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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  March 22, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc7news. >> they were like sales in the wind. it was quite extraordinary. >> i have downed trees for a good part of my life. i have not seen trees this big. >> it has been raining. no one has been hurt, yet. >> people all across the bay area are reeling from the effects of yesterday's storm and powerful winds. falling trees and caused massive damage.
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>> we have team coverage tonight tracking the concern over the glass falling from high-rise buildings. >> let's begin with the weather. >> that storm is winding down but it is not completely through yet. you will notice we are still seeing scattered showers across the bay area. the peninsula. running high. flood advisories remain in effect.
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that is starting to shift. it has weekend. if you more showers this evening. then the system is out of here. about this record-setting storm and win a nether one will arrive, coming up. >> a mudslide in san mateo county caused an evacuation warning. officials are concerned that if the road gives out to a slide, access will be cut off. we are live in woodside with the progress. >> this road clear.
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they have the road. dangerous aftermath of that storm. they have not seen this in years. the already narrow patrol roar -- road was reduced even further. this mudslide was linked to the storm that impacted much of the bay area on tuesday. he has lived here since 1964. >> we are but the redwing -- redwood trees were flapping back and forth.
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falling into the structure. residents know that it could get worse. san mateo county sheriff's deputies went door-to-door to advise homeowners to leave. most did not but still took precautions. >> i park my truck soy could make sure could get in and out. >> they were evaluating the stability of the slide. storms and the impact they leave behind to give way to sunshine. >> that is why i came to california.
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>> geologi monitor the slide. place. >> a result of yesterday's powerful storm. all of them killed by falling trees. >> one was at 23rd and lincoln way right by golden gate park. >> oakland. a tree fell on man. >> in san mateo county, a man was killed when a tree fell on his band. >> when a tree crush their car in rossmoor. one other person in the
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injured but did survive. san francisco police have confirmed a sergeant who was on duty suffered life-threatening injuries when a tree fell on him. that sergeant is in the this afternoon. his family is asking for privacy. >> all around alameda you can see the effects of the winds. many people are dealing with property damage. we have the details. >> it was a pretty nice day until it wasn't. all of a sudden it started storming and windy and crazy rain. here we are. >> we get this off? >> he is the owner
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in alameda. it took a forklift and for people to move the car. >> basically the base rotted out over the years. as the way and showed broken up. nobody w expense. it is not a problem. >> but there were problems in other parts of the city. >> absolutely shocked. completely surreal. we were just playing here on monday. >> on tuesday a massive tree crushed this place. this is where she brings her son. on wednesday it was closed for cleanup. >> it was like a bomb cyclone. it is shocking. and devastating.
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>> miles per hour. >> it was like a hurricane. i have been here 64 years. this is unreal. >> he says last night's win out a -- wind blew out a window to his house. >> i could hear the windows flexing. i had never heard the wind howled here. >> we know four different buildings shattered yesterday during the windstorm. that brings the total number of high-rises where windows have broken to five. yesterday windows buildings.
