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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  January 17, 2023 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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now on jimmy kimmel is rob lowe. >> tonight. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- rob lowe, storm reid, and music from seal. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. welcome. very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thanks each and every one of you for coming. thank you for joining us at our regular time. last night, we were delayed by the football game. you watched that game, right?
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>> guillermo: yes, jimmy, yes. >> jimmy: the dallas cowboys beat the buccaneers badly in the monday night wild card game last night. despite the fact that their kicker, cowboys kicker, brett maher missed a record four consecutive extra points before finally getting one through on the fifth. >> extra point is pushed wide right. and he has done it again. extra point is missed again. and now maher misses again. and the extra point is good. >> jimmy: that's right. even the goal post was like, "i can't take this anymore." fortunately for brett maher, the cowboys won. it was the first time they ever beat tom brady. he was 7-0 against dallas lifetime, now he's 7-1. brady was reportedly so upset after the game, he ate a carb. [ laughter ] just one, but still.
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those things will kill you. this could turn out to be brady's last game for tampa bay. and even though he lost, you still have to marvel at this guy. but he's 45. night last night, - got his team to the playoffs. the fact that he's still playing quarterback in the nfl at this level is nuts. and he doesn't age. he's in unbelievable shape, he still looks like he's 25. it's ridiculous. the chiseled face, his skin is -- >> yeah, thank you, thank you so much, thank you! [ cheers and applause ] thank you, jimmy, thank you, god, that's so nice, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, thank you! >> jimmy: hang on one second. it's rob lowe, everybody. hey, rob. what are you doing? >> i was just in the greenroom knocking off a set of push-ups and i heard you introduce me. [ laughter ] i want to say, that's one of the nicest introductions i've ever heard, thank you. >> jimmy: oh, um -- i'm actually very sorry. i can see how you'd be confused. but i was talking about tom brady. i wasn't -- [ laughter ]
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-- introducing you. >> oh. i don't mean to be dramatic, but this might be the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: please, don't be embarrassed. it makes sense that you would be confused -- you also look incredible for a man in his 60s. i mean, you look great.p[ cheer] >> i'm in my 50s. >> jimmy: i meant 50s. you know i meant 50s. >> okay. >> jimmy: you invited me to your 50th birthday party. >> yes, and you didn't come. >> jimmy: right, but -- i knew when it was. [ laughter ] and it wasn't that long ago. and so you're in your 50s. stop it, though, you're perfect, you're a perfect human specimen. i think you look better than tom brady, how about that? [ cheers and applause ] >> you do? >> jimmy: i really do. rob lowe, and i've said this before, you're everything tom brady is and more, and then some. >> are you saying -- well, that's nice -- i will take that compliment -- >> jimmy: except for the whole great quarterback thing, that
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you're not at all. but other than that, really good. >> are you telling me that i am also not a great quarterback? >> jimmy: no, i'm telling you that you are not a great quarterback, that's all. [ laughter ] >> jimmy. did you not see a little movie that i did called "oxford blues"? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you know what, wait a minute. yes, i actually did see that movie. and i don't think you play football in that movie. you're like a rower, right? you're on the rowing team in that movie. >> yes, but it's the same motion. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's not necessarily football. rhti sa >> jimmy: i'lshow you what i m. here, come on. center. here we go. i'm telling you, i got this. kill, kill, kill, kill! hey, hut, and hut! >> jimmy: oh, to me. [ cheers and applause ] really good. >> that's me, baby! scoring at will! since 1979! >> jimmy: all right.
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>> see you in 15. >> jimmy: all right, thanks, rob. [ cheers and applause ] he is a good-looking bastard, i have to admit. [ laughter ] at the white house today, president biden hosted the nba champion golden state warriors who gave him a jersey with number 46 on it and gave a jersey for kamala harris, who hasn't been seen in years. [ laughter ] fidget spinners were big the last time we saw kamala harris. she's from oakland. they made her their number one fan. the warriors, as you know, won titles twice when trump was president but opted not to visit the white house. i wonder why? don't they like big macs? [ laughter ] they're delicious. president biden is flying to california on thursday to visit areas that were hit hard by the storms. i hope he goes on the warriors team jet. he could tell them stories about his days playing ball with an old crate and a big potato. [ laughter ] they could pretend they don't have their airpods on and can't hear. [ laughter ] at the white house today, biden had a visit with the prime minister of the netherlands. look at this. >> thank you again, mr.
