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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  November 29, 2022 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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dan: ama: have a one. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- billy crystal. kate berlant. and music from camilo. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: well, that's very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. i want to welcome you. thank you for joining us in
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southern california, where it's sunny. it's mariah carey time. you know, all she wants for christmas is me. >> guillermo: that's, that's great. >> jimmy: she keeps singing it. [ laughter ] we're into the holidays hard at our house. last night, we decorated gingerbread houses. which i am terrible at. we've already watched "elf," "charlie brown christmas," "home alone," "christmas story," and all three versions of "the grinch." we were watching "the grinch" last night, and you know how at the end of "the grinch," the grinch steals all the toys, and goes up to the mountain, waits for everyone in whoville to cry, he wants them to wake up and cry? but instead of crying, they engorged with love? becomes - well, i asked my kids. i said, "if the grinch came and stole everything, all our toys on christmas morning, would you cry? or would you still be happy it was christmas and we had each other?" immediately they said, "oh, by would cry for sure. [ laughter ] it's not a realistic story at all. [ laughter ] we haven't put our tree up yet.
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we're going to do it next week. this is how i want to do it. this is how they got the annual christmas tree, a 40 footer, into the durham museum in omaha, nebraska. they just attach it to the back of two tracks and dragged it in there. how they got the trucks out of the museum, i don't know. maybe they just blew them up or something? [ laughter ] they had to be drunk when they came up with this plan, right? this is not a decision that sober people make. [ laughter ] i tell you what, i admire it. congratulations are also in order for the u.s. men's soccer team -- [ cheers and applause ] who won, they advance to the round of 16 at the world cup. they beat iran 1-0. this was a weird one to root for because you'd think the u.s. versus iran would be like rocky versus drago. but there's a revolution going on right now in iran led by women and young people who are speaking out gilbert arenas the vicious regime that runs that country. [ cheers and applause ]
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and the players for iran have shown a lot of courage. they even refused to sing their national anthem, which resulted in the iranian government threatening to torture their families. so they weren't exactly villains. it's like finding out the shark in "jaws" is an endangered species. you don't know who to root for. [ laughter ] next up, the americans will play the netherlands. and they're tough, the dutch. you know, they wear wooden shoes with the little points on them. [ laughter ] "i'll kick you." and it hurts. [ laughter ] that game is on saturday at 6:00 a.m. our time. will you get up for that, guillermo? >> guillermo: yeah, of course. go usa, yes! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're rooting for us? >> guillermo: yes, jimmy, yeah. >> jimmy: will you be drinking? in the morning? for that game? when benji wakes up, will daddy be hammered with a waffle in his mouth? >> guillermo: no, only one shot. >> jimmy: that's it? at the beginning from the game or the end? >> guillermo: at the beginning ar for the nerves. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: in other sports news, this is good for americans to see. evidently, we are not the only
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people not getting along with each other. canadians are having some trouble too. at least two of them are. this is from an amateur hockey game up in britih columbia. stay all the way to the end of this clip, you will be very glad you did. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: knocking yourself unconscious against the glass in a hockey rink is what they call "a canadian nap." [ laughter ] speaking of head injuries, polls
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of showing herschel walker -- [ laughter ] in a dead heat with the incumbent raphael warnock in their runoff. and republicans are pulling out all the stops to support him. senators ted cruz and lindsey graham in particular have spent more time with herschel than he has spent with all of his children combined. >>,, >> t >> >> 21, 22 -- 32, 33, 34, 35 -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i really think lindsey graham might be in love with herschel walker. [ laughter ] it's crazy. by the way, 35 push-ups, it's hard to do push-ups with an erection, that's a lot. [ laughter and applause ] we seem to be in the middle of a never-ending political campaign. the next presidential election is still two years away, but the
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race to run the republican national committee is heating up. we learned yesterday that mr. mypillow, mike lindell, is throwing his tin foil hat in the ring. [ laughter ] he wants to be in charge of republican party campaign spending. he would like to unseat ronna mcdaniel. and mike lindell has a tendency to make big announcements that never really pan out. like when he said he was going to have 30,000 people at his rally, and he was off by 29,000 people. [ laughter ] or when he said the supreme court was going to side with him 9-0, they went against him 0-9. or when he said donald trump would be reinstated as president on august 13th of last year. and then when that didn't happen, he said he'd be reinstated at thanksgiving. and instead, trump now spends thanksgiving at a golf club with an antisemitic schizophrenic and teenage mutant ninja hitler. [ laughter ] when mike lindell says he's going to beat the current chair, ronna mcdaniel, we're probably going to have to settle for him hitting ronald mcdonald over the head with a chair. >> i went through my due
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diligence, and in prayer, i am 100% running for rnc chairman against ronna mcdaniel, 100%. i'm all-in, steve. and one of the things that -- one of the big donors said to me, "mike, everybody wants you to be head of the rnc, some of them just don't know it yet." >> jimmy: right, right. and they never will. [ laughter ] you do have to admire his crackheaded optimism, though. sadly, it seems the media is not taking mike's ambitions seriously. and he is upset that jokes are being made about this. some of them even coming from me. >> we have our own platform, but we build it as we were getting attacked. we built it, you know -- jokes were made then. jimmy kimble, everybody, remember the jokes that were made. he joked about frank's speech, yet he was the one that watched it the most. >> jimmy: that is true, actually. [ laughter ] yeah, i did watch it a lot. paragraph paragraph i'm a fan. that's why i don't want him running the rnc.
