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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  March 17, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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now streaming 24 7. it's a brand new day. don't let junk get in. the way you have to do is point what you'll be back to your old self again. 1 800 got junk visit 1 800 got junk .com. building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions. this is abc seven news. at six. a barrier bank may have been saved thanks to other banks. what we've just learned about another bank that just collapsed last week and the governor's new plans to cut homelessness by 15% in the next few years that area cities had to get 200 tiny homes to get people off the streets. and top of the morning, the bay area city that is already gearing up for all the saint patrick's day festivities. i mean, when we say gearing up they are ready. if you weren't with us in the past 15 minutes. you really missed
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something. you missed something. and that's all i'll say. good morning. it is friday. st patrick's day march, 17th. we're going to check in with ju for look at artwork as high drew. good morning on the st patrick's day. we will find a lot of sunshine later on today, and pretty mild conditions were dry on live doppler seven showing you the sweep across the region and we're coming up empty handed temperatures slightly warmer today compared to this time yesterday, so no frost advisories in effect, but our typical chill is there with thirties in our coldest spots a lot of mid and upper forties right now around the bay shore line will take you outside a live look at the exploratory in camera showing you some patchy fog across the city, and today it's partly cloudy later on, but away from the coast, mid and upper sixties as head into the weekend. part of it does feature showers will tell you that coming up in about seven minutes. reggie kamasi. drew thank you knew this morning. silicon valley bank's parent company has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. this
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comes just a week after regulators took over the bank svb financial group says this is an effort to preserve value ahead of a second auction for its assets, including silicon valley bank, in a news release, the company says it has about $2.2 billion in liquidity. a major cash infusion to save a different bay area banks from collapse some of america's largest banks providing funding to save first republic bank to this comes as we're learning. some of these banks, executives may have sold off their stock in recent months. thank you, reggie. this group of 11 banks are coming together to create a $30 billion rescue package to save san francisco based first republic bank, the group says, quote this action by america's largest banks reflects their confidence in first republic and banks of all sides. is it comes amid persisting worry following the collapse of silicon valley bank because of the panic that people felt what silicon valley bank they have also sparked another panic with fresh republic bank. i don't think there's a big risk that there's
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a domino factor. in the last 48 hours. first republic credit rating was downgraded into junk territory and its stock plunged . the wall street journal reports. executives at the bank sold nearly $12 million in stock in the two months leading up to the crash. the first republic first republic, i should say sent an email to customers about the rescue package. it says it is staying focused on operating a simple, straightforward business model and providing exceptional service to our clients and communities. that's a direct quote from them. meanwhile senator ted cruz, who is the top republican on the senate commerce committee, has launched an oversight investigation into what happened with silicon valley bank kamasi . thank you. davina group in san francisco has sent to defy federal law. in an effort to save people from drug overdoses , the group of city supervisors and nonprofit directors are working to establish three safe consumption sites. by the end of the year. york city is home to the first sanctions safe
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consumption sites in the united states. it's a place where drug users can inject with medically trained professionals nearby since that new york location opened in 2021 staff said they've helped to reverse more than 700 overdoses. they've also connected more than 2200 people to treatment, the executive director says. getting the city on board has been key. so i think part of him came like oh, let's watch this explosion and there was nothing and then they appreciated that they wanted tours. um and then they felt good about supporting us. and then they slowly had to acknowledge the fact that it was less work for them on the street. safe consumption sites are illegal under federal law, but the biden administration has not moved to stop on point n. y. c from operating abc seven news reporter tara campbell traveled to north america's first ever safe injection site. it's in vancouver, canada, and put together a documentary about how it works. you can watch injecting hope now on demand on abc seven bay area app wherever
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you stream this morning. thousands of people in the south bay are waking up without power. the lights went out during tuesday's storm, and it could be a couple more days before they get electricity back. the city of los altos worked with the local catering company and restaurant to host a free cookout for people who are dealing with these outages. the mayor says 75% of the city lost power. one resident who has lived in los altos for nearly 40 years, says power has never been out this long. i cannot remember a day. and we've been here since 86 we've managed, but i'm getting tired of it. and you know, not having a stove not having heat not having you get used to these things. you don't realize until you don't have them. pg pg and e says power will be restored to this neighborhood tomorrow, happening this morning. on this st patty's day, a seat of green is taking over the streets of downtown healdsburg for a sunrise st. patrick's day parade, abc seven news reporter lena howland joining us alive along the parade route where people are
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already ready with some outfits on as we learned in the five o'clock hour, lena but it is about to be a party. it is already a party out here in downtown healdsburg, as folks are busy preparing for this big parade today, starting right at seven o'clock just minutes before sun rise. and this morning i'm joined now by the mayor of healdsburg. this is arial kelly. and this is her. this is going to be her first parade as mayor. she was just elected in the office at the end of last year. so ariel, tell us a little bit about this parade and what you want the community to know about what's happening here today. this is one of my favorite community traditions and healdsburg. our community wakes up bright and early comes downtown and we parade around the downtown plaza. there will be lots of fun families, pets dressed up in costumes and then later today will actually be having a celebration in our plaza with dancing and music.
