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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  April 25, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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announcer: building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc7news. kumasi: now at 6:00, gunfire in the bay, heading a 15 month old. what we know. >> the man suspected in the stabbing death of probably is supposed to be in the core. the new charge the da is considering. pres. biden: this is not a time to be complacent. that's why i'm running for reelection. kumasi: making it official. president biden announcing his reelection bid for 2024. for years to the day after launching his 2020 campaign. reggie: good morning.
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it is tuesday, april 20 fifth, and almost may. kumasi: can you believe it? reggie: then memorial day, then july 4, than the summers here. drew: great. [laughter] reggie: merry christmas. kumasi: my joy. >> today's the 25th so we have eight more months. there you go. drew: thank you. that is my feeling exactly. reggie: we have time. drew: the week ahead features warm weather, 80's return in the warm response inland, feels mild already now area upper 40's to lower 50's, 50 a popular temperature for concord, 46 in half moon bay. we will take you to san jose, a live look, clear skies, and was sunshine and a ridge of high pressure moving in, people will warm quickly. at noon, in the 60's and 70's. by 4:00 p.m., in the 70's and into the 80's. we will take a closer look at
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these temperatures, warmer weather tomorrow and thursday at we will have that. kumasi: that mary though man accused in the deadly stabbing of a tech executive is said to be arraigned. amanda del castillo you live in san francisco with the details of the hearing today. amanda: we are back hollow justice today after the suspects'original court date was pushed back because his attorney was out of town. at 9:00 a.m. today, we are expected to hear the man answer to a murder charge. the 38-year-old tech entrepreneur and emeryville resident is accused in the stabbing death of tech executive and cash app founder bob lee. earlier this month, he was in town from miami on a work summit when he was stabbed and killed along main street near harrison in the early morning hours of april 4. latest documents reveal stunning details about the events that allegedly happened airing the
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final hours of his life. they detail a trail of evidence and timeline including interviews from friends, elevator surveillance footage, and a text sent from the suspect six or to the -- sister to the victim on the morning of the stabbing. they left their place at millennium tower and she wrote just wanted to make sure you are doing ok because i know nema came down hard on you and thank you for being such a classy man and handling it with class. the rest came nine days after the deadly attack. we spoke with the da and suspects attorney earlier this month. >> at this point in time, we are still very much looking at first-degree murder. this is a person who was in his vehicle with a kitchen knife, not something most of us carry around. >> there was premeditation, delivery, -- there was no premeditation, no malice, and then by definition it is not a murder. amanda: you heard from the legal
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counsel who acknowledges the charges against her client are serious but emphasizes she does not agree with a murder charge. his sister and husband were in court the last time that the suspect was scheduled for arraignment. they also join family and friends as well. we will in court at 9:00. reporting live outside of the hall of justice in san francisco, i'm amanda del castillo you, abc7news. reggie: happening today, the man accused of shooting and killing his girlfriend and her 13-year-old daughter is scheduled to be arraigned. the shooting happened saturday night near 90 4th avenue in oakland. according to the east pay times, police identify the victims as 43-year-old rebecca jenkins and her daughter desiree. dinkins daughter was having a sleepover with a friend who was also shot but survived. the family member of jenkins and her daughter posted this gofundme and are raising money for to mystic violence awareness and the three other daughters she leaves behind. kumasi: developing this morning,
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a 13 month old girl it's in the hospital in condition after being shot while in a car in oakland. police say happened around 6:30 on 12 avenue east 15th street in the little saigon neighborhood. fire fighters say after the girl was shot, the family drove to a nearby fire station to get help. you can see on surveillance video across the street, the family getting to the fire station, parents banging on doors, trying to get help. their daughter -- oakland fire fighters confirmed the toddler was shot in her stomach area. reggie: president biden made it official, he is running for reelection in 2024. the president's announcement came early this morning in the form of a news release and video posted to youtube. the president touches on contentious recent events and issues, saying we are in a fight for american democracy. pres. biden: around the country,
