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tv   2020  ABC  March 3, 2023 9:01pm-11:00pm PST

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mhm. believe me, my wife and tom stuff badly. on june 7th 2021 10 06. pm alex murdoch calls 911 and he is frantic breathing. no, ma'am on the ground out of my channels seen that alex murdoch is looking at is his 52 year old wife, maggie and his 22 year old son. paul the one of me moving they were both shot to death outside their property. a place they call moselle. this is a massive property. it's a 1700 acre hunting property going back to my house. that's going just
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in case. he's scared. he says he doesn't know who did this, and he wants to make sure that he's armed if something else happens. please hurry getting somebody ou there to you. oh collin county sheriff's office deputy daniel green was the first to arrive on the scene at moselle. got a long driveway, but the mailbox out furnace labeled he drove up through one of moselle , two driveways, the one that was closest to the dog kennels and to the crime scene. few miles goes. covering the crime scene essentially is an old airplane hangar used as a shed by the family. right next to it is dog kennels. it is very dark , but he's able to see the two bodies that are laying on the ground. whiskey fox whiskey make both gunshot wounds to the head.
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maggie and paul are clearly dead. he's like murdoch, standing there as well in a t shirt and shorts. let you know because of the scene. i do. i did go get a gun and bring it down here in your vehicle. you have any guns on you at all? leaning up against the side of my car? you're fine, man. you're fine. turn around for me. i don't have any. yes, sir. i see that, okay? this is your wife and son. okay? alex murdoch is extremely upset. he is beside himself. bad jacob approaches. yes he seemed anxious. he seems distraught. he was pacing quite a bit. he was also asking green. whether they were dead. did you check them? we got medical guys that are that's that's that's what they're gonna do. okay? what are they doing? can they hurry? they are. yes, sir. paul's body is found by the room in the kennels where the family store dog food and just a little
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ways away. maggie is found also face down near the old airplane hangar, shad. how did you pull up from back there? i went to the house and they weren't home. which was odd. i tried to call okay, then a new they had been down here before i left to go to my mom's. and then he begins to talk to alex murdoch about what's going on that night, where he'd been how he came onto the scene. when was the last time you were here with them? her talk to them or anything like that. oh, tonight. i don't know the exact time but left. i was probably going in our and a half from my mom's, and i saw them about 45 minutes before that around with paul for two hours this afternoon and pick up truck. that's your son, paul. okay? somebody going to jesse? yes sir. they they've already checked him. they did check them
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official that they're dead. yes, sir. that's what it looks like. this is a scene of a crime involving very powerful people. what's your what's your first name? sir my name is alex richard alexander murdoch when the sheriff's deputies realize they're dealing with the murdoch family, they decided to call in the state agency, the south carolina state law enforcement% division, known as sled n the way. they are asked to take the lead on this investigation because they are sort of the state's top police agency familiar with this family, everybody for better or for worse, knew the murdoch family. this family has been there for over a century powerful in the legal community. alec murdoch is the fourth generation of this legal dynasty. and so there's already a sense that this is different, but this is not your everyday crime scene. in the
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meantime, the deputies are doing what they can to preserve the scene until sled can get there and take over. the weather is changing the rain's coming down. there are sets of tire tracks and impressions in the wet grass. quite a few tire tracks in here or any of these. you going in and out? no i came in here and i left one time and i came back. why are there so many shell casings? there's one there . there's blood over here at the scene suggested that paul was shot with a shotgun. and maggie was shot with a rifle. arrives. agents start to process the scene. meanwhile the lead agent wants to talk to alex murdoch to find out what happened and he agrees to be interviewed. just start the top. take your time. um like when i came back here. i mean, i pulled up and i could see him and you
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know, i knew something was bad. i ran out. i knew it was really bad. come on, boy over there. i could see it was. alex sobbing when he describes the condition in which he found paul's body. and then from the back seat. these two hands come out and they comfort alex, one is a detective who's working on the case, and the other one is his colleague who's working as his attorney. actually, i think i tried to turn up all over. first and then i went to my wife and, uh, i mean, i could see mhm. did you touch maggie at all? i did touch them. both explained to the investigators that he had been at his mother's . he told them that hadn't seen maggie and paul right before he left and that he believed he'd even texted and called maggie to
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let her know he was leaving, but that he hadn't gotten any response. that was odd, but it wasn't that big a deal. investigators ask alec is there anyone who would want to kill his family in such a violent manner? have y'all been having any problems out here? trespassers people breaking in none that i know of the only thing what comes to my mind is my son paul was in a boat wreck. a couple of years ago. he says that paul was receiving threats recently. um. yes i mean, he gets them all the time. this is not the first time that alex had suggested that maggie and paul were killed because of the boat accident. he starts telling officers whoever will listen that there was a boat crash. this is a long story. my son was in a boat wreck of deep munch back, he says. somebody's out to get retribution against my family. the young man who allegedly killed mallory beach has been shot and killed. was
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this backwards justice? no, that's what it is. i forgot already. sasha enter into must complete the duncan run. okay meredith meredith iced coffee, sausage, egg and cheese and extra napkins. she's a libra. good charlie, charlie bass and cream and hot coffee. okay? ted. there is no ted. got this? time for a dunkin run on food for 12 or $3 with a medium or larger coffee america runs on duncan. how can you tell which one's the better deal bringing dad from sarah
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alex, what are you going to say on the stand? >> the defendant, richard alexander murdaugh, wishes to take the stand. >> the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? >> i'd like to play the 911 call that's in evidence as defendant's exhibit number 9. >> my son had a boat wreck. and there's been threats for months and months and months. pawpaw, i should have known.
