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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  September 13, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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performance. yeah, me too. >> yeah. >> it was a big night for 30 and 40 year olds, you know, big night. you know, mtv's like, prime viewership. >> true. maybe they're going to do something later. maybe. i would hope taylor looked surprised, even though. >> didn't we get a head start? >> look at this. 18. it out for him. take it away. take it away. yeah, i think i the people behind me here work for justice and for the victims is a close second to the people of chester county. we appreciate your support and we appreciate the dedication that you and have shown us and the generosity that you have shown us. we are in your debt. this was a major operation. we know that it has affected your lives. and we're very much appreciative of that.e governor and his support of us, not only with his physical presence, but his work in
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harrisburg on a daily basis. i'd like to thank the border patrol , our customs, the fbi, the marshals, the atf, our federal partners, the chester county district attorney deb ryan and her chief county detective, dave sasser, our municipal partners are too numerous to mention here in chester montgomery, delaware , la and bucks counties. we could not have done this without without everyone. i would like to thank from the bottom of our hearts the members of the marlin fire company. i know the media has been in and out of here. the hospitality that they have shown us, the logistics that you need to bring to bear in an operation like this, we would have been hard pressed to do that without them being good hosts to us. lastly but certainly not least in any way, shape or form to the women and men of the pennsylvania state police. thank you. thank you for your hard work and your diligence. this is
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my third manhunt with lieutenant colonel george bivens. it's not lost on me that it was nine years to the day yesterday for the blooming grove ambush. and in all of those operational cycles, there is no person who enjoys more of my trust and confidence. he was tasked with standing this operation up. my confidence in him is marrow deep. he is the consummate professional, and i would now like to turn it over to lieutenant colonel bivens to give you the operational rundown of the capture of cavalcante. lieutenant colonel bivens. >> thank you, governor. thank you, colonel. it is a true pleasure to stand here this morning and talk to all of you about bringing this manhunt to a successful conclusion and
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without getting anyone else hurt. most importantly, none of this would be possible, all without the support of this. by up here by others standing throughout this fire hall and by still more who are out there in the field. so let me give you a few details about how this unfolded. as you know, we have been working most recently in a perimeter established in northern chester county last night, shortly after midnight, a series of events started to unfold. first, we had a burglar alarm on at a residence near preiser road. and within the perimeter. to our people investigated that did not did not find cavalcante. there or
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anyone else. but it brought it started to bring some of our people into that area where we had been searching an area not far from there already with some tactical teams that night there was an aircraft overhead utilizing a flare technology and close to 1 a.m. picked up a heat signal so that they began to track was west of pa 100 and north of preiser road. tactical teams began to converge on that location where the heat source was moving. unfortunate shortly we had a weather system that also came in and we had lightning that was flashing all around and it caused the aircraft to have to depart the area. tactical teams made a decision to secure that area, that smaller area, as best they
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could and hold it through the storm. and until we could bring additional resources in and bring aircraft back overhead to ensure that we did not have an issue with an escape, that resumed early this morning and shortly after 8 a.m, a tactical teams converged on the area where the heat source was. they were able to move in very quietly. we they had the element of surprise. cavalcante did not realize he was surrounded until that had occurred, and that did not stop him from trying to escape. he began to crawl through thick underbrush, taking his rifle with him as he went. one of the customs and border control teams bortac had a dog with them. they released the dog . some of our psp cert members were also there. had him surrounded and the dogs subdued him and team members from both of those teams immediately moved
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in. he continued to resist it but was forcibly taken into custody. no one was injured and as a result of that excuse me, he did sustain a minor bite wound and we had medical personnel at the scene. and they they took a look at that. cavalcanti was, as i said, taken into custody. he was transported to our avondale station for further processing and interview. and he will ultimately be transferred to a state correctional institute where he will be housed and begin to serve his life sentence . in just a few minutes, i'll open this up to some questions, but i before i do that, i want to turn this over to one of our very close partners district attorney deb ryan. i know she would like to say a few words and again then we'll be happy to take your questions following that. thank you. >> lieutenant colonel bivins, today is a great day here in
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chester county. our nightmare is finally over. and the good guys won. we owe a debt of gratitude to all of the first responders for their tireless and dedicated efforts in bringing this fugitive to justice. they worked around the clock and we are deeply grateful to all of them. our community can finally regain its normalcy and breathe a collective sigh of relief. this would not have happened without the collaboration and efforts on behalf of a multitude of agencies. i need to thank the governor, colonel parris, lieutenant colonel bivins, for his unflappable and dedicated leadership of the us marshals, the chester county detectives, the fbi, us custom and border patrol, the department of emergency services, the sheriff's department, and every single person who went out into
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the field in the most horrendous conditions as we had weather problems, we had terrain problems and a and a ton of obstacles that prevented our capture from occurring as as expediently as we wanted. we have the best people in the business and we never lost faith that this capture would occur. we knew that it was just a matter of time. the scope of this manhunt was extremely impressive. the brave men and women who went there went out there every single day are our heroes. and i am proud to be a part of this collective team of people who worked around the clock to bring this man to justice during this monumental challenge. they utilize every piece of advanced technology sea dogs, drones, helicopters, every asset available was put out for this capture. i can't express our gratitude. deep enough to all of them and to the community for their support. we received
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dozens and dozens of donations, well-wishes and kind support from everyone in the community, and we thank this firehouse for housing us. we know we disrupted their lives for a while. one of the first calls we made upon learning about this capture was to the brandao family, who, as you can imagine, had been living in a complete nightmare. they are so grateful to the men and women who helped with this capture. they can now finally sleep again. i can't thank law enforcement enough for their efforts. thank you. >> okay. with that, we will be happy to take your questions. yes >> with the helicopter overboard, we saw the arrest taking place. there was some criticism about the photo op that was taken with the fugitive. can you explain how that's actually a standard procedure or what's the reasoning behind the photo op with the fugitive? >> you know, i'm aware that there was a photo op that was
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taken out there, those men and women worked amazing hard through some very trying circumstances. they're proud of their work. i'm not bothered at all by the fact that they took a photograph with him in custody. again, they're proud of their work. they kept the community safe. i say thanks to them. and good job, sir. >> you, sir. did he say anything at the moment that he was captured and you released the name of the k-9 officer who bit him during his capture? >> we will probably not be releasing the name. and in terms of anything that he said, we need to use an interpreter. and he has been taken back to the station. and at that point, we will attempt to interview him at the avondale station upon catch anything, it all. i'm not aware of it. if he did, i don't have that information. >> if your officers were authorized to use lethal force if he didn't actively surrender , was the goal to always take him in alive? >> that's always our first, first choice and preference. again, that option is only to
