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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  March 24, 2023 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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>> lou: from hollywood, it is "jimmy kimmel live!." today, david letterman and dominique fishback with cleto and the cletones and now, jimmy kimmel! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. thank you. thank you. i appreciate it. thank you. thank you for washington. thanks for everything. it is a special, special night. it is a special night because
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david letterman is here tonight. [cheers and applause] this is his first time visiting us here in l.a. and i feel like a regional manager is coming for an inspection. [laughter] the guy from hq is here. he is here to tell us about his new documentary, edge: a sort of homecoming, with dave letterman" and to promote his cryptocurrency, jay coyne. this is like if don came to the show. >> guillermo: that is right. >> jimmy: i hope dave brought his galoshes. this is from a busy street in santa cruz. >> we just caught a fish. [laughter] we are going to have dinner tonight. >> jimmy: yeah. street fish, you can beat
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interception sushi. we are not would be good when it comes to navigating anything really. any scenario you throw at us, we will succumb. this is from an underpass not too far from here in the city of commerce where motors made are always wise decision to gun it. >> this guy is going to go for it. that is not recommended. oh, my gosh! and i'm pretty sure he just got stuck. [laughter] >> jimmy: there he is caught stuck. if only there had been another abandoned car nearby to serve as a warning. perhaps that would not have happened. somehow, even if it was not bad enough, though, he got caught in water. he amount up in a part of the local news crews because channel five. upward channel seven left off, which was him in the water. >> reporter: he tried to walk through knee-deep water.
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unfortunately >> jimmy: no. put him in right. put him in a ziploc bag and leave it in the windowsill. i like to imagine his kids watching that on a loop right now. dad, you are aquaman. today marks three years since the first covid lockdown. it was three years ago. remember we were elbow bumping and working the atm with our feet? i guess it is gone because president biden is now in las vegas of all places. he had a busy schedule. he met with democrats to discuss the inflation reduction act. he gave a speech about prescription drug prices. internet, he is wrapping things up with a stop at the peppermint hippo to make it rain. [laughter] the game of one night off as president. wandering around the casino at 3:00 a.m., being one of those big drinks. asking around for donny and
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marie. you know? can you imagine joe biden at a card table? i need a jack project. he has some fresh new competition for 2024. joe exotic now incarcerated targeting has launched a presidential campaign. even though he is serving a 21-year person sentence. he made the announcement. he wrote, put aside that i am in prison for now. i used drugs in the past. that i have more than one boyfriend at once and that carol hates my guts. this has no thing to me being able to be your boys. i'm used to fighting my whole life. they have taken everything i have worked for and it is time we take this country back. it makes sense to me. [applause] maybe in a couple of months, trump can just copy and paste that onto his campaign website. [laughter]
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the tiger king has some pretty solid inducem endorsements incls fiancée. cannabis influencer cookies to prevent. classy convicts. have a dozen bikini models and porn stars. sadly no relation to me but i tell you what. it is a good list but i think that. think that was the list for the vanity fair oscar party. unfortunately, we have moved on to other characters who have captured our imagination led by congressman curtis george san santos. filed paperwork indicating that he plans to run for reelection. he released what i hope will be first of many ads announcing this campaign. >> times are tough. money is tight. americans deserve better. i'm george santos and i'm running for reelection. as the child of mother who is jewish and a father who is a
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velociraptor, i know all too well the challenges that are faced by everyday americans. when i was a boy, i remembered my childhood home being repossessed. by the demon cousins who. it was very dramatic. they made a movie about it. being an openly gay republican congressman is not uncommon. i grew up in jackson heights watching saturday morning cartoons and eating peanut butter and cats catchup sandwics with my two sisters, mary kate and ashley. we were detectives. a giant came to me and told me that i was a wizard as their congressman, i will continue to fight for justice and equality and for the usc. -- ufc, of which i am a world champion. better today tomorrow. i am george santos and i am a cyborg sent to kill sara carter.