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maga extremists are lining up to take on cutting social security that you paid for your entire life while cutting taxes for the very wealthy, dictating what health care decisions women can make, banning books and telling people who they can love, all while making it more difficult for you to be able to vote. reggie: the president's announcement goes on to paint a hopeful picture of the situation asking to finish the work he started 70% of americans say he should not run for reelection, many pointing to his age. he is 80 and would be 86 by the end of the second term. abc news also reports uc berkeley gradually chavez rodriguez is being seriously considered to run his campaign and is a senior white house advisor and granddaughter of the late labor leader cesar chavez. kumasi: california's lieutenant governor wants the state's top job. this is the first person to announce her candidacy in what is expected to be a huge crowded
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field to replace governor newsom. his term is ending in 2027. on our show getting answers, we spoke with california politics reporter jeremy white about making the move from second charge to the number one spot. >> lieutenant governorship has certainly been seen more as a steppingstone than a position with a lot of inherent power. although gavin newsom and lieutenant governor before he became governor. before this job, the biggest distinction was having served as a method of hungary. she has also been prominent relatedly in democratic fundraising circles for candidates like hillary clinton, which is something that your average voter may not be as aware of but certainly is something in the political world helps you build connections. kumasi: they have released a statement saying i will fight fiercely for everyone regardless of race, class, or immigration status for the same opportunity
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my family and i had. reggie: in the east bay, we could learn if oakland teachers vote to authorize a strike area they have been voting for a week on another potential action hen ing without a con since their district is showing unfair behavior for canceling and delaying marketing sessions. 21 proposals are on the table including the teacher pay and resources for students. >> the district is saying they want to add more hours in for us to get a raise and we are saying those additional hours are going to drive teachers out of the profession and her children. reggie: possible strike could contract to keep teachers in the city. the district released a statement saying it is challenging the legality of another strike. kumasi: tucker carlsen out from fox news and don lemon fired from cnn. what we know about their
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departures from the networks. reggie: new art exhibit, the tall sculpture now standing in san francisco. drew: 6:08, a live look from our exploratorium camera. we have clear skies out there, advertise this time of year are warmest cities in the low 70's. today, our warmest cities in the low 80's but even warmer weather the next couple days. we'll take a clo like going hiking, just to hike to the bathroom. reaching for the bar, just to reach for pads. waiting for the sunset, just to wait for the stall. discover gemtesa. a once-a-day pill proven to reduce all 3 key symptoms of oab: leakage episodes, urgency and frequency in adults. do not take if you have a known allergic reaction to gemtesa or its ingredients.
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drew: high pressure, this will be the main feature of the forecast the next couple days. it will bring sunshine but it will act like a heat and bring in warmer weather and start today and continue to the end of the week. here is future weather, very nice, a light layer this
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morning. we are well into the 60's in our warmest cities by 10:00 a.m. by lunchtime, 70's and a lot of spots, 60's on the bay shoreline and warmest city today will be going into the 80's away from the coast. 82 concord, same santa rosa, about 79 san jose, 76 palo alto, 73 here this time of year. 66 in the city, 77 in san rafael. forward over the next couple days, the warm-up continues tomorrow but it is thursday, the warmest day we have this weekend for good reason. it is hot inland, into the 90's, and around the bay shoreline, into the 80's. we take a closer look at thursday, the warm daytime highs in about nine minutes. let's check in with sue with traffic. sue: good morning, everyone. heading to the richmond san rafael bridge, been great. no problems, knock on wood. we had a nasty accident yesterday. nothing like that happening this morning. enjoy the sunrise as you head
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west into marin county. when you get to marin, this is what 101 looks like. southbound passed the northgate -- northgate mall and northbound headed past the civic center, you are moving at the limit all the way to the golden gate bridge and across the span with noin into the city. we have a couple problem spots. let's go to san jose, any accident blocking the left lane before oakland road. you can see traffic north on 101 stacked up, back to 680. here, it is not blocking very slow traffic coming down into snow, almost to 680. reggie: golden girls pop up, the new experience you can take part in starting tomorrow in san francisco. we will take a break but here is a live look outside. soccer is the best. but her moderate to severe eczema could make it hard for her.