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>> we just heard you say, "i should have known." what are you referring to? >> i said, "pawpaw, i should have known." i was referring to pawpaw got so many threats. so i'm just telling him, pawpaw, i should have known. >> in the entire history of this newspaper, this is the biggest, most impactful story that we've ever covered. even as it sprawls across the low country, this is a story that engulfs hampton county people and hampton county families. >> for the most part, it's just your average, everyday, hard-working american. >> you don't just know everyone. you know, like, everyone's grandma and their cousin. >> you do, but it's also good if something happens. it's just you're like one big
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family. ♪ >> before these murdaugh cases started happening, if you knew where hampton county was at all, you associated us with the watermelon festival. started in 1939. there used to be a seed-spitting contest. the mayor of every town would get together and see who could spit a watermelon seed the farthest. welcome to life in the rural south, right? >> you know, most folks have roots here usually and have family here. and we certainly did. >> alex murdaugh lived a very comfortable life on this sprawling estate called moselle with his wife, maggie, and his two sons, paul and buster. >> when did alex meet maggie? >> when they were in college. >> he really liked her. he really thought she was special. >> they were college sweethearts. you know, they fell in love,
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they got married. >> he truly doted on her and -- and wanted her to be happy at all times. >> after law school, he came back and worked with -- with randy and daddy at the firm. >> the firm is the family business. it's been a staple in these parts for forever. in addition to a thriving law firm that had existed in hampton for a century, some of the murdaughs had also served as the top prosecutors in the area. as you can see from these pictures hanging on the walls of the hampton county courthouse, three generations of murdaugh men have been the solicitor, the local prosecutor in this area. almost 100 years of history. >> just look at the family tree. there was alex's great
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grandfather, randolph murdaugh sr. his grandfather, randolph "buster" murdoch jr. and then alex's own father, randolph "randy" murdoch iii. >> they were the big fish in the small pond. >> in the area, the murdaughs weren't above the law, they were the law. >> the name still brings respect or even fear to some people. >> bu no one would have imagined how all of that would have come into play when alex's son paul and five of his friends headed out for an evening of fun. >> the plan was to spend the night out on the water. they were going on the murdaugh boat, which was a 17 footer, so pretty crowded for six people. >> these are kids who grew up together. they played together as kids, and they went out on boats all the time. >> paul murdaugh was there with his girlfriend, morgan doughty. anthony cook was there with his girlfriend, mallory beach. and anthony's first cousin, connor cook, was with his girlfriend, miley altman. >> the group makes a couple of
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stops that night. first, a party on the water where there's drinking, then to a local bar where paul continues to drink before getting back on the boat to head home. >> there's video footage. we can see them walking on the dock. >> paul is -- he's swaying. i mean, he clearly is intoxicated. the following day, miley altman does an interview with law enforcement, and it's videotaped. >> paul was just driving, doing donuts, and we're not going anywhere. we're just just like -- just doing circles, and morgan gets mad and yells at him, was like, listen, you need to stop. like, i want to go home. when he gets drunk, you just don't mess with him. >> and they are telling him, "let connor drive. you can't drive." >> we were just like, anything is better than paul right now, because, like, who knows what he would do.
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like, 'cause he was like riding close to like, sailboats that were parked, and just, like, being very reckless. >> the testimony was mallory asked to be let off, but, you know, there comes a point where there's no place to get off, and he wouldn't stop and wouldn't let anybody else drive. >> eventually, paul, he's like, "y'all want to go home? we're going home." so he puts the throttle down, planes the boat out. >> there's no big bright search lights on this boat. one of the boys was holding a flashlight ahead of them while they were driving. >> mallory was in the back of the boat seated on a cooler that's immediately behind the console. >> i saw the bridge coming, and i was just in shock. and then, like, at the last second, i, like, screamed. >> the boat hit a dolphin head, which is three pilings that are sort of lashed together. >> the boat hits the piling. it throws anthony and mallory into the water, and mallory's nowhere to be found.
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>> there's a panic that starts. there's a feeling that this isn't just a little accident. this is really, really bad. >> connor had his phone still on him. so, i was like, call 911. >> on that call, you can hear them screaming. they are calling out for mallory. >> mallory! mallory! mallory! >> please send someone. >> we're come, we're coming, okay? me crazy! work used to drive (cecily) yeah... and with welcome unlimited for just $25 dollars, i love that we both got an awesome network and saved money doing it. (seth) i love that it's guaranteed for 3 years. (cecily) ok now what i love is that we got to keep our phones. more savings! (seth) what i love... (cecily) hey! we're sittin' on a sign here. (vo) switch and get welcome unlimited for $25 a line. guaranteed for 3 years. the savings that last on the network you want. verizon
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>> well, it's hard for me to knowe trial of alex murdaugh was that his motive for murder was money, money he may have to pay out, and a lot of it. and that motive is directly connected to the boating tragedy that night, when alex's son paul was at the wheel. >> paul, what bridge is this? paul, what bridge is this? >> 911, where's your emergency? hello? >> so, when the boat hits, it's a bad crash. everybody's kind of thrown around, and mallory beach is thrown off the boat. >> we're in a boat crash on archer's creek. >> mallory! >> please send someone. >> i'm coming. we're coming, we're coming, okay? >> not far. i'm en route to the boat bridge. >> this scene is chaos from the start. you've got law enforcement from several different agencies responding.
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>> police, paramedics, the fire department, they all arrive with one goal -- to find mallory. >> one of those agencies has dash cams recording, and although you can't see much, you can hear quite a bit. >> right now we're going to get you taken care of. you hear anthony cook, mallory's boyfriend. at one point he's yelling at paul. >> paul, you [ bleep ] smiling like it's [ bleep ] funny! my girlfriend's gone! you think it's [ bleep ] funny? >> anthony cook is losing his mind. he's telling them, that s.o.b. killed my girlfriend. >> i hope you rot in [ bleep ] hell! >> sit down. >> and part of what anthony was so upset about that night was this idea that paul wasn't going to get in trouble. he has a conversation with this officer to that point. >> he does.
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he asked him, does he know who his father is? >> y'all know alex murdaugh? >> yeah, i know that name. >> that's his son. >> that's who driving the boat. >> good luck. ♪ >> so there are investigators there at the hospital, and they're trying to figure out what happened. that's their job to do. >> an officer says he's trying to talk to paul when in walks his grandfather and father, and the whole thing stops. >> you can clearly see that alex is wearing his volunteer solicitor's badge on the outside of his pants. >> alex and randolph murdaugh come in. it's not just a concerned parent and a concerned grandfather. you've got two attorneys walk in. randolph was reported as saying, you're not talking to him anymore. you're talking to us. we're his attorneys. >> we also know from court records that alex went from room
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to room, telling these young kids to be quiet, don't talk. >> law enforcement interviews with people at the hospital that night suggest many of them thought that paul's grandfather's and father's main goal was to protect paul. >> the family has always denied that they tried to influence this investigation in any way. >> i've never been involved in a fatality where the operator of a vehicle was under the influence that that person didn't go to jail immediately. >> immediately? >> immediately. you or i would have probably been wearing an orange jumpsuit before daylight. >> authorities say that the murdaugh name had no sway over their investigation. >> and so that night, i'm worried about finding my child, and they're worried about how they're going to cover up paul driving. >> the lead agency on the search is south carolina department of natural resources.
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but this is very much a multiagency effort. >> the search for mallory went on about a week. dozens if not hundreds of people were spreading out over the marshes of the low country. it was pretty massive. >> you had dnr searching, coast guard searching. volunteers, anybody with a boat. they were putting it in the water, and they were looking for mallory. >> 911, where's your emergency? >> we're on the search team rescue. we think we've found her. >> mallory's body was found a week later by two fisherman about five miles from the crash site. >> paul is not charged even after she's found. a month goes by, he's not charged. and people in the community, some thought, you know, maybe he's going to get away with it. he's a murdaugh.
