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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  March 1, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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fight in a classroom and two juniors entered and got into a fight with a freshman. a 15-year-old pulled out a knife with a four-inch blade and stabbed one of the students in the upper torso and a second student in the hand, both students rushed to the hospital, and one died. the freshman fled the campus but was tracked down by police. >> we got witnesses from saint eugene's cathedral which reported a young man hiding in the creek behind the cathedral campus. our officers scoured the area and located a 15-year-old juvenile hiding in the creek bed laying on his stomach to conceal himself. officers slowed down the youth, not using force, and took this man into custody. >> we spoke with someone who says his daughter called from
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school asking him to pick her up re iwhat theha it is sad it haso that. with the shooting, it is scary for me and the students. >> we hid under our further information was told to us by our teacher, which was not, um, it wasn't really like that bad, it was just the information being told to us was the scariest part because we did not really know anything until you know people told us. >> others were on campus earlier today and one person said the focus will be on students the next couple of days, and they told us they got rid of this resource officer in 2020 but some parents think it would have been important to have a resource officer on campus who could have mitigated the
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situation from the earlier fight before the stabbing. the superintendent says it will be 6:00 tonight when they make a decision on whether there will be class tomorrow. julian: thank you. brooke jenkins filed a motion to officially dismiss manslaughter charges against a former san francisco police officer in a 2017 fatal shooting. the rookie officer fired his gun through the window of his patrol car, killing a 42-year-old carjacking suspect who was unarmed. the former da initially charged him with homicide. it was the first time a san francisco police officer had ever been charged with homicide, but jenkins says the facts and laws do not support prosecution and only filed the charges for political gain. the case is not over, a judge gave the office until march 7 two decide to file charges. today at a rally, his aunt demanded justice and police
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officers have to be held accountable. >> the message will be clear. if this man walks away, it will not matter what video, pictures you have, they will do it on broad daylight and put it on social media and laugh themselves. julian: the family settled a civil lawsuit for $2.5 million against the city. the person was fired by the police department. ou gone, we clearnow to the nt m view of snow on the east bay hills, like this incredible video from mount diablo. julian: our reporter joins us live now in the east bay with more. hey. >> good afternoon. yes, a clear day. you can see the snow on mount diablo, know that has melted from when it first fell, but still plenty for people to go up on the mountain and get a firsthand look at what it is
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like up there. it is something we had multiple times this week, families and kids playing in the snow at mount diablo. wednesday was the busiest day. the roads and skies were clear, allowing people to take full advantage of the snow. >> wneay iade we packed up the t here is a cardboard first letting, having a blast. [laughter] >> this preschool made the trip to get the class a chance to play and something not normally seen in the bay area. >> it is the first time seeing snow for some kids. it is fun. we had a list, snowball fight, snowman, letting. >> [indiscernible] >> then, checking off the winter playground list. for others, it was just about. >> sledding. >> [indiscernible] [laughter] >> they played hooky from
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homeschooling because they did not want to miss playing in the snow on mount diablo. [laughter] >> this is something we talked about. we thought this would be the perfect day to duet and we are missing art class. >> park rangers reopened trails, allowing those who made the drive up to take in all the spots in the east bay covered in snow. >> [indiscernible] >> very appreciative, honestly. uh, we needed this, the snow, the rain. >> i did speak with a park ranger at the mountain who is not available for an interview but did say anyone going up to mount diablo should know they are stopping traffic at the juniper campground because the top parking lot towards the summit is still covered in ice, so if you want to go to the summit, you have to hike. he mentioned anyone planning to go up there should be wary of maintenance crews doing maintenance as a result of the snow on the campgrounds, so be
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aware of that and avoid it as best as possible. julian: ok. thanks. there are so many beautiful scenes of snow across the bay area. today, we wanted to give you look with sky 7. karina nova has your look around. karina: the sunshine made a comeback, making the sites even more majestic. at mount diablo state park, for the first time in days, there are no clouds covering the stomach -- summit. a light dusting of snow, a drastic difference from snow and ice causing closures in the area days ago. sky 7 showing the book out where there is no blanketing the ground. south towards mission peak, the snow is melting and the hikers are enjoying the sunshine in the truck up to one of the bay areas -- trek to one of the best vistas. now one of the highest peaks at 4200 feet, several inches of