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i mean, he's got to be there for me when i need him. even business-wise, it makes no sense. right now, mike is currently being sued for $1.3 billion by the voting machine company dominion. and he's almost certainly going to lose. the rnc doesn't pay enough. mike needs to be thinking about higher-paying jobs, like being an art thief or being beyonce or something like that. [ laughter ] and what about the pillows? without mypillows, donald trump will have nothing to scream into at night anymore. [ laughter ] donald trump is bigly upset about jack smith, the special counsel who was appointed to oversee the investigations into the classified documents he stashed in his basement, and the role he played leading the insurrection on january 6th. and you know it's getting serious because he's been referring to himself with his middle initial again. he wrote, "this fully weaponized monster, jack smith, shouldn't be let anywhere near the political persecution of president donald j. trump. i did nothing wrong on january 6th, and nothing wrong with the democrats' fix on the
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document hoax. that is, unless the six previous presidents did something wrong also." dot dot dot. while he went to the bathroom. then back, dot dot dot. [ laughter ] "when will you invade bill and hillary's home in search of the 33,000 emails she deleted? when will you invade the other presidents' homes in search of documents, which are voluminous, which they took with them, but not nearly so openly and transparently as i did?" [ laughter ] which, i'm not a lawyer, but seems like he just admitted in writing to taking the documents. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] maybe he's right. maybe we don't need a special counsel, he just closed the case himself. [ laughter ] saying you committed the crime "openly and transparently" is not a defense. it's a confession. because he's scared. trump is so scared of jack smith, you'd think he was a windmill. [ laughter ] meanwhile, the trump family is spinning out, too. trump's fourth favorite son
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eric has been making the rounds. and doing interviews. though, to his credit, he's very professional about it. he does not play the daddy card. he is completely his own man. >> tom brady always fought and played for his team. my father's playing for team america. my father won the primaries. right? my father fought for this cont -- this country. my father gets out there, "we're going to build a wall wall." my father cleared most of the rinos out. my father will win. my father. my father. my father. my father, my father, my father, my father, my father fought his ass off every single day -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: right. your father is so busy working his ass off he forgets my birthday and my phone number. [ laughter ] and sometimes my name. [ laughter ] eric's father is having a tough week. several prominent republicans have distanced themselves from trump's dinner with schmucks. even mike pence took some time during the world's saddest book tour to weigh in on that ill-advised meal with the k-k-ye. >> president trump was wrong to
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give a white nationalist, an anti-semite, and a holocaust denier a seat at the table. i think he should apologize for it. and he should denounce those individuals and their hateful rhetoric, without qualification. >> jimmy: good, good, well said, mike. let's just leave it at that. >> that being said -- [ laughter ] as i point out in the book as well, i don't believe donald trump is an anti-semite. i don't believe he's a racist or a bigot. i would not have been his vice president if he was. >> jimmy: right. no, he's not a racist. he just eats withthem. [ laughter ] i love mike pence telling donald trump to apologize. donald trump hasn't even apologized for trying to kill you! [ laughter ] you think he's going to apologize for this? [ cheers and applause ] and kanye. trump is very made at kanye. he believes he was ambushed. he reportedly told those around him, "kanye tried to f me, he is crazy." [ laughter ] yeah, no kidding.
