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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 16, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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i don't know what that man was drewas he can mot places. [laughter] good morning, america, for our viewers in the west. breaking news in the race to rcover the downed u.s. drone. this morning, we're seeing declassified images for the first time of the russian fighter jet moments before it took down the u.s. drone. now russian warships are on the scene. plus, the rare phone call between defense secretary austin and his russian counterpart. breaking overnight. north korea fired a long-range missile. its third launch this week with the u.s. and south korea running military drills. and an important summit of u.s. allies in the region getting under way. banking fears spread after stocks tumble.
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now the real gut check moment for wall street. what it could mean for your money. rebecca jarvis is going to answer your questions on recession fears, inflation and what it means for buying a home and more. as signs of the first indictment of a former president grow, stormy daniels, who got a hush money payment from trump in 2016, met with manhattan prosecutors. the latest on the investigation. tiktok ban? the biden administration's new threat over national security fears. the reaction this morning. inside the high-stakes hearing over the future of the abortion pill. a texas judge hearing the case that could take the drug off the market more than 20 years after it was approved. cross-country storm on the move. overnight landslides, water rescues and flash floods out west, and now the tornado threats for the heartland. sam champion is here tracking it all. major honda recall.
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the alert about nearly 500,000 vehicles and their critical front seat belt. ♪ happy we'll be beyond the sea ♪ and making a splash beyond the sea. the tiny baby sharks making big moves. >> all: three, two, one. >> how little audrey, mali, shark school and shark nannies could help the ocean. ♪ >> you actually knew their names, i'm impressed. >> i had to go through them a few times. we've got to say good morning, america. it's a big day today. i don't know how workplace production is going to be, because basketball fans are gearing up for a marathon of march madness games that start today. >> cannot wait for that. we do have a lot of news to get to including the banking fears spreading. our rebecca jarvis, she knows you have a lot of questions, and she's going to break down and answer your urgent questions. we start with breaking news
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on the downing of that u.s. drone when a russian warplane collided with it over the black sea. overnight the pentagon released new video as russia races to recover the wreckage. chief global correspondent martha raddatz starts us off. good morning, martha. >> reporter: good morning, george. this morning, russian ships in the black sea are now circling the site where the drone went down. this as we see for the first time the now declassified powerful images of that russian warplane moments before hitting the propeller of the u.s. drone as drone operators were watching in realtime. the just released video from the underside of the drone shows a russian fighter jet at high speed approaching the drone from behind and dumping a load of fuel on top of it. momentarily disrupting the video transmission, but you can clearly see the rear propeller. then a second approach follows, another load of fuel, this time even closer, and the drone's camera feed is then lost for
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about 60 seconds. when the video returns, you see the propeller again, damaged, bent by that close pass, one of 19 passes over a 30-minute period before the drone crashed into the sea. >> dangerous and reckless and unprofessional behavior. >> reporter: defense secretary lloyd austin announcing a rare call with his russian counterpart, the first since october delivering a strong message. >> and the united states will continue to fly and to operate wherever international law allows. it is incumbent upon russia to operate its military aircraft in a safe and professional manner. >> reporter: which was now clearly not the case in this incident with those multiple reckless passes. a u.s. air force official said they do not think the pilot hit the drone on purpose, saying the russian pilot was simply incompetent and flat out dumb. despite the video evidence, russia denies the fighter jet collided with the drone but is
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now searching the area where it crashed. an official telling abc news the russians have recovered some pieces but joint chiefs chairman milley says he is not worried. >> it probably broke up. there's probably not a lot to recover, frankly. as far as the loss of anything of sensitive intelligence, et cetera, as normal, we would take and we did take mitigating measures so we are quite confident that whatever was of value is no longer of value. >> reporter: that's because the drone operators did have some control over the drone even after the collision and they were able to remotely scrub the sensitive material and even if the russians recover a good portion of it, it will be inoperable. robin? >> that is reassuring. thank you so much, martha. now to north korea launching yet another missile overnight. this is happening as the u.s. is holding joint military exercises with south korea and with an important summit getting under way in the region. our foreign correspondent britt
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clennett joins us with more. good morning, britt. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this is the third launch this week. japan says it was a long-range icbm. those are those missiles that are capable of reaching anywhere in the continental united states. this one traveled more than 600 miles for about an hour before landing in the sea of japan and this latest launch, it comes just hours before the south korean leader landed in japan for the first time in 12 years. those two nations really attempting to put their historical differences aside to focus on how to deal with these growing threats by north korea. the u.s. and south korea have also been carrying out annual military drills. north korea characterizes the joint exercises as a kind of rehearsal for a possible invasion. now u.s. officials also weighing in this morning saying they are working closely with japan and south korea and that the launches do not pose an immediate threat anyway to u.s. personnel. michael? >> all right, thank you so much
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for that, britt. now to the economy and fears about the banking system going global yesterday sparking a bank sell-off on wall street. the dow dropping over 280 points yesterday after at one point falling more than 700 points. let's bring in our chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis. good morning, rebecca. >> reporter: good morning to you, michael. legendary investor warren buffett has this olf saying, it is only when the tide goes out that you learn who's been swimming naked. what he means by that is in good times everyone looks like a winner. in times of stress it is much easier to tell which companies have not managed as well, and wall street is having a real gut check moment right now in the aftermath of that silicon valley bank failure and now investigations into the company have made investors rethink their assumptions about banks and not just those midsize regional banks we've been watching, but some of the largest lenders. citigroup falling over 5%, jpmorgan chase, 4%, and wells fargo losing more than 3% yesterday.
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we're not necessarily talking here about those banks going out of business, just the idea that banks will face a tougher road ahead with increased regulation, interest rates climbing and a desire to take on less risk and that sell-off yesterday was really sparked by trouble overseas. credit suisse is considered a globally important institution. they are now fighting for their life after a mass exodus of investors fearing that bank could face a similar fate to svb. some of those fears were eased as switzerland's central bank said it would step in to help if needed. but the bottom line here is, while the government's assurance that depositors here will be made hold has removed some of the panic from the market, banks are just facing that harsher reality today than they were a year ago before the collapse. michael, the tide has gone out. >> the tide -- i love that saying. there's still a lot of fear out there and you're going to stick
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around, rebecca, because you're going to answer all the questions about money, mortgages and more. that's coming up in our next half hour. investigation into former president trump. porn star stormy daniels who got a $130,000 hush money payment from trump in 2016 met with manhattan prosecutors as signs of the first indictment of a former president grow. senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky has the story. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. we're told this meeting with the d.a.'s office took place over video conference. her attorney says stormy daniels answered questions about the $130,000 she was paid in hush money by former president trump and then she offered to be a witness, though, it's not actually clear she would be called to testify. her meeting came the very same day that michael cohen completed his testimony before the grand jury. he was there for about two hours answering questions from the grand jurors themselves. cohen told us afterwards that he did not know whether he was the last witness or whether the d.a.'s office is any closer to an indictment but he said his role is over for now.
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and, george, donald trump was given a deadline of today to decide whether he wanted to participate in the grand jury process, but as his attorney told you earlier this week, he had no plans to accept that invitation, george. >> aaron, there's an investigation now into a fire that broke out at a hotel here in new york just hours after an exiled chinese billionaire was arrested for a billion-dollar fraud scheme. >> reporter: yeah, this is a chinese billionaire living in exile here in new york and he gained a vast social media following by speaking out about corruption in the chinese communist party and all the while federal prosecutors now say he was engaged in a billion dollars worth of capitalist style corruption. and they showed off all of the opulent cars, a giant mansion, even a yacht that he purchased with these allegedly ill-gotten gains. that yacht by the way is called "lady may," it's where his business partner steve bannon was arrested in a separate fraud case back in 2020.
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he was arrested right up the block in an opulent apartment on fifth avenue. hours later there is this big fire in the apartment and authorities are now trying to figure out whether that was set intentionally or whether it was just a coincidence. george? >> steve bannon was trump's strategist and supporter. aaron, thank you. robin? we're going to now turn to the latest cross-country storm posing new threats. water rescues out west and landslides. sam is in for ginger. i know you're tracking it all. >> another one of these major atmospheric storms moved in. it wasn't good. i'm going to show you the l.a. river. this is a 51-year-old man getting rescued. you see these culverts all around california. they've been dry for 20 years. you've been in a drought. we're no longer in the drought. these are moving the water exactly the way they should be but rushing rivers and stay away from them. landslides and watch this go. this is four apartment buildings in threat.