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snow falling overnight made for beautiful sight of the observatory looking like a winter wonderland, the snow browning coming -- blanketing the trees, but this weather continue to cause problems, a power outage at the observatory and a to the mountain. while caltrans worked through the night to clear the road, the observatory remains closed to visitors. kristen: well, we are not expecting snow tonight, but it will get really cold. julian: we are checking now with a look at the forecast. sandhya: yeah, tomorrow morning, you will feel it. i want to show you something interesting on the satellite picture. you will notice that the snowfall in over mount hamilton is sitting there. it is still there. that is great. in the sierra nevada, the snowpack building as they have
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seen feet of snow. 87 inches sierra snow lab. seven feet of snow. sugar bowl 62 inches. looking at the sierra snowpack, 189% of average, and this will continue to build over the weekend. wind gusting to 31 oakland. san jose 29. once the wind drops off, temperatures nosedived and we have freeze warnings and frost advisory through just about all of the bay area from midnight until 9:00 a.m., subfreezing conditions expected. i will be back with a look at the forecast that includes more rain and snow coming up. kristen: thank you. the storms replenished lakes and reservoirs. sky 7 was over one like today for a water release. you can see the water rushing out of the tunnel near the reservoir in anticipation of the next round of storms. julian: it is a mess in the sierra now. this is late last night in
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truckee. you can see the mounds of snow and the wind whipping, making it difficult to see in what are quite out conditions. kristen: we are hearing first-hand about the avalanche that slammed into a building is in seeing homes and cars buried in snow. our reporter spent the day talking with people in the mountains and how they managed to get by. >> people who live, work, visit the sierra face treacherous conditions with several feet of new snow in 24 hours. so much snow in such a short time. this is the view outside someone's kitchen window in truckee. at soda springs at the central sierra snow lab. >> three feet in 24 hours is fantastic. it was a wild ride with the blizzard conditions. >> over the past week, 12 feet in soda springs. andrew schwartz expends what is surprising.
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andrew: how white and fluffy the snow is. the cooler than average temperatures meant it was light and fluffy, not the same sierra cement. >> they state conditions have been treacherous on the roads and in the mountains. check out this from sugar bowl resort inside the marketing office. >> it is serious. it is buried. >> heat is staying in the olympic valley in tahoe and had to dig his car out of the snow every day this week and at 12:30 a.m. >> the sheriff's office knocked on the door and indicated we needed to shelter in effectuate. >> and avalanche hit the condo complex next door. these are photos from the placer county sheriff's office. >> it had the windows blown out here there was a trashcan tossed 30 feet across the parking lot. >> that is where the avalanche was less night. >> no one was hurt in the evacuated with the fire department. the high wind and blizzard conditions have
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meanwhile, andrew schwartz says we have been disappointed with sierra snowfall for too long now because of the drought, but now. >> it is time to be optimistic, excited about the snow, that it has come in the way it has and there is more in the forecast. >> we checked with other resorts. one had nearly 42 feet of a 100 inches more than it usually gets in a season. here is another interesting tidbit, truckee at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow it is forecast to be one degree fahrenheit. julian: it will be a cold night. thanks. you can keep track of the weather conditions and get the same live doppler 7 that are weather team uses anytime you want. just download the abc 7 bay area app. kristen: the shadow primary, new republicans on tour to see if they should jump into the race
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in the big name to california. and, the push to improvement to help care in california and how it could make a difference on a area streets. catching up with oreo cookie pieces, cool mint, creamy whipped cream, and a sweet cherry on top. what's not to like? i guess that it's only here for a limited time. ♪
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♪ ♪ i guebefore the xfinityhere for 10g networkime. we didn't have internet that let us play all at once. every device? in every room? why are you up here? with speeds like this, i can't even dream of what he'll be able to do. get xfinity internet for just $25 a month with no annual contract during our limited time launch celebration. you have no idea how good you've got it. huh? what a time to be alive. introducing the next- generation 10g network. only from xfinity.
