tv ABC7 News 400PM ABC February 15, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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this. >> she want to pay her as a business license fee due in march if she does not pay she will get a leafy. she was told -- late fee. she was told the phones and peers were not working. >> one city worker gave us update, we have limited information. i was still not able to pay my business slices renewal -- license renewal in person in cash. >> all computers and phones are shut down, those that can by city hall saw signs closed and come back another time. >> a citywide shutdown of information systems we rely of every function of our city. >> even he cannot access computers or phones from his office. >> you walk in city hall and you cannot use any of it. we tell all employees to stay home. reporter: government website
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says it is a type of malware that renders computer files and the systems using them unusable. hackers get money to decrypt the files. it can cost the city thousands numbering is the back of the system instead of paying the ransom. >> we can enter the timesheet including mine. it may not end up getting paid, them sure that will expedite getting it result. reporter: they say they want this resolved soon or else she fears hackers will target city residents next. >> the fact that has been some kind of hacker infiltration into the system is a concern for all of us. how we pay things. reporter: in oakland, abc 7 news. kristen: now to breaking news we are expecting to hear from oakland's mayor shortly about the future of the police chief. the police commission was said to me tonight to take control the case, last month mentioned
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how -- last month the mayor put him on paid administrative leave for his handling of conduct miss allegations. it appears the mayor wants to get ahead of the meeting. we will give you the live -- bring you the live news conference as soon as that happens. larry: the man connected with explosion that rocked san francisco's neighborhood last week was in court today. facing charges of involuntary manslaughter, manufacturing drugs, as well as child endangerment. she joins us live from san francisco superior court with the latest. reporter: the man accused of running a drug level in his own home went before a judge today. he was supposed to answer to charges. that will not happen now until friday. is the first time we have seen suspect during price since the -- darren price since the blast
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happened. our camera grants video price after the explosion. he learned about the explosion is how many learned his wife did not make it out alive. authorities identify her as 51-year-old rita price. the explosion happened just before 9:30 a.m., his wife was killed, her caregiver escaped but was badly burned. his two children were at school when the explosion happened. according to investigators and narcotics lab was being operated inside the home. police arrested price the day after the explosion. today the judge agreed to postpone the arraignment until friday to give attorneys more time to review the substantial evidence. >> we vehemently deny these accusations. i think once all the evidence is turned over, discovered, reviewed by experts, and further exec -- investigated mr. price will be exonerated. >> this is what the public
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defender had to say about him talking to his children. >> as their father what they are facing but will likely be the most difficult moments in their entire life at bare minimum he should be allowed to speak them. he has an incredible amount of love for them and he has so concern -- he is so concerned about them and their well-being. >> there is a gofundme page for one family, of the red tag house, as well as the caretaker of the blast -- of the caretaker badly hurt by the blast. price will be back in court friday morning. kristen: a judge did not set a bail for price, the parole hearing is happening right now for a san francisco woman serving time in a high-profile dog mulling case. she was convicted of secondary murder and serving 15 years to life, she and her former husband
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owned two dogs that attacked and killed a neighbor. they will serve 4 years for involuntary manslaughter. he was not home at the time of the attack nor was denied -- nora was denied parole during her last hearing. larry: to an i-team investigation about an elevator that has not worked for weeks. in a supported housing building for the elderly, melanie woodrow has a look at what is being done to address this problem. reporter: it provides for the housing to approximately 120 elderly residents and residents with disabilities at 666 alastair street. they had a fire setting off sprinklers. >> it was pouring down rain in the elevators for hours. >> destroying electrical circuits and wiring make the elevators inoperable. >> a lot of people call the city
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hall 311 everywhere. >> they have struggled to navigate 13 flights of stairs. >> i have to go downstairs does not bother me. when i go upstairs a really hurts. >> one resident that slept downstairs this weekend because he could not get back upstairs. we have people that are stuck and cannot get out to get groceries. cannot get them delivered. it has been horrible. we have heard nothing from management. reporter: the interim ceo says they have added additional staff to assist residents, ordering and delivering food to assist with surprise. residents have the option of relocating during this time until the rest -- elevators are fixed. they say they're waiting for parts arrive. reporter: this, this is a community that needs reliable elevator service. >> is a huge problem when an elevator is out in a building like this. reporter: san francisco supervisor says the department
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of building inspection issued a notice requiring the elevators to be fixed. during the budget process last year, they said setting aside dedicated funds for elevator repairs is a top priority in the budget. >> that tells you this is not an isolated situation of one building. >> the problem is, we went through this in september, no elevators. we are waiting on them for weeks, one elevator went down december, going -- waiting for parts. what happens next time? >> he said he's not have a history of elevator problems readily available, he checked with a staff member who said they did not recall any in the last couple of years. the elevators have not been inspected by the state since 2018. i-team has uncovered the backlog of state elevator inspections. >> the bottom line we are here now waiting for the parts. reporter: leaving the vulnerable population of residents feeling stuck. larry: hub for people who
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losses during the last winter storm, the ticket -- the disaster recovery center in danville. a partnership between fema and costa county, pulling together resources for those that suffered damages the recovery center will be open until march 1. kristen: oakland mayor is holding a news conference. >> the mayor one answering questions. [indiscernible] >> thank you. >> go ahead. >> thank you.
