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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  March 11, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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patches of green showing up,
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although in the north way is becoming more widespread, and that is the area we feel we'll get some significant rainfall overnight. so this storm on the exclusive abc seven storm impact skills level one through tomorrow, bidding beginning with the overnight hours we expect periods of showers and some downpours, the wettest region of the bay area will be in the north bay, and it will be a bit breezy at times. here's our forecast animation starting at midnight. by that time, we expect to see some pretty active and what weather reaching across the streaming across the north bay by six o'clock tomorrow morning. it should be reaching virtually all parts of the bay area and then after a few downpours that tapers off to light scattered showers tomorrow during the midday hours within going into the evening hours, the storm becomes more organized again and there is a stronger storm coming in on monday and tuesday rainfall totals from this weekend's event will be generally under 3/10 of an inch . but we have a stronger storm coming on monday jr that will probably intensify into a level two by tuesday. i'll give you a
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close up look at that little bit later. certainly look forward to that. while the storm is leaving behind damage across northern california, one of the biggest weather related disasters is in monterey county in the community of haro near the santa cruz line , you can see the flooding there. a levee broke last night and forced around 1700 people from their home. thousands more are being asked to leave and others in the county are being told. not to drink the water complete neighborhoods underwater saturday after this 120 ft wide levee breach along the pajaro river in monterey county. we got notice that the levees overtopping with water, and then the portion of the levee broke about three miles upstream, and it's the size of a train part. is a tremendous volume of water. it continues to accumulate as we speak. during a press conference on saturday, officials announced that some of this water is draining on the west side of the community. they also detailed current flood
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projections new that there were e
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area that was already applied. and even with that the water was so much stronger coming through. storms have slammed the north bay and many neighbors are still cleaning up from the last atmospheric river event with more rain on the way, abc seven news reporter cornell bernard spent the day in mill valley and has the latest on conditions and concerns. more rain pelted marin county on saturday roads were slick and windshield wipers got another workout in mill valley crane was helping with a big cleanup on hillside avenue, where a 50 ft oak tree crashed into a home during the last storm tree removal, experts say they've been slammed with calls and it's not over yet more atmospheric river coming. what is that? monday and tuesday? what do you think that's going to bring more? yeah trees down
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more trees down. sonoma county creeks and streams are running high first responders are preparing for an additional 3 to 7 inches of rain, and that's a concern for more flooding. there's nowhere for the water tr low-lying areas in san mateo county highway 84 is closed in both directions at portola road to skyline boulevard afterward. landslide caused this giant crack in the roadway detours are in place and in so kellland santa cruz county cruise have managed to fix and reopen one lane of main street restoring access to 450 homes residents were cut off when swollen bates creek washed away parts of the road rain didn't stop tj maguire and her dog moose from taking a walk. i know that we need it but
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to get him a bathroom to dry him off. no rain delay here players from san anselmo's rex softball league were determined to get a practice in. thing is gonna stop us our season opens on saturday and our kids want to be out here playing so practices are on and are having fun. braving the elements. we love to see it. firefighters are asking folks to prepare for the next storm and the possibility of power outages. they say chargers cell phone and your electric vehicle or fill your car up with gas and never ever drive through flooded areas. in mill valley cornell bernard abc 7 news much cornell, the placer county oes and cal fire officials are working to remove snow around north tahoe the city got heavy snowfall yesterday, which caused high hazards to some structures a lot of
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businesses remain closed while crews scoop up the ice and also the snow. more rain moves through the bay area this weekend. you can keep track of the changing conditions and access the same live doppler 7 that are weather team uses. it's available on demand on the abc 7 bay area app download it wherever you stream. to developing news us tech and finance sectors are calling on the federal government to work out a solution for the failed silicon valley bank. the bank was known for helping early stage that svb.