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prevent the escape of a very dangerous individual. had they not been able to contain him, that would have remained an option. >> who successfully made the arrest? which organization? >> it was a combination. it was a combined group of the border patrol and psp got 1:00 went into the van. >> he was stripped and had his cat does photograph. is that normal procedure? yes. the thermal imaging happened at 1:00. was he in the same location when you found him? >> wait, i'm sorry. you'd asked first man. >> well, he asked me when he found him. >> he was proned out. i'm not. i've not been told that he was asleep. i'm told that he was proned out trying to hide and then began to crawl away within the same location. >> when you got the thermal imaging at one, you found that it was in that close proximity to that? >> yes. what was helping him. no one was assisting him at that point? no, sir. >> what was the agency that was
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flying the helicopter that first spotted the heat? >> that was the dea and that was a fixed wing aircraft. >> were you worried as law enforcement that you had to down the plane and there could be another chance for escape? i mean, that's obviously the plane had to land, but what kind of risk does that did you have to calculate with? >> well, you know, as i've told you throughout this investigation, there are always things we have to contend with. everything isn't scripted and doesn't go perfectly. and so it's just another challenge. worried, i don't think, is the word that i would use. we simply had to adapt. and so we secured that inner perimeter while always keeping our outer perimeter secure so that if he did manage to get out of that inner, we would box him in yet again. >> how tough an adversary was he? you've led some very high profile, difficult manhunts. how tough an adversary was he compared to some of the others? >> you know, i don't know that he was particularly skilled. he was desperate. and i've said that all along. you have an individual whose choice is go back to prison and spend the rest of your life in a place you
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don't want to be or continue to try and evade capture. he chose to evade capture. he was in good shape, obviously be able to climb, as you saw, to get out of prison. but but ultimately, as i said all along, we had an amazing team assembled here, capabilities that are just very formidable. and i was confident all along that he would eventually be captured. and ultimately, this team and i credit all of them for bringing together their collective experience, the resources and being able to apply that and capture him. it's never easy to find someone who doesn't want to be found in a very large area. so there was previously you said you were reserving comment on if anybody was helping him throughout the search. >> i know you said no one helped him this morning. can you say now that he's in custody, whether he received help these last 13 days? >> there were people who were intent and intent did to assist him. we had been successful to the best of my knowledge. we had
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been successful in preventing that assistance from reaching him. >> that a good assessment? >> yes, there had been some frustration, some criticism from the public as this was stretching on. >> now that it's over, do you consider this anything other than a success? >> no, it was absolutely a success. and i got to tell you, i think by and large, the public stayed amazingly supportive. i had some third grade students stop by yesterday and drop off letters and notes of support for all of these responders. we put them out for them to see at briefing time and things. that's the kind of support we saw from this community. there will always be criticism. there will always be people who think they can do this job better and they're entitled to that opinion . what i would tell you is, again, i put my faith in this group of experts, this group of seasoned law enforcement professionals that dedicated men and women, not only of the pennsylvania state police, but of all of the other partner agencies who went out there every day. i'll put my money on them. any day of the week. and i
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believe the community supported them and continues to be charged with escape. >> and when will those charges be filed? >> we'll be discussing with the district attorney what, if any, charges will be filed. but but for right now, again, there is commitment and he is going to begin serving his life sentence at a state correctional institution. he was his sister. now she is in the deeper station proceedings that will proceed as had been initiated. >> i'm sorry, i got the eagles hoodie from. >> i do not. >> other than the rifle. what did he out with it? did he have anything else? >> just the clothing and things that he was wearing. did he did he attempt to try to engage? >> he did not have an opportunity to. >> no, sir. >> were on the ground as converged. >> i don't have an exact number, but looking at the teams we were sending in there were in the immediate vicinity. it was probably. 20 to 25. and can you tell us more about what those 20
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to 25 looked like? >> do they have specific armor? >> so there you have it, a successful conclusion to this manhunt without any injuries. in the words of the da, this is a great day in chester county. our nightmare is finally over. and the good guys won with the capture of 34 year old convicted killer danilo cavalcante. i want to bring in trevor ault, who has been with us from the beginning . trevor, i think we can all say with confidence that there is just tremendous relief throughout this community. there in chester county. >> absolutely, lindsay. and we've been hearing that from the residents here how disruptive this search has been, especially with how centered it has been only about 25, 30 miles from chester county prison. there were a lot of people that were expressing their frustration and their fear as they are seeing not only the fact that an escaped murderer was potentially be surrounding their home, but also law enforcement moving in and out of the community constantly. and we're talking about upwards of 500 law enforcement officers and this
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search finally coming to a conclusion after nearly two weeks. and i think there are a few things that are very telling. number one, how difficult this terrain is. this is a heavily wooded area. there are a lot of state parks, a lot of crowded fields, corn fields and things like that. it is very easy to hide. even if cavalcante is spotted. and we know there were more than a dozen confirmed sightings, he still was able to hide over and over again. but it also speaks to the fact that law enforcement was steadfast, even as he would slip away. and occasionally he broke through their perimeter. that happened on at least two occasions. they believed that they were able to keep him contained and now, after 13 days on the run, he was still arrested in the same county, chester county, about 25 or 30 miles away from the prison. i asked them inside, you may have heard, do you consider this anything other than a success? and they said this is absolutely just a success, taking in this dangerous criminal, especially given that he was able to obtain a weapon, that 22 caliber rifle laws. law enforcement is very satisfied. and certainly, as you have pointed out, this community can finally breathe easy after
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what's been a wild two weeks. lindsay and trevor, we heard about those terrain difficulties . >> but also in this press conference, they talked about the weather conditions last night. explain those different incidents that they were saying last night led up to this starting out with that burglar alarm that was triggered and then they had that heat sensor. but then the difficulties that they had keeping an eye on that through the night, it's actually very interesting. >> lindsay, because what this means is that a crucial factor in this search, not just overnight, but over the entirety of it, was the weather. i mean, we reported last week as the search was ongoing, they had the helicopter up in the air and they had those thermal imaging cameras. but it was so hot they weren't able to detect the difference in the heat signature from cavalcante himself to the area surrounding it so that rendered that thermal imaging at least a little bit useless for the time being. since then, the temperatures have cooled off a little bit and then after sunset, they said last night they had the burglary alarm. they went into that area, they
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got aerial views from it. they looked down, detected that heat signature. you mentioned the weather incident. so last night there were some storms. and once lightning came in, they had to take that aerial equipment down for the evening. at least they were hopeful that they had that area contained. we heard from the lieutenant colonel. they moved in. a lot of their resources to contain that area. a very small portion of it. once again this morning, once the storms moved out, which is about 6:00, 7:00 or so, as we as we were getting up this morning, we know that they sent the aerial imaging back up. it appears that he was in largely the same area, potentially even sleeping. but according to the lieutenant colonel lying down in a very heavily wooded area, very clearly trying to hide. and then they slowly were able to move in to the point that he was completely surprised. and they say and they were able to bring him in with minimal injuries. lindsay they say other than a dog bite, the only injury. >> trevor, our thanks to you throughout this whole manhunt. and we're going to now return you to your regularly programing scheduled. for some of you, that's good morning, america.
