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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  August 16, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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new dates for her celebration tour. she is going to be at chase center february 27 and 28th. the third to show that was planned for january was canceled , that will not be rescheduled. if you bought tickets for that show, you can care money back then go to one in february. amanda: i told the group -- drew: i told the group chat, they were like a wednesday? we are still going. [laughter] good morning america. overnight, the death toll in maui rising as we learn more about the victims. at least 106 people killed in maui's wild fire disaster.
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this morning we go inside lahaina. whit johnson granted access by fema, as search teams comb through the rubble inch by inch. >> like a fire and a tornado and a hurricane all combined. >> the devastation is staggering. abandoned cars, frozen in time, as people ran for their lives. hawaii governor josh green joins us only on gma this morning. overnight severe storms turning deadly in the east. where the threat is headed next, with 30 million under heat alerts in the south and west right now. new this morning trump lashes out online after his fourth indictment. georgia's governor defends his state against the former president's attacks as the sheriff said he expects all 19 defendants to turn themselves in by august 25th. back home. the social media influencer stuck in due by for months over a rental car dispute now returning to texas. what she's telling gma this
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morning. the family behind the blind side firing back at michael oher with their own allegations. bruce willis' wife getting candid about the emotional toll about being a care giver, as the star battles dementia. misbehaving? from the american found sleeping inside the eiffel tower so this moment at rome's trevi fountain. what is going on with tourists behaving badly? the woman abandoned as a newborn reunited with the nurse who found her. that's just the beginning of an incredible story. ♪ ain't nobody love me better ♪ they said yes. we're celebrating robin and amber's love story and the road to the ring, bringing some of their closest friends and family to times square, and robin's extended work family fly in overnight for a bachelorette party like gma has never thrown before.
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get ready, robin. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. the tone in your voice. that right there. >> i'm going to get straight to it. good morning america, thank you very much for joining us. can you feel the love? how you feeling today? >> when you came in the studio, you should have seen him. he was dancing. >> i heard him through the halls. >> i'm excited. >> thank you very much. but we shall begin with the news, as always. >> we have a lot to get to. we're going to begin in hawaii where the death toll overnight raised to 106. search crews are delicately going through the wreckage, with hundreds still unaccounted for. i am going to speak to hawaii's governor josh green in a moment. >> but first whit johnson was granted access by fema to lahaina. he joins us off with the latest. good morning, whit. >> reporter: michael, good morning. we got an up close look at the hardest hit area of lahaina, as search crews comb through the rubble.
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it is a slow and delicate process. the death toll continues to climb. this morning maui's wild fire disaster now claiming at least 106 lives. 79-year-old lahaina musician buddy jantok among the first to be identified. >> for him to be taken from us that way, i think that's what's the hardest to come to terms with. >> reporter: hundreds still unaccounted for, as search teams continue their painstaking work. you can see the snapped power poles, one after another after another. for the first time, fema escorting us into the heart of the devastation. >> going through this area literally searching inch by inch. >> reporter: 20 search dogs now on the ground and 20 more expected in the coming days. frank taylor, who's managing one of the recovery teams, feeling the gravity of the task before him. >> when i go home, it might sink in a bit.
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but, no, i have got a job to do. >> reporter: the scenes overwhelming. vehicles left awkwardly in the streets, as people dropped everything and ran for their lives. >> i have covered a lot of natural disasters throughout the course of my life, but this is, it's like a bomb went off. it's like a fire and a tornado and a hurricane all combined and just decimated this place. it's one thing to see the pictures, but to see it in person. it just hits you in a different way. iconic storefronts reduced to rubble. still smoldering. boats in the harbor now charred skeletons. life frozen in time. is there anything you'd like to say to the familys? >> we're here to putted those families at ease. we're gonna do our very best to find your loved ones. >> reporter: officials saying at least 27% of the burn area has been searched. among the missing, 79-year-old maurice buet, a korean war
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veteran and long time lahaina resident. >> i'm hoping he got away, he's somewhere. >> reporter: his brother and nephew giving dna samples to assist authorities, desperately waiting for news. >> find comfort knowing that we can all share our grief together. >> reporter: you find strength and resilience in this community? >> exactly. it is like no other place. i can honestly say that. >> reporter: officials say more than 1,000 responders are on the ground here in maui from across the globe. they're calling for patience. the recovery efforts, they expect, could take at least a week. george? >> okay, thanks. we're joined by hawaii's governor josh green. governor, thank you for joining us. what's the latest on the recovery efforts? >> thank you for having me, george. we are progressing on with the
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recovery. 106 fatalities as of last night. 27% of the ground has been covered. many of the fatalities were on the road down by the sea. the numbers will increase, but they will not increase, we hope, to catastrophic, further catastrophic pro-portions. we just don't know yet. we have an enormous team on the ground. we're forever grateful to the president and the full force of everyone who's helping. president turned around our emergency declaration in six hours, which opened up all sorts of potentials to support. we have folks on the ground with dogs going through houses. we've begun to house people, of course. we're moving from the initial phase of recovery deep into the acute phase. there's just so many things to share. what i can tell you is people are holding up. we have national guard on the ground.
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we opened the road last night so that people can get from east to west on maui. we're just grateful for everyone's out pouring of support. though the work load's extraordinary and our hearts are broken, we will get through it. we just are still kind of in the thick of doing recovery. >> there's an awful lot of frustration, sadness and heart break as well. when will people be able to get back and survey the damage at their homes? >> as of last night i gave the order to open the road. the way that's going to work now is, from 6 a.m. every morning until 10 p.m. people will be able to drive freely. we will have, of course, our national guard responsible on the side of the road so that no one goes into the impact zone. the impact zone is number one still there with our loved ones. so we have to be very careful not to disturb the scene so we can do the necessary recovery. but people can get over there now. and between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. it's only for people who are
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doing emergency dropoffs and for individuals that live there. that was important. we've had multiple, multiple trips into the scene and site with our professionals, of course. people like myself and our fire and police have been in there often. like i said, i know it's frustrating for people. but this was a tragic combination of both a fire and a hurricane, which meant that, well, extremely high temperatures were traveling at 60 to 81 miles per hour and it swept through, in some cases melting metal and granite and engine blocks. that's how hot it was. it's very delicate scene. there are toxic metals and asbestos down there. we have the epa on the scene, too. we're just being careful. as always, it's a combination of both recovery, heartache and devastation and safety. all those things happen at once. that's why sometimes people can
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be frustrated. we appreciate everyone for their understanding of what we're going through. >> and our thoughts and our hearts are with you. governor, thank you very much for your time this morning. >> thank you very much, george. >> robin? >> george, thanks. now the deadly storms overnight in the east. tens of thousands waking up without power this morning. ginger is tracking where the threat is headed next. good morning, ginger. >> good morning, robin. 88 mile per hour wind gust is an all time high wind gust for columbia, south carolina. but in north carolina it was a tree into a car that killed one person. the wind was whipping trees into vehicles and homes. also in georgia. that postal service van taken out by that tree. we will see more of that action today. it's a new system in the northern plains and northern great lakes. here are the cities that need to watch out. rochester, minnesota, eely, minnesota. right in that zone. this will sweep east tomorrow. we have to talk about heat because we keep breaking these records. new orleans has now had six days in a row at 100 plus.
