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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  March 11, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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announcer: building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> now at across california. the worst has passed but the damage is far from gone. where we are seeing the worst impacts as more rain is expected. good morning. i'm liz kreutz with lisa argen. good morning. lisa: good morning. liz: what a busy week you have had. lisa: we have a lull before another atmospheric river late monday. we still have one today. live doppler 7 and look at the cloud cover streaming in to the west of us. we are locked in this pattern
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where we see waves of light to moderate rain. right now, it is in the north bay. there is the sweep on top of mount st. helena. this level 1 system today bringing scattered showers today and tomorrow, anywhere from 1/10 of an inch to three quarters, and the flood watch through tomorrow morning. mid 40's near 50 right now and that keeps us cool. we had sun yesterday, that is why we warmed up. live look from the tower camera and notice the good visibility but the rain at times light to moderate. upper 50's, kind of muggy. when the rain picks up and totals for the week ahead, coming up. liz: thank you. we want to show you the damage left behind by yesterday's heavy rain and wind. we begin in the south bay where we see widespread floods, swamping roads, including highway 101, which has since
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been reopened. reporter lauren martinez reports from gilroy. lauren: the interchange was closed until 6:00 friday evening, forcing people to take the back roads. >> i might have to take balsa. i never take that because it is too windy. i might have to come up the other way. lauren: caltrans said thursday their crews started working 12 hour shifts. they said if you can, try to stay off the roads next week. >> if you have the luxury of working from home, do so. we understand that crews and moms and dads need to go pick up johnny from school, pick up medication from the drugstore and have appointments. we are asking them to go to the caltrans quick map and make sure you are prepared for the severe weather. lauren: one man said staying home is not an option since he has to run errands and take care of his mom. >> tried to get everything today
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so i will have to come back tomorrow and the next day because the weather is going to keep coming and there is no way to stop it. lauren: lauren martinez, abc 7 eyewitness news. liz: new details in the deadly roof collapse that killed an employee and injured another. the employeeear-old he was at work when a part of centeraved in.te's on 80 5th avenue in oakland at 3:15 a.m. friday, 15 minutes after his shift. he was a longtime employee at pete's for more than a decade. the santa cruz mountains have a lot of cleaning up to do after that atmospheric river swept through the area yesterday. county officials expect to get temporary vehicle access to the hundreds of residents who live there today. take a look. the main street caved in,
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isolating more than 450 homes. it happened when a six foot culvert underneath the road got washed out by the rain. people who live there had to find alternate routes or wait it out. >> just cannot go to work and cannot do every day normal errands and activities. we are all pretty stuck here. liz: residents were finally able to get to the other side by foot thanks to neighbors whose property leads to a small, private footbridge. the road is one on the county's long list of roads that needsreg weather. people in the north bay are now cleaning up, drying out and assessing the damage after getting hit by the storm. this fedex truck had to be towed from the floodwaters in santa rosa. in mill valley a family return home to find a redwood street had split their house in half. >> the storms took down a tree
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that was dead and we already identified the tree was probably going to need to come down. but seems like the tree took itself down early. liz: in sonoma county, people in one neighborhood woke up to nearly a foot of water on their street. quick runoff also flooded armstrong woods road, leaving drivers is stuck. niles canyon road remains closed between pleasanton and fremont. as of late last night cars were forced to turn around at mission boulevard because of the closure. alternate routes are interstate 680 or interstate 580. yosemite national park is closed and remains closed through thursday, march 16, and possibly longer. a spokesperson says a partial reopening march 17 would be the best case scenario. record snowfall has buried much
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of the park which has been closed almost two weeks. park crews are continuing snow removal operations. the main spillway at orville dam is now open for the first time in four years to manage flood risks. the second largest reservoir is 75% full. water levels have risen 180 feet since december 1. it had to be rebuilt after it collapsed in 2017 which forced more than 180,000 people to evacuate. officials say today's release was relatively small, at 15,000 cubic feet per second. water is also being released from the folsom dam. folsom lake is the main control system for sacramento. it has plenty of room for storage but officials decided to start releasing water because of the latest storms. a dollar general in amador county was deemed a total loss after the roof collapsed. friday's heavy rain and snow destroyed the structure and
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collapsed the walls. fire officials say there were already five feet of snow in the county before the rainfall came. the storm left significant damage in two layer county as well. floodwaters washed away roads on the reservation. there are multiple evacuation orders due to flooding. across the state of california nearly 10,000 people are under evacuation orders as the flooding along the coast is expected to worsen. take a look at the moving waters in central california. this is video from kernville. at least two people have the result of those recent storms. as more rain moves through the bay area you can keep track of the changing conditions and access the same live doppler 7 the weather team uses available on demand and on the abc 7 app. download it wherever you stream.
