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tv   ABC7 News Getting Answers  ABC  May 18, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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area, moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc7 news. >> you abc7. asked questions about what is important in the bay area and get answers in real time. is the water at a daycare center safe to drink? many contain dangerous levels of lead, including in the bay area. also, in a city that prizes privacy, san francisco police are watching private security cameras in real time to fight the war on fentanyl. a member of the san francisco standard joins us to tell us what they found.
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pressure mounting on diane feinstein given information about her health problems. earlier today she waved off a reporter who asked her about growing calls for her to resign. >> senator, do you feel you are still fit to serve? >> what do you think about calls for you to resign? >> she did not answer that. she was being wheeled into senate judiciary committee and was escorted by the eldest daughter of former house speaker nancy pelosi, who has been by her side since the 89-year-old lawmaker returned to washington last week area the resignation calls were renewed after this puzzling interaction feinstein had with an l.a. times reporter. >> what have you heard? about you returning? >> i have not been gone. i have not been gone, i have been working.
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>> working from home? >> i have been here. please, either know or do know. >> that is diane. >> joining us is phil. so much to discuss. bombshell revelations in the new york times about her condition is worse than first thought. you mentioned shingles had spread. phil: we reported that and abc7 reported that. >> the fact they are talking about encephalitis, inflammation of the brain, syndromes affecting her facial features, putting that altogether, what does that add up to? phil: dianne to washington and she put the
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spotlight back on herself. while she was here and recovering and working from home she was out of the spotlight. now every day someone is coming up to her with a camera and microphone to say how are you, are you ready to resign? her physical ills have been long in the making, even before she had a bout with shingles. she had memory questions, lapses, sometimes did not know who she was talking to. the shingles accelerated it, got into her brain informs of encephalitis and caused problems. like paralysis, dizziness. she is not in the greatest of shape. her vote is needed in washington. she wanted to go back and that is what hand. once there, it is open season for critics to say it is time for her to go, but they want to get the votes out of her before she does. kristen: say she has moments of
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confusion. she time. what is the minimum baseline she needs to do her job such that you would not need to resign? phil: interesting point. under the u.s. constitution the only person that sets the minimum is the person themselves. there is no provision in the constitution to remove somebody for being physically or mentally incompetent. it only applies to the president. when we say what is the baseline, it is usually the voters, we will not reelect you. will she be able to continue like this? probably not. she is probably not going to fill out her term. she is going back to washington. her vote is key for confirmation of the labor secretary, some judges, and the debt ceiling, if
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that goes through in the next few weeks. if she can raise her hand, she is doing her job for the party and the white house. that is one of the reasons you have not heard them call for her to resign. after that it is a different story. kristen: i know you have talked to a lot of insiders in her inner circle. what is their opinion having seen pictures of her in the capitol looking frail, confused? are there additional calls outside the progressive wing calling for her to resign? phil: there are no more calls for her to resign apart from those we heard from before. we are not hearing from candidates lined up to replace her. they are not in a rush for gavin newsom to name a replacement. kristen: who may not be them, adam schiff or others. phil: so everybody is laying back. there are growing concerns, not
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calls for her to resign, but concerns she is putting herself out too far, stressing herself out more. she wanted to come back to washington. she feels she still has it in her, but there are concerns about the effect on her health. kristen: is she listening to anyone right now? i saw in the new york times she is shutting herself off. a call from mr. newsom on her personal phone was answered by an aide and went unreturned. also, a visit from alex pad was rejected. even family visitor -- family members who wanted to see her were turned away. what does it suggest? phil: some of it is the ins and outs of her mental and physical state. another, diane feinstein herself feels she will tough it out on her own terms in her own way.