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>> you began to see this wondering -- is justice going to be served? there was talk of a whisper campaign to cover this thing up. >> but the family of mallory beach hires a attorney, mark tinsley, and he files a wrongful death lawsuit against the murdaughs. >> why did you get involved? >> to help the beaches. they believe that alex should have been held accountable for his part in contributing to the death of their daughter. he knew that he was entrusting this vehicle to someone who was habitually abusing alcohol. >> what motivated me was getting evidence of everything before it i knew who we were up against and how things would probably disappear if we didn't act quickly. >> her life meant something. for us, she was our baby. we had to defend her honor. >> in their reply to the beach family wrongful death lawsuit,
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alex murdaugh's attorneys denied all wrongdoing and even that paul was driving the boat at the time of the crash. >> as powerful as the murdaughs are, they could not prevent paul being charged with boating under the influence, three counts. >> i heard it described as a gentleman's treatment, if you will. he was not handcuffed in the courtroom. >> when one of the deputies, after he's arraigned, went to cuff him, which is the procedure, he was waved off by the prosecutor. no, no, no, it's not necessary. not necessary here. >> paul murdaugh was released on his own recognizance. and for two years, this case just dragged on. many people thinking he would never have a day in court. >> but that civil case is moving forward. tinsley is determined that, even if paul is never put behind bars, that the family will still be held accountable for his actions.
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>> but the only way to do that is through a settlement for money or an award of money damages. >> the state calls mark tinsley. >> had you had any discussions about a number that you were seeking from the defendant? >> he was gonna have to pay $10 million out of his pocket. >> and did the defense have any response to you? >> he was broke. i didn't believe it at all. if you claim that you're broke, i want to see your bank accounts. and that would've been what was next. he was always going to have to pay.
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i think by most people's standards, if you have to write a check for $10 million it's a level of accountability, and it's a -- i mean that's what the beach family wanted. >> you felt like it had to be an amount that would hurt? >> it did. they wanted a pound of flesh. those were the words that i'd used. >> paul murdaugh may have been criminally charged in death of mallory beach in that boat crash, but mallory's family is convinced the murdaugh name will still protect him. >> i see words like "dynasty" used and "power," and i don't know exactly how people use those words, but we're just regular people. >> do you feel like they're a powerful family? >> i do. >> what makes them seem powerful? >> like, above the law, like the law didn't pertain to them. >> fearing that paul might never actually face any time behind bars, mallory's family is determined to hold alex murdaugh himself personally responsible
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for allowing his underage son to allegedly drive the boat while under the influence. they want him to pay out of his own pocket for this tragedy. >> as part of the boat crash lawsuit, mallory beach's family had been pushing to get access to alex's financial records. he had told their lawyers, even if they won a judgment against him, he didn't have money to pay. and they didn't buy it. >> there was no possibility that he was broke, and beyond the money he was making, he had property, and so if you claim that you're broke, i want to see your bank accounts. because i don't trust what you're going to say. >> and so they'd been going back and forth for months. and finally they were going before a judge to find out whether he was gonna have to give up access to his books. >> alex murdaugh was preparing to be at this june 10th hearing, and he was looking at what he might have to disclose. >> but then just three days before that hearing --
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>> this is alex murdaugh. i need the police and an ambulance immediately. >> the murders change everything. >> in the aftermath of the slayings of maggie and paul, that june 10th hearing was delayed, and it was never rescheduled. >> instead of being in court on june 10th -- >> i'm a defendant in a civil case involving my son. i told you about the boat wreck. >> alex is in this car with his lawyer, giving his second interview to law enforcement, describing everything he did on the day of the murders, starting with going to work. >> and there were some motions coming up in that on thursday, and i was mostly just getting ready for those things. >> he says that around 5:00, he went home and met up with maggie and paul. >> maggie had gotten home and, you know, we sat down, we ate
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supper. i know that maggie went to the kennels. i don't know exactly where paul went, but he left the house, too. >> okay. what did you do once maggie and paul left? >> i stayed in the house. >> okay. >> and i was watching tv, looking at my phone, and i actually fell asleep on the couch. >> okay. >> he says they weren't at home when he woke up around 9:00, and as he was leaving to go visit his mom. >> i'm gonna tell y'all this, even though i think it's kind of crazy. i was certain that i heard them pull up. i had the impression that a -- that a -- a car pulled up. >> okay. >> you know? >> could he actually have heard the murderer pulling up? but he says he leaves anyway. >> i drove to my mom's. i checked on my mom. >> and she lives right out here? >> after visiting his mother, who has dementia and had a caregiver with her, he says that he made the roughly 20-minute drive back home. >> i got to the house.
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i went inside. nobody was there. i got in the car, i went back to the kennels, and, you know. i saw maggie and i saw paul laying down. i knew -- you know, i didn't know -- you know. i knew it was bad. i went over there and, you know, i saw it. >> could he tell you anything about what happened? >> he had a difficult time talking, and he would -- he would try to talk, and he would break down. >> it seems like overnight the news media was all over this story. >> this morning, a grieving family, looking for answers. >> there were local tv crews and national media from everywhere. even the biggest papers in the country like "the new york times" and "the washington post." >> the family releasing a statement saying they are devastated by the deaths. >> in a double homicide, i think it's pretty clear that you look in the family first.
