meant he's so prepared and ready. weeks from production. yeah. >> jimmy: you became famous when you were how old? >> 11? >> jimmy: 11 years old. >> famous-ish, i don't know. >> jimmy: have you ever had like a job -- i don't mean to indicate acting is not a job. it kind of is. >> really. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: have you ever had like a regular job? >> i think the closest i've
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maybe been, which doesn't sound that close, i was a roadie for my best friend who used to radio deejay kids' birthday parties. >> jimmy: you'd carry his stuff? >> the smoke machine and the lights. when he needed a certain cd, back in the day of cds, he'd have a big book of cds," get me cd 46." i'd be flipping through, "i don't know where 46 is." "we need to drop it now." he'd send me on the dance floor when it was the macarena -- >> jimmy: you had to get the crowd going? >> trying to lead younger kids. >> jimmy: when i was in college. "get the people dancing." but i don't dance. >> what was your go-to? what was the song? >> jimmy: for me, "cool it now" by new edition was a big one. [ applause ] there was a whole routine. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i'll share it with you later. >> thank you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the next appearance, as you tell me about nick cage hovering over you while your belly is cut open, i will maybe teach you the "cool it now"
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dance. [ laughter ] this new movie, you're getting incredibly great reviews for the movie. i don't know how much i can say about the movie. it could be ruined. >> it's tricky to promote because there's a lot of spoilers. that's what was so fun reading the script. you read it, it takes so many turns you don't expect. basically the premise is this elite, high-class chef has invited a bunch of guests to this restaurant. and he serves up an unexpected evening. i don't know. >> jimmy: okay, yeah, yeah. that seems like -- >> like a satirical dark comedy, commentary on society in the moment, i guess. >> jimmy: ralph fiennes is the chef, and you are a guy who eats, really, right? >> i'm like a foodie, like fanboy who just adores this chef. he's the most excited person to be there in the world. and is kind of very obnoxious and cringeworthy. and eats nonstop. he's very greedy as well. i ate every day on that set.
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anna taylor joy plays margot, the character i'm on the date with, and i ate all her food as well. >> jimmy: how do you prepare for a role like that? do you eat? [ laughter ] >> exactly, it was great. a lot of prep for films -- >> jimmy: yeah, learn to right a horse or whatever. "give me a fork." [ laughter ] >> i laid on the sofa watching chef's table and i ate, went to nice restaurants, "this is what i've got to do." >> jimmy: that sounds like a gig. it's great to have you. the movie is called "the menu." it opens in theaters tomorrow. we'll be right back with the backseat lovers. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live!" concert series is presented by mercedes eq. all electric, all mercedes.
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>> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live!" concert series is presented by mercedes eq. all electric, all mercedes. >> jimmy: billy gibbons, everybody! patrick dempsey i want to thank, thanks to nicholas hoult. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next but first, their album is called "waiting to spill." here with the song, "growing/dying," the backseat lovers! [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ ♪ ♪ why does the plant on the windowsill reflect my state of mind ♪ ♪ growing and dying all the time why did the clerk ♪ ♪ that rang me up look so hypnotized just look me in the eyes ♪ ♪ ♪ i'd like to let it slide but it would be nice to know ♪ ♪ why all the blinds are closed
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it would be nice to know ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ why does the wall insist i have my back against it why does the wall ♪ ♪ why don't you call me out for leaving all the lights on ♪ ♪ why don't you call ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ searching for a sliver ♪ just enough to tell the ♪ ♪ forest from the fire slowly getting closer every moment in the light ♪ ♪ is drifting by by ♪ ♪ ♪ it would be nice to know ♪ ♪ when i decide to grow
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sure would be nice to know i think it's time to grow ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> reporter: this is "nightline." >> tonight, crypto mania crash. inside the fall. >> it's a lot like people buying and trading smoke. >> of the once-hot ftx, endorsed by celebrities like tom brady and steph curry. >> with ftx, i have everything i need to buy, sell, and trade crypto safely. >> the young mastermind under investigation. >> it was worth $32 billion only 21 days ago. >> what's next for cryptocurrency? plus weekend with weezy. rare exclusive asking to rapper lil wayne. ♪ as he returns to his home of


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