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now to a bizarre story out of hayward where cremated bodies were left in storage, some up to 10 years. in many cases, families have been trying to locate the remains of their loved ones but have not been getting a response. an investigation is underway by local and state officials to figure out what happened. anser hassan has the story. anser: law enforcement found six bodies and 154 remains that have been cremated. some held almost 10 years. >> i think if families had not started complaining, we probably would not be here right now. anser: the lieutenant with the alameda county sheriff's office, and speaking on behalf of the coroner's office, said oceanview cremation corporation had allegedly been operating on a suspended license going back to 2018. they may have been allowed to cremate but not store the remains. >> that is how they ended up incorporating the warehouse and
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having them stored there so they were not on the premises. but the issue is that the warehouse was not licensed to store the remains either. anser: february 28 of this year the coroner's office was notified by the cemetery and funeral bureau of what was going on. the next day the coroner's office went to retrieve the remains. >> of the six bodies and 154 remains located, that is a large span of time from 2013 to 2021 . anser: some say the company's website was suspended. >> of the six deceased that we recovered, five of been identified and those families said that they had attempted to follow up with oceanview and they were not able to get into contact with the owner. anser: many families just assume the bodies were cremated and the ashes dispersed as per the contract.
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but these 154 bodies were labeled and families are being notified. >> some of the remains were supposed to be spread at sea and that did not happen. anser: oceanview did not return requests for comment. anser hassan, abc 7. liz: what is that like right now? lisa: we have cloudy skies and some showers in the north bay. temperatures in the 40's. nothing too exciting but we are keeping a level 1 system the next several days before another powerful atmospheric river heads our way. we will talk about how strong it is, coming up. liz: thank you. also, silicon valley bank shut down. how the second largest bank in the country failed as customers wonder what happened to the money? ♪ unresolved symptoms? heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome...
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...shortness of breath... ...irregular heartbeat... ...and lower back pain could mean something more serious called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time, so it's important to recognize the signs. sound like you? call your cardiologist and ask about attr-cm.
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you didn't choose cat allergies. you didn't choose s your hairline. hot flashes, the flu, or that thing when your knee just gives out for no reason. you didn't choose your bad back or this. or... that. you didn't choose depression, melanoma, or lactose intolerance. but with kaiser permanente you can choose your doctor who works with other best-in-class specialists to care for all that is you. liz: live look outside right
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now. all dry in san francisco at the moment. regulators have closed silicon valley bank and taking control of its assets, leaving customers confused and frustrated. this is the second largest bank failure in u.s. history. suzanne phan has a look at how this collapse happened. >> it seems like a big surprise. suzanne: news of the shutdown is sending shockwaves across the tech industry. the bank does business with venture capital backed companies. >> it is a shock to a lot of people. there are a lot of conversations on what happens. suzanne: today we saw a number of people anxious to get answers. others wanting to withdraw money at the san francisco location. one man said he was a startup founder. each was all turned away, told to go to a branch in palo alto or call this number. >> you have reached silicon valley bank.