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[applause] >> jimmy: he has my vote, that is for sure. donald trump jr., he has been busy posting thoughtful videos. this is his job now and most recent video i noticed something that i want you to take a look at. >> we have seen the insanity of what is going on in the last few years. we are here to call that out. >> jimmy: zoom in because he has two empty frames on his shelf. those are pictures of his friends. [laughter] [applause] showing off all of the fun times he had with dad when he was a kid. those who watch regular note from time to time we like to include my aunt jp. we pulled many shenanigans on aunt jp. this time, we brought her to our studio under the false pretense that she would be shooting a commercial and she loves
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cigarettes so we came up with what we thought was the perfect product to have her pitch. >> hello, everybody. >> it is for a gun that helps you quit smoking. >> okay. how long has it been since i quit? three years? >> okay. aunt chippy. >> hi. ♪ ♪ >> so i can tell people, how long have you been not smoking? >> about three years. >> that is amazing. that is amazing. >> you want me to read every single one of this? >> you are already changing the script and we have not even started? let's just read them. can we zoom in on chippy? you have been up since 3:00 in the morning? >> yes, i have. >> can we get makeup? >> [bleep] >> all right, chippy looks a
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little better so let's get going. >> i look better than somebody who is dead? >> ready? happy, happy and action >> my grandkids hated my smoking. they used to say things like -- >> your teeth are all yellow. >> until i discovered cigarette gum. ♪ cigarette gum ♪ >> when i was young, everyone smoked. charlie chaplin, babe ruth to ben franklin. >> what are some other really old people? >> i don't think you will get older than ben franklin for crying out loud. babe ruth is bad enough. >> breaking the cigarette. >> i feel like we could ut it together probably. >> i will leave you to leave for a few minutes. >> now this is my cigarette break.
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>> is her voice always like that? >> see if you can become less gravelly when you talk. >> it does not go away because you stop smoking. >> smile. >> your ass is smiling. that is all the teeth i have got. >> smile and action! >> now, this is my cigarette break. [screaming] >> i really think you should take a bite. >> i'm not taking a bite out of the cigarette. no. no. no. >> take a big by and you spend it on the ground. >> i will break them but i'm not biting them. are not biting them. did you hear me? i don't see why we have to waste all these cigarettes now? do another break. hi. now -- >> are you ready? i need to see them. >> oh! >> go like this.
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brandish them like this. like that and then grabbed up and then break them. >> now, this is my cigarette break! >> bite them! [laughter] >> get over here, you. if that ain't good to get the kids to do it. >> no, it is good. we have more stuff to do. >> i don't give a [bleep]. let's get to the gum because i'm done. >> that was good. >> a row. >> we need to have you blow a bubble and sing a song. >> i'm not blowing a bubble with this gum. why do i have to do all these abnormal crazy [bleep] things? was our related to more on or what? >> i don't know. are you ready? >> this gum does not blow bubbles. >> why don't we do it with a balloon? >> i'm done. i'm done. yeah. >> introducing cigarette gum. and then take some and move onto
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that line. >> just say the freaking word. >> but i need you to smile. >> introducing cigarette gum. >> too sexy. too sexy. okay. >> i feel like i'm [bleep] saying a stupid line. >> okay, and action >> cigarette gum, the best part is since i quit smoking, men are starting to notice me again in a sexual way. >> okay, let's -- >> we are not very aiding anything. variate your ass. i'm doing this. i don't have to look sexy. >> here is what i want to do quick thanks to cigarette gum, this is the only butt to be reaching for and i want you to grab a butt. >> i'm not doing that. that is not that is not me to
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get somebody else to do it. i ain't grabbing nobody's butt call my nephews. thanks to the cigarette gum, this is the only butt i will be reaching for. that is good. that is good. >> okay. i want you to do it again. >> i'm done! i'm done! i'm going home! >> chippy. >> i'm leaving. ♪ ♪ ♪ cigarette gum ♪ >> i switched on the lives of all my children and grandchildren that i will never smoke another cigarette again or let the good lord jesus strike me dead here and now. [laughter] [applause] ♪ cigarette gum ♪ >> jimmy: jesus strikes again. we got a greatest show. we have dominique fishback.
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we will be back with david letterman. [applause] [ upbeat music ] ♪ do your thing ♪ ♪ i said, do your thing ♪ ♪ come on now ♪ ♪ let's roll now, let it all out ♪ ♪ do your thing ♪ ♪ do your thing ♪ ♪ just do your thing ♪ easter fun made easy. that's totally target.