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>> alex is reportedly a person of interest, but this seems routine. >> law enforcement put out a statement that said, "at this time, there is no danger to the public." and that has raised questions from a lot of people, the public, media. >> i was really scratching my head. because generally when you say something like that, you have a good idea of who did it. they must believe that the murdaughs were targeted. >> remember, alex murdaugh himself told investigators the night of the murders he thought the killings had something to do with the boat crash. >> i don't know of any direct threats between any of the people on the boat specifically. >> okay. >> but i do think there's been a small amount of yip-yap between a couple of them, but not recently. >> all of the people who were on the boat that night were eventually leared by law enforcement. >> we were thinking and praying
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for their family, because we knew what it felt like. >> there's some people that look at what happened and they say, well, that's justice. >> no. none. that's not justice. that's something that i never even dreamed about was harm going to paul, and especially his mom. >> there would soon be other questions about alex. >> do you remember looking tony satterfield in the eye and lying to him? >> i remember lying to tony satterfield and i remember looking him in the eye on many occasions. >> his deception, it runs deep. and it hurts, because we did think of him as family. numbers move you. but some can stop you in your tracks. like the tens of thousands of people who were diagnosed with certain hpv-related cancers. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect
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we're following a developing story out of colleton county tonight. state police now investigating a double homicide. >> two members of a prominent and powerful legal family found dead on a sprawling estate. >> so far there have been no arrests. no suspects have been named. >> i don't think anyone could have ever predicted the amount of attention that this case was going to foster. >> when the boat crash happened in 2019, that was local news. but after maggie and paul were murdered, that's when the murdaugh name was catapulted into the national spotlight. >> we start hearing about all these horrible deaths surrounding this family. >> not only was there mallory
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beach, but there was also talk about their housekeeper, gloria satterfield. >> gloria satterfield was in the fabric of the murdaugh family. >> she had helped raise the children, paul and buster, for more than 20 years. she had been part of their vacations. she cooked the meals. she was at moselle when they moved out there. >> she was a hardworking woman, a people person. everywhere she went she never met a stranger, always made a friend. >> when gloria started working for them, she took pride in that and honor in that, and she treated them like her family. >> 9d 11, where's your emergency? >> my housekeeper has fallen and her head is bleeding. i cannot get her up. >> in february of 2018, maggie murdaugh calls 911 and says that gloria had tripped and
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fallen on their stairs. >> she fell going up the steps, up the brick steps. >> she's cracked her head and there's blood on the concrete. >> so at one point, paul gets on the call and you can hear him getting a little irritated with the 911 operator. >> can you ask the patient what kind of pain she's having? >> ma'am, she can't talk. >> do you know if she had a stroke or anything before? >> ma'am, can you stop asking me these questions? >> i already have them on the way. me asking questions does not slow them down in any way. >> she was rushed to the hospital and then alex murdaugh told them exactly what happened to the best of his knowledge, that it was the hunting dogs. they must have tripped up, gone in between her legs, she fell down the stairs. >> she laid in the bed and i took her hand and asked her, mom, what happened? and she couldn't tell me nothing. >> there were ups and downs, you know. you thought things were going to
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get better, and of course, they didn't. >> she lives for three weeks. she never regains full consciousness. >> gloria satterfield came from a very humble background, and she had two young men who needed support. >> according to the family, at her funeral alex murdaugh says, it's my fault that she died at our house. she tripped over our dog, and so i'm going to get you a lawyer. he can represent you, and he can bring a lawsuit against me. i will agree to it and you will get money for it. >> we didn't have no reason not to trust him. we've known him all our lives. >> he always took care of gloria, you know, and he knew how important her children were to her. >> tony says that he called alex and asked him, is it looking like we're gonna get any money? and alec would talk about how, well, we're still trying to get maybe $100,000 for you and
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$100,000 for your brother. >> there was already reports that there was something fishy with the whole satterfield case. >> a local reporter named mandy matney does some digging and found a wrongful death settlement through alex's insurance company to the satterfield boys for about $500,000. >> we've learned that her children never got the money they were supposed to get and that alex is accused of taking it. according to gloria satterfield's family, they learned about this settlement in the press. >> it was in the news the settlement had been with alex on his homeowner insurance for $500,000. at that point we knew that the boys hadn't had gotten no money. >> it wasn't just $505,000, it was millions. >> there was actually an additional settlement for the satterfield sons that they didn't even know about, and this one was for more than $4 million.
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>> there was no way that this was the first time that alex had stolen client money. your kid doesn't come in and just take the whole cookie jar. they come in and they take one cookie. ooh, she doesn't notice. now they're taking two or three cookies. and the next thing you know, the jar is almost empty. >> it's been a couple of months since the murders of maggie and paul, and not a lot of information is coming out. people are asking questions. what's happening with the investigation? >> it was labor day weekend, and as i was just in the middle of my saturday shopping, i remember looking down at my phone, and i had received a text. alex murdaugh has been shot. >> a murder mystery in south carolina taking a bizarre turn. alex murdaugh was shot in the head and wounded. >> it's like, what? alex murdaugh got shot?
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>> i got a flat tire, and i stopped and somebody stopped to help me and when i turned my back, they tried to shoot me. >> it is a twist in the story that would see alex murdaugh go from victim to accused criminal to a possible murderer. >> mr. griffin, i didn't shoot my wife or my son any time ever. >> you continued lying after that night. >> once i lied i continued to lie, yes, sir. >> why? >> oh, what a tangled web we weave. >> when you say you tried to turn him over, why were you trying to turn him over? >> i don't know why i tried to turn him over. i mean, my boy's laying face down. i didn't know what to do. you can't always avoid migraine triggers like your next period. qulipta® can help prevent migraines. you can't always prevent what's going on outside... ...that's why qulipta® helps what's going on inside. qulipta® gets right to work. qulipta® signifi
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>> i can tell you for a fact that the person or people who did what i saw on 7th, they hated paul they had anger in their heart. >> the fervor surrounding this trial is reaching a fever pitch. >> did you take this gun and blow your son's brains out? >> i did not. >> this was a man that was under so much pressure financially and otherwise, his whole world is crumbling. >> we found out alex had spent
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the last decade lying, stealing, cheating, betraying anyone who would trust him. >> oh, what a tangled web we weave. once i told a lie i had to keep going. >> a juror on those closed door deliberations. >> it took basically 45 minutes for you to come to a decision. >> probably 45, maybe an hour. >> that's really fast. >> the evidence was clear. >> now the testimony that the jury didn't hear. >> walk us through what happened on that day. >> this is 20 years of secrets. >> scene is secured. both gunshot wounds to the head. >> it's been two months now since maggie and paul were brutally gunned down on their property in south carolina's low country. alex murdaugh agrees to sit down with investigators for his third interview. >> he gives us the same timeline
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he had given in previous interviews with law enforcement. >> so, the three of us ate dinner together. >> and after dinner, maggie and paul went to the kennels or? >> i stayed on the couch, and i dozed off. >> he will learn in this interview that he is more of a suspect. >> did you kill maggie? >> no. did i kill my wife? >> yes, sir. >> no. >> did you kill paul? no. so, does that mean i am a suspect? >> i don't have anything that points to anybody else at this time. >> there's no possible way he could have anything to do with this, i can assure you. >> a month after that interview, on labor day weekend, there was a twist in this case that if you had written this, no one would believe it. >> the mystery surrounding the