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read our announcement about silicon valley bank. suzanne: this woman is a startup founder. news of the closure came as a big surprise. she chose not to withdraw her money today. >> it is very sudden and maybe we should give it some time to let things settle. there is fdic insurance. i do not know how many people were affected. my balance is insured. i was not super worried. suzanne: this startup cofounder does not bank with svb. >> we are working on diversifying where we put our funds. suzanne: regulators took over this morning. >> frankly, they carelessly communicated days ago it would have to support the asset-based and sell off some assets that are now under the price they paid for these assets. suzanne: this professor with uc berkeley says these are now
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underwater and silicon valley bank had to sell them off. >> the bank is overexposed on cash from all of these entrepreneurs. 96% of its asset base or some such thing is based on cash from startups. suzanne: the professor says there is important things to consider. >> try to keep calm. the situation is not helped by the panic. let the regulators do their work. let the bank management do their work. we are going to have to work this bank out but a quick and hasty withdrawal of everything is not helping anybody. suzanne: he says there are several important lessons from today. he says do your due diligence on the bank or banking with and make sure they have a diversified asset base. hold your cash in different banks across the region and the country. suzanne phan, abc 7. liz: roku says it took a big hit from the collapse. the san company said it had a
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quarter of its cash with the bank, $487 most deposits were uninsured and it is not sure if it can recoup the money. on monday the roman catholic diocese of santa rosa plans to file for bank of c. in december the bishop announced the diocese was looking into the possibility of declaring chapter 11 bankruptcy. they made the decision because of at least 160 claims of child sexual abuse lawsuits filed over the last three years. in the north bay the sonoma county officer is resigning, according to the press democrat. he joined the county in march 2020 at the onset of the pandemic. she sent an emailed today to the board of supervisors. it did not go into detail about her decision. her resignation is effective april 7. it appears that 2023 has been one of the busiest storm seasons the bay area has ever seen, but
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what do the numbers actually show? dustin dorsey spoke with experts to provide perspective on how this year compares to others. dustin: when talking about the almost constant storms across the bay area in 2023 stop me if you have heard this before. >> this is the worst i have ever seen it. >> 22-years-old i have not seen this much snow. >> we were expecting a flood but not like this. >> it has never been like this. dustin: this is true and we have seen our share of records. with one month remaining in the rainy season this year snowpack is nearing the all-time record set in 1982. san francisco saw the coldest record low february 24 since the gold rush in 1891. and areawide 2022, 20 brought the highest precipitation in the last decade. san jose state department of meteorology and climate science professor allison bridger says it is not quite a never ever kind of year. >> after three or four dry years
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in a row suddenly it is raining like crazy and people have no idea if that is normal. just looking at the records, it is kind of usual. dustin: but what is unusual is the devastating impacts from the storms. abc 7 uses this impact scale to share what the region will look like. our own spencer christian says it has never recorded higher impact numbers than this year and that may make the community see these as worse than what the records indicate. >> when we have heavy rains like we have had it causes more flooding, more mudslides, and all of those impacts that typically would not have happened in a normal winter season. dustin: extreme impacts during extreme weather, characteristics of climate change. the national weather service says that might be to blame for the winter season but explains we do not know for sure. for now. >> if we start to see more frequent occurrences of years like this one, more frequent
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occurrences of more extreme years, that would point to climate change. dustin: but for now, this year shows signs it is not quite over yet. dustin dorsey, abc7news. liz: let's get a check on the forecast. we have heard so many people saying, i have never seen it like this. there has never been snow here before. you would know better than anyone. lisa: i was thinking about 1997 when we had some of the roads out near the sierra nevada, 50 was one of them, and they had the heavy rain on top of the snowpack but not the snowpack we have had this year. we did not have the 50 feet of snow with rain on top. the good news is that it is snowing in the mountains. low 30's but you can see the moisture still to the west. we are sort of locked into this pattern with nothing moving to the north of us. that is why we are seeing waves of rain moving west to east. look at the north bay. live doppler 7, gurdal looking
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at showers from highway 1, bodega bay and highway 12. through 10:00 some advisories where the creeks and streams are having a hard time keeping that water within the banks. the next couple of hours we will continue to see this be problematic but overall, conditions are receding. getting more rainfall as well with no real defined break until after the next atmospheric river. 45 novato, 51 about five degrees cooler in the south and north bay. it is quiet. looking at cloudy skies, showers, level 1 systems today and tomorrow. by monday night things get cranking as the rain picks up. breezy south winds and that will be the next atmospheric river that takes us through tuesday.