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reggie: jury selection begins today in the lawsuit against donald -- rape lawsuit against donald trump. a woman alleges he raped her in a dressing room in the bin 90's -- mid 90's. trump is not required to be in court and not in danger of going to jail. kumasi:kumasi: we are learning more about talking -- tucker carlsen's exit from fox news. according to the washington journal, owned by the same company that owns fox news, the decision to fire him was made friday. but he was not told about it until 10 minutes before the network publicly announced a yesterday morning. his firing came news settled a defamation lawsuit with dominion voting systems for nearly $800 million. there's also a lawsuit from a former producer who accused him
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cker carlsen was made, and cnn announced it was parting ways with anchor don lemon. lemon tweeted he was stunned, that he never heard from management about the move. cnn called his account " inaccurate." in the north bay, heated moments during a public meeting on proposal to charge a toll for people who drive on highway 37. if this is approved, the toll would apply to a 10 mile stretch of the highway from mare island in solano county to sears point in sonoma county. officials say the highway has multiple challenges including traffic congestion and flooding because of climate change. the toll revenue would fund long-term solutions to those issues. last night, many people had concerns. >> when i look at these tolls, it is essentially a tax in and out of vallejo. to me, it is really a
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restriction on freedom of movement. kumasi: many commuters on this route travel to work in sonoma or marin counties. it is also a main route to wine country. despite the opposition, transportation officials cite in order to fund the project, changes have to be made. reggie: from governor newsom, 690 million dollars will be allocated to more than two dozen public transportation projects throughout the state. the bay area will benefit. the money is part of the state initiative to ship from fossil fuels to cleaner methods of transportation. the design is to help disadvantaged communities. san francisco bay fairy will get $30 million to switch fairies and for a double ferry service. the bta is getting nearly 47 million to connect light rail service to the bart station and transit center. santa cruz county picked up funding to connect zero mission bus service to caltrans. reggie: a new art exhibit -- kumasi: a new art exhibit
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sprouted up along central subway line. it is a 102 foot steel tree branch stretching well into the size you can see here. now, it is the talle freestanding sculpture in san francisco. this was funded by the city's art enrichment ordinance which requires a small portion of budgets from major construction projects and dedicated to purchasing or commissioning allah cart. new at 6:00, two of the 10 best restaurants in the u.s. are in san francisco. that's according to food and wine magazine. reggie: it unveiled its first-ever readers choice awards. a restaurant in san number six on the list and say it is a once-in-a-lifetime event to eat there. ebnu kumasi: the pronounce or says
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benuh. drew: i'm not confident i'm saying right. reggie: i thought it was benew. let us know. [laughter] whatever it is called, benu san francisco is number 10 on the list saying the award winner chef surprises with highly technical preparation and tasting menus. dishes include korean barbecue. the menu is $375. kumasi: what do we have celebrated, -- what do we have coming up to celebrate? is it around the same price point? higher? drew: it was more. i saw dominique on the show, she was on chefs table on netflix and i highlighted how much of her food and wine is sourced from here in the bay.
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she has her own vineyard in napa. it was cool and i wanted to see. kumasi: how many courses? drew: i think like 12. and the menu is like a poem. kumasi: a poem? drew: yeah, it is cool. reggie: i really embarrass myself recently. kumasi: i remember this. drew: what happened? reggie: a friend of mine was in town and i asked where he was staying and he said something quickly which i did not hear correctly. and i said oh, i don't know who that is. and he was like a famous chef. they run a restaurant, pretty well-known, but maybe you have not heard of it. kumasi: we are sitting here on the desk and he is like, are you talking about -- that is what they were saying. reggie: i'm so embarrassed. i probably can't live here anymore. [laughter] drew: it was nice knowing you. reggie: goodbye. drew: benu somewhere else.