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he declared "death con-3" against the jewish people. that wasn't a hint? you invited a lunatic over for taco tuesday. [ laughter ] kanye is still doing interviews. he was on a podcast yesterday where he claimed he owes more than $50 million in taxes. well, good luck finding a decent accountant. [ laughter ] he also claims that the irs put a $75 million hold on his bank accounts, and they're trying to put him in prison. but even if they do, he says he will still run for president. man, how great would it be to have kanye and trump running against each other from prison? [ laughter ] maybe even in the same cell? [ laughter ] the future does not seem bright for kanye west. he owes the government a lot of money. no one wants to do business with him. he shows no signs of contrition whatsoever. and even wholesome neighborhood shoe merchants are circling him, smelling blood. >> looking for a stylish, comfortable shoe that looks great, fits your budget, and has no association with the most unhinged rapper who ever lived?
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ye-less shoes has you covered. we have no affiliation with kanye west or his white supremacist friends. these nonbigoted boat sues, ye-less. these fit for a jesus sandals, ye-less. these? we wouldn't be caught defcon 3 selling these anti-semitic shoes. >> i used to wear keysies, then i switched to ye-less.pboy are happy. >> sporty yet sensible. >> the easiest, un-yeezyist shoe store there is. you can't deny these savings or the holocaust any longer. recommended by, well, you know. >> it was a jewish doctor. >> oy, vey, you've got that right. ye-less shoes. just jew it.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: we have a marvelous show for you tonight. kate berlant is here. we've got music from camilo. and we'll be right back with billy crystal. so stick around!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back to the show tonight. a very funny person. her weird and wonderful one-woman show is called "kate." kate berlant is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, his album "de adentro pa afuera" is nominated for a grammy. did i do that right, guillermo? >> guillermo: a little bit. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the tables have turned, have very they want? >> guillermo: yes. "de adentro pa afuera."
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it's nominated for a grammy. camilo from the mercedes eq stage. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night, we'll be joined by david harbour and lisa ann walter. with music from thee sacred souls. our first guest is a six-time emmy winner, current grammy-nominee, and the oscar host against whom all others are measured. his movie-turned-tony-nominated play, "mr. saturday night: a new musical comedy," has turned into a movie again. it premieres thursday, exclusively on broadway hd. please welcome billy crystal. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm good, i'm good. still excited from the gill today. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> oh, yeah, it was nuts. >> jimmy: were you? >> after the game, the coverage
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in the sports bars, all these drunk guys taunting the netherlands. [ laughter ] "the netherlands, we're coming for you, netherlands!" you don't taunt the netherlands. >> jimmy: you shouldn't taunt the netherlands. >> no. >> jimmy: i was watching it in my office -- really not watching it, typing on my computer, kind of listening to it. i keep hearing the guys, "ohh!" "what happened?" "oh, something almost happened." over and over and over. it's very good to see you. >> you too. >> jimmy: i've been thinking about this lately already because i'm hosting the oscars for the third time. [ cheers and applause ] no, stop. >> and you do it great, you do it great. >> jimmy: you hosted it nine times. [ cheers and applause ] and so well. i know how much -- i have an idea of how much work goes into that, and you're so great at it. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i want to ask you a
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question. you called me after i hosted the oscars the first time, and i was very, very delighted and flattered to hear from you. when you hosted the oscars the first time, or in any event times, did anyone who you respected and admired call you in that same -- similarly? >> yeah, it was the most exciting phone call i've ever gotten in my life. >> jimmy: oh, great, all right. >> the call to tell me in 1968 that i was out of the draft. [ laughter ] 'twas the night after the "titanic" show. >> jimmy: right, right. >> the highest-rated oscar show of all-time and i happened to be part of that. that morning -- you know, you can't sleep. once the pressure's off, you go out, you have a couple of belts, you eat, and your mind, as comics, "what did i do, did i say this right?" you don't sleep. 8:30, i drift off. my assistant carol calls me. she says, "hey, boss, johnny carson is on the phone." and i went, uh, what?