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we have no other recourse. there is no payroll for monday the company provides automation software for the chip industry bhajwani says even before this company during deposit insurance corporation is only guaranteeing 250,000. we have millions are we we're gonna be just shut down if this is not resolved silicon valley bank has been funding silicon valley innovation for decades with a total valuation of more than 200 billion dollars the bank collapsed on friday after running out of money taking a huge loss in its bond portfolio and with venture capital drawing up. i don't want to name specific countries, but boy, oh boy if we don't fix this right now, we would have given our competitors overseas a gift by stopping us right now. this is a seismic shock into the bay area economy if all of these companies are limited to the deposit insurance limits of 250,000. you're going to see a collapse of a generation of startups here in silicon valley corey johnson is the host of the drill down podcast in managing member of apistry capital. he says the fdic has tremendous
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powers to come up with the emergency solutions. he says it's actively trying to sell pieces of the bank's business this weekend and the hope of waiting liquidity so companies can get their deposits out. but johnson says the fdic has to tread carefully and other things hard to get a national consensus around rescuing silicon valley and californians. the east coast media is blaming technology in crypto people in the middle of country are mad at the wealth that they perceive the californians took all this risk of their silicon valley bank johnson has there's still the potential of an even greater risk if the contagion spreads to other regional or smaller banks come monday. i trust that governor newsom and that janet yellen and the fdic in the white house. and recognize what a big problem. this could be and we'll step in with the right solutions in silicon valley ansar hassan abc 7 news. family and friends of a teen killed in a hit-and-run accident in pittsburgh gathered tonight at the site of her death a
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memorial for 17 year old brooke jeffrey sits outside golden gate community school at the intersection of stoneman avenue and briarcliff drive tonight a candlelight vigil was held at the school and her honor brooke was an 11th grader at the school. she was hit as she crossed the street after leaving a dance practice tuesday evening. brook's death has been difficult for many of her classmates as well as teachers and staff. because of brooks leadership skills brook was we honor book by electing her to go with us on a trip to dc. and we're supposed to be leaving in about two and a half weeks. so it's a big void in all of our hearts because we were looking forward to finding and spending some really serious time with brooke and exposing her to the broader world in the community. the search continues for the hit and run driver police have not released any the suspect vehicle. police are searching for the
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person responsible for a shooting and carjacking in antioch officers found the victim at twin creeks apartments at about 11 o'clock this morning a witness says the man was shot while he and a female companion were robbed we come out and gentlemen, you know had hopped in the back of their car ask them for everything and then, you know just shot the gentleman in the rib. toss them out of the car and then he took their car and left. victim was taken to a hospital and is said to be in critical but stable condition antioch police are asking other residents at the twin creek apartments to check their surveillance cameras for any video that might help them find this shooter. final preparations are underway for this year's oscars. we have insight into why the red carpet is now a champagne hue and a look at an a-list event where some celebrities go to get awards ready?
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helps shape san francisco highlights from today's saint patrick's day parade. unresolved symptoms? heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome... ...shortness of breath... ...irregular heartbeat... ...and lower back pain could mean something more serious called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time, so it's important to recognize the signs. sound like you? call your cardiologist and ask about attr-cm.
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to oscar sundays. you can see on your screen the academy awards are tomorrow at 5 pm here on abc 7 hosted by jimmy kimmel by this time tomorrow night. there will be a new elite group of oscar winners abc 7 news. anchor dion limb is covering the oscars for us and has a look at all of the last minute preparations. what a difference a day makes this champagne carpet actually looks more like a construction site today. check it out. there are people tweaking the lights to make sure they hit the
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celebrities just right. some of the barricades are still in their trainers and media from all around the world have begun to congregate earlier today. i had a chance to get some insight as to why the carpet changed color and also found out what some celebrities do to prepare. welcome to hollywood. where are you from as visitors descend from all over the globe and just came from ireland yesterday. i'm from venezuela. i'm in spain media from across the world are also setting up and ready. we're here for the 95th academy awards. it looked like a construction site at times with cruise prepping 50,000 square feet of carpet and putting on those final touches about 30 minutes away. there were preparations of a different kind at a hollywood gifting suite think of it as a market for the stars the big benefits. is it gonna have a little picture with the celebrity with the nominee and then going to be able to use that for the social media so it's gonna basically boost their sales. so we win for everybody total value of these gifts from fancy