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[laughter] reggie: that's how you wrap it up. drew: let's look at temperatures, 40's and 50's out there right now. a light layer and we will show you what is happening later on. expect warm temperatures, 70's and 80's in the south bay with a lot of sunshine. along the peninsula, 60's for the coast but 76 palo alto, 77 here in the city. downtown, 66, 64 daly city was sunny skies, 70's and 80's and the north bay, 84 cloverdale, 80 sonoma, 82 vallejo, east bay 73, oakland 76, union city 77, brentwood, 82 walnut creek, 80 pleasanton. coastal fog redeveloped tonight, temperatures in the 40's and 50's. future track showing you warmer weather tomorrow in the upper 80's in our warmest cities but watch thursday. that is the warmest day we have this week, 90's return and warm
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specimen for the first time this year. 70's and 80's. you will feel the warm weather for much of the weekend. here is the accurate 70 forecast, warming trend gets underway and continues the next couple days. it is hot and lint. thursday and friday and a browned -- and around the bay shoreline, we will stay in the 80's. :ead.e: >> it is nice to be with both of you this morning. coming up, president biden officially launching his reelection campaign moments ago. i know you have been talking about it. also we will tell you what we have learned about the campaign and the challengers as the race for the white house eats up. new details inside of tucker carlsen's southern depart -- a sudden departure from fox news. what we learn about the decision and the shake about cnn, don lemon fired after 17 years in the same day. and the new warning about distractions games at the atm. how thieves are stealing your card and pin number. just look around your shoulder i guess. we will learn more because there
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are other tricks they are using and how you can protect yourself. it is a star-studded morning here, we have dolly parton, jude law, jim galligan, and a mystery
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hoping for a win in game five against the kings. that game is tomorrow and then came six would be friday in san francisco. the warriors, the series is over, they have one, but if the kings pull off one win, then came seven will be sunday and that airs here on abc 7. this is for you golden girls fans. get ready because the golden girls kitchen opens up tomorrow. we are getting a sneak peek at the new pop-up opening in san francisco. abc 7 spoke with one of the organizers about what fans of the tv show can expect. >> a golden girls kitchen is
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exactly what it sounds like, you are walking onto the set that you identically re-created from the golden girls and we take it a step further where we have all these other photo moments, the bedroom, the first time we have done the living room, and then to take it further, we made it a full dining experience. we make with -- make lasagna, cheesecake, all the things the women are on the show. you are a golden girl while you're here. it is at seven then and folsom. people can jump on it includes your meal and a slice of cheesecake. 90 minutes is about what you get here. kumasi: that's cool. all of that for $40. you get the main dish and a slice of cheesecake. next, housing for the un-housed. a new mobile home that lets people easily relocate. heading to break, a live look
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outside at 67 time. be right back. ugh. no signal. i don't have home internet. oh, that's a red flag. your mom looks a lot like me.
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announcer: building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc7news. reggie: now at 6:30, a toddler only 15 months old hit by a bullet while riding in a car in the east bay. her parents rushing to a nearby fire station to get home. kumasi: the suspect accused of stabbing and killing tech executive bob lee is doing core. what we expect to learn about the new chartier might face. reggie: a housing battle in the south bay, the plan that has an entire neighborhood divided. kumasi: good morning. it is tuesday, april 25. reggie: our forecast is changing i think for the better. drew: it is. if you like warmer weather, you will like today in the week ahead. li d is quiet, clear skies, light layer is all you need out the door. upper 40's to lower 50's.
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it is beautiful from the exploratorium camera. a live look showing sunny skies this morning. we will find quickly warming temperatures, 60's and 70'sorf'0 away from the coast this afternoon. today is warm but tomorrow and -- kumasi:kumasi: a kumasi: 15-month-old girl is in critical kumasi: condition after shot while riding in a car. police say the shooting happened around 6:30 on 12 avenue in east 15th street next to franklin park. gloria rodriguez in the newsroom this morning with more on how the girls are doing and what we know about what happened. gloria? gloria: this is heartbreaking. i last checked, the baby girl was in the hospital in critical condition. police have not made any arrests in the shooting and police have not given us a sups -- a suspect description. in a surveillance video, you can
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see them running to the fire station take out -- to get help. they say a 15-month-old in a honda was struck by one bullet monday night. caitoan eig othe aulside of their family store across from the firehouse for when it happened. >> just heard a lot of screaming outside so we went out and there was like three girls and one man. i was very sad because i have a little sister. >> it was painful because i have a sister. i don't want that to happen too. gloria: sue: oakland fire fighters -- gloria: oakland fire fighters say the toddler was shot in the stomach area. police believe shots were fired near east 15th street, close to franken park and franklin elementary schools. and is a couple blocks from the firehouse. police have not said what led to the shots being fired.