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kristen: a big push to change california's behavioral health system. lawmakers hope two those will hope how they provide resources.
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julian: zach fuentes heard from leaders about how they hope to accomplish that. >> the system as it is set up is failing people. it is failing people in crisis, and this is a part of doing something about it. >> the san francisco mayor and san jose mayor joined other mayors and state leaders calling for support to pass two bills, each aiming to change conservatorship rules for people struggling with serious mental illness. >> it is compassion -- the opposite of compassion to let people live and die on her streets. >> senate bill 43 aims to change the definition the qualified someone for conservatorship. the law says they have to be greatly disabled now. the bill would add to what that means. >> different criteria, not just food, clothing, shelter, or being a danger to yourself or others, but you deteriorate to the point you cannot provide care for yourself.
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>> the other bill would create an online registry that which showed the beds available in mental health care and substance abuse facilities. leaders in these fields were at the conference cheering the bills which have bipartisan support. >> we have the cycle of human devastation on the streets, people who we all know need help in literally cannot get it because of the current law. >> last year, he made a similar attempt, but pushback led to its failure, civil liberty groups concerned it could force mentally ill people into treatment against their will. wednesday, he said senate bill 43 does talking about treating someone against her will but specifies who that addresses. >> severe diagnoses, those who will end up in prisons. it bears noting that our state hospital systems are full of people who are incapable of standing trial because they are so ill they have no insight into what kind of crimes they committed. those are the things that people
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end up being treated involuntarily or not being treated. >> if they pass, january 2024 is when they would take effect. kristen: with the pandemic emergency declaration coming to an end, a wide range of services and benefits is going away. san francisco is looking at fallout that will have an impact on two programs. one of the big changes is that emergency funding will no longer be paid out. with one program the city will affect more than the families who depend on the money. >> more than 96,000 san francisco citizens will lose $11.5 million a month citywide. the 11.5 million reduction will impact local restaurants and groceries who disproportionally rely on that spending. kristen: the agency offers free food distribution, including
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groceries. julian: eli lilly will cut prices of its most commonly prescribed insolent products by 70% and at $35 a bottle. the price change goes into effect as soon as october, coming after pressure from lawmakers to make the life-saving medication more affordable. kristen: the bay bridge lights that have become an iconic part of this guideline are coming down this weekend, going out on sunday but maybe not for sever -- forever. the group is hoping to replace the lights and hope to turn them on over liberty we can with twice as many lights visible on both sides of the bridge. so pretty on a clear night. julian: yes. there is nothing like it. kristen: we might get a clear and cold night. julian: we got a break from the rain, but the cold is back. sandhya: yes.
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tonight will be freezing cold. i want to show you live doppler 7 now. the storm has said so long. it is now in southern california, where they have been seeing snow, rain, you name it. area, skies clearing. 72-hour rainfall totals among many one-inch two-inch category. three inches of rain. 8800 san jose. over one inch in santa rosa, napa. over one inch in concord. sometimes you get missed. not this time around. everyone above average. 107 san jose. 148 san jose. a few high, is breezy, gusty. low to mid 50's. 54 oakland.
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cool. you're seeing the sunshine. oakland airport camera, looking at a beautiful view towards mount tam. 57 santa rosa. 56 napa. 52 livermore. tonight at 7:00 p.m., if you're stepping out, 40's. it would be cool enough you need to layer up. tomorrow morning, bring out the heavy jackets for subfreezing conditions for some parts of the bay area. 29 santa rosa. this is not the bottom. ready for livermore. this is a live view from south beach. fresh, clean air. gusty denied. cold and frosty in the morning. mild through friday. a wet pattern returns as we can. tomorrow morning, cultist in the mid-20's north of the bay area. 28 santa rosa. 33 concord. 35 san jose. some clouds in the morning.