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everyone is surprised this is dry. the rain came through, four to six inches in 24 hours. then it takes time for the rain to settle in. it can be easily dry when they let go so we'll see a lot more of that. they move into the country and heartland and deep south. dallas, i know you're tired of hearing about this but there's more tornado possibilities there. the national weather service is concerned about the large hail. we'll have the snowy edge when we come back in a minute. michael? >> you got it all, sam. thank you so much for that. now to tiktok under fire. the biden administration is demanding the chinese owners sell the app or face a possible u.s. ban. senior white house correspondent mary bruce is in washington with more. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, michael. well, this certainly marks a major escalation. the biden administration warning tiktok that it could be banned in the u.s. if its chinese parent company doesn't sell its stake in the u.s. app. the white house has been growing increasingly concerned about the security of america's data on the wildly popular app. the fear is that the chinese could impact what videos americans see to try to gain political influence or even spy. now, the u.s. has been trying to
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negotiate an agreement with tiktok for two years now, but this is the first time we've learned of the threat of an outright ban. in response, tiktok says a sale does not solve the problem. they say a change in ownership won't impose any new restrictions. they insist they are already taking steps to address security concerns. george? >> mary bruce, thanks. now to the faa's safety summit. it's the start of a sweeping review of aviation safety after a series of close calls in the skieses and on runways and abc transportation correspondent gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: this morning, on the heels of learning about a seventh close call since the start of the year, this time at reagan national airport -- >> united 2003. cancel takeoff clearance. >> aborting takeoff. >> reporter: the faa now calling for new technology to be rolled out at every american airport to prevent runway incursions while pilots and flight attendants expressed concern about feeling stressed, tired and overworked. at air traffic control we've learned there are 1,200 fewer operators than there were 10 years ago.
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>> it is a chronic problem. we are reducing positions and facilities are not staffed to their current guideline numbers because we don't have enough controllers in the system right now. >> reporter: the close calls have the industry on edge from a delta pilot slamming on the brakes to avoid a jet on the wrong runway at jfk to a plane a few hundred feet from plunging into the pacific. the ntsb chairwoman telling me many of their safety recommendations have essentially been ignored. >> is the problem funding? is that the big issue? >> that's a great question for the faa. when we get responses about costs, it's always a concern for us because there shouldn't be a price tag on a life. >> reporter: and right now, officials believe that those close calls have something to do with that post-pandemic travel surge. it was just massive. robin, no doubt about it, whatever it is, everyone believes that we need to figure out exactly what happened and how to fix it. >> that is for sure. gio, thank you.
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now to the hearing in a federal court in texas that could lead to a ban of the abortion pill nationwide. mireya villarreal was in the courtroom for the arguments and joins us from amarillo. good morning, mireya. >> reporter: hey, good morning, robin. yeah, that courtroom here in amarillo was packed. 19 seats for the general public and 19 seats for the media. now, attorneys for the plaintiff, a christian conservative legal advocacy group, challenged the fda's more than 20-year approval of the drug mifepristone claiming the fda exceeded its regulatory authority when it approved it. attorneys representing the fda standing by their approval stating it is safe and effective for the medical termination of intrauterine pregnancy under certain conditions. now, the u.s. district judge hearing this case, a trump appointee, hearing arguments for more than four hours yesterday. his decision could suspend the fda's approval and take it off the market and only surgical procedures in clinics would be allowed in states where abortion is legal.
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now, already both sides are planning to file an appeal depending on the outcome and some are even predicting that this could go to the u.s. supreme court. robin? >> all right, mireya, thank you. now to march madness, and it wasn't meant to be for my tigers, but we can be happy. fairleigh dickinson is 1 of 64 teams trying to keep their dream as live at the big dance. will reeve is here now with one of the most exciting days in sports. good morning, will. >> good morning, michael. sorry, man, maybe next year for your alma mater. texas southern falling. arizona state taking down nevada. now, the first four is done, the field of 64 is set and the first round of march madness begins today starting at 12:15 eastern, clear your afternoon and basically your whole schedule for the next little while because we've got basketball every single day through march 26th and then the fire hose slows to a more manageable trickle from the elite eight onward. let's savor this right now. three number one seeds in action today including alabama.
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they've been consumed with an off-court matter of a murder charge against a former player and their star brandon miller is alleged to have transported the murder weapon. under that cloud miller arrived at the tournament with extra security due to threats he was facing, certainly a storyline that can't be ignored. the david versus goliath matchup of kansas facing the howard bison. they're back in the dance for the first time since 1992, michael. >> all right, that's one thing. we're also excited for the women's tournament under way as well. >> we're super excited for the women. overnight mississippi state and sacred heart winning their first four matchups. st. john's and purdue and monmouth and tennessee tech and that will round out the women's field on espn2. but, of course, here at "gma" we can't wait for friday at 4:00 eastern, robin's southeastern louisiana lady lions trying to knock off mighty iowa. >> lion up! >> i think cinderella is getting her slippers on, robin. >> i believe, i believe, i believe.
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i feel it, i feel it. >> change that sign. >> i was a lion. >> that's a lion? >> sam? >> oh. >> never mind. i'm sorry. >> okay. >> let's move on. >> his -- whose school is still in it? >> whoa. >> drop the mic. we're going to answer your questions about the safety of banks. we got rebecca coming back with that. sam, i know you want to chime in. >> i think i got some of the splatter. let's talk about the snow. we told you it was big. 616 inches of snow in california but i want -- you know how the ski lifts look so huge up there and then this guy is standing on top of the ski lift. that's how much snow that is. here's where the snow moves into the country today. one thing quickly in ten seconds. spring is delayed on the east coast, the heartland. look at these numbers coming in. this is an arctic push and talk more about this, so will your local stations. stay with us.
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drew: i am abc 7 news meteorologist drew tuma with your accuweather forecast. a lot sunshine coming your way. it 50's to mid 60's. patchy fog developing tonight. temperatures are chill in the mid 30's to the mid-40's. showers returned over the weekend. best chance sunday and a stronger storm coming our way tuesday. right now, level two on the storm impact scale.
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7:21 am
and while the woolly mammoth is still extinct... that doesn't mean students can't take field trips to visit them. the metaverse may be virtual, but the impact will be real. (man) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? (woman) what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (avo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar, and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro, if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro, and call your doctor right away, if you have
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backed up right now, so please, if you have not left your home already this morning, we highly suggest taking bart still because these delays are significant. kamasi thanks, sabina. meteorologist or tumor has a quic hey! like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. for a brighter financial future. thanks. ahh, pretzel and mustard... another great combo. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. ♪ ♪ vbefore the xfinity 10g network we didn't have internet that let us play all at once. every device? in every room?
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particularly at live doppler seven this morning. we have dry conditions out there. get ready for a lot of sunshine later on today, the sweep showing nothing. so we'll take you to temperatures right now you're finding your numbers in the thirties and in the forties, a bit chilly. i have a couple of layers on this morning because frost advisories are in effect for the valleys of the north bay will also have that frost advisory in effect for the santa cruz mountains. this lasting until nine am for very chilly temperatures, and we'll likely find chilly temperatures once again tomorrow morning. here's a live look from our beautiful tam can showing you a bit of fog out there and you'll find some early morning patchy fog leading to
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bright skies later on this afternoon by four pm we'll go into the fifties and the sixties quite comfortable for march, kamasi thank you sure if you're streaming with us on the abc seven day area at abc, seven at seven is
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♪ i don't deserve these powers if i'm being honest. like, what am i even contributing? ow. >> welcome back to "gma." as you see, "shazam!" is back. zachary levi plays the insecure superhero alongside a star-studded cast including lucy liu and they're both here to talk about their new movie coming up. >> we're looking forward to that. > ina loof ll including the latest overseas, in israel a third day of protests nationwide. this comes as prime minister netanyahu rejected any change in his judicial reform bill.