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a consecutive record they have never done before. tripled the old record before this summer because they just keep beating their own record. excessive heat warnings. corpus christi back up into the pacific northwest with red flag warnings, too. >> ginger, thank you very much. now the former president has been firing back online. senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky has the story. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning to you, george. we're still waiting to find out when former president trump and his co-defendants are going to turn themselves in to authorities here. but what is becoming clear is the scope of the charges they face and how they're beginning to defend themselves. this morning former president trump intensifying his attacks on a criminal justice system that has charged him in four places at once, lashing out on social media about a stolen election. republican governor brian kemp defending his state posting the 2020 election in georgia was not stolen. trump is charged with 13 counts
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including racketeering. the indictment putting him atop a criminal organization that also includes 18 aides, attorneys and associates and 30 unnamed co-conspirators all allegedly conspireing to strong arm georgia into helping trump cling to power. rudy giuliani peddled false claims about poll workers stealing ballots. >> quite obviously passing around them as if they're vials of heroin or cocaine. >> reporter: giuliani said he's being indicted for being a lawyer. >> i was protected by the fact that i was defending him. >> reporter: mark meadows is trying to move the charges against him to federal courted, arguing that he was acting as part of his job as white house chief of staff. meadows allegedly set up the call with georgia's secretary of state. >> what are we going to do? i need 11,000 votes. fellows, i need 11,000 votes. give me a break. >> reporter: the indictment details 11 calls trump made,
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allegedly trying to pressure public officials. also an aim to prosecute bogus electors. one said his conduct was lawful, appropriate and specifically authorized by the u.s. constitution. the district attorney wants to try them all together. >> do i intend to try 19 defendants in this indictment together? yes. >> reporter: the sheriff said he expects all 19 defendants to turn themselves in at the fulton county jail. the deadline noon next friday. george, the sheriff says the jail is open 24/7. george? >> we will be watching, aaron. thank you very much. let's bring in dan abrams. i want to talk about something we started talking about yesterday. we now see mark meadows former chief of staff to president trump petitioning to move this case into federal court. what are his chances? >> it's a serious motion. his basic argument is i was working for the federal government at the time. when you're a federal employee working under color of law, you're allowed to make sure your case is tried in only in federal court. now, fani willis will respond
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and say he wasn't acting within the scope of his job when he did this. but he has a decent argument here. >> the president tried a similar argument in the hush money case here in manhattan. >> but two differences there. number one, he wasn't president at the time the hush money stuff happened. number two it's donald trump. donald trump has a tougher argument than the people who worked for him. the people who worked for him, i think, can say, look, he was my boss. he was telling me what to do. i was responding. i was working for the federal government. for donald trump it's a tougher argument where fani willis will say, clearly he was extending well beyond his role as president. but remember, even this department of justice under merrick garland has taken a pretty broad view of what is presidential conduct. and so these are serious arguments that the courts are going to have to validate. >> if he is convicted, he has no recourse. the president cannot pardon for state offenses.
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>> correct. the president cannot pardon for state offenses. neither can the governor, per se. it has to be a five year period, georgia pardon and parole board, etc. if he's convicted in georgia, there really is no out. >> this trial is going to take a long time. >> they have another case in georgia where jury selection has already taken eight months in a major rico case. just jury selection. we have to get to jury selection first. >> dan abrams, thank you very much. michael? now to the new report about retail sales and what it could mean for interest rates. rebecca jarvis has the latest. good morning, rebecca. >> there is a reason we pay such close attention to reports like this. it's because how american consumers spend, our behavior powers about two-thirds of the entire $27 trillion economy. american consumers keep spending. why? well, inflation is lower than a year ago, even with gas prices
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up $0.30 in the last month, $3.87. they are still about $0.10 lower than last summer. lot of prices are lower than last summer. average wages are growing faster than prices overall. economists see these signs as more evidence we may have avoided a much predicted recession. but they also predict that interest rates, that is the cost to borrow money, your credit card bills, will remain elevated, at least through the end of the year. robin? >> thank you. now to several incidents of tourists behaving badly. authorities in paris investigating after two americans were found sleeping in the eiffel tower. our foreign correspondent james longman has the latest for us. good morning, james. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this really is a wild vacation story. french authorities say two men had tickets to go to the eiffel tower sunday. then, they say, while walking back down, they jumped a set of security barriers and they were
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apparently so drunk, according to the prosecutor, they ended up spending the night in a restricted area between the second and third levels of the monument. they weren't discovered until the morning when a specialist firefighter unit had to recover them. they were questioned by the police and eiffel tower authorities filed a complaint fortress pass. this is a situation that meant the opening of the eiffel tower had to be delayed and it couldn't open at 9 a.m. as planned on monday morning. but tourists are causing havoc in other parts of europe as well, behaving badly in italy. check this out. the woman in blue is caught walking across rome's historic trevi fountain, only to fill up her water bottle. a guard had to escort her away. in june, this is extraordinary, authorities say a britted tisch tourist was caught carving his name along with that of his girlfriend into the coliseum. italy is now considering a new $60,000 fine for the vandalism of historic monuments. guys?
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>> what is the matter with people? >> good grief. what is going through your mind when you do something like that? >> obviously no respect. yeah. without a doubt. >> maybe the fine will help. >> we will see. coming up what north korea is saying about the american soldier who crossed the border. and the social immediate media influencer is back home after being stuck in dubai. she's telling gma her story. the family at the center of "the blind side" responding to michael oher with their own allegations. but first back to ginger. >> dallas did not drop below 80 degrees for 15 in a row. not even overnight which broke a record for a stretch. they are now 71 so they broke that with a cold front. lot of people are cool, 50s, low 60s. that's not gonna last long. big ridge building in. we're seeing serious heat for a lot of people who haven't had much of a summer. kansas city will get up close to 100. minneapolis there in the 90s. st. louis well into the 90s. a look at hawaii because they have a similar setup, albeit
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much weaker than last week. the trade winds will increase so we could see gusts upwards 35 miles per hour between that high and grade down there. your local weather in 30 seconds. drew: your accuweather forecast, it is a warm and humid day once again today. we have temperatures in the and 80's around the bay shoreline. overnight tonight, a blend of
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stars and clouds. it is mild in a lot of spots, 60's away from the coast. noticeably cooler and more comfortable by the end of the week, temperatures remain near average over the weekend. coming up, every time i look at robin's face. time for robin and amber's bachelorette party. yeah. we'll be right back. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur.