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tomorrow afternoon, a mix of sunshine and high clouds. breezy, but temperatures recovered. lows to ls gion. it feels good if you are outside in the sunshine it leads. if you want the rain, you've got it. 11:00 a.m. saturday, rain moves in. sunday, rain/snow mix over the peaks, continuing through next week with an unsettled pattern with more snow in the sierra nevada. rainfall totals through tuesday, .50 inches to over one inch of rain. this will not be the storm of the century, but will be much needed rain in the bay area. winter storm watch saturday money to monday morning, heavy snow possible, one foot to five feet, dangerous trouble, so the best trouble days the next two days. cold tomorrow morning, with frost.
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mild in the afternoon. we hold friday. level 1 saturday through tuesday with the makes of snow, higher terrain, snow, and the showers at the lower elevations, so we are on a roll here. kristen: yeah, for like another week, right? sandhya: even through mid-march with more storms coming. kristen: see. that's why she's the most important person here. san francisco's annual, biggest annual muc music festival returs this august. if you did not wake up early this morning to you mr. chance for three-day tickets. the eager beaver presale sold out, even without knowing who will perform. single day general admission tickets will go on sale at a later date. fans can kiss a 1970's rock band goodbye. kiss announce their final tour, the end of the road tour in october, with the closest stops
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to us in los angeles and palm desert. they plan to hang up their platform boots after two final shows at madison square garden. julian: if you notice changes to shopping or restaurant rewards programs you are not alone. why so many are not so rewarding anymore. kristen:
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more paper being crumpled music: “i wish” by skee-lo boom! sound of paper balls landing in bins office workers cheering music stops why do we shoot baskets with paper balls?
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for the same reason we play scratchers from the california lottery. because a little play can make your day. logo scratches on
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julian: welcome back. if you have noticed reward programs are lacking lately, it is not just you. kristen: inflation is hurting your chances of getting a free cup of coffee. we have a closer look at the changes. >> she starts her day with coffee. >> i am a dunkin' donuts perso and live and die by it. >> she usually received two free drinks a month as part of the loyalty program, but not anymore. >> now barely one free drink per month. i was like, oh my god, i can't believe they have done this to me. >> according to the new york times, customers used to spend $40 to get a free drink but now, about $90. she thought switching to starbucks would help, but on february 13, they increased the reboard points -- reward points needed for free perk.
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and pointed to the reason this may happen for many retailers. inflation. september 2022, we increase point values for menu items in the rewards exchange to account for the additional cost of of our real ingredients. this got me wondering does this decrease in rewards go beyond fast food and coffee chains? the answer is yes. >> it is getting harder for these programs to deliver on the benefits, it's they're making it harder to achieve these statuses , and earning these perks and benefits. >> dunkin' donuts says since we launched rewards in october, we have seen positive sentiment in strong results. loyalty members have redeemed over 25 million rewards and welcome to over 3 million new members. if you are regular, it still does make sense she says to use the rewards because you know what? one free drink is better than nothing. julian: you have to take what you can. while weather continues across
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the country. kristen: in california, yosemite national park closed, and snow at disneyland? we have the details. two big-name politicians heading to the bay area. ♪ "pop muzik" by m ♪ corn chicken... ♪ ...corn chicken... ♪ ...corn chicken... so... get out. right. okay. mhm. my $6.99 popcorn chicken is back. only at jack in the box.
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♪ "pop muzik" by m ♪ ♪ ♪ my $6.99 popcorn chicken is back. only at jack in the box. ♪ announcer: building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc7 news. kristen: today that yosemite national park is on hold and will be closed and definitely due to that, a huge dumping of 15 feet of snow. yosemite shut down february 25 due to a blizzard. yeah. it may be clear in the bay area come across the u.s. and the
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millions are in the path of a storm. julian: heavy snow, flooding, severe weather, and the threat of tornadoes in the southeast as well. our reporter has the details. >> incredible white out conditions across california. the sierra nevada mountain seeing a six-foot onslaught of snow and 50 mile-per-hour winds. the conditions leaving some stranded. >> this is our driveway. >> as others dig out. near lake tahoe, an avalanche struck a three-story apartment building in homes, complexes, and businesses evacuated. yosemite park is closed indefinite with snow up to 15 feet deep in some areas and parts of the region now experiencing power outages. san bernardino county, a state of emergency. >> you can see my house. >> as some are stranded in the mountains, and officials say
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search-and-rescue are underway. >> roofs are starting to collapse and we have elevated the situation. >> two dozen states under weather alerts, california, tennessee, heavy snow, high wind, flooding, as the system moves east. >> in los angeles, the threat of mudslides, while in the mountains, the concern is where crews and plows can put that's snow as they work to clear roads and homes. julian: it an avalanche near lake tahoe forced emergency crews to evacuate an apartment building last night with the sheriffs department said that avalanche in olympic valley near the palisades resort was 25 feet deep. incredibly, no one was hurt. do not adjust your screens. this not a movie. it snowed today at disneyland.