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officers are asking anyone with information to call the felony assault unit and the numbers on our website, i reached out to police this morning for an update and we will let you know when we get new information. in their early 20's suffered a nonlife threatening injury after he shooting in north beach and we told you about this yesterday. one person died and so far no arrests have been made. kumasi: gun-control advocates announced safe legislation to curb gun violence. these bills were announced in monterey park yesterday where 11 people were killed in a mass shooting in january. one of the measures is aiming to strengthen the process of taking guns away from people who have criminal records and are prohibitive from owning a firearm. another bill would keep state and local agencies from selling
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guns, munition, and body armor. a third proposal increases translation services for non-english speakers. to get information related to emergencies. >> we know if someone three, it not bring back the lives lost january toy first. but they will help our community safer and in emergencies. kumasi: all three bills were authored by a rep whose district includes monterey park. reggie: an emeryville man accused in the deadly stabbing of a tech executive, bob lee, is said to appear before judge. this is a case that garnered national attention. amanda del castillo you is live outside of the courthouse with what we can expect today. amanda: plenty of ice -- this case following this morning's development, especially after the latest court documents reveal tech executive bob lee is killing may have involved a heated argument between the suspect about their
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younger sister. we know he was in town from miami and in early april on a work summit when he was stabbed to death four blocks from his sister's -- the sister's home. the same morning the sister was sent to tax after he and her brother left the place at millennium tower saying just want to make sure you are doing ok because i know they came way down hard on you and thank you for being such a classy man and handling it with class. she and her husband attended the suspects previous court date but had nothing to say. the stabbing attack happened in the early morning hours of april 4 along main street near harrison. they rest at his emeryville home came nine days later. his legal counsel spoke with previously and acknowledged to the charges against the client are serious but emphasizes she does not agree with murder charges. >> there is no premeditation, deliberation, no malice,
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absolutely not. if there is no malice, by definition it is not a murder. >> at this point in time we are very much looking at first-degree murder. this is a person who was in his vehicle with a kitchen knife, that is not something most of us carry around. amanda: you district attorney's office saying it is considering a first-degree murder charge. the distinction is considered to be the most serious form of murder. you will notice that we are back at the hall of justice this morning and that is because during the suspects original court date, his counselor, legal counselor, was out of town but we know he is expected to be in at 9:00 to answer to the murder charge. we will be in court as well. reporting outside of the hall of justice, in san francisco, amanda del castillo, abc7news. reggie: new this morning, the oakland police department is fully cooperating with alameda county das office after an arrest warrant was issued for one of its officers. the officer is accused of
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perjury, bribery, and threatening a witness in a homicide case. the officer faces five felony counts. the v.a. filed charges yesterday. according to the paper, the complaint alleges he threatened witnesses and unlawfully prevented and exploited -- unlawfully exploited and prevented witnesses from testifying. abc7news reached out to the das office to get comments. kumasi: there is a new proposal that some health could be a solution for the states crisis of un-help -- unsheltered people. 634 would make it easier to use privately owned vacant parcels for so-called quick bills and housing. the mayor announced that bill yesterday. >> already have private landowners reach out and said i've got a parcel i'm not going to be doing anything with for the next five years or 10 years, can we be part of the solution?