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oracle park at fourth and kingat before a giants game. and at the height of the evening commute, a woman was walking by when the car hit the child. the father is in critical condition. the mom wasn't hurt. this family was visiting from out of town. the driver is cooperating drugs and alcohol are not likely factor, according to investigators. >> good morning, everyone. checking in on traffic. we're going to begin with the bay bridge toll plaza metering lights came on at 530 for traffic is backed into the maze there, 880 at the coliseum camera in oakland. right now everything is moving at the limit. no problems in that spot and we do have some slower rides. highway four to the maze will be about 34 minutes across the bay bridge going westbound. that's of course, once you make it through the metering lights. 18 kumasi i think jobina meteorologist drew tuma has a quick look at the bay
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temperatures this morning. >> it is another mild start out there with most of us beginning our day in the 60s. it's also humid once again and we'll keep that humid pattern into the afternoon. another warm to hot day on the way. here's a live look from our tam cam. do see a thin layer of fog stretching through the golden gate into the bay. we have some dense fog along the coast, but away from the coast we have a lot of sunshine. and it's a day where those temperatures warm quickly. once again, by 4 p.m. it is warm and humid, going into the 80s and upper 90s away from the coast. kamasi, thank you, drew. >> if you're streaming on the abc7 bay area app, abc7 at seven is next. for everyone else, it' back in the day, sneaker drops meant getting online to wait in line. now with xfinity mobile...
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on live on tour. the material girl is back announcing her return to the stage after the serious illness that sent her to the hospital. madonna saying her celebration tour is back on starting in london this october. looking forward to that. following headlines including the latest from maui. death toll stands at 106. hundreds of people are still unaccounted for. officials say at least 27% of the burn area has been searched. the mother of the 6-year-old virginia boy who shot and critically wounded his teacher in january has pleaded guilty to felony child any tkpwhrebg charges. kentucky's largest school district is delaying the return to classes again because of problems with the new bussing system. jefferson county cancelled classes after some people didn't get home until 10 p.m. they just announced that some will return friday, others monday. it was a family affair on a recent flight to madrid co-pilot cole daas was talking to passengers when he realized this was the first time he has ever flown with his mother on board. she's a united flight attendant.
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he called it the high light of his career saying his mom was his biggest supporter in become a pilot. how great is that? we have a lot more ahead including the social media influencer known as the sassy trucker back home after being stuck in dubai for months. she's telling her story to gma, george. the latest from north korea where the regime has confirmed that travis king is in custody after crossing into the custody. martha raddatz is tracking this story. good morning, martha. >> reporter: good morning, george. travis king's family has been pleading with the administration to get him out of north korea even though he clearly entered of his own will. but this morning the north koreans are claiming the army private wants to stay where he is. it is the first time there has been public confirmation by the north koreans that travis king is in custody, saying in a statement that king illegally and deliberately intruded into north korean territory and has
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admitted such. it was july 18th when travis king, released after 47 days in jail for an altercation, joined a tour group on the border and bolted to the other side. this was the last image of him that has been seen. the north koreans say that king told them he decided to cross the border because he, quote, harbored ill feelings about inhumane treatment and racial discrimination within the u.s. army. that is something his family told abc just weeks ago. >> the messages became extreme and then i was like, you okay? he's telling me, they're trying to kill me. he just continued to send these songs and speak to me. he was saying things like, said they're racist. it maybe seemed like something was going on with him, like he was fearful for his life. >> reporter: travis was supposed to return to the u.s., where he faced discharge from the army because of disciplinary problems. the pentagon says they cannot verify the north korean
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comments, but that the priority remains using all channels to bring travis king home safely. guys? >> all right there, martha. thank you. now to the blindside family responding to former nfl star michael oher with their own allegations. demarco morgan is here with the latest. it's on. >> reporter: good morning to you. it is on. sean and leann tuohy are firing back saying michael oher attempted to extort them for $15 million before he filed a petition alleging that instead of legally adopting him the couple tricked him into making them his conservators in order to earn millions. >> okay, tuohy family, big smiles, everyone. >> reporter: this morning the unlikely football family whose real life story inspired the 2009 movie "the blind side" hitting back against the man they say they treated like a son. >> you are changing that boy's life. >> no, he's changing ours.
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>> reporter: sean and leann tuohy who gave michael oher a home for his final high school football season speaking out about the offensive lineman's bombshell lawsuit filed on monday, accusing the couple of exploiting his story for the oscar winning film for which he claims he has received nothing. the tuohy's attorney calling the accusations hurtful and absurd, telling abc news the notion they would connive to with hold a few thousand dollar in participation payment from anyone, including from someone they loved as a son, defies belief. court documents oher alleging he and the tuohies signed what he thought were adoption papers in 2004 after he had turned 18. after two decades oher discovered they had signed a conservatorship. in his suit, oher said the couple enriched themselves at the expense of a gullible young man whose athletic talent could be exploited for their own benefit.
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the tuohys adding should mr. oher wish to terminate the conservatorship, they will never oppose it in any way. >> never had one before. >> what, a room to yourself? >> a bed. >> reporter: "the blind side" earning $330 million in the box office after its 2009 release. the family's attorney indicating oher filed the lawsuit for financial motivation, saying he would plant a negative story about them in the press unless the tuohys paid him $15 million. the couple's son, sean tuohy jr., who has not been named in the suit, telling bar stools sports his parents were aware of the impending suit. >> it's been a couple years in the making. i'm surprised it happened the way it did. >> reporter: overnight michael oher's attorney responding to the tuohy family claims saying in a statement, we have confidence in our judicial system and in our client, michael oher. now, the tuohys also said in their statement, they will
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always care deeply for mr. oher and they hope he comes to regret his decisions, makes different choices, in the hopes they can reconcile. this story is far from over. >> you're right about that, demarco. thank you. next the social media influencer stuck in dubai for months. it all started over a fender bender. she is back home in texas now and she is speaking out to gma. . join me in the finish 24 hour challenge. start by cooking a lasagna. skip the rinse and load your dishes. 24 hours later when your dishwasher is full,
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back with the influencer known as the sassy trucker.
