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tv   America This Morning  ABC  February 17, 2023 4:30am-5:00am PST

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america this morning breaking news separate shootings targeting jewish men in los angeles. the attacks being treated as hate crimes and now word of an arrest. new concern at the toxic train derailment site in ohio. the chemical plume spreading and now weather possibly complicating the response, the e p a insisting the water is safe. what skeptical residents a vomiting are now demanding and we take a closer look at the train companies past hours after another derailment, this one in michigan. us senator hospitalized for depression what we're learning about senator john fetterman condition, ioillion each dayut a
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inflationy prices are going p yt again. and now the news about americans credit card debt, plus tiger woods roaring back what he said after round one at the genesis invitational. and later after more than 100 years of precious letter finally arrives in the mail. new york. this is america this morning. good friday morning, everyone i'm reena roy. infra rhiannon. i'm andrew timber, and we begin with breaking news overnight and investigation in los angeles after jewish men leaving synagogues were targeted in two separate shootings. security is now being stepped up around jewish institutions. it comes amid concern about anti semitism on the rise. this morning, a jewish community in los angeles on edge after two separate shootings in two days, both victims targeted while
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leaving synagogues. the guy just came out of the bushes shot my friend and ran away. police say. a man in his forties was shot wednesday after he left morning prayer in the city's pico robertson neighborhood just blocks away the next day, police say a man in his seventies was shot by a suspect from inside a vehicle. that victim also leaving a synagogue minutes before he was shot. both men are expectedto survive. the motive behind them is not as important as what people are feeling now in the community, which is scared and afraid. overnight police announcing they arrested a suspect in connection with both shootings. the suspect was previously described as an asian man with a goatee authorities now treating the shootings as hate crimes. there's no way that this is a coincidence and in a very jewish neighborhood both men leaving synagogues possibly with keep on their head. i mean , you do the math. i think it's pretty pretty clear anti semitic attacks have been on the rise nationwide. the anti defamation
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league recently reporting a record number of documented cases of harassment, vandalism and violence directed against jewish people. as for the suspect in los angeles, officials say he has quote history of animus towards the jewish community. detectives say they recovered a rifle and a handgun when they arrested the suspect to the toxic train disaster. in ohio, many residents are demanding independent testing of the water and soil is the weather threatens to complicate efforts to contain the pollution. the epa, meanwhile, says the air and water is safe. this morning. people in east palestine, ohio, bracing for a new threat stemming from the toxic crash site, where norfolk southern train carrying vinyl chloride deraed two weeks ago, fearing heavy rain could spread contamination officials built up dams along the crash site. all families need to know that they are safe. all families deserve access to clean air and safe drinking water, moving chemical plume from a controlled burn at
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the site is expected to drift into west virginia today, but the epa says the contaminants are well below the 5 60 parts per billion that the cdc considers hazardous. the state of ohio and epa are working hand in hand. and if we say that the water is safe and the area safe , we believe it because we tested it in the data shows it, but residents say they're skeptical and scared by mixed messages on water and air safety in the last two weeks, some reporting sore throats, vomiting and other symptoms. that train derailment happened just back there and you look here. this is one of those gas monitors and on the screen. it zeroes across the board. but you talked to residents in this neighborhood and they'll tell you that if you spend an extended amount of time here, you're going to feel something. we should not have been let back into town until all of this was done. you don't bring families that with their kids and their loved ones and then tell him to scrub with dawn governor now calling for additional resources from the
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federal government. hhs and cdc crews now deploying. meanwhile, in michigan yesterday another norfolk southern train wasand no chemicals were spilled. the number of toxic train derailment nationwide has been declining. in recent years, rail carriers have been involved in more than 13,000 hazardous material incidents since 2002 norfolk southern involved in 1530 of those incidents, more than 100 of them classified as serious, including a 2005 derailment in south carolina that released toxic chlorine gas. nine people were killed. back in ohio high school basketball tournament game had to be canceled because the visiting team forfeited rather than playing in east palestine. new video overnight of the most remarkable rescue yet from the earthquake in turkey, two men were pulled out of the rubble alive after 261 hours buried in debris. that's more than 10 days inside a collapsed building. the quake has claimed 42,000 lives, a pledge drive aired by several
