tv ABC7 News Getting Answers ABC May 19, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> >> hello, i am kristen we get answers for you in real time. today as we get ready to welcome summer and all of that sunshine, i timely warning about skin cancer profession, we will have the best practices as we mark skin cancer awareness month in may. and remember, retired legendary tv anchor, connie chung? as she shattered the glass ceiling in the television industry, she created a generation of women named connie.
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we will talk to one such connie whose name made a splash in an op-ed this week. and 2024 is shaping up to look like 2020, polls show a rematch between president biden and president trump as the most likely scenario even though the polls also show, americans do not want a rematch, and that is what is driving a third-party movement. it's getting some attention, and it's called no labels. and joining us now is holly page, the cofounder of no labels. i said third-party type. explain what no labels that is, you are not exactly a political party. >> no, we are not we are an advocacy agency for a corner of the country. we represent what we call the common sense majority. we put out 70 million american voters who do not see their values and hooks for this great
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nation reflected in the political conversation. >> you also call yourself on your website a insurance policy. insurance against what? >> the insurance policy describes our strategy for the 2024 presidential election. just as you said, the vast majority of americans do not want to a rematch in 2020. -- a rematch of 2020. they want to move forward, and prepare themselves in the nation to move forward with the future. the insurance policy is our way of ensuring that do not have to go through all of that again. we will challenge both national parties to evolve and change and speak more to us and the issues of the day. if they do not, we will offer the american people a third choice. our intention is not to create a third-party. our idea is to have a unity
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ticket. a democrat and republican running together, committed to getting answers. >> that's coincidentally the title of this program. a unity ticket. ok? you must have people in mind to could be the presidential and vice presidential nominees on your tickets, do you have names? >> certainly, there are politicians or people who have public or in other ways are around no labels. but this is not being created for a particular individual, we have the luxury because we only will go if the voting population that we represents tells us they want the choice. we have the luxury of waiting to find out who the other parties nominate. who the democrats and republicans nominate, and then we will see what the moment calls for and we can make decisions then. >> you are saying you're going to wait until the parties come
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up with their nominees and if and only if it's biden versus trump will you offer up your own ticket? >> we want to make sure that the common sense majority is represented. we will see who the parties nominate and if indeed they fill this void that speaks to those of us who do want the politics of problem-solving. that's what we call it. or not. and we make the decision then. >> we will show you vizio -- we will show you video of democratic senator joe manchin who does not vote with his party, and is a thorn in the administration side. also democratic senator kyrsten sinema, you have not named her but others are throwing out her name as well. lori hogan is also out there. but when you look out across the names being tossed out, do you think that they are of moderate policies that we are advocating
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for, do they represent that? >> is less about a moderate policy and more about the reality that this is a very vast nation. we have very different points of view, and our government was constructed to force compromise it's less about a moderate idea and more about how do we take our collective interests and get to an answer and solve the problem that covers the majority of us. >> so do you even have a platform, are there particular issue points that you would want whoever you put forth to adhere to or be about? >> we are not going to impose policies or specific ideas on the candidate should we go that route. we will be releasing a idea booklet that will give some sort of context to how we view the world.