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(vo) red lobster's finer points of fun dining: at lobsterfest, whether you're a sea-foodie or a lobster newbie, there's something for everyone. try one of six dishes, like new lobster and shrimp tacos for $17.99. and leave completely lobsessed. welcome to fun dining. mucinex nightshift fights your worst nighttime symptoms so you can get to sleep and wake up ready to go. how could you? wake up to a new you. with mucinex nightshift, it's not cold and flu season. it's always comeback season. ♪ ♪ do the work, before the work. bodyarmor lyte. more than a sports drink. the first time you made a sale online with godaddy was also the first time you heard of a town named dinosaur, colorado. we just got an order from dinosaur, colorado.
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start an easy to build, powerful website for free with a partner that always puts you first. start for free at ( ♪ ) is someone trying to steal your butterfinger? (gears whirring) call the bfi. game over. (beep) ( ♪ ) no one lays a finger on your butterfinger. find your beat your moment of calm find your potential then own it support your immune system with a potent blend of nutrients and emerge your best every day with emergen-c i'm steve, i lost 138 pounds in nine months on golo and taking release. since taking release, my sleep is way better.
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my inflammation has gone way down. i'm nonstop now, i feel way better than i did before. i don't sit down in life anymore.
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♪ ♪ [applause] >> jimmy: welcome back v
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show "swarm," dominique fishback is with us. we have andy samberg and lucas gage. nobody on television means more to me than our first guest and nobody hates hearing that more either. he is a 40-foot tall giant among men, joins two legendary musicians in ireland just in time for st. patrick's day. “bono & the edge: a sort of homecoming, with dave letterman" premiers friday on disney+. please welcome david letterman. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> david: that was very, very nice. thank you very much. [cheers and applause] thank you. and james, thank you. it is great to see your mother and father. >> jimmy: my mother and father. my mother when i was 16 she made me -- >> david: i think i heard that story. that is where the trouble began. so i'm walking into this fabulous -- is this the old theater? >> jimmy: it is. yes. [laughs]
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>> david: and on either side of the wall must be 100 photos of myself and you. >> jimmy: yeah. >> david: at first i thought, that is very nice. i'm touch and the more i saw it and the more i understood what was going on, i actually was sick. [laughter] there's lithology here. and it all started with the cake. >> jimmy: it all started with the cake. i know how you love to see pictures of yourself and i know how you love and attention. >> david: it is very unpleasant. but this facility is the nicest. for example, the dressing room. i have never been in a dressing room that nice. if you were on any of my productions, the dressing rooms were all built as wpa projects after the depression. but i could live back there. >> jimmy: you are welcome to do that. i mean, all the way.
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you are totally right. the dressing rooms -- >> david: everybody i meet is a family member so i would fit right in. because as you know, i have thought of you as being junior. >> jimmy: oh, boy. don't just say that because oh, every hair on the body is standing up. >> david: i don't want to know that. >> jimmy: i know you love hollywood. >> david: i spent a day -- treatment did you? "jimmy kimmel live!" according to the internet. a good friend of mine, i think you know him passed away, one on my very close friends. when i first came to california took me aside and he said, dave, i want you to know something. in hollywood oscar is king. and truer words have never been spoken. and so now you hosting the academy awards for a third time
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and this was a sensational moment for the country and the network and yourself. you know what this makes you, don't you? you are the prince of hollywood. >> jimmy: wow. [cheers and applause] that is exciting. i mean, that is very kind of you. but i'm not giving up dave junior. i'm sticking with that. >> jimmy: a lot of people ask me, dave, how do you feel about -- here is how i feel about over joe's -- award shows. fine. if i'm not going to win something, i don't really -- i'm really not that interested. [laughter] >> jimmy: it makes sense. >> david: let's get into it. first of all, congratulations because you resurrected this carcass. [laughter] and the network and the academy ought to be very grateful. nice going for you. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: [laughs] i mean, it is undeserved, but i
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will take it. >> david: it is not underserved. when i hosted it, it was such a bomb, the academy thought maybe it had been terrorists. >> jimmy: that is not true. >> david: it is absolutely true. so cocaine cocaine bear and you have the caution cocaine bear. cocaine bear, leave marwala alone. he can't sniff malala >> david: and then i hear, let's find out who is in the cocaine bear's suit and i know that there is a lie. i know it was not jazzy jeff. no, it wasn't.