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thank you all for coming. today i have reached the decision about chief laurent -- leronne armstrong's future with apartment. i believe strongly in the future of oakland. our police to farm has made great strides over the year to be fair to oakland residents and its own officers. but, there is so much more to be done and to do. my job is to make absolutely sure that we, that we continue our progress. this investigation began last
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year under the previous administration. as i came to this decision, i had two major considerations in mind. first. we appropriately address the findings of the independent investigation. second. we in oakland continue our work in reforming our police department. not by checking boxes. by instilling a culture o integrity, fairness at every level. oakland needs a police department that welcomes opportunities. for improvement rather than immediately rejecting criticism. i made a commitment. as your mayor. to ensure the please department and the city can prove one for all -- once and for all. that oakland is ready to ensure
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constitutional policing without federal oversight. within days of being notified that the city needed time to carefully review the findings and evidence in these very serious cases, chief armstrong, a number of stamens that troubled me. in response to a public report that concluded that opd had repeatedly failed to rigorously investigate misconduct and hold officers accountable, chief armstrong said these were not incidents where officers behave poorly. he stated that he did not believe these incidents reflected systemic problems. instead, chief armstrong described an underlying incident as a minor vehicle collision. he said officers make mistakes. and public stated that the sergeant involved in a vehicle collision was held accountable.
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disregarding the independent investigator's findings of serious flaws in the disciplinary process. i have taken the time to review the cases and consider the evidence. and conclusions as the each of the subject officers. including chief armstrong. publicly discussing the merits of these discipline cases would be highly inappropriate, but i can't say it is clear to me that there are systemic issues. the city needs to address them. we cannot simply write them off as mistakes. the federal jud cities that he was profoundly disappointed in the evidence he had seen. the report demonstrated significant cultural problems within the department. the federal monitor determined there was systemic issues seriously enough to render the department out of compliance.
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within -- with an requirement of the negotiated settlement agreement. i personally believe this report shows the absolute necessity of continued reforms to address the issues that can align have come to light. as oakland continues to improve its police department we must be confident our chief will be effective in making sustainable improvements that can be recognized by the federal monitor, federal court, and the people of oakland. oakland is committed to reform. not simply because of the conditions of the nsa. but, because it is the right thing to do. i want to add i have had the pleasure to work beside so many fine opd officers.
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these officers serve the public trust. i've seen them work extreme hard to maintain and build this trust. there asked to serve our city with integrity. they show up and do it every day. oakland's leadership must live up to the standards we set for those officers. in order to finally bring an end to oakland's federal oversight in not risk the investments we have made for over 20 years it is an absolute requirement that my administration, including the chief of police, be able to work closely with the monitoring team. to speak credibly before the court. chief armstrong has my respect and appreciation for his service to the permit for the cd grew up in and he clearly -- to the department, for the city he grew
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up in. i am the lawyer confident chief armstrong can do the work needed to achieve the vision. today, i have decided to separate from chief leronne armstrong from the city without cause. this was not an easy decision. is one i believe is necessary for the progress to continue. is perceptive because i admire chief armstrong that this has been personally very difficult. this process is reinforced my commitment to making decisions based on the best interests of the department and the city of oakland. not based on personal feelings or relationships. even decision to place a chief armstrong unpaid administered aleve was difficult -- unpaid
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administrative leave was difficult. i did not make the decision because i prejudge the outcome. i did it to keep an open mind. i have not had time to weigh the information. i am sharing my thought process because i want to be as transparent as possible. i realize this means the police commission and i now have the disc will -- the difficult task of finding the police department's next leader and role model. i look forward to working with them. i know they share our commitment in seeking a diverse and serious pool of applicants in finding candidates committed to reform. that have demonstrated the ability to improve community police relationships. i believe to reform is not accountability only. we must also work to reform the systems that have failed. that is something my mistress will focus on in the coming weeks and months.
