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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  December 22, 2022 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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cheadle. >> have a great night. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- don cheadle, zoey deutch, and music from chris isaak, with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. very nice. appreciate that. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching and for joining us on what is the first day of december. and i know it's the first day of december. you know how i know that, guillermo? >> guillermo: because you're very smart?
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>> jimmy: that's one of the reasons. i know it because i heard about it a lot on the news today. >> the first day of december already. >> can you believe it? >> i cannot believe it. >> can you believe we are here already in december? >> it was halloween just the other day. >> can you believe it? december 1st. >> december 1st. >> do you believe it's december 1st already? that blows my mind. >> december, do you believe we're already here? >> i can't. >> december, do you believe it already? >> december 1st, can you believe it already? >> can you believe it's the 1st of december already? >> it's hard to believe. >> hard to believe we are already in december. >> hard to believe. >> hard to believe. >> hard to believe it's already december, that blows my mind. >> do you believe it's december already? what? how did that happen? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, november ends, and that's it. now it's the 1st of december. president biden was partying it up at the white house tonight. to celebrate december. the bidens hosted french president emanuel macron and his wife for their first official state dinner. biden does state dinners a little differently from former
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presidents. they happen at 4:00, then everybody goes to bed. [ laughter ] before the dinner, macron gave a speech. you can see joe next to him digging a dirty tissue out of his coat. [ laughter ] what happened to handkerchiefs? remember when every old guy had a handkerchief? and then, a few minutes later, biden goes "put 'em here jack!" [ laughter ] and they hug. he calls it the old joe blow. [ laughter ] thank god dr. fauci wasn't there. he would've dropped dead on the spot. [ laughter ] emmanuel macron has been through a lot in the handshake department. remember back in 2017? trump went to france? and held on to macron for dear life? he just kept holding the hand. almost like he forgot they were holding hands. jack and rose in "titanic" didn't hold hands for as long as these two did. [ laughter ] and they're saying this might be how the coronavirus got started, right? yeah. and then the macrons and bidens
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had dinner. it was feast, lobster, steak, and for dessert, a stick of rich, creamery butter topped with red, white and blue mattress coils. [ laughter ] president macron actually did something pretty great at the french embassy yesterday. he awarded the "legion of honor" medal to american veterans who helped liberate france in world war ii. which is worth remembering, especially today when one of our most talented and deranged pop stars donald trump dinner companion kanye west sat down for three hours of complete insanity with the despicable alex jones. just two guys who lost a billion dollars each hanging out, one of them praising the very nazis those brave men risked their lives to fight against. >> the so-called crime doesn't deserve the punishment. what did i -- >> that's right, you're not hitler. you're not a nazi. you don't deserve to be called that and demonized. >> well -- i -- i see -- i see god things about hitler also.
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[ audience moaning ] >> jimmy: great. let me guess, he invented the highway. >> this guy that invented highways, invented the very microphone that i use as a musician, you can't say out loud this person ever did anything good and i'm done with that, i'm done with the classifications. every human being has something of value that they brought to the table. especially hitler. [ audience moans ] >> jimmy: especially hitler? i think he's wearing the wrong color hood. [ laughter ] where is that -- [ applause ] will somebody please -- i don't know who has it, will somebody fire up that space laser already? [ laughter ] by the way, hitler did not invent highways or the microphone. in fact, kanye seems to be the first person to even claim hitler invented the microphone. i think he might be referencing an old myth that said the nazis invented the microwave oven.
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which a microwave is not a microphone. that's like saying alexander graham bell invented the telescope. they're different things. [ laughter ] i don't know where this goes, i haven't seen anything like this. we have a black white supremacist running around. [ laughter ] let's just imagine this was another pop star. let's imagine it was ariana grande saying this stuff. we'd load her into a cannon and fire her into the ocean, right? but kanye seems to get crazier every day. and he still has fans. you know an interview is off the rails when you're watching it thinking, "gee, i hope alex jones can talk some sense into this guy." [ laughter ] >> cnn says my people are evil nazis. so, i mean, i disagree with both statements but i get -- >> yeah, i don't like the word "evil" next to "nazis." i think we need to look at it -- >> oh my goodness, just because you don't like one group doesn't -- >> i love jewish people, but i also love nazis. >> oh, man, well. i have to disagree with that. listen. we're going to go to break. i'm -- i'm the -- i'm the crazy one here, we're all crazy. the whole world's crazy and the whole power structure's coming down. this year's absolutely lit. this is lit, lit, lit, lit, lit.
