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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  March 28, 2023 1:06am-1:41am PDT

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that shooting in nashville. and in tennessee, the devastated community seeking comfort in prayer coming together mourning the lives lost trying to make sense of that tragedy. so many questions still unanswered. was the 19th century american novelist james lane allen, who said adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it. tonight from nashville to the mississippi delta once again in america, our character is being tested and revealed. that's nightline for this evening, thanks for the company america. good night.
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building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions. this is abc 7 news.
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saddle up because here we go again. you see it on live doppler 7 and our live cameras across the region another storm is arriving into the bay area as we come on the air good evening. i'm amidates and i'm dave ashley. thanks for joining us boy. there's something about these tuesdays in march this year the damage from the last two storms has been severe. yeah. so let's check in with abc 7 news meteorologist santia patel with what we should expect with this one sandia. yeah, dan and alma. we are expecting stormy conditions tomorrow to start the day which includes rain and gusty wind. so be ready for that as we check out live doppler 7. it's a moderate string storm a level two and what i want to show you is a secondary low pressure system is forming just behind the main low. so this area of low pressure is expected to remain off the coast unlike the last tuesday event, but regardless, we're going to get those gusty winds as we check out live doppler 7 right now locally you will notice that we are getting some light rain falling ahead of the storm right around vallejo benicia martinez getting you into street level
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radar here. on crockett park road, this is just the beginning of what's to come as we go hour by hour five o'clock tomorrow morning. we're going to start to see some downpours developing the winds ramp up going into 11 am widespread rain and it will be heavy at times a wind advisory going up wind gusts 45 to 55 miles an hour will mean the potential is there for down trees and more power outages. the winds are already picking up mount diablo 34 miles an hour thunderstorm threat going up tomorrow for the coastline and for much of the bay. you on wednesday? it is a level 2 on our exclusive abc 7 news storm impact scale overnight through tomorrow downpours gusty winds flooding trees toppling outages and the possibility of thunder along with snow on our highest peaks. i'm i'll be back with a full look at this forecast and how long the storm's going to last coming right up. all right. thank you, sandia. san francisco. mayor. london breed is declaring a local state of emergency because of these storms this video of a tree falling last week near sunset and noriega. it's just one of the hundreds of fallen trees abc 7 news reporter
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jr. stone continues our team coverage from the financial district where people are worried about more than just following trees falling glass as well. aborted up window at san francisco's millennium tower nearly a week after the glass fell out during last tuesday's storm. i hope that no glass breaks downtown. oh my god, it's cracking. morse falling. yes, many financial district workers. we spoke with hope glass like this seen at 555, california street two weeks ago does not fall again. they also hope no additional glass falls in this problem area near mission and fremont street, so it's definitely scary. i work in the salesforce tower and we could see the glass falling. it was really crazy. but even with the crazy weather only one person we spoke whnd 'c their plans completely because of the wind and rain expected tuesday. no way. am i gonna come here? laura face is well aware that
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glass has fallen from at least five san francisco buildings in the last two weeks during high wind events near her office windows were being worked on monday the salesforce east building had the most broken windows last week with at least 19. worried that some of our windows were gonna gonna crash last tuesday pieces of glass from at least one san francisco skyscraper fell on the block where i'm standing here. we are a week later and i came across this pieces of that glass still lying in the roadway, but even that is not enough to keep people from staying home during tuesday's expected storm. i don't have an option anymore. i wish i could work from home, but that was like a little bit in the beginning of it. and then now it's like all office times. unfortunately. i am coming into the city tomorrow my job kind of requires me to be on site. i was probably thinking about this for a week now. should i go in should i not go in but you know, i feel like i'll be okay now just to hope that winds will stay calm and