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our coverage continues on abc news live and throughout the day . david muir will, of course, have the very latest on world news tonight. for now, i'm linsey davis in new york. have a great morning. this has been a great morning. this has been a speciales to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. . . skin . skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. you go by lots of titles. veteran, dad, hair stylist. so adding a "student" title might feel daunting. national university is here
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open summer with lipton peach iced tea. ♪ if you steal my...♪ news. good morning. i'm reggie from abc seven mornings. a record amount of money will go toward retail crime prevention in california. governor newsom announced the state will send more than $267 million to 55 cities. that's the largest single investment in state history. he says the money will lead to the hiring of more police officers and sure. me felony prosecutions. shiffs
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and police departments statewide, including those in the bay area, coul be awarded up to $23.6 million each. district attorney's offices could also receive some of that funding. let's see what traffic looks like this morning. howard jobina hi, reggie. >> thank you. good morning, everyone. we are going to san leandro because that crash we were following on southbound 880 before washington has cleared. you're facing residual delays around 13mph. you're averaging in that area. we still have a ten minute delay on the antioch line in the sfo direction due to an earlier equipment problem. and then we'll end here with the look at the dry times. highway four to the maze, 35 minutes. reggie, thanks, jobina.
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see that orb kind of in the middle of your screen. that is the sun mixing with our marine layer this morning. and here's how your day is going to shape up. we'll have that blend of clouds and sunshine. the next couple of hours, we'll find brighter conditions this afternoon and a minor warmup compared to yesterday. low 90s, inland, mid and upper 70s around the bay shoreline. reggie drew, thank you for streaming us on our abc7 bay area app. >> abc7 at seven continues as everybody else is watching. good morning america california love . let me welcome everybody to the wild wild west, a state that's untouchable like elliot ness. >> say what you say, but give me that bomb beat from drake. let me serenade the streets of l.a. from oakland to sac dam, the bay area and back down. cali is where they put they mack dam. give me shake during jeep adventure days. >> get 11,000 and lease support on the 2024 jeep wrangler sahara four by visit com for details nuggets we always have nuggets
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a dutch art detective is credited with tracking it down. the art work is still in good condition. the thief was arrested a year after the heist. the man who had the painting said it was too much of a headache to hang onto it. lot of pressure there. we also have a lot ahead including apple's big announcement, the new phones and what the change in charger means for you. all coming up. >> now to the dramatic rescue of
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that american caver mark dickey. he is recovering in a hospital in turkey after finally being brought to the surface early tuesday. he spent 12 days trapped thousands of feet underground after falling seriously ill during an expedition. rescuers carried him out on a stretcher installing ropes to hoist him up vertical shafts. nearly 200 experts from around the globe were involved in the mission. among them was his partner jessica van ord, who joins us now. jessica, thank you very much for joining us this morning. we're so glad that mark is on the mend. you're right outside the hospital where he's recovering. when did you last speak to mark and how's he doing? >> mark is doing great. we're very happy to be here. the hospital is taking such good care of us. we're so appreciative to the turkish government and all of turkey for being good to us right now. >> mark said he experienced
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gastrointestinal bleeding and vomiting thousands of feet below ground. have doctors pinpointed what caused this? and what are they saying about his condition? >> doctors are working on it. mark is healthy right now and doing well. he's able to sit up, talk. he's back to his usual self. they'll look more into the cause. more details will be coming. >> all righted. we're looking forward to getting those. like mark, you're an experienced caver yourself. you were by his side when he fell ill. what went through your mind when you first realized what was going on down there? >> so, i'm a paramedic. you always hear the term black tarry stool. i knew immediately we were dealing with internal bleeding. mark needed to first get back to camp safely. unfortunately unhis own power because we were just a small group at that time. we just had to keep our eyes on what was happening and make sure
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we are planning and acting appropriately. >> mark said he thought he wasn't going to make it out alive. what was going through your mind at that point? >> well, while he was thinking that, i was on my way back to him. i had climbed up to 500 meters. i couldn't reach the surface on the phone so climbed all the way out 1,000 meters. we needed to wait for medication. unfortunately during the wait, there's not much you can do. just knowing he's bleeding the whole time. it's a lot. you have to stay positive. >> i know at one point you had to make a very tough decision because you had to leave mark's side to find medical help. how difficult was that for you to do that. what were the last words you said to him before you left? >> i was ready to leave him immediately. i knew we had to get the ball rolling if there was going to be a rescue. to have his treatment started. so i knew he was in good hands.
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i think i just said one last hug before i go. >> i'm glad. i know you are glad to hug him when he came out of the cave. now this cave, for those who don't know -- i'm not an experienced cave diver. you two are. the cave is very deep. they said very narrow at points. very difficult to navigate. can you describe what rescuers were up against? so 1,000 meters is a huge land mark, even for a regular caver. everyone who went in there had incredible amounts of training and familiarity with the cave environment. so this cave is wet so you're walking through water. your ropes will be wet. sometimes it's beautiful. sometimes the walls are clean washed off. yeah. it's a great place, honestly. if you are a caver, you're just a regular person who appreciates the beauty of the underground. it's place where you can push
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your limits and do research finding species, finding passages, find where the ware goes inside the earth. >> you know you waited above ground for mark to be rescued. when he first came out, when you first saw him when he was rescued, what were first words you said to each other when you were reunited? >> i don't remember. i think i barely got to talk to him. he was whisked away by all of the doctors and the turkish government was in charge at that point. >> well, we hope you get a chance to go see him today. jessica, thank you very much for joining us. please send our best to mark. we hope he has a full recovery. thank you so much. >> thank you very much. if everyone could please donate to the fund. this is entirely funded by cavers. rescuers went through hundreds of dollars of personal gear. some countries that's an entire week's salary. we want to help everyone recoupe their cost. >> thank you for sharing.
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george? as the clock tick downs to a possible autoworkers strike we talk to the president of the uaw on the state of the negotiations. u.a.w. on the state of the negotiations. social media, it can be overwhelming for a young homeowner turning into their parents. has anyone tried pilates?! okay? that's what it sounds like when you type in all caps. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. (bridget) with thyroid eye disease bi hid from the camera.ey and i wanted to hide from the world.