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seven deputies charged with second degree murder after a 28-year-old prisoner died in police custody. investigations are under way. nfl star quarterback aaron rodgers looks like he'll have a new home next season, michael. the four-time mvp says his sights are set on playing for the new york jets. the two teams still need to work out a trade. rodgers called his decision to leave green bay bittersweet. he was there for 15 years as a starting qb leading that team of course to a super bowl title. >> he spent 18 years, three years behind brett favre before he took over, and favre came to the jets then rodgers is coming to the jets. all my jets fans are happy. good luck. >> still have to work it out. we have a lot more ahead. rebecca will be back to answer your questions about the safety of banks and your money coming up. michael? now we go to the latest on the alex murdaugh conviction. that double murder investigation
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allegedly uncovering new evidence in another mysterious death and the family of the victim is pushing for answers. eva pilgrim is here with the details. this keeps on going. eva, good morning.'s lot to thi. the murdaugh murder trial attracted the attention of people all around the country. the trial is over, but that attention shining a light on the complicated web of other open cases in the area. and this morning, some of those cases seeing new movement. this morning, new developments in other investigations in the family of stephen smith pushing for a new autopsy after alex murdaugh was found guilty of murdering his wife and son. >> it's not going to bring stephen back, but i will have peace of mind to know whoever did this is going to pay. >> reporter: during the double murder investigation of maggie and paul murdaugh in 2021, state agents saying they found new evidence on another mysterious death. police re-opening the case in june 2021 looking at how 19-year-old stephen smith was killed.
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authorities said he was the victim of a hit and run. his family always believing something else happened. >> they said he was shot in the head, and then it turned out it was a hit and run, and then he was beat up and so the story just kept changing over and over. >> reporter: smith's family now raising money to exhume his body in hopes of doing an independent autopsy to find out how he died. state investigators say they have made progress in the death investigation of stephen smith, however this investigation remains active and ongoing. they have not named any suspects. meanwhile, after murdaugh took the stand in the double murder case admitting to financial crime after financial crime -- >> i can say i did wrong. i stole money that wasn't mine, and i shouldn't have done it. i shouldn't have taken -- it didn't belong to me and i was wrong for -- i stole money that didn't belong to me. >> reporter: the banker already
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convicted as an accomplice to murdaugh's financial crimes now asking for a new trial based on what murdaugh himself said on the stand. >> you keep talking about what i did with russell laffitte, and what i want to let you know i did this, and i'm the one that took people's money that i shouldn't have taken and that russell laffitte was not involved in helping me do that. >> reporter: laffitte's attorney saying murdaugh's testimony vindicates him. >> i can tell you russell laffitte never conspired with me to do anything. whatever was done was done by me. >> alex murdaugh's confession, and essentially saying, listen, this was something i did and i did alone is essentially new information. new information, new evidence that speaks to motivation, that speaks to ability to commit a crime is grounds for a retrial. >> and stephen smith's family announcing they have raised enough money to exhume his body and murdaugh is still facing other legal troubles.
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the trials for those financial crimes still to come. >> he's still being sued in a wrongful death lawsuit as well. >> yeah, that's right for the boating accident involving his deceased son paul that involved 19-year-old mallory beach set to go to trial in august. mallory's family was at the sentencing for alex murdaugh. >> so sad all the way around. just incredibly sad. >> a lot of sadness. >> thank you, eva. we turn to the investigation now into the death of another soldier who complained of sexual harassment at fort hood, the same facility where vanessa guillen was murdered. stephanie ramos is tracking the story. she joins us now. good morning, stephanie. >> good morning, george. fort hood is investigating the death of anna basalduaruiz, she was found on base monday, she was just 21 years old and her family saying they spoke to her every day and her parents even offering to pick her up when she said she was being harassed. this morning, fort hood officials are investigating the death of ana basalduaruiz a combat engineer who served with the division for the last 15 months.
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her family telling me that she had complained to them about sexual harassment at the post, and fort hood saying the army criminal investigation division and chain of command are actively investigating the facts and circumstances surrounding her death. her death comes nearly three years after the death of vanessa guillen launched a sweeping probe into sexual misconduct at fort hood. her family telling me she too had complained about being harassed by one of her fellow soldiers. guillen was later murdered by another soldier who killed himself when being pursued by police. her mother recalling a conversation they had before they disappeared. [ speaking in non-english ] >> reporter: a scathing report released more than a year after her death confirming that guillen had been sexually harassed by a superior and it said leaders in her unit did not take appropriate action after she reported the sexual
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harassment to her supervisor on two separate occasions. her sister mayra speaking to me after the report's release. >> what was your initial reaction to that report? >> it said how after over a year they accepted that we were saying the truth and nothing but the truth from the very beginning. >> ana's family tells me they have been in touch with the guillen family and they're thankful for their support and want to know what happened to ana. guys? >> they want answers and rightfully so, thanks so much. we appreciate that, stephanie. coming up later, honda recalling 450,000 suvs and cars after finding that the front seat belts may not click shut. we'll have those details. and next, rebecca is back answering your questions about your money and if it's safe. hey there, rebecca. >> hey, robin. we talk so much of this on camera and off. there is so much anxiety right now about banks, mortgages. we hear you and i will answer some of your most pressing
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questions when we come back. now about banks, mortgages. we hear you and i will answer some of your most pressing questions when we come back. ( ♪ ) woman: at first, it was just a team. now, i can't imagine my life without them. man: that coach changed our son. on the field and off. boy: when the season started, i still thought about dad. but i could start focusing on the things he taught me. woman 2: at first, i didn't know anyone. i didn't know where to sit at lunch, anything really. but that season... that season changed everything. all: (chanting) who's lookin' clean, if you know what i mean? say what, what... (cheering) ( ♪ ) (cheering) (cheering) ( ♪ )
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i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhhhh... here, i'll take that. [woo hoo!] ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, one gram of sugar and nutrients for immune health. couldn't use cpap. now i have this. inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with the click of this remote. no mask, no hose, just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at new vibrant from air wick. our first fragrances infused with 2x more natural essential oil. it's our most amazing, true-to-nature fragrance experience ever. new vibrant. from air wick. (vo) if you've had thyroid eye disease for years and you go through artificial tears in the blink of an eye, true-to-nature fragrance experience ever. it's not too late for another treatment option.
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to learn more visit that's ♪ giorgio, look! the peanut butter box is here. ralph, that's the chewy pharmacy box with our flea and tick meds. it's not peanut butter. ♪ the peanut butter box is here ♪ i'm out. pet prescriptions delivered to your door. chewy. ladies... welcome to my digestive system. when your gut and vaginal bacteria are off balance. you may feel it. but just one align women's probiotic daily helps soothe digestive upsets. and support vaginal health. welcome to an align gut. kids are so expensive, dad. now katie needs braces. maybe try switching your car insurance to progressive. you could save hundreds. i don't know, dad. ♪ maybe try switching your car insurance to progressive. you could save hundreds. that's a great idea, tv dad. but i said the exact same thing. some day when you're a father, you'll understand. i'm his father. it's not a competition.
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listen to your tv dad. drivers who switch and save with progressive save nearly $700 on average. we're back now with a growing concern over banking failures and how the fallout could affect families and rebecca is back to answer your questions sent in by viewers to help out because yesterday i said it, there's such growing concern from our viewers and you want to help as best you can. let's get right to it, rebecca. let's start with damien from phoenix, arizona, who sent us
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this question via twitter. >> given the recent bank failures, are we already at the start of a recession and or should we expect one in the late 2023 or early 2024? >> so, robin, damien asked a great question here. there's been a lot of talk for many months now about recession, are we in one? will we see one? most analysts have been forecasting some sort of recession later this year. that's because of the environment we're already in, inflation. you add the bank troubles to the mix and what some analysts are now forecasting is a recession later this year because of the fact that when you see a bank like svb go under, all the banks start tightening up and say we're not ready to just lend as quickly as we were before and they want to take on less risk. that means less money into the economy. less money in the economy means a slower moving economy which then can lead to a slowdown and ultimately a recession. >> trickle effect. >> exactly. >> how about mandy from gilbert, arizona, she has a question about how the bank failures
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could affect inflation. >> will the cost of living ever go down or will we be stuck at these prices forever? >> okay, so, and this has been a question also now for awhile, robin. here's what's interesting about this moment. the federal reserve has been hiking interest rates. meaning people are spending more money on those credit card payments. they are spending more money to get out new mortgages and the whole reason they've been hiking interest rates is to drive inflation down, but inflation has remained really historically high. what could happen in this moment, and, again, no one has a crystal ball here, but what could happen in this moment is that the fed stops hiking rates as aggressively so those credit card payments don't keep going up, but inflation comes down a bit, because overall, again, the economy is slower moving. people have less money to spend in an environment where the banks are a little less certain and, as a result of that, prices start to come down. again, where we look at
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inflation really coming down to what we would consider normal is still a few years away. >> still? >> still a few years away, yes. >> next up, patricia from new york has this question. >> i'd like to know how this will impact the rest of the financial services industry. >> that's a good question. >> it is, and you were just talking about this. we were talking about the fact that a lot of people in the midst of this have taken their money from a smaller bank and put it inside the bigger banks. so one thing we're already seeing is those bigger banks are getting bigger yet again. there's also very likely going to be more regulation, more regulation tends to amount to higher fees. the bank gets tighter restrictions. they pass those fees off to the consumer. so you could see higher banking fees and then for the moment, we might see less lending. again, banks don't want to take on huge amounts of risk right now so they'll lend less money. >> speaking of banks, pat had this question. from facebook. if an average consumer is at a midsize bank, how can they find out how secure that bank is?