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glass will stay put jr. stone abc 7 news. and you can track the next storm with the abc 7 bay area app download it wherever you stream it is happen again this time six lives cut short from the latest mass shooting in america an elementary school in nashville, tennessee three of the victims just nine years old and tonight. we have new surveillance video from police. but before we proceed let me warn you it can be disturbing for some people the more than two minutes of security video shows the shooter drive up to the private school parking office this morning moments later video shows the gunman shooting out the lot front doors before walking into the second floor and other areas of the christian school and opening fire abc 7 news reporter. lindsay watts is in nashville. to get a little kid active shooter at a school tonight officials trying to piece together. what? could lead a 28 year guns say she killed six people
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including three nine year old kids. most of these are going to be coming into children's the nine year old victims have now been identified as evelyn -- house hailey scruggs and william kinney the adult staff killed catherine koontz aged 60 cynthia peak and mike hill both 61. the first call to the covenant school came in around 10 am local time within 14 minutes five officers made it to the second floor and killed the shooter now identified as audrey hale. there's multiple victims down inside the school shooter is down and now as well law enforcements say they strongly believe that hail was a former student of the pre-k through sixth grade school. they say they found a note left behind along with a map of how the shooting would take place police say every door to the school was locked, but it's believed that hail got in through a side door shooting it open since we've moved in the last 30 years from waiting
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outside schools to literally going in seconds after we hear it. they followed the shots to the second floor it saved who knows countless lives the students who survived the mass shooting can be seen here holding hands moving single file away from this school. i was literally moved to tears to see deals and the key is as they were being a -- out of the building the fbi is now investigating and president biden calling the shooting sick and once again urging congress to take action on gun control and president biden has ordered flags at half staff through friday evening to honor the victims of yet another school shooting that's devastated another community lindsey watts abc news, nashville. and while that investigation continues so many people tonight are feeling frustration anger exhaustion abc 7 news reporter. tim. johns has been talking to experts about the impacts these shootings have on families and joins us live in the studio
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tonight with more tim. yeah. i'm of the cdc says gun violence is now the leading cause of death for children in the united states based on 2020 data just this year alone there have been at least 128 mass shootings. and one thing the experts say they all have in common the psychological ramifications they have on both adults and children. another day another mass shooting at a school in america on monday a 28 year old shooter killed three adults and three nine year old children at the covenant school in nashville, tennessee, but as authorities pieced together the details mental health experts say that continued violence is having real impacts on our children. of course they do. there they're watching it on their iphones their experienced it in the classroom. it's affecting them and we can't protect kids from all the media psychologists say as mass. have risen over the years. it's important for parents to have conversations with their children about the topic. this is especially true says dr.
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andrea zorbos if kids are showing signs of struggling with the news that can look like challenges with focusing in school a kid being, you know easily distracted being more emotional than they usually are acting out in any way. sorba says how you approach that conversation also depends on factors such as your child's age. you're gonna want to be empathetic and acknowledge that they're scared or they're anxious or worried. whatever words they use or you can help them label their emotions, but it's not just children that mass shootings have an effect on parents too can suffer from things like ptsd and anxieties or says and worry about their kids when they're in the classroom. the best thing people can do is not to hold it in but to talk about it and to talk about with those that are both like-minded and not like-minded so that way you can process everything
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that's happening something that was on full display in nashville monday afternoon when a survivor of a mass shooting from last summer interrupted a news conference to express her frustration my heart broke and i this is where we're at. we have children living through multiple mass shooting incidences. what are we doing? now whether you have lost a loved one have been a victim of gun violence yourself or are feeling the emotional weight of these incidents. we have found ways to help visit abc 7 slash action live in the studio tonight tim johns abc7 news. all right, tim. thank you and today california attorney general rob bonte filed an appeal over a critical california gun law last week a judge stepped in and struck down a law requiring semi-automatic handguns to have certain safety features before they are sold vanta is now pushing that decision to the ninth circuit court of appeals. the law was originally enacted more than two decades ago new developments in a car crash that
