tv ABC7 News 1100PM ABC January 16, 2023 11:00pm-11:36pm PST
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>> building a better bay this is c7abnews. >> it's ndki of been miserleab. today, the weather's pretty good. >> iceo twalk into t hheouse and nohat ve to woy rrabout it. >> from orstms to son. thbae y arehaa s atr sing of cleadar ys insight, but sig onsf mage areef lt over andom se nger spo atsre not deon da tn:hanks fojor ining us. a full look at our sto drmamage stilrol cking there aa, but new word on a wild ambulcean joy right acrosshe t bay area. a:amama: thean s francisco feir departme sntays e thambulance wasto slen tonight when paramedics werbre inging a patit ento the rig when it tkoo f.of the driver lead chp on a cseha
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through san mateo and alameda coun.ty they dchited it in oakla.nd the patit enand medi wcsere not hurt. the suecspt got away. dan: backo tour storwam tch verage. a numbeofr homes in the berkel heyills arend uer mulidsde teahrts. r.j. stone is tension omfr neighbo trsonight. j.r.: no csar allowed on this street in the berlekey hills because ofhi ts,t imudsdeli rleay monday morning, that went to a home and is now putting other residences in danger. >> i'm very concerned. i saw what happened ptoat's ushoe. thatou cld have enbe my r.j.: paul cnghawn os a house low with a mudslide happened. his is one of five that have been red tagged. >> i'm right next to their house. if mud keepsli sdi obably g mety house doravid's downhe t
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i have tanents who leiv eyth called and sd aithey have be eenvacuated. j.r.: tho wseith berkeley feir y sathey are makgin progress. >> there was a bronke water pipe high up in there aa where eth idsle started. redirect the water away slide anthd e sleid impact. j.r.: thoseiv ling in there of the eit ghhouses evacuat hedave been allowed to hgoome. other ngheibors arens iight of the dre tgeagd locatis,on but are ok. >> they said that e thbiggest concner for theeo pple on my si odef the street is if the mud comes down the road and blocks the intersection. >> the red tagged houses across the stetre and we ear fine. just aat mter of 20ee ft. r.:ir fefigerhts sayt i is clunear as to when the red gsta will be lifted. iist hartod say unt tilhe rth stop msoving. firere cws cou sldtill hearhe t creakingf osome of eth
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tbouuildings. its istill nosat fe for tm.he j.:r. it visery wet tinhe lls. geogolists will not work thwi ilbuding insctpeors and those from wherehe t water lkeaas w, at should them --iv ge th aem better idea of eth timabetle volvinghe t situation with those red tags. r.j. stone,bc a7news. ama: s 7ky also goa t birdseye view of a sepatera mudslidine thbee rkeley hills. you can see t therail ofud m. crews have partsf o clarentmo enavue on aarlvado shut wndo to clear e throad of atth debris. n:da floodining pittsbuh rgis keepg inthe road closed dan oppele evacuedat. haorrb street omfrto sneman to yosetemi is shutow dn. evacuaontis are still in place for 19 hesom in thatre aa. authoritsie say an underground watechr annel broke saturday and the cre pekressed iagt ain ernight. >> the fire departmten and
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trol personn delecided tyhe edneed to gooo dr tooo dr to tell them water was rising enou tgho tell tm heto kwenocked o19n doo orsn ventura and harbo arnd asked them tova ecuate. dan: t fheire dareptment's swift war teresc tueeam helped 12 people out of the ignehborhood by bt.oa one dreriv also had to be rescued. pittsburgh police ysa expect harb toro be clodse through wedndaesy. a:am let'tus rn to spceenr christian, even thoh ugwe are mostlyn i the clear, theres i ilstl one little blip touhe tre. spencer: that's true. here's'a look alit ve doppler 7. rtviually noai rnfall in theay b area except foisr olated sprinks leand the next storm comes in wednesda eyvening, faa st-moving storram nking lelve 1. prodinucg showerans d brief downurpos, less than a half inch of rain r fomost
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starngti at midnight tonight. clr easkies oveigrnht. sunny skies tomorrow. clouds comine wednesday morning, followed by this cdol onfrt that sepwes in very quicklwey dnesdayve ening. itil wl producsoe me measublrae rafainll, anywhere omfr a arter of an chin almost tupo lf an i will havthe e sunny refocast a littleit b later. a:am thank y,ou spencer. dan: the totality of tseho california storms now prompting presidt enbiden tois vit the state th wiseek. the wheit house reaelsed his trav pellans tod.ay the president is exctpeed to visit e thcentraloa cst thursday toee s storm dagame firstndha. the federalme ergency rieelf om last ekwe is now expandde to assist c41alifniora's 58 counti,es including eveonrye in the bayre aa. a:amto srm damage is still widespre, adblockingha cnceso t joeny local rkpas again.