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and lots of community spirit. and earlier you were just telling me you're expecting maybe hundreds of folks to come out here this morning. the goal of the parade is to really wake everybody up and get him out of bed. so if anybody's sleeping in one of these hotels behind me, we plan to get them up with some some some joy this morning and some heckling and everybody will join us down in the plaza and we'll loop around and end up back. over at the bakery. can you talk about? we're showing. we're showing some images of what the parade looked like last year, right now on screen, but can you talk a little bit about how special and how unique this parade is here in northern california? well, this is kind of our locals parade where it started, with kind of some folks rolling out of one of the bars in the morning and cruising around the plaza, and now it's been adopted as one of our most treasured community traditions, and it's really a gathering of friends and neighbors and getting to do what we do. best gathering, drinking and eating and celebrating in healdsburg.
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and we have to talk about the outfits. everybody here is dressed so wonderfully for the occasion. tell me tell me about the outfits for today. oh, sure . well my last name is kelly. so kelly green is my favorite color . so all of the green in my outfit was already in my closet. you know, many, many years ago, but we really see we see pets dressed up. we see old people, young people, babies, people pushing strollers and everything in between focus on bicycles. we also have our whole city team here on the gators driving around in their souped up little four by four is cruising around the plaza. and so we get to see really the whole community come out and the costumes or even you know more than what you expect. and then probably some things. maybe you didn't want to see it. seven a.m. all good surprises, all good surprises, right? and then real quick. tell me about the parade route. i realized it's a rather short route. it's the largest shortest parade in the country we think and it goes
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just straight from downtown. we start over by sanderson ford on healdsburg avenue. we cruise around the plaza and were wrapped up in in less than 20 minutes. great. awesome well, thank you so much, ariel. we so appreciate your time and for being out here so early this morning, and for folks watching this parade will kick off this morning, right at seven o'clock . so for now, reporting live in healdsburg. i'm lena helen abc. seven news. what is this icons name? behind you. what's our gentleman's name behind us? oh, he's kevin the town crier. his name is kevin. the town crier. reggie got it. of course. we noticed the speedo before which is in the irish flag colors, but i didn't notice the shoes. that was an extra special detail. in fact shots they're very lucky shoes, please, no more, and that's no. okay alright. i asked for it and i got it stays. he stays ready. okay? tell the mayor, we are
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feeling the green day. yes we are feeling the green. we love the hat. yes y'all are rocking it and bring us so much joy this morning, so thank you for asking again. we're gonna ask again at 6 30. all right, we're still on the air. do we still have our license employed? i'm not sure. come the governor's new plan to solve the housing crisis, the various city set to get hundreds of tiny homes of support for russia by china. the meeting about to happen between xi jinping and vladimir putin. i love that town. crier can't get enough. i'm here. i'll just rotate uma. we have a dry day today for saint patrick's day, but our rain chances sharply increased for the back half of the weekend and you can see a stronger storm likely arrives on tuesday. we'll talk all about the weekend coming up right after the break. this is bush with pureed nut spread and muddled berries. i hate that. i
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love this so much well done. pb and j. out flour dusted nature's own perfectly crafted bread your fancy now. before the xfinity tension network. we didn't have internet that. let us play all at once every device in every room. where are you up here with speeds like this can't even dream of what he'll be able to do. get expended the internet for just $25 a month with no annual contract during our limited time launch celebration has no idea how good you've got it. hmm what a time to be alive, introducing the next generation tangie network only from expended e. welcome to hollywood. watch your dream jose .com it's back. march 17th at 10 a.m. airport home
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appliances warehouse sale event held it their product distribution center hayward this march 17th and 18th dramatic discounts to 70% off like top load laundry units as low as 3 99 refrigerators as low as 4 99 in stock and ready to take home. same day come see the largest appliance warehouse sale in california, march 17th and 18th at airport home appliances warehouse in hayward. show stopping bmw electricity in its most powerful form. perfect fusion of iconic handling. and cutting edge sophistication. with the range of 300 miles. and power of over 500 horses stampeding at whisper. it's 100% electric in 100% bmw. bmw the ultimate electric driving machine. hurry and release of 2023 bmw i four for 49 per month. that slide for those of you at home waiting to watch ryan bite into that won't
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happen. cottingham today at nine only on abc seven. about 6 10 this morning and we're finding that will have some patchy fog out there. here's a live look from our sutro tower camera showing you a little patchy fog this morning. it's shaping up to be a very nice day. here's live doppler seven along with satellite there , you can see it's quiet across california a few clouds off the coastline on satellite that will move in here later on this afternoon for partly cloudy conditions, but let's go hour by hour on your friday here's future weather. by nine am went to the forties and by one pm with a little bit of cloud cover in our sky. we're still pretty mild into the sixties, and we do expect temperatures in the mid and upper sixties later on today . so for saint patrick's day, 65 in oakland, 67 san jose 62 in the city 66 in santa rosa. we're dry today. we're dry tomorrow to start out the weekend, but sunday showers return to the forecast. we'll go hour by hour
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on future weather coming up in nine minutes and time at that storm, but let's check in with your being and other commuters doing this morning. good morning. good morning, jerry. thank you. hi, everyone, so i have a very different report for the bay bridge toll plaza this morning as compared to yesterday . look at that. metering lights flipped on at 5 33, and you have clear conditions as you make her way into san francisco. that's pretty much the story everywhere right now, as we show you the slide picture in walnut creek, looking at 6 80 are dry times slow just for our super commuters. tracy to dublin. it's going to be around 49 minutes and i do want to remind you if you do move about the peninsula that we do still have some closures related to our weather from earlier this week westbound 84 between portola road in fox hill road is shut down and state route 84 at la honda creek, reggie thank you still to come the editing mistake on jeopardy that spoiled the entire episode and then some flight attendants want to ban babies from sitting on laps on planes, their push for safer air travel for everybody. and as we had to break live, look outside at 6 14.