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minister. we've had a great relationship with our countries personally, and i look forward to discussing a lot more detail. >> thank you so much. thank you for hosting me. it's the first time in my five visits that the fireplace is on. >> jimmy: yeah, that's because he's burning classified documents in that fireplace. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] the dutch, you know, they get nervous around fires because their shoes are made of wood. [ laughter ] this document thing -- donald trump is at peak "are you kidding me" right now. he has been swimming at the bottom of the maga reptile tank, appearing on shows like "revolver news," "america's top ten countdown with wayne allyn root," "the dr. gina show." last night he was on something called "the watercooler" on "real america's voice," where even he was reluctant to answer this preposterous question. >> could joe biden be prosecuted for this stuff? >> well, i don't want to get
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into that, but obviously it's a cover-up. we have literally a fortress here. you could say it's an armed fortress. >> jimmy: you could say that. [ laughter ] it's not an armed fortress. but you could say it. you could say anything. you could say it's a bouncy house. [ laughter ] mar-a-lago is not an armed fortress. it's a social club that anybody who pays a $200,000 membership fee can be part of. it's a wedding venue with ketchup on the walls. [ laughter ] just because it has a moat full of ranch dressing doesn't make it a fortress. [ laughter ] meanwhile, according to "newsweek," trump was not included in his ex-wife ivana's will. ivana trump, who donald buried at his golf course in new jersey, reportedly left a million dollars to the nanny that raised eric, don jr. and ivanka -- one of whom eats paste, one who sniffs it, and another who married it. [ laughter ] [ applause ] she got a million dollars. not just the money.
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the nanny also inherited ivana's dog, tiger trump, which sounds like a bad energy drink, right? tiger trump! don jr. drinks down five cans a day! ivana had assets worth $34 million. you know trump is going to pull a mrs. doubtfire to try and get that money too. right? i'd love to see his will. i bet he's having his money buried with him. i would bet anything. we have had a lot of rain over the past two weeks, and i think i speak for all of us when i say we're sick of it. the rain has finally stopped, so we thought it might be fun to get outside. there's a young woman on tiktok and instagram named alexis nikole nelson. she calls herself the black forager. a forager is a person who gathers plants and seeds. foragers in the audience tonight? [ laughter ] she gathers things you find in the wild and posts videos of the stuff. guillermo and i asked alexis to take us out into nature to see if we might be able to find something to eat.
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♪ hi, alexis. >> hello, jimmy. >> jimmy: thanks for coming out. >> thanks for having me. >> jimmy: we're going to find some stuff, we're going to eat it? >> we're going to eat the stuff we find. >> jimmy: great. >> onwards! >> jimmy: all right. >> so we are obviously in the wilds of just outside of los angeles. >> jimmy: whoa! >> guillermo: what that is? >> okay, so you guys have heard of marshmallows? >> jimmy: no. >> you've never had a marshmallow? i've seen "ghostbusters," i know what they are. >> their cousin is what marshmallows are made out of. >> jimmy: really? >> yes, out of this guy. >> guillermo: you cook them? >> you cook them, you can fry up the leaves, they get crispy like chips. they also have these cute little cheesewheel seeds. you want to eat one? >> guillermo: yeah. >> there you go. there's your protein for the morning, you don't need shakes. >> guillermo: hold on. >> jimmy: tastes pretty good. >> guillermo: jimmy, you want hot sauce? >> jimmy: you brought tapatio?
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>> guillermo: yeah. >> jimmy: he's always thinking. >> it's very good with a tapatio. >> guillermo: tapatio is like alcohol. >> everything's better with it. >> guillermo: exactly. >> jimmy: what's in the canteen? >> guillermo: it's tequila. right here, it's margarita mix. >> jimmy: how nice. >> that's what peak athleticism looks like. >> guillermo: yeah. >> you guys see these two white, shiny bits on the leaves? there's one for each of you. there you go. >> jimmy: it's like a piece of styrofoam. >> a piece of slightly sweet styrofoam. >> this is called lerp sugar. they're these tiny little bugs that will eat too much eucalyptus, and they poop out sugar. >> jimmy: we just ate bug poop? >> yes. [ bleep ]. literally. >> jimmy: why couldn't everybody poop out sugar? wouldn't that make the world a better place?