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>> jimmy: yeah. it's lit like a tiki torch in charlottesville is what it is. [ laughter ] seeing nick fuentes next to alex jones laughing it up reminded me of something. [ laughter ] the little guy on jabba the hutt. how happy is donald trump? he turned down kanye's offer to be his running mate? he really dodged a bullet there. today would be such a good day for kim kardashian to release a sex tape with bernie sanders. [ moans and laughter ] kanye wasn't done yet though. he ye'd in on a variety of subjects including dave chapelle and senate hopeful, herschel walker. >> dave chappelle does not believe in god and does not believe in jesus. these are the kind of black leaders that the zionists put in front of us. and meanwhile, we want to knock herschel walker, but her she can walker changed his life for christ. and he might have had abortions,
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but he doesn't believe in abortion. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: starting to think he shouldn't have dropped out of college, you know? [ laughter ] by the way, herschel walker should send kanye a thank you note right now for diverting our attention away from him. the runoff for the senate in georgia is on tuesday, and herschel's advisers know their most fearsome enemy is his mouth. his team will not let journalists within 20 feet of herschel walker at rallies. there are only a few days left and they can't afford to have him impregnate anyone else so close to election day. [ laughter ] herschel right now is staying so far away from reporters, you'd think he was their father. [ laughter ] but even with all the safeguards in place, one of our old friends managed to penetrate the herschel-verse. superfan jake byrd. over the years, whenever there's a media sir rut, jake manages to get right in the middle of it. and this week, jake took a trip down to georgia to rally with his favorite running back. >> hey, it's jake byrd! i'm in georgia, usa, and 've got the runs for herschel, let's go! high knees, high knees! ♪
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>> so tell us what you like about herschel walker. >> i believe he's a winner. i believe we need a winner right now. >> it's about the suicide of our country from within. i think herschel walker's standing up against that. >> this whole world has a lot of mental health issues. and he corrected them. and he confessed. so throw that out. >> exactly, concussions are so bad, how come i can see extra colors and taste music now? you can't answer, you can't answer. >> yeah, but -- >> you can't answer. >> but the -- >> i won't let you answer. >> yeah, we're on the same team. >> exactly. he played football and got a lot of concussions, and everybody's angry about it. but i played football and got a lot of concussions, and i'm just fine. >> that's right. >> but he played football and got a lot of concussions and everybody's angry at him. but i played football and got a lot of concussions and i'm totally fine. but meanwhile, he played football and got a lot of concussions and everybody's angry at him --
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>> i'm slow, but i got this. [ laughter ] you said it three, four times. >> i did. >> that's in his past, a long time in his past. he's not that kind of a person. >> exactly. >> he's not -- >> that was a long time ago. >> it was a long time ago. >> we're tired of the jokes, okay? we're tired of all the jokes about herschel walker. like, what's the difference between herschel walker and a high chair? a high chair supports children. or that herschel walker averaged 68 tackles during his marriage. or what's the difference between herschel walker and barack obama? >> are you -- >> herschel walker has his name on too many birth certificates. we're tired of the jokes. >> he's honest. he is who he is. >> exactly. i agree with you. he is honest and he's not afraid to say things. look. when they said in that book herschel walker held a gun to his girlfriend's head, he admitted it. what they don't mention is after he did it, she listened. >> raphael warnock?