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is it really him? yeah what should i tell him? i said, tell him to [ bleep ] off. [ laughter ] and she goes, really? no! no. i wake up. i'd never spoken to him except it's on the show. are you sure it's not marty short? is it christopher guest? now i get to the phone. i am sweating like albert brooks in "broadcast news." [ laughter ] pouring off me. "hi, johnny." then there's that voice. you know? "i just got to tell you, you did so great, and you know, i just -- i've done it, a bunch of times." he said all these nice things. "no one should do it but you." on and on and on and on and on. and i went, "thank you." and i started to cry. >> jimmy: wow. >> yeah. because that's all you wanted, back then, was for johnny to give you -- >> jimmy: right.
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>> "give me one of these." i got one of these. >> jimmy: you're saying johnny doesn't want me to host this show? [ laughter ] >> no. >> jimmy: oh. >> no. >> jimmy: okay, that's what i got from it. [ laughter ] >> no, it was kind of extraordinary. >> jimmy: yeah. that's pretty -- that's pretty spectacular, yeah. >> the thing is -- spectacular, if you get into it, the people that you get to meet -- people you never thought you would ever meet. >> jimmy: what are some of the people you met that -- >> that are -- strangers you ever -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> shirley temple. >> jimmy: wow, okay. >> they had a reunion of all the past living winners -- well, of course they're the living winners. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wheeling out -- >> and she was backstage. and it's that same little -- that face that she had when she was a little kid. >> jimmy: how old was she when you met her? >> she was 109. [ laughter ] no, she must have been in her late 70s. and she said to me -- that face. she was -- i think she had had a couple of belts. >> jimmy: really?
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she doesn't drink those nonalcoholic red drinks? >> her own drinks, she doesn't drink her shirley temple. she said, "where's the ladies' room?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you know? >> i said, i don't know. >> jimmy: you brought us a picture of thanksgiving. >> oh, man. >> jimmy: i want to ask about this. you're here at thanksgiving. >> yeah, it's the best holiday. [ applause ] >> jimmy: you like it best, huh? >> i do. >> jimmy: most people do, i think. >> because i get to wear my yankee apron. >> jimmy: uh-huh, right. >> and i get to drink moscow mules, one after the other. and that's not a good thing to do when you're going to carve a turkey. >> jimmy: did you carve -- did you cook that turkey or just cut it? >> we cooked one and got another one -- >> jimmy: oh, oh. backup. smart. >> i carved both. i carved both. >> jimmy: by carved, you mean chopped beyond recognition, it looks like. [ laughter ] >> well, the moscow mules. [ laughter ] you're like, you know, a civil war surgeon in those movies.
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that leg's gonna have to come off, kid! rrrghh! >> jimmy: one of the things i miss about doing shows over zoom is seeing inside people's houses. i really like looking around your house. what is that, you've got a tv monitor? can we push in on that? >> that's a security -- >> jimmy: oh, wait. [ laughter ] i hope that's a screen saving. [ cheers and applause ] johnny would love that. >> yeah. oh, that's funny. >> jimmy: what did you guys end up doing for thanksgiving? >> we had everybody over like we do every year. >> jimmy: how many people are we talking about? >> 49. no it was 18. >> jimmy: okay. >> but it's like a four-day event for us. >> jimmy: is it really? >> yeah. wednesday they show up with their rolling suitcases. oh, boy. and you just invited them for dinner, they come the day before. [ laughter ] and you hear the wheels on the walkway. you go, "they're here." "hey, bill, you fix that fireplace in the guesthouse?"
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"yeah, i did, just for you." so then we do that. we had a problem right approaching the holiday. which i think should be renamed. >> jimmy: why? >> thanksgiving is great, but it's not what you do. you know? you eat your ass off, which i think is what the holiday should be called. [ laughter ] so you're coming over for eat your ass off? yeah! >> jimmy: i like it. [ laughter ] >> it's good, catchy. so two weeks before, janice and i decided, let's lose about five pounds in two weeks so we can really just really enjoy the four days. >> jimmy: okay. >> we get this food delivered by this really good service. it's diet food. it comes in a zip-loc kind of bag. you know. and they leave it early in the morning, you go to pick it up. the first two days, great, lost a pound and a half the first two days. then i come out and the bag is unzipped and the food is gone. two, three, four days in a row, the food is gone. i go on the security cameras.