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>> i love that's your reaction. >> guillermo: i think it's time for margarita mix. >> this guy right here, i'm going to break you guys off a piece. >> jimmy: tastes like mustard. >> this is black mustard. >> guillermo: oh, wow. >> jimmy: this is how you make mustard? >> yes. >> guillermo: you think we're going to find marijuana here? >> it is california. >> jimmy: what about mushrooms? do you think we'll find any mushrooms around? >> i brought some mushrooms that i foraged earlier. >> jimmy: can we smell them? >> oh, please do. they're really savory. oh, no, jimmy! >> guillermo: ha ha ha! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! >> jimmy: i love you, guillermo. >> guillermo: i love you too. and i love the forest. >> jimmy: whoa, it's my mom and dad. guillermo, my parents are here. >> hey, jimmy, i hope you're enjoying your trip. >> told you not to do drugs. >> is that a camel? >> guillermo: whoa, i think it
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is, dude. >> say hi to the camel. >> jimmy: hi, camel. >> jimmy camels. get it? you wet the bed till you were 14. >> hey, guys. those mushrooms? yeah, they weren't hallucinogenic mushrooms. >> jimmy: oh, okay. well, we'll just chalk this up to a dream, then. >> this is california sagebrush. >> jimmy: you're not supposed to eat the stem? >> don't eat the stems, they're too tough. this is galium, you know you found them because they stick to you. >> jimmy: they do stick to anything. >> get a load of this miner's lettuce. >> jimmy: it's weird all this stuff is out here growing for free. >> never pay for a salad again. >> jimmy: hear that guillermo? >> guillermo: well, i never had a salad before. >> this is oxalis. >> guillermo: i think it tastes good. >> right? >> jimmy: a little bit lemony, a little bit floury. >> guillermo: what's this right here? >> that's italian thistle. and what i do -- >> gll: i like the way you say it. italian thistle. >> and they hurt until you peel
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them. >> jimmy: oh. >> guillermo: i'm going to try the italian thistle. >> thistle. >> jimmy: guillermo, i've known you for a long time and never heard you say the word thistle before. >> guillermo: i don't even know what is that. what is it? but i like the name. thistle. italian thistle. >> jimmy: that's close enough. >> i peeled this one for you. >> jimmy: thank you for the thistle. >> you're welcome for the thistle. >> jimmy: i feel like we've done a lot of work, a lot of foraging, now maybe we should have something to eat. >> that sounds good to me. >> jimmy: i'm hungry. >> guillermo: me too. >> jimmy: jinx. >> so i've brought a couple of things, a few little things with us, to help finish making our foraged finds into a meal. >> jimmy: guillermo, will you pass her some of these greens? >> guillermo: oh, yeah. >> thank you. oh! >> jimmy: look what i found. i foraged for this. >> wow. >> jimmy: guillermo, you want to hold this? >> guillermo: oh, wow.
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>> guillermo: no. >> jimmy: do you want to wear it as a stole? >> hello. >> guillermo: i'm okay, dude. >> you don't like it? >> jimmy: all right, we'll let snake go and enjoy the day. we got all the greens we collected. what are we going to do with them? >> we're going to whip us some pesto. >> jimmy: great. >> then we're going to use all of that beautiful miner's lettuce that we gathered, that's going to be the base of a salad. and we're going to use that spicy wasabi black mustard to make a dressing with a little kick to it. >> jimmy: i like that. >> to dress our greens with. guillermo, do you want to start grinding up some of those greens? i'm going to make our bowls for our salad. i did bring us some flatbread. we're going to put some pesto onto it. a little pine nut action. i'm going to salt it a little. >> jimmy: let's have a quick toast. >> to foraging with friends. >> jimmy: to foraging with friends. thank you, alexis. this is a beautiful meal, isn't it, guillermo? >> guillermo: yeah. oh, i forgot one thing. i'll be right back. >> oh, okey-dokey. >> jimmy: do you mind if we eat while you're gone? >> guillermo: go ahead, i'll be
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back. >> jimmy: the salad is really good. >> it's really refreshing. >> jimmy: where did you find that? >> guillermo: i foraged it. >> jimmy: you foraged a pizza? >> guillermo: yeah. >> the whole thing? >> jimmy: it looks delicious, what a great-looking pizza. what an effective frisbee. let's eat. come on, eat your regular food. >> guillermo: okay. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks to alexis nikole nelson. the black forager. hey, we've got a good show tonight. from the movie "missing," storm reid is here. we have music from seal. and we'll be right back with rob lowe.