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felt anything but normal. was enough. i talked to an asthma specialist and found out my severe asthma is driven by yo cinephiles. a type of asthma. akala can help control now, if you were asthma attacks unless oral steroids that's my new normal with new cholera. cholera is a once monthly injection for severe filic. asthma is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face mouth, tongue or trouble breathing infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids. unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection may cause headache injection site reactions back pain and fatigue. talk to your asthma specialist to see if once monthly new column maybe right for you. and learn about savings
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at nacala .com. there's more to your life than asthma. find your new normal with new cholera. danger. a gimmick and insurance ads used to scare you, but not tripoli with affordable auto and home insurance, plus america's most recommended roadside. they don't need fear tactics. instead we offer a coverage confidence. so since we don't use gimmicks, why are you here? tactics and choose coverage. confidence from triple a big sng carpet. big sng features northern california's biggest selection of flooring with free samples that you can check out and a no surprise guarantees of the price. they always the price you pay and during s and g's big sale over half their flooring is up to 30% off, including cara stan up to 30% off over half their flooring. even keira stan , that's big sng more than cars.
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but nearest you or to have their mobile showroom come to you. public safety is something we all care about now are exclusive technology can help the neighborhood safety tracker only on abc seven. visit russia on monday in an apparent show of support for russian president vladimir putin amidst the war in ukraine, putin and cheese discussions are expected to weigh heavily on the ongoing invasion of ukraine. china has refused to condemn moscow's actions trying to remain neutral in this conflict. it is also condemned western sanctions on russia and accused nato and the us of provoking russia into military action. the governor has unveiled a plan to cut homelessness by 15% by 2025 . the proposal includes 1200 new , tiny homes throughout the state. san jose will get 200 of those. the rest will be in los angeles, sacramento and san
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diego. we need to focus with more energy and precision on addressing encampments. there's no humanity in that. governor newsom expects the tiny homes will be up and running by the fall. they're currently at least 160,000 on house people in california. no, it's six executives of jeopardy are apologizing after an editing error, accidentally reveal the winner of that night's game at the beginning of the show. the player with the highest combined total at the end of tomorrow's game will be our winner at stake , a $100,000 grand prize and a guaranteed spot in the next tournament of champions. congratulations to the three of you for making it this far and good luck. you see at the end of host might be alex monologue. the dollar amounts each contestant earned was displayed. so they had to re tape the monologue getting into the show, and the winners were not cleared
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out at that time. they also didn't catch it while editing the episode, so that's how it aired last week. the showrunners say they have protocols in place, so this doesn't happen again. and this is where i say you can watch jeopardy weeknights at seven p.m. right here on abc, seven can now, with better editing. hmm. improved editing better than ever, man. i don't know. i'm not not like that mad about it. i get more fun just by trying to answer the questions. that's true, but how did no one notice like shoes in a notice? it happened didn't notice. the contestants didn't notice. it happens. doesn't kamasi have you worked on jeopardy? a lot o on this friday morning. good morning, everybody. let's take it as a phone right now. we have been patchy fog out there. it's a little chilly. we're in the thirties and forties right now, but expecting another mild and e ldpots a in edplern is tperate
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vaey the north bay right now. santa rosa napa, even yukiya. we're waking up to temperatures in the upper thirties. a lot of forties upper forties rather be shorelines. certainly one or two layers you'll need right now. you can find a mild day later on today into the sixties, we go on the same patch 62 in richmond, 62 in the city, 65. and oakland, 67 in san jose, were above average for this time of year that i don't feel nice and tonight mainly clear skies and temperatures in the thirties and the forties. let's plan out your weekend. we'll start off saturday with sunshine. the clouds will move back in for the second half of the day. but saturday or dry, different story on sunday. there you can see the showers moving in first thing in the morning and the linger for much of the morning on sunday, even some scattered showers for the afternoon. looking at rainfall estimates there you can see less than about three quarters of an inch of rain with this light level one storm, but a stronger storm is going to move into california on tuesday. with the latest guidance it looks like the highest impact for heaviest
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rain and strongest winds just to our south, probably on the coastline of monterey, and perhaps santa barbara will keep our eye on that, but tuesday just know it will be wet and it will be windy. here's the accuweather seven day forecast will find sunshine today cloudy or smart, but dry showers are turned sunday, lingering into monday when we welcome spring, a new season than tuesday. there's that level to moderate storm where we have wet and windy conditions. reggie kamasi. thank you drew. now we're gonna bring in ginger zee with a look at what's happening on g m a good morning, ginger. hey there, kamasi. hi, reggie. hydro outside. great to be with everybody this morning coming up here on g m. a we do want to begin with the new move to help the banking industry, the major banks that are coming to the rescue of first republic bank and what it all means, and then you see that that's the storm video from dallas fort worth area. that's irving, texas, where they had that wall crumble in the thunderstorms. big hail as big as baseballs. i'm gonna go ahead and show you where that moves next all throughout the panhandle of florida, so if you're traveling east you want to know about that. and the