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poor koond candidate, poor senator. i hope we get a replacement for him and send him back to the church. >> i like what this guy's saying. raphael warnock is a pastor, which means he thinks he can talk to god. cuckoo, cuckoo! ring, ring, ring! choo choo, choo choo, choo choo! >> i like that. no, i -- >> rrrrr! >> i'm amazed we can have a pastor -- >> rat tat tat tat tat tat tat tat tat! >> i basically want to see what changes in washington and the only way we're going to get there is if herschel gets this and saves our seat -- >> nice, i agree with this guy. once herschel walker is elected, we can't be called racists anymore. that's for you. come on, we're missing the rally! ♪ >> can you say your first and your last name? >> jacob, jacob byrd. >> i spoke to one of these split-ticket voters as well as
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someone who's standing by walker despite the scandals in his campaign. >> is he the best candidate for the job? maybe not. is he the most qualified guy in the world? i don't know, maybe not. but does he have a great attitude? yes. >> how's that going to impact this race? >> if herschel is elected, it will be 50/50, it will be split right down the middle, like that lucy episode where they put tape down the middle, ricky had to drink out of the toilet, lucy had to make her brown in the kitchen sink. >> what do you think of allegations made by these women against herschel walker? >> i'm gonna tell you, a woman thinks that she can get something over on a guy, that's her leverage. and that's it. >> can i agree with this guy for a second? let me blow your mind. when was that check that herschel walker supposedly wrote to that woman for the abortion? september 17th, 2009. what else happened on september 17th?
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whose birthday? hank williams sr. who's his son? hank williams jr. that's right. what's his big song? "are you ready for some football?" herschel walker's theme song. how's that start? "monday night, we're ready to strike." when did that article come out about herschel walker? that herschel walker paid for abortions? monday, october 3rd. blow your mind -- who else hates birthdays? garfield. who is he named after? president garfield. assassinated by what? a democrat. when? september 19th, a monday. when was that check herschel walker wrote for abortions supposedly cashed? september 19th. let me tell you something else. what's garfield's favorite food? >> lasagna. >> lasagna, exactly. who makes the best? stouffer's. i'm going to blow your mind. what happens when you mix up the letters to stouffer's? "fetus ruse." it's been a big ruse. and this is why we hate mondays. up high.
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♪ i'ma gonna be a jukebox hero ♪ >> you like this music? >> love it. >> this is the only foreigner we like. >> oh, yeah. [ laughter ] >> here comes -- here comes the bus, here comes the bus! >> herschel, herschel! >> it's the guy! >> herschel walker! herschel walker! yeah, yeah! >> that's the guy! it's the guy! it's the guy, bad to the bone, he's bad to the bone, bad to the bone! >> hello there. >> yeah! >> you know that they heard him say that, to be a senator, you have to know some stuff. >> no, you don't! >> i would have said -- somebody said i had a mental problem. think about this, now. this is a young man, never drank before in my life. never tasted beer. never taken a drug. never had any medicine in his body.
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>> yeah, no medicine, no medicine! >> our military were the most lethal fighting force ever assembled, our united states military. we call to people like him in washington, now they becoming weak. talking about pronouns. >> yeah, do the pronoun thing, do the pronoun thing! >> no, no, no, what we going to do is call him a pronoun, he going to be a senator pronoun. i don't want to win trophies, i want to win championships. that's what i want us to be, national champions. >> do the vampire thing! >> the vampire thing is good. >> yeah! >> if they'd played the whole thing, they would have known the vam pine thing had to do with having faith. >> yeah, tell 'em! >> taking you down this elevator, god bless you guys, thank you. >> herschel walker! herschel walker! herschel, herschel, more, more! yeah! come on! gah, my nose! i hurt my nose.
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you really rung my bell with that ball! you're so strong! wow. that was great, man. we're taking the herschel highway! we're taking the herschel highway! my pronouns are he and herschel. >> herschel, i like it. >> can you tell me one? long one, long one. here we go, here we go, here we go, here we go! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. that's jake -- oh! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: jake byrd, everybody. he's gone. i've got a souvenir. we've got a good show today. zoey deutch is here.
