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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  March 15, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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>> building a better bay solutions. this is abc7news. >> this has been the most impactful storm we have seen in terms of customers out in a single day since 1995. ama: pg&e officials confirming yesterday's widespread power outages were as bad as we thought. making it the single worst day for bay area outages in 28 years. dan: take a look at the outage map now. there are more than 140,000 customers still without electricity. more than 450,000 customers were affected to the storm related outages. officials say crews are running into issues as they spread out all over the bay area trying to get the power back on for so
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many people. ama: santa clara county was hit particularly hard by those outages and many schools were forced to cancel classes. dan: dustin dorsey has the details and gives you a look at the damage in the south bay. >> in a city known for its trees, you did not have to drive far in saratoga to find one down. the aftermath of yet another incredibly powerful storm. >> branches down, trees in the yard. a lot of fences down in the neighborhood, so pretty intense. dustin: just down the road, students from westmont high school shared a similar account. a larch street down in the front. one student provided live updates for her mother. >> the text were coming. trees are falling down. another tree fell down. another tree. dustin: with each fallen tree, more and more damage, knocking out power.
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westmont and prospect high school forced to cancel school for the day, waiting for the power to be restored. >> we are crossing our fingers for power tonight and hopefully school tomorrow. most of the houses in the neighborhood do not have power. dustin: businesses shut down with outages. traffic lights out. the community left in the dark. >> we had candles lit and glow sticks last night. we went grocery shopping yesterday so all of our food will probably go bad. dustin: the story of many throughout the area. a total of 450,000 thousand pg&e customers were impacted. >> we are working through the aftermath of the 13th storm event in the past 75 days. this has been the most impactful storm we have seen in terms of customers out in a single day in the bay area since 1997. dustin: crews were out wednesday getting the lights back on. the company says it may take longer than usual to restore power, keeping their employees safety in mind. the community remains optimistic. >> we are better off than some
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places and other states, so just take it hour-by-hour and hopefully we will have power soon. dustin: dustin dorsey, abc7news. ama: in the east bay, people are still without power as the cleanup from the storm. we are joined live from alamo with the latest. >> it has been about 30 hours in the dark for this community in alamo. this power outages has forced this gas station behind me to shut down as well as several of the surrounding businesses in the shopping center, including a coffee shop and daycare. this comes as some neighbors are still working to clean up a lot of downed trees across the east bay. he was neighbor's fence about to blow over in union city on tuesday when something she least expected happened that moment. >> suddenly, this tree fell.
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i fell from the sofa. >> our sky 7 view shows mul townhomes damaged by several massive trees uprooted from tuesday's storm. now her home along with several of her neighbors is unsafe to stay in. >> it was so shocking. at the same time, i was thinking about my stuff. can i get something? can i go -- no, you cannot go. they were pushing us out. >> she only came back wednesday to grab a few essentials and throw away everything in her fridge from losing power overnight before leaving to stay with relatives nearby. >> we are seeing a lot of damaged equipment, primarily from vegetation, trees coming down. >> pg&e says that one point on tuesday, 468,000 customers across the bay area lost power. a they later, about three quarters have been restored,
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many are still waiting for their lights to come back on. that will be about 30 hours? >> yeah, a long time. >> mimi and her family were no exception. her husband now unable to work from home with no charge to their devices, let alone wi-fi. she is concerned she may have lost an entire fridge worth of food. >> the contents of the fridge cannot be good. i have not opened it, but 30 hours later, it cannot be good. >> pg&e assuring customers they have more than 1700 crews, including some coming from other parts of the state to repair damage and get the lights back on. >> we are moving heaven and earth. all of our crews are working and trying to get you back as quickly as possible. >> pg&e says with all the saturated soil, more trees are continuing to come down in this area, so if you do come across any downed power lines, assume they are live.