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but as for tonight we are :12 andng forwa hour. tomorrow 7:13. here is the day today. it starts out with the activity mainly in the north bay but we will see showers move in west to east anywhere today. not a washout and amounts will be light. but into the overnight look what happens toward sunday. looking at downpours, light to moderate rain early sunday, then we see more scattered showers into the afternoon. but once again sunday night into monday more rain and we are looking at the activity increasing as we get toward the late hours monday. rainfall amounts from today and tomorrow will range from a couple hundredths to a quarter of an inch around mountain view. one third of an inch maybe. most of the activity will be in the far north bay. nd high levelringg a ot of
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snow in kirkwood, less than that around southlake. upper 50's with scattered showers and the accuweather 7-day forecast level 1 systems today into monday night. that is when the rain picks up into tuesday. level 2 system with the rain and wind. wednesday and thursday look dry. the long-range models want to bring in rain next weekend. i say no, but we will see. [laughter] liz: it just keeps on coming and changing the clocks tonight. lisa: woohoo for us. liz: at least it will be lighter and brighter. happening today in san francisco, it is the city's 17 2nd annual saint patty's day parade. the parade starts at 11:30 this morning rain or shine at the corner of 2nd an market street. be aware traffic will be rerouted on market street from 1st to 7th.
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festivities are expected to end around 5:00 tonight. just ahead, stopping unwanted payments. how the state is taking action to prevent hidden junk fee charges on your car known for loving the outdoors. known for getting everyone together. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 16 types of cancer, including certain early-stage cancers. one of those cancers is triple-negative breast cancer. keytruda may be used with chemotherapy medicines as treatment before surgery and then continued alone after surgery when you have early-stage breast cancer and are at high risk of it coming back. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting,
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i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry. liz: hidden junk fees are everywhere from airlines or concert tickets and even when renting a home. president biden declared war on these budget busters in california lawmakers are joining the fight. as michael finney tells us, new bills have been introduced in the legislature and if passed, you could see substantial savings. michael: how would you like to save money when buying an electric vehicle? renting a car or home? how? by knowing all the hidden charges from the get-go, allowing you to comparison shop. a package of six bills being introduced in the california legislature would expose many hidden fees and restrict some add-on charges. >> these fees are making it too
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costly for many families to attend a concert, go to a sporting event, take a vacation or stay at a hotel. that is not fair. michael: often, fees are not disclosed until you are at the end of the online purchasing process or sometimes even at the end of the actual use. some hotels have been accused of hiding fees until checkup. >> the bottom line is consumers deserve to know what they are paying and how much upfront. it is that simple. >> we are not saying have to eliminate the fees but you have to be transparent about them. hotels are free to charge cleaning fees, destination fees, but have that in the upfront price so consumers know when they are price shopping. michael: the bills take on a lot of consumer gripes, tackling home rental fees, small business loan fee add-ons and stock car dealers for charging more than the manufacture's suggested retail price.
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the consumer federation of california says. >> i think there is a good chance of bipartisan support. the reality is 85% of consumers have had this happen to them. if it has not happened to you, you know someone who has and that is not only happening to democrats or republicans. it is happening to all kinds of people in all kind of situation throughout the state. michael: michael finney, 7 on your side. liz: still to come, the 25th annual academy awards is tomorrow and fans are getting ready with their creative outfits. lis>> they give me pieces o carpet every year. i have carpet all over me. liz: jimmy kimmel will tell abc 7 about his pre-oscars diet. ♪ that's when you know, it's half-washed. downy has 7 benefits that condition and smooth fibers so clothes look newer, longer. feel the difference with downy.