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killed a 48 year old mother in san jose police say they have a rest of the driver who ran from the scene, but that driver's identity has not yet been released. it happened last night on the corner of blossom hill and lee avenue abc 7 news reporter lauren martinez. is there with the story a memorial is growing for a mother killed in a hit-and-run while walking with her dog and child sunday evening. i can't imagine. what she must be sorry. yeah and the dog. she's out here walking her dog. it's not right the mother was identified as 45 year old lemon cow, san jose police say cow and the dog died at the scene and her daughter was hospitalized after being hit while crossing blossom hill road awfully avenue this particular intersection of blossom hill at least is not you know a troubling intersection with the bad history the department of transportation's vision zero program does
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consider a stretch of blossom hill from meridian to the 101 as an area in need of safety improvements, but not this particular intersection some residents would like to see changes. there's more people rushing to get to work or to school drop off than ever before droves and droves. and yet no changes have been made to this road. zorrell. guerra goes to lee high school down the street. she dropped flowers off to show support as well a car's a weapon not you know something you just have fun with and i just got my license and i think this is showed me to be more careful when i'm driving so far traffic fatality numbers are far below what they were in 2022. the department of transportation says this time last year 24 people had already lost their lives on the treats this year the city has had six in san jose lauren martinez abc 7 news. now to your voice and your vote east bay congresswoman barbara lee held a virtual rally as she campaigns for a us senate seat
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bay area congressman. rocana was also president tonight after he just endorsed lee for her bid to become us senator. rohana announced sunday that he will serve as co-chair of lee's campaign. she's gonna win over communities of color and i think the progressive coalition with all of our help is going to rally behind her and you're going to see progressive validators from the house coming out for her. so i actually think she's got a tremendous amount of momentum and that she's going to win this race. rokana says lee is the reason he ran for congress and she continues as an anti-war progressive if elected lee is the own will be the only black woman in the us senate. california passes the first in the nation watchdog on big oil the next steps, that could save you money oakland businesses watching out for themselves a coalition across different neighborhoods protecting against crime and a san francisco sports legend gets one final bullpen entrance the joy of the crowd and a giant goodbye to sergio
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ramos a special night all that's coming up. but first here's a look at what's ahead tonight on jimmy kimmel live right after abc 7 news at 11 jimmy. thanks, dan. and alma watch us tonight, and then monday will be over five slave many foes with this sword chris. now may its dwarven steel protect you
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are you tired of washing dishes? well flip the way you clean'em with dawn platinum ez-squeeze. it's an upside-down bottle with no cap. you just grab and squeeze. dawn platinum's more powerful formula breaks down and removes grease 4 times faster. nice! no flip, no mess. platinum is also a go-to grease cleaner for your sink, your countertops, and to pre-treat stains on laundry. fast. easy. dawn platinum ez-squeeze. flip the way you clean dishes. fast. easy. live doppler 7 tonight. you're starting to see this new
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storm. make landfall now abc 7 news meteorologist sandy patel will time this out for you in her full forecast just a couple of minutes. so stay tuned new developments california state lawmakers approve the nation's first of its kind legislation to penalize oil companies for price gouging it comes as california experience record high gas prices in 2022. the legislation allows the california energy commission to impose a penalty for price gouging and prohibit oil companies from profiting from soaring gas prices lawmakers will set a division petroleum advisory committee to investigate gas prices within the oil industry. governor. is expected to sign the legislation in the upcoming days. as we work to build a better bay area business owners from two different parts of oakland that were each hit by burglary's last week are coming together to brainstorm about ways to put an end to this crime spree and to help protect their businesses abc 7 news reporter lena howland has the story. as everett and jones prepares to celebrate 50 years in business in oakland's jack london square.