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we see raccoons. [ laughter ] they're so smart. they come with those -- you know. [ laughter ] and they eat. they ate all the diet food. but you know what, they look fantastic. [ laughter and applause ] i went a long way for that. so then we eat -- we do all the stuff. we go to disneyland. filled with food. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> we go to disney land. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> everybody's filled with food, oh my god. it's not a small world after all. [ laughter ] and everywhere you look, we started in churro land. [ laughter ] and everywhere you go, there's 15 of us, there's rides every place. it's fantastic, it's really stale great. >> jimmy: yeah? >> there's a lot of rascal scooters. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> people getting around on a rascal scooters. my niece, she's 5 years old, goes up to a woman sitting on a
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rascal scooter, goes, "my turn." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: her turn? >> no, no. >> jimmy: people are rude. >> we walked ten miles. >> jimmy: really? >> it's not an easy walk. you're always, you know -- [ laughter ] it's a lot of dodging. so'm walking up the street. and there's -- i'm next to a woman who's wearing mike wizcowski stuff. i'm the voice. [ cheers and applause ] she's got a big mike sweatshirt and her little son has a mike sweatshirt and a mike beanie, they're covered with merchandise that i don't have a part of. [ laughter ] so i'm next door. i'm like, oh, good mood, my kids are laughing, "she has no idea." "hi, i'm mike wizcowski."
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she goes, "that's good but my brother does it better." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: billy crystal here's. we'll be right back. >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by google. check out this year's "holiday 100" gift guide. (keyboard sounds) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here...
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aah! >> aah! >> feel all right now? >> i'm wrung out. one minute i'm home in florida watching tv, the next minute they show me my baby brother was
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dead. >> if i was really dead, don't you think i would have called you? >> i couldn't think, i just raced to the airport. i paid full fare, for god's sake. >> schmuck, you tell them it's a bereavement. >> i couldn't prove it. >> that's why i carried the picture of dad napping. >> jimmy: that is billy crystal and david hamer in "mr. saturday night: a musical comedy" which, of course, is a great movie, then you made it into a great musical, which i was lucky enough to get to go see on broadway in new york. and now it's a movie again, so people can see it. >> broadway hd, streaming december 1st, i couldn't be more excited about it. when you're on -- in broadway, it's 1,100 people a night and that's it. >> jimmy: right. >> so now, we close, right before labor day, everybody around the world can now see it. i'm really proud of it. it came out all right. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: your singing, i have to say, i don't know, maybe i shouldn't have been surprised. i was surprised how strong your
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singing was in this musical. >> i didn't do my own singing. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that wasn't you? your lip synching -- >> i had josh groban in the wings. >> jimmy: oh, that was josh. >> i trained very saw. you saw. it's a bear, this show. >> jimmy: it was very fist physical. how do you train? this is a dumb question, but how do you train to be a good singer? >> you have a great coach, his name was david stroud. and he trains a lot of the -- the "the voice" singers, "america's got talent" singers, "american idol" singers, he's great. i started about nine, ten months. it's a lot of scales. it's like working out in the gym. you just have to make your muscles strong. and i was always kind of musical. >> jimmy: what's working out in the gym? [ laughter ] >> and then, you know, i started -- once the score was written, just start working on those numbers and interpreting them and learning how to hit notes. the hard thing about it is you're doing it seven times a
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week. my character is 75 for most of the show. then i have to play him at 25. >> jimmy: right. >> and i have to play him at 30. sing at different -- in different ways. you know? so it was interesting. >> jimmy: yeah, but it came out great. it's well worth seeing. it's on broadway hd? >> stream, you'll find it. >> jimmy: you are nominated for a grammy for the soundtrack, right? >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how many grammys have you been nominated for? >> i'm in an interesting category. i'm in the "pees when he hits a high note" category. just a little. it is my third grammy nom nomination. >> jimmy: third grammy nomination. you look marvelous. [ cheers and applause ] >> first lost to whoopi goldberg. second was the audiobook of my memoir when i turned 65, "still fooling them," lost to colbert.
