tv ABC7 News Getting Answers ABC December 8, 2022 3:00pm-3:29pm PST
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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions this is abc7 news. kristen: getting answers live on abc seven. we talk with experts about issues important to the bay area. we get answers in real time. brittney griner is back soil after the biden administration completed a prisoner swap for the wnba star. how did the deal happen and what does it mean? an expert at dartmouth will joining us. also, everyone is going crazy over to ai powered apps. lends up which gives you artistic avatars with a simple photo and chatgpt, which can
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write that her essays than most of us can. it can write my script here better than me. we will talk with our media partner at the san francisco standard about the dangers and limitations of these powerful, popular apps. turkey nation, the largest tribal nation in the country is fighting for a seat at the table. make that a seat in congress, a seat promised all the way back in 1835. and is inching closer to reality. with nancy pelosi support. joining us that was cherokee nations chief. we are honored to have the program today. >> thanks for having me. kristen: tell us how you define it, where are you located? >> we are the largest tribe in the u.s., 441,000 citizens. our reservation is in northeast oklahoma, the part of the
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country we were forcibly removed to in the 19th century. through that treaty you mentioned. the 1835 treaty of -- we are a government that does a great deal. we look to the u.s. to meet its obligations under treaties and laws and that is what this effort is about. kristen: you want our viewers to know about that treaty and your efforts to finally get representation in congress to that treaty. tell us how did the treaty come about? what did you give up in the process and what were you promised and who promised it? >> treaties are the supreme law of the land. there are lots of indian treaties that the u.s. has entered --they broke everyone of them with the cherokee nation. this treaty is unique in that it was the basis for our forced removal. the cherokee people were living in parts of the country that were the state of georgia, north carolina, that part of the country is what we are talking about. in the 19th century there is
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pressure in terms of settlers and states being imposed upon tribal lands. in order to resolve what was an indian problem for the u.s., they forcibly impose this treaty on us in 1835 that said we would give up millions of acres of our homeland in exchange for new land in what would later be the state of oklahoma. a quarter of our population perished ring the trail of tears. many americans may know about the trail of tears. in the treaty, is something powerful. the u.s. said the cherokee nation shall have a delegate in the u.s. house of representatives. here we are 200 years later. we are holding the u.s. government to their promise and asking congress to make provision for a delegate. kristen: we are talking about a nonvoting delegate? i understand some u.s. territories already have that? >> that is correct. that is a good way to think
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about what this person's role would be. the cherokee here in the white house, she has worked at capitol hill, she is qualified. but the delegate would be nonvoting. think about what delegates do, a delegate from the district of columbia, washington dc, they sit on committees, introduce legislation, debate for and against measures. they do everything other than vote on final passage. that is a great deal of authority. it's a great opportunity for the cherokee nation, to have another champion in congress, a unique one, delegate from the cherokee nation. this is a provision that was literally written by the u.s.. i have simply gone to washington dc and said, we will take you up on the offer, we have our delegate rather -- ready to be seated. kristen: you're talking about the delegate nominated already. what is a take procedural wise? who needs to take --to make that
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happen? >> we have been working on this since 2019. we had a wonderful meeting with speaker pelosi. that is where it sits now. we had a hearing before the rules committee at the house of representatives on a bipartisan basis i got encouraging feedback. there was never a question about whether they should be done. but how should it be done? that is important. it is important for the country that the u.s. keeps its promise. speaker pelosi in the waning days of congress could see to it that a resolution is put on the floor and voted upon. she has been a champion for a lot of marginalized populations in the country, including indian country, that is why i am optimistic that she will help us get this across the finish line before the congress closes. kristen: she issued the statement of support at the hearing you testified last month. let's say that clock runs out. do you have other champions that
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will take that up? >> on a bipartisan basis, we do. in oklahoma we have congressman melinda was going to be -- congressman mullen will be senator of oklahoma. congressman cole who was a member of the chickasaw nation has been a champion for treaty rights and the rights for nations people. chairman mcgovern of the rules committee. on a bipartisan basis we have our friends. i am a tribal leader. i know my history. the cherokee people had to exercise patience. my attitude is often, the next time the united states keeps a promise, we will be --it will be the first time it's kept a promise. no matter how long it takes, it is worth the effort to see to it that the u.s. keeps a promise the cost my ancestors so much blood, so much treasure. it's an opportunity for the u.s. to do the right thing. i am optimistic we will get it done this session. if we do not, we will continue
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the effort to make sure the country does the right thing. kristen: can i just say, if you had the delegate in place today, what are the priorities that she would push for and make sure that the u.s. house heard in terms of what the needs are for the cherokee nation? >> there's a lot of priorities. one thing that comes to mind is health care for native people. as you look across the country there is a deficit in resources available for native peoples. the u.s. is a billion dollars behind on a health care infrastructure on tribal lands, a billion without b. -- with a b. that is one area. operation fundings to help our clinics continue and grow. we are the only part of the federal health care system, we get a lot of federal funds for health care actually could shut down, if the government of the u.s. shut down because of some funding labs in congress. other aspects of federal health care is guaranteed funding.
