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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  July 12, 2023 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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chicago white sox. it was a busy day for baseball, even though there were no games. we will
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but do they really? do they see all that you are? at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you.
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traveling to the all-star festivities for a secret meeting with the commissioner. the hour-long meeting in seattle was attended by oakland staff, the mlb commissioner, and deputy commissioner. the mayor's office shared these photos of the trip, they brought the receipts in a major way. documents detailing the offer in oakland. by all accounts from mlb people, the meeting went well. >> it was important before someone took a consequential vote that the commissioner and every in moby owner have all the facts. when we did go to seattle, i brought 31 copies of our plans so there was no miscommunication, no misconception of what was proposed and not proposed. we are hopeful we can come back to the negotiation in true partnership and move forward in
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the value of keeping the oakland a's oakland. casey: steve kerr and coach k chatting. the lay up and the file. he is helping to make his debut tomorrow. the drive, kicks it to the three is good and we are going to overtime. the next bucket, dallas is going the other way. the myths for the win, -- miss for the win. that is a big celebration for a summer league game. gold cup semi finals. 10 goal off the right foot. this thing is headed for penalty kicks. usa shooting,
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panama with a chance to win. the game-winner. panama advances to the finals. the earthquakes hosting the sounders. espinoza with the corner kick. the left-footed laser. espinoza is the quakes all-time assist leader. quakes win, 2-0.
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for all of us here, i'm dan ashley. have a good night. >> lou: from brooklyn, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- mila kunis, ramy youssef, and music from future. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: oh, very nice. wow. thank you. i do appreciate that. thanks for watching. hello, brooklyn. [ cheers and applause ] i'm jimmy. i'm here. have been here. very nice. please sit. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] relax, relax. you're going to give me a swelled head, and that's the last thing i need right now. we are coming to you right now from the howard gillman opera house at the brooklyn academy of music, b.a.m. this is our sixth visit to brooklyn. i have many relatives here tonight. some might say too many relatives here tonight. [ laughter ]
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i was born at bay ridge hospital, i grew up in mill basin. [ cheers and applause ] mill basin is so deep in brooklyn, the subway doesn't even go there. the only way to get to mill basin is by boat from rhode island. [ laughter ] we have any yankees fans in the house here tonight? [ cheers and applause ] it's a good time to be a yankees fan. yankees beat the blue jays last night, they clinched their division and took a well-earned opportunity to celebrate. >> this is what you should do when you win a division title. and guys, they never fell out of first place since april 27th. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, look at that. that's what's known as an irish bidet. [ laughter ] aaron judge did not hit home run number 61 yesterday. he barely even got a chance. the other teams keep walking him. the blue jays walked him four times in five at bats last night. four walks. even dogs were like, "that's too many walks." [ laughter ]
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judge is hoping to break the single-season home run record held by roger maris. he's been stuck at 60 for a week now and has eight games left. i think i'd hate to be aaron judge. it's sort of like being constipated and the whole city knows it. [ laughter ] meanwhile, speaking of constipation, my team, the mets -- [ cheers and applause ] they're doing what the mets do best. they're torturing us. most of the season they're in first place, things are going great. they lost to miami yesterday, oe with the braves. if they lose the division, they would not get a first-round bye. i wish i could say i'm surprised. breaking hearts is what the mets do. they're the kardashians of baseball. [ laughter ] and i'm here all kanye. you know? [ laughter ] oh hey, before we go another minute, i'd like you to say hello to a very dear friend. my sidekick of more than 70 years, guillermo, everybody! there he is! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> guillermo: thank you! >> jimmy: you look great. thank you, guillermo, thank you. i've never been more attracted to you than i am right now. [ laughter ] >> guillermo: love you! >> jimmy: guillermo got some edwin diaz-style accompaniment tonight from timmy trumpet. right up there in the balcony. [ cheers and applause ] hi, timmy, i'm jimmy. timmy will be sitting in with the cletones tonight. the mets aren't the only new yorkers in a fix right now. former brooklyn borough president and current new york city mayor eric adams is getting heat for a comment he made about, of all places, kansas. >> we have a brand. new york has a brand.