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>> the most important thing you want to check for -- this applies to today and ten years ago and hopefully it applies ten years into the future. you want an fdic insured bank. that means under all circumstances your funds are guaranteed up to $250,000. yes, you can watch things like stock alerts and the daily news, but ultimately that money up to $250,000 is safe and the government has just stepped in now and said it's all safe. >> and you cannot say that enough. >> that's right. >> i know. we have more questions. you're so good about social media, answering these questions and so if people have a question they can reach out to you. >> absolutely, @rebeccajarvis. thanks, robin. >> gave yourself a plug. michael?>>oit ood now. coming up later, we have a nurse who shares her story about when she stopped taking a medication to lose weight and her message for others. and next, sam is bringing us our "play of the day." >> what? >> i think you are. >> okay. others. and coming up next, sam is
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bringing us our "play of the day." >> what? >> i think you are. >> okay. dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath,
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tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. plates. plates. plates. there's somehow no better way to travel this place, than on a plate. and when you add price drop protection, expedia pays you back if your flight becomes cheaper. so you can taste your way, through every single plate and never wonder if you found a good deal. because the good deal found you. ♪ i got this mountain bike for only $11. the fair and honest bidding site. this kitchenaid mixer sold for less than $26. this i-pad sold for less than $43. and this playstation 5 sold for less than a dollar. i won these bluetooth
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headphones for $20. i got these three suitcases for less than $40. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see how much you can save. [tap tap] my secret to beating sniff checks? secret dry spray. just spray and stay fresh all day. my turn. secret actually fights odor. and it's aluminum free. hours later, still fresh. secret works. with golo, i've lost 13 inches in my waist. they're outta here. hours later, still fresh. you eat normal food. you're not eating diet food. i'm doing something good for me finally. (announcer) go to to lose weight and get healthier.
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♪ back now with our "play of the day" and i'm just enjoying the conversation leading up to this in the commercial break. sam is bringing us some early st. patrick's day cheer. what you got, sam? >> michael, because i'm 98.9% irish i feel like tomorrow is a big day for me and it's a big day for you too. in new york it's st. patrick's day. i want to show you this. a lot travel to the city and
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these folks got on a plane and flew to new york and you know that horribly awkward time on the plane when everybody is deboarding, but you're still waiting to get off. they started playing this concert, take a listen. >> wow. ♪ ♪ >> isn't that nice? >> it is. >> that made it so much nicer to just hang out and wait. >> they're leaving ireland to come here to celebrate st. patrick's day? is that what you're saying? >> yeah, because we do it big. have you not been out there on march 17th? >> that's right. >> it's not really a morning show until we have animals in sweaters, right? >> right. >> so we have animals in sweaters but these are rescue dogs dressed up for st. patrick's day and anna schwab, i want to give a shoutout to, these are called the rescued boys. you can follow them. look at them. they're gorgeous. >> getting your sweater ready for st. patrick's day. >> yes, george, i have a sweater ready. it's sleeveless. a deep v. but, you know, those are all the
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things you expect. >> it's a sweater vest. >> it's a sweater vest. >> you had to ask. you had to ask. oh, it is thursday. that means tory johnson is here. "deals & steals," great solutions to some everyday problems. thank you, sam champion. >> can't wait to see this sweater. sweater. ter.
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behold, the mccrispy, formerly known as the crispy chicken sandwich. congratulations on the promotion. ♪ba da ba ba ba♪ [sneezing] theo's nose was cause for alarm, so dad brought puffs plus lotion to save it from harm. puffs has 50% more lotion... ...and brings soothing relief. don't let your nose get burned. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed.
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america's #1 lotion tissue. (geri) i smoked and i have copd. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. my children are really worried. my tip is, send your kids a text. it may be the last time that you do. [announcer] you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit now.
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wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. (vo) businesses nationwide are switching to verizon business internet. don't just milk it. (woman) it's a perfect fit for my small business. (vo) verizon has business internet solutions nationwide. (man) for our not-so-small business too. (vo) get internet that keeps your business ready for anything. from verizon. welcome back to "good morning america" and spring just wants you to know most of the country will be delayed. i want to show you these temperatures. look at this cold blast. ten degrees in new york by the time we get to sunday. coming up, let's catch up with the new bachelorette, shall we? i can't wait. she's so fun and exciting and we'll sit down and talk to
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i'm ready. area moving forward finding solutions. this is abc seven news. good morning, everyone is kumasi. aaron here from abc. seven mornings. we're going to check in now with your being a force in for a look at traffic. thank you, kumasi. good morning, everyone. we are starting with a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza metering lights came on an hour earlier than usual because the police activity on the bridge that has since cleared going to take you about 27 minutes to get across and into san francisco. so a major improvement from yesterday a live picture here of the richmond san rafael bridge that has really begun to build in traffic is backed up to bayview avenue, so prepare for delays there. er as well. let's check in with drew. had you been a what? we're finding on live doppler seven this morning is that we have dry conditions out
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there. so some good news. we'll take you into the temperature map where we see temperatures in the thirties and the forties. we do have a frost advisory in effect for the valleys of the north bay and the santa cruz mountains will take you there right now until nine am area shaded in blue. later on today, a lot of sunshine temperatures going into the fifties and sixties kamasi. right if you're streaming with us on the abc seven, barry as
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oh, that's a red flag. your mom looks a lot like me. yeah, couple of hotties. thank you? there's dead spots all over this place. there really are. oh wow. nothing. are you getting a good signal? no, i'm not. it's time for real home internet. get xfinity internet for just 25 dollars a month with no annual contract during our xfinity 10g network launch celebration. only from xfinity.
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good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. banking fears spread after stocks tumble. now the real gut check moment for wall street. what it could mean for your money. tiktok ban? the biden administration's new threat over national security fears. the reaction this morning. weight loss wonder drug? >> everyone was like, oh, you already are looking like you're losing weight in just the first few days. >> what this nurse says happened after she stopped taking a medication that helped her lose 50 pounds in a year. her message for others. dr. darien sutton is live. ♪ send an sos ♪ the difference between good sleep and bad sleep.
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the surprising factors that could disrupt your rest. becky worley has the solutions to make sure you're getting high-quality sleep. ♪ am i ready ♪ she is ready for love. america's new bachelorette charity lawson, her first live interview. ♪ you better get moving ♪ and it's a super morning. "shazam!" stars zachary levi and lucy liu are here live talking about their new superhero blockbuster. ♪ makes me want to shout ♪ plus, "deals & steals" so great -- >> makes me want to shout. kick up my heels. throw my hands up. >> problem solvers for your home. even a gift for that person impossible to buy for that will make you want to dance. as we say, good morning, america. ♪ come on now ♪ ♪ i still remember ♪ good morning, america.
