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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  March 29, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. ama: hail and rain across the bay area. tonight, we are back on storm watch. good evening. i am ama daetz. dan: and i am dan ashley. scattered showers, even some hail, but things could be clearing out. ama: for details, let's get to abc 7 meteorologist sandhya patel. sandhya: a couple more hours of this active weather, and then you will see things quiet down. let's take a look at live doppler 7 right now, and you see should just showers but hail. radar around hershey, across 80 into crockett.
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80 definitely seeing some lig to moderate rain. downpours on the peninsula from mountain view as you look around highway 101. it is not exactly an easy, breezy commute. over mount hamilton, it has been cold enough for snow the last couple of hours. that is going to continue could we have flood advisories for parts of solano county and sonoma county this evening, as we are already seeing flooding on the roadways, and small streams and creeks. a look at our exclusive abc 7 storm impact scale, this off the coast is going to head parallel to the coast and down to our south we saw a situation develop off of our coastline that has helped to trigger those thunderstorms that we have been dealing with today. we have seen hail and obviously those downpours. . 6:00 tonight, light to moderate downpours. intensity picks up briefly.
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looking at showers over higher terrain, and by the time tomorrow morning begins, you will say, wo what another day. wgusty in the bay area. on our exclusive abc 7 storm impact scale, it is a 1. isolated thunderstorms and hail and snow over the higher peak spirit i will be back with a look at what you can expect as we get closer to the weekend, coming up. dan: sandhya, thank you. >> it is paradise! dan: this was the scene as the hail pounded that family's if suv, produci the kid say, "a hail paradise." ama: hail around 10:00 this morning on highway 101. dan: the roads were wet this morning when this car spun out and crashed into a tree on interstate 280. the driver faced minor injuries.
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ama: in the town of colorado - paharo, people are recovering from flooding. zach: the pajaro levy forcing the evacuation of about 3000 people. they finally came home to homes they cannot live in. residents like this one only coming home to throw away everything. she told us in spanish she is sad because what few things they have and have worked for are sitting in the street. this week, debris pickup has started, and wednesday, monterey county opened a brand-new resource center for those impacted. it is now changing from response to recovery, a daunting process. >> recovery will take several months if not years. zach: from the start of the flooding and evacuations, monterey county, emergency
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services, and local nonprofits came into provide assistance. >> it is really nonprofits that need to figure out how to keep people safe, supportive. zach: many have been anxious for governor gavin newsom to request a presidential disaster declaration. once signed by president biden, it would allow fema to deploy not just to pajaro but to other areas impacted by storms, like santa cruz and san benito counties. it is awaiting signature from biden. >> certainly be step that was made yesterday by the governor, governor gavin newsom, is a very positive step, in the right direction. zach: while most may agree with that, there is concern that some of the people impacted in pajaro may fall through the cracks. >> monterey county, and especially pajaro, is very high in undocumented individuals living in the community, which means a lot of folks will not be eligible for fema support. zach: newsom says he will be looking into state funds to help fill some of those gaps.
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community bridges also says it will do what it can to help as all focus on rebuilding. >> we will do what we can to ensure we are helping those families. zach: zach fuentes, abc 7 news. ama: don't forget, you can use the same doppler as the abc 7 weather team. download the abc 7 bay area app. dan: the sacramento task force studying reparations for african americans try to answer a key question, how much could it cost the state to compensate residents for harms linked to sla 800 billion dollars, more than double the california annual budget. abc 7's anser hassan has more. >> if you are african-american, chances are, you are paying more on your mortgage for the same amount of money as somebody else, and that is not right. anser: public comment lasted two
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hours on day one of california's reparation task force two-day meeting in sacramento. the group was formed for possible reparations for black americans do to and racism. >> what we have learned into our institutions. ryan: the nine-member -- anser: the nine-member task force is talking about housing discrimination, over policing, and segregation could one parliament estimate puts the cost of more than $800 billion, more than 200 times the california annual budget. but attorney evans said that amount does not need to be a price tag. >> it is not a suggestion that a check should be written for that amount of money. anser: evans is a partner who has devised the task force to he says the $800 billion figure helps to better understand just how much these communities have lost over hundreds of years. >> it helps people understand the magnitude of the damage that
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was done to these communities, and from there, we can have a conversation about what some of the solutions should look like. >> harms, the task force is formed to answer it. anser: william spriggs is one of the economic experts advising the task force. economic analysis is a big part of wednesday's determination. and perspective analysis, like how to measure damage done to >> pain-and-suffering on the part of the victimized group, that we as experts cannot necessarily easily determine. anser: the group has until july 1 to establish more concrete figures regarding financial payouts. that is when the final report is
