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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  March 29, 2023 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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solutions. this is abc7news. >> it's treating it's not treating the problem. if they really want to help they will focus on the problem. dan: vending machines that sell syringe is popping up and apartment complexes. it's a story you'll only see here. thank you for joining us. ama: it's no secret that there's an opioid crisis across the country. dan: some residents are upset about strange new vending machines showing up in their lobby. ama: j.r. stone has the details. reporter: this harm reduction vending machine will soon dispense free sterile syringes in the lobby of the edwin apartments in san francisco. it's an affordable housing community in mission bay where many military veterans live. >> in the lobby of a complex, where there's families and children?
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no. i thought that was not the proper place to put that. reporter: amanda is a veteran. she and her husband do not support the installation of a vending machine like this. a machine that will soon be stocked with free items and accessed with a code. those items include hygiene and first-aid kits, condoms, and not only sterile syringes but a disposal spot for used ones. >> i don't want kids looking at this stuff. they are too young. they don't need to look at this. reporter: those with the v.a. health care system say 15 of these vending machines will be installed in veteran facilities across northern california. they will be stocked in the coming months. not only in san francisco but santa rosa and oakland as well. >> it's about building a community of safety. these are harm reduction machines. they make things more safe. so what we are doing is reducing risk for infections which are very costly.
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they really impact people. their whole life when they get these infections. reporter: narcan will not be offered in these machines but is available on site. knight has had tense moments with some who may have been on drugs. she believes the focus ishe syr. reporter: those running the program say studies show that not only will clean needles reduce someone's risk of getting hiv and hepatitis c, it will also lead to other benefits. >> evidence shows that providing clean needles doesn't lead to increased drug use. it leads to reduced infections and engaging people. reporter: while against the vending machine, they just hope that if it does stay, it can be put in a location away from children. j.r. stone, abc7news. ama: another drug prevention measure will make narcan available without a
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prescription. narcan is in emergency medicine used during first opioid-related overdoses. the fda says people will be able to buy it over-the-counter. it will be available at local grocery, convenience, and drug stores, gas stations, and vending machines. abc7news reporter tara campbell has been covering the opioid crisis. she filmed the documentary of northern california -- north america's first-ever safe injection site in vancouver. watch injecting hope on our abc 7 bay area streaming tv app. dan: an urgent requirement for anyone in bonita, cut back on your water use immediately. it's because of this. a collapsed hillside near 680 and gold hill road has damage the city's main water line in that area. here's what you need to know. the city is asking residents, schools, and businesses to reduce water use by 40%. shorter showers, only washing full loads of clothes.
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but niesha is using water from lake herrmann as an alternative. the city is assuring everyone that it is clean and safe to drink but they still need people to conserve writable. we will thought it -- follow the news conference tomorrow afternoon for more information on this. ama: live look on our east bay hills camera. it's dark. very dark. we still have spotty showers out there. let's get to sandia. sandhya: let's get to live doppler 7 because we are still dealing with wet weather. it's not as widespread as earlier. we still have showers that are coming down pretty hard right around the santa cruz mountains. boulder creek, highway nine, johansson road. don't be surprised if you run into a downpour. highway 101, light to moderate showers right now. as we look around lake county, there have been snow showers throughout the day just as we've seen over mount hamilton. flood advisory remains up for sonoma county until :00 a.m..
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it is still a light level one storm until the area of low pressure slides away from us and the showers go with it, we will keep it in the forecast. we will still cease showers as we take a look at what happened. numerous thunderstorms developed. some of those in the bay area. numerous reports of hail today, flooding, thunder storm damage. next up is a frost advisory for the north valleys. low to mid 30's tomorro a cold one which means frost will form. exactly how cold and when we might see some more wet weather, coming up. ama: thank you. state leaders toward the extreme flooding damage done in the salinas valley town of paro. governor newsom requested federal emergency aid from president biden for the second time this year. lauren martinez sat down one-on-one with california's lieutenant governor to ask what can be done.