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>> jimmy: hi,
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>> jimmy: hi, there. welcome back to the show. tonight, from the new movie "missing," storm reid is with us. then later, just not in time for christmas, this is the "seal deluxe edition album." seal from the mercedes benz stage. [ cheers and applause ] you can see seal on a world tour starting april 25th in phoenix. tickets are available at tomorrow night, jennifer lopez, and from "abbott elementary," chris perfetti, with music from fall out boy. our first guest is an actor, writer, producer, and he has a podcast titled "literally," and you can see him saving lives as firefighter owen strand on "9-1-1: lone star." season 4 premieres a week from tonight on fox. please welcome rob lowe. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how you doing? >> you've got good hands, mr.
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kimmel. >> jimmy: you threw a beautiful pass. >> thank you. >> jimmy: we have video of that. tight spiral. >> yeah, tight spiral, i'm very excited about that. [ applause ] >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> i'm good. i'm glad we got out of these rains. were you okay in the rains? >> jimmy: i was fine. i'm up in my castle, looking down on others. [ laughter ] you, i know, were up north. >> santa barbara. >> jimmy: the santa barbara area where it was pretty bad. >> yeah, we were -- in fact, i think it was "the wall street journal" did a piece on the california storms. the picture they ran was literally my street. >> jimmy: it was your block? >> it was actually my block. >> jimmy: isn't that weird when you see your own block in the news? >> yeah, you're like wait a minute, what happened here? >> jimmy: never a good sign. >> it's never good. it's never "academy award winner lives on this block." it's never that. >> jimmy: do you check on your neighbors and stuff? do you check on oprah when there's a rainstorm? [ laughter ] >> she's got her own team. she's going to be just fine. >> jimmy: she's going to be okay? >> but i do -- i actually -- a big tree came down, we were
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trapped, nobody could get out. >> jimmy: i have video of this. >> yeah, i -- >> jimmy: i think i have video of this. okay, there it is. that's you, right? >> that's my new winch. i was very excited to make sure it actually worked. >> jimmy: you have a winch? >> that's the front of our truck which i bought literally for this reason. >> jimmy: did you really? >> i did. >> jimmy: because this happened before and you thought, oh, we're going to maybe use this winch -- you must have been so psyched to use that winch. >> it was like i was doing something that i usually do a fake thing on "9-1-1," faking that stuff all the time. >> jimmy: there you are doing something heroic -- [ cheers and applause ] yet wise enough to wait until someone was rolling tape on your heroism. [ laughter ] >> yes. see? >> jimmy: you have to nowadays. >> listen, if someone's not there to record a good deed, why do it? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: if a tree falls in santa barbara -- >> yes.
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>> jimmy: -- and nobody is there to see you winching the tree -- >> have somebody else do it. >> jimmy: yeah. i'm glad you're all right. boy, your neighbors are so lucky to have captain owen living in their neighborhood, saving them. you were going to a movie premiere, right? >> i have a movie out called "dog gone" on netflix. [ cheers and applause ] how about this, your friend nick wrote the number one movie on netflix. >> jimmy: i saw that. >> number one. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. nick santora is his name. he wrote the movie "dog gone," about a dog that is gone. [ laughter ] >> he's gone. >> jimmy: then you have to find the dog because the dog, at mentioned in the title, is gone. [ laughter ] >> i was like, this is either the lamest title i've ever heard -- or the greatest. because there's no doubt about what you're getting. >> jimmy: people love a dog movie. >> and they do. it's a really -- >> jimmy: can you say how the movie ends or would that ruin it? >> not only can i say, they mandated me to say.
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>> jimmy: oh. >> because people got so upset that the dog might die. >> jimmy: are you telling me there were people who thought, oh, this movie ends in the death of a dog? >> yes. >> jimmy: the dog remains gone? >> the famous -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: people don't deserve an explanation. >> i know. no, netflix had to put out a statement, "this dog lives." [ laughter ] i'm not kidding. i'm not kidding. >> jimmy: how's your podcast going? how many episodes? >> thank you. if you haven't heard my podcast, mr. kimmel's hilarious. >> jimmy: we had a weird funny conversation, we got into yacht rock heavily, that's all we talked about. >> we went deep. >> jimmy: we did. >> we went into england dan and john ford coley land. [ applause ] >> jimmy: we sure did. >> we've done our 143rd episode. >> jimmy: that's a lot of shows. >> right? >> jimmy: are you running out of friends to interview? >> i didn't have that many friends to begin with. [ laughter ] i really had to dig deep. we're branching out into other areas too.