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double murder of a prominent south carolina family intensifying. >> on september 4th, 2021, a 911 call comes in from alex murdaugh. >> i got a flat tire, and i stopped and somebody stopped to help me. and when i turned my back, they tried to shoot me. >> alex murdaugh was shot in the head and wounded on a rural country road. >> i'm bleeding a lot. >> where part of your body? >> i'm not sure, somewhere on my head. >> i was shocked. oh, my gosh, is there somebody out there going after the entire murdaugh family? >> but there's confusion every step of the way. >> whatever happened on the side of the road that day in september really depends on who you ask. >> there was so many details right off the bat that just didn't add up. >> when sled sends out their first press release about what happened, they make it abundantly clear that this is a superficial head wound. >> abc news has learned
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alex murdaugh resigned from his family's law firm. alex murdaugh putting out a statement -- i have made a lot of decisions that i truly regret. i'm resigning from my law firm and entering rehab after a long battle that has been exacerbated by these murders. >> so there's all this question, like, why would he suddenly leave? if he's dealing with addiction, and he's going to rehab, why is it that his law partners are not sort of closing ranks around him? >> and then a couple hours after that statement was put out, the family law firm sends out their own press release being like, that's not what happened. we asked him to leave a day before the shooting because we found evidence that he was misappropriating funds. >> so, not only has alex stolen from the family of his longtime housekeeper, gloria satterfield, we now learn that he allegedly has been stealing from his own
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clients and his own law firm for years. >> he didn't steal from everybody. you know, he's handled hundreds if not thousands of cases, and he strategically picked clients. majority of the clients that alex stole from were not well-to-do people, and they suffered really tragic things. >> these people who were really vulnerable and who trusted him, they may have gotten $15,000 or $50,000, but meanwhile, when the $1 million check comes in, he's stealing it for himself, and they never knew that money had come in. >> alex had the appearance of wealth, but under the surface appears to have been just an enormous amount of debt. he had loans for the hunting estate, for the beach house, for several real estate deals. he also had these lines of
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credit to pay for just his lifestyle and pretty much as soon as you see, like, $1 million hit his bank accounts some years, it's gone. >> this was a man that was under so much pressure financially, his whole world was crumbling. >> he loses his law license. he loses his privileges to be an assistant solicitor. >> and then alex's story about what he first said happened at that roadside shooting completely falls apart. >> so, while alex murdaugh is in a detox center, he decides he's going to confess to what he says really happened that day on the side of the road. so, he's in a room, with his attorneys present, and they decide to call sled. >> i called curtis eddie smith on the telephone. i asked him to meet me. i told him that things were getting ready to get really bad, and that i would be better off not here. and i asked him to shoot me.
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>> alex said he asked his friend curtis eddie smith to kill him so his son buster could collect $10 million in life insurance. >> so what happened next? >> he shot me. he missed and hit me in the back of the head. >> what was your intent? >> for him to kill me. >> breaking overnight -- a suspect is now in custody in connection with the mysterious shooting of alex murdaugh. >> curtis eddie smith, who is a former client of alex murdaugh is charged with assault and battery of a high aggravated nature, pointing and presenting a firearm, insurance fraud, conspiracy to commit insurance fraud, and assisted suicide. >> eddie smith has not yet entered a plea. i spoke with him via video call from the lexington county jail, and he tells a different story. >> he said, i need you to kill me. i said, yeah, that ain't happening. i figured i was going to try to scare some sense into him, and i shot the gun up in the air.
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he fell like i'd cut his legs out from under him with a chainsaw or something. and i asked him, i said, "you all right?" he said, yeah, i'm all right. so i know he didn't get shot, because i didn't shoot him. >> there was a wound. in my opinion it's not a gunshot wound. it's very easily a wound that could be explained when someone falls to the ground on a gravel road and hits their head. >> he says there was never any mention of a plan for buster to collect any insurance money. >> i ain't know nothing about no life insurance, no nothing. >> if this story had chapters from september 4th to now, that chapter would be called the unraveling. >> the judge in this case saying he has to surveillance roender his pass part. >> your honor, um, he has fallen from grace. 'cause i have asthma. and i have depression. i have diabetes.
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breaking news overnight involving a murder mystery. >> within days of that roadside shooting, it becomes clear that what alex murdaugh had initially told investigators was a lie. >> coming up, the latest twists in that fast-developing case of a south carolina lawyer who police say tried to stage his own murder. >> now we begin to see that ekat, rt s then a few days later, alex murdaugh is arrested. >> alex murdaugh was charged with insurance fraud, conspiracy to commit insurance fraud, and filing a false police report. >> all rise. >> he's handcuffed. he's wearing shackles. he's wearing a hampton county jumpsuit. >> your honor, he has fallen from grace. >> alex murdaugh's attorney,
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dick harpootlian, gets up, and he basically says, "this is the face of opioid addiction." >> if anyone wants to see the face of what opioid addiction does, you're looking at it. >> at that hearing, alex murdaugh is released on a personal recognizance bond, meaning he doesn't have to pay anything, and he is sent back to rehab. >> the scrutiny on alex murdaugh now is at an all-time high. >> sled is now looking into allegations that murdaugh had allegedly been stealing from his law firm and his clients for years. and then, one month later, he's arrested again. >> murdaugh is charged with crimes related to stealing that wrongful death settlement money from the satterfield family. but this time, he's denied bond and goes to jail. >> now there have been 99 separate state grand jury charges that allege every
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financial crime you can think of -- insurance fraud, money laundering, computer crimes, embezzlement. >> alex murdaugh has not yet entered a plea on any of the pending charges against him. >> while alex was sitting in jail, some of his recorded calls with his surviving son buster are released, and it is clear from those calls that life for all the murdaughs is forever changed. >> going to sedona was a good time. >> did you get to gamble any? >> yeah. yeah, so, i did go gambling and then the next day there was an article created about how i'm misusing funds. >> by gambling? >> yeah, someone saw a picture of me and john marvin in the casino. >> you're kidding me. >> unh-unh. >> are you kidding me? how did they recognize you? >> i'm a national figure, i think.
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>> i guess you gonna have to wear a hat and [ bleep ] >> we are following breaking news from south carolina where a disgraced attorney has just been indicted for the murders of his wife and son. >> tonight the dramatic new turn in this case. >> alex murdaugh is now charged with two counts of murder and possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime. >> coming 402 days after maggie and paul murdaugh were found brutally murdered with multiple gunshot wounds, this was an almost unbelievable twist. alex murdaugh, the father, the husband, is indicted. >> when alex murdaugh comes for his arraignment, he looks like a different person. >> he looked very thin, very gaunt. >> he's shackled. he's kind of hunched a little bit. he has this appearance of being through an incredible amount of pain and suffering.
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>> are you guilty or not guilty of the felonies you stand indicted? >> not guilty. >> how shall you be judged? >> by god and my country. >> he didn't need to go to that >> shortly after alex was e did- indicted, his defense attorneys pushed for a speedy trial. they said it was a very narrow investigation that only looked at murdaugh. >> you believe that the killer or killers are still at large. put this behind them, they can go look for the real killers. >> you had two groups of thought, right? you had one group that was like, oh, he absolutely did that. and then you had a second group that was like, eh, if it was only the wife, i could see him doing it. but his son, too? how could a man do his son like that?