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they juggled not one, but two burglaries last week in the middle of the night the next day we found out our second window was broken and they entered the safe and more cash was taken and yeah. it was horrible, but just two days later a mile away eight businesses in oakland's chinatown were also hit including the new gold medal restaurant ransacked. it's hard to imagine. it happened to to my restaurant, you know. yeah, really and it those don't fear anything they're outdoor security videos shows the same suspects walking over from her business with huge wire cutters in hand heading toward lounge chinatown, which as we've reported suffered at least 36,000 worth of damage all caught on camera. we are going through it. it doesn't matter. what race what kind of business you have. they wanted and we have to protect it nina moore co-owner
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of everett and jones reached out immediately to her former neighbors at lounge chinatown meeting up over the weekend to collaborate on ideas to protect businesses in both neighborhoods the oakland chinatown improvement council says, they've already started to make some changes in terms of after hours private security, but it's gonna cost them and one thing that i can do and i have done is to increase the nighttime patrol solely on ocic funds. we can't keep it it up much longer something they say, burglary in progress early sunday morning near 14th and madison they saw our units and they stopped what they were doing and went away still after these incidents and the fear of more happening worry lingers over foot traffic to both chinatown and jacqueline and square we need to do something about otherwise. the we kindinsakland lina howlas
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service to angel island will be canceled tomorrow and wednesday because of the weather the entire angel island state park will be closed as well. this was how choppy it was last week out on the bay so you can understand why they made this decision sf bay ferry says it's still expects to run regular service tomorrow. so we shall see. yeah, it was brutal seeing that and i'm guessing maybe we'll be seeing that again tomorrow. yeah, it sounds like it's going to be a pretty dicey out there meteorologist. sandy patel is here starting to pick up as india. yeah, the rainfall is beginning to move in and the winds will be increasing as we had towards tomorrow morning, dan and alma choppy waters again. inside and outside the bay. let's check out live doppler 7 right now and as we check out what is happening, the low pressure system is intensifying just off the coast here. there's a secondary low right behind it. the two are going to merge and they're going to skirt parallel to the california coast, which is why we are not expecting a
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rerun of last tuesday, but don't get me wrong. it is still going to be stormy tomorrow. so be prepared as we check out live doppler 7, you will notice some showers or beginning to move in ahead of the storm system like to moderate in intensity right around ignacio boulevard marinwood heading out towards the east bay in the next few hours storm concerns tomorrow roadway flooding very high down trees and outages also very high stream creek flooding as well rock slides and mudslides. it's a moderate. ability our river flooding potential is running low. definitely keep an eye on those creeks and streams those 40s and 50s on those temperatures right now. we did have a very cold morning sfo no delays right now, but they are expecting the potential for some issues as a wind warning has already been issued from 8am to noon tomorrow due to strong gusty winds this this morning. we had record cold. temperatures either broke records in places like redwood city oakland half moon bay half, moon bay 31 degrees or tide san
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francisco sfo and napa not expecting that again at thanks to the storm and the clouds coming in from our golden gate bridge camera visibility is still good a stormy started the day tomorrow heavy rain and gusty winds a possibility of damage once again and brief break coming in thursday into friday on our exclusive abc 7 news storm impact scale. this is a level 2 overnight through tomorrow. we're looking at davenport's gusty winds flooding trees toppling outages a chance of thunder and snow over our higher peaks particularly as we had towards wednesday. so tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock, the winds are ramping up out of the south over 50 miles an hour at 11am and half moon bay over 40, san francisco oakland, san rafael, you will notice it's still gusty as we have towards the early afternoon before the winds really back off at 4 pm. so the cold front comes in. this is when we get the strongest winds and the rain five o'clock tomorrow morning morning. the rain is coming down in the a it starts to spread at 9 am the intensity will be heaviest around 11 am across a good
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portion of the bay area and then as that front moves into the east bay and the south bay that's where the rain will be situated the winds begin to ease behind it, but we still have more showers going through early wednesday morning and snow showers at 11 am over mount hamilton also the hills to the north the snow level will be coming down to about 3,000 feet here in the bay area those showers will continue through wednesday night. fall estimates most of you will be between three quarters of an inch to about an inch and a half but the wettest north bay locations looking at two inches or more. so this is why the flooding concerned winter storm warning in the sierra until 8pm wednesday looking at two to four feet. so heavy snow gusty winds snow levels going from three to four thousand feet dropping to 2500 speaking of dropping. it's going to be raining tomorrow morning. first in the north bay and windy 30s and 40s out the door grab your rain gear tomorrow afternoon. you're looking at a much cooler day than today 40s and 50s accuweather seven-day forecast. it's a level two for tomorrow a stormy start to the day a one
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wednesday with showers and snow showers over the peaks thunder chances. well a short break thursday friday milder weather and then a lighter system between saturday going into sunday night and monday alma and dan will ♪ allergies don't have to be scary. (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain? and the congestion that causes it! flonase headache and allergy relief. psst! psst! all good! with a majority of my patience with sensitivity, i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. give your small business one tech solution that checks i'm all the boxes. of it's all here with the comcast business complete connectivity solution. peace of mind with cyberthreat security. the power of the largest, fastest reliable network. plus, save up to 75% a year with comcast business mobile. the complete connectivity solution.