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morning. is there going to be a strike? >> thank you, george. that's up to the companies. you know, just in the past, we've been very clear with the company here recently that september 14th deadline, not a reference point. we've done things very differently this round of bargaining. we've told the companies up front. we expect members' demands to be addressed. we gave it to them at the out set of bargaining. rather than waiting until the end. we told the companies don't wait until the end. we want to get a good argument for our members. that's been the goal. we've been at the table every day waiting. unfortunately we had to file unfair labor charges against two of the companies just to get them to the table. unfortunately, they've waited until the last week to get serious about bargaining. we got a lot of work to do in the next 48 hours. >> the white house says they're optimistic. you've changed your tune a little bit. last week you called their offers insulting. yesterday you said there was progress.
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are you still making progress? >> we're making progress but it's slow. the clock is ticking. as we've told these companies, tick tock, you got to watch that clock. it's gonna run out. that's what happens when you wait until the last minute. can we get there? yes, we can, but they need to buckle down and get busy. we've got 48 hours. that's not a lot of time. not a lot of time to go the distance we need to go. >> it does sound relatively encouraging. if there is a strike, would it be against all three automakers? >> again, we've been very up front from the beginning with the companies that we're not picking a target. the target is the big three. we expect september 14th is the deadline. we expect to have agreements with all three companies by that date. the workers deserve that. if they do not have an agreement by that date, there will be action. >> how concerned are you that the strike could affect the broader economy and end up hurting more than it helps? >> it's interesting to me all of a sudden the fear mongers get out there and start talking about how this is going to wreck
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the economy. it's not going to wreck the economy. it's going to wreck the billionaire economy. that's the big issue here. especially in this country. the big upper class is running away with everything. the working class is being living pay check to pay check and feeding off the scraps. these corporations have made quarter of a trillion dollars in the last decade, $21 billion in the last six months alone. the price of vehicles went up 30% in the last four years. ceo pay went up 40% in the last four years. worker pay went up 6%. we're not the problem. labor is less than 10% of the cost of the vehicle. so when a company talks about competition and all these key words, it's code for race to the bottom. that's what they're trying to do. they're trying to drive a race to the bottom. the workers deserve better than that. >> do you expect to be talking directly to the companies today? >> i'm sorry?
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>> will you be talking directly to the companies today? >> yes, sir. we have meetings. we're open. we've been here every day. we were here late last night until the midnight hour. we've been available every day for the last seven to eight weeks. unfortunately, the companies are just now choosing to get serious about this. we'll see where we end up. we're available. we plan on meeting at 10 a.m. with one of them. we'll keep moving from there. >> thank for your time this morning. >> thank you. >> george, coming up, bridesmaid burnout. how to manage the high cost of so many friends getting married? and next, taylor swift, shakira and a surprise boy band. it's our vma's play of the day. (vo) the wells fargo active cash card — earn 2% cash back on what you want. like a chic velvet party dress. the perfect petal pink lipstick.
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back now with our play of the day. the biggest moments from the vma's and for the first time in vma history, each artist of the year nominee, they were all females. lara is here. girls running the world. >> absolutely. it was ladies night to be sure. biggest category at the vma's, another huge moment was an in sync reunion a decade in the making. as is so often is case, taylor swift owned the night. overnight a surprise reunion at the vma's. in sync back together on stage nearly 20 years after justin timber lake left the iconic 90s pop band.
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>> hello, vma's! >> presenting the best pop award to taylor swift. >> i had your dolls, your pop personified to receive this from your golden hand is -- [ cheers ]. it's too much. >> the first of nine for swift over the course of the evening including video and song of the year. >> i love making pop music. i love making pop music videos. i also loved making country. i love plinking around different genres. >> swift holds 23vma's, second only to beyonce. rap super stars cardi b and megan thee stallion getting the party started while hip hop's original pioneers commemorated 50 years. ♪ don't push me 'cause i'm close to the edge i'm trying not to
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lose my head ♪ >> and in a night showcasing top latin artists like anita, it was a perfect night to honor shakira, the best selling female latin artist of all time, who wowed the crowd with a ten minute performance of her greatest hits before receiving the prestigious video vanguard award, the first south american artist to ever take home the award. >> thank you very much for being my army and helping me fight all my battles. >> so much excitement over that in sync reunion. justin timberlake blowing up the internet. five guys walk into an elevator. also on hand sean diddy combs honored with the global icon award. what a fun night to be a fan of the '90s. they did it all. >> sure did. >> all right. thanks, lara. coming up, our big "dancing with the stars" reveal, the hosts and stars.
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they're all here for the cast announcement just minutes away. . just minutes away. away. (dad) we got our subaru forester wilderness to discover all of the places that make us feel something more. (vo) subaru is the national park foundation's largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all. ♪ “dirty deeds” by ac/dc ♪ (♪) ♪ dirty deeds (done dirt cheap) ♪ ♪ dirty deeds (done dirt cheap) ♪ here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-in search eg
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♪ ♪ i know it's up for me ♪ ♪ if you steal my sunshine ♪ open summer with lipton peach iced tea. ♪ if you steal my...♪ host says the key is under the bizanguita cactus. when you want to easily unlock your vacation... really helpful. it matters where you stay. >> the rip current risk is high from florida up the east coast. look at the wave heights. once it gets up to coastal new england, we'll be piling especially into cape cod bay. those ten plus foot waves. we'll have much more coming up on lee and the flash flood possibilities in the northeast. plus the cast of "dancing with the stars" being revealed right here on gma. your local news and weather are next.
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morning. here's a live look outside our exploratorium camera showing you we're starting to see some breaks in that marine layer right now, giving way to sunnier skies as the morning wears on. here's how the day shapes up. we'll have sunshine increasing throughout the morning, into the afternoon. soon, we have a minor warmup on the way compared to yesterday. we'll go back into the upper 80s, lower 90s in our warmest spots inland around the bay shoreline, a few degrees above average. most of us going into the 70s and 80s by about 4:00 pm. reggie thanks for showing us streaming with us at abc7, abc7 and seven continues. >> for everybody else, it's good morning america. >> carbon monoxide is invisible, odorless and can be fatal in minutes. the only safe way to detect it is with a working carbon monoxide alarm. and they're required by law in most california homes. i'm abc7 meteorologist drew tuma. it sounds so basic. you need at least one carbon monoxide alarm on each level of your home and sleeping areas to help keep your family safe. consider installing
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and ways you can respectfully say, i don't. secrets to happiness. oprah talks about her new book on the science of fulfillment and how to build an authentic, joyful life. are you ready to dance? >> get ready, america! >> "dancing with the stars" is back. the marvelous cast getting ready to burn up the ballroom. >> this season will be too hot to handle. >> we're just moments away from revealing the new oscar worthy cast for season 32. >> let's dance! >> and everyone is here to say -- >> good morning america! [ applause ] >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> good morning america. if you want to dance with somebody, everyone. we said everyone. they are here. you are in the right place because we are about to reveal the new cast for season 32. >> we have an extravaganza.