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of our parking lot due to snow piles because there is nowhere to put it. liz: now 5:30, how residents in south tahoe are reeling from the rain and snow. good morning. let's start with another check of the forecast and you know even though people were saying do not come up here, you know people made the trip. lisa: but you know what? with the southwest winds and the warmer atmosphere may be less van we would think. we have been seeing some rain. the conditions not favorable for any vacationing. doppler 7 and you can see the moisture to the south and west lock into a pattern. light rain in the north bay where we have a flood warning for the creeks until 10:00. guernsey light showers through dillon beach. level 1 system over the weekend adding up to three quarters of an inch. most of it in the north bay and
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looking at the flood watch through sunday where any additional rain is causing problems. 48 downtown, 46 concord, and we are looking at the possibility of showers throughout the day. most of the activity in the north bay was showers all around. not a washout but when the heavier downpours arrive. liz: thank you. new this morning out of monterey county, evacuations are underway after this river levee breached overnight. the national guard highway rescue vehicles and swift water rescue crews requested by county officials. two evacuation shelters are open at the fairgrounds and compass church. restoration work on the levy is expected throughout the morning. south lake tahoe faced severe flooding and structure collapses impacting homeowners and business owners. officials deemed several properties unsafe to occupy which is led to multiple
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shutdowns. stephanie sierra was in south lake tahoe where people say they are in shock. >> what the -- is going on? i am a little worried that it is just going to sink. stephanie: heavy rainfall leaving scenes like this across southlake tahoe. businesses taped up and closed down being due to unsafe. >> accumulation over the winter compound re: t shoveling out 5 pack this seasonom otop of snow we are doubling and tripling the weight. stephanie: the fire chief calls it a double threat. you have been here for decades. would you say this double threat is the worst you have seen? >> yeah. we have worked through an awful lot of heavy winters. i have not seen it this bad. stephanie: the result is scenes like this. the snow load crumbled this
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awning at the gas station along emerald bay road. one of at least seven structures that have collapsed across the city. >> that is where the fire started. we had a gas leak. no injuries and that whole property has been red tagged. stephanie: from tumbled structures to parking lot swamps. look at this snow pile in the parking lot of grocery outlet. it is 30 feet tall enough the only one on this property. ndstngo melt, causing flooding in the driveway. >> we have lost three quarters of our parking lot due to snow plows because there is nowhere to put it. stephanie: a reality for the region as these start melting, flooding out residential streets in the airport runway. >> and i have been culture shocked. stephanie: which is why the city is cautioning against unnecessary travel that several
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weeks as the basin struggles through the snow melt and the safety risks to come. >> we could see landslides, mudslides, avalanche control is in effect. stephanie: stephanie sierra, abc 7 news. liz: the last round of heavy snow leaves many ski resorts closed this weekend. people are working day in and out to dig out the snow. at tahoe dave's in would normally be a busy day was quiet. people were buying gear hoping to hit the slopes but were met with bad news. >> immediately all i heard resounding through the house was, we cannot go skiing. it was a little tough. we all traveled really far. liz: others tried to make the journey out but never made it to their final destination. this family was seen making the most of the snow at a stop in nyack before turning around and going home.