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reporter: piles of debris visible consequence of unrelenting storms in our state. >> california has been doing our part. we need the federal government to recognize that california is experiencing severe weather, extreme weather. reporter: the lieutenant governor says california needs more attention from washington. she surveyed severely damaged farms and homes in paro. it experienced snow, mudslides, and widespread pg&e power outages. >> we are doing our best to work with the utility companies to make improvements to the grid, battery storage, other ways as we transition to clean energy in the future. reporter: california has allocated $60 million for immediate relief. she hopes by touring the store damage, her voice will add to governor newsom's request for a
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presidential major disaster declaration. >> president biden, the people need your help. we are way out here on the west coast but this is a real disaster and families are waiting in hopeful for additional assistance. reporter: the extent of destruction and rubble is overwhelming. the lieutenant governor says it's important that state officials come here to see what happened for themselves. >> video isn't the same. just coming over and seeing the sadness of the people. reporter: this is the street his parents live on. piles of furniture and wreckage in front of every home. this is a photo of what it looked like completely flooded. >> i believe the level for the wet spot is over here with my finger. reporter: antonio, a former raspberry farmer, raised his family and his home. he's one of many residents cleaning and rethinking their future in the farming community. >> i have to be strong. sometimes, we need to pray.
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reporter: lauren martinez, abc7news. dan: southbay, the san jose city council is giving the green light to build the largest buddhist temple in the bay area. the project has met some challenges from neighbors. some claim the temple won't fit in. the building will be going in at the corner of ruby and norwood avenues, a handful of blocks away from raging waters theme park. tim johns is here with more on this debate. reporter: this project has been in the works for more than four years and will cost about $25 million. the temple will be in san jose's evergreen neighborhood and serve the city's cambodian population. [applause] thunderous applause after a unanimous vote by the city council approving san jose's newest buddhist temple. >>. joy for the whole community of cambodians. reporter: the temple will be located in the evergreen neighborhood, the largest buddhist place of worship in the
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bay area and a new gathering place for the region's cambodian population. once completed, will house not just a temple but also a community center, a place to celebrate and spread cambodian culture. >> it's not just a religion for us. it's a way of life. reporter: the community has outgrown the current spaces where they gather, oftentimes temples are converted from old houses. the new site will finally give the local cambodian population a real home. >> the function of the temple is to preserve, to teach, to practice our religion. reporter: the project has been in the works for over four years. over that time, it has run into challenges with the neighborhood who didn't wanted it to go ahead. during public comment on tuesday, some came out to make their voices heard. >> it's not compatible with the area. i know you ran on a platform of common sense. it's not common sense to have a
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large commercial facility in a neighborhood like this. reporter: when it opens, the temple will ensure it acts as a good neighbor. she promises that it will be a place that's open and welcoming to all. >> everyone is welcome. it's like that now and it will be like that then. reporter: the temple should to the public in 25. tim johns, abc7news. dan: new developments in the emerging technology of artificial intelligence. some of the biggest names in tech are out with an open letter tonight demanding a halt to this fast-growing industry. the use of ai. the letter calls for a six month pause on ai training. within -- 1000 signatories supported this request in key -- including bay area tech leaders. they include elon musk, steve wozniak, a uc berkeley science professor. officials fear that ai systems
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could cause extreme risks to millions of jobs in the united states. sam altman, ceo of open creator of chat gpt believes ai could improve the job market. >> it will eliminate a lot of great jobs, that's true. we can make much better ones. the reason to develop ai's that i believe this will be, in terms of impact on our lives and improving our lives, this will be the greatest technology humanity has yet developed. dan: ai has shown the ability to take tests, answer questions, write speeches, and pass the bar exam. ama: a state tas meeting this week to discuss reparations payments for eligible black residence in california. one new estimate finds the payments could cost more than $800 billion. california's annual budget is closeon. the first in the nation task