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it could have been me. why wasn't it me? >> jimmy: it could have been me. it could have been me. >> david: it was me. >> jimmy: i love watching your interviews. >> david: you are very kind. >> jimmy: you enjoy doing what we might call a serious injury interview then say interviewing richard simmons. [laughter] >> david: every interview i had with richard simmons is deadly serious. [laughter] you know what it is? i like talking to people. i find that i'm ignorant on most topics and as a result, i have great curiosity. and that is why i want to talk to you about your experience hosting the academy awards and i do know at a certain point in time you get tired of this. >> jimmy: okay. >> david: here to parties wif tn i had the
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governors ball. >> david: that is not the governor of california. >> jimmy: many people think it is the governor of california. they have a dinner next door. we went to that. we stayed. i had a potpie that wolfgang puck made. >> david: let's find out if everyone agrees with me. potpie without a doubt you burn the roof of your mouth. [applause] >> jimmy: i was good. i was okay. and then we went to my wife and i went to the olive garden afterwards. and we had ravioli alfredo. i had to work the next day. >> david: good lord. the preparation for that show is endless and then you can write back and you do your nightly program and this is not an easy show to do unless everyone in the audience is a family member. [laughter]
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[applause] >> jimmy: kind of the opposite, really. and the night after you hosting the oscars, did you go back to new york and do the show the next night? >> david: no, we got on a plane and flew back to new york and then flew to london preparing for a week of shows we were to do in london. >> jimmy: that is too much. >> david: yeah, it was too much. over that is a la. >> david: the show was so bad that the academy, together and they said, we can never let this happen again. and so they shut down the film industry for one year. >> jimmy: they did? >> david: one year. everything. >> jimmy: ruined the oscars that followed as well. >> david: that is right. did you have fun at the party? >> jimmy: no, it is terrible. it is a lot of people asking for my phone number. yeah. [laughter] >> david: did meryl streep win something? >> jimmy: she did not. she ws not nominated. >> david: i thought she would
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win even without the nomination. >> jimmy: sometimes they just toss one onto her long as they drive by. [laughter] >> david: in the -- and the academy award van drives by. here is something that may be a little sensitive. >> jimmy: okay. >> david: tom cruise. >> jimmy: yeah. >> david: here was tom cruise? >> jimmy: we don't know where tom cruise was. we heard a production issue which does. >> david: what does that mean? >> jimmy: exactly. it is very nonspecific. we have no idea what happened. >> david: but tom cruise should have been there as a big jetpack maverick show. >> jimmy: yeah. it seems like you should have been there but he was not there. like you were saying, maybe he did not feel like he was going to win so he did not want to come. >> jimmy: yes, but between you and me, he should have been there, right? >> david: of course, yeah. he is the prince of hollywood. >> jimmy: were it to the power
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of the your success if mr. big shot is there and still the show has never been more successful. nice going to jimmy. [applause] >> jimmy: david letterman is here. we will be right back. prix like going for bold without going broke... and staying true to your taste while staying on budget. who says rising costs means lowering the bar? settling? no need. get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want. tj maxx. where you can always afford to be you to the maxx. people who come to cricket stay with cricket. i run a biotech design company and my cricket hot spot allows me to stay connected to my team and my clients as i travel. now that's 5g with a view. sfx: [alarm]
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every day you get to choose. do i want more? can i grow stronger? can i get better? bodyarmor lyte. more than a sports drink.
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>> here we have the edge, bono and we have adam. we have valeriy. when you hear what their original village names where you will understand. larry was known as the -- adams
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was misses burns. >> which player is called mrs. burns? ♪ ♪ my brothers and i are out of control ♪ >> jimmy: that is “bono & the edge: a sort of homecoming, with dave letterman." it is on disney+, tim ring friday, st. patrick's day. that is fun. maybe that is not fun. it is hard to tell if you have one or not. you have fun? did you have fun? >> david: is work and likely, usually with this kind of work, you do have fun. i can't speak for you tonight but i'm having fun. >> jimmy: i'm glad. >> david: it turned into a film. it was like an hour and a half long and really, there's so much going on. but the best part is the music. and that is really the reason. >> jimmy: music is great and the stories are great and just you being in dublin where you have never been before.