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at least they got out a little bit. meantime, we are counting down to oscar sunday tomorrow. the countdown clock shows academy awards at 5:00 p.m. sunday night on abc 7 hosted by jimmy kimmel. dion lim is in los angeles for the oscars and you can catch her reports all weekend. she got to talk to some excited fans and is a preview of what to expect from the host. dion: not even the cold and rain of southern california could dampen the spirits from people around the world. there have been a number of changes since i was here last. the first being the carpet itself. for the first time since the 1960's the red carpet is gold, or shall i say champagne, an ode to the champagne toast. some parts of not even been rolled out yet. that will soon cover the steps up to the dolby theatre. friday we met locals and tourists from all over the globe
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who wanted to get a souvenir of hollywood's biggest night. >> this is the most hollywood you can get. it just happens to be that we come at the perfect time. dion: and then there is vivian robinson who showed why she is known as the oscars super fan. >> this is a patch from the curtain. they only made 15 of these. and all of the patches on my jacket i cut up the hats from the workers, put them on my jacket. dion: i notice you have parts of the carpet when it was red. >> they give me pieces every year because everybody knows me. dion: jimmy kimmel is hosting for the third time and told me earlier in the week what he does to prepare. >> sadly, it has been eating food out of a little cooler that gets delivered to his house every day. it is incredible when you realize, she food you are supposed to be eating or how much food you are not supposed to be eating. it is sobering to see the portion sizes. i am very much looking forward
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to not doing that anymore. dion: as for me, part of my preparation included finding the perfect gown. more on that on sunday. enjoy the show. dion lim, abc 7 news. liz: abc 7's coverage begins tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. with coverage on the champagne carpet. countdown to the oscars begins at 3:30 and the show gets going at 5:00. still ahead, a new way to address homelessness in san jose. the website expected to boost transparency and access to city resources. here is a live look outside right now at the golden gate bridge. it is dry at the moment. we will check in with lisa on when we can expect more rain. ♪ meet apartment 2a, 2b and 2c. 2a's monitoring his money with a simple text. like what you see abe? yes! 2b's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less.
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and 2c, well, she's not going to let a lost card get her stressed. am i right? that's right. that's because these neighbors all have chase. he check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother, alice. and, long lasting gain scent beads. try gain odor defense. be gone, smelly everything!
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diabetes can serve up a lot of questions, like, "what is your glucose?" and "can you have more carbs?" before you decide... th the freestyle libre and where it's headed.lucol no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. and lower your a1c. the number one doctor prescribed cgm. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at liz: welcome back. live look over the embarcadero. no lights on the bay bridge.
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you really notice the difference. donald trump's former lawyer, michael cohen, is set to testify before the grand jury monday in an investigation into hush money the former president may have paid. cohen has been meeting with manhattan prosecutors looking into whether or not trump committed crimes and arranging payments, falsifying business records. this week they invited the former president to testify. legal experts say he is unlikely to do so as it would not benefit his case. paul flores has been sentenced to 25 years to life for the murder of kristin smart, a 19-year-old who went missing in 1996. . he was convicted in october on first-degree murder. it alleged he also raped or attempted to rape her. his father was charged as an accessory as he helped hide her body on his property. we are now hearing from smart's parents. >> as the judge pointed out, it
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is a sentence but it does not bring back your loved one. from that aspect we do not have closure. >> today is a day not really of joy. it is a day of relief that kristin's voice was heard. liz: stan smart says he knows local authorities will continue to look for her remains. the local district attorney thanked a podcaster that led authorities to more witnesses and evidence that were critical in this prosecution. in the south bay launching a new tool to help people better understand how it is addressing homelessness and whether efforts are actually working. the mayor says it offers greater visibility and transparency, tracking where tax dollars go. amanda del castillo has the story. amanda: san jose's new homeless program dashboard is live. eight slides highlighting the homeless response, housing options, programs and funding
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focusing on the outcomes of different strategies. >> i think the way to begin to turn the corner on this crisis is to be very clear, very transparent about what we are trying to do to address the crisis. where the dollars are going and how those programs are performing. amanda: mayor matt may hand says it is a start. updates will reflect results, the number of people served, how resources are received and how many have stayed housed. for advocate sean cartwright she is critical, pointing to data on where people go once they leave temporary shelters. >> 74% of the people have no idea where these people go. that is a fail. amanda: while the 2021, 2022 numbers reflected only 2% return to homelessness, cartwright is convinced of the other 70% have too. >> a lot of those people have
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families, medical conditions, there are 250 that die a year on the street. amanda: referring to the annual tombstone project, a visual representation marking every death of a and an person that year. >> we are struggling. we should not try to spin that. we should be clear about what we are doing, where the dollars are going, how well it is working and make clear what we have learned to what we try differently. amanda: last year's homeless census found more than 6000 people were on hounds across the city. more than 10,000 across the county. >> much like when we follow the coroner dashboard to see how many have died and how fast people are dying. we can use this as a metric to see whether the city is rising or falling to take care of the on has people. amanda: amanda del castillo you, abc 7 news. liz: let's get a check outside. more rain expected when? lisa: we are looking at scattered showers.