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we've got music from chris isaak. and we'll be right back with don cheadle so stick around! did you know one of nissan's evs survived the north pole? ♪ and one can go 0-60 in 2.8 seconds... ♪ and they're all emission free. but don't get an ev for the “e”... ♪ get it because it pins you to your seat... ♪ sparks your imagination... and takes your breath away... nissan evs aren't just electric, they electrify you. ♪ i tried everything to remove fabric odors, but my clothes still smelled. until i finally found new downy rinse and refresh! it doesn't just cover odors,
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it helps remove them up to 3 times better than detergent alone! find new downy rinse & refresh in the fabric softener aisle. an experienced qpc eater knows. you should never let the ketchup that falls from the hot and juicy burger. go to waste. ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, there, welcome back. tonight, her new movie is called "something from tiffany's." zoey deutch is with us. then later, he is on tour supporting his new holiday album "everybody knows it's christmas."
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chris isaak from the mercedes eq stage. [ cheers and applause ] next week, we have new shows with will ferrell, jean smart, janell monae, brendan fraser, and we will have music from charley crockett, madi diaz, the linda lindas, rita wilson and smokey robinson. please join us for all of that. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest is a celebrated actor, avenger, and rat packer extraordinaire with a new movie alongside adam driver and greta gerwig, "white noise." >> kasakis, my rival, is no longer in the land of the living. >> he's -- >> dead. lost in the surf off malibu during term break. i found out an hour ago, came right here. i'm sorry to tell you. particularly because of your condition. >> lost in the surf? that enormous man? >> he was big, all right. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "white noise" is in select theaters now and on
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netflix december 30th. please welcome don cheadle. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> very good, very good. >> jimmy: how's life going? >> life is -- couldn't be better, couldn't be better. >> jimmy: great. it's very good to see you. >> had a birthday a couple of days ago. >> jimmy: happy birthday. [ cheers and applause ] what'd you get for your birthday, what was the best gift? >> just some quiet. >> jimmy: quiet. [ laughter ] the family left you alone? >> empty house, yeah, nice. actually, i went golfing with george lopez. >> jimmy: oh, nice. >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you guys play golf a lot together, right? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: you and cedric and george lopez and anthony anderson, right? >> yeah, that's the crew. >> jimmy: you're a foursome. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: how often do you play golf together? >> it depends. because we're all kind of in
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disparate places. anthony was just in dubai, george is working on the show. it's rare when we can get together. >> jimmy: i've seen pictures of you playing golf with no shoes on lately. >> yes, i do that. >> jimmy: is that allowed? every golf course, if you wear shorts, they throw you out. >> oh, you go to those golf courses. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, of course. >> no, it was in hawaii. people really have that aloha spirit. you can kind of do whatever you want. >> jimmy: does it make a difference, is there an advantage, wearing spikes? >> i really -- i really don't know. >> jimmy: oh. >> because i'm usually inebriated. [ laughter ] so it's a wash, it's a wash. oh, you really like that. somebody really liked that, hello. >> jimmy: i don't know if you noticed that there are -- there's all sorts of supermarket imagery around our neighborhood promoting your movie, "white noise." >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: a lot of it takes place in an a&p, right? >> it was an amazing production design job. they turned this -- i don't know what it was, some old warehouse. >> jimmy: that wasn't a real supermarket?