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and when people see it, it means something. you know, when we go there, it's not -- kansas doesn't have a brand. [ laughter ] you know? you go there, okay, you're from kansas. >> jimmy: first of all, i do want to say, my wife went to kansas, and i do have to defend them. kansas does have a brand. they're the rectangle next to the other rectangle. [ laughter ] more importantly, what did kansas do to deserve that? [ laughter ] minding their own business, they get an unprompted attack from the mayor of new york. obviously, the insult didn't sit well with people from kansas who issued this very kansas-y rebuttal on their local news. >> okay, mayor adams, those are fighting words. check this out. close to 3 million people live in the sunflower state. dodge city is really the windy city. in fact, it's the windiest city in america. it ain't chicago. there are more than 500 caves in kansas.
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and we're saving the bees. our state bug is the honeybee. so take that, mayor adams. >> jimmy: wow, whoa, whoa. no need to get nasty, guys, come on, now. [ laughter ] somebody needs to help kansas with their snaps. they're bragging about how many caves they have. [ laughter ] and the truth is, new york and kansas have a lot more in common than you think. for one thing, both places don't like eric adams, right? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] oh, hey, speaking of people -- of unlikeable people. the "richest man in america" is now elon musk. according to the new "forbes 400" list, elon musk is worth around $251 billion. he beat out jeff bezos, who topped the list last year. bezos ceded his spot at number one in a show of solidarity with employees who aren't allowed to go number one on the job. [ laughter ] donald trump is back on the list.
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didn't make it last year. for the first time in 25 years. he came in at number 343, which hopefully will soon also be his inmate number as well. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] there is another new book about our former president, this one by "new york times" reporter maggie haberman who gets all the information. according to her book, which is called "confidence man," trump at one point was going to fire his daughter ivanka and her husband jared with a tweet. fire them over twitter. but his chief of staff john kelly was able to stop him from doing it by waving a kfc drumstick in front of him. [ laughter ] and tossing it across the room. haberman wrote that trump was racist. he assumed staffers who weren't white at the white house were waiters. he was homophobic, transphobic, had problems dealing with female leaders of other countries. he called angela merkel a bitch. the first time he met britain's then-prime minister theresa may,
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he said to her, "some people are pro-life, some people are pro-choice. imagine if some animals with tattoos raped your daughter and she got pregnant?" and then he asked her about the windmills near his golf course in ireland. that's the thing about trump, one thing he is, is a great conversationalist. [ laughter ] according to this book, everyone who worked at the white house including his family thought trump was a dangerous, unpredictable child. and on behalf of all of us, i just want to say thank you to those brave men and women who kept that information to themselves and away from the american people, who could have removed him from office. now that trump moved to florida there's a new creature bothering new yorkers right now. it's the spotted lanternfly. [ laughter ] i didn't know, i assume you've seen these things. it's basically a cockroach with a makeover is what it is. [ laughter ] they invaded the city over the summer and they're everywhere. thankfully, they don't bite or sting, but they do a lot of damage to plants. they say they could devastate crops and trees. so the usda said, if you see
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one, you should "smash spotted lanternflies." smash and spray. i think this plan was devised by the hulk. [ laughter ] so anyway, during rehearsal one landed right here on the stage as we were talking about it. hand to god. and i did what they tell you to do, i smashed it. [ cheers and applause ] >> you did what? >> jimmy: hold on. [ cheers and applause ] i smashed it. >> you did what? >> jimmy: i smashed it. >> you monster! >> jimmy: what is this? what are you here? >> what do you mean, what am i? i'm a lanternfly. and that beautiful bug that you murdered, that was my mother! >> jimmy: oh, i'm sorry. i didn't know that was your mother. what was your mom's name? >> her name was josh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: your mother's name was josh? >> yeah, it's a family name, her name was josh, now she's dead,
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you killed my mother josh! >> jimmy: i'm so sorry. the government said you were a destructive and invasive species and we should squash you and squash your eggs. >> right, the government. okay, yeah. i didn't trust the government with the lockdown, i'm not going to trust them now, you know what i mean? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: clearly you didn't care about the lockdown because you lanternflies were running all over the city and we're supposed to kill you on sight. >> who said that, the government? >> jimmy: yeah, the people in charge of bug stuff, the government. >> well, so you just go and you kill and you don't ask any questions, right? you're just -- you're a hollywood liberal elite. okay? [ laughter ] excuse me, if there's kids, cover your ears. you're a sick [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: wait a minute, now. [ applause ] first of all, there are kids in the audience. secondly, you're saying you're not destructive? >> no, i'm a lanternfly. look at how pretty i am. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: you are pretty, i'll give you that. >> hello! >> jimmy: why are you here? what are you doing? >> what do you mean, why am i here, what am i doing here? i'm here for the same reason all of you are here. to enjoy new york city, baby! [ cheers and applause ] yes, this is the big apple. and i came here to take a bite. and by that i mean, we're going to kill all of the apple trees. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, so you admit you're here to kill the trees. >> yeah, we're tree killers. we're destroying your food supply. and that's not all. we're also having a little uh-uh! s-e-x, baby! >> jimmy: yeah. >> there we go. [ laughter ] that's what i wanted to do.