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we are already seeing rain in the north bay. amounts will be light. would keep the forecast into sunday and ramp things up into later monday with a stronger system and gusty winds. the details, coming up. liz: also, will brock purdy make a recovery before the start of the next football season? larry beil will have the full timeline, coming up. ♪ flea and tick protection. it protects for a full 30 days, prevents the infection that causes lyme disease... ...and is safe to start protecting puppies as early as 8 weeks. but your vet doesn't just prescribe it to her patients... ...she trusts nexgard to protect her own dog. and she knows its delicious beef flavor makes it #1 with dogs. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. ask your vet about nexgard, and why it's #1 with pretty much...everyone. (dog barking) we love our pets. ask your vet about nexgard, and why it's #1 but we don't always love their hair.
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liz: live look over the san francisco skyline, the bay bridge with a nice start to saturday. the big question for 49 are faithful, will brock purdy be ready next season? larry beil has a look at the quarterback's recovery timeline. larry: good morning. brock purdy had his elbow surgery. sounds like the best case scenario for the quarterback given the situation.
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throwing in three months and ready to play in six. he got hurt in the championship game against philly. surgery was delayed by inflammation but the procedure yesterday used an internal brace to repair the ligament damage. that should lead to the fastest recovery of all surgical options. full recovery in six months would have brock purdy ready exactly for week one of the regular season. big nfl draft news, the chicago bears trade away the top overall pick to carolina. they got a hall and return. the bears will keep justin fields as their quarterback while carolina is expected to take cj stroud from ohio state. the warriors host the milwaukee bucks tonight with only 15 games left. they have got to get it together. item number one on the game plan, let's not start the game like we are in a coma. against memphis on thursday they gave up a dunk on the first
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flight and allowed 48 point in the first quarter. draymond green was unfazed by the loss to the grizzlies. >> anybody can win. what that mean? i have a of my bed in march. larry: you can sleep in because it is a night game. coverage starts at 5:00 with the pregame, tip-off at 5:30 and then after the game with the highlights. college hoops, mountain west, san jose state, and san diego state. nine points in seven boards off the bench. to back corner -- team-high. the aztecs lead on with the entire way.
