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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  January 12, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. >> we are urging residents and businesses to make plans for your safe evacuation. >> we need everybody to limit travel. essential travel only. >> tonight, a new reason to worry and monterey county where officials are watching the river rise in the salinas river. it is expected to crest tonight. >> the fear is that with more rain on the way, the worst case scenario is flooding and road closures and communities cut off. >> for the very latest on when the next storm will arrive, let's begin with our meteorologist. >> it begins as early as
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tomorrow morning. we are tracking the storm for you. it is a level two. let's get to the timeline. tomorrow morning the commute gets underway and showers begin to move in. of moderate rain. the possibility of the ground is now soaked. any rain that will fall on top of the saturated soils will cause issues. the salinas river is under a flood warning until sunday afternoon. we take a look at the current stage. 21.9 feet. flood stage is 23 feet. at 11:00 p.m. tonight is disposed to crest above flood stage. tomorrow morning, 24 feet.
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minor flooding is expected. i will be back at a closer look with a stronger storm that will impact your weekend. >> you can see just how swollen the river is. and why evacuation warnings are already in effect. officials issued a map showing the evacuated areas. as well as emergency road closures. officials seemed to play down the threat of the monterey peninsula being completely caught off by flooding. but as you can see on this map, these red x's are where potential road closures could happen. our reporter is in monterey county with the latest. >> this is spreckels, a small town of more than 600. >> everybody loves each other. it is very close knit. >> now it is one of the areas
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officials are most concerned with. the problem is the salinas river. levels are rising slowly but surely. creeping closer to flood stage. she says she is prepared to leave if she has to. >> i have quite a few friends >> >> who have offered room. she says she and her family plan to stay. >> we have couple of sandbags. we are just going to wait it out. >> officials of the outlook for that community might be slightly better. but conditions in the river are constantly changing. the impact cann underestimated. >> i think the public forgets how dangerous the salinas river can be. >> the impact to the a primary concern. including highway one leading into the salinas valley. >> this is a slow moving event.
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the river crests at different times. this will not occur all at the same time. you can expect travel disruptions. >> for now locals continue to hold out hope. >> that there is no fidelity's injuries, drownings, that everybody stays safe and takes this very seriously. >> as conditions along the salinas river and other local waterways fluctuate, some of actuation orders have been downgraded to warnings. other orders stay in place. some local hotels are offering discounts to those evacuated. county remember the last time they were hit by severe flooding. this is video from 1995 from our archives. the salinas river crested more than seven feet above flood
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stage. it caused major road closures on the highways. communities all along the salinas river were flooded. >> and sonoma county, the husband of the woman who died in the floods is talking about what happened. she was on her way to work on tuesday when flooding from the storm's letter stranded in her car. she called 91 one asking for help, but the call dropped. rescue crews medially started a search. a dive team found her in her car the next day. it was submerged in at least eight feet of water. the husband is devastated. >> she was s anybody would've loved her. >> she leaves behind three children. a gofundme page has been set up to help her family with expenses. >> with more rain in the
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forecast, leaders in the south bay want everyone to be prepared. that means signing up for >> emergency reports. >>the minds of leaders in santa clara county >> >> remain on the storm. our wet winter is far from over. an atmospheric river has refocused on northern and central california. >> that means more rain and a risk of flooding, especially along rivers and creeks. they extended their emergency flood declaration. leader same. >> we have a crew out right now trying to remove lock edges and sediment. to have locations to be ready. do not wait until the flood is coming to your home in order to be ready.
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>> that is come in. more than a million residents have signed up for them. >> unpredictable. but they will occur. they are occurring. they will continue occurring. in an emergency information is absolutely critical. >> texts and calls have been sent out during our recent winter storms. alerts were sent out to families could make quick decisions in a dangerous situation. it only takes minutes to sign up. they can make all of the difference. >> knowledge can save lives. information can help you avert disaster. connectivity helps you protect >> an emergency plan with your
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family. build a supply kit. sign up for alerts. >> with more storms in the forecast, don't forget that you can always track the weather on our streaming app. >> to close oakland public schools. the newly elected scoreboard -- school board voted to rescind the planned closure of five schools. in the newsroom with a question you must be asking to this point. where is the money? >> at least three of the newly elected board members cap that the promise that they would reject the school closures. they wasted no time as you.
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will see in this report. they voted without having a fiscal impact analysis. >> it was based on a statement in the resolution. budget surpluses. there is some truth. oakland unified has one-time money from the state and can cover the cost of keeping most schools open. but the funds are expected to run out. >> the county office of education has been quite clear that we cannot continue to use one-time funds. >> to finally payoff a $60 million loan received 20 years ago for
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the state. they have to demonstrate that they are being fiscally responsive -- responsible. >> schools from the closed schools. enrollment, which continues to decline. the superintendent predicts that they will see458 fewer students next year. >> attendances by supporting our neighborhood schools. >> when it came to the board put the cart before the
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horse. on january 25. >> some people are saying i would be the equivalent of buying a house. some board members school district will not be in a financial crisis. they will for the first time in 20 years. they ran with that. >> they obviously did. very interesting. >> when it comes to anything financial, it has to be approved by the trustee.