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big day, tory johnson is here with big bargains on all kinds of problem solvers. that's all coming up in "deals & steals." and we say big bargains, we got big guy shaq up there. >> that was a dance move, i guess it was from shaq. >> i'm not going to -- >> that's true. also, honda is issuing a huge recall of many of its popular suvs and cars. gio has all the details on that ahead. first, the latest on the economy. fears about the banking system going global yesterday. it sparked a bank selloff on wall street. want to bring back our chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis. good morning, rebecca. >> hey, george, nice to see you. wall street is having this real gut check moment now in the aftermath of the silicon valley bank failure. svb's downfall and now the doj and s.e.c. investigations into the company has made investors especially rethink their assumptions about banks. not specifically banks going out of business necessarily, just the idea that bank stocks could face a tougher road ahead with increased regulation, interest
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rates climbing and a desire now at those banks to take on less risk and what that could mean for the larger economy is that many are now forecasting a recession later this year. that is because as banks attempt to rein in risks they lend less money. that means less money in the economy that could spell a slowdown and even a recession. anthiss al gbahasell-off was sp by trouble overseas at credit suisse which is considered a globally important institution. they are facing their own issues but some of those fears eased overnight as switzerland's central bank said it would step in to help. the most near-term benefit here that it could mean for your money is that the fed hikes interest rates less next week or not even at all. that would mean some of these forecasts about credit cards getting even more expensive, mortgages going up, maybe there's a little relief there. robin? >> we'll find out next week, all right, rebecca. now to the possible tiktok ban here in the u.s. the biden administration is demanding the chinese owner sell the video-sharing app and we go
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back to senior white house correspondent mary bruce with more details. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this is a big move and marks a major escalation. the biden administration now warning tiktok it could be banned in the u.s. if its chinese parent company doesn't sell off its stake in the u.s. app. now, the white house has been growing increasingly concerned about the security of americans' data on this wildly popular app. the fear here really is that beijing could impact the videos that americans are seeing to try and gain political access or even spy. now, this move comes as the u.s. has been trying to negotiate some kind of agreement with tiktok for the last two years, but this is the first time that we've learned they've threatened an outright ban like this. in response tiktok in a statement says a forced sale doesn't solve the problem and that a change in ownership would not impose any new restrictions on data access and say they are already taking steps to address security concerns here. michael? >> thank you, mary. we turn now to a consumer alert. honda is recalling nearly 500,000 vehicles across north america.
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the reason, seat belts not buckling properly and gio benitez is back with more about which models this impacts and what you need to do next. good morning, again, gio. >> reporter: hey, michael, good morning again. this is a big deal because, again, talking about almost 500,000 honda vehicles and those critical front seat belts. so let's show you what we're talking about here. the national highway traffic safety administration says the driver and front passenger seat belts weren't manufactured correctly and over time part of that seat belt buckle may actually deteriorate leading to issues with the seat belt buckle latching. now, these are the models, 2017 to 2020 honda crvs, 2018 to 2019 accords and accord hybrids, 2018 to 2020 odysseys, 2019 to 2020 acura rdxs. and 2019 insights. honda says it will replace the front seat belt buckle release buttons if needed, so make sure you look at yours. here's the good news, though, honda says they haven't seen
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any reports of injuries or deaths related to this issue, but we have to keep an eye on it. michael? >> definitely have to keep an eye on that and get it repaired. this morning, we remember the life and legacy of r&b singer and songwriter bobby caldwell best known for his 1978 hit "what you won't do for love." ♪ you try everything but you don't give up ♪ ♪ in my world only you ♪ >> one of my favorite songs ever written. the song was covered several times and some of his other songs were sampled by many hip-hop artists including notorious b.i.g., common, chance the rapper and lil nas x. caldwell's wife mary says he passed away on tuesday after a long illness. he was 71 years old. definitely left his mark in this world of music. >> thank you for sharing that. coming up here on "gma," the morning menu, the nurse who turned to a popular diabetes and weight loss drug, what happened when she stopped taking it. her message for you this morning.
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also this morning, your pet could be one of the reasons you're not getting enough sleep. becky worley has some solutions to get the shut-eye you need. >> i could blame enzo, i can tell you that. and charity lawson joins us live and tells us what she's looking for on her journey of love. sam, you have a special guest. >> i have three. "shazam!" zachary levi, lucy liu and ellie goulding is here. we'll talk with everybody this morning. you have brand-new music to show. this is the last day of your press tour for the big movie. >> oh. >> "gma." "gma's morning menu" is sponsored by naturemade. start your day with nature made, the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. your day with , the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. people say the will only be virtual. but firefighters entering a burning house... will one day save time when lives are on the line. visualizing a patient's most recent scan...
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will help speed up decision making in the er. and while the woolly mammoth is still extinct... that doesn't mean students can't take field trips to visit them. the metaverse may be virtual, but the impact will be real. share your love of the game with a surprise move kinder joy. a yummy treat and an all star line-up of nba mascot toys for your favorite fan. kinder joy.
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time for downy mcbride to go to work. ya'll gotta sniff this stuff! woop woop! - whoo - smells great, downy! ugh, cul-de-sacs. downy unstopables. you gotta sniff it to believe it. ♪ ♪ to all the chevy silverado owners out there. the adventurers and the doers. to everyone that works hard and plays hard.
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whether it's your first silverado or your tenth. thank you for making chevy silverado the #1 best-selling retail full-size pickup. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. chevy silverado ♪ things are looking up ♪ ♪ i've got symptom relief ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements at 4 weeks. skyrizi is the first and only il-23 inhibitor for crohn's that can deliver both clinical remission and endoscopic improvement. the majority of people on skyrizi achieved long lasting remission at 1 year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease.
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ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. think mom's mad about her favorite shoes? nope, because bank of america lets her switch her choice cash back category to online shopping, so she earns more on a replacement pair. with the bank of america customized cash rewards card, you just can't stop getting rewarded. ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) affordable design. endless possibilities. ikea.
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♪ ♪ it is spring break. i don't know why folks want to come to chilly new york but we're glad to have them here. that's a group from miami and, yeah, they're journalist students. so wonderful. >> miami where it's warm. >> i know. >> i'm just saying. >> something different, i guess. >> always great to have them here. coming up, we have our "gma" cover story. what happens when you stop taking a weight loss drug? stephanie is back with that story for us. good morning again. >> good morning, robin. what happens afterwards? we've all heard of these medications that include semaglutide like ozempic and wegovy. one woman who used the drug
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is sharing her weight loss journey including her success and setbacks. nurse meredith shore says nearly two years of battling the pandemic took both a mental and physical toll on her. >> i wasn't thinking about like how to integrate vegetables and fruits in my diet but rather like how am i going to save this person's life. >> reporter: the 25-year-old says she gained about 50 pounds and was suffering from both ptsd and asthma when changes to her diet and exercise routines didn't work to get the weight nurse practitioner who recommended semaglutide. the active ingredient in medications like ozempic and wegovy, it's a medication that was initially fda approved for type 2 diabetes but now allowed to be prescribed for weight loss too. >> my nurse practitioner made it clear to me that this drug shouldn't be a crutch that you rely on to lose weight. you should still improve your health, health and lifestyle habits such as improving exercise and your nutrition at the same time as using this drug.
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>> reporter: shore says when she started taking the injections last february, which are about $150 a month, she experienced some side effects like intense nausea, which she learned how to manage, and about two weeks later she started to lose the weight. >> it was within about two weeks i had already lost a few pounds. >> reporter: she says she lost 50 pounds over the course of 11 months, but when she decided to go off the drug in january to get ready to start a family, shore says she noticed the scale tip again, but in the opposite direction. >> i didn't realize how hungry i would get after like five to six weeks of being off it. so i did initially gain about ten pounds but it kind of gave me that wake-up call of like, oh, yeah, i need to be doing my like healthy lifestyle habits and all of those changes. and i just kind of refocused and made sure that i was making healthy choices. >> reporter: experts say rebound weight gain can be common with these types of drugs if exercise and nutrition changes are not maintained. >> obesity is a chronic disease,
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just like diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. if you don't take the medicine regularly, then the effect wears off. >> reporter: as for shore, she says she's grateful she qualified for the drug and isn't concerned about regaining any more weight. >> i definitely view semaglutide as the way i kick-started my life back into healthy living and i'm a completely different place. >> shore says that even with that weight regain semaglutide was life-changing for her and hopes to squash some of that stigma around drugs like these and says drugs like these can benefit a lot of people when taken under a doctor's supervision. robin? >> that seems to be the case for her, thank you. joining us is dr. darien sutton. i wish people could have heard us, the discussion that we were having about obesity and people having to understand it so much. but in the case of meredith, yes, she did gain some of the weight back, and we do hear that from time to time. is there any way to avoid that after coming off the medication?