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trips to books to luxury laundry detergent this certainly a step up from tide. it sure is up to $50,000 after spotting actor jake mclean who was one of the navient avatar the way of water picking up a unique product from japan. it's stemsa eye drop natalie spilled the beans on who else has visited the suite in the past so many people from sharon stone. she was my first really big stars stars charlize theron richard gere of job butler. so while we wait for those a-listers to make their way into the dolby theater sunday, i asked legendary producer and first asian american academy president janet yang to fill us in on the carpet color change. we hired a woman who's considered a red carpet guru the person behind the met gala red carpet her decision was and i am only assuming for the purposes of of producing the best photographs. try convincing the ambassador here of that. i'm here to protest against that
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i'm hoping well, we'll see in hollywood dion limb abc 7 news about that red or champagne carpet? yes abc 7's coverage of the oscars starts tomorrow at 10 am with on the red carpet or champagne carpet as the case may be this year then countdown to the oscars starts at 3:30 pm and the award show gets going at 5 pm spencer christian here with a little look at weather maybe indoor weather to watch the show. maybe great adore the tomorrow. we've been waiting for the rain to arrive tonight jr. it's been a little spotty as you can see on live doppler 7, so we don't have much going on at the moment, but we expect quite a bit more tomorrow. you can see right now though that patches of rain are pushing into the north bay. in fact santa rosa at this hour is reporting light rain, and we see some more widespread areas of rain offshore about to move on land and here we go. look at current conditions. the wind is relatively calm. we've had a couple inquiries about winded fire advisories or wind watches. right now you can see the wind is quite light all across the
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bay area 24-hour temperature change shows. it's quite a bit warmer at this hour tonight than at this time last night four to about seven degrees warmer across the region. here's a live view from our exploratorium camera looking back at the cityscape. it is 53 degrees here in san francisco. we san francisco. we have mid-50s at oakland palo alto upper 50s that san jose and santa clara really mild out there tonight and 52 at half moon bay. nice view from emeryville waiting for the rain. you see clouds getting thicker in the sky there 53 right now at both napa and santa rosa 54 at fairfield and novato and 55 and livermore one more live view from our rooftop camera. we'll take a little view across the street and we'll also look at our forecast headlines scattered showers will be with us through tomorrow. they're widely scattered right now, but they'll become better organized this we get into the overnight hours occasional downpours are likely with the heaviest rain likely in the north bay and the strongest storm arrives late monday into tuesday the current storm such as it is rank. level one on the exclusive abc 7 storm impact scale through
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tomorrow. we'll have a periods of showers maybe a few downpours more likely in the north bay than anywhere else though, and it'll be breezy at times. here's a forecast animation starting at midnight notice how active the weather is going to be mainly in the northway until about 7 am then the rain becomes more widespread we start to see some little downpours moving southward and eastward, so it'll be a wet morning for most of the bay area afternoon to the evening hours more widely scattered showers, but then some more concentrated rain comes in. late monday morning. let's take a look at our overnight conditions under showery conditions. we'll see low temperatures generally in the low 50s and highs tomorrow mainly in the mid-50s at the coast, but we'll see lots of low to mid 60s in the east bay and the south bay now picking up the forecast animation 7 pm monday notice that stronger wave of rain coming in much more widespread a lot more downpours will be in this storm than in the current storm. so by tuesday, we'll we'll probably be looking at a level two storm from this one that develops on monday and a flood watch will be an effect for the
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entire bay area from monday evening to late tuesday night as the soil is saturated as you know, and more rain is on the way and more snow is on the way to the sierra where winter storm warning is in effect there until 5pm wednesday. here's our accuweather 7-day forecast level one rain activity tomorrow and monday by that monday storm always have pointed out we'll likely intensify to level two by tuesday might even produce some isolated thunderstorms, but look at lindsay thursday, friday and saturday looks like a string of dry days. you're looking at wednesday. that looks great. i just saw that red monday into tuesday. yeah, i was a little concerned about that little bit of turbulent weather coming in or at least that's the expectation right now. thanks so much spencer. okay a memory making moment involving the warriors clay thompson came before tonight's game the act of kindness that brought a fan to tears.
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vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. the most common side effects include respiratory tract infection, headache, and urinary tract infection. picture your life in motion with vyvgart. a treatment designed using a fragment of an antibody. ask your neurologist if vyvgart could be right for you.