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now we're up for this, maybe third time's a charm. the thing with the colbert thing, i really wanted to win that. i was very proud of that album. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> i read the book in front of a live audience, for most of it. it was like the comedy albums we grew up on. >> jimmy: do you feel steven should give you that grammy just as a sign of respect? >> or make me the governor of arizona. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that settled yet? >> no. but that book won the audiobook of the year. the audi, it's called. >> jimmy: oh. >> a big one. i think this is really great. the three finalists. bryan cranston and meryl streep. can't get much better than that. >> jimmy: wow. did you rub it in afterwards? >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: you have to, yeah. [ laughter ] >> that's the only time i'll beat her at anything. >> jimmy: the great billy crystal, everybody. watch his special, "mr. saturday night: a new musical comedy." it's on broadway hd premiering
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thursday. thank you, billy. we'll be back with kate berlant! now, there's skyrizi. ♪things are getting clearer♪ ♪i feel free to bare my skin♪ ♪yeah, that's all me♪ ♪nothing and me go hand in hand♪ ♪nothing on my skin♪ ♪that's my new plan♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ achieve clearer skin with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin . and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪it's my moment, so i just gotta say♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections, or a lower ability to fight them, may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi, the number one dermatologist prescribed biologic. learn how abbvie could help you save.
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>> lou: this week on "jimmy kimmel live" -- with relapsing forms of ms, there's a lot to deal with. not just unpredictable relapses,
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>> jimmy: hi, there, welcome back. music from camilo is on the way. our next guest is an actor, writer, podcaster, comedian, and playbill-type star of a critically acclaimed one-woman
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show about herself. "kate" returns to the connelly theatre in new york, december 19th. please welcome kate berlant. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: very happy to have you here. you're very, very funny. >> oh, wow. >> jimmy: i heard you brought your mom to the show? >> i did, i did. my mother, helen, is backstage right now. hi, mom. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's nice of her. does she come to things? >> no, she doesn't support my work. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she doesn't? >> but she loves you. she's here, yes. >> jimmy: same with my mom, she likes you, doesn't care for me much. that's great. >> she's an angel, truly. hi, mom. my mother is so enchanting. people meet her, look at their own mothers, "i can't." she's so -- she's unbelievable. >> jimmy: is she really? you're being serious? >> you will be enchanted by her if you go backstage. >> jimmy: all right, i might
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need a little enchantment, why not? you can never have enough enchantment. >> no, we can't. we don't get enough of it today, am i right? [ applause ] >> jimmy: you play your mom in the stage show that you do. >> yes. there's a little bit where i play my mother. but i portray her as a callous, irishwoman. my mother is actually a warm, spanish woman. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, but i tapped into something that is not her. it's actually quite cruel in retrospect. >> jimmy: does she like that? does she wish you were doing a more accurate representation? >> she's hurt. but i tell her, by the end show it's clear that's fiction, that's not truly my mother. >> jimmy: i see. >> for a lot of the show people are going, this girl has weathered a lot, taken a lot with a cruel mother. >> jimmy: my wife went to see your show in new york, she loved it. >> i know. >> jimmy: she said you were sitting in the lobby when the theatergoers arrived. >> yes, there's a bit -- in the lobby, the preshow, which people don't talk enough about that. the show starts when you get in
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the door. >> jimmy: yeah, sure, yeah. >> what i did is i'm seated on a bench, there's a spotlight on me, a sign around my neck says "ignore me." laugh, please. [ laughter ] okay, no, i get it. challenge accepted. >> jimmy: do people ignore you? >> yes, they do. people come in, they're so reverent, i think they think i'm taking that seriously, this is my theater show, please ignore me. so people really tiptoe. it's amazing to be treated with that level of respect. >> jimmy: that's got to be a new york thing. i think in almost every other city, people would be like, oh, i'm not going to -- "how ya doing, good to see you!" >> people sit to me, photography is encouraged, just don't touch me. >> jimmy: do people violate that and touch you? >> no, they're very respectful. they get close but they don't touch. >> jimmy: that's nice. do you learn anything about them, seeing your fans when they come into the theater? >> i watch them roam, i watch them flirt. the show is a hotbed of flirtation. >> jimmy: is that true? >> yeah. >> jimmy: are they flirting with you or each other?
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>> each other, which i encourage. it's a gorgeous crowd. >> jimmy: you grew up in the los angeles area? >> yes, santa monica, which is although technically not los angeles, culturally very wedded to l.a. >> jimmy: for sure. this is your high school yearbook. >> i can't believe you have that. >> jimmy: there's a group shot. and that's you right there, right? >> that's me. >> jimmy: yeah let's really zoom in there. >> that's me. >> jimmy: because it would appear that you are holding a baby. [ laughter ] >> yes, yes. so this is -- some of my very early work. what i did was last minute, took a sweatshirt -- you can do this at home, any fabric, sweatshirts, bedding. if you fold it correctly, it will appear to be an infant. [ laughter ] you can do that if you want to appear virtuous or want to avoid someone. that was a little trick i pulled as a young youth. and none of the higher-ups noticed. and there it is. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i like it. you didn't get in trouble for that? >> no, no. >> jimmy: joe burnham helps you with the show? >> he directs the show.