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host alfonso is here, carrie ann, bruno, derek hough. plus all the dancers are here. it's going to be the biggest dancing reveal ever here on gma. >> lot of excitement upstairs. also ahead, more on apple's big announcement. their new phones and what the change in chargers means for you. breaking news. let's get right to it. >> police announced this capture of danilo cavalcante. last night a burglar alarm was tripped and officers moved in and were able to locate his specific location using thermal imaging from aerial views. >> tactical teams converged on the area where the heat source was. they were able to move in very quietly. they had the element of surprise. cavalcante did not realize that he was surrounded until that occurred. >> authorities say cavalcante suffered a dog bite wound, but other than that, was largely uninjured. their officers were authorized
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to use lethal force. he did try to get away. certainly this morning the community is now breathing a sigh of relief after 13 days with an escaped killer on the run. guys? >> let's go back to martha raddatz. >> reporter: the two leaders met for more than two hours at a missile launch site in eastern russia, expressing nothing but support for one another. kim jong un rarely travels outside of north korea, so he was no doubt relishing the world stage. but it is the war in ukraine that brought these men together. russia is running out of ammunition in ukraine. that is what kim could provide. kim telling vladamir putin that he supports russia's sacred fight for its sovereignty and security. as for kim, he wants advanced technology for his missile programs. putin played right into that saying this morning, this is why we have come here, because of kim's interest in missile technology. so while there was no formal statement as to what was
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promised, both men seemed very satisfied with the results. kim's trip is not over. he will visit several military facilities on his very long ride home. a train, by the way, that has a top speed of only about 37 miles per hour. linsey? >> that meeting a bit unnerving for the rest of the world. martha, thank you. now to the fda. an advisory panel says some forms of possible nasal decongestants used by millions of americans don't actually work. erielle reshef has the latest. good morning, erielle. >> reporter: good morning, linsey. as we hit cold and flu season, it's tempting to reach for a decongestants to treat a stuffy nose. now an advisory panel from the fda says not so fight. experts finding that the leading decongestants gives no more relief than placebo. that panel voted unanimously against the effectiveness of one of the ingredients in popular versions of medications like sudafed, dayquil, tylenol cold
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and flu. scientists pointed to studies that showed no improvement in congestion after users took that drug. now it is up to the fda to decide whether it will uphold the panel's recommendation. a spokes person for fda says there are several steps needed before they decide whether that oral ingredient should be removed from the market. bottom line here, experts say these oral decongestants are not dangerous. they just simply don't work. but other active ingredients are still good for addressing symptoms like aches and cough. nasal spray may be a better alternative to relieve congestion. michael? >> thank you, erielle. now apple's big annual reveal. new iphones updated cameras and the biggest change, a new charging protocol. rebecca jarvis is back with more. good morning, rebecca. >> reporter: nice to see you, michael. good morning. and the new apple iphone 15 across all four versions has a better camera, the pro and pro max can actually take 3-d
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pictures and photos that can be used on apple's new headset, the vision pro. that headline everyone is talking about is the new usbc port. the charging port on all new apple iphones becomes universal for people. if you have san android at home, a mac, an ipad, you can use the chargers with your new iphone. it hasn't been a road for apple where they've been forced into this by consumers. in fact, apple's iphone is the number one selling phone here in the u.s. but new eu rules mandating a universal charger are what's forced their hand here. if you still have these laying around, the old lightning chargers, well, you can use a new adapter from apple that's 29 bucks, they're selling it, or bring them back to apple stores and they will recycle them for you. i know, linsey, you have a lot
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of ideas what to do with your chargers. >> we can consolidate the chargers at this point. coming up in our gma morning menu, bridesmaid burnout. when the honor of being in a wedding party again and again becomes too expensive, and what you can do to try to keep the costs under control. oprah's new book about happiness. the myths and how to create lasting joy and satisfaction in your life. we are counting down to the big reveal of the new cast of "dancing with the stars." lara is with some of our guests. hey, lara! >> here we go, michael! it's the moment we've all been waiting for. moments away now. who will hit the dance floor in this next season of "dancing with the stars?" i'm here with the host, the judges. >> yeah! >> judges, what score are you gonna give this season? >> 10! >> of course! the big reveal coming up on "good morning america."
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>> back now with our gma cover story. bride maid burnout. the rising backlash against the cost and the responsibilities of being a bridesmaid can cost $1,000 a wedding. on average. eva pilgrim has more on this. good morning, eva. >> good morning, linsey. standing next to your friend on her day is a big deal. but if you are at a certain age and all your friends are getting married at the same time, your friends happily ever after can quickly become a financial burden. while the bride is the star, her squad increasingly finding themselves also footing a big bill. >> ladies, i just don't think we can do any better. this is beautiful. >> that's gorgeous. >> $800.
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>> weddings are a $70 billion plus industry. for bridesmaids, the costs add up quick and are causing some to burn out. >> for bachelorette we went to nola, that was $1,356. >> a 2017 wedding wire report found being a bridesmaid can cost an average of $1,200 to $1,800 but for shannon, who's been in three weddings this year, she says that average doesn't even come close. >> i have collectively spent just under $10,000. some of the breakdown of the cost is bachelorette parties, room and board, travel fees, transportation, bridesmaids dresses, hair and makeup. >> experts say more couples are celebrating in a way they couldn't during the pandemic and the wedding boom isn't going to let up anytime soon. so if you're feeling the pinch -- >> learn from the things that you've done to make sure you are in a good place financially and mentally. >> set a personal budget. be up front about your situation.
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consider doing a group gift that gives the newlyweds something super special from their registry or skip one of the events like a shower or bachelor party. if all else fails, there are ways to politely decline an invitation. >> it doesn't have to be a big explanation. you can just say this doesn't fit my budget or my circumstances at this time. send a lovely card. you don't have to attend every wedding. >> that's so hard to do, right? some young women tell me one of the costliest parts of being a bridesmaid, the bachelorette weekend. while it seems like it should be fun, the expectation of this long weekend away can break the bank for a lot of people. >> it quickly adds up. thank you. george, last night you had a chance to sit down with oprah and harvard professor arthur brooks to learn the secrets of happiness. >> we had a conversation. they have a new book that brings together their two paths to happiness. arthur brooks is a professor at harvard. a professor of happiness.