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>> alex murdaugh is just hours away from getting his day in court. >> this highly anticipated trial is about to begin. and everyone is wondering what kind of evidence the state is going to present to try and prove that alex murdaugh murdered his wife and son. >> this is the trial of the century. >> alex murdaugh took a 12-gauge shotgun and shot him in the shoulder. >> pow-pow! two shots, abdomen and the leg, and took her down. >> there's no eyewitness, there's no camera, there's no fingerprints. nne. none. he didn't do it. ♪ ♪ can you hear me calling ♪ ♪ out your name? ♪ ♪ you know that i'm falling ♪ ♪ and i don't know what to say ♪ ♪ come on, baby ♪ ♪ we better make a start ♪ ♪ you better make it soon ♪
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the murdaugh murder trial has been called south carolina's trial of the century. >> walterboro, this small city an hour from pretty much anything -- is about to be the center of the universe. >> we've moved straight into a 19th century colleton county courthouse to try one of the most notorious murderers that we've ever had in south carolina. >> everybody knows alex murdaugh in walterboro. >> it uc circus is coming to town. >> it's bananas.
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>> alex murdaugh getting his day in court with opening statements in his double murder trial. >> until the trial, alex murdaugh's family's thoughts about all this were unknown. we weren't sure. are they gonna show up? but then once the jury was seated, you saw them file in. and there was his sister, lynn. and there was his brothers, john marvin and randy, and of course, his son, buster. >> that murdaugh name is everything. >> we'll now proceed to opening statements by the state. >> judge clifton newman was selected by the chief justice of south carolina's supreme court to preside over the trial. >> lead prosecutor creighton waters got up, and he actually produced some revelations. >> on the evening of june 7th, paul murdaugh was standing in a small feed room in some kennels
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they had on the property. about 8:50 p.m., the defendant over there, alex murdaugh, took a 12-gauge shotgun and shot him in the shoulder. after that, another shot went up under his head. it did catastrophic damage to his brain and his head. just moments later, he picked up a .300 blackout rifle and opened fire on his wife maggie. >> he was very dramatic, and he captivated the jury's attention. >> pow-pow! two shots, abdomen and the leg, and took her down. and after that, two shots to the head that killed her instantly. you're gonna hear some of what was going on in alex murdaugh's life leading up to that day, a perfect storm that was gathering much like the storms that are coming outside today. >> the way the prosecution set this up, there is so much
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pressure on this man. he has to do something, and he's got to do it fast. >> the evidence is gonna be such that you're gonna reach the inescapable conclusion that alex murdered maggie and paul, that he was the storm, that the storm was coming for them, and the storm arrived from june 7th, 2021, and that they died as a result. >> for the defense. >> please the court, your honor. >> defense attorney dick harpootlian countered with an equally theatrical opening statement. >> alex, stand up. this is alex murdaugh, the loving father of paul and the loving husband of maggie. >> everything is turned into the lens of, wait a minute, this is a guy who loves his family. he'd do anything for his family. how could he possibly kill them this brutally? >> the night he comes home and finds his wife and son
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butchered -- and when i say butchered, you're gonna see these photographs. when i see them, it still shocks me. >> dick never backed down on the language. >> this was so horrible. there's no way a father did it. >> he didn't do it. he is presumed innocent. >> but once the testimony begins and the state's presenting its evidence, a really full picture of the day of the murders is emerging. >> according to prosecutors, the evidence pointed only to one person -- alex murdaugh. >> colleton county detective laura rutland testified that she saw no blood on alex that night, despite the fact that he told investigators that he had touched maggie and paul's bodies. >> how would you describe his hands? >> they were clean. >> how would you describe his t-shirt? >> clean. >> how would you describe his
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shoes? >> they were clean. >> an investigator testifies that during one of those interviews that alex gave right after the murders, it sounds as if alex might have confessed. >> it's just so bad. i did him so bad. >> what did he say? >> "it's just so bad. i did him so bad." >> "i did him so bad"? >> yes, sir. >> are you 100% confident that alex said, "i did him so bad," rather than "they did him so bad"? >> i am 100% confident in what i heard and i interpreted him as saying. >> as part of the state's evidence, they introduced all three of alex murdaugh's interviews to law enforcement. one thing alex always maintained was that he never went down to the kennels that night. >> i laid down, took a nap on the couch probably, i don't know, 25, 30 minutes. >> that's when prosecutors
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present what they say is a smoking gun that obliterates alex murdaugh's alibi. they start by calling the last person to speak with paul on the phone at 8:40 p.m. that night, his friend rogan gibson. >> rogan gibson is a country boy. the jury could see how close he was with the murdaugh family. >> what'd you call alex? >> mr. alex or big red. >> mr. alex or big red. >> on june 7th, paul was taking care of rogan's puppy, cash, and there was some concern that there was something wrong with the puppy's tail. >> get back. get back. >> where was paul when he called you? >> he was at the dog kennels. >> and how do you know that? >> i could hear the dogs barking. >> paul and rogan tried to facetime each other, but it kept freezing up, so paul promised to send rogan video of cash and his tail.
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>> was that the last time you ever talked to your friend? >> that was. >> rogan never received that video, but the day after the murders, he told investigators that he heard more than just paul on that call. >> who else did you hear? >> i thought mr. alex. >> rogan said that he was 99% sure heard alex's voice. but when investigators asked alex, he denied being at the kennels. >> was it you? >> at 9:00? >> yes, sir. >> no, sir. not if my times are right. >> who do you think it could have been? >> i have no idea. > more than a year later, after investigators finally unlocked paul's phone, they brought rogan in and they played him the video paul had taken that night of his puppy. >> paul is pointing the phone at the dog during the entire video, but you can hear maggie talking about the family dog, bubba, having something in his mouth.
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>> hey, he's got a bird in his mouth. >> bubba! >> what voices did you hear? >> paul's, ms. maggie, and mr. alex. >> and how sure are you now? >> positive. >> according to prosecutors, paul's video lasted about a minute, and it ended at 8:45 p.m. and then, less than four minutes later, both maggie and paul's phones lock forever, never to answer another text or call. >> that's when prosecutors say alex shot paul first and then maggie. >> if you're the jury, you sit back. so he was out there. >> how will the defense explain alex's voice on that video? (cecily) what's up, einstein? (einstein) my network has gone kaput! (cecily) oh, you tried to save a buck on it? (einstein) i got what i paid for. not so smart. (cecily) there is a smarter way to save. (einstein) oh?! (cecily) switch to verizon. you'll get a new 5g phone, on them. (vo) act now for your last chance to get the new samsung galaxy s23+, a watch and a tablet, on us.