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>> jimmy: he's fantastic. >> he's amazing. >> reporter: this is a real show. it's not you just doing stand-up, this is a show. >> this is a proper theatrical show. i'm a stand-up but this show is not my stand-up. it's a real theater -- it's a play. >> jimmy: it's a play. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and so you're playing various characters from your life? some that are completely made up as well. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you also -- now, have you -- what are you going to do differently? i know the show was in new york in the fall. now you're going to be doing it again. will it be the same thing? should people who saw it already come again? >> oh, a lot's going to change. no changes. but yes, please come back. [ laughter ] please come back. no, it's the same show. of course, things inevitably change as we repeat them over the years. but no, this is the new winter encore run. i'm very thrilled. >> jimmy: the winter encore run? >> encore, yeah. >> jimmy: it will be essentially the same thing? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, okay. [ laughter ]
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>> so i am going to be, like i said, winter in new york, the cold, i'm from california. so the harsh elements. i'm not used to that. i am actively seeking a broth sponsorship. [ laughter ] for the winter run. i don't think anyone's ever done this before. >> jimmy: okay. >> where is my little -- >> jimmy: there's a cup there. >> there is a company i'm making a plea to. this is a gorgeous broth company in new york. >> jimmy: this is a real company? >> real company, i want to be clear, they do not know i'm doing this. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. >> they're watching right now, "honey, are you watching abc, oh my god." this is a remarkable company. i'm so excited about the broth. i'm doing the show. i have to sustain myself. people say what do you do backstage, what's your it. wall? broth. >> jimmy: it's brought? >> broth. >> jimmy: will broth be provided to people at the show, the audience? or just be for you, the performer? >> the broth is just for me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: broth is just for you. >> i have to sustain myself. i need the minerals, the
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nourishment. again, they have no idea. all i'm asking for is a cup of broth a day. seven shows a week, you can't let seven cups fall off the shelves for me? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's all you want is the product? >> you can't way for this. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're not looking for cash? >> no. they love it. look at them, they love it. so nutritious, so comforting. come backstage after i perform, have the warm broth back there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you don't have to talk to me, i'm pro-broth, very brother-broth. >> imagine if they don't give me the broth after this. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i know, it would be -- you know what, we'd have to -- we'd both be embarrassed is what would happen. >> frodo, which i'm told is italian for "broth." >> jimmy: sure. if the folks at broda -- >> please, please, please! >> jimmy: well, it's great to have you here. >> thank you for having me. >> jimmy: the show is called "kate," named after you. returns to the connelly theater in new york december 19th.
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kate's comedy special, your specials are fantastic. >> thank you. >> jimmy: it's called "cinnamon in the wind." it is on hulu now. kate berlant, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] we'll be back with camilo. >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes e-q. all electric, all mercedes.
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>> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert ries is presented by mercedes e-q. all electric, all mercedes. >> jimmy: i want to thank billy crystal and kate berlant. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next. but first, his grammy-nominated album is called "de adentro pa' afuera." here with the song "indigo," with help from evaluna, camilo! ♪ ♪ [ singing non-english ] ♪ ♪
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[ singing non-english ] ♪ ♪ [ singing non-english ] ♪ ♪ [ singing non-english ] ♪ ♪
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[ singing non-english ] ♪ ♪ [ singing non-english ] ♪ ♪ [ singing non-english ] ♪ ♪
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[ singing non-english ] ♪ ♪ [ singing non-english ] ♪ ♪ [ singing non-english ] ♪ ♪ ♪chrsnd applause ]
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♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, dog theft. >> the national dog show best in show winner is the french bulldog. >> french bulldogs may have been named best in show and the arm candy of celebrities. but their rising popularity and cost have made them a target for thieves. >> the percentage that are reported as stolen has really been growing. it's alarming. >> one woman's harrowing journey to get her dog back. >> as soon as he handed me my dog, there was at least eight or ten police cars rushing in from all areas. >> how you can keep your pet safe. and "love actually." >> is natalie here? >> hello. >> the beloved holiday film 20 years later. our diane sawyer with the cast.


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