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we think indian health care ought to be treated the same. that funding methane ash mechanism is important -- mechanism is important. the cherokee language is endangered. it's endangered in part because of federal indian policy that really eroded language and culture among many, many tribes in this country, the u.s. caused a fair degree of damage to native languages shouldn't the u.s. put resources on the table so we could save languages? kristen: we will continue to follow the story. cherokee nation principal chief chuck, thank you so much for coming on the show today. coming up, after almost three hundred days, detained in russia, brittney griner is free. we will have more on the prisoner swap, how it happened and
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kristen: wnba star brittney griner is on her way back to the u.s. to a medical facility in san antonio, texas, after high-profile prisoner swap from russia. president biden spoke flanked by kamala harris and brittany's wife. >> she is safe, on her way home. after months of being detained in russia held under intolerable circumstances, she will soon be in the arms of her loved ones. kristen: joining us live is the assistant professor, danny gilbert an expert in foreign policy writes about hostagetaking. professor gilbert, thanks for joining us. what is your reaction today? >> i am elated for brittney
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griner, for her family, for everyone who worked so hard for so long behind the scenes, to make this day a reality for her to be coming home. it's incredibly emotional and really exciting. at the same time there is real mixed emotions too, which is that paul whelan, another american in russian custody did not come home as part of this exchange. today is a difficult one for his family. kristen: no doubt. i want to get into whelan in a moment. first, take us behind the scenes of how this deal got done. >> sure. when a foreign government uses their criminal justice system to take an american hostage like they did with brittney griner, it sets in motion a complicated set of diplomatic negotiations between our government and the state hostage taker. the biden administration had admitted that it put a
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significant offer on the table, months ago to try to bring brittney griner and paul whelan home. they have been pressuring the russian government, they've been using a back channel to talk with the russian diplomat soup try to convince them to --diplomats, to try to make a deal. the putin regime was not willing to allow both american prisoners to go free, only brittney griner . so the biden administration had to make a tough call between bringing brittney griner or not bringing either of them home at all. they made the difficult decision. now she is back. kristen: who they traded for was viktor boot. who is he and why is he nicknamed the merchant of death? >> he is an arms dealer who was arrested a dozen years ago and has been serving 12 years in a 25 year sentence for aiding and abetting terrorism.
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he provided weapons and an equal opportunity weight to authoritarians, to insurgencies to some of the world's worst warlords for a long time. the u.s. arrested him and had him in custody for his role, for furthering conflict and targeting americans. he served 12 years of that sentence. as part of this process, president biden commuted his sentence. he retains his guilty verdict. but was allowed to go short of the 25 years he would have been expected to serve in u.s. custody. kristen: that is where some people say look at what he has done. is that too heavy of a price to pay? i will point out, if we can pull out kevin mccarthy's tweet, the republican house leader and likely soon to be house speaker, saying this is a gift to vladimir putin. it endangers american lives. does it endanger american lives? >>
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question this. viktor bout is a criminal. the u.s. recognizes him as a criminal. he went through a fair process in the u.s., getting all aspects of the rule of law in his trial. but it raises the question about whether such a personal -- prisoner swap is fair. we remember there is equivalence of viktor bout and someone like brittney griner. it is never fair with the u.s. government has to give up to get our citizens back. it was never fair that putin took her hostage in the first place. they take a difficult look at this and determine whether someone like viktor bout or another prisoner could potentially pose another risk to americans. the hope is tlyill w bout not ce a risk but that the u.s. government can do more to deter
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this from happening again in the future. kristen: that is what i want to ask you. 19 countries, correct me if i am wrong, are currently holding americans unjustly. does this swap normalize the hostage taking process? how do we prevent that? >> that is a great question. there are more than four dozen americans who are currently classified as being wrongfully detained abroad. essentially, they are being held hostage by foreign countries, criminal justice systems. authoritarians all over the world have been doing this increasingly in recent years. states, including russia but also china, venezuela, iran, these countries hold americans hostage. in some sense, we may be nervous that they are learning that it works. one of the things the biden administration is doing and working closely with our allies who are similarly targeted by these kinds of attacks is working on ways to coordinate
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deterrence -- deterrents. how can the u.s., canada and the u.k., punish this behavior by our adversaries, create consequences for states that hold our citizens hostage to make sure that this trend is not continue to increase. kristen: i want to touch quickly on paul whelan, the u.s. marine arrested on espionage unjustly. , serving four years already. it's disappointing he was not part of the deal. does the u.s. have anything left to trade for him to get him back? >> that is a great question. the administration has been working to try to release paul whelan, since before brittney griner was even imprisoned. he was arrested four years ago and was serving hard labor for years. so, it's incredibly tragic he did not come home today. the government is working on different kinds of leverage on
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other russians who are imprisoned in the u.s. and other possible geopolitical deals that we might be able to make to get him home. it's clear that vladimir putin's regime considered paul whelan in a different category than brittney griner, their focus on his sham espionage charges. it will be continued painstaking negotiations by the white house to try to do everything they can to bring paul back as quickly as possible. kristen: thank you very much for joining us and sharing your expertise. >> thanks for having me. kristen: coming up, two ai apps taking the world by storm. while technology is revolutionary, it is raising ethical debates. our media partners will join us our media partners will join us i had no idea how much i wamy case was worth. c call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible.