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i'm pumping out kids faster than hilaria baldwin and her husband alejandro baldwin on a new show we're calling -- [ speaking spanish ] [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: i did not know you were bilingual. well, we understand. i'm sorry there has to be conflict between us. >> i don't -- look, it's just that you and all these new yorkers had better -- look, you better get used to us. because we are banging each other's brains out. [ laughter ] i'm not even sure that we had brains -- hey! >> jimmy: hi, kids. >> yay! >> jimmy: all right. well, they are cute. >> yay! >> jimmy: all right. >> now, let's get out of here, guys. let's get out of here before old murder bee tries to kill us, then he's going to try to give us the covid vaccine!
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[ laughter ] come on, guys, let's go! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, there, how are you? ow! [ cheers and applause ] very rude. all right. nick kroll's new special "little big boy" is on netflix now. thank you, nick. ramy youssef is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] we've got music from future tonight. we'll be right back with mila kunis! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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when you're ready to go but static and wrinkles are like, nooooo! try bounce, it's the sheet. less static. less wrinkles. more softness. more freshness. bounce. it's the sheet. (vo) crabfest is back at red lobster. when you can choose your crab, and one of three new flavors like roasted garlic butter... ...this is not your grandpa's crabfest... ...unless grandpa's got flavor. dayumm! crabfest is here for a limited time.
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welcome to fun dining. arthritis pain? we say not today. tylenol 8 hour arthritis pain has two layers of relief. the first is fast, the second is long-lasting. we give you your day back, so you can give it everything. tylenol. number one doctor recommended for arthritis pain.
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that smell could be 8,000,000 odor causing bacteria. good thing adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria that detergents leave behind. clean is good, sanitized is better. ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: we are back in brooklyn. that is timmy trumpet sitting in with cleto and the cletones tonight. also tonight, from his great show "ramy" on hulu, ramy youssef is with us.
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[ cheers and applause ] then later, he is a grammy award-winning hip hop artist. this is his ninth album. it's called "i never liked you." music from future. [ cheers and applause ] we have a great show tomorrow night. ben stiller and desus nice. with music from yeah yeah yeahs. please join us for that. [ cheers ] our first guest was named one of "time's" 100 most influential people of 2022, and that's right now. you know her from "that '70s show" and a bunch of big movies. her newest is called "luckiest girl alive." it premieres on netflix one week from friday. please welcome mila kunis. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you for being here in brooklyn. you look fantastic, you look great. >> first of all, this is very
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cool. so i just want to say thank you for letting me participate. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's fun, right? thank you for coming. >> okay. i know we have things that we need to talk about -- >> jimmy: very important things, yeah, sure. >> i did ask your producer, can i just tell him what just happened to me? they were like, yeah, okay, just walk in there and tell him. >> jimmy: what happened? >> okay. >> jimmy: oh, no. >> well, it -- no, it's fine. i'm clothed. [ laughter ] so what happened was you go on these press tours, you do your wardrobe fitting in l.a., they pack things up for you, this is for this show, the premiere, whatever. you never really talk about it ever again. but they usually set it all up so all the clothing is with you. i show up here, i open my garment bag to put on this dress and these shoes. but there's no bra, no underwear, and no socks. why i wasn't wearing those garments either is a whole other story. [ laughter ] which we can get into at a later time. but i looked around and i went,
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uh -- i think we have a problem. so i'm currently wearing my publicist's bra, my manager's socks, and your costume department found children's leggings from the children's place that we have cut into underwear. [ laughter ] so i am wearing children's underwear, tammy curtis' socks, and melissa's bra. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. >> yeah. it wouldn't matter, like none of this would matter, except that it's a see-through dress. >> jimmy: can we bring melissa out here right now? >> yes. [ laughter ] anyways, that just happened. >> jimmy: that's interesting. a glimpse behind the scenes. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's not easy to be glamorous. >> uh -- yeah. >> jimmy: or a publicist. >> or a manager, or a children's place pant. >> jimmy: it seems you could be a new yorker but you're not a new yorker? >> no, i'm not. i -- what? [ laughter ] who booed?