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and it's just rejecting the false choices that the current political conversation likes to impose on us. we understand that you can't be a nation without secure borders. on the other hand, we have a immigration system over the last century that was last reformed one-run donald -- reformed wh ronald reagan had the white house. we can improve ■and reformthe ways that people are considered and applied for citizenship. ' not b,you been around for ovea decade but you are getting attention now because of the scenario that we talked about. are you worried about playing's blower you learn -- worried about playing spoiler. democrats say that was that way. and are you looked at as being a spoiler, when people think that
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you can't win. >> in today's america anything is possible. we do not consider some spoilers, we are not reflect -- we are reflecting a huge american -- a huge amount of american voters are saying. they do not want a redo of 2020. we will listen to them, right up to the last moments. and if they are still there and want a fair choice, we have infrastructure ready to go for that. if not, we will use our power envoys to advance the nation and force the politicians to do the same thi they don't like to do. >> i want to ask you what is the prep work that you've done in to run for something in 2024. are you on the ballot in a few state? >> we intend to be on the ballot on every seat we can be on
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without naming a candidate. and we are fielding a vast network of citizen leaders everywhere. if anyone is interested we would love to have you join us, go to our website, no labels other work and we will help get you connected. those are the two main things we are doing, getting on the ballot have that option and helping give voice to so many americans out there political conversation in a different future for the country. >> are you hoping that the two major parties will invite you to the table? >> exactly. one way or another were going to force this conversation. we are not naïve in thinking that they are going to welcome us. it is the most political political table for the presidential is the most powerful table in the whole
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world. we know to be properly represented their we need to be properly prepared for the struggle. we want them to evolve and adapt and speak to us. >> we don't have too much time left but there are strategist saying if you do attempt something here it's going to hand the election to donald trump simply because of the way that the shapes up right now. is that something you are practically keeping in mind as you pursue what you are trying to accomplish air? >> we hear the same thing from the opposite camp why is the onus not on us to compete and make our voices heard. why is it not on the two traditional parties to compete for our votes. if they speak to the common sense majority. then they will -- there will be no reason for us to run a unity ticket. no we are not worried about that criticism. >> holly page, cofounder of no
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of conrf outside and i'm not dermatologist, i'm meoncologist. >> my apologies. >> i see patients with skin scamper -- with skin cancer at usf. and because we are outdoors and there's a lot of uv exposure, just because it's foggy or cloudy outside does not necessarily mean that the uv radiation doesn't get through. do you need to be careful about putting on sunscreen, rash guards, hats and sunglasses. apply your sunscreen if it is like that. if it's nice water, getting in, and to getting out, the sunscreen is going to -- be sure to cover all. >> is radiation -- uv radiation the primary cause of skin cancer and how prevalent is it? >> it is the prevalent cause of
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skin cancer. the most common type of skin cancer is basal cell. there is over 3 million basal cells in the year in the united states. melamawhh i specialize in and what some of these pictures refer to is about 90 plus 1000 a year. but a lot of related to melanoma but that's not as common but it's more likely to spread and affect younger people and the cancer that is pretty consistently over the last 20 or 30 years. even though other types of cancers have been decreasing at the same time.
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>> that's inte there's certain segments of the population, age, racial group men and women that are more acceptable? >> yes. and people with fair skin who if you have blue eyes, blonde hair or if your fair skinned. or if you burn easily. those are the people who are most bold to any type of skin cancer. for people with darker skin, like me. or are asian of melanoma or skin cancer that we get is often on your palms or souls -- soles. or mucosal areas, exposed parts of your body. and with people with fair skin it's more likely that you will have skin cancer and it's
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important to, especially for kids, if there's one message i can say, please, please, please do not use indoor tanning salons or tanning beds. >> those are perhaps even more insidious, right? how many hours of exposure would it take at that level to really have negative consequences? >> a lot of studies have shown that it doesn't take much time in an indoor tanning bed, part of it has to do with the fact that a lot of the folks who were using these are kids. or young adults. but what we know is that a nburn me risky then a sunburn for an adult or older adult and it's because your skin at that age is much more likely to get damaged
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and a lot of times, is delayed from the time that you get the sunburn, until the time that you actually notice the melanoma. to that period can be years definitely make sure your kids put on hats and put on sunscreen . especially if they're going in and out of the water. >> that's good advice. and what would you say to look out for, because we always wonder, is this possibly skin cancer or not? when should we go to the doctor. >> the three common skin cancers , basal cells, squeamish cells and melanomas, they present differently. squeamish cell is often a sword that doesn't heal and is just present for months. the basal cells, they are often little pinkish, lesions that are often seen on your fed -- head
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noseand melanoma, which i specie in, often looks like a mole -- or something that has -- if it has read white and blue in the same formation. or if it has a symmetry like the left side doesn't look like the right side or border regularities or color inferences in the lesion or if the diameter is greater than 5 mm. which is the size of a pencil eraser. if it's bigger than that, you can see in the picture, that probably needs to be checked out by a dermatologist. ask ucf oncologist, dr. great information, thank you for joining us. retired, legendary tv anchor, connie chan -- connie chu
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>> connie chung her name is synonymous with tv news and for decades she was the most famous and sometimes the only asian american face familiar to the broader american audience per get and she didn't realize that even as she shattered that glass ceiling, she launched a generation of connie's. asian american women named connie by their parents at birth because of connie chung. this was the time -- this the topic of a fascinating op-ed in the new york times this week. it was written by a connie, the journalist and author of all my mother. joining us now is connie, hello. >> you for having me.