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>> you know, first and foremost, you have to understand how it works, so semaglutide, which is that active ingredient in ozempic does a couple things in the body. it helps with the regulation of insulin, which is why it's used to treat type ii diabetes, but it also slows down gastric emptying or the rate at which the stomach empties out and then it also signals to the brain feelings of satiety or fullness. as was just stated, it seems as though once you stop using it, it stops working. these medications have led to significant amounts of weight loss but when it's stopped patients have reported gaining up to two-thirds of the weight back. it's a question of, do we need to change the dose, does it need to be tapered or do people need to stay on it indefinitely to get the benefit? >> if someone is considering taking it what do you say? >> first, it's a medication that is supposed to be with diet and exercise, but we also have to understand what it's indicated for. so semaglutide in the formulation of wegovy treats obesity.
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technically it's not fda approved to treat obesity. but if the benefit outweighs the risk, it can't be prescribed. we have to be aware of the risks and can cause nausea, vomiting and fatigue, and very rarely pancreatitis and other conditions that patients need to be aware of. it might interact with other medications which is why you bo iino talk to a doctor before piecand lifestyle changes too has to be adopted. >> absolutely. diet, exercise, daily movement, appropriate amounts of sleep. but as we were discussing right before this, it brings up a bigger understanding of obesity as a condition rather than an individual or moral failure. >> right. >> there are some that despite doing all this might still have difficulty losing weight. for those i recommend talking to a provider to review the variety of medications and interventions that might help. >> you said that you had a patient who said every minute of the day they think about food. >> yes. i think it's important to understand, again, obesity is a condition, not an individual failure, and so some might just
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need help from a physician for that. >> thank you. appreciate that. george? now to sleep awareness week. this morning, we're taking a look at what could be hurting the quality of your rest and becky worley has details. good morning, becky. >> reporter: george, good morning. for some people falling asleep isn't the problem it's all about staying asleep. when you're groggy, you may not know what woke you up, so we're pulling back the covers on some of the sneaky things that may be waking you up. bad sleep is most commonly attributed to stress, caffeine or alcohol. but beyond those known culprits, what are some other things that could be disrupting your sleep? >> we sleep best under cool conditions, dark conditions and where it's quiet. >> reporter: quiet is a big one. a very small study in 2015 looked at the noise disruptions from pets in the bedroom. 20% of pet owners said dog or cat activity in the night woke them up. this was a revelation to me because i didn't realize that every time my dog moved or scratched himself in the night it was waking me up. solution?
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you can take their collar off each night or even better, a neoprene tag cover costs $1.50. if it's your cat waking up, meow you know, usually they have an insistent request to be fed. this automatic feeder could keep them from being your way too early alarm clock. another factor doctors cite for sleep disruptions, allergens. >> that might include dust mites in your mattress and other things from the ambient environment or pet dander which can disrupt sleep and exacerbate sleep disorder breathing. >> reporter: solution, an air filter in the bedroom and consider protective mattress and pillow covers that keep irritants at bay. these have gotten better than they used to be. not like a plastic sheet at all. it feels like cloth. hardly noticeable. temperatures are a big consideration, experts say cool is good. but there's no one perfect temp.
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notice if you wake up a little sweaty or with cold feet and adjust your thermostat or what you wear to bed. another common disrupter, pain. back pain, headaches and jaw pain are all common. >> not only is it sort of intuitive pain can disrupt sleep, but we also know that sleep disturbances can further exacerbate your pain symptoms so you can have this vicious cycle. >> reporter: prioritize managing your pain and in some cases doctors say gentle stretching before bed, even using a foam roller can help. a few other disrupters, are you on prescription medication and are you taking it at the right time of day? it may be waking you up and importantly, sleep apnea. if you think your breathing is waking you up, it is important to talk to your doctor. george? >> a lot of important reminders, thanks very much. sam? so we've been concentrating on all the bad parts of these monster storms that have been moving across the west coast, but i want to show you something that southern california residents have noticed.
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this is palm springs, normally super brown all over. called the golden state. super brown in most areas. this looks like hawaii with the greening of the hills, the greening of the mountains, as well. that's not just the watering that they do, but the natural watering. here the storms move across the center of the country, dallas, waco, oklahoma city, this is a tornado threat today and there's big hail in this so heads-up and pay attention. this moves friday into isolated tornadoes but more so damaging winds for the gulf coast. new orleans all the way to panama drew: i am abc 7 news meteorologist drew tuma with your accuweather forecast. a lot sunshine coming your way. it 50's to mid 60's. patchy fog developing tonight. temperatures are chill in the mid 30's to the mid-40's. showers returned over the weekend. best chance sunday and a stronger storm coming our way tuesday. right now, level two on the
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storm impact scale. ♪ oh, oh, oh, my gosh ♪ it is time now for "deals & steals," problem solvers. tory johnson is here with handy gadgets to help fix everyday problems that you might have and to go right to the deals just point your cell phone camera at the qr code on the screen. good morning, tory. >> you ready to do this? >> i'm ready. >> so what happens when you forget somebody's birthday, you need to say congratulations or thank you or you just want to send a just because? you turn to a mash-up video e-card from american greetings. take a look at these examples. >> just what i do. ♪ >> this is one of my favorite songs. i'm going to play it for you. it's your day, robin. >> that's right, tory, this one is for you. >> no, really, people should be
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shouting your name on the street. ♪ come on now ♪ ♪ sing that name ♪ >> sing that song. ♪ michael ♪ >> sing it out loud. i want to celebrate. oh, yeah. >> you, robin, that's who. ♪ whoa, hey, ho ho, it's robin's birthday ♪ >> even with the cupcake there. this is a really fun thing to be a subscriber to. you can make unlimited numbers of them either with some of the famous faces that you just saw there but there are dozens and dozens of options. it's an instant way to wish somebody good cheer. make their day. you send it by email, text or post it on social media. it's 50% off today. one year unlimited for $15. >> what's cool about that is that's something they'll show everybody. >> exactly. great idea. >> next up, let's just say that the cord of your vacuum isn't long enough to get around your house to get into all these places.
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this is the britech. you hold it just like that. are you familiar with vacuuming? >> i vacuum all the time. very therapeutic. >> there you go. >> very therapeutic. >> there you go. >> you guys think i'm just a pretty face. >> there you go. you can use it just like that. they told me not to turn it on because it's a little loud for our microphone so you'll put it on there. it's got this docking station that it's going to charge on and then if you want to take it out to your cars you could use it with the handheld to use -- there's a bunch of different attachments to have, so smart. this is a dynamo. i've been using it. today 50% off, $75. >> great deal. >> very smart. >> house and car. love it. >> so what happens when you need a little extra carry-on and there's no more room in your bag? tubular travel. >> i just put on extra shirts and jackets. >> there you go. this is eight items right here, eight items of clothing. every bit of it is stuffed inside of here.
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so you can have it as a neck pillow and use it as lumbar support, attach it to your tote bag and it flies for free. >> wow, that is something. >> isn't that smart? >> a great idea. >> $25. >> okay. >> lose your luggage, you got something to wear with you. >> it's smart too, that's right. tenikle. you might have seen this on "shark tank." daymond john invested in this. it's an extra hand you didn't know you needed. it's the easiest way. kind of this octopus inspired suction cups that will go anywhere to be able to attach a phone to a flat nonporous surface. so, if you want to put it just anywhere quite frankly to be able to watch videos, take video calls, whatever it is, this will have you covered. it's 50% off, $22.50. >> okay. very cool. >> vibes. sometimes the situation is just too noisy. there's two different options from vibes of reusable earplugs. one is going to be noise canceling and it will take out all sounds everywhere. that's great for sleep, travel, work, the other one is just
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going to minimize the sound in loud environments so concerts, sporting event, any kind of thing like that. >> "gma." >> there you go. >> starts at $10. >> you hear eddie's laugh? >> finally feetures. when you want socks that aren't going to bunch, that are going to prevent blisters, these are the socks for you. fantastic. they fit like a glove. we have a big variety from no shows to quarter sock, huge assortment that you will find online. these start at $9. >> look at him, he knows. >> i need both of these. i need both of these. sorry. >> tory, you did it again. you always do a fantastic job. thank you so much. i thank you on behalf of our viewers. we partnered with these companies on all these amazing deals. scan the qr code to find these all of these deals. plus, it's your final chance to shop tory's exclusive digital deals. stay right there because we'll be right back. tory's exclusive
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deals. stay right there because we'll be right back. bill a better bay area moving forward finding solutions. this is abc. seven news. good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc. seven mornings, angelina has looked at our traffic. everyone so we are going to start with the live picture from the bay bridge toll plaza. traffic has been an absolute mess this morning. all lanes have reopened if you were with us earlier and saw the police activity on the bridge, but you are still going to experience delays, the average time to get across once you make it through the metering lights is about 20 minutes in on the cemetery bridges very crowded there as well. and our drive times are certainly reflecting the impact that 80 is having so highway forward to the maze is going to take you. 50 minutes that is very long highway 85 to the san jose airport 24 minutes and then
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just giving you an overall view from the section as you approach approach the bay bridge. you know what to expect speed still tracking very slowly. reggie. thanks for being you need that thicker jacket this mornin they need to be smart... efficient... agile... and that's never been more important than it is right now. so for a limited time, comcast business is introducing small business savings. call now to get powerful internet for just $39 a month, with no contract, and a money back guarantee.