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>> jimmy: someone booed you. >> what's wrong with your audience? very new york, very new york. i'm sorry. [ laughter ] well, you won't like the rest of this interview. [ laughter ] i was born in ukraine. >> jimmy: right. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: we now have a warm feeling for ukraine. >> at least now people know where it is on the map. >> jimmy: yeah, sure. >> we've really moved forward. but yes, that's a -- yes. born in ukraine. but when i came to the states, i came through new york. except i think we were -- kind of, hold on. it was like queens. >> jimmy: oh. >> and you're put up in a -- hold on. [ laughter ] you're put in a hotel to go through your medical checks to senter the country. >> jimmy: really? >> it's next to a cemetery. this is what i remember. someone can go and do research, internet, and figure out where i was. what i recall is a cemetery across the street and this weird hotel that i was in.
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but i did have a burger for the first time in new york, and a coca-cola. >> jimmy: your first time? you remember that? >> i do, yeah. [ applause ] >> jimmy: that's a pretty great memory. did you have pizza for the first time here in new york? >> are you ready? no. [ moans ] i know. the audience is something. [ laughter ] god, it's fun. no, i did not have pizza in new york. okay, this won't really make up for it. but my dad delivered pizzas growing up. >> jimmy: he did? >> he did, but in l.a. [ laughter ] so i ate a lot -- that's mean. l.a. has perfectly fine pizzas, guys. [ moans and boos ] >> jimmy: well. >> hold on. you know what? you know what? i am wearing children's underwear for you. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] they turned, how quickly. now just hold on. where there's judgment on types
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of pizzas. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i love that your dad comes to this country and makes a better life for his family -- [ laughter ] he is an adult man, delivering pizzas. >> yep. >> jimmy: just to try to just build a better life. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and you guys boo him. [ laughter ] >> i know, guys. but there's more to this story. >> jimmy: there is? >> lest we get another boo. it was domino's pizza. [ moans ] i know. this is like a symphony of boos and aahs. >> jimmy: that's not really pizza. [ laughter ] it's domino's. in a pinch it's fine. >> you really don't like -- you have this thing with pizzas. >> jimmy: yes, i have something called taste. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] wait a minute, even after your dad worked for domino's for two years, you still like domino's pizza? >> i hated pizza. i mean, i hate pizza. >> jimmy: you hate pizza? [ boos ] >> boo, boo, i'm out of here!
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>> jimmy: wow. >> just give me a second. >> jimmy: do you hate babies and puppies too? [ laughter ] >> well, some of them. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what is it that you hate about pizza? >> okay, i'll tell you. i had it every day for a year. >> jimmy: okay. >> possibly more. i think any time -- it was too much. we were so poor, my dad would make us pizza for dinner. he tried really hard to get creative but you can only be so creative. my brother came out of it loving pizza. my mom and i to this day, ugh, pizza. i'll choke it down because my kids and husband like pizza. i'm never the person who goes, "you know what i feel like? pizza." here's the irony, guys. my husband for our anniversary got me a pizza oven. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did he really? >> yes. yes, he did. [ applause ] >> jimmy: well, you know what? >> yes, he did. >> jimmy: he's always been a prankster. >> i know. so now, not only do i not like pizza, i make them. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: mila kunis is here.
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her new movie is called "luckiest girl alive." we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by i can't believe it's not butter. unbelievable buttery flavor that's ready to spread right out of the fridge. and staying true to your taste while staying on budget. who says rising costs means lowering the bar? settling? no need. get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want. tj maxx where you can always afford to be you to the maxx. ♪ ain't nothin' gonna break my stride. ♪ ♪ nobody's gonna slow me down. ♪ ♪ oh no, i got to keep on moving. ♪ ♪ ain't nothin' gonna break my stride. ♪ wherever you are. be there with starbucks ready to drink coffee.