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do not approach them and instead call 911. dan: thank you. it could be days before the cruise can fix the shattered window glass blown out over san francisco skyscraper by yesterday's high winds. according to the chronicle, workers are waiting for the winds to die down before fixing the window. two glass windows shattered at the bank of america building on california street. officials believe it could have been weather-related after while the storm winds blew across the city. ama: a large tree branch fell on a man this morning in santa cruz. emergency crews airlifted him to santa clara valley medical center in san jose. he was cutting a tree when a limb crushed him. calfire posted videos come including this one of a tree limb. it is unknown how badly he was injured but he was conscious. dan: governor newsom got a close-up look today of the devastation caused by the levee breach in the monterey county community.
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crews completed the first phase of emergency repairs to the levee last night. the governor says government and private support is on the way to those affected, but a long-term fix for the levee unfortunately is still years away. >> the challenge is you cannot go like that overnight and fix this. that is why we soberly stated we are looking at a five to seven year process. don't get me wrong. i'm not satisfied any more than you are with five to seven years. dan: the state actually approved nearly $140 million in funding to repair the levee last year. it is long overdue. there have been at least five major breaches since the levee was constructed back in 1949. ama: for now, we are experiencing a nice break in the weather. dan: we need this. for details, let's go to meteorologist sandhya patel up on the roof for us live. sandhya: it is an absolutely gorgeous day out here. it is nice to get this break.
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even though the sun is shining, there are still concerns. a flood warning remains up near river mile until vendor -- midnight tomorrow. flood warning near chittenden until saturday afternoon. it is still going to be problematic in that area. flood warning for sonoma county until 11:00 p.m. tonight. it takes a while for the runners -- water to run off. most of northern and central california getting a break other than the sierra and southern california is seeing some residual moisture. as we take a look at the local view, it is a quiet picture as the skies are mainly clear. the temperatures will plunge. a frost advisory for the north bay counties for midnight tonight until 9:00 a.m. mid-30's to upper 30's expected. frost will form and could kill sensitive plants. 40's and 50's, still comfortable towards tomorrow morning,
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dipping down into the mid-30's to low 40's. that is not where your temperatures will end up. i will show you when more wet weather returns to the bay area. ama: don't forget, you can keep track of the changing conditions and access the same live doppler 7 our weather team uses on the abc 7 bay area news app. dan: we will move onto to other things from the weather. a student in the south bay was taken into custody after a stabbing at a school. it happened just after noon at sunrise middle school in san jose. the student who was stabbed is 15 years old and suffered non-life-threatening injuries. the suspect has only been identified as a fellow student, but police say the person will be booked into juvenile hall. ama: san jose police are looking for the hit-and-run driver responsible for critically injuring a good samaritan. this is surveillance video. it happened at flint avenue around 7:00 last thursday. >> the difficult situation with this one is the pedestrian was
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eating a family in a vehicle that got stuck on the road -- aiding a family in a vehicle that got stuck on the road. ama: the pedestrian remains in the hospital with life-threatening injuries. investigators are looking for a white or light colored new or four door truck. anyone with information, call the san jose police department. dan: new developments at the sexual assault cases of university of san francisco. jennifer gries was arrested after lying about being raped. students believe the university administration was not being transparent in those cases. authorities accused gries of fabricating her stories as a revenge plot against a coworker. she faces two felonies of perjury and two misdemeanors of making a false crime report. ama: a driver is recovering after room being caught in the middle of a road rage shooting
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yesterday at lonetree way. a road rage conflict ended with the shooting but the shooter missed their intended target and hit another driver in another car that was not involved in the original argument. that victim was taken to a hospital and is expected to survive. police are asking for the public's help to identify the other drivers involved. dan: still ahead, astronomers in the south bay say their world-renowned work is in jeopardy. the fight over a billboard and the vote scheduled for tonight. the vote scheduled for tonight. ama: police are unresolved symptoms? heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome... ...shortness of breath... ...irregular heartbeat... ...and lower back pain could mean something more serious called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time, so it's important to recognize the signs.
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sound like you? call your cardiologist and ask about attr-cm.