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cactus league baseba arizona. kevan smith and the a's walk it off. good night, game over, drive home safe. oakland scored 11 runs in the last two innings and the giants felt of the rockies 8-1. that is your morning sports. have a great weekend. liz: happening today in the south bay, the sharks are holding a holy celebration at the sap center. this is video from celebrations from around the world. looks like a great festival. the hindu festival of colors marks the start of spring, new beginnings and good triumphing over evil. this starts at 11:00 and lasts until 3:00 on barack obama boulevard. let's check the forecast. was it going to be like during that festival? lisa: we will see scattered showers at times but not a washout today or tomorrow. level 1 system but you can see the subtropical moisture
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offshore. not totally directed at the bay area but there will be an impulse that allows for the chance of some of this moisture to be run out overhead. we are already seeing that overhead. an area that cannot take more rain. the creek here looking at flooding and hazards on the road through santa rosa, highway 1. the activity over the weekend focusing on the north bay and this is where we have had flooding. old redwood highway, 101, be careful. looking at the advisories around highway 12 through about 10:00 today. the entire bay area under a flood advisory through 10:00 tomorrow because we cannot take much more rain. we do not see heavy amounts but the north bay seeing the most. very saturated ground. southerly winds ramping up into tuesday. despite the moderate amounts of rain it will be hard
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to absorb anymore moisture. 50 san bruno and oakland, live look outside where it is quiet. level 1 systems through monday and then the atmospheric river late monday into tuesday. 118% of normal. we can stop now. the sunset at 6:12 tonight. we lose one hour of sleep tomorrow. you can see more rain toward santa rosa and then a few showers develop throughout the day. here comes rain overnight tonight into sunday. some of those downpours likely. as we get into early sunday the spotty activity but by sunday night, once again moderate rain. as we get into your monday it starts out quiet but look what happens toward the end of the evening commute into the late hours. this is our next system that will bring gusty winds and several inches of rain. as for today and tomorrow
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se osi nth baybe less than/1 ana throrr. highs today with the level 1 system in the upper 50's around 60. we will keep the level 1 system with us figure sunday and into monday things start out quiet. thunderstorm activity could be with us monday into tuesday as we look at another system linking up with that subtropical moisture. similar to what we had last week although we are not looking at the four and five inches of rain but it really does not matter. we have had problems with a little bit more rain. we will be watching that closely and drying out the second half of the week. liz: that will be nice. spring is almost here. lisa: it better feel like it. [laughter] liz: i feel like we are going to get spring showers. lisa: it is feeling like that.
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♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪ a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. case, closed! it's gotta be tide.
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lowe's knows you never come in for just one thing. so we've got to know a lot of things about a lot of things. like what makes your lawn thrive, paint that adds color in one coat and a dishwasher that handles all the dirty work. you got this. and we got you. liz: here are the winning numbers from last night's megamillion strong. 9 nobody picked all six numbers. the jackpot will increase to $229 million. ford is on track to resume reduction of the f-150 lightning vehicle after they were recalled. the automaker recalled 18 electric trucks due to a battery manufacturing issue. a truck caught fire during a quality inspection last month. ford says it will replace the battery packs and it is not aware of anyone reporting fires or injuries related to the recall. the automaker is set to restart
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production monday. the u.s. air force is revealing a new color scheme for the air force 1 jets under construction. the new planes are being called next air force 1. they will not have the dark red, white and blue but instead an even darker blue around the nose and engine. the new look is a modernized take on the classic design that air force one has exported since john f. kennedy was president. today is arbor day in san francisco and there will be a treeplanting and family-friendly fare to go along with it. local officials will be there, like mayor london breed and senator scott wiener. they will plan over 1 hundred st trees in market neighborhood. it will have bucket truck rides, planter box building, arts and crafts, music and more. that starts at 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at bessie carmichael elementary school. it is that time of year.
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spring forward, daylight saving begins sunday at 2:00 a.m. if you do not have clocks that automatically change, do not forget to push them forward one hour. we do lose an hour of sleep but we gain daylight. next, flooding concerns remain. the dramatic video just in. we will tell you about that. plus, a hayward crematory is under investigation after remains reportedly were in a warehouse for up to a decade. ♪
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keytruda may be used with chemotherapy medicines as treatment before surgery and then continued alone after surgery when you have early-stage breast cancer and are at high risk of it coming back. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation, or have a nervous system problem. keytruda is an immunotherapy and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials, exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it's tru. keytruda from merck.
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see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at, and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. announcer: building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc7 news. liz: now at 6:00 a.m., storm cleanup. the worst of the storm has passed, but the damage is far from gone. where we have seen the worst of the impact as more rain is expected this weekend. good morning, thank you for joining us here on saturday. good morning, lisa. what a wild week. we keep having more rain. lisa: we have a level 1 system, so it will be light. all the places we do not need it, especially the north bay, where we have a warning for flooding until 10:00 a.m.
6:01 am
that is where we have the r


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