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all on the largest, fastest, reliable network. from the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. call and start saving today. comcast business. powering possibilities. bay area. good morning live is coming up with chat with bob odenkirk from lucky, hank. plus carrie coon from boston strangler. nine o'clock on abc seven. we will see very shortly. ryan we're taking a look at temperatures this morning. you
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can see we're in the thirties and the forties. a frost advisory is in effect for the north bay valleys and the santa cruz mountains as we take a look outside a little bit. five have sunshine fifties and sixties reggie thank you, julie. we're going to see you again in about 30 minutes. you can always check us out at abc ♪ this time, baby, i'll be bulletproof ♪ back here on "gma," we are about to bring some magic up in here to this "gma" studio. okay, this is a special signal. are you ready? "shazam!" it's the stars of "shazam! fury of the gods." please welcome zachary levi and lucy liu. [ applause ] >> so good to see you. >> nice to see you. >> hi. it's really nice to see you. >> oh, oh. >> have a seat. >> you guys go back a long way, you and zach. >> yeah, we go back.
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zach was a star of a show called "chuck" and i came in to film a little role. back in my football playing days. i played a bully but i got beat up at the end. >> yeah, d, yo comeuppance. it was so fuanyos d u jersey andd gage >> in your garage? [ laughter ] >> the man cave. i got all the stuff in there. >> all right. >> you're a car guy. it seems pretty fitting that you would be in the garage, being a car guy. >> let's talk about "shazam!" your character is a teenager whose alter ego is the superhero shazam. >> that is correct. >> what was more difficult, being a teenager or a superhero? >> probably being a superhero. i'm still a manchild inside. tapping into that youth in me is always easier to do.
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i just love life and fun and wonder and imagination. as actors we get to use our imagination all the time so it keeps me young. the superhero stuff is super fun but in order to fly you got to wear these like diapers that you get hooked into harnesses. >> does he pull off the teenager part well? >> he is still a teenager as far as i'm concerned. >> go on. >> all the goddesses -- all of us agree that he's like a little child, yeah. >> you mentioned goddesses. you, helen mirren and rachel ziegler, you all play goddesses. you come back to earth to take back your powers which shazam has. >> yes. >> for you, you say you're not villains, though. >> no. we're not villains. [ laughter ] you know why? because first of all, we're goddesses and our world is dying because he has something that has been taken from us, so we have to come back and we have to save our world. it's all a matter of perspective. >> everyone is the hero of their own story. >> that's correct. >> is she good at playing a god? >> as good as i am at playing a
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child, she is as good at playing a god. the woman does not age. she's so powerful. she could murder so many people on screen. >> collateral damage. that being said, we had a great time doing it. we have to -- i think the main thing about being the antagonist is something with an intention and a directive and a mission, otherwise, it's just sort of -- it's a bit flat. >> antagonist sounds better than evil. let's take a look at a clip. >> magical fire. magic can kill magic. >> yeah, yeah, yeah, magic kills magic. way ahead of you, lady. i'm just tripping out because i've never seen my suit like this. also, nobody messes with my town. i just threw a truck at a dragon.
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[ laughter ] >> lucy, is it hard to drive a dragon? >> you know what, it's all -- it's all -- i was on this -- it was a mechanism that they had built. it was for cars and it was one of the first times they were ever using it so it was like being a guinea pig on it and it was this sort of pistons connected and they had built a little saddle for me to sit on and they hooked me into the wire and then, of course, the visual effects and all the post-production created this magical creature and this dragon is made out of wood. >> out of wood? >> well, it's in its magical sense it's made out of wood. it will be practically made out of wood. >> i got you. >> it's a real dragon. >> yes. >> skin and scales made out of wood. >> it's a cool dragon. >> they did have a little model that was incredible that was of this dragon. though, this is what it's going to look like. i was okay, got it. otherwise you're sitting on something that doesn't look like anything what it is. that's the magic of what everybody does behind the
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scenes. >> it's not hard to believe you had a lot of fun on set but we did see some online -- some behind the scenes -- there was a lot of dancing going on. a lot of dancing. >> i cannot confirm nor deny these allegations so i'll confirm them. yeah, that's me. >> what is that move? >> well, so, listen, i think music makes life better. i think singing and dancing are extensions of that. i bring a speaker basically everywhere i go. i bring a big speaker to set and i play music between all the takes and all the scenes and i just -- it just gives everybody a little extra just pep in their step and you -- it doesn't feel like work. you feel like you're having a good time. >> we do that here. >> yes. >> we actually do that here. >> seriously, we have music plays. >> we heard it in between. >> we got some for you today. >> it just makes life better. >> i'll play something for you to dance. you know what -- ♪ bulletproof ♪ ♪ this time, baby ♪
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>> oh, stop it. dance monkey dance literally. coming up on "gma," guys, we want it to be viral. get up and dance for us. >> needs a little bass. >> i need the bass. >> the boogie is in the bass, guys. i don't know what to tell you. you need a little bit of this. lots of stevie wonder. >> how did you handle this, lucy? >> well, helen and i were very dignified and we also started dancing as well. it's hard not to. he has a big speaker but he has a tiny speaker and we've been traveling for press and he has this little tube that he brings out even at the airport and puts it on. >> oh. >> as we walk by, everyone starts to dance. it's contagious. it's fun. >> old souls. >> you brought it today. thank you so much. >> even though you didn't dance. [ laughter ] >> oh. ♪ >> good morning, america. >> george called you out. george, it's your time to dance. >> come on.