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can we help solve homelessness? the answer should be s. kumasi: this type of housing can be built more quickly than traditional buildings because the homes are prefabricated and modular. there are also -- they are also easily moved once the property owner wants to develop the land. it's been two weeks since the city of oakland started clearing the encampment and you can notice a different. -- difference. check out from what it looks like above. there have been months of legal delays in clearing the site. advocates for the unhoused say they are considering legal action for what they call " egregious acts of state violence." this is april 10 when the image started. crews removed more than 300 tons of trash and debris and towed away 29 vehicles. plans call for an affordable housing project to be built on the site which is near west grand avenue. reggie: the santa clara city council could move forward with a project to build temporary
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housing for the homeless. the proposals being met with resistance from the community. the site is near benton street and lawrence expressway near a local church. the city says it would provide temporary housing for families and have support services and meals. neighbors say if they are worried about -- say they are worried about safety. >> i get it, but having a cookie-cutter solution that lumps everyone together and zero instance it will pan out in a residential neighborhood which is like 15 schools. reggie: 5000 people have signed a petition opposing the project which is a joint venture between the city, county, and nonprofit. the ceo of destination home, which advocates for solutions to end homelessness in silicon valley, says these short-term housing sites can effectively connect people to long-term housing. >> we see an extreme high success rate. the key is this is just one stop
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on the journey. this is not the solution, this is part of a larger solution. reggie: the city of santa clara says the project would have 30 family units that could house people three to six month while transitioning to permanent housing. kumasi: a controversial statute with san jose has been removed. they finish taking down the statue overnight. it has been controversial since it was installed in 1990, viewed by some as a colonizer. city officials say there is no budget for a new piece of art in the area who will be restored as a traffic median. it will now be sent to a storage facility. reggie: scary moments on the slopes, a skier fell 50 feet down a hole near glacier. how a group was able to rescue them. kumasi: a live look at the new york stock exchange, down about 12 points now. another update on the markets is next. reggie: the noodles released ahead of the upcoming
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live-action mermaid film. stay with us on the abc 7 bay area streaming up at 7:00 for abc7news seven at 7:00, i'm talking for one megan -- talking to one megan traynor or mother as she calls her cell. it's a very fun interview, hope you join us, and download the app wherever you stream. sue: love her songs. she is great. it is tuesday morning and we've got great traffic news as you make your way toward the macarthur maze, 80 westbound through emeryville. you are moving at a good pace with no problems as you funnel into the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights were turned on at 5:37 this morning. the sun is coming up and it is pretty across this with the sun in your rearview mirror. you have a 13 minute wait at the toll plaza. if your travels take you through hercules through the city, it is about a 40 minute drive. overall, another problem spot in san jose. this one just now cleared the
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shoulder, north 101 before oakland road but the damage done, slow traffic from before 680. motorcycle down out of here but still jammed south 84 through and into snow also toward 680. drew: taking a look outside, it is beautiful from the tan cam with sunshine out there. high pressure and control. this ridge will bring about a warming trend over the next couple days. by thursday, our warmest city is going into the 90's for the first time this year. future track in temperatures, we warm quickly. we are in the 50's and 60's already by 10:00 a.m. by 1:00 p.m., 80's start to appear in our warmest cities, and later today, temperatures above average. 70's for the most part around the bay shoreline, low to mid 80's in our warmest cities in lynn. 84 fairfield, 82 concord, 81 napa, 73 oakland, 66 in the
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city, 79 san jose, san mateo is a very nice day with a hype 75. the next three days, warmer weather will move in. tomorrow, upper 80's and the warm response but by thursday, it is warm to hot across the region with temperatures in the 80's and 90's away from the coast. here is other high temperatures, sponsored by disney's peter pan and wendy, the movie streaming april 28 on disney plus. >> is that -- >> neverland. captain hook. >> just like old times. >> follow me. >> peter. >> your growing up. >> perhaps i don't grow up. >> there, look. >> peter. >> peter. >> peter. >> pan. >> disney's peter pan and rated pg, the movie event arriving friday on d
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♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪
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kumasi: the nba playoffs are underway and you can watch two group c on abc 7. the matchups have not been decided yet but action starts sunday at 9:30 a.m. shows the moment a beautiful day of skiing turned into a horrible ordeal. this happened in the french elms. they suddenly plummeted 50 feet down a whole near glacier. somehow the man was not seriously hurt and skiers were able to rescue them with ropes. this happened in 2022 where the group is now just releasing the video in hopes of educating others. kumasi: has up if you plan to buy a house. the new federal rule begins next week could mean you might have to pay more for your -- people with higher credit scores and larger downpayments will be paying more for their loans. on average, about 26 hundred
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dollars more. essentially the higher fees for people who are historically more considered qualified buyers will have to subsidize less qualified buyers, giving more fair access to home solutions. >> the administration's behind making these changes is to help make it easier for borrowers who have historically been disadvantaged and had a hard time accessing credit. kumasi: the rule also makes it more expensive for borrowers to refinance their mortgages. reggie: new details in the days planned to move to las vegas. the team reached an agreement with the southern nevada construction unit to build a new ballpark. the team's owners announce the plans last week to buy 49 acres of land near the las vegas strip, not far from where the raiders built their new stadium. it is part of this construction to local workers and contract workers will be using to build the facility. the team hopes to break ground next year and move in by 20 to any seven. kumasi: san francisco is losing another major retailer downtown.