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dan: one of the world's leading astronomical research facilities is heree bayut scientists are worried a growing local trend will make it difficult to continue doing their job. ama: zach fuentes has more on what it is that astronomers has
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them concerned. zach: although it has made headlines recently for the huge amount of snow it received, it is the daily accomplishments that are truly attention grabbing. >> new worlds are discovered from the summit of mount hamilton almost on a routine basis. zach: the astronomer says their ability to keep doing that kind of work is at risk because of something called light pollution. >> the accelerating growth of light in the night sky beyond the natural illumination of the stars and the moon. and largely, that is being produced by outdoor lighting sources like streetlights and billboards, car dealerships. zach: the artificial light gets scattered, impacting the observatory's work. >> it limits our ability to detect the faint sources in the night sky. zach: the gilroy city council is set to vote monday on changing existing rules to allow a digital billboard closer to highway 101, something that has
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the observatory concerned. it has been linked to light pollution and a hot topic in recent years in san jose. >> quite nicely without the new billboard. zach: the city voting to allow digital billboards to the airport. they say it provides marketing opportunities and brings money to cities. they disagree for many reasons. >> we have seen in the bay area, this county, that the majority of the advertisements are national and/or advertising sites outside the community like san diego. zach: a report on the proposed gilroy billboard found there would not be significant impacts to the environment. they say it is not just their work, there are broader health implications. light pollution has been linked to obesity and depression. >> mild cognitive impairment. zach: an impact that goes beyond stargazing. dan: this is wild.
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somebody broke into a helicopter and crested at sacramento executive airport. police got reports that helicopters were being broken into between 4:00 and 6:00 a.m. officers found one crashed helicopter when they got there with severe damage. no one was inside and police are trying to figure out who is doing this and arrest them. ama: after the break, a brand-new child friendly space at the san francisco county jail. we will explain why some
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now available without a prescription. astepro is the first and only 24-hour steroid-free spray. while flonase takes hours, astepro starts working in 30 minutes. so you can [ spray, spray ] astepro and go. dan: there is a new space for children to visit incarcerated parents at the san francisco county jail. today is the opening of the new child friendly visiting room. sheriff's office staff converted an atrium that was once being used for storage with the help of various community groups. it is an effort to help keep children connected to their parents who they don't get to see regularly. >> i think having a space like
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this for children to visit is very important if our goal is to start to break generational incarceration. it starts with having human contact wit dan: the san francisco public library provided books, beanbag chairs and colorful rugs to help furnish the place. ama: a new exhibit from the artist who painted and acclaimed portrait of former president obama is now open in san francisco. the museum is hosting the u.s. premier of his latest work. it is called an archaeology of silence. the series grapples with a long history of systemic violence against black people and the silence surrounding it. >> this in those certain ways is an indictment of state power over black bodies, it is an indictment of a resistance to seeing the full humanity.
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ama: wiley is a graduate of the san francisco art institute. the exhibit opens on saturday and runs through october 15. dan: very powerful as you can tell. much needed break. all this crazy wind and rain finally giving us a bit of a reprieve. ama: let's check back in with sandhya patel. sandhya: it is nice to be out in the sun and really not have those terribly strong winds we experienced yesterday. out here, it is a beautiful day. comfortable temperatures, as we take a look at zephyr cove and the high country. you can see plenty of snow on the ground. as a matter of fact, the sierra snowpack is 223% of average, so very healthy. in southern california, 271% where you should be for this time of year. rainfall and percent of normal, so for all of these major cities, we are running above average for this time of year.