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why do we shoot baskets with paper balls? for the same reason we play scratchers from the california lottery. because a little play can make your day. logo scratches on there's nobody more watched in a trial than a defendant, and certainly alex drew attention. >> alex's demeanor has shifted throughout this trial. we have seen him cry a lot. >> is he sad that they're gone? is he sad that he's sitting there? is he acting?
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it's very hard to tell. >> alex is a trial lawyer. alex knows how to put on a show, and whatever people want to see, they saw. >> at this point, the trial has moved into its third week, and the state has called shelly smith to the stand. this is a woman who is central to alex murdaugh's alibi, because she was the overnight caretaker for his mom who has dementia and required round the clock care. >> how long did he stay in the room with y'all? >> about 15 to 20 minutes, 20 minutes. >> what happened after that? >> he left. >> she is certain that alex had only been at his mother's house for 20 minutes. >> she also tells us that alex came up to her just a week after these murders and said to her,
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i was there for 30 or 40 minutes. >> was he there 30 or 40 minutes that night? >> not to my recall. >> why are you crying, ms. smith? >> because it's a good fam -- a good family, and i love working here and i'm sorry all this happened. >> but he wasn't there no 30 or 40 minutes, was he? >> no. >> shelly also testified that the day after that alex murdaugh offered to help pay for her upcoming wedding. >> it almost seemed like alex was trying to pay her off for changing her story about the timeline of what happened the night of the murders. >> the defense argued that alex had not tried to influence shelly in any way. >> maggie murdaugh's family breaking their silence. >> maggie's own sister took the stand today. >> marian proctor was someone that i was most eager to see on the stand. marian looks like maggie. >> so, it was almost like you
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were hearing from maggie on the stand that day. >> marian testified that she actually encouraged her sister to go to moselle that night because alex's father was in poor health and had gone to the hospital. >> i said, go be with him if he needs you. >> was that the last time you talked to her? >> yes. >> on the stand, marian shared that she thought that alex's behavior or reactions to things about the murder seemed odd. >> he said that he did not know who it was, but he felt like whoever did it had thought about it for a really long time. >> did that strike you as odd? >> i just didn't know what that meant. i was scared for alex, and alex didn't seem to be afraid. >> even as prosecutors laid out evidence of what they said was alex's bizarre behaviors before and after the murders, they knew they needed to explain to the jurors why a seemingly loving father and husband might commit such a heinous crime.
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>> the prosecution argued that alex murdaugh murdered maggie and paul to prevent the exposure of what they said was more than a decade of financial crimes. >> the motive piece became astronomically important to the prosecution. >> over the defense's objections, the judge agreed to allow limited testimony about alex's alleged financial crimes as long as it was tied to motive. >> the state called several witnesses who testified how alex had stolen from them, starting with the cfo of his law firm, jeanne seckinger. >> she said on the stand that she suspected alex had diverted money from a case that was owed to the law firm and that she confronted him on june 7th, just hours before the murders. >> he looked at me with a -- a pretty dirty look, one i'd not seen before and said, "what do you need now?" >> according to jeanne, alex said that he hadn't received the money yet, but this conversation
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was cut short because alex received a phone call that his father was being hospitalized. >> was anybody at all concerned about getting proof for those missing fees after those murders happened? >> we weren't gonna go in there and harass him about money when his family had been killed. >> when the murders happened, everything else stopped. the law firm quit asking alex about missing money. >> even mark tinsley, the civil lawyer for mallory beach's family who had been suing alex testified that he planned to remove alex from the boat crash lawsuit after the murders. >> if alex is the victim of a vigilante, nobody's gonna hold him accountable. doesn't make any difference what he did or how clearly what he
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did contributed. the case would be over against alex. >> alex was in a much better position with regards to protecting himself after maggie and paul were murdered. >> but the allegations of financial crimes did eventually come out. >> he was forced out of the law firm that his own family built, indicted for dozens and dozens of financial crimes. he was even disbarred. >> did you really know alex murdaugh? >> i don't think i ever really knew him. i don't think anybody knows him. >> the state's final witness was a sled agent named peter rudofski, and all rudofski really did was to take data and evidence that had been presented earlier in the case and put them into one timeline. it was 43 pages. >> it's extremely powerful to see all the evidence together in that way. >> people who had been saying
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things like, ah, the state should be pretty worried, the day before completely turned around that day. uh-oh, this is not looking good for alex murdaugh. >> and with that, after 17 days of testimony, the state rested, and all eyes turned to the defense. >> have you made a decision as to whether you're going to testify? >> everyone's wondering, is alex murdaugh gonna get up and look those jurors in the eye and try to convince them, "i did not kill my wife and my son"? >> and what is your decision? ubrelvy helps u fight migraine attacks. u rise to the challenge. u won't clock out. so u bring ubrelvy. it can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within 2 hours... ...without worrying if it's too late or where you are. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks a protein believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. migraine pain relief starts with u. learn how abbvie could help you save. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine.
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by week four of the trial, it's a full-on circus. >> it had been described by everyone as the nonfiction fiction that even john grisham couldn't write.
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>> there are lines outside the courthouse. people have been arriving since 4:30 in the morning. >> sitting out here about two and a half hours. >> i've been following this as long as it's been going on. >> i'm very interested in the outcome. >> it's pretty wild! >> this is the kind of trial that people travel to go see live and in person. >> it really has been the trial of the century in south carolina so far. >> the defense has a lot of cards to play. they just have to have reasonable doubt, and it's just one juror. >> family and friends are called to try to show a different side to alex than what the prosecution has portrayed. >> the defense has called is first witness of the day, murdaugh's only surviving son buster. >> we have heard so much about buster murdaugh, but we really haven't heard from him. >> buster talked about the night of the murders and how he finally got to moselle and how
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emotional his father was. >> his demeanor was -- i mean, he was destroyed. he was heartbroken. >> i walked in the door and saw him and gave him a hug and just -- just broken down. >> could he speak? >> not really. >> was he crying? >> yes, sir. >> the defense seemed to want to humanize alex with buster's testimony to try to illustrate that there was no major tension in the family. >> the big question everyone was talking about -- would alex murdaugh take the stand in his own defense? we were literally talking about it from week one. >> and it kept changing by the hour. >> have you made a decision as to whether you're gonna testify? >> yes, sir. >> all right. and what is your decision? >> i am going to testify. i want to testify.