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but do they really? do they see that crick in your neck? that ache in your heart?
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will they see that funny little thing that wasn't there last year? a new bounce in your step? the way your retinal scan connects to your blood sugar? at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you. what if a mouse could change the world? what if magic could happen on main street? what if i could walk into a cartoon world? if i could watch heroes save the day... ...and become a hero myself? what if stories could come to life? new surprises await at the disney100 celebration, only at the disneyland resort.
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scary sharp. and she ain't cheap. but she is the superior blade. >> well, baby, we can't start married life with an inferior blade.
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>> so you want to choose a knife that feels comfortable in your hand. what do you think of the zwilling? >> snap out of it, psycho. it's heavier. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is mila kunis in "luckiest girl alive," it comes out on friday. based on a book of the same title, a book i assume you read and said, this would be a good film? >> assuming i read books. [ laughter ] that was like a cheap joke. >> jimmy: do you read books? >> yeah, i read books. i'm such a nerd. [ laughter ] i did read this book six years, seven years ago. by the time i got the script the title seemed familiar. >> jimmy: oh. >> i assumed i'd read the script. i googled the title. and i was like, oh, wait, this was the book. >> jimmy: it really made an impression on you. [ laughter ] >> yes, it did.
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no -- you know what, it was during that before the where it was a lot of girl -- the girl's dot dot dot books. what i remembered was it was based on a true story, but i couldn't remember what the twists were. when i read the script, i did read it a little bit more with, oh, that's right, that did happen. >> jimmy: is this the kind of book that you worry people who love the book are going to compare it to the movie and go, they didn't have that exactly right, that kind of thing? >> yeah, for sure, a lot of it's different. incldinguding s different? >> yeah. the ending is different. our saving grace, i hope, is that the writer of the book is the same as the writer of the script. >> jimmy: i see. >> it is her voice, it is her story. it's just changed with the times. >> jimmy: and you -- did you play a part in picking the girl who plays you as a kid? >> yes. >> jimmy: that's got to be a strange experience to have. >> only because you feel old. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i see. >> so i will say, i've always been the younger person in movies. >> jimmy: right.
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>> i've been the flashback. then all of a sudden i was like, oh. [ laughter ] so i have that realization. >> jimmy: right. >> that was a little bit of a, huh. but as far as, like, going through the thousands of actresses, that was such a fun and -- i felt so fortunate to be able to do that. >> jimmy: i read that you did not go to your senior prom when you were in high school? >> i did not. >> jimmy: why did you not go to your senior prom? >> i was shooting "the '70s show" that night. >> jimmy: you didn't go to prom because you were working on tv? >> yes. >> jimmy: i didn't go to the prom because i was watching tv. [ laughter ] it's not why i didn't go to the prom, but i did watch tv that night, "fall guy" on cbs starring lee majors. >> oh. >> jimmy: i remember it vividly, and really realizing that my life was not that much fun. [ laughter ] but it's not about me, this is about you. >> yes. >> jimmy: i feel somebody like you absolutely should have had a senior prom. and i was wondering if you would
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be interested in a senior prom-type experience? >> i would love it. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: bring down the lights, then. because we've got some making up to do. first of all, we have -- i picked out a dress for you. little did you know you'd be getting more clothes here. [ laughter ] so this should be pretty -- >> i have to put this on? >> jimmy: well, you don't have to. >> is this an '80s prom? >> jimmy: well, no -- >> i'm not that old. >> jimmy: you were 2001, was that your -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: okay, all right. i'll go ahead and -- [ doorbell ] >> jimmy: oh, yeah. sorry, excuse me here. [ cheers and applause ] oh, hey, look at that. >> guillermo: will you be my prom date? >> yes. >> jimmy: all right, now that you've been corsaged, guillermo gets in his 1987 toyota tercel, and off to the prom they are. first thing you do at the prom
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is take a photo. [ cheers and applause ] all right. we'll order the whole package. now it's time for -- this is important. the ceremonial spiking of the punch bowl. guillermo, will you please do the honors? >> oh, yes, yes. >> jimmy: there you go, right there, just like every real prom in the '90s. oh, really going for it, okay. [ cheers and applause ] and now, mila, have you ever danced with a security guard before? [ cheers and applause ] >> this is real? >> guillermo: it's real, yeah. i don't mess around. >> jimmy: yeah, no. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's mila tequila, everybody. and now hit the dance floor, you two. and there we go. let's go back now to mila's senior year, 2001. the number one song in the country was "hanging by a moment" by lighthouse.