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>> jimmy: are you? what areas? >> today i had restaurateur and podcast host bosi on. i had politicians on. i had jen psaki, who worked for president biden. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> we're kind of mixing it up a little bit. i still have the show biz folks. >> jimmy: i'm going to ask you the question i hate everyone asks me all the time, who do you want on the show you haven't had on the show. >> right? i think springsteen. >> jimmy: bruce springsteen? huge fan? >> huge bruise bruce fan. he doesn't do a lot of press. he did "howard stern." >> jimmy: that was a great interview. >> great interview. >> jimmy: i don't know how you follow that interview, though. i feel they covered it all. you have questions you feel need to be answered? >> i've got some stuff. >> jimmy: you have some stuff? >> i've got some stuff. >> jimmy: have you asked bruce? >> i have -- asked his wife. >> jimmy: always go to the wives. >> i don't know about you, but if anybody wants anything from
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me, they go to sheryl lowe and i'm going to do it. >> jimmy: then you will do it? >> yes. >> jimmy: has that worked out yet? >> not yet. >> jimy: you asked patty, she did not past that along to bruce? >> one day, if he's listening, he's going to have to do the show. >> jimmy: bruce's son is a firefighter, maybe he watches the show. >> oh, that could be the way. >> jimmy: that's an in too. >> that's why you've made 20 years of this show. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's right, that's right, those sort of connections i make. [ applause ] i want to play -- there's -- i don't know if you can call it a game. it's something that i do with jason bateman from time to time. >> love jason. >> jimmy: jason bateman is a guy who, like you, has been successful for a very long time, since childhood. >> yes. >> jimmy: he has met everybody. i feel like you, too, have met everybody. except for bruce. [ laughter ] and i think that what we're going to do when we come back, i've got a fishbowl full of celebrity names. i'm going to pull a name out of the fishbowl. if you'd be so kind, tell me if you know that person and how. >> i'm in. >> jimmy: we'll play "the bateman game" when we come back. rob lowe is here. we'll be right back. rob lowe is.
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we'll be right back. and we're the antonellis! do good, eat good. that's our mission. we chose our spark cash plus card from capital one because it gives us unlimited two percent cash back on everything, we buy. and it has no preset spending limit, so our purchasing power adapts to our business needs. we use our two percent cash back to help cover our employees' healthcare costs. that's how we take care of our most valuable asset, our people. it may sound cheesy, but we like it that way! what's in your wallet? ♪ could i get the 10 piece chicken mcnuggets? wait no, big mac. hmm. [honk] sir? i'm still here! uhhh. get one favorite like a big mac or 10 piece chicken mcnuggets and get another for just a buck, right now at mcdonald's. just between us, you know what's better than mopping? anything! ugh. well, i switched to swiffer wetjet, and it's awesome. it's an all-in-one, that absorbs dirt and grime deep inside. and it helps prevent streaks and haze.
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they have broccoli smoothies, and broccoli pancakes, and broccoli ice cream, and broccoli hotdogs, and of course, they have raw unseasoned broccoli..... with stems. -daddy, i don't want to go to las vegas with you and mommy tomorrow. oh, are you sure? are you sure you don't want to go, it will be so much fun! dad? it's really hot in here. >> i know, sweetie, i know. >> all right, let's do this tarp. we're going to make a life net. stretch it out. all right, tell me that there's a latch on the right-hand side of your bucket up there? you need to open it. turn around. you're going to fall back-first. we will catch you. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: that is rob lowe in "9-1-1: lone star." saving lives and -- wait a minute. i'm not a firefighter. is that really how you do it? you have them jump out of the ferris wheel onto a mat? >> if you don't have the rescue bag, yeah, that's what you do. >> jimmy: what happened to the rescue bag? where's the bag? >> you misplaced it. [ laughter ] we're not a very good group of firefighters. >> jimmy: the absent minded firefighters. [ laughter ] >> that's the show you and i need to develop together. >> jimmy: whoop! we forgot the hose! >> dan it, yes. >> jimmy: your brother chad is going to be on the show this season. >> my brother chad, yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: which is great. but i learned today that except for a very small crossover -- >> in "oxford blues." >> jimmy: you guys have never worked together. >> i know, isn't that weird? >> jimmy: that's very -- to me i would think, oh, they must not like each other. >> here's a good one. not only -- wow, i just caught that. [ laughter ] you thought i didn't like him. see, i brushed right over that. hate him. the episode that chad was in was also written by my son.