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force has until july 1 to finalize an amount. the task force was created to investigate compensation to repair the decades of institutional discrimination. berkeley unified is working on a plan to pay reparations. it would be the first school district in the nation to do so. the district will hold an informational meeting on the idea tomorrow. developing in the south bay. a woman barricading herself after allegedly attacking strangers with chemicals. ama: congressmen come face-to-face over gun control. the shouting match at the u.s. capitol. dan: an nba champion meets the newest champions of oakland. state basketball chance getting to team up with kareem
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ama: a woman suspected of attacking people with some sort of chemical in san jose has now barricaded herself. the update tonight, police say they are negotiating with the woman who was throwing objects at officers. police didn't describe where the woman was barricaded. it's unclear if anyone was injured by the woman earlier this evening. dan: two days since a deadly mass shooting at a grade school in nashville and the community is trying to make sense of what happened. they will be for some time. grieving residents came together for a vigil to mourn the three children and three adults killed at school monday. jill biden attended the vigil. earlier in the day, late flowers at the school. during tonight's vigil, the police chief placed -- praise first responders. >> we are grateful to the police officers, paramedics, and firefighters who rushed to find
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the victims and provide emergency care. nashville comes together like no other place to comfort those who have suffered an unspeakable loss. dan: the attack renewing for greater gun control. democrats calling on republicans to introduce bills requiring background checks. republicans insist the main issue is a suspect mental health, not guns. ama: in the wake of the shooting, congress is in an uproar over gun violence 12 with two congress members in particular. >> states that have open carry laws have more death. are you listening to what i'm saying? con down? children are dying! ama: congress members shouting match at the u.s. capitol. bowman released the video which starts with him criticizing fellow lawmakers as they enter
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the house chamber. a republican from west virginia confronts him and the argument ensues with him suggesting the solution is arming teachers. pope francis is in the hospital tonight battling a respiratory infection. the pontiff is expected to be in the hospital for several days. the vatican says he had difficulty breathing but confirms he doesn't have covid. pope francis was scheduled to celebrate palm sunday this weekend for the start of the holy week. he has canceled all appearances through friday. his schedule is still not clear. dan: it's official. we are seeing parts of california smash all-time snowfall records. mammoth mountain in the eastern sierra marked its snowiest season ever. other places in the sierra are not far behind. mammoth reporting 695 inches of snow and 870 inches at the summit. that is 72.5 feet. the resort south of yosemite and
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mono county plans to have lifts open through july. up by lake tahoe, uc berkeley's central sierra snow lab has already seen it second snowiest season on record. this year only behind snow back in 1952, 70 years ago. this morning, june thursday was on abc seven mornings to show us that the snow there is simply not slowing down. >> i'm about 30 feet. we took this rope and just estimated. it makes sense. they've had more than 60 feet with a fresh tutor for that we got overnight. what we are doing here is measuring the water content. that's how scientists, they do this once a month. dig this pit, see how much water is in the different layers of snow so they can inform sacramento valley, all the places where this will eventually melt. dan: on abc seven mornings, our meteorologist told the audience
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that 17 atmospheric river's half it california so far in this very wet year. that's crazy. ama: i know. the skiers are drooling. we can't wait to get there. sandhya: it's an epic season. absolutely. i want to show you a live picture right now from zephyr cove where the snow is coming down. i mean, this is just a repeated seen over and over again. as a matter of fact, when you take a look at snowfall, 24 hour totals were eight to 30 inches, adding to the already hefty snowpack. scattered snow showers right now in the sierra nevada. winter weather advisory in effect for a few more inches of snow until midnight tonight. slippery roads. as we take a look at the central sierra snow lab information, over 59 feet of snow as of today. 713 inches have fallen this season. 1952 was the snowiest season.