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>> david: never been to dublin. have you been to ireland? >> jimmy: no, i would love to go. to be there with these guys who are very special people. >> david: there's a lot of people in rock 'n' roll music and a lot of people writing rock and roll music and the definition rock 'n' roll music is pretty broad. it is along the frison. it is endless. these guys are existing and performing and creating at a different level. and when you and spent time with them, you get to appreciate that they are not just another song that you may be hearing somewhere. this is something different. and to me, that was a thrill and also intimidating and bono and the edge, wil >> jimmy: very smart guys and really does. >> david: you have spent time with them? >> jimmy: we have had them on the show and i love them. you and them is like as if you've made this specifically for me which i know you did not but one of the things that i felt --
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>> david: we did. >> jimmy: great. after the show, after the concert, you introduced -- in front of their hometown crowd, which is great. you guys go to a bar, a pub, as they called him and everybody is singing along in the pub. except for one person not singing. see if you can guess who it was. >> david: i was worried because i know that you go to a? and everyone is full of guinness and sing along because you got bono & the edge and a half a dozen really great talented irish musicians performing in a way you are not going to hear them perform. so sing along and a lot of this and i just at one point i found myself with a camera like about here and i thought, oh, [bleep] [laughter] so i just started doing this. [laughter] >> jimmy: do you ever sing alo along? >> david: no, i can remember
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going to church with my parents and, you know, a lot of it is hymns. and i would take singing and periodically, a woman who is my mother's it could not my mother, who should have known better and bided her own business would say, well, you are not a singing at all, young men. and then we would have to cut her tires. >> jimmy: yeah. [laughter] >> david: does not come naturally. but god, what an experience that night was. >> jimmy: what about sitting there with bono and with edge and they have written a song for you? >> david: oh, my god. they are out you somewhat. it does not seem to be about y you. >> david: thank you for being honest. >> jimmy: they are seeing to you. and i can't imagine any situation -- >> david: has anybody ever written a song for you?
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>> jimmy: no. >> david: we are in this place called the march library. it is from the 16th century and there's books the size of this chair. and it is huge. it is well regarded academically and it is freezing. it was very, very cold. so they come in. an edge says, i was up until 3:00 writing this song. and i thought, oh. [laughter] hoping that that would be the end of it. [laughter] we are getting out a sheet music and everybody has an arrangement and they are singing this song that the night before they have created and i'm thinking two things. oh, [bleep], i hope this goes away. and secondly, i'm thinking, america, this is not bad. so it turns out to be a real deal and if you can -- and these guys are not kidding around writing songs. >> jimmy: do you think if you had people singing to you more, you would be more comfortable
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with it? >> david: yes, i do, jimmy. i got my guitar here. how are you when people sing to you? >> jimmy: i hate it. it does not matter how nice it is or how beautiful it sounds. >> david: same with me and i don't like it when people coerce you into, everybody! >> jimmy: i know. yeah. >> david: i am not everybody, no. >> jimmy: have you looked into why you are not able to enjoy the moments of that? >> david: do i seem like i have any self introspection? >> jimmy: yes. >> david: are not looking to do anything, frankly. life is too short. >> jimmy: you are here in hollywood as we call it. you get the urge to drive down the block to comedy store where you work for so long as a young man where you did stand up with your friends and get up on stage there and -- >> david: no, no. i was never really a standup comedian. i did stand-up comedy because i
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knew to be on the tonight show which was my reason for leaving indiana was you have to do some stand-up comedy because they are not going to put you on because this kid just moved from indiana. here he is. so that is all i could do and when i would go on the road, have you -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> david: every afternoon, you would be in any town, in the college town in the united states. i remember one time, they always send a guide to president of the student body to pick you up at the airport. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> david: so you fly all night and you are has broad. the guy pokes you up. and he want to talk and i don't want to talk and i'm in the back seat and i look in the rearview mirror and i see the guy driving driving. yeah, because he has been up drinking all night. he gets to win pick up league. [laughter] sorry, mom.