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turkish tv channels raised $6 billion for survival. rivers grand jury in georgia, looking into former president trump's attempt to overturn the 2020 election has revealed possible perjury among the witnesses. as those details come to light another legal battle over allegations of election fraud is playing out. this time concerning fox news and private messages sent by the networks anchors allegedly revealing they didn't by trump's election fraud claims, even while saying otherwise on tv, here's a b cs jockey this morning as part of its billion dollar defamation lawsuit against fox news dominion voting systems has revealed private communications from the network's top anchors. suggesting they expressed disbelief that dominion's voting machines rigged the 2020 presidential election, even while promoting the false claims on air, many of donald trump 72 million voters believe this election was fundamentally unfair and the right about that , according to the court filings , tucker carlson texted a
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producer 10 days after the election, saying there wasn't enough fraud to change the outcome and text show carlson along with sean hannity and laura ingram did not believe trump attorney sidney powell's election fraud claims. in response to the new court filings. fox news accuses dominion of mischaracterizing the record and cherry picking quotes without context. meanwhile in a separate case, a grand jury has now released part of its report on whether former president trump and his allies broke the law trying to overturn trump's 2020 election lost in georgia. the report reveals the jury believes one or more witnesses may have lied under oath. the catalyst for the investigation was trump's phone call to georgia's secretary of state. i just want to find ah! 11,780. votes trump did not testify before the grand jury and insists he did nothing wrong. the report does not name any of the grand jury witnesses
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. but among those who did appear before the grand jury were rudy giuliani, former white house chief of staff mark meadows and senator lindsey graham. i'm confident, testified openly and honestly, the jury said it unanimously found no widespread fraud in georgia's election. everything allegation that was made after 2020 we checked it out. one of the first ones who heard that there were thousands of dead people voted. we had found two and since that time we found two more. they said there was 66,000 underage voters. there's actually zero. the grand jury's recommendations are now in the hands of the district attorney. rajaji abc news washington. president biden's doctor says the president is fit to execute his duties, a report ay bnging the president's annual for four conditions, including a type of irregular heart rhythm. it also says biden has lost some weight but is quote healthy and vigorous. meanwhile, the president is defending his decision to shoot down three unidentified objects recently
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flying in north american airspace. it followed the takedown of a chinese spy balloon. but biden says the three objects were not a national security. risk. intelligence community's current assessment is that these three objects were most likely balloons tied to private companies, recreation or research institutions studying whether or conducting other scientific research. they were detected after radars were adjusted. following the chinese incursion. young children are getting too much sugar and not enough fruit and vegetables and new cdc survey found about half of kids under age five. don't eat a daily vegetable and one third don't eat daily fruit 20% of us children are obese, turning to the weather, a storm system moving toward the northeast left behind tornado damage in mississippi and arkansas, but there were no reported injuries. let's take a look now at your friday forecast.
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slow moving thunderstorms into today are going to give us some flash flooding concerns from the virginias down to the gulf coast . careful of water over the roads. meantime later today that front will move toward the coast with cooler, drier air moving in its wake here in the northeast, wind and soaking rain could give us travel delays on the i 95 with a wintry mix in northern new england and western new york. hey this weekend looks good. no big travel trouble spots. hopefully it's a good weekend for you. accuweather meteorologist kevin costner. coming up more price increases at the grocery store, also ahead of us senator is hospitalized for depression. what senator john fetterman struggle can teach us all and later the news
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(vo) the fully electric audi e-tron family is here. with models that fit any lifestyle. and innovative ways to make your e-tron your own. through elegant design and progressive technology.