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>> when alex said in the courtroom that he wanted to testify, there was an audible gasp. >> we have breaking news. alex murdaugh, the disgraced south carolina attorney accused of killing his wife and son, is taking the witness stand in his own defense. >> it's really tricky for a defendant to take the stand, but if that person can explain away the things that don't make sense to the jury, you can get an acquittal. >> i'm alex murdaugh, m-u-r-d-a-u-g-h. good morning. >> mr. murdaugh, did you take this gun or any gun like it and blow your son's brains out on june 7th or any day or any time? >> no, i did not. mr. griffin, i didn't shoot my wife or my son any time, ever. >> in the courtroom, you could
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have heard a pin drop. >> next up, he's asked about the kennel video, that piece of evidence that's central to the prosecution's case. >> mr. murdaugh, is that you on the kennel video? at 8:44 p.m. on june 7th, the night maggie and paul were murdered. >> it is. >> did you lie to them by telling them that you were not down at the kennels that night? >> yes. >> alex said that he lied about being at the kennels because it would have made police suspicious of him. >> you continued lying after that night did you not? >> once i lied, i continued to lie, yes, sir. >> why? >> oh, what a tangled web we weave. but once i told a lie, i told my family i had to keep lying.
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>> alex then begins to make excuses for the lie. he begins to talk about his opioid addiction and how it gave him paranoid thoughts. >> normally, when these paranoid thoughts would hit me, i could take a deep breath real quick, just think about it, reason my way through it, and on june the 7th, i wasn't thinking clearly. >> alex gives a version of the events that we've never heard before. >> now he says after having dinner with maggie and paul, he did ride down to the kennels in a golf cart, staying there briefly before heading back to the house alone in that golf cart, and sat on the couch before heading out to check on his mother. >> he describes on the stand the moment he says he came home and found the bodies.
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>> paul -- paul was so -- so bad. i mean, my boys laying face down. i could see his -- could see his brain laying on the sidewalk. i didn't know what to do. i was trying to tend to pawpaw. i was trying to tend to maggie. >> on the stand, he introduces some nicknames for paul and maggie. maggie is mags. >> i saw mags, talked to mags. >> paul is pawpaw. >> you couldn't be any closer than pawpaw. >> these are nicknames he uses over and over on the stand, but when you watch interviews with law enforcement, you never hear them. you had to wonder if maybe he was doing it to ingratiate himself with jurors. >> when it's time for prosecutor creighton waters to cross-examine alex, he questions him for hours about his alleged
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financial crimes going case by case. >> and you would agree with me that for years you were stealing money from clients. >> yes, sir, i agree with that. >> he's portraying murdaugh as this manipulator, this conman. telling the jury, "you can't believe a word this guy says." >> and then after hours of testimony, the prosecutor puts alex's new timeline under the microscope. >> he wanted more of a down to the minute, down to the second breakdown of what alex was actually doing. it was a battery of questions designed to stress test this story by alex. >> prosecutors wanted to know what he was doing back at the house from 9:09 to 9:06 when his phone becomes active for the first time in about an hour, and tracks 283 steps, faster than he'd been moving all day. >> what are you so busy doing?
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going to the bathroom? >> no, i don't, i don't think that i -- >> went on a treadmill? >> -- went to the bathroom. no, i didn't get on a treadmill. i was going to check on my mom. but specifically what i was doing, i don't, i don't know. >> these are points where waters is looking at murdaugh's story and looking over to the jury and saying, does that sound believable to you? >> and as i sit here today, that you believe that boat wreck is the reason pawpaw and maggie were killed. >> so what you're telling this jury is that it's a random vigilante that just happened to know that paul and maggie would be at the kennels alone on june 27th, and knew you would not be there, but only between times of 809 to 8:42. that's what you're trying to tell this jury? >> you've got a lot of factors in there, mr. waters, all of which i do not agree with, but some of which i do. >> in total, alex spent more
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than eight hours on the stand. and over the course of six days, four the defense called 145 witnesses before resting. now the case heads to the jury. and being overweight makes it more risky. i'm calling my doctor. if it's covid, paxlovid. authorized for emergency use, paxlovid is an oral treatment for people 12 and up... who have mild-to-moderate covid-19 and have a high-risk factor for it becoming severe. my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not waiting. if it's covid, paxlovid. having even one risk factor, like being over 50, diabetes, or smoking increases your chances of severe covid. taken within five days of symptoms, paxlovid reduced the risk of developing
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you have heard the testimony. it is your job as jurors to deliberate and reach an agreement. so if all of you now will go to the jury room. >> good evening, we're coming back on the air because the jury has reached a verdict in the high profile murder trial of alex murdaugh in south eva, they reached this very
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fast. >> less than three hours. >> the state versus richard alexander murdaugh, indictment for murder. verdict, guilty. >> alec appeared stoic when that verdict was read. >> the defendant is remanded to the custody of the colleton county sheriff's department, and he may be taken >> i speak exclusively to one of the jurors who helped decide that verdict. when you first got in the room, what was the vote? >> it was two, not guilty, one, not sure, and nine guilty. >> and then where do you go from there? >> well, then we started deliberating, going through the evidence and about 45 minutes later, we figured it out. >> what was the most compelling piece of evidence for you?
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>> the video of him down at dog kennels. you can hear his voice clearly, and everybody else could, too. >> for some people, it's so hard to understand how a husband, especially a father, would kill their own son. what made you so sure that he had? >> just his responses. how quick he was with the defense and his lies, steady lies. >> did you feel like he was a liar? >> i did. a good liar, but not good enough. >> the sentencing will happen later today. >> thier the most troubling cases, not just for me as a judge, but for all the citizens in this community. >> the judge sentenced him to life in prison. >> a family was
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>> maggie and paul, we cannot forget that that's what this is really about, and thankfully they had a voice when the jurors spoke. >> everyone with this verdict tonight, of course this story is far from over. alex murdaugh still faces those dozens of charges related to his alleged financial crimes. in the meantime, that is our program tonight. thanks for watching. i'm david muir. for all of us here at t"20/20" and abc news, good night. building a better bay area moving forward finding
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solutions. this is abc 7 news. we don't know the motive or the circumstances surrounding as to why this individual did what he did or what he allegedly did. stunning new details about a san jose manic used of having explosives in his home. he's now accused of bombing at least two pg&e transformers. good evening. i'm ahmed dates. we will get to that story in a moment, but we're going to begin with the weather if you're a weekend plans involve anything outdoors. you may want to carry that umbrella because more rain is on the way. let's get right to abc 7 news weather anchor spencer christian spencer. okay. i'm a first i say bear with me. i have a persistent case of hiccups tonight. they won't go away. so please bear with it is here's locked up with seven. we have quiet conditions across the bay area right now the approaching storm which will be coming in early in the morning ranks level one on the abc 7 exclusive storm impact impact scale this weekend rain and gusty winds snow over the highest peaks in a slight chance of thunder as the atmosphere will be unstable. here'


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