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so i asked him to pull over and i had to drive myself from the airport to the gate. a little long way. >> jimmy: well, it is a thrilled to have you with. >> david: thank you very much. i know i had to ask to be on this show. that is impolite. >> jimmy: no, is not. >> david: and this man in his career that i've known him has been so kind to me and the people who work with him are equally kind if not and i love being on tv. so thank you very much. >> jimmy: you are welcome every single night, david. [cheers and applause] friday on disney+. coming up next, dominique fishback! ♪ ♪ kiing, i've had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep— you know, insomnia. before i found quviviq, an fda-approved insomnia medication for adults,
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you would not believe the things i used to think about when i couldn't sleep. hey, linds. i need you to sign this business contract. all 114 pages. lindsey! lindsey! hey, lindsey! it's workout time. hey, big man, we're in the middle of something here. yeah, it's called physical fitness. just a couple dozen more questions, lindsey. don't forget to pack your phone charger for tomorrow morning's flight. it's plugged in right over there. lindsey? quviviq helps you get more sleep. and when taken every night, sleep continued to improve over time. that's why i take quviviq nightly. quviviq works differently than medication you may have taken in the past. quviviq is thought to target one of the biological causes of insomnia: overactive wake signals. do not take quviviq if you have narcolepsy. don't drink alcohol while taking quviviq or drive or operate heavy machinery until you feel fully alert. quviviq may cause temporary inability to move or talk or hallucinations while falling asleep or waking up. quviviq may cause sleepiness during the day. quviviq may lead to doing activities
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sunday through tuesday, get 40% off everything at ♪ ♪ do the work, before the work. bodyarmor lyte. more than a sports drink.
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"jimmy kimmel live!"'s who's
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been struck by lightning. the odds are less than 1 million. which of these people is that unlucky? >> sitting in my couch and boom, the lightning hit me. i'm blind it was frightening. i got taken to the hospital. two medics cut my shirt off. they go, code blue and realize i was hit and they high-five each other. get taken to another room. the cops show up. they go, we thought you were dead. of course, i get struck like a freak. not like a normal person. >> boom, that has got to hurry! thanks, paul. [cheers and applause] a walk in the woods and i didn't get a single flea or tick on me. you are just the best. it's probably because of that flea and tick medicine you've been ordering from chewy.
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we are very proud of you. you never stop surprising us, bailey. right? i'm great. you are great. i wonder if bailey's ever done a book report. be nice to your sister. what flea bit him? pets aren't just pets. they're more. this flea and tick season, trust america's #1 pet pharmacy. chewy. mucinex nightshift fights your worst nighttime symptoms so you can get to sleep and wake up ready to go. how could you? wake up to a new you. with mucinex nightshift, it's not cold and flu season. it's always comeback season.
12:24 am
sfx: [alarm] every day you get to choose. do i want more? can i grow stronger? can i get better? bodyarmor lyte. more than a sports drink. ♪ ♪ get directv with a two year price guarantee. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? ♪ try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort.
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try nervivenerve relief. (vo) red lobster's finer points of fun dining: at lobsterfest, whether you're a sea-foodie or a lobster newbie, there's something for everyone. try one of six dishes, like new lobster and shrimp tacos for $17.99. and leave completely lobsessed. welcome to fun dining. who says you can't go for bold? without going broke... get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want. tj maxx. where you can always afford to be you to the maxx.
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[cheers and applause] >> jimmy: welcome back to the show. our next gas is an actor, writer and poet with a new series from donald glover about a murderous super fan called swarm.