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all the exhilaration, none of the compromise. the audi e-tron family. progress that moves you. the occult 2020 tonight on the c
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. how much drug money is esperanza paying you to turn traitor? we're learning more about the health of actor bruce willis. he's been diagnosed with frontal temporal dementia known as f t. d, which can cause problems with decision making and language. there's no cure, and doctors say initial symptoms differ between patients. last year, the willis family revealed bruce's struggle with aphasia patients lose some ability to speak or understand. the family released a statement yesterday saying. while this is painful, it is a relief to finally have a clear diagnosis. they say bruce would want to bring global attention to the disease. we turn now to senator john fetterman in the hospital for clinical depression. the democrat who beat dr oz in a tough election fight has a new fight on his hands, one being waged in homes and offices across the country every day. here's a b cs andrea fuji e this morning, a source tells abc news . senator john fetterman could be in the hospital longer than a few days for treatment of severe depression. as chief of staff
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says while john has experienced depression off and on throughout his life, it only became severe in recent weeks. we always want to speak with the stroke doctors and talk about whether this stroke is playing a role in this issue. whether there's something we need to do to change it before fetterman won his seat in november, he suffered a stroke during the campaign, his speech slow during an october debate. he would never make that choice to fight for ford for a mayor families here in pennsylvania last week. he was hospitalized after feeling lightheaded, and monday, a physician recommended inpatient care at walter reed hospital. his wife, tweeting, i'm so proud of him for asking for help and getting the care he needs. doctors say his previous stroke could complicate treatment. they say depression after a stroke is common. it happens in more than one third of stroke patients. and that can happen as a result of exactly what part of the brain was implicated in the stroke. major depressive disorders affect more than 17 million adults in the u.
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s every year about 7% of the population society has made great strides in accepting and treating mental illness. five decades ago, senator tom eagleton was removed from george mcgovern's 1972 presidential ticket. after acknowledging he'd been treated for depression. mcgovern decades later acknowledged if i had to do it over again, i'd have kept him. i didn't know anything about mental illness. nobody did. family says they believe he'll be away from the senate for weeks, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle or sending him well wishes senator ted cruz tweeting mental illness is real and serious. i hope he gets the care he needs. andrew rina. andrea thank you. inflation may be easing, but the world's biggest food company says it will be raising prices this year. nestle which makes everything from cats to coffee, says staple items will soon cost even more due to rising costs. nestle already raised prices by an average of 8% last year, and americans now
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have a record amount of credit card debt. reaching nearly a trillion dollars total. that's nearly $6500 per household. coming up the return of winnie the pooh. many fans are not happy, but first growing concern about microsoft's artificial intelligence chatbot that disturbing conversations disturbing conversations straight out of a sci my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...the burning, the itching. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin even at 5 years. tremfya® is the first medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis... ...and it's 6 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®...
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ask your doctor about tremfya® today. think he's posting about all that ancient roman coinage? no. he's making real-time money moves with merrill. so no matter what the market's doing, he's ready. and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond! ♪ ♪ crunchy, tasty, sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond! ♪ ♪ crunchy, tasty. sweet or savory, ♪ ♪ always satisfying, gimme- ♪ blue diamond almonds. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit how did kellogg's combine crunchy oat clusters with a touch of honey... plump, juicy raisins and tasty fiber into one delicious cereal? it took a lot of bran-storming.