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i am available for a few questions. >> i will moderate the questions. one at a time. as long as everyone has questions there is no rush and no need to panic. >> i was -- [inaudible] last time there was a discussion between the mayor and the police commission. >> the oakland police department completes an investigation their policy and practices to make disciplinary decisions within 30 days. while i could terminate the chief any time without cause i said at the outset that we should treat all members of opd the same regardless of rank. i am honoring the policy and setting the same standard for the chief. the 30 day timing lapse to
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today. while i hope the commission could review the findings and recommend action it was not able for them to do so before the deadline. i have the most respect for the civilian oversight process. i am responsible for making sure we have leadership at opd. committed to necessary reform to worked with the monitoring team have credibility before the courts. reporter: outside investigators were really concerned about she had the same attorney presenting the sergeant and the same attorney as multiple others including subjects and witnesses. is summoned that opd plan to address? it sounds like a pretty big problem.
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in regards to legal counsel? >> that is something the city will be looking into. reporter: j.r. stone with abc when will the cycle of police chiefs in this city finally stabilize? >> we have acting who will continue to be the acting chief for the department. i do believe our fine officers come to work and shop every day to ensure that the good people of the city of oakland and businesses are safe. they will continue to do that job. kristen: you have been watching live news conference is mayor chantel byers oakland police chief leronne armstrong after having put him on administrative leave over a report concluding there was negligence and misconduct in the way he handled the investigation into eight sergeant -- a sarge
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larry: let's bring in abc 7 news insider phil matier. are you surprised by the outcome? we've been talking about federal oversight for a couple of decades now. >> 20 years. 20 years ago oakland got itself into a situation involving the riders. a group of police strong-arming and planting evidence. the result was a federal semi takeover of the department. it has been ongoing ever since. the federal monitor in charge of receiving oakland -- overseeing oakland is the person behind this. he brought in the investigators to take a look at every chief. he brought in investigators to take a look at the current even terms of disciplinary cases. we have here is a question about the chief, and what the mayor is doing is preempting the police commission we are supposed to
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start taking a look at it tonight. because of a 30 day deadline, a self-imposed thing she put on herself. this will be an interesting thing. it will be played out in the courts. this is not the end of the story. that she 40 has a lawyer. it -- the chief has a tremendous -- as a lawyer. he has germans amount of support in the -- tremendous amount of support in the african-american beauty. and will be moving to public policy. >> he is a native of oakland, with the department over 20 years. how will this go over with the ranking while? -- and file? and the community? for the mayor just one month into her tenure? >> you are summing up a touchy situation for the mayor. the chief is popular he has been around for a long time. as far as the rank-and-file, he is the 10th or 11th chief in
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last 10 years. sometimes you lose count if you add in the acting ones are interim once. it will be a long time before they get a permanent chief in. they have to do a national serve -- search process. the mayor is looking for the ministry to oversee the city. there is a gap there. there will be doing the best they can. the public, the chief was known as somebody on the street. he has ties with the community and very visible. in some ways that is threatening to the mayor because he is a very popular person. he is out there. he is outspoken. unlike past chiefs who were fired and quietly left, he was very vocal from the get-go. he feels the investigation was unfair. to sides the story and was not coming out. the incidents being described as deep cultural problems. were not that certificate that is his story -- were not that significant.