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>> no, they created that whole thing, put meat in there, for some reason, actual meat. [ laughter ] that spoiled, the meat. >> jimmy: you've got to have meat. >> got to put meat in there. >> jimmy: unrerefrigerated meat in the fake supermarket? >> unrefrigerated meat in the fake supermarket. >> jimmy: this is noah baumbach's first movie since "the marriage story." which was nominated for best picture, it was a great movie. how does that work with a guy like that? is it a situation you reach out, love to work with you some time, or vice versa, or just the part -- >> it's interesting. we have the same agent. greta gerwig, his wife, is also repped by the same guy. >> jimmy: oh. >> so we've kind of been in each other's orbit for a minute. and there was just a role in this one that he thought made sense. so we met. kind of figured out who he would be and what it would be. the rest is movie history. >> jimmy: yeah. oh, speaking of movie history, i do -- i must ask you about this "armor wars," the marvel movie. >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: which was supposed to be, correct me if i have any of
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this wrong, supposed to be a show on disney plus? >> that's right. >> jimmy: somebody decided, no, this is going to be a movie instead. who did decide that? did you have a part in that? i heard you did. >> contrary to popular belief, i don't make those kinds of decisions at marvel. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you don't? interesting. i thought war machine would tell everybody what he wants to do. >> war machine is a fictional character. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so he's unable to save us? >> yeah. [ laughter ] he's going to do his best. >> jimmy: oh, this is a real punch in the gut i'm having right now. >> i really let you down right now. >> jimmy: is it true that arnold schwarzenegger is going to play titanium man? >> i think he's in for titanium. >> jimmy: he is? >> this is a serious question? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> what is titanium man? >> jimmy: that's a bad sign. [ laughter ] it sounds dumb, man? they've got iron man and then
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titanium man is the russian iron man. >> oh, aluminum girl. >> jimmy: aluminum girl is recyclable. >> exactly. >> jimmy: she's up in canada. >> you fold her up, she can come back. yeah. [ laughter ] yeah, no -- i don't know about that. i'll ask him next time i see him. >> jimmy: do you know arnold schwarzenegger? >> it's so funny, we bump into each other often. >> jimmy: at work, on set? [ laughter ] >> the last time i saw him was in a gym in toronto. >> jimmy: really? he works out? [ laughter ] >> at the four seasons gym. he still works out. >> jimmy: you walk into this gym, there's arnold working out? >> "how are you, don? good to see you." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you get in and spot him or vice versa? >> "would you like to work out?" >> jimmy: you did sets with arnold? >> did a couple of sets with arnold. >> jimmy: wow, that's pretty crazy. what was he wearing? [ laughter ] >> i just -- i was just melting into his eyes. >> jimmy: you don't remember, okay. we don't know if he's titanium man. you could be lying, you're a very good actor. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you could be misrepresenting the truth, we really don't know. >> there's not a lot we can say, you understand.
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>> jimmy: it's a big secret, i thought i'd try anyway. did you know there's a town in canada named after you? >> named after me? >> jimmy: it's called cheadle, a hamlet in canada. >> established 1905, so maybe not named after me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: maybe not, yeah. maybe not. yeah. i didn't really -- >> you didn't do the math? >> jimmy: i didn't do the math on that. population 83. in cheadle. >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you know about this? >> i actually, interestingly enough, on twitter i think, someone did reach out to me, "hey, i think we're related." i was like, "for real?" he was like, "i live in cheadle." "send me a picture." he sent me the picture, "i don't think we're related." [ laughter ] "we might be." >> jimmy: did you know the name of the cheeto powder, that orange dust, is called cheetle? >> yes, yes, we tried to sue them, didn't work out. >> jimmy: no, no. does that make you feel any
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closer to donald trump, knowing that -- [ laughter ] that you have that in common? [ laughter ] >> i mean, i get why you're asking the question. >> jimmy: uh-huh? because this is a sculpture that they have in cheadle. >> yes, i posed for that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: 83 people and they all gathered around to look at this, which is on tour right now. >> amazing, isn't it? >> jimmy: it is. it's a masterpiece. >> it really is. >> jimmy: i hope that makes it to your house. i mean, that would be -- if i were to commission a replica of that, would you put on it your lawn? >> when you came by, yeah. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: don cheadle is here. we're going to take a break, we'll be right back! >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by infobip. connecting businesses to people around the world.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: we are back with the great don cheadle.
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don, you know what, i have a little gift for you. it was your birthday a couple of days ago and we have the holidays coming up. we noticed that -- well, let's put up don's wikipedia page. [ laughter ] >> wow. >> jimmy: the photograph which you don't get to choose, right? >> no. [ laughter ] i did not choose that picture. >> jimmy: this is what people see when they -- apparently the internet had some fun with this. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: they started adding captions to the don cheadle word of the day. lonely. [ laughter ] you do look lonely there. agony. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it does appear that you were in agony. vengeance. not as much. yeah, i think despair also. >> despair's pretty accurate. >> jimmy: we're going to pull some strings, we thought it would be nice to give you a new photograph for your wikipedia page. >> oh, man. >> jimmy: we'll submit it. [ cheers and applause ] the first thing is you have to choose your background.