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we are not far behind. we have a little bit of time to go. this is just staggering. all these all the atmospheric river's out west. so here's what i can tell you. according to them, 31 atmospheric river's this season along the west coast. 16 in california. five in the bay area. you may or may 30 to 50% of our annual rainfall in the bay area and in california comes from atmospheric river's. it has been a very wet season. live doppler 7, we are still tracking showers. we will get you in closer to street level radar. still santa cruz mountains. rainfall totals
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have ranged anywhere from a inch. of a the last two days, we've seen upwards of one for the wettest . here's the low. the second part of the storm that triggered all the thunderstorms, still bringing some unsettled weather to the state. it's on its way down. it will head south and go toward southern california. behind it, the chill left behind. still some clouds around. showers taper overnight. chilly morning with patchy fog. dry and mild are the next two days. spotty light showers this weekend. the next few hours on our storm impact scale, like level 1. scattered showers, slight chance of thunder and hail as the system is close to us. snow over our higher peaks. hour-by-hour, around 2:00, the last of the showers go through. tomorrow, other than morning fog and clouds, it will be a nice-looking day. opening day for the a's tomorrow evening. it will be dry.
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30's and 40's on your temperatures. watch out for fog and bundle up before you head out the door. low 50's to low 60's. nice mix of sunshine and high clouds. we deserve the break, as you all know. the next two days, milder afternoons after the chilly mornings. mostly cloudy saturday. sunday, chance of spotty showers. another chance on tuesday. dan: thanks. if you are a jennifer coolidge fan, you might enjoy this. she will be part of the professional businesswomen of california live online conference on may 9. registration is underway right now. prices will go up next week. to register, go to the website to sign u
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dan: kareem abdul-jabbar came to oakland today. his message for the high fat -- basketball champions was this. the shortest way to success is through education. ama: he came equipped with more than advice. each player received a signed copy of his book. he wrote it about the new york rams, the first all-black men's basketball team. they were gifted with his
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jersey. the star had some encouraging words for the young champions. >> [inaudible] you have to have an understanding of where it is and how to get there. dan: this was oakland high's first state championship and a third for the oakland tech lady bulldogs. this was a big day. nice for him to come into town. the warriors are fighting to make the playoffs but somebody else made it tonight. ama: larry beil is here with sports. larry: the long wait is finally over in sacramento. the last time the kings made the playoffs, arnold was the governor. time to late the beam
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larry: good evening. the warriors are struggling to make the playoffs. the sacrament o kings reached the postseason for the first time in 17 years. you have to go back to 2006. arnold was the governor. aaron rodgers was backing up brett favre. it's been a minute. kings in portland tonight. they missed a couple chances to clinch.
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they are not waiting anymore. keegan murray, his 188th three this season breaks the record. the 16 year drought over. light the beam. too bad they didn't clinch at home. at least a few kings fans made the trip to portland. kevin durant, you know who i am. making his phoenix home debut. missed the last three weeks with an ankle injury. started off slowly. you are not going to stop him at that. five of 18 shooting. frustrated but when for 16 points. his first three at home. the sons when it 107-100. that drops them again behind the warriors for sixth in the west. pistons, thunder, final seconds. jaelyn williams, right place, right time. thunder. 107-106. williams gets the early shower for his efforts. warriors survived a huge scare
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last night. draymoenen work. hard foul on brendan ingram. he plowed over herb jones. draymond turning on the temperatures. the 20 point deficit turned into an 11 point warrior win. >> met at the world. yelling at everybody. frankly, we all deserved it. quacks at the point i'm going to put myself out there like that, you hope guys will back me up. if not, our season is over anyway. larry: video never dies. keep that in mind. imagine how fast mark madsen's victory dance for the lakers back in 2001 would go instantly viral today. he will be the new head basketball coach at cal. star player at stanford, gave it all he had. nine years in the nba, then moved into coaching. the san ramon valley high alum coming off a 28-9 season with utah valley state, taking over a cow program that went 3-29 and
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led to the firing of mark fox. he will be formally introduced on monday. sports on a ♪ ♪ ♪
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ama: thank you so much for watching. dan: we appreciate your time. >> announcer: from hollywood, it is "jimmy kimmel live!." tonight, jason bateman, ali wo wong, and music from stray kids. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: hi, everybody. thank you for joining us. on what has been an exciting week for mathematicians


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