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tv   Nightline  ABC  January 28, 2023 12:37am-1:06am PST

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>> his grieving family determined to change a culture. >> you had to believe with that type of aggression i'm going to get killed. >> the way they snatched him out of the car to initiate the whole situation. >> plus the video. the beating released tonight and what it showed. >> i have seen the video myself and i can tell you i was appalled. >> why it is crisons
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to rodney king. >> the difference is that rodney king survived. >> you do the crime, you do the time. >> protests erupting around the country. this special edition of nightline will be right back. when do you spray febreze air? after every flush. in my kitchen, febreze tackles my toughest odors. after vacuuming, because fresh means clean. i spray every chance i get. starts working instantly to freshen any room. febreze air. i've been telling everyone... the secret to great teeth is having healthy gums.oom. crest advanced gum restore. detoxifies below the gumline... and restores by helping heal gums in as little as 7 days. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america.
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good evening and thank you
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for joining us. tonight the violent beating video of a memphis man, tyre nichols, released nearly two weeks after his death. 60 minutes of video beginning as a traffic stop and evolved into a familiar and disturbing scene. calling for calm as people take to the streets. >> reporter: protests continue here in memphis and in other cities across the country like new york city, washington d.c. and philadelphia. after the release of the body camera footage showing 29-year-old tyre nichols being pulled out of his vehicle and then beaten on the ground unconscious. dying in the hospital three days later. so far police here said the protests here in memphis have not turned violent. ahead of the release of the body camera footage we did hear from tyre nichols' family and said if indeed people were going to go
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out into the street and chant tyre's name they do it peacefully. byron. >> thanks to stephanie. tyre nichols' family reacts to release of the video. it is hard to watch and raises more questions than it answers. protests erupting around the country more than two weeks after tyre nichols died. >> tonight will be one of the toughest nights we experienced in this city. >> justice for tyre. >> the eyes of the nation on memphis, a city on edge. >> please. please. protest and protest safely. >> many in the community taking to the streets after body camera and video showing tyre nichols' encounter with memphis police was released. the 29-year-old crying out for his mother whose home was just about 100 yards away. he died three days after the beating that began as a traffic
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stop. a grieving family of a young man gone too soon, authorities say at the hands of police. his stepfather and mother >> after the first confrontation he was running towards his home. >> almost made it. >> almost made it. i had this very bad stomach pain and didn't know what it was at >> that night? >> that night. i was in the room. my husband, i told him, my stomach is really hurting right now. it is really hurting. i did not realize that i was feeling my son's pain. >> he was calling out for you. >> yes he was and i wasn't there for him. >> tyre's death becoming the latest symbol in the country's on going racial reckoning.
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>> tyre nichols unfortunately is another person in a long line of these cases that unfortunately haven't stopped. there are a lot of comparisons to the rodney king moment. the difference is rodney king survived. >> five of the memphis police officer s involved fired charged with multiple felonies including second degree murder. >> everyone involved in my son's death goes to jail. simple as that. the emts, supervisors, whoever had a hand in my son's death that didn't do anything to help him or to stop the brutal beating, they deserve to go to jail as well. >> for days officials seemed to be preparing the public for just how brutal the videos would be. >> this incident was reckless and inhumane. >> i was appalled. >> he was a human pinata for
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those police officers. it was an unadulterated, unabashed non-stop beating of this young boy for three minutes. >> on the night of january 7 tyre was minutes from home when officers pulled him over for alleged reckless driving. tyre, pinned to the ground. officer telling him to put hands behind the ground. the encounter escalates. officers try to taze him and use pepper spray. tyre gets to his feet and runs.
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the officer is pursuing him. >> you know normally it was a traffic stop. the police said roll your window down. let me see your i.d. and driver's license and insurance and your registration. you hand it out the window. they write you a ticket. they let you go. that never happened. >> that is not how you are handled in a traffic stop. his reaction to how he was ripped out of his car makes sense because that is not normal. >> this video showing the extent of the beating. >> he called out my name three times and i didn't hear him? how do you think i feel as his
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mother? >> he would be tased, pepper sprayed, hit and kicked with a baton. emts are not visible in the video until more than 22 minutes after the end of the beating. tyre seen limp, leaning against a car. the memphis fire department confirming two responding personnel were relieved of duty. >> this was a gang assault. the difference is that the gang wears a badge. the video is everything the video told us it would be. >> his parents rushed to the hospital and publicly shared this photo of tyre, unrecognizable. >> he had knots all over his head. bruises all over his face. his neck was busted. they broke his neck. they literally brutalized my
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child. for what. even if he did run, what constituted them to kill my child? what made them do that? you sitting up here beating up a man that looks just like you. >> three days later he died on january 10th. >> my son was a peaceful man. >> a father of a 4-year-old boy who worked at fedex and was a passionate skateboarder shown in video tweeted by the family attorney. >> he started skating around 6. always tearing up shoes. at the store every other week. >> he adored his mother so much he had her name tattooed on his arm. >> it seems like that is how they are towards our black boys
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and brown boys. i don't understand why they have to feel like they have to be so aggressive towards them. >> since tyre's death, the family has been relentless in their pursuit of justice seeking an independent autopsy finding he found severe bleeding following an extensive beating. the fbi opened up a civil rights investigation. the five former memphis police officers were fired. >> while each of the five individuals played a different role in the incident in question, the actions of all of them resulted in the death of tyre nichols, and they are all responsible. >> each charged with second degree murder, aggravated assault.