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she's back home after months stuck in dubai. mireya villarreal has her story. good morning, mireya. >> reporter: good morning, michael. if you can believe it, this all started with a fender bender in dubai, but it escalated quickly. at one point the sassy trucker and her family thought she might end up in jail, or even prison. this morning relief from tiara allen a social media influencer known as the sassy trucker. >> i was td i might be the first female truck driver to drive a truck in dubai. it was very scary for me. i didn't know if i was going to face jail time or go to prison. >> reporter: now back home in houston. >> welcome home. >> reporter: and speaking out after being held in dubai for months. >> they just stripped me of my passport. i couldn't go anywhere. >> reporter: the 29-year-old with a fan base of more than 180,000 tik tok followers
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documenting her life as a trucker and showing her travels across the world. >> i am here in dubai about to test drive this truck. >> reporter: she says she was banned from leaving the united arab emeritz following a dispute at a rental car agency after an accident in may. the car allegedly impounded with her passport and credit cards inside. when she went to retrieve her belongings, she said she was told to pay a fee. >> from there things just transpired into something big that wasn't expected. >> reporter: she tells us things escalated between her and an employee at the rental car company. >> pulled me outside and told me he was calling the cops for shouting at him. i said, okay, you can call the cops. >> reporter: days later she said she was arrested and held in jail for one day for shouting at the employee, which the uae has strict rules against. >> i was shocked. i was nervous. i was scared. i didn't know what to do.
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>> reporter: the influencer spending the next three months in a hotel while her family and congress woman sheila jackson lee worked to help clear the travel ban. >> the state department is used to be able to help americans make their way through the different rules. but as a woman, she was treated differently. >> reporter: tiara's mom ultimately paying 1,350 to get her daughter's passport back. >> i felt like there was hope finally that my daughter would return home. >> it feels absolutely amazing. i enjoy the freedom. i appreciate all the hard work everyone has done for me and i'm very excited to be back in the usa. >> reporter: the dubai police did release a statement in part saying they received a complaint from a rental car accident about ms. allen slandering and demaiming one of their employees but she was subsequently released pending legal proceedings between her and that company. the good news is, guys, right
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now neither the state department nor ms. allen or her family know of any pending criminal charges. guys? >> thank you, mireya. i know she's happy to be home. coming up the woman who was abandoned as a newborn reunited with the nurse who found her. and that's just the beginning of the story. and next, a play of the day 18 years in the making. of the day8 years in the making. like a lightweight road bike. clip-in shoes. and a moisture wicking jersey. (man 1) what? is it, is it too much? (vo) and 2% cash back on what you need. (main 1) what? (man 2) i think you missed a spot. (man 1) is it bad? (man 2) it's not good. (vo) the wells fargo active cash card. that's real life ready. (roosevelt) i always thought that cigarette smoking just messed up your lungs. i never thought that at only 45 it would give me a heart attack.
7:45 am
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7:47 am
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♪ early in the morning start of a new day new hope new dream ♪ >> we're back with a very special play of the day. could be the best day i have ever had at gma. >> he's been jumping around all morning. >> hasn't he though? >> i am giddy about this. we are celebrating robin and amber's bachelorette party! yeah! not just us here at the desk, we got a whole bunch of people making their way here for the party. lara is with them. there they are on the bus. hey, lara. >> yeah! we're on the bachelorette express! [ laughter ] robin's good friend, my friend, niecy nash-betts and i. she is driving. bus load of robin and amber's biggest fans. niecy, you sure you know how to drive one of these things? >> i drove one on tv before. i'm good. [ laughter ] >> we have some very precious cargo. >> yes. this is going to be a wild ride, robin. we got sally ann. some of your closest friends. even en vogue is here. [ applause ]
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>> can you believe this? your baby sister is getting married. >> it's about time, sister! [ laughter ] [ cheering ] >> i love the steering wheel. that steering wheel is cracking me up there. oh. i just can't wait to see what else they have. are you all right, hon? >> yes. i'm great. i'm doing great. >> i'm just glad this is your party. [ laughter ] >> we're excited for you. >> thank you. both of you. so excited. >> as i said, we love that we can bring so much joy to others. >> you are. >> we get to share it with you. we'll be right back. >> help! help! right back. >> help! help
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everyone deserves a health care partner who never quits. one who's there for what matters. welcome back. let's start with what's happening here. we've got the lookout fire in oregon about an hour or so, just less than that, east of eugene. now it's up to 2700 acres burned. they still got red flag warnings. they still got evacuations on that fire. at least another 24-36 hours of tough fire conditions. we're watching the heat there, too. it will finally subside by the weekend. this is day three, four for folks seeing 100 plus. so tough. the overnights aren't getting much better. as far as hurricanes go, in the atlantic we haven't had anything land falling. we're coming up on the peak, september 10th. the pacific has been incredibly active. look at the tropical moisture and what will be a hurricane. will ride up the baja peninsula this weekend.
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by monday we could be talking about big time rain in southern california. ahead of it, winds that up the fire danger. so we're watching that one. coming up here on gma, bruce willis' wife emma is sharing the emotional toll of being his care giver and what she wants people to know. plus we're celebrating robin and amber's road to the ring with a bachelorette party good morning america style. your local weather next.
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>> "good morning america" is sponsored by health care, they are. there for what matters money. >> building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc7 news. good morning everyone. >> i'm kumar sierra from abc seven mornings. we're going to check in now with jobina for a look at traffic. >> hey, kumasi, thank you. good morning everybody. so we are going to start in emeryville here showing you 80. it's a bit busy in the westbound direction. eastbound you're looking great. we still have a fog advisory in
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place for the golden gate bridge this morning. and i will send it over to drew with that. >> hey, good morning. okay. temperatures we are on the mild side again, 60s and 70s for the most part. and we're also a touch humid. so we'll keep the muggy and warm conditions going later this afternoon. here's a live look. this is our east bay hills camera. got a little bit of patchy fog in the east bay. we have some dense fog along the coast right now, but away from the coast, we do find a lot of sunshine and temperatures that will warm quickly. once again, you can see by 4 p.m, it's not only humid, it is warm 80s around the bay shoreline and upper 90s in our hottest spots, inland cooler air will move in by the end of the week. macy thank you. >> drew. if you are streaming with us on the abc7 bay area app abc7 at seven is next for everyone else, it's gma know your glucose level and where it's headed. without fingersticks. manage your diabetes with more confidence. now widely covered by medicare for patients managing diabetes with insulin. visit
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good morning america. it's 8 a.m. overnight, the death toll in maui rising. at least 106 people killed as we learn more about the victims. this morning we go inside lahaina. whit johnson granted access by fema.
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>> like a fire and tornado and hurricane all combined. >> as search teams comb through the rubble inch by inch. the devastation is staggering. abandoned cars frozen in time as people ran for their lives. bruce willis' wife gets candid about being his care giver as he battles dementia. what she's saying about the emotional toll and why she wants to connect with others taking care of family members. the woman who was abandoned as a newborn reunited with the nurse who found her. that's just the beginning of an incredible story. ♪ ain't nobody love me better ♪ and this morning we're celebrating robin's road to the ring. she said it first on gma. >> i'm saying yes to marriage. >> now the date is set and it's time to party with drinks, dancing and music all live in times square. get ready for a morning of love,
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as our bachelorettes say -- >> good morning america! >> hey! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> having some fun this morning as well. >> i'm going to enjoy it. >> good morning america. >> niecy said it best. she was driving the bus earlier. she is co-hosting the party. she's upstairs getting ready dj kiss and with en vogue, who are going to perform. looking forward to that. some of robin and amber's closest friends are here. george, you and allie, you know some things about marriage. you have some advice for robin and amber. >> robin and amber, congratulations. you are about to embark on such an incredibly beautiful journey. we've been married for over 64 years and i have to say every day is unicorns and rainbows. [ laughter ] >> we love you.