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>> jimmy: wow. >> how's that for family? >> jimmy: he got uncle chad in there. your son's trying to bring you guys back together. >> trying to mend the rift. >> jimmy: that's very, very sweet. i told you about the bateman game. >> yeah, yeah. who chose the names? >> jimmy: this is it? look at this. this is the saddest-looking bowl ever. [ laughter ] we're going to restaff the show. [ laughter ] >> i understand. >> jimmy: really, really soon. but anyway, you can see, this bowl is literally brimming! >> so many names. >> jimmy: with celebrity names. like, if i need sneeze, they're all going to be on the ground. [ laughter ] all right. so the idea is, i'm going to read one of these four names, then you tell me -- [ laughter ] by the way, i do want to establish for real, you don't know any of what the names are. >> this is not a bit, i have no idea what the names are. i'm going to tell a story if i know them. >> jimmy: david lee roth. >> oh!
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david lee roth called me. >> jimmy: great. >> after seeing "st. elmo's fire." >> jimmy: awesome. >> to ask me what type of hair mousse i used. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. now, that -- that -- that's a home run, we're not getting any better than that. [ laughter ] what was the answer to that question? do you remember? >> i just said, "a lot of it." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. wow, that's good. okay. marlon brando. >> there was a restaurant on la cienega, a five-star french restaurant, i cannot remember the name of it now, it's no longer there. it's one of those you go and you know you're going to be there five hours. it's endless. food's great, but it's endless. i'm there with my wife. behind me i hear -- i hear, "um, uh, i feel like i'm tasting a little bit of jalapeno."
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[ laughter and applause ] "is that possible?" i turn around, it's marlon brando. >> jimmy: did you speak or no? >> i was too nervous. >> jimmy: oh, wow, that's good too. >> and he was too hungry. >> jimmy: holy cow, we might have to rename this "the rob lowe game." bateman, you have him beat here. all right. redd foxx? >> oh, redd foxx. the only thing i know about redd foxx is he used to have his own building on la brea. >> jimmy: wow. >> the redd foxx building. i thought, this is it, if you can have a building named after you. i saw a screening of one of my first movies in the redd foxx screening room in the redd foxx building. >> jimmy: never met redd foxx? >> no. never met the man. >> jimmy: let's do one more. mick jagger. >> oh! [ laughter ]
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i had jann wenner, on my podcast. created "the rolling stone," i was telling him that i had a very small dinner with mick jagger. without a doubt, without a doubt the most charming, charismatic person i have ever met. so much so, so much so that there was a moment, i got to be honest -- look, i'm not gender fluid, i'm not, i'm me. >> jimmy: yeah? >> there was a moment where i looked at mick jagger and he was batting those eyes at me. [ laughter ] and i was like -- i might do it. >> jimmy: wow. [ laughter and applause ] >> really. >> jimmy: yeah. >> very, very, very flirty man. >> jimmy: i like to imagine you doing and it going, "hm, i think i'm tasting jalapeno." [ laughter and applause ] rob lowe, everybody. season 4 of "9-1-1: lone star" premieres tuesday night on fox. thanks, rob. we'll be back with storm reid.
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12:13 am
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, there. music from seal is on the way. our next guest is an actor, producer, and full-time college student with a new movie and zendaya on speed dial.
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her thriller, called "missing," opens in theaters friday. please welcome storm reid. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm good, how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well, thank you. >> happy new year. >> jimmy: happy new year to you. how's everything going? >> good, so good. >> jimmy: you're actually a college student? did you go to school today? >> no. i mean, i wish i went to school today. i had work. but i am a sophomore at usc. [ cheers and applause ] i will be on campus full-time starting next week. >> jimmy: how does that work? i know, like in high school and elementary school, they have, like, a tutor or whatever. how do you get away with missing classes in college? >> thankfully it's just a lot of communication with my professors and the faculty and staff at usc.