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we've got a few backgrounds. >> okay. >> jimmy: i'm going to take you over here -- yes, if you don't mind, we've got some things set up for you. we've got -- let's give don a choice of his first back grunt, which is heavy convenient. heaven. [ laughter ] >> heaven, that looks good. >> jimmy: second background is lego land. some would also consider that to be heaven. >> right. >> jimmy: we have -- oh, and the cheeto. [ cheers and applause ] >> i don't think you're going to beat that. >> jimmy: this is totally optional, but we have some -- you can go and get your picture taken. we have some items you can put on if you want. >> wow. >> jimmy: personally, i wouldn't necessarily recommend it. because -- oh, well, you're eyeing the scarf. >> what is this? >> jimmy: very good, you've got a scarf. we've got a little tophat here, a beret. >> i figure i have to wear the tophat. [ laughter ] no, it won't fit, my head is the size of a peanut, that won't work. >> the kangle.right, all right.- >> jimmy: very sam jackson. >> it won't fit either. >> jimmy: oh, really?
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>> what about the feather boa? >> jimmy: the feather boa is nice. [ cheers and applause ] we've got a parrot if you want to put on it your shoulder. that might be nice with that. [ applause ] >> sure. >> jimmy: i like it. stand on that yellow spot right there. i'm going to do this. we'll wait till you're happy with it. [ cheers and applause ] okay, let me show you. let me know what you think. >> i think it's really bad. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's bad? okay. i may be a little bit -- >> one more time. >> jimmy: yeah yeah, okay. >> with joy. i have a parrot. >> jimmy: you have a parrot, you're a happy guy. >> that's really nice, that's really nice. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: okay, great, all right. now, if we can, let's go ahead -- yeah. look at that. [ cheers and applause ]
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isn't that better? don't worry, we're going to get that up there. >> wow. how to ruin a career in one picture. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm not sure it's better, but it's different. >> it's not better. >> jimmy: "white noise" is in select theaters now and on netflix december 30th. the great don cheadle, everybody! and his parrot. we'll be back with zoey deutch! but i finally found relief with nurtec odt it's the only medication that can treat my migraine right when it strikes and prevent my next attack. treat and prevent all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. most common side effects, in less than 3%, were nausea, indigestion/stomach pain. with quick dissolving nurtec i can get back to normal fast and prevent my next attack. treat & prevent - all in one. ♪ ♪ and prevent my next attack. i see an amazing place. feels like a dream. a place of many wonders... and full of life.
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>> lou: tomorrow on "jimmy kimmel live" --
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'twas the night before christmas, when all through the house not a creature was stirrin, except for this, mouse. decorations were hung with meticulous care. that is, until i gave this lady a scare. a holiday lesson, we all could learn protect your home with allstate... or your wallet could get burned. carl! and to all a good night. ♪ cheerful holiday music ♪ wow! i love it! you look amazing. ♪ ♪
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it's an 8 in 1 immune support formula. airborne. do more.
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>> jimmy: if you're an aficionado of have just the thing for you. "something from tiffany's" premieres december 9th on amazon prime video. please welcome zoey deutch! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> doing good, how you doing? >> jimmy: i'm good. how's your wikipedia page? have you checked it lately? >> not as cool as don cheadle's, that's for sure. >> jimmy: need any tune-ups on it? >> i might, actually. it's a liar. everybody's wikipedia page is a liar. >> jimmy: why do you say that?p change it, you know? >> jimmy: i sometimes intentionally change my friends' wikipedia pages to put weird things on it. >> is that what happened to mine? >> jimmy: what happened to yours? >> it says that it studied constitutional law.