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i know it was worth the wait. congratulations. >> oh my goodness. very beautiful. thank you. thank you and allie very much. i know a lot of people put a lot of thought into the party. just seeing the set for the first time like that, we're very anxious to get upstairs. >> it's great. it's great to see how happy you are and how happy amber is here to celebrate both of you. we're not done. we got a lot more surprises. we hope you're ready for that. >> i am. little news first. we're going to start in hawaii where the death toll rose overnight to 106. search crews are going through the wreckage. hundreds still unaccounted for. whit johnson was granted access. he's there with the latest. good morning, whit. >> reporter: george, good morning. we got an up close look at the hardest hit area in lahaina. search teams combing through the rubble. a methodical process that officials say could take at least another week. this morning maui's wild fire
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disaster now claiming at least 106 lives. for the first time, fema escorting us into the heart of the devastation. going through this area literally searching inch by inch. 20 search dogs now on the ground and 20 more expected in the coming days. frank taylor, who's managing one of the recovery teams, feeling the gravity of the task before him. >> when i go home it might sink in a bit but, no, i got a job to do. >> reporter: the scenes overwhelming. vehicles left awkwardly in the street as people dropped everything and ran for their lives. >> it's like a fire and a tornado and a hurricane all combined and just decimated this place. it's one thing to see the pictures, but to see it in person. it just hits you in a different way. >> reporter: iconic storefronts reduced to rubble, still smoldering.
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boats in the harbor now charred skeletons. life frozen in time. is there anything you'd like to say to the familys? >> we're here to put those families at ease. we're gonna do our very best to find your loved ones. >> reporter: fema now has more than 400 people on the ground here on maui. but thousands of evacuees are still in need of housing and resources. the governor promising more hotel rooms and vacation rentals are being made available. george? >> okay, whit. thank you very much. tomorrow morning on gma, we're going to celebrate maui strong. stories of survival, perseverance and the community coming togethered. we'll also tell you how you can help. >> going to be a special morning tomorrow. now the heart warming discovery from a woman who was abandoned as a newborn nearly 20 years ago and what she's learning about her family. thanks to our station here in new york wabc for sharing this with us. rhiannon ally has the story. you have to share these details
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with everyone. >> this is an incredible story. good morning. this is out of new york staten island. two abandoned babies found years apart discover their sibling bond is even stronger than they ever could have imagined. 19 years ago vicki was abandoned as a newborn at the richmond university medical center in staten island discovered bundled up by nurse claudia beatle. >> she was just saying there. i scooped her up. >> reporter: vicki was soon adopted by angela and dennis. they did not know her back story beyond being adopted. >> walking in here was definitely emotional. it definitely felt overwhelming. it was nice to see kind of the place where i was left and see that claudia was so great and took great care to me. >> reporter: they were also parents to one biological son and one adopted son frank. frank was discovered on the steps of a staten island day care as a baby two years before vicki was even born. he, too, did not know his full back story. >> they didn't know they were abandoned up until a couple of months ago because we never used
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the word abandoned, left behind, dumped. it's just not in our vocabulary. >> reporter: vicki and frank decided to take dna tests, hoping to discover more about their history. what they found instead? >> my brother had popped up as my full sibling, my biological brother. >> reporter: the two, biological siblings. >> we were both found a year and a half apart and wound up with the same family. the odds are insane. >> reporter: the odds are insane. stay with me here. adding to this remarkable story, angela, the woman who adopted vicki, became friends with the nurse who found vicki through a mutual friend. the nurse even attended birthday parties of vickis. vicki never knew that her mom's friend was actually the nurse who saved her. >> it's incredible. it sounds like a hollywood movie. >> what a story. thanks. coming up in our gma morning menu, bruce willis' wife is talking about being his care giver right now. she's hoping to connect with others.
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>> also this morning, our gma bachelorette party is getting started. hey, lara. >> the party has just begun. robin, we are on the road to the ring with you and beautiful amber. all of your friends are here. we are mixing drinks. en vogue is here. dj kiss is here. niecy nash-betts is co-hosting the party. >> and we have a lot more surprises for the happy couple. the bachelorette party is about to be in full swing, baby. [ cheers ] in full swing, baby. in full swing, baby. ♪ ♪ in my ozempic® tri-zone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events
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but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce. it's the sheet. (geri) i smoked and i have copd. my children are really worried. my tip is, send your kids a text. it may be the last time that you do. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. (ambience of room, crickets, scrolling content on phone) they're off from school, but not really home. images and videos. social media, fine-tuned to suck them in. and steal them away. alone you can't stop it. together we will. we have a plan. join us. ( ♪ ) when you use period pads for bladder leaks...
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welcome back to "good morning america." [ cheering ] as you can see, we have decked out our set for robin and amber's bachelorette party. they have not seen anything yet, niece. >> let's get them out here. robin and amber, please come check it out. we know key west is your happy place. >> come on out. >> we went with the florida beach theme. yes! whoo! [ cheers ] >> ah! mwah. >> it's a party! it's a party now. >> oh my gosh.