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the book is called "build a life you want." it focuses on ways to develop happiness based on a scientific research. want to show a little bit of our conversation. >> we think the formula for satisfaction is having more. have, have, have. the formula for satisfaction is all the things you have divided by tall things you want. you don't need to have more, you need to want less. that's the project. >> that's a good one. you don't need to have more. you need to want less. mm-hmm. tweetable moment. [ laughter ] so good. >> the crowd laughed it up. i read the book. it is really terrific and can be helpful to anyone. lot of good tools there. >> that's what i'm trying to tell my son. you don't need more. want less. >> good luck with that. ginger? >> yes. eastern new england, nova scotia and new brunswick watching lee carefully for impacts this
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weekend. look at that track. it's coming together. the confidence that that ridge moves out of the way, it bumps farther west. looking like, if you can call it landfall along that maine and canada border. big time winds inside that yellow area. that's the big picture. let's get a check closer to ♪ just dance ♪ >> yeah, baby. all morning long. it is time for our dancing with the stars cast reveal. everyone from season 32 is here.
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the new cast, the pros, the judges and even the host alfonso rivera. we're so happy. this is one of the biggest shows we have. i have one question for you two. will there be any dancing? >> do you know what? i think we've got one of the hottest, epic seasons ever. do you know what? are you ready to dance? >> you cannot stop me. >> let's make it happen right now. okay. pros, hit it! hit it! >> alfonso, that was the cue, right? >> that was the cue. i know how to make this happen. derek, we're on. >> i got it. i got it. ♪ ♪ i'm never gonna not dance again ♪ ♪ i'm never gonna not dance
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again ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ one thing i'm never gonna do is throw away my dancing shoe don't try me really not tonight i'm never gonna not dance again ♪ ♪ i'm never gonna not dance again ♪ ♪ i'm never dance again ♪ ♪ never gonna not dance again ♪ [ cheers ] >> yeah!
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>> that was fantastic. i love watching our judges dance, too. >> i do, too. >> bruno, you got the moves. now that we've met our pros. let's see who they will be dancing with this season. >> this season's cast is on fire. >> we are turning up the heat. two time grammy winner -- >> dancing with the stars. ♪ i'm yours ♪ >> jason mraz fighting for that trophy. >> are you ready? ♪ if you're lost you can look and you will find me ♪ you loved her in romey and michelle's high school reunion. now she's bringing those dance moves back 26 years later. >> good morning america! >> it's mira sorvino.
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she's dashing through the multiverse. >> i'm coming to you from the multiverse, the dance floor. >> get ready to soar with xochitl gomez and val. >> and peterson gets in for the score! >> known for dodging defenders and leaping into the end zone -- >> touchdown! >> sure can move but can he bring the quick feet to the dance floor? >> i'm here to win. >> it's nfl player adrian peterson. this next star catapulted herself to internet fame. lele pons and brandon. >> let's cha-cha. ♪ >> you loved her as zoey brooks. from pca to dwts, it's jamie lynn spears. >> i'm gonna crush the competition. ♪ it's raining men ♪
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>> he's been named one of the most beautiful men in the world. >> dancing with the stars, get ready. >> the moves are already hot, hot, hot. get ready for tyson beckford with jenna. he loved to break the rules on the beach. >> some will say that my two step will be too hot to handle. >> he can already bust a move. reality star harry jowsey and rylee. this going to rule the he's going to rule the dance floor. >> i'm serving it up this season. >> no scandal here when they go for the trophy. >> light, camera, action. it's time to dance! >> she's not just a real husband of beverly hills. >> $12.7 million offer. nonnegotiable. firm and final. >> instead of selling houses, he's bringing down the house.
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>> reality is these dance moves are on fire. >> and his next deal, becoming dancing champ it's mauricio umansky with emma. ♪ just dance ♪ how know her from "how i met your mother." >> that is so sweet. >> and "american pie." >> this one time at band camp -- >> she's trading band camp for dance camp. get ready for allison hannigan and sasha. >> america, i'm ready. >> time to head to 1600 pennsylvania avenue. >> i'm the white house press secretary. >> from the white house to the dance floor. >> i'm not just another pretty face. i'm a really good dancer. >> get ready to tango with matt walsh and coco. >> good morning, america. let's dance. >> she just handed out her final rose bachelorette's charity lawson and artem. ♪ the brady bunch ♪ finally, he's done the brady shuffle, but how is his rumba? you loved him as greg brady. it's barry williams and peta.
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>> guys, we're on dancing with the stars. >> let's get dancing! [ applause ] >> and here is the cast of season 32 of "dancing with the stars." welcome, everybody! [ cheers ] what an amazing -- it is an amazing cast. you don't realize how many of you there are until you look in this room. whoa. >> hats off to our crew for getting all of these out. these chairs out in no time. great job. i have to get back. just raise your hand if you are just a wee bit nervous to dance on national television? [ laughter ] >> you will see, it gets much, much worse. [ laughter ] >> little scary when some of the pros are raising their hands.
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that's what i'm a little concerned about. >> don't start with the pros. >> julianne, alfonso, we are excited to have you both hosting the show. [ applause ] >> yes, so excited. >> what makes you two the winning combo? >> i think our personality. we both have incredible personalities. we know this show inside and out. >> do you? [ lauger ] >> i think you have to tone it down. >> we're going to have a lot of fun. this whole season is about letting all of these incredible about letting all of these celebrities shine and really just have their moment in the sun and just enjoy it. >> what a group it is. so fun. [ applause ] and no one should tone it down. that's what makes this show great. >> there are no problems. look at them. i feel like a kid in a candy store. [ laughter ] you know when you go to the store, you want to pick one.
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then you go, oh, no, i got the pink, i got the red. i mean, it is that exciting. all the talent, all the different flavors. >> bruno, bruno, can we give a moment to derek, who just got married? [ laughter ] >> oh, sorry. >> congratulations to derek hough. >> i literally just got back from my honeymoon last night. these pants are very tight from all the pasta i have eaten. [ laughter ] now is your turn. what can we. >> what can we expect? what are you hoping to see this season? oh, dear, dear, dear. oh, no. >> i think you have to deliver. you have to deliver what i want . and do you know what i want? oh, no. oh, no. amazing day. sing. woo woo!