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♪ ♪ i'll do what i do best. be the nerd watching from the corner. mila kunis and guillermo, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with ramy (vo) consumer reports evaluates vehicles for car shoppers in... [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with ramy youssef. reliability, safety, owner satisfaction, and road-test evaluations... and the results are in. subaru is the twenty twenty-three best mainstream automotive brand, according to consumer reports. and subaru has seven consumer reports recommended models. solterra, forester, outback, crosstrek, ascent, impreza, and legacy. it's easy to love a brand you can trust. it's easy to love a subaru. [phone vibrating] [elevator music plays] [music gets louder]
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12:21 am
time to expose jimmy's johns new summer wrap. speaking very clearly, what's inside the jalapeño ranch chicken wrap? -crispy jalapeños, all-natural chicken... i can't do this... i'm wearing a wire. i'm not who you think i am. turn it off! jimmy john's summer wraps are back. for a limited time. the right age for neutrogena® retinol? that's whenever you want it to be. it has derm-proven retinol that targets vital cell turnover, evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines. with visible results in just one week. neutrogena® retinol.
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>> lou: it's time for "jimmy kimmel live'" who's been struck by lightning in the odds of being struck by lightning in a year is less than zero. which of these is that unlucky? >> sitting in my couch, two bourbons in, boom! the lightning hits me. i call the police, my house blew
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up! they said, what? i said, it was frightening! take me to the hospital. two medics cut my shirt off. they see the burn marks. they go, code blue. they realized i was hit. they high five each other, yes, code blue! the cops show up. they go, from all the blood we thought you were dead. of course i get struck like a freak, not like a normal person. >> lou: boom! that's gotta hurt. thanks, paul. ♪ two miles an hour so everybody sees you ♪ ♪ two miles an hour so everybody sees you ♪ ♪ siri vo: for 102 miles, continue straight. ♪ let's ride ♪ ♪ two miles an hour so everybody sees you ♪ ♪ two miles an hour so everybody sees you ♪ ♪ it's get out put my pedal to the floor ♪ ♪ and let's roll ♪ (vo) crabfest is back at red lobster. ♪ it's get out put my pedal to the floor ♪ when you can choose your crab, and one of three new flavors like honey sriracha...
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>> jimmy: hi, there, welcome back to the show. music from future is on the way. the state of new jersey has given us many gifts including band-aids, bubble-wrap, bon jovi, and our next guest. he is the emmy-nominated creator, director, writer, producer, and star of "ramy." season three premieres friday on hulu. please welcome ramy youssef. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: how you doing? good to see you. you live here in brooklyn, right? >> i just -- i just moved to brooklyn. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah. did you really move to brooklyn, or you didn't want to get booed when you came out like mila did? [ laughter ] >> no, i was living in l.a. ten years. >> jimmy: ten years, decided to come back? >> yeah, i grew up in jersey. [ cheers ] yeah, yeah. and i didn't realize until i left how much i missed italians. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: italian people? >> italian people. >> jimmy: really? >> you live in jersey, there's always this protective layer of italians everywhere you go. [ laughter ] you go to l.a., it took me three years in l.a. and i was feeling depressed. oh, there's just no italians here. [ laughter ] that's why. >> jimmy: i like that. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, so you have an italian deficiency going. [ laughter ] >> very, very. >> jimmy: what is it you miss about italians? >> first off, egyptians, we love italians. a lot of people don't know this, it's a stereotype in the
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egyptian community. we live them so much, we call them egyptians. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> that's how much we love someone. "italians, they're egyptians." that's the highest compliment. >> jimmy: i like that. you're surrounded by italians. enough to feel good. your parents are in the audience tonight? >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: say hello to your parents. >> where are they? >> jimmy: these are not your parents on the show. you have tv parents on the show. >> yeah, my mom has a mask, she believes in covid. my dad doesn't. [ laughter ] isn't that the -- everyone's still -- >> jimmy: it kind of doesn't make sense. i assume they live together. [ laughter ] >> yeah, they're just kind of battling science continually. >> jimmy: a lot of your show, your character's name is ramy on the show, is based on things that happened to you in real
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life and your family. do you like that, being part of the deal? >> i try to make it different enough where they don't get too -- it's usually someone in the family who gets offended that's like, oh, your aunt is really offended. but it's not my aunt, it's just someone that we know that they call my aunt. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] >> you know? >> jimmy: my aunt joann and uncle tony are here, they're not actually my aunt and uncle. >> yeah. >> jimmy: there they are right now. they're friends my parents picked up at a bowling alley. [ laughter and applause ] >> yes. it's unbelievable. it's like a guy that gave my dad a discount on phone cards in 2003, and he's at our house. every rum may ramadan. what's the relationship? or someone i've never met. "we're going to your aunt's for dinner." and i don't know this person. it's been 30 years. >> jimmy: that's one of the things about, yeah, this part of the country. everybody's an aunt or uncle. >> everybody, always, no matter what.