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it does not appear to be sticking to the ground. the flakes were in the air. the person who shot this video landing in the palm of the hand, as you see. kristen: the man who assassinated rfk will remain in prison. they denied parole for the 78-year-old prisoner lacks insight into what caused him to kill kennedy, a turnaround from 2021 when the board recommended parole but governor newsom rejected it. his attorney says the board was influenced by governor newsom and the kennedy family. julian: now to voice your vote, a year from now, march 5, 2024, super tuesday. kristen: candidates are already ramping up, including florida governor ron desantis, who will be in california this weekend. julian: we are now life with details. >> governor desantis will be
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speaking at the ronald reagan presidential library, often seen as a launching pad for presidential candidates, fundraising, and the timing comes as a new poll shows him beating former president trump among california republican voters. [applause] he has become one of california governor gavin newsom's biggest rivals, florida governor ron desantis, and on sunday i'm of the potential republican presidential candidate will be visiting california, headlining a fundraiser for the orange county republican party, and speaking to a sold-out crowd at the reagan presidential library in simi valley. >> the reality is this is the shadow primary. >> the national political pre ss will be in attendance and watching carefully to see how he does in the speech. >> one republican political consultant and paul mitchell, a, say he is testing the waters for unlikely likely presidential run. california's 5.2 million republican voters could play a
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large role in determining the republican nominee now that the states primary has moved to super tuesday. >> the good news is he arrives in california the same week as a poll was out showing that republican primary voters actually preferred him over donald trump. >> that poll is from the berkeley institute of governmental studies that shows ron desantis leading among california republicans with 37% support. former president trump at 29%, followed by nikki haley at 7%. >> what is important is that while we are seeing trump have a little bit of weakness in this period in the election cycle, it isn't like republicans have gone vegetarian and reading the new york times. they are still conservative and ron desantis is trying to capture that brand. >> he may have governor newsom to thank for his growing support among california republicans, newsom often contrasting
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policies. >> helped to raise his profile here. -- he helped to raise his profile here. >> they help each other out when they attack one another with their bases. >> brace yourself. were likely to see many candidates make their way through california, partly because it is now in early march comes that voters could have a lot of influence here. also, of course because of money. california is an atm for presidential candidates and more fundraising happens here than any other state. all that money is waiting for them. kristen: thanks. vice president harris will also be back in the bay area this week. this is video from her most recent visit in october. she will travel to san francisco on friday with a roundtable with small business owners. it will focus on entrepreneurship and highlight the administration's efforts to
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help small businesses. julian: coming up, the happiest and saddest cities in america. before the xfinity 10g network we didn't have internet that let us play all at once. every device? in every room? why are you up here? with speeds like this, i can't even dream of what he'll be able to do. get xfinity internet for just $25 a month with no annual contract during our limited time launch celebration. you have no idea how good you've got it. huh?
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what a time to be alive. introducing the next- generation 10g network. only from xfinity. ♪ alex! mateo, hey how's business? great. you know that loan has really worked wonders. that's what u.s. bank is for. and you're growing in california? -yup, socal, norcal... -monterey? -all day. -a branch in ventura? that's for sure-ah. atms in fresno? fres-yes. encinitas? yes, indeed-us. anaheim? big time. more guacamole? i'm on a roll-ay. how about you? i'm just visiting. u.s. bank. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power.