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they will be impartial receivership. the trustee is the only person who can say i d the schools open is a good idea from a financial standpoint. >> thank you. >>still ahead, an art gallery owner criticized for his inhumane treatment of a person living outside his showroom. he said he has tried to get help for the person multiple times. for (steven)on multiple times. every time i come to see caremore, they go above and beyond to take care of me. i feel a lot better now. i'm taking medication for what i should have been taking years ago. (vo) call the number on your screen to learn more about medicare plans in your neighborhood that include caremore.
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with gold bond... you can age on your own terms. new retinol overnight means the smoothing benefits of retinol are now for your whole body. plus, fast-working crepe corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. gold bond. champion your skin. >> the dispute over the rights of un-housed people is playing out in a courtroom. lawyers accuse the city of violating the rights of unhoused people by holding suites in
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encampments. -- sweeps i >> video of an unhoused person sprayed with a hose by a san francisco art gallery owner is raising a lot of questions and certainly a lot of concern. what about other people in the streets who have severe mental illness? we take a closer possible options. >> the unhoused person being sprayed in front of a north beach gallery is known to some people. they are a services nonprofit. they met him when the pandemic first began. > he was screaming. the art gallery owner says there
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were repeated attempts to help the individual. he also called police at least two dozen times. th president represents the north beach area. >> there are clearly instances of individuals who not sound of mind who are dying on our streets. they need to be given in and taken care. he may be one of those individuals. >> a for some oversight. for statewide support. >> we are working again at the state level to make it easier
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for people who need to be conserved to have other make those decisions so they can get help to get stabilized. >> people have mental health or addiction problems. we need to have more treatment for them. not everyone needs conservatorship. to actually get someone into a conservatorship. it is about saving their lives. >> still ahead, the returning rain and storm damage continues. as we had to break, take a look at this video of a massive sinkhole that posed a threat to highway 92, a major artery in and out of half moon bay. it was shut down in both
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directions. it is the same area that was originally closed yesterday. we will be right back. postmenopausal women with hr+ her2- metastatic breast cancer are living longer with kisqali. so, long live family time. long live dreams. and long live you. kisqali is a pill proven to help women live longer when taken with an aromatase inhibitor. and kisqali helps preserve quality of life. so you're not just living, you're living well. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection,
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a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. long live hugs and kisses. ask about kisqali. and long live life.
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>> if you are traveling to tahoe for the holiday weekend, you might want to reconsider. snow is expected to pick back up. three to five feet of snow is expected to hit the mountains. the heaviest snow will peak on saturday. you can expect travel delays, chain controls, and whiteout conditions. be aware of that and be very careful. >> let's be aware of the weather coming our way. >> there was a nice break today. a little sunshine. but that is all changing. >> nice while it lasted. it was a nice change of pace. right now we are seeing the leading edge move closer to
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eureka. we are seeing a lot of cloud cover. the rain is still off the coast. that has been a huge improvement. we are in a severe drought. improvement. continue in the next week. this is a level to storm tomorrow. light to moderate showers expected. the possibility of thunder.
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it becomes a category 3 on saturday morning. be prepared if you can stay home. a high surf advisory is in effect. morning. for you. tomorrow morning the leading edge of the system approaches. saturday morning there will be downpours. right is the naming scheme gets underway, we will see some pockets of moderate to brief
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heavy rain. quickly turning over to scattered showers early on. most of you will be in to two inch category. tomorrow morning. game.
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wednesday. before a break arrives. just look ahead to thursday. a week from today. >> a congressman was in alameda county today seeing damage from the recent storms. declaration and millions of dollars for reimbursement. >> anything we have seen. way. the damage we are looking at today could be worse. >> county officials estimate it will cost $52 million
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(vo) wells fargo lets you know where you stand with your fico credit score. what if you knew where you stood with everything? like your future in-laws... (boyfriend) hope you like cats... (hero inner thought) i hope your parents like me... they're whispering. (father in-law) the kitties like her... (hero inner thought) can they tell i'm allergic? (mother in-law) tears of joy... (father in-law) welcome to the family! (hero inner thought) whew! (vo) like knowing where you stand? when it comes to your credit score, you can with wells fargo.
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coming up at 5:30. >> it was a nice day to get a break from the rain. but as you heard, there is more to come. we sit down with an environmental expert to find out what all of this rain means for the california drought, our reservoirs, and the economy. plus we will explain why hospital bills are worth a second look. in the case of one man, a dispute over a $2000 and in its charge. join us for those toys and more. -- stories and more. >> you can download our app or head to our website for more local news. >> if you are watching us on tv, world news tonight is next. for all of us here, thank you for joining us. >> we will see you again at 6:00. ♪
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for back pain, i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine.
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tonight, several breaking stories as we come on the air. a special counsel now appointed to investigate classified documents found at president biden's former office and at his home. also breaking tonight, the tornado touching down. the watches and warnings tonight across several states. and the breaking headline from hollywood. lisa marie presley rushed to the hospital. first tonight, a special counsel will now investigate those classified documents found at president biden's former office and home, and what the president said today about the documents found in his garage, where he keeps his corvette. and who is the special counsel, robert hur, appointed by attorney general merrick garland? and unprecedented times now, two


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