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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  May 14, 2023 5:00am-5:59am PDT

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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. >> we are really just hoping that lausd is coming back. they know the areas that are sticking points and we need to get this done for our students to get back. liz: an strike. what's next in negotiations. i am liz kreutz with drew tuma. drew: good morning. yesterday was warm if not hot. for mother's day, a cooler afternoon but looking nice. live doppler 7, we have dense fog along the coast so a dense
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fog advisory. half moon bay is down to quarter mile visibility. may gray is with us's. where we don't have the fog, we are in the 60's. san ramon, fairfield, cloverdale 61. cloud cover giving way to afternoon sunshine. today is cooler compared to yesterday, 70's and 80's away from the coast. the coast will be socked in with cloud cover all day. we will go into our microclimates coming up. liz: we are seeing a major breakthrough in the oakland teachers strike. after negotiations, an agreement on the common good proposals was reached. those are related to issues which go beyond learning and have been an obstacle. as reporter anser hassan explains, there is still work to be done to reach a finer deal --
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final deal. anser: after two weeks on the picket line, they have reached an agreement with oakland unified school district. >> we just came to an agreement on our common good demands. anser: these are issues that go beyond classroom learning. key our topics on shared governance and community schools. >> we have an agreement on support for un-housed students, our black thriving community schools and school closures. >> we are excited having community schools be modeled around oakland. anser: both sides had a hard go at reaching common ground. the teachers union wanted more decision-making -- the union stating "fully implementing the common good proposal would cost the district morener
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goinat much and i have no idea how the district came up with those numbers. fte' the union said what made it so tough to negotiate was what sharon governance would look like. >> i have a long-standing practice of directing the district without input and it took time for them to hear from us, help them understand what it was that we were hoping to do, and show some models from around the state of where it is being done effectively anser:. anser:the oakland unified school district did not return requests for comment but issued a statement welcoming the agreement. despite this agreement, there is work to be done. the union says what remains our
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details over three areas -- teacher salaries, special education, and class-size. >> we are hoping ousd is coming back. they know the areas that are sticking points and we need to get this done. anser: anser hassan, abc7news. liz: the strike began on may 4. there are a total of nine school days left and the first graduation is scheduled may 22. the last day of school is may 25. across the bay area, people are trying to beat the heat after a long wet and chilly winter. the big warm up has arrived. cornell barnard went to the north bay where the opening of a city pool in santa rosa came at just the right time. cornell: who knew the scheduled reopening of the ridgeway swim center what happened during a spring heatwave, creating the perfect pool day? >> coming back to the pool, the
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kids are very excited. anser: jazmine and her five kids were first in the water. check out the long line out died before the doors opened. >> get the kids out. they've been so good all year. we knew there wouldn't be so many people. >> how's the water? >> really nice. >> is that? >>oldeshingorot dayrn temperatue spiking toward 90 days -- 90 degrees at memorial beach on the russian river. >> it is school. cornell: sonoma county are warning the public the river is flowing 450 percent higher than last season after a wet winter and safety precautions are needed. >> we are checking the kids. cornell: george and his buddies were gearing up for a kayak exit
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-- and he has a check left. -- checklist. >> we will stay hydrated. our safety gear and a fair knowledge of the river. cornell: cal fire cruz responded to this vegetation fire on howell mountain road. luckily, the fire was contained to less than an acre. bike riders were out early for the tour of novato, an annual festival raising money for local schools. simplto >> the more you sweat, the more you want to drink water. you get up early enough, get it done. cornell: the manager says 300 people used this pool on saturday. it will be open weekends through june and every day this summer. cornell barnard, abc7news. liz: parks and campgrounds at yosemite will close because of
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flooding concerns. they will be off-limits. the park service says more closures are possible but will give a more accurate update tomorrow morning. the park closed weeks ago due to flooding concerns along the merced river. you can check the forecast and see the temperatures with the abc 7 bay area connected streaming tv app available in the weather on demand section. in oakland, a vehicle trying to avoid oncoming traffic after getting sideswiped ended up making matters worse. the car ended up plowing into an office building, causing extensive damage near the intersection of hyde street and brookdale avenue before 4:00 p.m. yesterday. this mother's day weekend, a group of mothers and students are pushing for gun control. the group bonds demand action and teutons demand action -- students demand action gathered, calling for an assault weapons
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ban. they urged visitors to put pressure on congress to reinstate the ban. >> we don't want flowers, we don't want brunch or massages. what mothers in america want is to ban assault weapons and an act common sense gun laws that will save our children. liz: according to the kaiser family foundation, gun violence is the number one cause of death for american children. the san francisco pub department of health is urging people to get the mpox vaccine to avoid a summer surge. they are holding vaccination events as part of second saturdays in soma. it takes two vaccinations. you can get the second 20 days after receiving the first. >> i am from brazil and i saw the opportunity to take the vaccine. in my country they are not giving it. liz: last summer, the world