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cold. plus, we have an exclusive interview with the ceo of the company behind chat gpt. rebecca jarvis gets him there on the promise of artificial intelligence and why it makes even him a little scared. and then why the lunchtime staple the sandwich might be unhealthy . plus don't sleep on the best mattress for you, and you definitely don't want to snooze on the stars here this morning, helen mirren and rachel ziegler right here on g m. a so ginger. i see that your your green for st patrick's day which we love. well, you didn't say was that we had a really special moment earlier in the show today that we didn't expect live tv. where there was there's a prey that's coming up and there was a person dressed up in, um how would you describe you saw it on your instagram? yeah special. it was i mean, you know, we all have those moments and i back in my one of my local news days, i was doing a story unrelated to whether and on a college campus
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and i had a streaker. you know things. yeah, he had a sombrero, tennis shoes and nothing else. so it's the shoes, a hat and the shoes protecting the feed. so you know what safety he was sprinting through my shot, so it was important, but you know, so those things happen. they do? yeah and you know what? it got us got me awake. isn't a spirit. that's true spirit. so for all cold, there still wouldn't do that. i'm saying right now, for, like many reasons, but mostly the weather. he's been there all morning. so prior he takes and he heard drew. he heard drew say, oh, you're going for a mild day. he's like, sure. okay cool. hapless, um it's the commitment for me. yeah well, happy saint patrick's day. whatever that brings to you hopefully know st . christmas too. we'll see you at seven will be right. thank you. 18 years. that's all you
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get explored dirt roads get outside will never forget it. do it all with rex van. we're here to fuel your memories or ended at a traffic light. there was damage to my car, but i felt okay. the next day, my neck wasn't feeling right. so my sister took me to urgent care and told me to call the barns firms. i didn't think i had a case, but i did. after i slept in the lobby. i thought everything was fine. but it wasn't the next day. my doctor told me to call an attorney, so i called the bars firm. i didn't think i had a case, but i did not sure if you have a case called the barns firm now for your free consultation, you don't pay unless we win million . mhm. reminder. tonight's mega millions. jackpot is over. 250 million playing out back. march
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17th at 10 a.m. airport home appliances warehouse sale event held it their product distribution center, hayward, march 17th and 18th dramatic discounts to 70% off like top load laundry units as low as 3 99 refrigerators as low as 4 99 in stock and ready to take home. same day come see the largest appliance warehouse sale in california, march 17th and 18th airport home appliances warehouse in hayward. go places you've never been rec van makes it possible with our huge selection of adventure van, a new quantum sprinter is discounted over $77,000 go find your adventure band at rick van. this month is incredibly important for empowering our women of today and honoring those that came before us celebrating women everywhere every day here in the bay area and around the world happy women's history month, ladies, we got this.
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everyone. yosemite national park will reopen tomorrow. it's been close since february, 25th because of the storms that brought all that heavy rain snow , and it caused rockslides and road closures. there will be minimal public access starting on saturday. if you need another visual cue about how much snow the sierra has. here it is. the snow is now as high as the top of some of the ski lifts at bear valley ski resort, which is south of kirkwood and alpine county. and the ski lift is 35 ft. high. bear valley has seen about 616 inches of snow this season. you see berkeley's central sierra snow lab in soda springs is just three inches from the second snowiest winter there ever with more snow likely on the way this weekend. today would be alexis games 25th birthday she was the oakley woman who investigators say was murdered by an ex boyfriend. last year, gibbs family will be dedicating a city park bench and
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a plaque to alexis at oakland city hall today. partial remains found during searches in january have been identified escape. they were discovered off of highway 49 in amador city southeast of sacramento. gabes family says they will continue to look for the rest of her remains. for every soul. that is the plea from flight attendants who want all travelers, regardless of age to sit in a seat with restraint on airplanes . the union is asking the faa for a rule change because of the possible turbulence on flight. they want to ban kids under two from sitting on their parents' laps during flights right now they are allowed to fly free without a seat. congress is working on a funding bill for the faa that right now that could include that change. next at 6 30, a consumer alert for drivers more than one million forwards being recalled because of brake issues and facial recognition. while you're shopping the technology, some areas are already rolling out. and as we had to break we are r.
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there's no way she stick around. if she knew the truth. i'm a criminal. this is too dangerous. that's right. is electricity in its most powerful form. perfect fusion of iconic handling. and cutting edge sophistication. with the range of 300 miles. and power of over 500 horses stampeding at whisper. it's 100% electric in 100% bmw. bmw the ultimate electric driving machine. hurry and release of 2023 bmw i four for 49 per month. there's some things that go better together.d retirement service with voya, considering all your financial
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choices together. to help you be better prepared for unexpected events. voya well planned, well invested, well protected. listen to the updated mix of 96.5 k zero. i t more songs that pick you up and make you feel good while you work. today's hit strange yesterday's favorite starts your day with a 7:30 a.m. commercial free workday kickoff. feel good nineties. today's hip and yesterday's favorites while you work 96.5 k zero t. and umbrellas like roadside assistance quality matters.