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due. in san francisco, anser hassan, abc 7 news. ama: links to 15 armed robberies in oakland and under a recipe of the oakland police department making the announcement today. the males creative participated in three armed robberies. >> i'm hopeful that the arrest of these suspects will make oakland safer and will bring a sense of peace and justice to the victims. ama: police were able to recover stolen items, including purses, jewelry, wallets, credit cards, and cash. the suspects are in custody in jail. they are scheduled to be arranged tomorrow. dan: the man accused of stealing a car and causing a crash that killed a mother and one of her three sons is facing two murder charges. his arraignment today was postponed. memorial for mother and son is
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growing. the police chase was started before he hit another car at an intersection. a mother and her six-year-old twin sons were in that car, the other car that were hit. she was killed at the scene for one of her sons died over the weekend. prosecutors are charging white with six felonies, including two counts of murder. >> i don't think when someone is fleeing police and they cause a collision it is an accident in what they have done is an intentional act. dan: white's arraignment has been rescheduled for april 12. police department is enlisting the help of the community to solve crimes. abc 7 news
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the complete connectivity solution. from the company powered by the next generation 10g network. get started for just $49 a month. and ask about an $800 prepaid card. comcast business. powering possibilities™. dan: a san jose man is in
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custody, accused of sexually assaulting several children over the course of several years. he was taken into custody one day after a juvenile survivor came forward, claiming they were assaulted by him. police say their investigation revealed other victims between the ages of six and 13. they are asking anyone with information to please come forward. ama: a new program through the san jose police department will allow people to register security cameras with police. similar programs in the bay area have seen success. of course, there are questions about privacy concerns. those have been raised as well. abc 7 news reporter dustin dorsey has more. dustin: when the crime scene tape goes out, the investigation begins. to help solve these crimes, the san jose police department is enlisting the aid of the community. >> the camera, archive, and nappies program will greatly
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assist the san jose police department with finding ways to solve crimes. dustin: they can register the location with personal security cameras with sjpd, so officers can check the map, and with the owner's permission, police can use the evidence. >> i think neighbors feel safer. dustin: a similar program called safer san jose has registered cameras with sjpd. one led to the arrest of a man who broke into a mail truck in 2021. safer sj president that there have been many success stories. >> we are catching thieves on a weekly basis, whether it is a burglary or actually was a homicide, assault, whatever it is. dustin: still, some worry about their privacy when it comes to police-registered cameras. sj pd's cameras in place ease some concerns and once
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camera owners know that residents can not share areas as well. >> they will go more than they should, than they are legally allowed to come and if people don't know they have a right to say no, i could see somebody may be putting themselves in jeopardy or their neighbor. dustin: sjpd assures there's no privacy risk and hopes residents can recognize the benefits this can have. >> the fact of the matter is, we can leverage technology to assist criminal investigations, we feel it is worth it. dustin: dustin dorsey, abc 7 news. dan: still to come here, the weather damage is getting worse in the north bay. the latest on a mudslide that is threatening homes in santa rosa, and the attempts to stop it. authorities say it is not working. that story is next. ama: if you are a jennifer coolidge fan, you might enjoy this. a live conference on may 9.
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registration is underway. prices will go up
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another begins. ♪ woo! ♪ woo! ♪
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[giggles] ♪ rated pg-13. ama: the recent mud and storms has caused multiple landslides. in pacific palisades, one resident feared her home could be impacted by a nearby mudslide after her neighbor's home was red tagged. >> if anything happened to them, they were all connected, so really scared, what is going to happen? ama: on the iconic new orleans drive, residents reported -- mulholland drive, residents reported multiple mudslides. the fire department is waiting to determine when residents can return home safely. dan: a mudslide has breached one of two homes red tagged in santa rosa.
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fire officials say it not worked and the mug continues to move. ama: yeah, because the rain continues to fall. dan: it sure does it we will get to the forecast, but check out the time taken by abc 7 photojournalist mackenzies. we will go to sandhya patel for the latest. sandhya: that looks familiar, as we have gone through it multiple times. let's take a look at live doppler 7 right now. we are still dealing with the wet weather. let's take you wanda street radar, where we see light to moderate rain across american canyon, highway 29, heading into vallejo. a street-level radar. if it takes you through this reason, take exit time. from emeryville to piedmont and even alameda, you will notice central avenue receiving some brief areas, pockets of showers and downpours. santa clara, benton street, los
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altos, moody road also looking at the wet weather. now we will show you what it looks like up in lake county. . look at the mountains, yeah. cold enough that they are getting some snow. cobb mountain getting some snow. we will whiten out -- widen out the picture. remember the system that brought us the first part of the rain and the wind, today not as windy but still gusty in pockets. the low pressure system is skirting the coastline we get heating from the sun and this cold, unstable air coming closer to us. that is what triggered the thunderstorm. a little wave developed which also enhanced all the activity we have seen today. multiple reports of hail and flooding today. you will notice your team reports, thunderstorms, non-thunderstorms, and thunderstorm-when related damage as well. take a look at these live pictures, raindrops from mount tam, choppy waters in santa cruz, snowing at central cove, and some hints of what you might see in the coming days.