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>> jimmy: you're back in brooklyn, you're enjoying it so far. you shot some of the show in egypt itself. >> yes. >> jimmy: had you been there before? >> yeah, all the time as a kid. >> jimmy: is that a good place, a fun place, an easy place to shoot? >> it's an easy place in a lot of ways. they're just down to do whatever. there's no, like, rules. [ laughter ] you know, certain things that don't, you know -- like here it's really funny. you have -- on the show, there are kids on the show today, right? >> jimmy: yeah. >> they have a teacher, there are hours, things that happen. we were in the middle of shooting a scene, "i wish i had a kid to play this woman's son." 20 minutes later, there's four kids. [ laughter ] "which do you want?" the moms are, "pick my kid." oh, there's no school? "he knows everything." [ laughter ] "he's ready, throw him in there." everyone's down. they were very welcoming to have us there. a big thing that i was trying to do when i was there, all right, i want to find egyptian actors that i really like.
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here in the states there weren't a ton. i'd met yehya, who's been on your show. >> jimmy: okay. so we call him ya-ya. you probably pronounce it properly. yehya is on our show from time to time. we have a phograph. the first time i met him was outside a movie theater. [ laughter ] he hangs around and he takes pictures with celebrities. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so you wanted him to act on your show? >> so this is what happened. i met yehya outside of a restaurant. he wanted to take a photo with me. i don't know who he thought i was. [ laughter ] he was excited. >> jimmy: i got news for you, he still doesn't know who you are. [ laughter ] >> yeah, yeah. so i take a photo with him. and this was, like, early on. i don't know, i felt like he was a nice guy. i liked that he was egyptian. i gave him my number. >> jimmy: oh, no. [ laughter ] >> yeah. then he'd send me random videos. >> jimmy: i did this very same thing. >> he would send you videos during ramadan? >> jimmy: he's still, just a constant presence in my life. [ laughter ]
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>> yes. >> jimmy: i thought it would be fun, maybe we pull him up. he acted in your -- >> well, we tried to get him to act. we gave him dialogue. i called him. i said, "hey, we're going to egypt, do you want to come and be in the show? are you in egypt, are you in l.a.? it's okay if you're in l.a." he goes, "egypt, see you there." [ laughter ] "are you in egypt? are you going to go?" i have no idea. three weeks go by. we gave him a date, we don't hear from him. he hasn't picked up the phone. like, a week before the shoot, i call him again. he answers. he straight-up thinks i'm rami malek. [ laughter ] that's fine, sure. "are you coming?" >> jimmy: let's put yehya on the phone here. so did yehya make the cut of your show? >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he did not? >> no. >> jimmy: does he know this yet? >> i don't know if he's aware. >> jimmy: i'll let him know, i'll break it to him. [ laughter ] hi, yehya.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> hi, jimmy, how are you? ramy! i record him, he cut me from his show. >> jimmy: you do know, you got cut out of the show. do you know his name? >> ramy youssef. >> jimmy: he knows your name, that's great. >> now i do the show with him, october, okay. you remember? >> yeah. >> jimmy: he remembers october, yeah. >> you cry, you smile, you cry. i said, what going on? you said, your english make me smile. i'm sorry, jimmy. know my friend. i love you, jimmy. >> jimmy: i love you too, god bless you. >> god bless you, jimmy kimmel from egypt. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're in egypt? he's always representing. >> yeah, that was what happened. i think that's the line he said on the show. he said that. he started talking about jimmy kimmel.


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