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get it? kellogg's raisin bran crunch. two scoops of delicious. zyrtec in appeal. nearly half the size wise old takes eyes on at night. the starters for the cardinals have just been dazzling. the cardinals have played 26 baseball legend tim mccarver in the st louis cardinals tv booth mccarver became a hall of fame broadcaster after winning two world series. he died of heart failure. he was 81. our next story could be the plot from a science fiction movie, a computer program. saying he wants to take over the world. but this is not a movie. it just happened with microsoft's new chat bot will ganz has the creepy details. has technology finally gone too far. you should probably run. bing the search
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engine from microsoft has been given an artificial intelligence makeover. the company testing a new chat feature with technology from open ai, the maker of chat gpt new york times tech columnist kevin roose spent two hours chatting with the bot, which calls itself sydney turned into this sprawling, bizarre, often frightening conversation like almost the other side of a split personality where it was not trying to sort of being helpful assistant throughout their conversation, published in its entirety in the times, sydney revealing to kevin she would like to be human. she had a desire to be destructive and she was in love with kevin himself during part of their chat, kevin writing you keep coming back to the love thing. i'm married. sydney responding in part you're married, but you're not happy you're married , but you're not satisfied. you want me because i want you
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insane, right? told me that it had dangerous and dark fantasies about spreading misinformation or propaganda, even hacking into banks or nuclear sites. microsoft telling us in a statement in part feedback on the ai powered answers generated by the new being has been overwhelmingly positive. more than 70% of preview testers giving being a thumbs up. we have also received good feedback on where to improve and continue to apply these learnings to the models to refine the experience that hasn't been released to the general public just yet, but microsoft says it plans a broader rollout in the coming weeks. andrew and rena robot revolution. is this how it starts right now, man. okay coming up one letter taking snail mail to a whole new level, sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression snail mail to a whole new level, plus tiger woods roaring bac feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte. caplyta is proven to deliver
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the . time to check the pulse, and we begin with some new momentum for tiger woods. that's right. he's in southern california, playing his first real golf tournament in seven months, and he's entering today's round after finishing with three straight birdies, no one else in the field at the genesis invitation. well did that, and tiger says it's about time. i happen to actually hit some good shots finally, and america couple of plots and there will come a point in time when i can't do this anymore. and but right now i feel like i still can. tiger starts today, only five strokes behind the leaders and from a tiger to a bear horror movie featuring winnie the pooh. that could be a sign of things to come. the poop blood and honey is being panned by critics. it was made for $100,000 and a sequel is already in the works. the movie hit theaters just a year after winning the poos 95 year
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copyright expired the next few years. the same will happen to the first version of mickey mouse and other iconic characters, so stay tuned. can't wait for those next. a warning. if you're planning spring break better book. now airfares are up 20% from this time last year, domestic airfare is averaging $264 a ticket experts say if you're planning to travel domestically in march book now flying domestically in april before the end of february for the best deals next, a story that redefines snail mail a letter postmarked in 1916 finally arrived after more than 100 years. it was sent to a woman in london by a friend on vacation in the city of bath, saying she had a cold and wasn't feeling well. male officials aren't speculating as to what caused the delay. finally a magical moment in nature. take a look at what's called the fire fall in yosemite national park. it happens for a few weeks every year. the sun makes a waterfall
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in the park looked like lava. you gotta get lucky and catch it you gotta get lucky and catch it and just the right angle dancing is everything. soccer is the best. but her moderate to severe eczema could make it hard for her. my skin was so itchy. and my outfit was uncomfortable. now, my skin's not as itchy. now we're staying ahead of her eczema. there's a power inside all of us, to live our passion. and dupixent works on the inside, to help heal your skin from within. nfmmation and dupixent works on the inside, inside the body that can cause eczema. so they can have clearer skin and less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a wonderful thing. ask your child's eczema specialist
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>> is not enough bands or shelters. reggie: what it takes to take care of the on housed in the bay area. the challenges the city must address immediately. kumasi: today, leaders in silicon valley are attempting to diagnose issues facing the area. among them, tech layoffs. reggie: he is accused of operating a home drug lab that led to the deadly explosion which ended up killing his wife. what else we are expected to learn as the suspect faces a judge today. kumasi: president biden officially addressing the unidentified objects shot down. reggie: good morning on this friday. kumasi: let's get a check of the forecast. drew: warmer than yesterday with a a t


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