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from5 a nth. triple a life. building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions . this is abc seven news. now it's 6 30 in the plan to transform saying quentin state prison into rehabilitation center or what happened to those already locked up there. no details into what might have started the covid pandemic, the animal that could be to blame. and why the kind of pet you have maybe preventing you from getting the proper amount of sleep is always something. don't blame these dogs. the poor dog. good morning, everyone it is friday at st patrick's day. it is march 17th stories, but first we get to meteorologist through to ma. dry throughout the day. today temperatures few degrees warmer
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than we were this time yesterday . no frost advisories in effect, but our coldest cities like san ramon napa, or coming in in the upper thirties right now, so a layer two certainly is needed. outside this morning, we had some patchy fog that is slowly falling apart, giving away to sunshine later on today on the st patrick's day, and very mild conditions will go into the sixties away from the coast, but showers do return for part of the weekend. we'll talk much more about that coming up well planned out the entire weekend in eight minutes. reggie kumasi. thank you drew happening today. governor newsom is set to visit marin county, where he'll be revealing more details about his plan to transform san quentin state prison and to a rehabilitation center. abc seven news reporter gloria every guy's is here with the plan and why it's already getting mixed reaction. gloria good morning kumasi. san quentin has been home to the largest death row population in the united states , and soon it'll turn into a prison where less dangerous inmates can get education, training and rehabilitation. quentin state prison in marin
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county will be ther a focus on preparing governor gavin newsom's office has si didy' approac tode. ian prisons, inmates have access to tvs, additional furniture, the kitchen activities like basketball, and they have more freedoms than in most american prisons. the nation has a low rate of inmates who reoffend. some support the governor's plan , saying it'll keep inmates from going back to prison. but some victims rights advocates are outraged. he seems to have completely forgotten the victims . i mean, i think this is a front to the victims because we're saying at least there is still an element of accountability and punishment that should happen in state prison before you get your chance to earn your way out. um shortening sentences. this isn't a get out of jail free card. this is hey, what do you need to
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be successful? let's give you that so you can get out and do what you need to do to take care of yourself and your family. other locations in pennsylvania , north dakota and oregon have alth on a muchmaller to san quih is housed high profile criminals like cult leader charles mansons that the inmates serving death sentences at san quentin will be moved somewhere else in the california penitentiary system. newsom is advocating that $20 acted to share more about the plan today, reggie thank you, gloria. pg and e is still working to restore thousands of power outages this morning areas in santa clara county got hit the hardest in this week's storm. pg and e. says a total of 140,000 customers were in the dark. the company says tough weather conditions slow them down. there were some errors that we couldn't access because of safety issues and at one point because we did see one cast that exceeded 90 mph. our
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crews had to stand down because it wasn't safe for them to get work done. tre powes on top of that mudslides and flooding damage underground facilities. pg and he says they're working with engineers and local governments to invest in better infrastructure. trees that some burlingame neighbors say have been a hazard for a long time could soon be removed eucalyptus trees that came down and the storms this week cause extensive damage to homes and vehicles on el camino real yesterday was ong with an arborist that arborist tax some of the trees that are still standing and recommended that they come down. some neighbors say they have previously asked the city the tm this stretch. it's a preventable accident. i think you know the lack of care and maintenance of yeah, he's extremely tall. you know? sales effectively by caltrans is, you know. had they
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done what they should have done for years and years and years, this might not have happened. the mayor of burlingame says plans have been in the works with caltrans for the past five years to replace the eucalyptus trees and to improve a stretch of camino el camino real abc seven reached out to caltrans, but we have not heard back yet. we've watched people debate back and forth since 2020 on the origin of covid 19, and now we have some of the strongest evidence yet of where it came from. venus of the live desk. good morning, so we've heard people suggest covid came from a lab leak or even bats but now an international team of virus experts have found data linking the disease to raccoon dogs. those are small animals found in asia that are most commonly associated with fox's. the experts believe the raccoon dogs being illegally sold at a market in wuhan, china. uh, could have been carrying or possibly shedding the virus. at the end of 2019 genetic data was drawn from swabs taken from in and around the market starting in
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january of 2020 shortly after chinese authorities had shut it down because of suspicions that it was linked to the outbreak with what was at the time. a new virus report with the full details of the international research team's findings has not yet been published. their analysis was first reported by the atlantic, reggie. very interesting being a thank you. leaders and business owners are looking at what a world without receipts would be like, at least in california. assembly member filtering recently reintroduced a bill called skip the slip, it would mean no more printed receipts unless you specifically ask while receipts cause a lot of ways they can make keeping track of a purchase. easy for small businesses. no receipt often means no returns or exchanges. it could also be a burden for businesses that have to get a new computer system. when i buy something, i bought it for a reason, and i don't intend on returning it unless it's defective. i certainly don't know that something is going to be defective. before i bought it. i think you're going to need some grant system for
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businesses who cannot afford to do it. the assembly member tried to pass this legislation three years ago. he believes he has a better chance of success now because many of us don't use cash as much. university of california has approved a plan to add 8000 beds at five campuses, but it could be some time before we see more in berkeley campus is getting new beds include uc santa cruz u c. san diego, u c riverside. u c l a and u c irvine here in the bay area, only 23% of undergraduate students at uc berkeley are even offered housing and that's the lowest in the entire u. c system. we spoke with the sophomore who pays $1700 a month in rent, and that's what the roommates for people. or people? yes. and yeah, they're super tiny rooms, but it works out for like what's available of ucs a usg craliforni