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that is his story. is up to him the mayor make the call and she made it. larry: i want to get your comment regarding one point in particular. the mayor said she was letting go of chief armstrong without cause. repeating that twice. typically if you are hiring someone without cause, the next thing is either a large -- a lawsuit or a large settlement. waves that go into that language surprise you? >> in order to do do because, you have to elevated to a point -- due cause you have to elevated to a point where someone was caused -- crossed their. and not sure if they have covering up evidence or some like that. we're talking about a couple of visits. a collision in a garage right bumper was knocked out of a mercedes. the same officer discharging his firearm in a freight elevator. is not tyre nichols. it is a.j. freund situation -- a
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different situation. rising that causes a different situation. it is without cause. and put it squarely with the mayor. she says she has the power. you could say it's is coincidental. she has decided to cut her losses and try to move on. she will be praised by some, reformers who say this shows a willingness to get out there and be strong, firm in her commitment. she stroke very strongly tonight -- spoke very strongly tonight. her sound club social someone reserve and not looking -- clips will show someone who's reserve and not overly eager. there are two courts, the federal court overseeing it and the court of public opinion. how it plays in public opinion will take a while to see. kristen: no matter how you dice it it is a messy situation. thank you, we appreciate it.
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larry: let's get a check at the forecast. chilly outside. kristen: not finding any raindrops. >> we start the day with quite a chill in the early morning hours. right now it is milder than yesterday at this time. let's take a look at what is going on. the 24 hour temperature change. most locations are several degrees rather.
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-- several degrees milder. for the four degrees in the city, -- 54 degrees in the city, santa clara and half moon bay. over the golden gate we have blue skies, 60 degrees up north. at santa rosa we have upper 50's in napa. mid-50's at concord and livermore. one more live you from the rooftop camera. traffic is flowing freely at the moment. these other forecast futures we will see high clouds increasing overnight. a cold and frosty morning tomorrow. cloudy the next two days late slight chance of light rain on friday. very slight chance. we can expect sunnier and warmer weather this weekend. overnight how cold will it be? down to 30 degrees at lake worth, 33 and never, 32 -- at napa, 32 concord. 37 at san jose. and will be cold in the inland
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areas and around the bay shoreline. mid upper 30's. pretty chilly overnight, so cold a freeze warning and frost advisory will be in effect from 2:00 a.m. tomorrow until 9 a.m.. the freeze warning is for the hills of eastern santa clara and hills of the north bay the frost advisory virtually for the remainder of the bay area. here is the forecast, clear right now we will see an increase in high clouds overnight and into the day. tomorrow lucy cloutier conditions developing as disliked -- we will see cloudyer conditions developing. inland, upper 50's to 6162 down at san jose. here is the accuweather 7-day forecast. clouds increasing late tomorrow into friday with a very slight chance for sprinkles on friday.
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a very cold morning again tomorrow. over the weekend skies get sunnier and start to warm up. mid-60's, mid upper sixes on sunday. monday is present day -- sunday, monday is presidents' day. similar highs on tuesday, and next wednesday we expect cloudyer conditions with a sharp cooldown. that weekend looks pretty nice. kristen: so excited. larry: that is all i'm focused in on. we wil
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4:00, terminating chief armstrong, amid a federal investigation of opd workings and what the mayor described as systemic issues within the pleased barman and the need for reform. the former chief said there was one incident involving one particular sergeant they felt was not a major violation or major violations. that this is not justified, technically fired without cause. this announcement hours before the police commission was that the meat tonight to discuss his situation --meet tonight discuss his situation. kristen: nikki haley announcing her run for the republican nomination for president today. >> this victory against her former boss, donald trump who launched his own campaign last year. reporter: former south carolina
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governor nikki haley officially launching her 2024 presidential campaign to chance and cheers and charlson -- in charlson. >> as i sat on this new journey, i will simply say this. may the best woman when. -- win. >> touting her political path, the daughter of indian immigrants, serving on the trump administration as advancer -- ambassador to the united states. -- to the united union for the united states. -- for congress and mandatory mental competency tests are politicians over 75 years old. reporter: trump is 76 and president joe biden is 80
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believed to be on the verge of a reelection run himself. >> it sounded as though they agreed right then and there to take those cuts off the table. reporter: their public appeal is forecasted to grow with presidential announcements expected from for the government ron desantis. former vice president mike pence and others. >> if you are tired and losing put your trust in a new generation. >> she is taking a cap laid risk to lockdown supporters for people looking for an alternative. reporter: she could face more competition from within her own home state. tim scott room rent to be weighing hit -- rumored to be weighing his own presidential run. larry: earlier today and getting answers we heard from senator dianne feinstein's former colleague. barbara boxer.