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health organization declared the mpox outbreak health emergency. the infection numbers are now low but health officials say it is ill circulating. another vaccination clinic will take place on june 10. in the east bay, cleanup and closures in martinez will continue after a mercury spill monday. it was first discovered in a trashcan near the amtrak station. the trashcan leaked the mercury. crews removed mercury from around 4000 feet of road. the amtrak station remains closed through today. a health advisory is still in effect. 5:09, let's get a check outside. drew: we are starting out with fog. here's a live look from sutro tower showing fog over the city. dense fog along the coast. may gray is with
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mother's day but we will find a pleasant afternoon on the way. liz: potential water rate hike. why people in marin could see new pricing in utility bills. trader joe's enters a legal battle, suing a t-shirt company. what it has to do with the president. like going hiking, just to hike to the bathroom. reaching for the bar, just to reach for pads. waiting for the sunset, just to wait for the stall. discover gemtesa. a once-a-day pill proven to reduce all 3 key symptoms of oab: leakage episodes, urgency and frequency in adults. do not take if you have a known allergic reaction to gemtesa or its ingredients. tell your doctor right away if you're unable to empty your bladder or if you have a weak urine stream. tell your doctor if you're taking medicines
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that contain digoxin or if you have liver or kidney problems. side effects may include headache, common cold symptoms, diarrhea, nausea, urinary tract and upper respiratory tract infection. ask your doctor about gemtesa. more time here, less time there. you didn't choose cat allergies. more time here, you didn't choose your hairline. hot flashes, the flu, or that thing when your knee just gives out for no reason.
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you didn't choose your bad back or this. or... that. you didn't choose depression, melanoma, or lactose intolerance. but with kaiser permanente you can choose your doctor who works with other best-in-class specialists to care for all that is you. liz: welcome back. here's a live look outside from the golden gate camera so take it slow. people living in marin could see a price increase in their utility bills. the marin municipal water district is expected to vote on a potential rate hike tuesday. bills could jump up 20% by july 1. funds would be used to make repairs, create new water supplies and restore emergency reserves. it would be one of the largest
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rate hikes in decades. a new bill aims to get thousands of homeless people who live along streaks and creams -- creeks and streams and get expands the water the district is not allowed to do more than clean up trash and pick up debris. the bill unanimously passed in the senate and heads -- ridership is nearly half of what it was. abc7news reporter ryan curry looks at the results. ryan: bart ridership continues to struggle. the bay area cancel says if ridership doesn't return to what it was, the area -- the agency could never recover. >> the system is facing a financial hole that is hard to fill and without it we could lose the bart system. ryan: bart is averaging between
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100000 and 150,000 riders on a weekday. before the pandemic they were averaging around 450,000. many stopped working and -- commuting and working from home. with the pandemic under control, ridership still struggles. 45% of people surveyed are choosing not to ride bart over safety concerns. 17% describe bart as safe. >> people are hesitating to get on board because they have fear or they don't want to experience these conditions. ryan: bart announced changes to its police system. officers are patrolling more often but the survey was done after bart made the announcement and people still don't feel safe. >> if they feel safe and secure, we will see a lot of people come back. ryan: the bay area council says
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bart is a massive part of the economy. in a time when downtown san francisco is less crowded, if they gain ridership the area benefits. >> it is a major contributory factor. if people got back on bart, we think we would see an improvement and that would build upon itself. ryan: the bay area council says they see a future where bart is as popular as it was before the pandemic but they have to see safety improvements to make riders feel safer. liz: new this morning, trader joe's is suing a t-shirt company over sexually explicit shirts and one that mocks joe biden. and unfair competition since some of the shirts use its logo. trader joe's says the shirts
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damage it image with the "profane -- our central mission focuses on the issue of race and social justice. an effort is underway to change the name of a waterway in unincorporated novato. the move to rename black john slough -- i spoke to the man leading the charge. it's something probably we haven't heard of or thought of, the name of this waterway that feeds to the petaluma river. roughly 150 years, it has been called black john slough but for fascinating reasons that's changed. >> this was an important story to tell, that wasn'll highlighted. liz: michael warner is a former marin county park ranger and started a petition to change the name after researching the origins of the man, john pinkston. it is believed he was born into slavery in the west indies
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before becoming one of the first black settlers. newspaper clippings show locals referred to him as black john. >> very much a name bestowed upon him more likely than a name he chose. liz: we don't know why john pinkston settled in marin county. he came in the late 1840's and when he arrived he became a prominent part of society. he worked as a mediator between the native americans and settlers and was one of the first black man if not the first to own land in the county. >> when he passed away, it was written up that he was one of the pioneers of marin county. liz: that's why it didn't seem right that he was called out for his race when no other settler was. >> he should get the same recognition and honor as any other pioneer. liz: warner submitted his petition to the usgs. in april, he received their response -- they agreed to
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change the name to pinkston slough. >> i'm glad they got to help tell this person's story. liz: it is a seemingly small change he hopes has a big impact. >> hopefully this inspires people to critically look at the landscape and understand the stories tied to their landscape. liz: that name will be changed soon and google maps and other things around the county. a new series is coming to disney plus and a special screening was held in san francisco. american or chinese is sto based on the struggles of a first-generation chinese-american, based on a graphic model. -- novel. >> when i was growing up, i didn't have any stories where the main character looked like me. i never thought my own experiences would be worthy of being on a page or screen, but something like this shows we are open to it now.