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environmental quality act has been one of the biggest challenges for u c campuses and basically allows anyone to stop a project. you see berkley was working on a plan to build housing for 1100 students and housing for the homeless as well at people's park. but last august, protesters were successful in halting the start of construction. there are those founder elizabeth holmes is expected to appear in a san jose courtroom today. it's for a bail hearing while she awaits the appeal of her conviction homes, has been ordered to turn herself into custody. april 27th. a judge sentenced her to more than 11 years in prison for defrauding investors. still to come. we're going to head back up to healdsburg, where the annual st patrick's day parade is about to begin. first we're gonna take a live look at the big board. the new york stock exchange were down right now about 180 points. another update on the markets next, then the ford models that may have brake issues. the recall you're gonna want to hear about and stay with us on the abc seven bay area streaming up at seven. for abc, seven at seven. we're live there
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every weekday from 7 to 8. but you have to watch us streaming. so download that app now wherever you stream yeah. you do not wanto that parade later on in the show. it is something else. let's go outside. here's a live look from our east bay hills camera. you have some patchy fog out there. it's a very thin marine layer, so it's going to burn off pretty quickly this morning. here's live doppler seven, along with satellite showing you the entire state, and it's rather quiet across california, some clouds off the coast. you can see on satellite. those will move in throughout the afternoon and create partly cloudy conditions . but all in all, it's a very mild afternoon. future weather by 10 am or into the forties and fifties into the one p.m. hour or into the sixties and are warm response and later today, with partly cloudy skies will get into the middle, not upper sixties and our warmest cities. so the st patrick's day it's partly cloudy. it's mild 67 in concord, 63 in san mateo. 66 in santa rosa 62 in the city of to 67 in san jose and oakland to a very comfortable 65 degrees will get the three day forecasts are
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dry today cloudier tomorrow but we still remain dry. however, on sunday showers return to the forecast with a level one storm and even early next week. rain does continue. we'll take a look at the seven day forecast coming up in about nine minutes. let's say hi to giovino and see what do with traffic this morning. thank you drew. good morning, everyone. so we do have a new crash reported this morning in oakland is going to be on southbound 8 80 before 9 80. as we bring in our sensors here, you can see that a slowdown is beginning to form on the map there, but by far this is our biggest blocking issues. so that's pretty good news for this morning. a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. very different story from this time yesterday, meeting lights came on at 5 33. once you get through those lines, you have no delay on the bridge and certainly not one at the golden gate bridge this morning. as we show you our live camera here, we will head to break with a look at our drive times. tracy to dublin 51 minutes, so it's begin. to increase their but everything else is still running on time. we'll be right back. mono and the ed.
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like amazing, stylish chevy equinoxs. blaser r s. you don't have to be an influencer to be an influencer rs family of chevy suvs definitely worth a follow. get 2.9% financing plus make no monthly payments for 90 days on all equinox models or current competitive owners get 17 50 total cash allowance find new roads at your local chevy dealer. my mom kept going in and out of the hospital. there was some decline in memory. she started getting disoriented and it concerned me. i needed to find somebody to be with her. desperate and afraid, making that first step. that's the hardest part. once i did being
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able to look at the app, i started feeling like there was hope. and here. we gave that to me. i found someone that i trust. a local family owned business and part of your community. when your garage door breaks. it doesn't care whether it's the night or the weekend. that's why yo a live person. 24 7 precision door service and name you can trust. hi i'm shannon asked me about ma pilot, and today we're going to take the 2300 pilot through the gospel family gauntlet. i drive my kids to wrestling practice to dance. we mountain bike. we do it all. it allows us to take all of our stuff and all of our kids to all of our activities looking for an suv that can run your family gauntlet for an awesome deal on a three row pilot, your nor cal honda. because you should feel safe. abc seven
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building a better bay area. new york, a supermarket is using facial recognition in an effort to stop shoplifting, but now it's racing some privacy concerns. the store does have a sign posted outside of the market, which reads biometric data may be collected. examples of biometric data include a scan of an eye using facial recognition or fingerprint. more large retailers are starting to use the tech to catch repeat offenders. but there are some concerns about what that means for our privacy law enforcement . there's a huge huge positives on the negative side and the concerning side. we've got a real challenge, potentially around how that data is utilized, especially if it's put in the wrong hands. more entertainment venues are now using the tool, including the rose bowl in pasadena. other pets have positive effects on human health. pet owners are more likely to have a few hours of sleep compared to non pet owners. that's according to a study from the journal human
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animal interactions. the research looks as looked at if people had a sleep disorder and whether they had a cat or dog it finds having a dog is associated with a greater chance of having a sleep disorder and overall trouble with sleeping. people who have cats have a higher chance of experiencing leg jerks in the night. interesting. now if your morning money report, ford is recalling more than 1.2s being called a serious issue with its brake fluid hoses. this impacts the ford fusions and lincoln mk ze so between 2013 and 2018, the national highway traffic safety administration said the cars have an issue where the front brake hoses might rupture and then leak brake fluid and this could increase brake pedal travel. and extend the distance needed to stop the car. that of course, increases the risk of a crash dealer to replace the front breaks free of charge. taking a live look now at the new york stock exchange is training gets underway this morning and we are down again about 200 points this morning. in about 15 minutes
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entitled hills berg in the north bay will begin their saint patty's day festivities with the annual parade and abc seven news reporter lena jalan has been out there all morning, taking it all in and lena. we're excited always to check in with you to see what's going on at the parade right now. well right now i do want to introduce you officially to our friend kevin cody. this is the healdsburg town crier. we've been talking about him and his wonderful outfit all morning long. he does tell me he is actually irish, but he wants he wants to talk a little bit about the parade that's kicking off this morning in just about 15 minutes or so. this is the annual st patrick's day parade. it's been happening 27 years in a row. so, kevin, what can you tell us about the parade? so actually, it started off a bunch of drunken rabble rousers. we're out in the morning at a bar guy named bill coleman and a group of his friends at a bar down the down the way i guess they decided to