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both elected at the senior. -- the same year. >> i could not take the prejudice we faced. it was crazy. i can vote for diane but i cannot over to women. i certainly cannot vote for two jewish women from the bay area. we kind of kept our poise about it. we had certain jokes we made. for example i would say were you really worried when two protestant men got elected? larry: she left the senate after her term ended, yesterday announcing she would not be seeking election. kristen: to the latest on the spy balloon that floated over the u.s. come officials say it may have drifted over the u.s. by accident. the balloon had been monitored by intelligent agencies sensei lifted off in china last month. china always claimed there was a
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civilian craft diverted by strong winds and accident. u.s. intelligence officials believe it is really meant for spying. larry: a lot of balloon talk in the news. got us thinking about real weather balloons. kristen: returned to abc 7 be meteorologist to explain what they are for and how they work. >> a lot of us recent have been wondering, what exactly is flying above me? could it be a weather balloon? the national weather service launches more than 60,000 weather balloons every year since the 1930's. those weather balloons are launched from more than 90 different spot -- site across north america twice a day everyday. including weekends and holidays. this is a picture of what it looks like. they inflate them that the diameter reaches five feet across. there is a string tied to the
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bottom of the balloon. at the bottom of the balloon is a very important instrument. this is what it looks like. it is pretty small. it weighs less than a pound but has a lot of interesting instruments on it that takes important weather data as the balloon ascends in the atmosphere. it takes a temperature, humidity levels, pressure, and his feet, and the gps location every second as that balloon rises. that balloon can ascend to thousand feet in the atmosphere for reference a commercial aircraft fleet -- typically flies about 30,000 feet. the balloons can trip when 80 miles away from the lowest point. as the balloon rises in the atmosphere, lower pressure allows the balloon to expand to 20-25 be wide.
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before it pops and it drops back down to the earth's surface. if you find an instrument in your backyard it comes with a prepaid envelope you can mail it right back to the national weather service. all the data the instrument collects is very important. it goes into our weather models across the globe. like the one you see on abc 7. it helps us to tell instance where an atmospheric river made make -- may make landfall over the wind may blow during times of heightened by whether -- fire whether. larry: fascinating. could be a weather balloon they shot down, could be surveillance, maybe it is both. to balloons and one. i do not
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larry: for years we have been hearing about californians relocating in huge numbers. we have new data from the u.s. postal service gives a picture of who is moving in and out of cities. kristen: she has a look at those numbers. >> you know the form you fill out sent by the post office when you're moving? you have to indicate where you would like your mail sent to. that is how the post office collects data on relocation trends. where people move from and where people move to. california again lost residents. >> simon and
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raised in california, in 2021 they. made the big move to texas. >> we arrived in texas june 30 2021. we are in mckinney that is north of dallas. >> i know things change, but the home i once knew just was not. there anymore. especially with the homeless issue. >> there are many people like them moving from california. u.s. postal service collects data anytime a change of address form is filled out. while it is only information from one source it seems to ring source -- reinforce what other reports have found. san francisco, oakland, berkeley combined had a net loss of 250,000 residents from 2018 until 2022. santa clara losing 3000 people. santa rosa and petaluma 5663.