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according to the website, the anthropology store on market street will be closing in a few weeks may 13. this is following several other storm closures in the area including dfw and the wheel. there are number of empty spaces. there's no word on why anthropology is close because it has been and that's buffer more than 20 years. reggie: san francisco's bays -- san francisco-based first republic bank is set to cut a quarter of its workforce. it plans to cut 20% -- 20 percentage when he 5% after total deposits fell 41% in the first quarter. the drop comes even after receiving $30 billion from other banks to prevent it from failing. analysts say the bank deposits have stabilized after a sharp drop following the collapse of selleck and valley bank and signature bank. u.s. manufacturers likely preparing for layoffs, job cuts are expected now that supply chain disruptions have vastly
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improved this year. at the same time, demand for manufactured goods has dropped in recent months. trends show people are opting for experiences i travel and dining over product purchases. taking a live look at the new york stock exchange as we get underway today. we are down 74 points. with one swing of the bat, a people player in new jersey might have invented a new sport. kumasi: it's called basenastics. >> go, mommy, go. [laughter] reggie: before. kumasi: i think it's cute because everybody was like can't touch her. so six-year-old nata to put her own thing on first base, doing a car wheel. her dad said she recently joined gymnastics and she said she is
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determined to become a member of the performance team. the coach told her she needs to master the cart wheel so she keeps practicing. reggie: that's a really good cartwheel. and she still made it to first. drew: gave us a show and she made it. reggie: i would say she did it with professional baseball. like do a little handspring when you're so confident. reggie: drew: no's reggie: ok -- no. reggie: ok. i'm just thinking of new ways to make it more entertaining. drew: it's a warm day this afternoon. a live look from sutro tower, easy sunshine this morning. clear skies, which means we will quickly warm today. the warming trend that starts this afternoon will continue the next couple days back with inland temperatures topping 90 degrees there's day and friday. the first time we have that this year.
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temperatures and light layer is all you need with upper 40's to low 50's out the door on this tuesday. highs starting in the south bay, 70's and 80's from gilroy to santa clara, 78 here. 76 palo alto along the peninsula, 75 san mateo, cooler but bright, temperatures low 60's. 60 six downtown, 64 daly city with sunshine. the north bay will go to the 70's and 80's, 78 here, 80 sonoma, 82 santa rosa, 71 sausalito. the east bay today, nice and 77 castro valley, 77 oakland, 75 stan leandra. -- san leandro. 84 breckenridge and fairfield. tonight, patch of fog along the coast. 40's close to the water, our warmer spots hang onto mild weather. 50's for any and ukiah. that sets the stage for a warmer afternoon tomorrow. temperatures upper 80's in our
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warmer cities tomorrow with the shoreline a lot of 70's and low 80's. by thursday, even warmer than that, near 80 oakland, 90 san jose. we will see 90's from cloverdale to calistoga to concord to livermore. forecast. the acura seven-day oy forecast, warmer weather today, hot inland both thursday and friday. the weekend looking lovely and we see fall returned sunday and monday which helps cool us off. reggie: as the weather begins to warm, the snowpack in the mountains is starting to melt. engineers and water experts are monitoring for potential flooding and working to reduce the risk in low-lying communities, especially those in the central valley. in yosemite, a flood watch will go into effect later this week and officials say rivers and streams could be getting the swell. >> we cannot dig our way out or build outs. we need to be smart, with what are the steps holistic lead to protect as many people as
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possible and moving forward. reggie: we should see increased water levels at state reservoirs. they will distribute water pumps to local agencies to divert water from communities. kumasi: a caltrans worker hit and killed in vacaville last year will be remembered at memorial ceremony today. the caltrans district in the bay area is holding an annual event that honors the nearly 200 employees killed on the job statewide over the last century. one of the most recent deaths was a landscape maintenance worker hit and killed while standing outside of her vehicle. caltrans says the driver was under the influence and speeding. a memorial is happening in oakland that starts at 10:00. reggie: driverless shuttles are helping people get around in the east bay the shuttles launched at the bishop ranch business park, autonomous and electric, and travel about 50 miles per hour. >> the place is huge -- 15 miles per hour. >> the space is huge, the size