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kind of raise some noise. walk around the plaza, try to wake the tourists up. and somehow that small thing grew into what we see today, which is hundreds of people from all over healdsburg coming out. people all ages, putting on their finest speedos there, green wear and just just having some good community fund and i assume you've been to this parade before. so tell us about what the experience is actually like. it's, uh you know it's short, but it's action packed. it's dramatic. you have community members walking around the plaza. just feeling the same patrick's day vibes the spirit. uh and you know, you just can't beat it. people from all over just having fun, and i know it's such a special tradition to this small town for you from your perspective. how special is it to you to be a part of this? you know, i come from philadelphia. we have a strong irish roots there, so i know it makes my dad
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irish dad, mike cody proud to know that his son is living the true irish tradition here on the west coast. wonderful and i know our anchors watching back in the studio right now have a few questions for you as well. first of all, they would want to know. how are you staying? warm right now wearing a speedo. so i have to speedos on too, because this is the top one belongs to the mayor's husband. give it back to him in good condition. i've got double speedo, which i'm just toasty wearing too. you know, i'm almost sweating. i'm so warm. and i earlier i will say that he did tell us he's actually a triathlon coach is that cool? that may also explain the quads that we are seeing below. so in a way, this is promotion of his business. okay no, no. oh no, no, no. uh oh, kevin. alright so anyways, the parade kicks off at seven. today
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after that there's also a gathering that's going to be going on for part of the day. can you tell us about the gather? ring. i know our mayor aerial. kelly will be giving a speech right after the parade is my job as town crier to rally people around and then i know there will be some celtic music at some point through the days celtic dancing as well and all sorts of irish fun and good times and shenanigans. well thank you, kevin. we appreciate your time. we appreciate you being here and we're looking forward to that parade kicking off in less than 15 minutes here in downtown healdsburg. so for now, we're reporting live in healdsburg. i'm lena howland, abc seven news, lena. thank you for asking the questions. we need answers to really got down to the bottom of it. appreciate it. it could be the town choir. be the town car, do it. i don't know about this gathering, but i feel fully gathered, gathered from so what took me out was
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sorry, joe. beat up me out was what took you out. thinking is his name is kevin the cakes cody . that's what she got a whole new name wearing the mayor's husband. speedo speedos. don't return it, husband, steve. we should not share some things should not be shared. that's kevin's now. you know what channel is this? is this abc think so? you know, that was a lot for this morning, but we're gonna just i don't know. i'm sweating a lot. okay good morning, everybody. the good news is that for the most part, traffic is decent. i do want to get to the maps, though, because we have a couple of issues in oakland to talk about. we have one crash right now. that's on 9 80. then i'll get to in a moment after this live camera, but the san mateo bridge is moving smoothly, as is the richmond san rafael bridge. all right, snow let' g to those crashes that we're talking about. we have two minor slowdowns, and they'reby h
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bheshinlving a motorcyclist and some injuries there, but thankfully, those injuries are minor. your speeds are averaging around 30 mph there and then west on 5 80 before harrison. we have a crash as well. that's causing a minor slowdown in our dry times have been consistent except for anti doctor conquered is now beginning to increase 22 minutes and drill. i know it's still as you are frequent. the philadelphia area i know you're a pennsylvania friend. ah! do you know it's this the thing to do? yes you know part they do party hard. that is the first time i've ever seen. someone say they borrowed another person. speedo to celebrate the occasion . but there's a first for everything. the irish they go hard, very early in the morning . let's go outside. here's a live look from our mountain camp . beautiful crescent moon this morning we had a nice looking day ahead on temperatures were mainly in the thirties and the forties. no frost advisories in effect, but certainly a couple of layers are needed as you go
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about your early morning hours. right now. it's partly cloudy later on this afternoon. mild will go into the sixties for saint patrick's dates. very nice above average for this time of the year, then tonight mainly clear skies and temperatures in the thirties and forties. let's plan your weekend saturday actually starts out with a fair amount of sunshine, but the clouds will quickly thicken. saturday is dry. but sunday, here comes our next storm, a level one. a light storm on the storm impact scale for sunday morning in the showers. will linger even into the afternoon. scattered in nature and rainfall totals likely anywhere from attempt to three quarters of an inch of rain. with this storm system, a stronger storm is set to arrive here on tuesday. future weather showing you our next round of rain and wind is likely focusing its energy just to the south of us along the central coast line, but we will get some moderate rain and some gusty winds from time to time. here's the accuweath forecast dry and tomorrow enjoy showers for the last part of the weekend. spring arrives here on monday with it will have
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spring showers on tuesday, a level to a moderate storm on the storm. impact scale. hijo vina hi, drew. thank you. good morning, everyone. it is time for your toyota tahoe traffic report and we are going to start with our first round of resorts. the great news here is that we don't have chain restrictions at all for our resorts and the dry times have decreased our most snow. certainly checking in here with palisades tahoe. those based totals 100 inches to 225 inches, a whole lot of snow up there, and the same thing goes here. there are no well, low base totals the lowest year for sugar bowl being 138 inches, which is really great and then up to 246 again. no chain requirements. your shortest dry time is going to be two sugar bowl, actually, two hours, 59 minutes and then kirkwood with the most here, it's going to be three hours and 43 minutes. kamasi thank you, joe bina. the upcoming season of the crown is expected to dive into the romance of prince william and his wife, kate, the princess of wales. actors playing prince william and kate or spotted filming in scotland. the two met
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at s students at st andrews university. in the early two thousands. they were first friends, then became roommates, sharing a house with other friends and eventually went in 2011. the sixth and final season of the crown is set to start streaming later this year. it's torn. it's dirty. it's fashion. balenciaga now selling outfits covered in holes for more than $5000. you know, we gotta show it to you. this is a look. the clothes are designed to appear like they are covered in mud. balenciaga summer collection includes an oversized ripped denim jacket. that is about $3100. you can also get super destroyed baggy pants for almost $2500. balenciaga says. it's going for a heavily destroyed and dirty effect. they didn't have to tell us that. it's obvious. that's for someone that is for someone. uh huh. who is that person?