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they've been so supportive of me, thankfully. you know, you have to do what you got to do. they know that both my education and my career are equally as important to me. so we get it done. >> jimmy: what are you studying, what's your focus there? >> i am in the school of dramatic arts with an emphasis in acting, minoring in african american studies. >> jimmy: when you're out of class, yes, i'm doing the thing we're supposed to be learning to do. >> exactly. i think that's why i get a little leeway. but i still love being on campus. >> jimmy: being on "euphoria," do you get stopped a lot by the other students? >> i did. when i got to school everybody was asking, like, where is the season going? asking me questions i had no answer to. now the questions, it's kind of calmed down but it's, where's season three? and is gia getting her own episode? >> jimmy: i see. >> i'm like, i don't know. >> jimmy: i see. so you -- it's something that you just have to deal with on a daily basis, and that's that? >> yeah, but i mean, it's not bad. i think people are so used to seeing me on campus because i go to all the football games, the
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basketball games, the parties. i'm always around so people see me. >> jimmy: really? do you live on campus? >> i do, i live in an on-campus apartment with one of my best friends. >> jimmy: wow. you know what, i had a friend, my friend jimmy, a year older. i used to live in his dorm room with him sometimes. >> really? >> jimmy: we'd go to the fat burger across the street at usc. >> okay. >> jimmy: we'd eat with his card in the cafeteria. do you eat in the cafeteria? >> absolutely not. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, you don't? >> it is so bad. like, i will see tiktoks of -- you know my rivalry school, ucla. they have one of the best dining halls in the country. like, they'll have sushi night. we'll have bland peas and potatoes. i'm like, i just don't understand, i'm paying so much money to be here. why is the food bad? >> jimmy: is that true? >> no, it's actually really bad. i think i've only eaten at the -- i've been at school two years now almost, i've eaten at the dining hall probably twice. >> jimmy: so people are aware of this disparity between the foods at the schools? >> absolutely, it's a whole thing on tiktok. even yale has an amazing dining
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hall, amazing cafeteria -- go, yale -- and we don't. >> jimmy: you don't. >> it's so sad. >> jimmy: no one looks at that and says, wow, we're embarrassed, we've got to do better? or maybe they say, we don't need to have good food, we're usc? >> why not? i think we should have good food. >> jimmy: i agree with you, you should have good food. >> carol folt needs to make that happen for us. >> jimmy: maybe this will kick them into gear. >> i hope so, please. >> jimmy: your boyfriend is a quarterback at another college. >> yes. >> jimmy: he played at jackson state. now he's going to university of colorado. because his dad is deion sanders, who is the coach at jackson state. >> yes. >> jimmy: who's now gone to colorado. >> exactly. >> jimmy: so he went with his dad. does his dad give him the -- a choice? or did his dad say, you're coming with me to colorado? >> oh, no. i mean, of course, i'm not there for those conversations. but i'm sure his dad gives him a choice. obviously, you know, they're doing an amazing thing.
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shedeur's playing ball and mr. deion is an incredible person, incredible coach. shedeur's just a really nice kid. >> jimmy: do you watch all his games? >> i do, i do. whether i'm there or not, i do support. i'm just glad to have him as a friend, a confidant, support him, help him support me. >> jimmy: what happens when they play usc this season? >> at our stadium? i will be for sure in the student section or wherever i am rooting for -- the buffalos. >> jimmy: you'll be rooting for them? >> oh, absolutely. >> jimmy: you have to, right? >> yeah, wearing the number and everything. >> jimmy: you will, you might get some abuse for that, though. >> oh, please. they'll be okay. >> jimmy: this movie that you're in is -- i think is a very interesting and clever idea. why don't you explain how it works. >> yes, i'm in a new movie, "missing." i play june, a young teenager who is just trying to find her way and her mom, who is played -- my mom is played by mia long, who is incredible. she goes on vacation -- whoo --
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she goes on vacation to colombia with her boyfriend. and ends up going missing. so it's my job to find her through technology and social media. it's a screen movie, so everything takes place in the computer. >> jimmy: and that's the thing, it's everything is on a screen. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: whether it be the computer screen, a phone screen -- >> watch, we filmed on a watch, which was crazy. i was like, are you for real? >> jimmy: security cameras, whatever, the whole deal you see through those screens. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: has it ever been done before? >> i think so. it has been done. >> jimmy: oh. >> this is not the sequel to "searching," but the producing team did "searching" the movie a couple of years ago. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> it was the same concept. i think "missing" is fresher. it has the acts that everybody's using. the tiktok, the snapchat, the instagram. i think my generation will be a little bit more used to seeing -- >> jimmy: they're using the real apps, not the usual movie thing where you look at it and go, no one has a phone that looks like that. >> exactly. >> jimmy: nobody's text looks like that. >> yeah, it's more than google