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kristen: all right. more than 40 students and their chaperones are expected back today after the skiing vacation turned into a nightmare, the uk's students were visiting new hampshire, was 41 passports were shredded by staff at their hotel.
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the hotel told news agencies it was an accident. it is common for hotels to require passports for foreign tourists. the group had to go to the british embassy in new york to get their passports, some not u.s. passports, but presumably british passports, and they are going home four later -- days later than expected because of this accident. how do you accidentally shred 41 passports? >> no way. one? that many? >> they were not going to say they did it on purpose, so they had to say something. [laughter] >> what is your theory? >> they purposely shredded 20 and 20 were accidental. i don't know how that happens. i can't speak on that. a passport is distinct and anything else you might see, so i don't know how that ends up in the shredder. >> it always makes me uneasy to hand my passport over to someone else.
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you. shredder? ok. come back. >> a city known for its coffee and its great skies is a bummer. seattle area adults reported feeling sad or depressed during the first two weeks of february, 65% of the third survey out of the less five were seattle ranked number one on the list of saddest large cities, and yes, san francisco made the list, ninth. it feels like we live in seattle the last few days with the rain over and over again. >> yeah. i can understand seattle in february, because it tends to be cold, wintry weather, but in the bay area, we get some sunshine like today, even though it has been storming locally. i can't believe san francisco made the list. >> are you kidding? i'm surprised we were not number
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one given the weather. [laughter] >> it will return tuesday. >> it's not that bad. our storms are mild compared to other parts of the country. >> i know. >> we need the rain and snow. i don't understand why san francisco made the list. there is so much beauty. we have a mild, mediterranean climate, so we are fortune. >> i agree. that is why we are so spoiled. those of us who g like aww. >> i hear people say it is like a storm. people get worried. >> fremont has been named the happiest city in america for the third year in a row for well-being and community, and has the lowest separation and divorce rate. san jose came in second on the
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list step up at 182 large cities. san francisco fifth. oakland 13. you are familiar with some of the cities. >> i used to live in fremont. folks are happy. it is beautiful. nothing but space and opportunity. it is great for families. >> oakland did not do too bad. now you live there. >> i would say oakland needs to be bumped up on that list. >> so diverse, which is nice. >> any other nominations? >> i'd like all of those. anything with sunny skies, oceans, mountains, you have all of it, so just pick any area in the bay area and call it a happy city. >> sunny skies? sandhya: i know. what i was trying to say earlier is the diversity in the cities that makes it a happy place i think. >> definitely. more interesting.
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better food. julian: one of the strengths for sure. even the tooth fairy can't escape inflation. 1000 parents of children were asked, which they pay for a tooth. the going rate is $6.23. if the trend continues, it could be $30 under the pillow by what? [laughter] >> how much did you give your kids? >> $10. it is the first tooth. i thought it was cute. >> only for the first tooth. >> yeah, i understand. after the first tooth, maybe a couple of dollars. >> what did you do? >> the tooth fairy dead $10 for us as well. >> ok. >> i was told if you did not brush, the tooth fairy will give
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you less because it would be inferior quality teeth. >> did it work? >> yeah. yeah. now they have discovered there is no tooth fairy. what am i saying? there is a tooth fairy. >> i don't know. that was not a fun experience losing teeth. now, i'm getting $40, $50 as of the kids coming up are very lucky now. >> that will do ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you can beat it! ♪ visit or call 833-422-4255 to ask for medication to treat covid-19.