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isth eveningpa, rk amandael d ctiasllo on a trou of thole dest munipical park in cafolirnia. she has detailsn o the devastioatn and wtha nee tdsbeo nedo to amdaan: alan rock park clodse e duto hazarusdo conditis.on park range trsook us aon guided tour to get a lk ooat the dameag uscaedy bthe stor smsince new yea''s eve. >> our hlsil areer vy suratated and soakg inwet withai rnat wer, that we can sllti see msludides, landslid, esand rockli sdes ming down. amanda:ne o parkan rger describe ist as a box cyoann ere the desis are very steep, gravity csiaung objec ttso slide down in dry condiontis. nowou y factor minoisture d anhigh wdsin. that's'what a thi mngakes it muchor me challgienng. amanda:mo ang the lt isof
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impacts, erosionro, ad hazards. enev the temporaryol hlywood style sign that cebelterad the park 150ea yrs is no me.or there is much to do before eth rkpa reopenso tthe public, includgin havginan rgers hike evy ertrail toss aess unknnow dama,ge potentilyal having to clear narw rotrails by hd,an or bringi ingn hvyea equipme tnto the job. >> when the trefee ll into eth creek,t i took out a chunk oaf tareining wall thate w believed to bsue pportinghe t roadw.ay anamda: for that damage, an engineer wilhal ve toom ce out to detmierne the best way to eitheres rolve the issuer o roreute traicff. since the n yewear's eve osure, rgeanrs are sineeg 100 sivitors comgin up tohe t trenance onltoy be turned arou.nd this is not the only park seeing widerespad stormam dage. officis alsay a numr beof parks and aitrls aoscrs san jo asere
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osed indinefitely. in san jos ae,manda del stcaillo. dan: next to the peninsu, laa retch ohif ghway onine pacificas iback open tonight. a rockslide sent a boulder tulimbng on throe adway eaierlr datoy. th visideo was srehad, up close vio denext to rmeight you can see how big thatoc rk ally is ogclging theoa rd. southboundan les were ocblked severalou hrs. chp calledor f heavy eipqument to belo bck -- broaden treo move that gia bntoulder. ama: from rock slesid to mudsdelis to pavenemt giving way, noou dbthi ts atmosphicer verir has tak aen toll onur o adros and now weno kw how much. there have been moreha tn 500 landslesid statewi sdeince cember0, 3cc aording ttho e liforniaeo glogicalur svey. in blue, there has been a clusr teof landsdelis in theay b area. y whis califniora prone to this?
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geologists say it isec bause the statise relativy elyoung mounintas,hi wch meansuc mh of this deep terrain is sllti in motion and covered with loose rosck and soil that can sdeli away. dan: whilere cws were hard at work, aot l of peop ilen the bay areaer we jt ushappy toin fally see someun s. tim johns spoke with some of thos feolks tod.ay tim:ft aeree smingly never-dienng settrch of stmsor -- >> it h kasinda beemin serable. tim: the suninshe isin fally back in e thbay area. yo suran fncraisco,hr cisty fiel wdsas aliveit wh people. >> ias w pretty sad inra in san anfrcisco. od. ti im:t wasn't brightki ses for
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erevyone. manyre a still dealing with the damageles ft behind. earlrien itheay d,he t gdeoln te national recreation aare twteeed theho pto of anld o limitary structure aerftt islid down a nrbeay bluff. >> i belveie thawht at rleold out ofhe t hill was a pie ocef e rifle range dated ttho e 30's. tim: itru cmbledff o the cli like dlyue to thsae turated land. >> we did a study to see if we could stalibize i pnlaceom se of thetr suctures, espiaeclly some of the gun positnsio. it was jt usso prohitibively peexnsive. tim: se omof wchhi pyelad roles dungri the secd onworld eduo tim tane d erosionev seral have fallen overhe t years. onone wasnj iured in ndmoay's slide. rkpata sffem rindedis vitors to be ctiauous of tirhe suourrndings. inan s francisco, mti johns, abc7news.