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131%, santa rosa. senoakland, 180%. with just over 20 inches of rain. san jose, over one foot of rain. on live doppler seven, it is quiet. isolated thunder in the sierra nevada as we take a look at a live picture from the east bay hills camera. it is nice to see the green hills and the temperatures in the mid to upper 50's. 60 in san jose. 62 in half moon bay. blue skies as we look across the bay. low to mid 60's from santa rosa to napa. 60 in concord and livermore. one other live picture. the sun is shining in the south bay in san jose. mainly clear and chilly inland overnight. a frost advisory going up at midnight for the north bay valleys and santa cruz mountains. a stronger storm is coming in early next week with the potential atmospheric river. tomorrow morning, we start out
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with some patchy fog for the commute between 5 a.m. and 8 a.m. this is the time of year we start to transition to our fog that returns to the bay area that it will get out of here by the time the afternoon begins. colder spots, 40 in san jose. 42 in oakland and 44 in san francisco. it will be milder than today. 65 in santa rosa. 64 in concord. we will fast-forward to what is ahead. the computer models have been flip-flopping on friday. saturday night into sunday, we have the first opportunity for some light showers, nothing major. monday is when a system moves in and it looks like the potential is there for this atmospheric river to move into somewhere between the bay area and southern california.
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models are not in full agreement. it is going to be wet and windy around here on tuesday, so be prepared. into wednesday, still some showers will be lingering. the accuweather 7-day forecast, it is sunny, milder. a slight chance of a few showers and temperatures will be running mild for the start of the weekend. scattered showers between saturday and sunday. spring begins and early next week, we have widespread rain coming. the wet weather will be with us but at least we get a chance to dry out for the time being. ama: we needed this break. dan: soul singer and songwriter bobby caldwell has died. he was 71. his wife says she was holding him when he died at their home in new jersey. no cause of death has been announced. he's known for hits like "what you won't do for love." throughout his career, he released more than a dozen albums. his final record came out in
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in order for small businesses to thrive, or high blood potassium. they need to be smart... efficient... agile... and that's never been more important than it is right now. so for a limited time, comcast business is introducing small business savings. call now to get powerful internet for just $39 a month, with no contract, and a money back guarantee. all on the largest, fastest, reliable network. from the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. call and start saving today. comcast business. powering possibilities. for back pain, i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine. ama: the warriors roster depth is taking oto undergo rg -- iguo
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dala will undergo surgery to fix a wrist injury. at age 39, this is a good chance this is the last time we see the four-time champion on the court for the warriors. dan: today, some of the los angeles lakers basketball family came together to celebrate the late kobe bryant. ama: he is the first athlete ever to have his hands and footprints immortalized at the tcl chinese theater. it is a tradition that has honored some of hollywood's biggest legends, mostly in tv and film. dan: bryant's wife and daughters and other representatives from the team attended the ceremony. his oldest daughter said her dad was more than a basketball player. >> he was always awake writing, editing, storyboarding. that story evolved into the store we all love and cherish. aoos weretnde ie maki first cast for asi the 12ea a. ama:h more news ahead.
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dan: let's go to karina nova for a look at the stories coming up at 5:30. karina: while many people are enjoying the sun and a break of the rain, people near lake tahoe are cleaning up piles of snow. the fire chief of south lake tahoe will join us live to talk about the snow related issues for residents and what visitors can expect. and it's been one year since a group of san francisco public school teachers camped out at the district headquarters to protest a faulty new payroll system. abc 7 news senior education reporter leanne melendez has an update on that. join us at 5:30 p.m. on abc seven bay area streaming tv. dan: thank you. ama: you can download the abc 7 app or go to to join karina. dan: on tv, world news tonight with david meuruir next. ama: we will see you again at 6:00. ♪
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tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. the u.s. and russia in a race to find that downed american drone. and here in the u.s., another close call on the runway. the air traffic controllers urging a united flight to cancel takeoff clearance. first tonight, russia and the u.s. scrambling to find that multimillion dollar american reaper drone intercepted by two russian fighter jets. the u.s. says one of those russian jets colliding with the drone. tonight, defense secretary lloyd austin and his message to his russian counterpart. martha raddatz standing by with late reporting. here in the u.s., that new close call. at least seven incidents now so far this year. a united flight forced to abort takeoff from reagan national airport. what happened on that runway? and it comes just as the faa


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