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kristen: steph curry could make his return soon from his leg injury, possibly as early as sunday in los angeles against the lakers, a game you will see right here on abc 7. julian: folks are watching the clock. now we bring in someone who spent some time with him for a shopping spree. >> he was in good spirits this week. i had a chance to sit with him exclusively monday ahead of a shopping experience some fans will never forget. ♪ shopping spree. you go in there or what will they see? >> the warriors store. it is an amazing opportunity to bring him here. to find ways to celebrate the community, you know, get an
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amazing experience. >> 20 are 30 kids from a black cultural zone, an important cause for you. why so important? >> it is a huge part of it and the foundation does amazing work in oakland supporting the next generation. >> my favorite part is the costume over there. i am ready to see the surprise. >> this is an opportunity to have a surprise, and amazing shopping spree we bless the kids with. i want a level it up and give them the shock factor with the reveal of larry the jersey customization expert. [applause] i am just trying to bring joy and memorable experiences to kids who deserve it. >> [indiscernible] i was like, wishes like completely -- i was like completely, completely, it was shocking. >> being here in person,
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interacting with the kids peered we all had times growing up when somebody spent some time with us and gave us an encouraging word and it sticks with you so hopefully something like that happens with our interactions. >> for more on this story and my other story of a check out the website and social platforms. steph curry is getting ready for basketball. i will be in los angeles sunday for after the game. we aren't like best friends now, guys. kristen: he looks ready. >> yes. kristen: cap wait. >> he is moving well. kristen: thanks. quite a sendoff at san francisco international airport for fans of the giants as the group headed for spring training in arizona aboard alaska airlines jet with a giant picture of lucille, the team mascot, part of a five-day, four-day package offered by the team. fans say there is nothing like spring training. >> there is nothing more
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intimate. instead of 40,000 people, you have 12 you are nt to the the p. krisn:es i have done it once. yes, you get close to the players. the fans will be treated to a special dinner at the phoenix zoo hosted by players. julian: did you see that party? kristen: i know. also because they are getting out of the rain? julian: a beautiful day. some sunshine now. we are checking back in with what is to come. sandhya: cold. more sunshine before some storms. let me show you a live view. look at mount diablo. we have snow still on top. we will getting more this weekend. freeze warnings and frost advisories from midnight to 9:00 a.m. for all areas except san francisco under these warnings,
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advisories, protect plants, pets, pipes. upper 20's and low 30's. it will be chilly. live doppler 7, passing high clouds that will filter the sunshine tomorrow afternoon. temperatures up compared to today. low 50's and low 60's. a check of the accuweather 7-day forecast, friday morning cold but not widespread frost. mild afternoon. a light level 1 storm. windy. that trend continues next week. the entire weekend will not be a complete washout. there will be periods of wet weather. julian: thanks. a bit of romance in the sky tonight. venus and jupiter will pass each other in what astronomers call a conjunction. they will appear so close some are calling it a kiss.
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the best time to see it will be 7:00 to 9:00. kristen: third season of the mandalorian is here. julian: it is about time. when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm, it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now, and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million (box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking?
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not dead yet, a million little things, followed by the news. the mandalorian is back for season three, featuring old allies, new enemies, and baby yoda. we spoke with the stars about what you can expect. >> may the force be with you. >> this is an epic season. it is big. there are many moving parts. >> we are coming at it with momentum. >> the world is expanding before our eyes. >> there are a lot of characters we have introduced and we quickly bring in the story. >> [indiscernible] >> this is the way. >> mando is at a the end of season two, he broke his creed and took his helmet off and revealed his face. >> you are a mandalorian no more. >> it is part of the code for
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mandalorians, and he has to deal with it as he tries to reclaim it, so we will see what that means for him. >> you know we are introducing the planet itself. it has such a place in the lo re of what it means to be a mandalorian in this planet. >> it is a conversation starter and people are trying to guess what is coming. >> i cannot say enough. it is exciting. it is like a wild ride. as long as the little green guy is there, no one cares. [laughter] kristen: season three of the mandalorian is streaming on disney plus, the parent company of abc 7. abc7news is streaming 24/7, get the streaming tv app and join us when you want wherever you are. that will do it for the news at
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4:00. the news at 5:00 is next.
4:59 pm
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5:00 pm
>> now from abc 7, like breaking news. >> this is truly a sad day tragedy that happened today was heartbreaking. our thoughts are with the students involved, their families, friends, classmates, and staff. montgomery high school. >> tonight at the community and morning after a 16-year-old student died following a school flight earlier today. good evening i am on a dates. >> latest afternoon police and school officials share details about what happened. >> we are at montgomery high school in santa rosa, which brings us live. >> good evening. police chief did not give us the name of the students who were involved, but he did


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