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patrick's day is just a few days away. san francisco city hall is already in the spirit of the irish holiday. the building is lit up in green tonight to celebrate the irish community according to the united societies of san francisco the irish helped construct, san francisco's infrastructure and transportation back in the 1800 beautiful sight right there. san francisco's financial district was full of green for the 172nd. annual saint patrick's day parade the wet weather did not stop today's show. community members and groups from throughout the bay area participated include participation that is included schools cultural groups and labor unions saint patrick's day celebrates the heritage and culture of the irish community. before the warriors win tonight clay thompson surprised a teen with a special gift. thompson gifted 15 year old
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brolio noriega with a custom basketball wheelchair the santa rosa team plays wheelchair basketball for the junior road warriors. he was diagnosed with cancer at the age of six which required above the knee amputation noriega couldn't contain his excitement when presented with his new chair. obviously coming to a warriors game is like such a cool thing and like first on the like i get to meet clay as well and get up which represented by him and just like so much emotions running through or not. i don't even know what to say. noriega hopes to take his basketball talents to a college level and eventually overseas by representing his home country of mexico. that exciting stuff and we are getting even more exciting with chris alvarez tonight lots going on. yeah, and i was there for that moment of a story coming up in the coming days or week, whatever and get a chance to look at the motion. seeing that young man cry at really puts into perspective what these guys do and clay said, it was special moment for him as well having an official
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wheelchair like that. yeah, really good stuff and coming up jr. in sports. you saw the moment for clay thompson pregame that led into a great game you saw in abc 7 tonight back in forth at chase, and it endsh curry. the closer sports is next.
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>> abc 7 river rock casino. >> it was prime time between the last two nba champions, warriors taking on milwaukee, minus yanez tonight -- milwaukee up 8. that championship stephen curry, triple, you bet, dubs down to. klay thompson guarding heads off to curry, holliday, an all-star, showing you why, milwaukee back out in front. here is steph, stopping on a dime, 18 seconds to go. he scored 22 game-high and
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overtime. next on the possession, curry with a block. big block forces over time. steph is absolutely fired up. after the game, guys are congratulating him for that. over time, klay had 18 after the break. it is steph, his splash brother, the closer, the warriors won in overtime. >> fourth quarter, we took an 8- point lead at one point. there is a belief you have to have that you can do it, are playing a revolving door right now, being able to show it or not. to figure out how to take it on the road for us. >> they know what it is about.
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obviously you need things to foliar way. our guys know how to get it done. chris: sharks hosting minnesota, second period, 1-0. erik karlsson's shot captain likes the lamp, just before the end of the period, minnesota, one stop from frederick on the rebound score, the shot -- sharks l san jose, second half, quake's shot is blocked, chris espinoza, watch him fire that one in. quakes win 1-0. they have won two straight in this early-season. j.r.: 2-0, 2-1? got me excited. thank you so much.
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a san francisco landmark building becomes one of the latest victims of our weather, and the damage is a big load to some couples wedding plans. >> a lot of history, a lot of firsts. j.r.: also, get inside the oscars. the first agent -- asian- am it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried or frustrated. calhope can help access, calhope free and secure mental health resources today. call our warm line at 833-317-4673 or livechat at
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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. j.r.: this is video of the california national guard a rescued me of the people harel river. this is -- harel river -- pajaro river. lionel moist tells us this is the latest storm from an atmospheric river. lionel: this rockslide damaged the road. abc's rob marciano is at the dam near the river. rob: they are releasing water from one of the state's largest reservoirs, 8000 cubic feet per
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second. lionel: lake tahoe c and 32 inches since thursday. >> this is more so than they have ever seen. lionel: south lake tahoe, rain is falling on top a massive snowpack. >> where do we put it? lionel: several businesses forced to close. that same system expected to trigger severe weather across the south before moving into the northeast. >> that will trigger a storm along the coast for monday and tuesday for i-95, a nor'easter, mostly rain and wet snow, but another heavy, wet snow inland. >> meanwhile, parts of the great lakes and the northeast are already being hit with a different storm system. lionel moyes, abc 7 news york. j.r.: the trocadero clubhouse in stern grove park is severely
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damaged after being struck by a downed eucalyptus tree. the recreation parks department showed damage after the 85 foot tree fell on the clubhouse. park rangers responded to an alarm at the clubhouse around 5:30 and found the roof partially collapsed with flooding inside the building as the sprinkler system went off. stern grove as a whole has taken quite a beating from the storm. >> part of stern grove has been closed since 2021 due to flooding in the car, so this damage caused to the clubhouse, it is another setback to the park. j.r.: the clubhouse is a popular location for weddings. the city is looking to final tentative venues for those with reservations. get the craft forecast and live doppler 7 radar on the abc 7 news bay area app. you can get push alerts like