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liz: the action-packed series features chinese fables and mythological gods. it will stream on disney plus may 24. happening today, the 82nd annual mother's day rose show. the san francisco roast society will hold the event at the hall of flowers in golden gate park where you can be surrounded by roses for mother's day. the event is free at 1:00 p.m. until 330. tracking the mother's day forecast, all the moms, a decent day. drew: temperatures not as hot as yesterday so we will see a cooler trend. numbers today in the 70's and 80's away from the coast. we are saying goodbye to the 90 degrees heat and next week, temperatures remaining above average. this is liz's favorite graphic, get that run in this morning. we have the clouds at least
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through 9:00 a.m. this morning. brighter skies developing. a warming trend this morning, 50's and 60's through 11:00 a.m. the uv index very high, a 10 out of 11. once the sun gets out of fear, wear sunscreen. here's a live look outside. the bay bridge toll plaza, the fog lingering overhead and it is a pretty thin layer. like yesterday, it will burn off quickly but along the coast we have areas of dense fog. the heat is easing a bit but still mild next week. dense fog advisories for the san mateo and santa cruz coastline, lasting until 10:00 a.m. you can see why, half moon bay down to a quarter mile visibility. even the valleys of sonoma county, petaluma, we are at a
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quarter of a mile visibility. fog in the valleys of the nor 50's close to the coast. where we have mainly clear skies like san ramon and fairfield, 60. here is live doppler 7 along with satellite. our ridge that brought the heat yesterday is beginning to lift to the north. we are getting more of an influence from this low pressure, no moisture but cooler weather beginning to move in. a live look from the golden gate bridge showing you the fog. gradual clearing of cloud cover, today cooler than yesterday but devotees and 80's away from the coast. -- 70's and 80's away from the coast. 70's for san mateo. downtown, a cooler day. limited sunshine. the cloud cover is 's and 80's.
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east bay, 60's and 70's. inland will go to the 80's this afternoon. overnight, our marine layer grows and coastal drizzle with areas of dense fog. accuweather 7-day forecast, morning fog into sunshine. cool but pleasant. much of next week, we have the typical pattern for this time of year, morning clouds breaking for afternoon sunshine. next liz: our producer also loves that graphic. it's coming. thank you. just ahead, tech expansion. how the biden administration is trying to get more tech hubs around the country and what that means for the bay area.
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liz: san jose is one laces a home wi there ratio. al estate clever ra tpopular metrolan in th country. san jose's score was 38, placing it last on the list. the average price of the house is $1.4 million while the average monthly rent is around $3100. silicon valley is the heart of the tech industry and there's a new push to create tech hubs around the country. the biden administration is offering millions in grants. suzanne phan looks at what that could mean. suzanne: silicon valley is home to some of the biggest and best tech companies and a lot of money >>. the venture capitalists.