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>> discount a bit higher every season. so i'm telling you, we are there watching. >> you know, watching you very, very. i broken the set already. very very, very closely. >> and i'm telling you, you've got to deliver. are you going to deliver? no louder happy now for all the dancers. >> you get a taste of what you're going to put up with every week now, right here, you don't carry an yes. see you then. 32 for you. how excited are you about this season? >> oh, i'm so excited. it's always so amazing to be this family and it just keeps growing and we see so many different faces. and i can't wait to get to know all of you. i can't wait. and you, too. boom, boom, boom. and these two boom, boom, boom. and everybody. >> well, you know, when we come back. >> oh, when we come back, we're going to learn a lot more about this whole new cast of season 32 of dancing with the stars. stay right there. we'll be right back
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. an premieres wednesday, september 27th on abc. >> see, it's fine. >> it is. it's fine. >> fine. it is fine. is it fine ? no, it's fine. every building a better bay area moving forward , finding solutions. >> this is abc seven news. >> good morning, everyone. i'm kumar aaron from abc seven mornings. here's jobina. now a look at traffic. hi jobina. >> hi coomassie thank you. good morning, everybody. so we are starting with a major sigalert actually underway right now in pinole. this is a multi vehicle crash on westbound 80 past pinole valley road. so this is impacting traffic through rodeo hercules and pinole your speeds down to around six miles per hour as you travel westbound on 80 at the bay bridge toll plaza
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it's completely stacked metering lights came on at 534. and we'll end here with a live picture in walnut creek where southbound traffic on 680 is under the limit as well. >> kumasi thanks jobina. meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> when we found van lightnin, we found courage. the courage to travel long distances as a family again. >> oh, come on. it wasn't that bad. gaslight's on. it was that bad with a total range of 520 miles, you'll find peace of mind in america's only plug in hybrid minivan. >> right now, get employee pricing for all. plus you may qualify for up to a $7,500 federal tax credit on 2023. pacifica hybrid limited and pinnacle models. >> how much did we make today? 5 million. nine yesterday. 4 million. we're like really rich gamestop now. >> another record high. >> wall street is betting that gamestop is going to fail. and if it fails, these hedge fund bags make a ton of money. they
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literally call us dumb money. you got rich dudes coming after you. >> this is class warfare. >> how much do we lose today? a billion. and yesterday, a billion. we're not dumb money. >> exclusively in theaters. rated r only at vanguard. >> you're more than just an investor. you're an owner that means your priorities are ours to do our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. >> i'm attorney connell duncan. people come to us all the time saying the insurance company or another law firm told them their injury case was worth little to nothing. one client came to us after the insurance company offered her $6,000. we ended up getting her $100,000. call us first. it's just that easy. >> hey, bay area live with kelly marcus. coming up, we'll chat with josh jumelle. >> plus, carrie ann inaba from dancing with the stars is here. >> that's at 9:00 on abc seven. we are going to see you in 30 minutes. >> we'll take a look at temperatures. right now. we are
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warming through the 60s and a lot of locations. but outside from our san jose camera, just some patchy cloud cover out there with that sunshine in the south bay. it's a mix of sun and clouds this morning with our marine layer there. brighter skies this afternoon. expect a minor warmup compared to yesterday. temperatures a few degrees above average. upper 80s lower 90s in our hottest spots later today. camossi >> thanks, drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc seven, the news continues now with gma >> announcer: welcome back to gma let's dance. our dancing with the stars party starts now. [ applause ] >> welcome back to gma. now that we know who they are, let's sit down with the brand new cast of "dancing with the stars." season 32. get chance to have is a little conversation now. i'm going to start with the person to my right, alys so n hannigan. how are you?
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[ applause ] we fell in love with you in "how i met your mother." how did the cast react when they found out you were going to be on the show? >> i kept things under wraps very seriously. i didn't even tell one of my best friends. i just texted her last night saying, watch gma tomorrow. >> they're finding out for the first time right now? >> yeah. i am a rule follower. i haven't told anyone. >> yeah! >> okay. i love it. that will make you a good dancer. gonna make you a good dancer. >> she'll do very well. she already promised me a pizza. [ laughter ] >> i promised you i'd deliver. what kind of pizza do you want? >> do you know what? you do have dance experience. you had it on the show. you don't have to talk about it because we're gonna look at it. >> oh, yeah. all right. will that move make it to the ballroom? >> it makes it to the rehearsal.
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but then tells me to stop. no. [ laughter ] >> i'm gonna take it from here with this guy, tyson. [ applause ] as we all know this man has ruled the runway for decades. no one can strut the catwalk like you. >> there's a few. there's a few. [ laughter ] >> naomi is not going to be pleased. >> she will not. >> very jealous. >> do you think you can incorporate that thing you do into your dances on the dance floor? maybe give us a taste. [ applause ] >> all right. [ applause ] >> woo! >> yeah!
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>> we know bruno likes it. >> his thing as a fan. [ laughter ] >> stop it. we were going to ask you how you liked that, but we get the idea. [ laughter ] now lele, how are you? >> that was a big jump. >> yeah. we're going to you. you have over 32 million followers on tik tok. and we picked out one who has a special message for you. >> no, no. >> hey, lele. good to see you on "dancing with the stars." i know you're going to kill it. we'll see you soon. [ applause ] >> thank you. >> how does it feel to see your friends out there are really rooting for you?
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>> amazing. honestly, it's such -- i have never done anything like this, so i love it. i'm meeting so many new friends here. [ laughter ] no, no. everybody. it's been so much fun. okay. that's a funny story. this is what i love. i love meeting new people. i love this. it is true. like you said it, it's like a family at the end. i'm grateful. i have people who supports me. i now have this family. thank you very much. i'm so grateful. >> we're grateful you're here. [ applause ] >> your turn. marvel movies. >> yes. >> amazing. how do you think it will compare, being a super hero to being on this dance floor?
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>> being a super hero. it's a movie. you can do as many takes as you can. >> that's true. >> not here, honey. [ laughter ] you were in dr. strange, now you are just strange. you have to dazzle this one, honey. [ laughter ] >> i'll try. i'll try. i'll try my best. >> are you nervous? >> i don't know. not too much. >> i love it. >> i'm just here to have fun. >> perfect attitude. [ applause ] >> perfect attitude. jason mraz. you were here, you performed dancing on the set. everybody here was just, couldn't stop talking about it. i'm curious, when you were doing that -- 'cause i didn't know you had moves like that. were you rehearsing? were you auditioning? was that your audition tape? >> you leaned in and said, you should do "dancing with the stars." probably should have written a song called "i feel like winning the lotto." i feel like dancing. now i'm dancing everywhere.