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ama: higayhw one north of potin race stitaon is closed -- reyes station is closed. you can dan: the n mewonument dtor. rtin lutr heking jr. and cuisrt got king gettgin itcricism tigonht. taking filamy relativgie ves their opinion. a:am the pri ocef eggs is skyrocketing if you can find them. the reason and o bneay area storthe at has tmhe and cheap. n:da did theal dlas cowbs oyjust send tomra bdy into retiremten and how wlil the 49ers deal with prescottnd a companyn ithe division
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a: at least eight people corevering in florida after being shot at c arowded martin luth kering ent. more than 1000eo pple were gaerthed at alo bck partyn i rtfo pierce when shotser we red aftea r disagreentme of me sort. authorities heav not nedamny a spsuects butel bieve the wreere multipleho soters. dan: monenumt meant htoonor dr. rtmain luthekir ng jr. a hndis fewi is insteastd irring controrsvey. stueat called eth erambce was veiled tayod in witasns ipired by aho ptograph of t cheouple th cataptured emth hoeyck at -- huggingft aer he won the benol peace pri.ze itcrics online s iayt doesn't alrely look keli that and even a mmcounity oanrgizer in kloaand s this t soay. >>
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sword, t buthat dan:tr songor wds,he t monument isoc lated in stboon cmoomn woinrkg geav a spehec in 1965 to cra owd of2, 2000. ama:or fee wks now, empty elshves athe t groceryto sre, no eggs i snight. uyo find th, emprices a sreky gh. thave erageri pceor f a large don zeinal cifornia about $6.72. th tisime last yr,ea you could geat oz den forus jt $2.35. erthes iat leastne o place in thbae y area wrehe the prisce e arrock-bottom and there is plenty of supply. >> tkeucd away iitn s own corner of t bheerryessaei nghborhooofd nsa jose, sometnghi decidedly different about this g biranch compar tedo your laloc grocery store. >> whae ve bn eegetting llcas l day lg.on
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>> b,oy do theyav he eggs. >> they eith herave has notee bn able to be washed off where they have c arack on thegg eshell. those are not eagrt douebl a gs, so they arsoe ld a lot cheaper. >> we fndou throngsf o customers whcao me from r faand widtoe buy them. >> we >>me aricans have been aldeing thwi empty sreto slvhees and high pceris, inclungdi wholesale highofs seven dlaolrs aoz den. we were surprid seto learn- - > trehe is no srthoage within the cntoury. the editoofr the big price current, a commotydi trucking company, she says avnia flu wiped out 43 million egg laygin words thpae st year. >> a lot of retaerils selling
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eggsor f cheaperha tn the olesalear mket. geniv the wlehosaleri pces are dnow to .3$56 a doz,en it mit ghstill be a whileef bore the savings areas psed on to consumers. a>>re ty hegoing to pass the recentar mket declesin to eth consumer or willhe ty hold prices sadtey to rapecture ofprit ty hewere givgin up over eth last coleup of months? >pe scialty esgg are still remo difficu tlto procu,re but olivera has their ownhi ccken farm. >> it is ceni to have an equal sulypp andem dand because pricinisg fair. >> in san jose, abc7news. dan: electric vehicleal ses kpee rising around the world and acuncot for 10% of all newar cs ld globall ay,ccordingo tthe wall strtee journal. analysts s iayt is thasnk to china and europe as the
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technology goes mainstream. more than 8 llmiion fully eltrecic vehics lesold gbalolly in 2022. in the u.s., bv sales less tha6%n of new rsca sold. ama: let' gso up to theie srra because e thtahoere aa is now ju ast sheet of white. isth drone veoid over the trkeuce area. sevel ramore incs helast night ovnierght. sn cowhains reqreuid on 80 and 50 touhrgh t rheegion. here is a live look from eth shor oesf kings acbeh at lake tahoe. the snow has beealn most nonstop over theas pt dan: iue gsshe t snowpac iksff o theha crts, wchhis igreatew ns terms odrf oughtel rief. nice andui qet, but atth is anchging. a:am spenceras h the latest. spceenr: absolutely. iteg ban changgin tod,ay as a matterf ofact. t'l's ta ake look atif le ppdoler. ra hinas essenaltily endedn i
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the bay area. some isolated sprinkles over the santa cruz mountains. let'tas ke a live lk.oo temperurate rdieangs in the upper 40's. 50 at half moon bay. nice view from the east bay hills camera. other temperature readings right now, 50 degrees at novato. 38 at saant rosa. mid to upper 40's at concord in livermore. looking toward the bay bridge and these are our forecast headlines. mostly clear and chilly overnight. a light storm arriving late wednesday. y tragain with nnsuy days througthh e weeke.nd the approainchg storm is a level one. inig lht stormed wnesday evening, it will pduroce light rainnd a brief downpou,rs less than aal hf inch o rfain.