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this one sent directly to your mobile device. several residents at a home in san francisco has been forced out of their home by a fire. it started in the backroom of a three-story building their 30th and mission street. three people were inside at the time of the fire. eight adults and one team were living in the building, and they all need a new place to stay because of the damage. >> right now, we are trying to get red cross for them for any displaced victims. some of the adults have family and friends they can stay with, but there are other occupants of that unit that need the assistance of the red cross. j.r.: firefighters have not officially determined the cause of the fire but say it may have been sparked by the overcharged lithium battery. a 7 on your side story about a new type of atm fraud has exploded on the internet. scammers using glue and the atm tap feature have been draining bank accounts. now 7 on your side's michael
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finney tells us more victims have come forward. >> that guy scammed me last night at the atm machine. michael: pamela showed me how thieves got her money at this atm. >> i inserted my card. it did not work. michael: a man in line told her she could tap her card instead, and it worked. she got her cash, walked off, but the next day, a shock. >> why is my account almost $1000 less? michael: she found three more withdrawals on her account, $940 gone. >> i'm like, that happened to me! michael: stephanie was amazed to see our story about pamela, and rob bell -- rob: i did not think anything about it. michael: and justin. justin: wait a second, i did not use that much money. michael: paul used the tap feature at this atm. all found their accounts drained after this left -- after they left. stephanie said she tapped her
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phone at that atm to withdraw $20 and hurried off because a man was lurking nearby. >> i did not know if he was being a creep or what he was doing. michael: seconds later, a fraud alert on her phone. did she just withdraw $600? she replied no, but a little too late. $400 was already gone. >> he said it will work, i just got money from it, you have to tap it. michael: the card reader did not work when gary lee used then a man nearby insisted on helping. gary: he said "it will work." michael: the stranger tapped gary's card for him. the next day, all but $5 was gone. >> they put it in the card reader of the machine. michael: scammers pour glue into these lots of victims have to tap. by tapping, the transaction window stays open even after the o. so if a customer walks off
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without closing the window, a thief can simply step up and make more withdrawals. chase says customers should wait for this scream, "do you want to do something else?" click "no" to close out the session. >> i think i closed it, but maybe i left it open. michael: bank managers told victims the scam has been ongoing since last fall, yet chase rejected all of their claims, saying they authorized the transactions. >> why would i make four transactions in one day? >> the investigator from chase made me feel icky. "how do we know you did not steal it?" why would i steal my own money. >> i felt betrayed. michael: after our inquiries, the bank did refund all of the victims in this report, telling us, "we have credited our customers in full and are taking additional steps to protect patrons." i michael finney, 7 on your side
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. j.r.: what a story right there. this year, the oscars are full of firsts. abc 7 news anchor dion down with legendary hollywood producer janet lange, the first asian-american to be yang, the first asian- to be voted president. the new academy president shared what her goals are for the oscars. janet: want to make sure people don't have that feeling. j.r.: carpet, then count down to the oscars starts at 3:30 p.m. the award show begins at 5:00
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p.m. going green today in san francisco, but this was not for st. patrick's day. a look at the neighborhood where crews and volunteers set out to plant more than 100 trees in an early arbor day celebration. spencer: i'm spencer christian, looking at the arrival of some early morning rainfall. i will have the complete accuweather foreca ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you can beat it! ♪ visit or call 833-422-4255
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j.r.: back to storm coverage tonight, yosemite national park is closed through thursday, march 16, possibly longer. a yosemites spokesperson says a partial reopening on march 17 is the best case scenario. record snowfall has buried much of the park, which has been closed for almost two weeks. the rain was not enough to stop an event designed to beautify and improve air quality in san francisco. saturday, arbor day was celebrated in san francisco.
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to celebrate, some 117 trees were planted in the selma area by the city's public works department. the event also included an eco fair for guests to learn more about how trees grow and their role in keeping the environment healthy. spencer: there should be some happy trees right now. j.r.: a lot of happy people maybe tomorrow, if the weather is good, to watch the oscars. that's the big question. you've got a lot on your plate tonight, spencer. spencer: great television watching weather, yes. [laughter] live doppler 7, some patchy offshore moving toward the coastline. . this storm on the exclusive abc 7 storm impact scale a level 1. widespread periods of showers, maybe isolated downpours. weather in the north bay, breezy at times. the forecast taking us overnight into the early morning hours, the rain becomes more widespread, hitting other arts of the area besides just the north bay.