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suzanne: the u.s. hopes to spread out the wealth and turn more of the u.s. into hotspots and develop tech hubs around the country. >> the idea is to make sure we democratize technology and innovation across the country. this is not only a program about economic development that about the global competitiveness. suzanne: 500 million dollars in graila tech hubs. the application process kicked off friday. among those who can apply by august 15, business and government groups. the u.s. department of commerce has a 10 year window in mind and the goal is to jumpstart industries of tomorrow. >> whether it is quantum computing, energy. suzanne: she says creating more tech hubs -- he says creating more tech hubs will not hurt the area but creates more seed money. >> this is for planning and
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development, not anything other than that. seed money so companies can start based on their strengths. if you are talking about agriculture, why not have a tech agriculture area? suzanne: we asked the commerce department if other areas of california can apply. >> other areas adjacent to the bay area, we've made important investments in merced. we are looking at expanding it so it is just not the silicon valley. suzanne: supporters say it is about making sure other regions get help. >> how do we create more opportunities across the board and unleash opportunities in the tech and innovation space? suzanne: suzanne phan, abc7news. liz: over a million dollars raised to help the suspect in a choking death of jordan neely. a mother's day to remember.
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they donated their organs to their own young children.
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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. liz: good morning, everyone, and happy mother's day. it's going to be a lovely day. drew: looking nice for mom, clouds giving way to sunshine. we do have dense fog. live doppler 7 thrown into visibility mode and the issue is along the coast. half moon bay is having issues with fog and patchy thick fog in petaluma. elsewhere we are fine. temperatures in the 50's for the most part but some areas are holding in the 60's. future weather showing that cloud cover will pull back to the coast. it is a cloudy coast so the beach, not the best weather but
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it is chilly in the 50's. 70's and 80's by 2:00 p.m. today is cooler compared to yesterday but still pretty warm inland, low to mid 80's from concorde to antioch. 60's and 70's along the bay shoreline. we will take a close look at the temperatures coming up. liz: at least one person is dead and several others injured after a tornado tore through a texas town. the storm hit laguna height. dozens of homes were damaged or destroyed. the person who died was crushed inside his mobile home. the national weather service says the tornado was on the ground for only a few minutes. coming up, as president biden's immigration policies are in place, what's next at the southern border? that's the question al hunt drove mayorkas will answer when he talks to john carl. you can look -- you can watch on
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abc seven. the marines in charge -- marine charged in the death of jordan neely is getting a lot of help. thousands of people have donated more than million -- more than a million dollars. he was charged in the death of a homeless man on a subway. passengers said he was making threats and acting erratic when he was restrained in a chokehold and died. "jeopardy" is the latest show affected by the walkout. my on bialik will not host to show her support. ken jennings will host instead. the tony awards will not be televised june 11 because the writers were denied a waiver request. today is mother's day and while many of us will be celebrating come of this year will be extra
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special for some families whose mothers gave kids the gift of an organ transplant. j.r. stone talks to two bay area families whose mothers went above and beyond. >> this is francesca, we call her frankie. >> she is my d born child. j.r two separate families, two little girls, both found to have a liver condition month after they were born. a condition that could have killed them. >> something kind of always felt off to me about her and the way that she looked much different than my husband and firstborn. typically, we have brown skin. >> she was so yellow, she looked like a simpsons character. it was awful. j.r.: for them, liver transplants were the best possible solution.
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her family was vocal online about her need for a liver, and the world reacted. their post was shared by not only stephen curry sister but punjabi singer -- more than 250 donor applicants came forward for her. similar, frankie's case, more than a dozen people said they would donate their liver but time was an issue. frankie's health was deteriorating. sahej was getting worse. mom stepped up. >> it was her third admission. they battled a lot of complications with liver disease and i said, it is me. i'm going to go through with it. >> the idea of what if i didn't go through with this, frankie would die? there is anxiety. j.r.: both moms on different days but in similar situations last year went through with liver transplant. they had part of their liver
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taken out at you cff -- ucsf and transferred to the other side of mission bay where the girls had their liver transplant surgeries. >> it means everything. she doubled and tripled down. >> she gave lise -- life twice. j.r.: she is a healthy girl with joy singing on the microphone. frankie is healthy to, enjoying life with her twin brother. >> as a mother of multiples and a child with medical conditions, the other mothers and parents who have to go through day-to-day struggles, they are the heroes. j.r.: call either one of these moms a hero and they will tell you what they had to do as a mother. >> i don't like calling myself that. if we have to redo this we can because i feel like any mom would do the same thing.
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and i feel like -- there is so many babies and though many children that need a transplant, a kidney or a liver. if they can't, they are still heroes too. she would. i don't think i'm special. i think we are just lucky and really blessed that we were able to. j.r.: j.r. stone, abc7news. liz: there are plenty of easy ways to become part of the donor process. to register, visit we had to los angeles for the world premiere of "the little mermaid." how two filmmakers are learning more about their dream and meeting superstars. here's a live look outside, a pretty start to our sunday. we will check in with drew.