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she has had a long career. she is pretty daughter, to accompany her from san francisco to washington, and is staying with her. they have known each other virtually all of nancy pelosi's daughter's life, grow up across the street from each other. they are close. she has a small circle that is getting smaller. there is frustration. some days she is listening and some she is not. kristen: how much of this, -- stems from sexism, calls for her to stand down? her friend nancy pelosi said that, though others say she is saying that to keep her in office so governor newsom does not appoint anyone in particular. kristen: there have been --
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phil: there have been male senators in the past in as bad or worse shape before, but we did not have the spotlight or the 50-50 split in the senate could s ever vote. off, you could be gone. kristen: and no one noticed because they did not need the vote. phil: it comes down to intense coverage, intense partisanship. republicans would not let her step aside at the judiciary committee to let democrats but someone else in the key slot read everyone is playing hardball. she is dodging the pitches. kristen: the new york times reported someone close to senator feinstein joked that perhaps when she is dead if will consider resigning. that is a terrible thing to say, but that -- but does that reflect her mentality? phil: yes, in a couple
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instances. it is a bad joke, but she has had a couple rough years. illness, her husband passed she stuck it through. even if she resigns from the senate, i think she would stay in washington. kristen: you said earlier you did not think she would finish her term which goes until january 2025. what do you mean by that? phil: i do not thinktall ctinu on for a long period of time. it is a lot of wear and tear. kristen: we that happens. phil: do not forget she is 89, has a history of health problems. something else could come along. kristen: thank you for joining us. coming up, a shocking headline.
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dangerously high levels of lead in drinking water affecting one in
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kristen: a frightening new study shows 1/4 of childcare centers in california have lead in the drinking water. joining us to discuss the findings, greg engstrom and who conducted this report? >> there was a law
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recently that requires health care centers to test their drinking water and report back to the state. what we found was one in four childcare centers have alarming levels of lead in their drinking water which puts babies and children at risk. kristen: a lot of health-care consequences. we have california's grade in comparison to other states in the country pertaining to lead in the water. walk us through the findings. jen: this is a map put the public education fund i work for. we give california a c- because there is still a lot our state needs to do to address lead contamination in our schools and childcare centers. this new data shows how important this is.
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there is still too much lead in our drinking water. kristen: only three states have b's, washington, new hampshire, new jersey. no state has a. plenty of states in the south with f's. are these based on what childcare centers submitted, or based on measures they are taking to improve the quality of the water? jen: based on the measures they are taking to improve the quality of the water. lead is a huge problem acr the country because for decades lead was constantly used in plumbing which means many are contaminated with lead. we can assume it is there we need communities to address that. we graded remove lead from the drinking water.
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the states that did well requiring filtered hydration stations at all schools and childcare centers to ensure they have access to safe drinking water. kristen: which we require in california? jenn: we do not. a couple school districts do require that, and have the policy that every one of their schools needs to have filtered water. san diego unified, barry unified and oakland, but it is not required by state law. kristen: i want to focus on childcare centers in the bay area that are among the worst offenders in terms of lead contamination. let's go ahead and show those. abc in contra saint catherine of siena, santa clara county, san jose, linda
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vista, san mateo the bunker nursery school among the 13 worst in the state. explain those numbers to me. i get the sample data, but what does that mean, the ppb, and how should we interpret those numbers? jenn: these are really alarming numbers. 3000 parts per billion of lead. the threshold we are required to report and remediate is only five parts per billion. the american academy of pediatrics recommends no more than one part per billion of lead in drinking water for children because they are highly susceptible to lead, it is toxic to them. a number as big as 3000 is a huge problem that needs to be addressed immediately. the cdc said there is no safe level of lead for our children. kristen: if your drinking water
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at that level, how much over how long do you need to consume before you suffer negative health consequences? jenn: children can suffer consequences that even small levels of lead. it can lead to irreversible damage to a child's brain, can cause iq loss, adhd, anxiety disorders. does not mean you rush them to the hospital, but you want to make sure water is replaced to prevent long-term consequences. kristen: our championship -- our children particularly vulnerable to lead? jenn: yes, they are still developing their brain. kristen: for childcare centers on that list, are they required to do something now to fix it? jenn: yes, any lea five parts per billion they are required to remediate.