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conceive of that person. do you know of anyone like to take a risk? uh huh. envelope look dirty choices. mhm. i refuse to go baggy. yep. why told me old. it just doesn't work. can you imagine me? and something like i think you will look good friend. i think you could pull it off. you see me monday. next the seven things you need to know. today you can watch all of our newscast live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and radio. if you download that app now you can start streaming break. we're looking again at the lighthouse in santa cruz this morning. it's 6 54, and we'll be right back green.
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in every moment, there's an opportunity. the numbers truly don't lie to find a path forward to move ahead to build something better. issues of race and social justice are a key part of building a better bay area, abc seven amendment to meet those moments council is meeting right now, with tough questions. worse now, solutions. we will all be okay for you. for all of us. where did you learn to do what you do? this is the moment to build a better area. join us. this report has been brought to you by your local toyota dealers . toyota let's go places. i've been coming here since i was a kid. coming up over the past. i get super excited because i knew we were close. you know, it's still hits me the same way. because it feels like home. this
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mountain is family. made for the mountain, the official vehicle of palisades tahoe, toyota, let's go places back. march 17th at 10 a.m. airport home appliances warehouse sale event held it their product distribution center in hayward, march, 17th and 18th dramatic discounts to 70% off like top load laundry units as low as 3 99 refrigerators as low as 4 99 in stock and ready to take home . same day come see the largest appliance warehouse sale in california, march 17th and 18th airport home appliances warehouse in hayward, in order for small business. this is to thrive. they need to be smart, efficient, agile, and that's never been more important than it is right now. so for a limited time comcast businesses introducing small business savings call now to get powerful internet for just $39 a month, but no contract and a money back
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guarantee, all on the largest fastest reliable network from the company that powers more businesses than anyone else calling start saving today, comcast business powering possibilities. i was injured in a car crash. i had no idea how much my case was worth. call the barns firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help you get the best result possible. baby 108 million it is 6 57. if you're just joining us here, the seven things to know this morning number one san francisco based first republic bank has received a $30 billion lifeline from a group of america's largest banks . deposit is an effort to stop a spreading pimp. panic after the collapse of silicon valley bank and signature bank number two governor newsom plans to visit saint quentin state prison in marin county today. yesterday
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the governor announced plans to transform the prison that is currentlythe nation's largest number of death row inmates into a rehabilitation center for less dangerous criminals. number three. it will be at least another week before evacuation evacuees from the powerful community can go back home. exact timing depends on flood water just seating and if contaminated silt and mud are still a threat to safety. number four p genie is still working to restore power to some areas after tuesday's storm. most of the outages that remain are in santa clara county. and number five got sunshine today mild temps in the sixties tomorrow will add more clouds to the forecast. we do remain dry still . but then on sunday, it is a level one light storm with a wet morning even a few scattered showers in the afternoon in the wet weather continues for next week. number six. we're still following a crash in oakland between a big rig and a motorcycle is this is on southbound 80 before 1980 your
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average speeds are tracking around 34 mph in the area. and number seven. we are taking a live look at healdsburg in the north bay this morning where, in just a few minutes, the city's annual st patrick's day parade is getting underway. officials say. it's going to last about 20 minutes or so. but after that there is a full day of celebrations happening as kevin , the town crier told us there will be gatherings. and i think they're already were gatherings . probably yeah, i love this tradition. i think it's really cool that it's an early morning thing. you know, healdsburg is my favorite north bay city. it's amazing. it is pretty. i do love how they they say it's the largest shortest parade. that's just officially right because the firm that no but you know what you have to just mix up up for yourself. you really do. manifested for it all the best. tallest. hawaiian anchor, ok
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top of the morning so that have a good one ever find. good morning america for our viewers in the west, much of the country bracing for an arctic blast as we count down to spring . severe storms on the move across the south, the tornado warning in dallas, texas, in reports of huge hail now the new threat this morning. ginger is tracking lifeline some of the nation's biggest banks step into safe first republic on the verge of collapse. pumping in $30 billion rising tensions over the down us drone, the pentagon defending its decision to release the footage, plus the nato ally now agreeing to send warplanes to ukraine. new
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arrests in the death of a virginia


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