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[ laughter ] which i'm not changing. [ laughter ] makes me sound really smart. >> jimmy: you didn't study constitutional law? >> no comment. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's a weird one for somebody to add. did they confuse you with somebody else? >> i think i probably said something in passing, like i had a tutor for one second. i think it got blown out of proportion. >> jimmy: i see. >> i am, like i said, not going to change it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i had to learn how to code a little bit to change -- i had credits for haley lu richardson, who's a wonderful actress -- >> jimmy: she's on "white lotus." >> i'm on "white lotus, according to people. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: people confuse you? >> they say i'm really good on it. >> jimmy: you do kind of look alike. she's going to be here next week. >> i'm going to be here next week. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, is that right? >> how do you not know -- i might be haley lu richardson. >> jimmy: this is all very, very confusing. well, that's good. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i heard you have a very interesting tattoo. would you mind sharing that tattoo with us? >> i've got a couple of really
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interesting tattoos. >> jimmy: then let's see all of them, yeah. >> okay. every year for my birthday, i like to get a tattoo. that's my present for myself. i do it ankle down, socks instead of sleeves. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: can i ask -- just to begin, what -- how old were you when this started? >> 2 years old. >> jimmy: as a baby? 2 years old? >> that's what happens when you grow up in hollywood. right to it. no, okay. no, i started when i was 20. and it's ankle down so that when i'm working on set, i don't have to spend a lot of time covering them up. >> jimmy: right. like mike tyson didn't think that through when he went with his face as the palette for his tattoo. >> yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: ankle down only? >> yes. and a couple of years ago i was really into soup. >> jimmy: what? >> and i got a matzo ball soup tattooed on my ankle. i'm happy to show you. >> jimmy: you were really into soup for a while? >> i think always really into soup. [ cheers ]
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>> jimmy: this is -- >> look, you know what the problem is. here's the thing. i will always love soup, so i don't regret it for a second. i will always, always love soup. but i wanted it to be steaming-hot soup instead of lukewarm soup. because who likes lukewarm soup? >> jimmy: no one. >> no one. the steam just looks like hair. >> jimmy: oh, let's see that again. >> do we need to see it again? i think we're good. [ applause ] but -- but yeah. >> jimmy: you have a hairy ball on your ankle. [ rim shot ] [ laughter ] >> that's good. that was good. >> jimmy: that's the problem. >> that's the problem. that is the problem. so for all of you out there who were considering getting your matzo ball soup tattoo, just keep the soup, hold the steam. [ laughter ] i had no meaning to it either at the time, other than loving soup. then my mom is, "that makes sense you got that because when i was in labor with you, i had greenblatt's matzo ball soup." yeah, of course that's why i did it, mom. >> jimmy: did she really think that was why? >> yeah, she did. >> jimmy: your mom is leah thompson, actress of many great films.
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[ cheers ] i watched her in "back to the future" with my kids. your dad is a director as well. your dad's jewish? >> yes. >> jimmy: i don't think it's legal to get a matzo ball tattooed on you -- >> it's legal because i'm jewish, that's exactly correct, i'm glad you clarified. >> jimmy: you're welcome. i wanted to make sure everybody knows that it's okay. you never know where you'll take a wrong turn nowadays and end up in celebrity prison. which is a show i'm producing, by the way. [ laughter ] >> that's incredible. i can't wait to be on it. i've been dying to go to prison, honestly, so i could have something to talk about on your show. >> jimmy: how is your family doing? everything good? >> yeah everything's good. my parents ditched me for thanksgiving, now we're even, i put them on blast on tv here. my sister got engaged, which is exciting. >> jimmy: that's nice. [ cheers and applause ] she's getting married? >> she's getting married. i feel like -- yeah. i feel like everything, like part-time actress, full-time
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wedding assistant, everyone in my life is getting married. >> jimmy: who else is getting married in your life? >> my best friends. i officiated a wedding. have you officiated a wedding? >> jimmy: yes, i have. >> did you like it? >> jimmy: yeah, it was all right. why, did you not like it? >> i took it way too seriously. >> jimmy: i took it seriously too, you have to take it seriously. >> i was up at 4:00 a.m. in a cold sweat -- >> jimmy: oh, i didn't take it that seriously. [ laughter ] >> were the people smart? >> jimmy: yes. >> mine were too. i wish they weren't. because everyone there was super smart and interesting. if it would have been two actors, i could have been, tee tee tee! tap dancing, doing cartwheels. they're straight out of a rom-com. they are neuroscientists who met in a lab. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> who also happen to be super hot. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. if they were characters written for "grey's anatomy" they'd be dismissed for too much. my other best friend got married, i was maid of honor, i had to give a speech. >> jimmy: how did your speech go? >> uh --
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[ laughter ] it was okay. i think it could have gone better. i think i know too much, i said too much. >> jimmy: you revealed something you shouldn't reveal? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, that happens a lot. i used to be a deejay at weddings, you'd be surprised how commonly that happens. >> really? >> jimmy: you're in front of your parents, "yeah, then one time we did this." sometimes the groom is like, "what?" [ laughter ] >> i thought it was funny, she thought it was funny, i just don't know if her in-laws knew about -- >> jimmy: about what? >> uh -- [ laughter ] on their first date, he took her to see "hamilton," she accidentally was on acid. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, that's the kind of thing i was getting at. >> ha ha ha! it was sort of, silence. but yeah. and -- yeah. >> jimmy: you got this movie now. reese witherspoon is your co-producer on this movie, right? >> yeah, yeah.