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>> my first executive producer. wow. juju. oh! girl, you can drive a bus. you can drive a bus. wow. wow. >> will you tell everybody how does it feel to have everybody supporting you? >> amazing. this is incredible. crazy. this is wonderful. this is incredible. oh. this is really great. >> we actually have to do a show. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> we're just getting started. george, i know you have some news to get to. we're gonna send it your way and then the party begins. >> that's right. we're looking forward to that. our gma cover story. bruce willis' wife is sharing her story about being his care giver as he battles dementia. erielle reshef is here with that
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story. good morning. >> anyone who's cared for a loved one with dementia knows how cruel this disease is. not only for the patient but for those around them. now bruce's wife emma is opening up how the illness is also taking a toll on her and how she's finding strength and comfort in connecting with others sharing a similar reality. this morning bruce willis' wife is opening up about the struggles she a experiencing as a care giver for her husband as he battles dementia. >> i know it looks like i'm out living my best life. i have to make a conscious effort every single day to live the best life that i can. >> reporter: emma willis, who shares two young daughters with the actor, posting this video on instagram, saying she's hoping to connect with others who are taking care of family members by sharing their common experiences. >> i don't want it to be misconstrued that i'm good 'cause i'm not. i'm not good. but i have to put my best foot forward for the sake of myself
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and my family because, again, when we are not looking after ourselves, we cannot look after anyone that we love. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> reporter: bruce's family, including emma, his ex-wife demi moore and their three daughters have all been sharing updates about the 68-year-old's progression since his diagnosis, hoping to raise awareness and reassure other families they're not alone. >> where we keep challenges to ourselves when we don't ask for help, when we don't share how we're feeling. we feel very alone and isolated in our worries. we don't realize care giving can be extremely emotionally and physically exhausting, even when we deeply love the person. >> reporter: the doctor we spoke to said it's important for care givers to talk about your feelings because bottling them up can take even more energy. emma encourages those to take in the beautiful moments of life
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that still exist in each and every day. that's how she's getting through. >> thank you for that story. ginger? >> thank you very much. we are starting the party here on the beach so we thought we'd check in on the keys. key west broke a record again yesterday. what a hot summer they've had. that's the earth shot this morning from key west. we know amber and robin love their key west. not only was there a broken record there, marathon, florida, has had 38 days at 95 plus which nearly doubled their old record of numbers of 9 a plus. another hot one in south florida. we thought why not do a little robin and amber forecast? robin, idaho, sunny 94, amber oklahoma sunny. lukas canyon, new mexico, 83. just a little stormy there but key west looking like 90 today. let's get a check closer to home. did you know there was a r drew: your accuweather forecast,
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it is a warm and humid day once again today. we have temperatures in the and 80's around the bay shoreline. overnight tonight, a blend of stars and clouds. it is mild in a lot of spots, 60's away from the coast. noticeably cooler and more comfortable by the end of the week, temperatures remain near average over the weekend. >> yes! >> yes! let the party begin. deals and steals road to the ring edition. tory johnson is here with some very special deals and steals. these are companies robin and amber love, things they love to do together. we thought long and hard about this. i see something. scan the qr code on your screen to go straight to the deals. robin and amber, we're gonna start with a little key west main ingredient. you need a beach towel. >> absolutely. >> we have special guest delivering them.
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[ laughter ] >> your beach towel special. >> there she is with an up grade. is she ever going to actually ride the bike? >> in those heels? >> that proves she can do anything. she's got those sand cloud towels. we know they are a key west essential. we've got six new patterns. there's even one right behind on the couch there in the center. you know they're not only great for drying off, but as a sarong if it gets a little bit chilly. these can double as decor. we know they are a favorite of yours, a favorite of gma's. all slashed in half, $20. >> oh my goodness. >> thank you. way to go, deb. >> be careful out there, deb. we also know that you have become a little addicted to pickleball. >> aw.
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>> we all love playing it together. tory has found a very special pickleball deal. these are for you. >> how nice. >> the couple that plays together stays together. so we've got pickleball paddles for you. they're so fun. >> nice. >> those patterns make you play better. right? >> whoa! whoa! >> it's your bachelorette party, robin. >> that's what marriage is like. [ laughter ] >> continue, tory, please continue. >> i can't. i can't save lara from herself. lara is the fun one. these are all slashed in half. they're $35. in all seriousness, they're really, really good paddles. that's a great deal. the patterns are fabulous. lots of fun ones. >> you are very welcome. our next deal, tory, please. >> we're sitting right next to it.
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it's official when it's on a pillow. it's not official until it's on a pillow. we have a bunch from little birdie. there's even some that are right behind on the green swing back there. and then, of course, we also have some totes from them. this will be a fight to see who's gonna get the wifey for lifey tote. we've got fun totes, team bride totes. but you can put names, dates, messages on these pillows. they're really fun. we know your dressing room is full of these pillows. it's official when it's on a pillow, when you put the names together on a pillow. create your own. they're made in mississippi. little shoutout to mississippi. they start at $12.50. >> all in our home in key west. >> excellent. we've got more to add to the collection. >> another one of your passions, your baby. lukas. we are going to do a little doggie deal. >> yeah! [ laughter ]
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>> do you want to toss to someone? these are really, really fun. they're from hot diggity dog. what's amazing about these is that they're all fun parodies. they're great. i'm sorry. exactly. yikes. it's not a party til i spill something. these are just really fun. they also have a squeaky on the inside. there you go. they're all machine washable. >> perfect. >> we have a huge assortment from them. little man lukas will have fun whether here or in key west. >> this is a bachelorette party. michael has on way too many clothes. i'm just saying. it is a bachelorette party. told you pay back, michael. told you pay back. >> for a little r&r now we have a model named juju coming in next. >> nicely done. >> these are gorgeous.
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>> hello. >> hi. >> obviously, to be able to have your quiet time in comfort with a plush robe. and they've got monogrammed ones specifically for you guys. look at that. >> oh. sweet. >> not only do they look good, but they feel really good. just a great way to feel. i think robes symbolize warmth, comfort and love. just coziness that everybody wants in a home, in a marriage. so you guys have that. you can also add these optional monogram. everything is slashed at least in half. starts at $45. plus free shipping! [ cheers ] >> a party for everybody. i love it. >> it is. >> and our next deal is very special. >> it is very special. if you look here on this front table, we've got cutting boards with your names on them. we know you like to entertain. you like to cook and have people over. these are great because you can
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put your name or a date on them. they also make one that's really special that your sister dorothy helped me with. >> aw. >> sally ann is here to show you this one. sally ann. >> there she is. >> they will allow you to submit something in writing and dorothy helped with that. >> oh wow. >> mom is blowing kisses to you right now. now you have her recipe for rosemary chicken. i know that you are going to be in the kitchen where you always are. >> oh yeah. >> this is beautiful. oh wow. okay. all right. >> so that is, dorothy told me that was one of your family's most cherished recipes from your mom. >> dorothy would be here. she had surgery on her hip and the doctor said do you want to be here or dance at the wedding? so she's going to dance at the wedding.
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[ laughter ] >> she's very much here in spirit. she was excited to hand write that out for you. that's one of the beautiful things about this company is that you can hand write, scan a picture. they'll put it on a board. i know that will have a cherished spot in your kitchen. >> it will. it will. thank you. >> you're welcome. 50% off starts at $24. >> we have partnered with -- >> i should have known when i saw it. >> i was hoping that you wouldn't notice it. we need some tissue. we thought that might. we love you guys. hopefully you love these treats. hopefully you do, too. thank you for the amazing deals. if you're interested, go to good morning and you can find all the offers there. coming up, we have the story of how this beautiful couple first met. met. ♪ ♪
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[cheers and applause]
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building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc7 news. >> good morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. let's get to jobina with a look at traffic. good morning, jobina. >> good morning, amanda. thank you. hi everybody. so we are starting here with the live look from our golden gate bridge
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camera. we have it all fogged in the chp has issued a fog advisory for us mass transit bart muni is all running on time right now. so great time if you need to rely on mass transit and also bringing you emeryville here because of westbound traffic is filling in. amanda all right thanks jobina and meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather fore (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) visit your local volvo retailer, to explore mild hybrid suvs during the summer safely savings event. every business deserves a great deal. to explore that's why comcast businessvs is launching the mobile made free event. with our business internet, new and existing customers can get one year of unlimited mobile for free. it's our best internet. powered by the next
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generation 10g network and with 99.9% reliability. plus one line of free mobile for an entire year. it's the mobile made free event-happening now. get started for just $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get one free line of unlimited mobile. comcast business, powering possibilities. well well well, what have we here? a magical place... that's lookin' to get scared! [laughter] halloween time is back in disneyland and disney california adventure parks! >> let's take a look at those temperatures this morning. >> it is mild out there. it's also muggy or feeling that humidity once again 60s and 70s.