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tinoce, clear seski o nnsuy skies tomorrow,le car morrow nhtig. ouclds thickeden wednesday moinrng. then we get thilis ne ofho swers and someea hvyow dnpours sweepi tnghrough quickly and fortatunely for us it is a fast-movg insystem sito won't produce a lot of rainflal which wi cllomplicatoue r flooding concnser. anywhe frerom a thd irof an inch inak oland, lighter totals,er zo int twonc ihes or sino the rth bay. chlyil conditison. teermpatures ithn e mid topp uer '3's in t ihenland vlealys. do twno 40 arod unthe bay shorinele. sunny tomorrow and not much oaf tempaterure 53-55 deeegrs in most locatnsio. rehe is the cuacweather da7-y recast. nnsuy tomroorw. rainn ithe eveninged wnesday.
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arstting thudarsy, we can a string of sunny days throhug the wkeeend and into early next we.ek great to seehe t sunshinnoe t ing to wmar up. a: wwie ll take the sun. thank y.ou thank y.ou dan: erevyone is kimang room thank y.ou dan: erevyone ihm.imang room ác*ugh*á se riously? r fothe medineci cabinet's ne w essentl.ia binaxn -ow- with re liab cleovid-19 surelts in just 15 mutines.
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etme leon the third... leon t sheecond... and onle... the firsoft them al three genetiraons, who all nkba differentlyit wh leon s'saving upor f his fir st seoft whes.el.. nicery t. relyal? this leon's paying for his painjot b onhe t spot... anthd is leon,s aa cheas private ieclnt, he's ithn e south fofrance, tangki out cash with no atm fees. that's bauecse this mifaly of leo hnsas chase actually, it'seó ln. ooh la la! onbae nk for n. owfor late r. for li.fe chase. makeor me of whas t'yours. [narrar]to everyone needs quality alheth insurcean, even if you're healy thand covered california is a fresee rvic to help you gecot reved. % 90of members ha rveeceived finaiancl help. and erevy plan oerffed is comprehsienve, coveringre pventive care , doctor visits, emergency care, d anmore. rerdgaless of your income, chectok day toee s how coveder california can helpou y. and if y houave quesontis, there's free asstaisnce every step of the way. covered califoiarn, this way to health insanurce. enrollment endjas nuary 31st.
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for disn'e's the mandala lori and getngti big buzz on line. >> to fight. you also have t navigate the galaxy. dan: of coseur, baby yoda pra ominent way. pedro pascal retnsur in the tltie role. takes acple after theve ents of the series the bookf o boba fet. it disney uspl oman rch 1. sndiey's the pantre companyf o abc 7. ama:he t 49ers we erclosely watching tigonht's plofayf game to see whohe tir next poopnent would be. >> the 49ers and cowboys have play sedome epicam ges through the years and ts hirivalryor wld were ne udsunday ithn e playoffs -wi- ll be
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-happy birthday! -happy birthday buddy. well, it can. national university. supporting the whole you. >> abc 7 sports. sponsored by river rock casino. larry: the 49ers saw the cowboys destroy tom brady and the buccaneers. last time the cowboys won a road playoff game, the 1992 nfc title game against the niners. this might have been brady's last game. picked off in the end zone in the second quarter. his first red zone pick since 2019. dallas drive, prescott does it himself. their kicker missed four extra points. final minute of the half, the
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stanford man, dalton scholz, for his second touchdown. late thi 24, finally brady, a 30 yard touchdown pass to julio jones. perhaps one of his last touchdown throws. dak it's a wide-open lamb. 31-14 cowboys as they advance. >> excited for it, it's a good team. they took us out last year. we know we've got ahead of us. >> there has been a lot of focus on this game, so yeah. just one day at a time truly. larry: nba, steph curry and the warriors celebrating mlk day. first quarter, attack mode. drives into the paint. you know the bank is always open for steph curry.
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jordan poole not to be outdone, puts daniel gafford in the blunder. 32 points. six minutes left, warriors down one and curry is unstoppable. that is a bad shot in a game of horse. splash. warriors when the white house tomorrow. shark sun devils. timo meyer, what a season he is having. erik karlsson, is 14th. 2-1, team teal. sharks are trying to hang on. jack hughes scores. they end up going to a shootout. the sharks fall4-3. sp
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>> issues of race and social justice. >> at abc 7, it is our commitment to meet those moments. with tough questions. real solutions. for you, for all of us. >> where did you learn to do what you do? >> this is the moment to build a better bay area. join us. dan: a reminder that you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc 7 bay area connected tv app. apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and roku. ama: thank you so much for
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watching tonight. dan: for spencer christian, larry beil, all of us, we appreciate your time. ama: good night. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- danny and lucy devito, travis bennett, and music from baby no money. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheering and applause ] >> jimmy: very nice. thanks. thank you. all right. thanks. hi, everybody. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for coming. thank you for watching following the very big monday night football play-off game here on abc. remember when we used to have football every monday night?
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