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it was spot. after former governor brown and his wife and recently opened their 2500 acre ranch to field researchers uc berkeley says the beetle was last seen in 1966, but has never been named or described until now apologize for giving you a beetle image right before bed. all right. well the saying is there's no crying in baseball, but this was an emotional night for one san francisco giant. it was kind of sweet actually a sports director. larry beale is here larry. dan i'm a fighting back tears sergio romo made his final appearance on the mound as a san francisco giant a touching moment for a
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time for downy mcbe to go to work. ya'll gotta sniff this stuff! ♪ woop woop! ♪
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whooo! smells great, downy! ♪ ugh, cul de sacs. downy unstopables. you gotta sniff it to believe it. rock casino good evening giants. today's wrapped up their two game bay bridge miniseries with a cameo by forever giant sergio aroma. remember, it's 2023 the pitch clock wait. no, man, not even sergio on his big night warriors guard gary payton the second enjoying the game scoreless in the first jesus aguiar crushes a raw stripling pitch to dead center field listening is gone two-run jack a's jump out to the early lead 4-2a's in the fifth two on two out for ramona. loriano moonshot to left off a stripling th ace breaking wide open seven two at that point stripling allows nine runs on 11 hits in his final tune-up now here comes sergio in the seventh one last time. everybody
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please now pitching for francisco sergio romo. can you believe romo got dinged by home plate up nick lentz for not getting ready in time started with a 2-0 count walked the batter and gave up this flare to carlos perez and hunter pence came out and pulled robo from the game. come on. let him get one out at least an emotional romo. took it one last curtain called giants lost 12-6 regular season starts thursday, but this is a moment that will forever be cherished. the 49ers have had quarterback controversies the past couple years john lynch. would love to avoid that next season the 49ers gm said brock purdy has earned the right to start assuming his elbow heals. this expected needed surgery after getting hurt in the nfc title game could start throwing in three months. it's unclear when purdy will be 100% but it is his job to lose brock has earned the right with the way he played that he's probably the leader in the clubhouse at that. you know, i like kyle make those kind of decisions, but i know when we talk i think brock's probably earned that right to be
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the be the guy if we were to line up he'd probably take that first snap. nba tonight kings try to clinch their first playoffworth in 16 years had to beat minnesota to montesabotas going right at rudy go bear with authority sabonis finishes with 24 points, but he fouled that late. however, the t wolves beat the warriors last night. they spoiled the party jaden mcdaniels come get some head a team high 20 kings down six with less than a minute ago. keegan murray misses the three here, they really needed that wolves win 1915. so no clinching for the kings minnesota joins the dubs at 39 and 37 wolves have the tiebreaker the warriors technically in seventh place sports on abc 7 sponsored
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so i can breathe easier for a full 24 hours. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. trelegy contains a medicine that increases risk of hospitalizations and death from asthma problems when used alone. when this medicine is used with an inhaled corticosteroid, like in trelegy, there is not a significant increased risk of these events. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase risk of thrush and infections. get emergency care for serious allergic reactions. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ♪ what a wonderful world. ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for asthma -. because breathing should be beautiful. thank you for watching. i'm amidates and i'm dan ashley for sandy patel. airy all of us. we appreciate your time right now. jimmy kimmel actor chris pine. have a great night.
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