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♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ (grandma) [in navajo] where are they? it is cold outside. (vo) wells fargo has donated $50 million dollars in support of indigenous peoples... including funding solar furnaces that convert sunlight... (grandma) come into the warm house (girl) hi grandma! (vo) into household heat. (grandma) [in navajo] are you kids hungry?
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san francisco companies, we are talking about the lensa producing magic avatars producing your face and the chatgpt bot that is so sophisticated it could blow up everything from college essays to writing jobs held by humans. our media partners are exploring the uses for these apps in two new articles on their website. joining us live to talk more about that is olivia, a reporter for the standard. thanks for joining us. >> thank you, so much for having me. kristen: two separate apps, lensa and chatgpt. tying them together is the fact that the apps are so good they are thrilling and scary in terms of possibilities and consequences, would you say that? >> yeah. we have seen these apps blow up on the internet. there's a lot of concern. there is also a lot of excitement over the potential of what the technology can do. kristen: if the show people so
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they can get how impressive it is. lensa is art generated by ai. what does that mean? >> so, it is pretty incredible. we have seen everyone and their aunts can upload photos of themselves onto the app. the app produces these amazing portraits that are sometimes fantastical. they can be renaissance style portraits of view. so, that is what we have seen. prisma labs which owns lensa, told me they have seen in the first week of it coming out, they have seen over 10 million downloads of the app nationwide and worldwide. kristen: that is crazy. it's only growing exponentially. the company is based in san francisco. what are the issues involved? we reported on some privacy concerns as one issue. >> yeah. absolutely. i've been talking to a lot of experts. a lot have said this was really theoretical and intellectual for
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a long time. not everyone, including experts themselves expected this technology to become a reality today. so, we are grappling with a lot of legal issues and philosophical issues. like i mentioned in the article, there are a lot of artists raising concerns over the massive data set of billions of images and text used to train the ai models. if artists are being credited with art being used. there's issues of plagiarism and copyright. kristen: is that you i am looking at? >> yeah. i think it should be. we have a couple in their, that one is me. kristen: that looks uncanny. they take your photos that you upload. you talk about the intellectual property because, explain to people when you train ai, you have to feed it loads of information.
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pictures, different artists styles. explain how that can lead to stt g credthor >> one a comes to lens a ---- when it comes to lensa, it uses stable diffusion. all of these models are you -- trained on huge data sets. i have spoken to artists who thought the technology was interesting. then they started to notice something strange. some of the art coming out of the models resembled their art or other art, but not art they ever created themselves. kristen: again, no lower precedent is there to protect them or reward them. we will see where this goes. i want to talk about chatgpt. this article was written by your colleague. she put together a video to explain it. >> humans can ask questions and it will send back answers that range from chatty to scientific, to poetic. given a prompt and can write
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emails, papers, movie scripts, complex codes and even guess at medical diagnoses. kristen: it's not like it is combing google, trying to get answers for you. >> y like a human. you can interact with it in a human way. kristen: it writes scarily good. i, asked a question about how to shakespeare express feminism in his place. it gave me a three page essay and it's very well supported. i guess, when it is that smart, what are some of the potential issues with that? >> yeah. we have seen lawyers looking into this already. who are at the forefront of legal battles over this technology. we have seen it create code. it can be asked to write essays, articles, you can even draw up
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legal agreements. there are instances where you can ask the model to talk in the style of a deceased loved one. or information, some people should argue, --some people argue that should not be public information. kristen: what is the downside? humans could lose their jobs. but run some of the --run through some of the issues. >> that is an issue that comes up. it it can create basically anything. it becomes a philosophical question about consciousness and what happens when the ai can create a hit song that is more popular than a lot of other popular songs. kristen: then, i also read one article that said the college essay will be dead because of this. hey, you can get the chatgpt to write your essay about shakespeare and feminism or your college application essay. that's crazy, but just the tip of the iceberg. what is ahead in this great
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frontier? >> that is just the tip of the iceberg. i keep hearing over and over again from experts in the academic field, technologists, lawyers, artists, that this has huge implications we may not be fully able to understand, right now. i've heard some of the people working on the technology don't fully understand how it works. so, there's a lot of excitement but there's also a lot of fear and concern over what this means. kristen: all right. olivia, thank you so much for joining us. you can take --check out more of the standards reporting
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