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>> aggravated kidnapping. we didn't see those charges in george floyd or other cases because what the prosecution is signaling here is that it was an abduction. all the men involved were released on bond. >> jimmy: nobody out there that night intended for tyre nichols to die. >> i expect you will see officers crossed the line but it -- >> those arrested all black. tyre's family the race of the officers doesn't matter. it is about the culture of policing. >> the police culture in america tht killed tyre nichols.
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>> black people that are police officers their non-black counterparts. >> the five men were part of a specialized unit known as the scorpion unit. the police chief questioned if tyre should have been stopped at all on abc news earlier today. >> we have not been able substantiate in any type of video that there was a reckless driving action that prompted this stop. >> the chief adding more should have been done to stop the tragedy. >> i believe there was a sense of group think in the mentality of what was happening. it is just very unfortunate that nobody stepped forward to say > video the sheriff's department
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releasing a statement saying they relieved two deputies pending the outcome of the administration. the swift action by both police and authorities to fire and arrest the former officers should be applaused. >> we want to proclaim that this is the blueprint going forward for any time any officers whether they are black or white will be held accountable. >> why the speed for black officers but not the speed for white officers? >> tyre's family praying for peace. >> he has to have justice for this. no child deserves any of this. no child. >> coming up, the calls for
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>> the death of tyre nichols renewing calls for police reform and especially training. joining me the president of the national organization of black law enforcement executives, the brother of george floyd, naacp president. mr. johnson, i would like to start with you, sir. we hear about police incidents, one of the first things we ask is did race have anything to do with it.
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in this case the officers involved are black. >> we have to change the culture of policing. we have long known it has been a problem with police behavior in the black community regardless of one's race. until police officers are held accountable and there is a national standard and we implement a database of police misconduct we will continue to have bad actors across the racial spectrum who commit these acts against african-americans and other poor communities. >> the case of your brother george floyd. it seemed for many as a game changer in tyre's case, we saw the officers fired and charged all within a few weeks. do you think this is a change in how authorities react to the
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incidents? >> i am hoping it is a change. i don't want it to be a black thing versus a white thing. those are black cops and you did it to them. they need to have them prosecuted instead of starting an investigation and putting the military outside of their house. you did it to these right now is a great start. >> the death of george floyd brought on conversations of reform. but a new report says training for new recruits puts together a new crisis. what does it tell us about the state of police training in
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america? >> we have a hyper masculine police force. it is male-dominated. we know that. but we build it on aggression. you saw that in the tape tonight how it got out and it wasn't about -- they went to 100 right away. they were very aggressive. it is a matter of changing that culture and having a paradigm shift with how we incorporate that into the training. no supervisors were at the scene. all of that needs to be built into the training for new recruits, middle managers, sergeants and lieutenants. we did a lot of work and have a lot of work to do. >> is the cup half full or empty. this is being compared to the rodney king case. we are all old enough to
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remember that time and images. what will it take to prevent things like this from happening again? >> we need federal reform and a standard of accountability. a standard so that police are trained and there is a uniform training. we don't see these incidents in england or japan or china. is it half full or empty, there are holes in the cups because there are too many standards across agencies. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> we will be right back with a final thought. ght. aah, it's a good day to cough. oh, no! bye, bye cough. later chest congestion. llrelief. 12 hours!! hmmm, ok. not coughing at yoga?
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finally tonight it has been another difficult week in america. it started with mass murder in california and ends with videotape of a young man brutalized by police in memphis and reminded me of another difficult time in america, 1961. dr. martin luther king jr. said human progress is neither automatic or inevitable. every step requires sacrifice, suffering and struggle. we are a work in progress. that's nightline for this evening. thanks for the company america and we wish you a good and safe weekend. see you monday. america. we wish you a good and safe weekend. we will see you monday.
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