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it's already 75 in antioch, 70 in livermore, 72. in clear lake, another afternoon where temperatures will be warm to hot across the region. here's a live look outside from our east bay hills camera. we do have fog along the coast, but away from the coast we have a lot of sunshine this morning and here's how the day shapes up. we'll have that increasing sunshine throughout the afternoon along the coast. it's warm in its humid today, very similar to yesterday when it comes to that comfort level in the humidity. those temperatures 70 and 80s around the bay shoreline, upper 90 to 100 inland. amanda, thanks so much. >> joe, we'll have another abc7 news update in about 30 minutes. for now it's good morning america >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> welcome back, everybody. our road to the ring bachelorette party is in full swing.
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we're celebrating robin and amber. the countdown to their wedding in a few weeks. i gotta ask you how are you feeling? >> i'm feeling great. >> yes! >> i heard you say earlier michael got too many clothes on. just for you -- >> ooh! [ laughter ] >> wow! >> wow already. >> it's morning television. let's move on. [ laughter ] we're so excited for the big day. before the big day arrives, we want to take a look at where your love story began. >> when you say you are going to get married on good morning america, you better set a date. >> it's finally happening. it felt great. >> we talked about marriage off and on during the course of our relationship. after the lockdown, we were like, you ready? let's do this. let's get married.
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>> this little restaurant is just our spot. we get a little calamari. >> so we took the calamari rings and slipped them on each other's fingers and we proposed to one another. >> back story of how robin and i met goes a little bit like this. >> it was 18 years ago. she had a friend. i had a friend. they both set us up. alex and bert were like, enough, you're going to meet. >> i remember just walking up. she's just beautiful. she took my breath away. she still does. i get butterflies when i think about it. >> there's just a gentleness to her. >> the signals were eye contact, lots of smiling. it just flowed really, really nicely. robin kind of looked over and she was like, would you like to join me for dinner? that was not in the plan. i knew, okay, yay, it's working. >> i just had just become the co-anchor with charlie and
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diane. just a short time before that. she was working not far from our studio. she would purposely walk by. >> robin would walk over to the windows and wave. we would time it. >> just watch her as she would continued to walk on to work. hi. go ahead. continue to work on to work. we had only been dating not even two years when i was diagnosed with breast cancer. she could have bailed early on in the relationship. no one would have blamed her. for better, for worse. it has not always been a bed of roses. there have been some thorns. >> we faced so many challenges with katrina, the passing of her mother, robin's illness. >> for amber to be diagnosed. she lost her father right in the beginning of covid, in 2020. we went through couples counseling. what i really love about us is that we know our love is real.
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we know there have been times we've had to not just fight for our lives, but fight for our love. >> we really early on learned how to become a partnership and work together, and truly, truly trust one another. and to have someone by your side like that is a gift. >> what i really appreciate most is that each one of us saved the best for last. [ cheers ] >> saved the best for last. >> that was nice. all right. after almost 20 years together, you think you two would pretty much know everything about each other, right? >> yes. >> niecy and i, we're gonna put that to the test. we have a game called the nearly newlywed game. >> before we do, can we say gayle king has made her way here. [ applause ]
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>> so glad to see you. >> come on. she is a little busy in the mornings, too. it means a lot. >> welcome. so good to see you. all right. robin and amber, we've got some questions for you in different categories. hopefully answers will match up. we got paddles so everybody can play along. all right. question number one. we just heard about your love story so let's get to the big question. who said i love you first? weigh in, guys. whoa. oh! wait a minute. they think amber said it first. >> nope. robin said it first. >> they know me. you don't know me! [ laughter ] >> all right. let's move to the category of food, okay. when you go out to eat, who usually picks the restaurant?
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look at that. >> hey, hey. i got to tell you, this group don't know y'all. [ laughter ] how did y'all get invited? [ laughter ] >> come on. come on. >> who likes it hot? food that is. who handles spicy food better? weigh in right now. >> you know. come on now. i'm from new orleans. [ laughter ] >> okay. let's keep it on food. who is more likely to raid the fridge at night? >> that went up real fast. that went up real fast. come on. >> gayle and juju are the only
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ones who got it wrong. [ laughter ] >> okay. here we go. all right. i'm gonna say who -- let's move into the bedroom. relax. it's morning tv, guys. [ laughter ] who is the first one out of bed on the weekends? because we know who it is during the week. >> come on now. oh. >> shelly has it. >> robin. you're so used to waking up. i don't blame you. who takes longer to get ready for a night out? >> come on now. come on. [ laughter ] [ laughter ]
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>> wow. >> which of the two of these ladies is more likely to spend the day in their pajamas? >> ooh. >> oh, yay. yes. [ laughter ] >> you can't do that. that's the single ladies answer. you need to be like that. one or the other! just making sure. all right. we're gonna shift gears. we're gonna go to cars. who is the better driver? >> oh, come on. [ laughter ] >> niecy, that was pretty good, earlier today. i saw you -- >> i played a bus driver on tv before. i rolled up. so when you are in the car together, which one of you picks the music?
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oh, wait a minute! happy couple is divided now. what is going on? >> amazing. >> you said i pick the music? >> this is our first couples fight. [ laughter ] >> no, no fighting. >> oh, they fighting each other. it's getting hot over there. some of these answers. >> all right. let's see if we can get this one right. who has the better sense of direction? >> waze. waze does. [ laughter ] >> don't turn around yet. put up your paddles who you think it would be. you guys are waiting to see what they put up. >> it's robin. >> okay. >> i know the answer to this one. >> we are on the key west inspired set, so let's talk about vacations.