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>> i've been trying for eight years. >> he's like, no, sorry. dignified. like dame helen mirren. [ laughter ] he's a goddess. [ laughter ] >> helen dances. >> yes. >> yeah, see. >> i love this, george. keep on going. keep on giving it to him. >> i love how you keep trying. >> he won't dance. >> "shazam! fury of the gods" is in theaters tomorrow. coming up, the new bachelorette charity lawson will join us live. see if she can top what we just saw here. >> television magic right there, guys. >> television
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(box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people
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that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music)
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hi, welcome back to "gma" with news from bachelor nation. this is huge news, after trying to find love as a contestant on her own rules, on the show "the bachelor," the new bachelorette has been revealed and charity lawson is ready to try again. charity, we watched you give your heart so much. this time you are in charge and you're joining us for our first live interview since announcing you as "the bachelorette" certainly. so i got to ask you, i mean, i know, let's put that show behind us and let's move forward. what's it like being the new bachelorette? >> it is an indescribable feeling. i am so honored, so excited. i still fell like i'm dreaming, so still processing what those feelings are like but so excited
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for what's to come. >> so we watched on the show and, you know, you were a fan favorite. you're a favorite of mine and we watched the show and really and truly your season ended because of your honesty. you put your heart right out there. so, you know, on this, how easy is it to go from that to doing it kind of again? >> i think it's -- i mean, it's going to be challenging, but i think for me i am very open with my emotions and wear my heart on my sleeve. so i feel like if anything, it's going to be easier but, you know, it does come with its challenges and i don't know what that will be like but i plan on staying just as open. >> i love this. you're already prepared for the fact that this is a whole different thing. there will be all new things to have to go through on this. >> absolutely. >> absolutely. but it looks like you're ready for it. everybody has what they want out of a partner. we all have almost like a little secret list that we carry around, but i think there are
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also some non-negotiatables. some of that is is wouldn't it be nice if he were charming, wouldn't it be nice if she had a great job. there are some non-negotiables. do you have them? >> yeah. i feel like for me i'm looking for someone who is a compassionate person, so someone who is extremely kind and treats others well. i think for me that's something that i value and i have in myself so i also want that in my partner but also i love to laugh and have a good time. so a sense of humor, i think that's huge. so anyone who can come out with a good joke or two is a winner. >> yeah, because you're not just in it for the show but the long haul here. and let me tell you, those ten plus years of marriage, you got to have a sense of humor. he has to have a sense of humor, right? all right. >> for sure. >> for sure. on this road, on this journey of the show, there's some amazing travel opportunities. do you get to choose that? have you kind of picked on where some of the amazing maybe date opportunities might be and some
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of the exciting places in the world? >> yeah, i don't really have much of a say, but i will say that i have some few destinations that i kind of tossed out there where i want to go. so greece is one of them so we're going to put that out in the air and hopefully. >> that's a good one. >> hopefully we get to go there. i'm open to anything. i think with the right person i think any date will be fun. maybe some things that are off-limits, not open to like the cage swimming with sharks. like that is, no, not happening, but anything else i am ready for. >> well, you should get to say no to some things because it's a tough show. we're all going to be watching and pulling for you and "the bachelorette." thank you for stopping by. charity, you're just lovely. "the bachelorette" returns this summer. now for the best weather in the business, stick with your abc location drew: i am abc 7 news meteorologist drew tuma with
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their accu weather forecast. here is the accuweather 7-day forecast. showers return sunday. longer we're going to take a look now at aquariums around the world helping with endangered species. it's a new program -- >> that camera right there. >> that one? >> thank you. >> george, i'm sure -- >> let's just go to will reeve. >> okay, george, sounds good. i'm over here. try not to have baby sharks stuck in your head while i talk about this next bit of news here. fishing has decimated shark populations around the world but our ocean ecosystems need these sharks to thrive and our friends at national geographic hopped on a plane with some baby sharks on a journey to their new home in paradise. these baby sharks molly and audrey represent baby steps in a global project to repopulate our oceans. it's called the reshark program. breeding baby zebra sharks who
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are headed here, the waters of raja ampat. in indonesia where the slow-moving sharks have nearly disappeared due to fishing. national geographic photographers jennifer and her husband document the program firsthand. >> we have species disappearing off the face of this planet at a rapid rate. in some cases the only place that we have the genetics left or we have the species left are often in aquariums. >> reporter: these cocoons called mermaid purses are bred in scientifically managed populations in aquariums around the world and these eggs are transported by plane to local hatcheries in indonesia where they are hatched and cared for by shark nannies. >> i think of the ecosystem as a library with all these books as species. imagine walking into an empty library or an empty ecosystem. so by bringing them back into the ecosystem you're literally
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rebuilding and improving the overall ecosystem and its resiliency. >> reporter: they live in a kind of shark school until biologists certify they're ready for release in the marine protected environment here where scientists are hopeful they'll repopulate. >> it doesn't stop with zebra sharks. it's a long list of potential species that can be restored and reshark is the opportunity to reintroduce these populations. >> it's a great program and the goal is to release 500 tiger zebra sharks over the next ten years through the program. researchers say tiger sharks can grow up to 18 feet long and live up to 30 years. if you want to see more about this program head to, guys. >> thank you, will. coming up, ellie goulding performs live. ♪
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ev lease bonus or 4.99% apr on a new volvo electric vehicle. ♪
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we're back now with grammy nominated pop star ellie goulding who has amassed over 43 billion, yes, with a "b," billion streams worldwide. she's set to release her fifth studio album "higher than heaven" and will perform her new single for us in a second, but first we'll chat. and congratulations on the new album, and i know you started working on this during the pandemic, and this time you kind of switched it up instead of going with ballads and say it's one big dance party? >> yes, exactly in outer space i like to say. dance party in outer space. that's what it feels like. it was like basically a direct reaction to just, you know, we were all locked away for a bit and then we came out and nobody was in the mood to do like a ballad album so this is what happened. >> the pandemic made everybody want to get out and dance a little bit more. >> exactly. >> also you have a baby. >> i do. well, not a baby anymore. he's 2 now, yeah. >> how has being a mom changed the way you make music? >> i'm not sure. i think that album is yet to come. like about motherhood.
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it's quite an intimate kind of deep thing. but for now like i'm still in the like -- i don't know, kind of my dance era. i'm sure it will happen at some point. i'm not sure if it has changed my writing. maybe a bit. >> i'll tell you, right now we're ready to dance. >> we are. >> i know you're ready to sing. she's done talking to me. she wants to sing, we want to dance. off her upcoming album "higher than heaven" out on april 7th, here's ellie goulding with her new single, "like a savior." ♪ ♪ sleep with my shadow, trying to find my faith in tomorrow ♪ ♪ tired of holding on to the memories ♪ ♪ how i used to bleed for love, for love ♪ ♪ got sick of the battle, gave myself a heart made of metal ♪
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♪ calling out for someone to rescue me ♪ ♪ then you danced into my life ♪ ♪ beautiful visions come to me and they stay forever and ever ♪ ♪ electric feelings keep me dreaming ♪ ♪ i won't let go, oh, whoa, oh, whoa ♪ ♪ spinning in your starlight you got the power to ease my mind ♪ ♪ you're leading me out of the dark ♪ ♪ like a savior shining in my soul, oh, whoa, oh, whoa ♪ ♪ like a savior out of the dark ♪ ♪ like a savior out of the dark ♪ ♪ shot with your arrow, suddenly i feel like i can let go ♪
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♪ of all the insecurities weighing me down ♪ ♪ now i'm ready to drown in you, you ♪ ♪ beautiful visions come to me and they stay forever and ever ♪ ♪ electric feelings keep me dreaming ♪ ♪ i won't let go, oh, whoa, oh, whoa ♪ ♪ spinning in your starlight, you got the power to ease my mind ♪ ♪ you're leading me out of the dark ♪ ♪ like a savior shining in my soul, oh, whoa, oh, whoa ♪ ♪ like a savior ♪ ♪ out of the dark ♪ ♪ like a savior out of the dark ♪
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[ applause ]
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everyday pressures can feel overwhelming it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried, or frustrated.
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it's normal. with calhope's free and secure mental health resources, it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today. "good morning america" is sponsored by bank of america. what would you like the power to do? ♪ a big thank you to ellie goulding for that great performance. really appreciate that. >> there's been a lot of dancing. a lot of dancing and in honor of that, well, let's have a
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throwback thursday. yes. >> no way. remr this? ch icht >>here.d >> oh, you started out strong. dame helen mirren tomorrow. dame helen mirren tomorrow.
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bill. a better bay area moving forward finding solutions. this is abc. seven news. good morning . i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. let's check in with sabina with traffic. maybe they are holed up. all right. good morning, everyone. so we want to check in on traffic here and look at the maps because traffic in the east bay has been considerably busy all morning long due to an issue on the bridge. i just wanted to bring in these dry times so you can see various parts and then also , check this out loud camera here showing your oakland 80 of the coliseum camera. traveling northbound is going to be very slow, and it is still also packed at the bay bridge toll plaza. let's check in with drew. how'd you bina? we're looking at temperatures right now. we are in the forties and in the
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fifties alive, look outside the exploratorium came. a lot of sunshine will go into the fifties and sixties quite comfortable. later this afternoon, reggie. thank you for your time now for live with kelly and ryan. we see you again at 11 for midday. live deja vu: it's live with kelly and ryan. today from the new series lucky hank, bob odenkirk. plus, one of the stars of the film boston strangler, carrie coon. and stay awake for our sleep trivia as we continue live's sleep week. all next on live. and now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest. [flowers by miley cyrus] ♪ draw my name in the sand ♪ ♪ talk toysr ur ♪ say things you don't understand ♪ ♪ i can take myself dancing ♪
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♪ oh, i can love me better than ♪ -♪ you can ♪ -♪ oh, i love me better ♪


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