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and wikipedia, let's just say that. >> jimmy: you're very young, how old are you, may i? >> i'm 19. >> jimmy: 19 years old. >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: let's go to the bowl. [ laughter ] >> what's happening? oh-oh. >> jimmy: richard pryor. >> i do know who richard pryor is. >> jimmy: i know, but you haven't met him, right? >> no. >> jimmy: andre the giant? [ laughter ] burt reynolds? oh my god. [ laughter ] i'm going to find one who's alive. muhammad ali, no. oh, boy. oh, just finding out? [ laughter ] michael jordan. you ever meet michael jordan? >> i have not met mr. m.j., i would love to, though, he's super cool. >> jimmy: yeah, me too. [ laughter ] here's one. he happens to be here tonight. seal, have you met seal? >> i have not met seal tonight or ever. >> jimmy: he's in the building. >> i'm doing so bad. >> jimmy: will you go out, meet him, come back and tell us how it went? [ laughter ]
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all right, you're going to meet a lot of people along the way. i have no doubt about that. it's great to have you here. >> so nice. >> jimmy: good luck in college. i hope the food improves. >> please, can you help us out? we're really struggling. >> jimmy: i'm going to get right to work on that. [ laughter ] >> thank you. thank you for having me. >> jimmy: storm reid, everybody. her movie is called "missing." it opens in theaters friday. we'll be right back with seal. >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes eq. all electric, all mercedes. all electric, all mercedes.
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early?
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(hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend? >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the all-electric mercedes-benz lineup is here. >> jimmy: thanks to rob lowe and storm reid. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next, but first -- this is the deluxe and very heavy edition of his debut album. here with "kiss from a rose," with help from the cletones, seal! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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♪ ba da da da da da ♪ ♪ there used to be a greying tower alone on the sea ♪ ♪ and you became the light on the dark side of me ♪ ♪ love remained a drug that's the high and not the pill ♪ ♪ did you know when it snows my eyes become large ♪ ♪ and the light that you shine can't be seen ♪ ♪ baby i compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey ♪ ♪ ooh the more i get of you stranger it feels yeah ♪ ♪ and now that your rose is in bloom ♪ ♪ a light hits the gloom on the grey ♪ ♪ ba da da da da da da ♪
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♪ there is so much a man can tell you so much he can say ♪ ♪ you remain my power my pleasure my pain ♪ ♪ baby to me you're like a growing addiction that i can't deny ♪ ♪ won't you tell me is that healthy baby ♪ ♪ but did you know that when it snows my eyes become large ♪ ♪ and the light that you shine can't be seen ♪ ♪ baby i compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey ♪ ♪ ooh the more i get of you stranger it feels yeah ♪ ♪ now that your rose is in bloom ♪
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♪ a light hits the gloom on the grey ♪ ♪ da da da da da da da da ♪ ♪ da da da da da da da da da da da da ♪ ♪ i've been kissed by a rose on the grey ♪ ♪ i've been kissed by a rose baby ♪ ♪ i compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey ♪ ♪ ooh the more i get of you stranger it feels yeah ♪ ♪ now that your rose is in bloom ♪ ♪ a light hits the gloom on the grey ♪ ♪ yeah i compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey ♪ ♪ ooh the more i get of you
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stranger it feels yeah ♪ ♪ now that your rose is in bloom ♪ ♪ a light hits the gloom on the grey ♪ ♪ da da da da da da da da da da da da ♪ ♪ now that your rose is in bloom ♪ ♪ a light hits the gloom on the grey ♪ [ cheers and applause ] thank you.
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♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, tough reality. todd and julie chrisley, the latest stars sentenced to hard time. the "chrisley knows best" couple presented a squeaky-clean image while flaunting their lavish lifestyle. >> in a year we probably spend $300,000, sometimes more, on clothing. >> how they swindled more than $30 million and what their case might say about reality tv. >> there is definitely pressure to maintain a certain lifestyle for the screen, especially when you're on these reality shows. plus look who's talking. >> tell us something. >> button-pushing cats and dogs. >> stranger. >> stranger?


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