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which of you is the more adventurous on vacation? oh! everybody said amber. [ laughter ] >> that part we do know. >> this whole thing wasn't about winning or losing. >> would you jump off a building? i don't think so, but -- [ laughter ] that was pretty big in new zealand. that was pretty big. >> this is not about winning or losing. it's about love. both of you are winners in our book. here we go. we have our -- >> what is this? >> a golden calamari. [ laughter ] i will let you present that. >> since this is how you all proposed to each other, we want to make sure you have something to put up in your house to commemorate. >> we aren't going to forget this. [ laughter ] thank you. that's wonderful. >> that is the newly newlywed game, everybody. [ applause ] next up, you can't have a party
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if you don't have drinks. carla hall is here for that. and we're keeping up the dancing. dancing. as we continue. ♪ ♪ featuring fresh artisan bread piled high with tender roast beef, smothered with melty provolone cheese, just enough chipotle mayo and served with hot au jus for dipping. try the roast beef or pastrami french dips today. only at togo's.
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♪ just wanna see you ♪ ♪ be brave ♪ welcome to our morning club. we're celebrating robin and amber's road to the wedding. lara is here with carla hall.
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>> i am. thank you very much. it would not be a bachelorette party without some cocktails. right? it's a little early so we're going to do mocktails. carla hall is here to help us make some fabulous mocktail versions of robin and amber's favorite drinks. >> en vogue is over there. >> robin, we're gonna start with you first. we know that you love a spicy margarita. >> yes, i do. >> all right. on team robin we have gayle king. you came all the way over here. >> i helicoptered in. don't tell cbs i'm here. [ laughter ] >> we also have leading lady sally ann and niecy to help whip up this hot honey margarita mocktail. let's get started. niecy, you're going to pour everything in your shaker. we have a hot honey simple syrup.
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>> yum. >> that's honey and spice. that's gonna give us spice. we have some orange juice. pour in that zero proof vodka. she's got that. shake shake shake. you can shake that. all right. sally ann, you're gonna dip the rim in honey. you're gonna dip it in some sugar and this glass is beautiful and ready. we're gonna put some ice in here. ice, ice, ice. then pour that in there, gayle. that is so nice. here you go, girly girl. taste it, tell me what you think. we're gonna put a little lime in there. cheers. >> cheers! >> that's actually really good. that's really good. >> cheers. amber, cheers. >> cheers. >> we can leave amber out of it. a little birdie told us your favorite might be an expresso martini. >> yes. >> let's do it. tell us how we make the mocktail version. >> i'm sort of doing this with all honey. it's a natural sweetener.
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so we have a buckwheat simple syrup that we're going to put -- buckwheat honey simple syrup. we have some coffee liqeuor. we have the expresso and some zero proof vodka. you're gonna mix all of that up. >> alex, can you shake, shake, shake? >> absolutely. >> linda, shake, shake, shake. >> expresso beans. shake, shake, shake. i'm gonna go ahead and taste. here you are, my lady. >> oh, wait. i did ice in mine. shoot. >> that's all right. it's chilled. cheers. >> these recipes are fantastic. so simple. we're going to have them on our website. carla, now that we have our drinks our party co-host wants to make a toast to the brides. >> robin and amber, remember, it's hard to fight naked. >> remember. >> thank you. thank you. >> cheers.
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>> i can always count on you, my friend. thank you very much. >> all right, guys. scan the qr code on your screen if you want these recipes. they really are so good. thank you. gayle king. cheers, ladies, over there. team robin, team amber, we love you all. ginger, over to you. i got one for you. >> please, bring it. cheers. thank you. i do want to keep the swing. robin, can we keep the swing afte drew: your accuweather forecast, it is a warm and humid day today, 70's and 80's around the bay shoreline. accuweather 7 day, noticeably cooler and less humid b b b >> coming up it is time to hit the dance floor with the one and only en vogue. they are performing live when we come back. n vogue
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♪ we are back with robin and amber's bachelorette party. it is time to dance. >> you know i'm here for that dance. en vogue, everybody, is here. they are going to perform a medley of some of their biggest hits. ladies, take it away. >> y'all ready to party? ♪ high heeled shoes it doesn't mean that i'm a prostitute, no, no ♪ ♪ i like rap music i wear hip hop clothes that doesn't mean that i'm out selling stuff no no ♪ ♪ oh my forgive me for having straight hair, no it doesn't mean there's another blood in my heir ♪ ♪ i might date another race or color, it doesn't mean i don't like my strong black brothers ♪
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♪ free your mind ooh da da da why oh why must it be this way ♪ ♪ oh oh oh before you can read me you got to learn how to see me ♪ ♪ free your mind and the rest will follow be color blind don't be so shallow ♪ ♪ free your mind and the rest will follow be color mind don't be so shallow ♪ ♪ why don't you free your mind and the rest will follow ♪ ♪ be color blind don't be so shallow ♪ ♪ free your mind ♪ [ applause ] ♪ you never wanted to cancel me now you're talking like you made a change the more you talk the
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more things stay the same ♪ ♪ no matter what you do or what you say she don't love you that way ♪ ♪ never never gonna get it never gonna get it never gonna get it ♪ ♪ never gonna get it never gonna get it ♪ ♪ never gonna get it never gonna get it never gonna get it ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ never gonna get it never never gonna get it ♪ ♪ never gonna get it never gonna get it ♪
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[ cheers ]
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[ cheers ] >> i want to thank you all for celebrating robin and amber's bachelorette party.
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>> we've got one more surprise for you guys. it's not a party without a cake. okay. >> maybe somebody jumping out of a cake. >> no, no, no. >> yes, yes! he's been dying to do this for months. here he is. >> hey! [ cheers ] mwah! mwah! >> just for you. just for you. >> morning show friendly. appreciate it. thank you. >> we got one you can eat. we're gonna bring it out right now. [ applause ] >> nice. so nice. >> oh. we're going in. we're going in. it's beautiful. it's absolutely beautiful. can we just say, y'all, thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you. to each and every one of you, everyone who was part of this. thank you so much. and robin
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plus one line of free mobile for an entire year. it's the mobile made free event-happening now. get started for just $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get one free line of unlimited mobile. comcast business, powering possibilities.
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building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. >> good morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. and here's jobina with a look at traffic. good morning, jobina. >> good morning, amanda. thank you. hi everyone. so we're going to start with the alert we're following right now in pinole. it's eastbound 80 at appian way. we have things clogged up in that area. we have no estimated time on when the sigler will
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clear and we also have a second sig alert that's reported in discovery bay so that's going to be eastbound foreign. all lanes are blocked. they're in both directions. well in here with the live look at the bay bridge toll plaza metering lights are still on flipped on at 534. >> temperatures are warming fast this morning in the 60s and 70s. already a live look outside. we've got a lot of sunshine, but we do have coastal cloud cover. it is humid out there this morning. it stays humid this afternoon and temperatures are warm. we're back into the 80s and 90s away from the coast by 4 p.m. amanda all right. >> thank you so much, drew and time now for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back at 11 for midday live. have a great day deja vu: it's live with kelly and mark. today, actress, naomi watts. and from shark tank, mark cuban. plus, abbott elementary star, quinta brunson. and steve patterson takes us to the ice cream museum.


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