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of disneyland, intersected by public and private roads and the shuttles will provide better connectivity to the city center, transit center, businesses, so you don't have to have the hassle of parking and driving, parking and driving. reggie: the contra costa transportation authority teamed up with a company in 2018 and cca was the first agency in the state to get permission from the dmv for shared autonomous vehicle to travel in public roads. kumasi: the new little mermaid dolls are here. >> this is the new little mermaid all. [laughter] kumasi: this is hallie bailey who plays little mermaid in the new live-action movie. she introduced her doll last month and knittel is out with his latest line -- mattel is out with its latest line to match the characters. she stars in the movie along with others. reggie: i forgot that was the
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case. kumasi: looks like mccarthy's in the movie as well. she is ursula. little mermaid hits theaters on may 26. disney of course is the parent company of abc 7. reggie: they have a couple dolls. they have the one holding but they have another one where her dress she is wearing folds down and becomes her tail. so it is a transforming mermaid. that is cool, it is like we does not love a good reveal? kumasi: and we are here. [laughter] it's like we've been talking about it for so long. reggie: it's finally here. kumasi: next, the seven things you need to know. reggie: heading to break, a live look outside. it is 655 time.
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kumasi: if you are just joining
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us, here are the seven things to know. number one, a 15-month-old girl is in the hospital this morning after being shot while sitting in a car in oakland's little saigon neighborhood. police have not released information about possible suspects or arrests. reggie: the man accused of killing tech executive bob lee is expected to be in court. court documents show lee and the suspect had a dispute over the suspect's sister before the april 4 stabbing. kumasi: president biden announced he is running for reelection this morning. video laying out his case for a second term, arguing american democracy on the line. reggie: crews announced that starting today there driverless cars are operating 24 hours a day in all of san francisco. for now, the expanded service is only available for employees but they say it will be open to the public soon. drew: five, sunshine and a warm afternoon on the way for your tuesday. looking at the forecast, even warmer weather said to arrive tomorrow and thursday.
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by thursday, warm and hot with 80's and 90's in the coast. sue: your tuesday morn commute includes the backup at the bay bridge. metering lights turned on at 5:37 this morning and look at your drive times through the 80 corridor from here all the way to the city, 45 minutes. a stall on the western portions of the span also slowing your ride new san francisco. kumasi: number seven, and the news, san francisco both being recognized among the top 10 best restaurants in the u.s.. this is according to the food and wine. they unveiled its first-ever readers choice award. sue: want to try it kumasi:? -- it? reggie: i've been wanting to go to the venue. -- to benu. drew: apparently we are. kumasi: do you remember your favorite dish? drew: i don't. kumasi: you had 12. drew: i had 12, it was really good.
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a lot of food there. kumasi: i so want to go. reggie: that or lazy bear. drew: not my favorite child. food. ♪ >> good morning. for the viewers in the west president biden launched his re-election bid this morning. making it official president biden is running again. >> we're going to battle for the soul of america. >> four years to the day he launched his 2020 campaign and the president appears in an an emotional video urging voters to let him finish the job. this morning what we've learned. >> overnight new details inside tucker carlson's departure from fox news and what we've learned.
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who made the call and when. just days after that nearly 800 million dollar


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