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>> jimmy: she's like -- i mean, really, having her produce a movie of this nature, you couldn't really ask for anyone better than that. >> no, she's amazing. about four years ago, she tweeted that she saw a movie i did called "set it up" and she loved it and wondered why there weren't more great feel-good romantic movies. a couple of years later, here we are. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> sharing our great feel-good romantic movies. >> jimmy: so something good did happen once on twitter. [ laughter ] >> one time. >> jimmy: that makes me feel better about the whole thing. >> yes. but it was four years ago. >> jimmy: four years ago. that was a different time. it's great to see you. the movie is, if you love these sorts of things, you're going to like this. "something from tiffany's" premieres december 9th on amazon prime video. zoey deutch, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] we'll be back with chris isaak. >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes eq. all electric, all mercedes.
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>> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes e-q. all electric, all mercedes. >> jimmy: thanks to don cheadle and zoey deutch.
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apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him "nightline" is next, but first, you can see him on tour with songs from this album, "everybody knows it's christmas." here with the classic, "run, rudolph, run," chris isaak! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ out of all the reindeer you know you are the mastermind ♪ ♪ run run rudolph santa ain't too far behind run run rudolph santa gotta make it to town ♪ ♪ santa make him hurry tell him he can take the freeway down ♪ ♪ run run rudolph cause i'm reelin like a merry-go-round ♪ ♪ said santa to a boy child what have you been longing for ♪ ♪ all i want for christmas is a rock 'n' roll electric guitar ♪
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♪ and then away went rudolph whizzin' like a shooting star ♪ ♪ run run rudolph santa gotta make it to town ♪ ♪ santa make him hurry tell him he can get the freeway down ♪ ♪ run run rudolph reelin' like a merry-go-round ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ oh run run rudolph santa gotta make it to town ♪ ♪ santa make him hurry tell him he can get the freeway down ♪ ♪ run run rudolph i'm reelin'
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like a merry-go-round ♪ ♪ said santa to a girl child what would please you most to get ♪ ♪ a little baby doll that can cry sleep drink and wet ♪ ♪ and then away went rudolph whizzin' like a saber jet ♪ ♪ oh run run rudolph santa gotta make it to town ♪ ♪ santa make him hurry tell him he can get the freeway down ♪ ♪ run run rudolph i'm reelin' like a merry-go-round ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, a once in on generation-storm creating a holiday travel nightmare. >> when i was going to check my bags, it got canceled. >> what could be the coldest christmas in decades as millions hit the roads and skies. >> the airport was complete chaos. >> right now it's terrible. long lines, waiting everywhere. lots of people everywhere. >> as already frigid temperatures plunge even deeper, the threat of a bomb cyclone looms. will travelers make it home in time? >> we've been waiting with bated breath. "the piano lesson." ♪ when you marry a railroad man ♪
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>> behind the scenes


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