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they need to replace faucets, replace them with better materials. kristen: i assume there will be follow-up testing. what about all of us? what should we do to ensure the safety of our drinking water? it could be in the pipes. i am thinking, how old is my building have to be to test? jenn: you can talk utility and find out what the pipes are made of that go to your home. you can replace them. anything made before the 1980's it is advised to look into. there are more funds avail through infrastructure law to help folks be able to remediate lead. kristen: is there a source for more information? jenn: check out our scorecard report on calpirg's
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funds website. if you work at a school or child care center and want to know what to do to make sure you have access to safe drinking water for the kids, we have resources. kristen: jenn, thank coming, private security the latest tool to fight the fentanyl crisis in san francisco. however if he is using them in real time and what the concerns
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kristen: san francisco's fentanyl crisis rethinking police tactics with 268 overdose deaths in the first four months of the year, that is 37% increase. gavin newsom has called in the national guard to help. the san francisco standard reporting sfpd has quietly begun using a new and controversial
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tactic. records show police are using privately owned security cameras. joining us now to tell us about it is michael barba, a senior reporter from "the standard." sfpd surveillance. i was not sure if they were using them already but you learned they have? michael: this is the first time we found out the department is using live surveillance, watching privately owned surveillance cameras in real time. they have done it at least four times. three times it was for investigating fentanyl dealing, one time it was to watch stolen goods as well. kristen: what is the process? how do they get the approval? michael: there are
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parameters around how to use this, when they can use it. for the fentanyl dealing, officer has to declare they want to investigate this particular crime and get approval from the captain. fencing i believe that came about because they received complaints of stolen goods being sold in a particular area, but details are slim on where they are doing the surveillance. kristen: how about the results in cases in which they used the cameras? did they succeed in making an arrest? michael: they have made two arrests so far, both suspected fentanyl dealers. they were also caught with other narcotics. the district attorney brooke jenkins filed charges in both cases. we are still really
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terms of sfpd using this new technology. we could see the department using it in a lot of different ways going forward. right now it is two arrests so far. kristen: whose cameras are these? i know they are privately owned. are they widespread? michael: good question. we do not know whose cameras the department used for these operations. under the new rules they could ask anybody who owns a security camera looking to the public. hey, can we look at your footage in real time? if the person gives them the ok within reasons that are allowed, they can watch the public through those security cameras. we think the department will be asking for permission to use these security camera networks that have been set up around san francisco with private funding and commercial districts.
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places like union square, fisherman's wharf. they will be able to see a lot of places in san francisco from one place at one time. that is concerning to some folks. people start thinking about mass surveillance and police watching the public. the department would push back and say they are doing this for particular reasons and need this to address kristen: inkristen: san francisco the idea of privacy has always been championed. it takes a lot for this to get to the point where there is wider acceptance of the usage of cameras. what does it say about the state of the city and the fentanyl crisis that this is being explored and expanded? michael: the fentanyl crisis, it is not breaking news. it is a serious problem taking a lot of lives in the city.
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proponents of live surveillance say we need to do what we can to address the issue. if it means giving police more tools to use less manpower to make arrests, so be it. i think there are people on the others. even police acknowledge they will not police their way out of this problem. there are different ways besides arresting fentanyl dealers. kristen: is this practice, other cities? michael: i believe so. i have not done enough research. the police department in san francisco has done live surveillance in the past through privately owned cameras. it got the department into trouble. there was a lawsuit filed. they had to fight back. eventually they decided to go through the proper process for approvals. now they have a thumbs up from
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the board of supervisors and can do this going forward. kristen: do you know the ways police could use live monitoring in the future? michael: if the past is indication, we might be seeing them used, these cameras, for monitoring protests to make sure nothing happens, there is no -- god forbid, a mass shooting. they would want to use monitoring to have situational awareness to know where the shooter is to respond effectively. there are a lot of different ways to use this. kristen: michael baraga -- ba here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. the three what? the three ps? what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance
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kristen: thanks for joining us for "g >> david: tonight the chilling police video made public, the 18-year-old who was days from graduation with an assault-style weapon from new mexico, showing officers as they arrived on the scene rushing to face the shooter, firing at random targets, killing three people, wounding others. and a new poll in this country americans who say guns are the top public health threat. most of what we have just learned about the air force national guardsmen accused of leaking highly classified pentagon documents. court documents show he was repeatne how did he


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