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-- parts of the area besides just the north bay. an occasional downpour here and there appeared overnight low temperatures will be mainly in the upper 40's to low 50's, highs tomorrow generally mid-50's at the coast, low 60's just about everywhere else. we will be under a flood watch monday evening until late tuesday night, as rivers and streams may overflow because of saturated soil and more rain about to come our way. here is the accuweather 7-day forecast, level 1 on monday. that monday storm will intensified to a level 2 by tuesday. that will be a significant rain producer. meanwhile, the rest of the forecast looks sunny and dry. j.r.: the optimistic part of the forecast, late in the week, no extremes. [laughter] spencer: exactly, my favorite part. j.r.: thanks, spencer. here is chris with a preview of sports. chris: the warriors take on
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another win at home. a big win o
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paper being crumpled more paper being crumpled music: “i wish” by skee-lo boom! sound of paper balls landing in bins office workers cheering music stops why do we shoot baskets with paper balls? for the same reason we play scratchers from the california lottery. because a little play can make your day. logo scratches on howie: man, it's lonely. going through life, it's lonely. kamauu: there is the therapeutic aspect of music.
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♪ ♪ >> abc 7 sports, sponsored by river rock casino. chris: tonight's warriors win over the bucs was a mere image of the season, but in the end, the championship experience paid off in a huge win over -- at home over milwaukee. klay thompson had 18 of 22 after halftime. a big overtime win here. what do you think about your championship experience and what you did to win tonight? >> i would say we out,. chris: held personally motivated were you to step up your game in the second half? >> always motivated. chris: how aware were you of
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what you needed to do down the stretch? >> very aware. it is our job! better, basketball is how we play. >> i love what you guys did in overtime. we just took control. milwaukee got the first bucket, and we took it. >> i've got to say come about the championship experience, that if the team you know. can this team you know finish out this year? >> yeah, these guys have hung down, and that is where there is about. obviously we need some things to fall our way healthwise. our guys know how to get it done, and we are going to keep going. chris: steph with the block, the points, klay, draymond green, what can you say about those three guys in a game like this? >> well, not surprising, given their track record. they will get some rest
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tomorrow, and we've got to go right back on monday. the games never stop. chris: well, the warriors teeter tottering on the brink of disaster, but when they needed it the most, dominated in the fourth quarter. have no fear, steph curry is here. basically everyone thing but the superman came tonight. >> right, he is really good. [laughter] the thing he is able to do in this game is truly extraordinary, and i think because of the ups and downs in the game, to see him be able to turn the keys and get to another level is truly extraordinary. chris: coach, the significance of this victory, given the warriors coming off a three-game losing streak, you got the suns coming in monday and then a five-game road trip. >> everyone counts. we know what the road has been throughout the season. a looming five-game road trip coming up and a big win against a kevin durant-less suns, no place like home, guys will take advantage of it coming up. chris: draymond green, we
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already know about the wrist, sprained ankle. they need him desperately. >> the warriors have a lot of injuries that they have to deal with, but i think most importantly, it is important that draymond is able to come back and play, probably despite, over the objections of the training staff. chris: i love it when they announce, he is questionable, and then he tells us, i'm coming back again, i'm probable. in fact, i'm going back and right now. [laughter] warriors need draymond green, and they come away with a hard-fought 125-116 overtime victory, presently in sixth place in the western conference. chris, back to you. chris: thanks to our championship core right there. former giant mark derosa against great britain. solo blast off adam wainwright. 1-0 lead. all u.s. from there. kyle shorebird, three run
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team usa. they will play mexico on sunday. this sports report sponsored by river rock casino, j.r. j.r.: a quick reminder, daylight savings time starts overnight. make sure to move your clocks ahead an hour at 2:00 a.m. for chris and spencer, i am j.r. stone. have a great night.
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(relaxed rock music) ♪ ♪ okay, evan. this is it. you ready? ready. singer: ♪ let me run with you tonight ♪ ♪ i'll take you on a moonlight ride ♪


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