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napa 3562. houston on the other hand had when the biggest gains. >> i painted my fence with my flowers. reporter: last year kelly brown showed her -- as her neighborhood in santa rosa before moving to the houston area. there were many factors in her decision to leave california. she was disappointed governor gavin newsom was not recalled. she was highly critical of the state's extended covid lockdown. >> i want to be in a place that offered more freedom and personal response ability. reporter: one year later she admits to missing her home and friends and northern california netscape. >> is -- landscape. >> it is kind of flat. there are beautiful green trees and lots of humidity. i do not have to worry about wildfires, but it does not have the same natural beauty that california is famous for. reporter: she is considering
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moving back. she wants to give texas one more year. >> one more year. other cities that see residents moving is raleigh, north carolina, riverside, california, los angeles, long beach, anaheim saw a net loss. places like paul spring, will not california saw some of the biggest -- walnut california's also the biggest gains. kristen: making art come to life in oakland. a new app tha
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kristen: we are celebrating black history month at abc7news with a look at stories that impact your committee. around oakland you will see both colorful art displays that are a nod to the city's rich black history. larry: you can see the art come to life using the black terminus at. julian glover has a look. >> when they opened up a camera there isa lot of joy on people's face. most of t app for the first time, is their first introduction into augmented reality. into this make something physical digital into the real world. reporter: did -- damien mcduffie is a creative archivist in
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digital -- >> open up our camera. point if there. whoever opens up a camera at this pretty the image will be able to see it. >> i know you explained it to me in five bids but it still feels like magic -- five minutes but is still feels like magic. >> is magic in terms of us seeing versus immersion. reporter: damien creates seamless immersions using augmented reality. a mix of the digital and physical world made possible by the app he created. walking around oakland you can use the app to bring large public art displays to life. like this mural. like any good inventor his journey started with a problem. a problem he first encountered while working as an archivist for the doctors european union foundation by day.
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digitized -- hewing -- uep newton foundation by day and digitizing his family photos by night. >> we get to sit and be with somebody wonderful artifacts and share a lot of what you see as an archivist with the public it is. really fragile or there is not a medium to deliver it. >> he crated medium in augmented reality. a skill he tarted -- taught himself during the pandemic with his family. >> 1015 years ago i started 10 years to 15 years ago i started scanning digital photos. >> this is an example of a different kind of animation. >> blending reality was something that feels as if you are stepping into a piece of art. some. simple, others more elaborate. each one telling a story. >> will be more viable to the people if -- reporter: he was first inspired
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by augmented reality after visiting ar museums in thailand and in japan. >> as an archivist, now i can help people see what i see every day. i know the history of oakland, and the history of black people in certain places. when i walk around my neighborhood i know what was here before. reporter: he is using the technology to do exactly that. working to create a black panther party history walking tour in oakland. breathing new life into bureaus like this one honoring the women of the black panther party. >> the art and home itself is so beautiful. it is remarkable. now there is another layer added onto it with damien's technology and the ar3 what has -- ar. what is that experience for you? >> is bananas. these women have existed for me
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as for a long time. now with damien, the app, you can point your phone at the women and they come to life are you. that to me is incredibly remarkable and exciting and beautiful. reporter: what was it like the first time he saw someone opening up your app to use it to see art come to life? >> i am amazed everything will time. i am amazed that it works. i am amazed that people use it. i am amazed that artists use it. kristen: you can use a black terminus ar app to animate 25 public art displays in oakland right now. to be one of the first to experience the immersive walking to her to our website and click on this -- our -- head to our walking -- website and click the link to the story. larry: celebrating 100 years of the magic of disney.
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celebrate a century of storytelling. there is a hologram of walt disney. we have a look at the exhibit. >> exhibition open. >> with some help from mickey and minnie we got a first peek at -- inside the exhibit's 10 immersive. calories. >> everything -- immersive galleries. >> everything is based on what walt disney did. we decide to have him host exhibit. >> from the spell book it of hocus-pocus to costumes from popular films. >> you do feel the magic. >> it is everywhere the sound, the sites. >> there are artifacts from walt's vault, items from the theme park, as well as a matterhorn bobsled.
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bob designed that along with the very first monorail. >> looking at this all over again in very great detail as you go to the exhibit. reporter: each gallery isdedicated to walt's spirit and his storytelling. >> is the secret sauce, i get make movies like blanking and beauty and the beast. >> members of the detroit three bank of -- d 23 fan come for the first visit. >> it is so incredible. reporter: tickets are on sale and going fast. >> they have sold tickets of people entitling. we expect people -- people in thailand. we expect people from everywhere to come see it. reporter: officially opening this saturday at the franklin institute in philadelphia. kristen: it opens on saturday and will travel to munich and london.
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>> t separate from chief leronne armstrong from the city, without pause. >> oakland's top cop is out. the mayor announced the firing of the city's police chief. thank you for joining us. >> he was administrative leave last month. >> as you saw live just a few minutes ago, the mayor has now decided to fire him. we will talk more about this with our reporter. let's hear from our special corr
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