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects, talk to your doctor. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance, a pfizer product.
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liz: here's a live look outside from our emeryville camera. the interleague high school line dance competition is underway in honor of aapi heritage month. high schools competed. the winning team will receive free -- their entire team. you can vote at li through april 21 -- may 21. the world premiere of the live-action "the little mermaid." holly bailey shared her spotlight -- halle bailey shared her spotlight.
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>> are you ready? >> very ready. >> it doesn't feel real. >> dylan jones and madison henderson were selected from thousands of high school students to be part of the disney dreamers academy at walt disney world, a mentor and ship program -- mentorship program to inspire to dream big. >> no matter the age or situation you are in, you are never too old to dream. >> as a screenwriter being able to create black stories that can impact the lives of the communities i'm in is so important. anyone involved to story with a black perspective memes the world. -- means the world. >> celebrity ambassador halle bailey surprised them with a trip to hollywood.
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>> you look beautiful. you look so good. >> how are y'all? >> made it. >> getting to see her again, i got to see her a couple months ago but it was like i met her all over again. >> hugging her and seeing her in her beautiful dress, it was amazing. it hasn't felt real yet and i wonder if it will ever feel real. liz: disney's "the little mermaid" premieres may 26. for more about the disney dreamers program visit disneydrea is getting really pretty as the sun comes up. drew: temperatures in the 50's and 60's, a live look from the tam cam.
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look at the fog along the coastline. a pleasant mother's day on the way. liz: it was a rough day on the diamond for both bay area teams. like going hiking, just to hike to the bathroom. reaching for the bar, just to reach for pads. waiting for the sunset, just to wait for the stall. discover gemtesa. a once-a-day pill proven to reduce
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all 3 key symptoms of oab: leakage episodes, urgency and frequency in adults. do not take if you have a known allergic reaction to gemtesa or its ingredients. tell your doctor right away if you are unable to empty your bladder or if you have a weak urine stream. tell your doctor if you're taking medicines that contain digoxin or if you have liver or kidney problems. side effects may include headache, common cold symptoms, diarrhea, nausea, urinary tract and upper respiratory tract infection. ask your doctor about gemtesa. and see how urovant could help you save.
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liz: welcome back here's a live look, a beautiful start. we are hearing for -- more from the golden state warriors. san francisco baseball fell short to the diamondbacks. chris alvarez has sports. chris: the basketball world was treated to another edition of steph versus lebron but lebron james and the lakers getting the best of the champs. stephen curry did all he could. he scored a game-high 32 in 39 minutes but these images during the loss to l.a. tell the story. and exhausted and frustrated team ran out of gas against lebron james and the lakers.
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the warriors dropped their first western conference championship. that is 19 straight victories and for the first time in 29 series they failed to win a road game. plenty of questions loom. what will the roster look like? >> i want to b the rest of my life. i want to ride out with the same dudes i rode in with. we put the work into make that happen. >> it wasn't what we were accustomed to as far as 67 wins, 73, mid-50's. we still gave ourselves a fighting chance but i wouldn't go to battle with any other guys. >> we will compete until the wheels fall off. that is something that should not be taken for granted because we have proven we can do it.
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we are excited about that opportunity as terrible of a feeling as it is right now. i feel like we can come back. chris: giants and diamondbacks, she is otter-ly adorable. dominic fletcher, a bases clearing trouble. he wasn't done, 5-2. runner on first fletcher, deep to write. it's the stairs and bounces back. the triple is overturned to a two run homer. he has a record 11 rbis in the series. the giants lose 7-2. casey schmidt with 11 hits in his first five games, the second-most in franchise history. bruce bochy in his first year with texas. look at jace peterson. what a catch in foul ground. so nice we show it twice.
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over the bullpen mount and into the bullpen. texas up 2-0. nathaniel low, shot to center field. the a's were held hitless into the seventh i john drake. there is peterson breaking up the no-hitter. they get blanked 5-0. that is your look at sports. liz: let's get a check of the forecast now. what a pretty start. drew: we have one issue, dense fog along the coast. here's the dense fog advisory for the san mateo and santa cruz county coastline, lasting until 10:00 a.m. for the next four hours. we will flip it over to visibility mode on live doppler 7 and you can see the reason why we have the dense fog in effect. half moon bay down to porter mile visibility. the coast -- quarter mile visibility. the coast will remain cloudy.