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>> welcome to the show, you said that your show you thought your name was unique, but then you recognize there were asian american women about my age, that were all named connie. >> i was one of the few asian-americans in my hometown, so the connie's i knew were mostly white women, and it wasn't until i was in california for the first time in my life and i was surrounded by asian americans my age, a lot of us were name connie. i realized i couldn't have my own email address with my name on it. and then i realized i wasn't alone. >> and then he started sluicing. -- sl
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did you start pursuing why there was an origin story and look into your own, perhaps? >> i started looking into and i thought, i was named after connie chung, and every woman i spoke to said so was i. i was less unique and more common that i understood. i started writing that story in my head in the early 20's. every work lays or organization i joined would inevitably be another asian connie who would share the same story as me. by the time i was writing my memoir i thought i should dig into it a little bit and then a couple of years later it was published in the new york times. >> my names not connie, i am kristen, but i get called connie sometimes. she is the icon it's unavoidable. she is one of the first faces available to the broader audience. when it parents -- when parents
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gave the name top -- the name connie, was their hopes that there was maybe super powers they were imbuing in their girls. >> absolutely, when parents especially daughters name -- connie, it's impossible to name them without some hopes and dreams and maybe some anxiety on your new children. and when people wanted to feel comfortable in america and learn the language, they would watch tv. that's how my parents learned to speak english and that's how i learned to speak english as well. and when we were thinking of new identities and new names to adopt, i am so glass -- i am so glad that i didn't choose elmo or michelangelo, i found who looked like me. and it was connie chung. it happened over and over again. it was a simple decision but in that decision a lot of mothers wanted their kids to be known to be powerful, beautiful and proud
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of her heritage just like connie chung was. >> and to be in a visible position of power and responsibility. i can see that. i wanted to ask you, also, you saw the video and to some of the pictures of all of the connie's. do you thought, hey let's bring the connie's together. and that happened with the og connie, connie chung, tell us about that. >> when i was doing my recording, i was reaching out to many women named connie, and we were all over the country. in fact we are all over the world to now. but the new york times decided to gather a bunch of them in new york city and san francisco to shoot themselves and mothers, and then with the og connie chung. it was a beautiful experience i couldn't unfortunately been there. i have never understood the word foam o until this moment. , but -- fomo
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i cried watching the video myself, i know the story but it speaks to the power of the shared realization of her legacy and what it meant that her legacy was a living one. and represented in a bunch of women. >> indeed. she is long and -- long retired and still inspiring. what does connie think of the phenomenon? >> believe it or not, she was surprised to learn about it. she had not known her impact. i think she always hoped for it. i think she always knew that people noticed her, but she didn't fathom what she meant to asian american women. to end this is a testament to just how good she wasn't doing her job. it was about the work for her, and she had the opportunity to pick her head up and look around she realized how big her ego should be.
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when the story came to her and i talked to her on the phone, she was surprised that you could see the rates of women named connie going up in a graph. she had no idea. and her are few women named after other news casters, and we can trace that path, connie chung is special in this world. >> indeed, she was so good at this job, that she made it easier for me to get my job and the ones that come after. we all owe attitude for connie chung og. but also to you connie wang for telling the story. ask to get so much kristin, i am flattered. >> i want to tell folks that your book is on my mother, a memoir in nine adventures. thank you
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>> thank you still want to live the major turn of the war in ukraine. will the u.s. now supply f-16s to ukraine? tonight a senior administration official telling "abc news" president biden has now agreed to let ukrainian pilots begin training to fly american-made f-16 fighter jets. one of the most urgent request from president zelenskyy since the war began. zelenskyy now set to appear in person at the g7. the question find, will it be the u.s. or our allies who supply the f-16s? terry moran denny my with late reporting. he's traveling with the president. also developing the battle over raising the debt ceiling tonight. talk suddenly put on pause what's driving this with time now running out? rachel scott on the hill. the alleged pentagon leaker in
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