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>> i don't know. >> why did you say she could d die? you said she could die tomorrow and you will not miss one song laughing emoji. >> jimmy: all episodes of "swarm" coming out on amazon prime video. please welcome dominique fishback. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: you reminded me last time we did an interview was on zoom and it was not in person. it is great to have you here. >> dominique: great to be here. >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> dominique: i'm doing well. i'm from brooklyn, east new york. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: you moved here when? >> dominique: 2021. >> jimmy: do you like it here? >> dominique: i can't really say because i actually don't know
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how to drive. so i know l.a. is a big place where you have to drive. >> jimmy: you have never driven a car? >> dominique: i did but i crashed. >> jimmy: oh, you did. you had 1a try and that was it? >> dominique: i was nervous. my mom was treating me how to drive -- teaching me how to drive and i have to make a u-turn. she was like, you're going to crash. but no. it is a brooklyn think. she was like, you are going to crash. i said, no, i'm not. i stepped on the gas and -- instead of the brake. >> jimmy: did water shoot up into the sky? >> dominique: it was not that eventful. i did have money to cover my mom's car. >> jimmy: but the johnnypump was on its own. >> dominique: it did not get any damage. >> jimmy: are you going to learn now when you go to one of those services that has the sign on, student driver, that would be funny. >> dominique: i did that during swarm. it just said student driver.
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i did not get my license. maybe you could teach me. >> jimmy: i would be happy to teacher to drive. yeah. go to a parking lot and we will run over some carts, i don't know. you were at the vanity fair oscar party because i saw this incred y first time there? >> dominique: it was my second time. >> jimmy: okay. tell us how this happened. there we go. >> dominique: i feel like it was a team effort. >> jimmy: how was it a team effort? >> dominique: i was at one part of the party. they would like to come on in this way and then i went to other way and like you got to come this way. it was getting everybody together. the black actress. >> jimmy: who in this room were you most excited to admit that you have not? >> dominique: i met a good amount of those people. but i got to hanging out with
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jonathan majors. >> jimmy: he is a good guy. >> dominique: it was cool because a deaf person came to talk to him about his performance in crete and i was learning sign language in college. i do not know how much i remembered. he did not know so i ended up interpreting for him. >> jimmy: wow, that is kind of grade. >> dominique: sign language. >> jimmy: i like that you know sign language but you don't know how to drive. >> dominique: i got my priorities. >> jimmy: you learned in college? >> dominique: yeah, it was a class i took and i ended up googling asl classes and i found a mormon church and they did three lessons on tuesday so i went there. >> jimmy: and you had fun at the party? >> dominique: yeah, i had a lot of fun. >> jimmy: this movie, you played explained basically with this tv show, rather could not movie. >> dominique: the show was about this girl who i like to say she is full of a lot of love and a lot of grief and she does not
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know quite how to differentiate between the two. so sometimes she reacts in ways that are unacceptable. >> jimmy: very unacceptable. i think you even go so far as to say criminal. >> dominique: yes. >> jimmy: i don't want to spoil anything but she sees what people post unpleasant things about a performer that she loves. >> dominique: yeah. she pulls up. >> jimmy: she kills them. >> dominique: a call it like, you know, back in the day can be used to say, when somebody said something bad, you have to meet them in the parking lot and now with the social media, you can't really meet anyone in the parking lot. but dre is the pull of queen. she will find you. >> jimmy: do you enjoy playing a killer? that has to be fun. >> dominique: do i enjoy playing a killer? no, but i enjoy the versatility that i got to show. a lot of times i play characters
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that are easy to love and i wanted to challenge myself as an actor and i told donald that i don't even want to know what i'm going to do next. >> jimmy: not that you would ever kill anybody, but if you were -- is there is liberty that you would be most inclined to murder for? >> dominique: to murder for? no. >> jimmy: if there was one, who would it be? >> dominique: nine. >> jimmy: is none. okay. did you meet dave or no? >> dominique: i did not. >> jimmy: probably too young. >> dominique: i saw clips. >> jimmy: okay. would you kill for dave? >> dominique: with you? >> jimmy: oh, yeah. [cheers and applause] dominique fishback. prime video.on we will be right back. ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause] >> jimmy: and thanks to dominique fishback and david letterman. apologies to matt damon. we did not run out of time for him. "nightline" is next. see you tomorrow. good night. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> this is "nightline." >> byron: gwyneth paltrow drama in a park city, utah, courtroom as they "ironman" movie star defense herself in a high-stakes civil trial. a retired optometrist accusing the oscar-winner of crashing into him, leaving him with brain damage. >> he is not able to complete a task from the beginning to end. we want to find help for him. >> byron: paltrow says he is responsible for the crash. recessed therapy. we take another


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