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a little peek of blue from our exploratorium camera. here is a closer look from our exploratorium camera. unsettled tonight, drawing the next two days, spotty showers, really like this weekend, a light level 1 for tonight, scattered downpours, isolated thunderstorms, and hail. still gusty with thunderstorms develop and snow over our higher peaks. at 6:00 tonight, i though showers are still going. . as we head toward 8:00 p.m., downpours across parts of the san mateo, san francisco coastline and parts of the inland areas, i should say. as we head for 10:00 p.m., mount hamilton is looking at snow. the rest of you looking at scattered showers. tomorrow morning, we wake up to some fog and clouds, and those clouds stick around well into the because of the convective nature of some of the storms, the rainfall amounts are not precise, but know that through tomorrow morning, you are looking at up to 1/3 of one inch. our storm warning continues until 8:00 p.m. tonight, an
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additional 3, 6 inches of snow pita slippery on those roadways, so keep that in mind. 30's and 40's first thing out the door, grab the heavy coat, because it will start out cold. tomorrow afternoon, low 50's to low 60's. you will see a mixture of clouds and sun, and a look at the accuweather 7-day forecast, you get that two-. it will be chilly -- you get that two-day break. it will be chilly. this is not a game system. it is a light level 1 system that will bring us some showers. monday, there's a slight chance for models are not in agreement. . tuesday, we have a chance of showers, with a level 1. the reason there is a chance, the models are not agreeing on which day, whether we will get rain, one is drier, one is wetter, so, ama and dan, we keep going back and forth. dan: all right, sandhya, thanks. ama: construction could start as early as this summer on a newly approved buddhist temple in the area.
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councilmembers approved plans for the massive temple last night. it will be located in san jose and will serve the population of ethnic cambodians. it will have southeast asia design features. it will be the largest buddhist temple in the bay area. dan: pope francis is in the hospital's tonight, battling a respiratory infection. the 86-year-old pontiff is expected to be in hospital for several days. the vatican says he has difficulty breathing but confirms he does not have covid. pope francis was scheduled to celebrate palm sunday this weekend to kick off the vatican's holy week of services. he has canceled all audiences through friday. his holy week schedule is still not clear at this point. coming up, a basketball legend meets with oakland's new estate champions, but the conversation goes beyond hopes we will tell you what
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dan: a reminder, you can get our live newscast, breaking news, weather, and more with our new abc 7 bay area streaming app, apple tv, google tv, fire tv, and roku. just search abc 7 bay area and download it.
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basketball legend kareem abdul-jabbar came to oakland today, and his message was this -- these shortest way to success is through education. ama: as abc 7 news senior education reporter leanne melendez tells us, he came equipped with more than just a ball. llyanne: the tallest man in the room was inspired hi, it was the team's first state championship. today, there were many accolades followed by words of advice from the superintendent of schools tony thurman. >> you are a champio athletes. lyanne: it was thurman who asked kareem abdul-jabbar to spread his message of education. the former basketball great has a foundation called sky-hook,
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which introduces students to science, -- which focuses on science, engineering, technology, and math. harlem, recently wrote a book about the first all men's black basketball team formed in 1923. each team member in oakland was given a signed copy. >> eventually, the ball stops bouncing, so wherever it takes you, i think all coaches and people who support you hope that you can take what you learned in basketball forward in your life. lyanne: for dylan cooper, vasco has. given him needed structure. >> you cannot fail -- basketball has given him needed structure. >> you cannot fail. lyanne: it is a shot that cannot be blocked. in oakland, leanne melendez, abc 7 news. dan: so nice for them to make that effort and investment in these kids. ama: huge impact.
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we have much more news ahead. dan: we do. let's go to abc 7 news anchor karina nova for a look at stories coming up at 5:30. karina: 700 inches of snow and counting. that is how much the special sierra snow lab has reported so far, with more on the way. we will discuss what that means for snow records, our water supply, and concerns for flooding in spring and summer. plus, several big snow stories, from the renovation at levi's stadium and the ranking of the best and worst ballparks. sports director larry beil joins me at 5:30. join me for those stories and more. dan: thanks so much. ama: and you can download the abc 7 app or head to to join karina. dan: for sandhya patel, all of us here, we appreciate your time here on dan ashley. ama: and i'm on the dates. we will see you again at 6:00 --
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ama daetz. we will see you again at 6:00. i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned.
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speak out the night breaking news on pope francis in the hospital, what they are saying about his condition. also what authorities now believe about the shooter at that school in nashville. tonight authorities were billing police stormed the school and took down the shooter within minutes but what they witnessed involving the suspect and what they were dumb i believe it reveals about the shooter. investigators have questioned the shooter's parents, moments ago the first lady in nashville to honor the victims. also developing at this hour, pope francis hospitalized in rome, what they are now saying about what he's fighting. here at home, authorities very concerned about this new storm system that could bring


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