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>> there really is. this was a really scary situation for people walking here yesterday afternoon. one of our colleagues was hit by a small piece of glass. part of the streets here are still blocked off. there are shards of glass. we found this one still here on the sidewalk. the most damage happened that this building right here. one window broke. >> i find this to be terrifying. >> this happened and what is being done to prevent it. >> we need to get to the bottom of why these failures are taking place. >> they are demanding conference of engineering reports for all downtown buildings. this comes a week after windows
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shattered at the bank of america building. >> some of these are modern buildings. some of them are 50 years old. there seems to be no pattern. >> windows have now broken at five different downtown high-rises. including at millennium tower and salesforce east. he was one of several people walking on mission street when broken glass fell from above. not everyone had the protection of an umbrella. >> is a >> very small cut right here. one of our employees was hit by a small piece of glass. while on her way to work. >> i started feeling a stinging sensation on my hand. i looked down and it is bleeding. >> it is a miracle that nobody was seriously injured or killed. >> how did this happen? this civil engineer says faulty seals on the windows combined with pressure from the wind
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could be factors. >> they were not as an ghetto condition as they i should've been. >> seen on the ground. as for what is next with another potential storm next week? >> what is being done? >> i don't have an answer for that. >> who would? >> i don't think anybody has an answer for that. you can call the department of building inspection and ask that question. >> we did reach out to that department and they told us they do not have anything specifically planned for next week. they see these as isolated incidents. they say folks should go about their business. they should evaluate their windows within the next 14 days. we asked if there was a windspeed speed requirement for
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windows and high-rises? they said there is not one singular requirement. it all depends on the location of the building. thankfully everybody is ok. >> thank you. yesterday's wind gusts were enough to rearrange the patio furniture. the couch got moved all the way to the street down below. through the air before landing several stories below. >> that >> could have killed someone. absolutely. we will have much more in the storm
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>> communities in the santa cruz mountains has not been able to catch a break from the devastating storms this year. >> it has been a tough year for them. we spoke with people who are cleaning up after dozens of trees came down. >> for some residents here, the mountain living lifestyle has never been as challenging as it has been this year.
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>> the snow a couple o ago. it has been hard. >> i have downed trees for a good part of my life. i have not seen trees this big go down like that. >> dozens of trees came down. wind gusts topped 65 miles hour. >> somethi >> this resident heard the cracks and snaps all around him. >> touched down. they were sprinkled all over. >> neighborhoods here again rocked by falling trees. he shot this video moments after a tree split this home in half.
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thankfully no one was injured in this accident. >> we are on a state of alert right now. power. caltrans and pge are deenergizing lines so crews can clear the road. >> it is that mike amazed trying to navigate the roads. >> visitors to stay away so that crews can do their job and get life moving. >> after the have to see it to
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>> an amazing site near los angeles. that is a land spout ripping off the roof of an industrial building. it is a type of weaker tornado that develops closer to the ground. the national weather assessing the damage.
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>> chance to clean up. the national weather service confirmed that it was actually a tornado. take a look. we are not as active. but that record-setting storm that came through yesterday still lingering across parts of california. it caused a tornado near los angeles. as we have some showers. still some wet brentwood. we still have showers around the
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south bay. numerous reports in the last 24 hours of flooding and wind damage. let's check out the rainfall. oakland. the strongest march storm on record.
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not see again. 40's and 50's right now. another storm arrives early next week. scattered showers and still some flooding. a few showers continuing tonight. tomorrow morning we start out with clouse at 11:00. afternoon. hopefully that doesn't cause any issues with more trees going down.
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a winter weather advisory until 5:00 a.m. on friday for the sierra nevada. travel could be difficult at times. friday morning to sunday morning we do have a pop-up frost advisory. protect your plants. early next week on monday we have another atmospheric river coming in. we will keep an eye it looks like this will stay out to northern california. isolated showers tomorrow. mildly days for the weekend.
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>> remember, b-easy sevens to 5:30. dan: world news tonight is next. >> we will see you at 6:00. now available without a prescription. astepro is the first and only 24-hour steroid-free spray. while flonase takes hours, astepro starts working in 30 minutes. so you can [ spray, spray ] astepro and go.
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♪ ♪ >> breaking news has a come on air, there manhunt for a high school student who police say open fire in two faculty members after pat down. authorities in denver tonight warning he is armed and dangerous, police releasing his image because of public safety. the 17-year-old allegedly opening fire, one of the staff members in surgery. school officials say he was specifically ordered to undergo pat downs because of issues. standing by at the school in denver tonight paid also this evening, the reported tornado near downtown los angeles. 1 of two reported twisters. this record-breaking storm turning deadly in california. mudslides forcing him to be evacuated, drivers navigating
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streets with downed trees and power lines. 20 states tonight from cali


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