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quarter mile visibility in petaluma, a mile and a half in novato. here's a live look at the cloud cover over parts of the city. in the east bay, you can see a finger of fog over alameda. there is dense fog along the coast. the heat of yesterday, 80's and 90's in our hottest cities, it will ease a bit but still looking lovely. looking forward to next week. temperatures will stay above average for this time of year. tree pollen and grass pollen medium. your main offenders are oak, alem, and mulberry. uv is 10 out 50's close to the coast. 67 in fairfield, 63 in antioch. some of the warmer air is still hanging on. here's live doppler 7 along with satellite.
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yesterday, we had that ridge of high pressure sitting over much of the west coast. now that ridge is pushing off to the north. we are seeing more influence from this area of low pressure that has monsoonal moisture. we won't get any moisture from that system. it will bring in a cooler afternoon. fog on the golden gate, here's how your mother's day shapes up. cloud cover lingering through 8:00 -- 9:00 a.m. nice and sunny away from the coast but cooler than yesterday. 70's and 80's from cupertino to morgan hill. warm from san mateo to palo alto. downtown not as warm as yesterday, only in the 60's, 67. the north bay, lots of sunshine, 70's and 80's. the east bay, morning cloud cover breaking for sunshine, 60's and 70's.
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inland, not in the 90's. we will go into the 80's so it feels better but warm. our marine layer grows and expands, mainly cloudy for a loe 50's. here's the accuweather forecast, morning fog giving way to a cool afternoon. -- a clear afternoon. sunshine will break out in the afternoon and temperatures above average, 70's and 80's. yesterday was the hottest day of the foreseeable future but pretty pleasant. liz: union square in bloom. the annual event today to enjoy music, dancing, and food.
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and headache may occur. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over 8 years. i'm so glad i made it through the day. ♪ don't hesitate. ask your doctor about otezla today. liz: kelly clarkson is responding to reports of a toxic environment at her show.
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there were no complaints about clarkson herself mentions about top producers. clarkson posted on instagram she intends to address the issue and will makreo er staff feels disresp it is disney night on "american idol." contestants will be belting out songs hoping for a magical moment. george pennacchio has a preview. >> at disneyland and it is disney week on american idol. george: sophia carson spent time being a mentor to the top five. >> we always say the magic of disney because it is magical. magic exists in these songs, intrinsically in the valadez and they are so beloved -- melodies and they are so beloved university -- universally. it is so exciting when people
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get to sing these songs and make them their own. these songs are so universally beloved. a lot of them are classics and approaching them as finding a balance between honoring these songs, but also finding yourself within the song. george: for the top five, they are thrilled to be sprinkled with some of the disney magic. it is disney for your kids? >> disney is 100% for my kids but for me as well. i want to be mickey mouse. >> iis world. i love cars. george: you look like a disney princess. you are ready to go. >> it is the funniest thing in the world. if you would have told me in little ways, what the heck are you wearing, because i never imagine myself in a pretty purple lavender dress and really being able to sing like a disney princess. >> i feel honored to be here and
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the fans voting for me. it's a lot of hard work. george: how -- >> just almt lic and she said we are living th geor george pennacchio, abc7news. liz: our newest skip -- news schedule is different today because of "american idol." news will be at 4:00 and 7:00. stay tuned for abc news at 11:00. oakland animal services has a solution if you are looking for a furry friend hosting an adoptn event with 30 shelters across the country. the event highlights shelters social and playful pops. they are working to pair them up with the right families. oakland animal services is extending their hours and waving adoption fees to help them find
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forever homes. bay area mothers and families will fill san francisco for the in bloom event. this. an aother's cean, drksan fd.thelliance says the aa huge heritage -- is three with flowers. next on abc seven mornings, ridership recovery. the top reasons people don't want to ride part. -- bart.
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>> you are great. you are great students. i heard you did really well in school. kristen: how can the community move forward and make progress? what is a viable solution? reggie: we like to see that kind of support happening, in so many many of our communities. >> the home appraisal process appears to be broken, at least broken for black and brown families. ama: every day at abc 7, we are building toward something better. dan: a better bay area.
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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. >> we are really just hoping that ousd is coming back. they know the areas that are sticking points, and we need to get this done for our students to get back. liz: now at 6:00, an agreement on the oakland teachers strike. what's next in negotiations. good morning, everyone. thanks for joining us on the sunday, may 14. i am liz kreutz with drew tuma. happy mother's day. drew: happy mother's day p hav coastal cloud cover creating dense fog. clou


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