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i'm so happy to be here. this is such a thrill. [ applause ] >> harry is here. harry starred on the reality series "too hot to handle, heartbreak island." catch me if you can. harry, busy boy. if you had to give your perfect dance rehearsal a title, what would it be? % a little bit like my life. >> oh. >> i like that. set the bar low. >> can only improve. >> next up my guy. i'm holding this football for a reason. see if we got it. we got it. [ applause ] one of the best football players in the history of the nfl. adrian peterson. [ applause ] yeah. hey, i saw your moves on the football field.
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unstoppable on the football field. are you gonna bring any of those football moves to the ballroom? >> i might. >> what you got? in and out? oh, oh! [ applause ] don't give too much. don't give away too much. looking forward to watching you dance. carrie ann, we just saw that in and out move. you didn't give away too much. how many points for that move? >> for that move? truth? we're gonna work on that. that was about a 6, 7. i know there's more in there. there's more in there. you ask me to judge. it comes out. [ laughter ] but the smile was a 10! >> ah. okay. [ applause ] >> last but certainly not least mira. mira, so happy to see you here.
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>> thank you. happy to be here. >> you starred in seriously one of my favorite movies ever with your best friend in real life as well, lisa kudrow. what do you imagine she might say about this decision that you've made? >> that i was very brave. [ laughter ] >> we saw your moves. do we have them? yeah. look at these two. >> get it. >> you know it's in there, mira. bruno, any advice for mira? >> just act as well as you do. a dance is a conversation you have with your partner and public. you are a great actress. use that skill. motivate everything you do, but instead of using your voice, you use your body. >> i love it. thank you. [ applause ] >> i want to tell everybody, get ready. we have more fun coming up with the brand new cast of "dancing with the stars." we'll be right back.
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♪ oh i wanna dance with somebody ♪ >> we are back >> we are back with the cast of "dancing with the stars" season 32. i think this is my 20th or 25th season. i haven't seen anything like this. so great to have you all here. matt? matt?
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>> yeah. [ laughter ] >> matt? he's a little bit shy. matt, i know you can't be with us right now, but thanks to modern technology, we can talk to you. there he is. [ applause ] >> wish i was there. >> we have a special message from your vip co-stars. let's take a look. >> we are so excited for you, man. so excited. we cannot wait to see your moves. we don't know why you haven't shown them to us before, but we are ready to be surprised. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> that's really sweet. >> so, matt. you and i have something in common. we were both white house press secretaries, in different ways. you had to be very persuasive from the podium. give us your best pitch for your dancing skills. >> america is a melting pot, george. i have a lot of skills and pride. i believe in the dream of america, which is dance.
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[ laughter ] [ applause ] >> that was convincing. >> i love it. wow. >> mauricio, we know you from the house wives of beverly hills. you are also a mogul real estate gentleman. [ applause ] ultimate girl dad as well. can we expect to see the family cheering you on in the ballroom? >> we can definitely expect to see the family cheering me on. we were all on our family vacation in italy and i told them i was doing this. they were so excited. my girls, my wife. everybody, they're gonna be there and we're gonna have a ton of fun. >> we can't wait. [ applause ] >> you are like a professional hula dancer. has she given you any advice for the hips? can you maybe show us? >> first, i should understand my wife was a professional hula dancer from the time she was 8. she has moves that i will never learn. but she did show me. [ applause ]
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>> there we go. >> wow. early fan favorite right there. >> i think the motion, the motion perfectly, perfectly. >> it was a duet. >> it was a duet. >> you're made for each other. [ laughter ] >> so, charity, three bachelorettes have won "dancing with the stars." did you get any advice? >> they give better dance advice than dating advice. no shade. no shade. [ laughter ] it's a joke, guys. but, honestly, there's a little bit of pressure, but i'm here to have fun and really challenge myself. [ applause ] >> great.
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>> ariana, where are you? they say living well is the best revenge. is that how you're using the show, to turn a negative into a positive? >> sure. that's just a great life lesson that i have learned over the years. i'm hoping to also bring the negative to a positive onto the dance floor as well. if i get any harsh critiques, turn the negatives into positives. >> never harsh. >> jamie lynn, you see all your competitors here. how do you size them up? who is your biggest competition? >> it's not fair to ask me that question. honestly, i think that i'm fan of everyone here. it's just inspiring to get a chance to dance with them. i'll probable my biggest enemy when it comes to this. i just think if i can get out of my own head and enjoy the experience with everyone here, that will be a win for me. [ applause ]
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>> alfonso, you won season 19 with your now co-host julianne. what advice do you have? >> she wouldn't dance with me then. she might now. the advice that i ultimately give everyone is, when you're on that dance floor, just really be in the moment. truly be with your partner, connecting with your partner, letting your heart speak to the world. it's truly the number one factor, i think, in winning. you've got to get all of america to fall in love with you. the only way to do that is to open up 100% and let them in. [ applause ] >> more pressure as a pro or host? >> sorry, what was that? >> more pressure as a pro or a host? >> oh my goodness. i mean, i'm happy that i'm not dancing. or i might be dancing. [ laughter ] but i will say, it's so much fun. alfonso said it best. you're all going to have such a
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good time. you are in trusted hands with all the incredible pros. know and trust them. they have your back. but i will say, hosting? i'm excited. i'm just excited that i'm not sitting next to bruno again. [ laughter ] >> the end of a brilliant career. >> i am so happy to be hosting. i think being that i have been a dancer, i have been a judge, now i'm hosting. i really know what it feels like to be in your position and your position. i just want to be here to have your back and root you on. it's going to be so much fun. >> it sure is. thank you. [ applause ] season starts on abc and disney +. it will be available the next day on hulu. let's go to ginger. >> george, only a flight with
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the hurricane hunters would pull me away from "dancing with the stars" reveal day. congratulations to all. let's look quickly at what's happening in the northeast. a flash flood warning includes hartford. everybody there for this afternoon. watch for flood alerts from new york up to new hampshire. that's big picture. let's get a check closer to >> coming up, season 6 dancing with the stars. mario will be performing live.
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>> welcome back to gma. mario made it to the top of season 6 on "dancing with the stars." he is here right now to sing a medley of his new song "main one."
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take it away, mario. >> good morning america! my new single "main one." ♪ i know you want to be the main one, i gotta whole list of names on the way i ain't messing with the same one ♪ ♪ i love when you drop it down low but you're still high maintenance and you gotta get your hair done i'm a go hit taye up it's like did your makeup ♪ ♪ meet me down in jamaica i might brow how it wave up you got horns on your halo so what an angel a blessing inside my bed ♪ ♪ girl you can be honest with you it ain't gotta be toxic with me in you don't need no other options but me 'cause you might just be my ♪ ♪ main one ♪ ♪ i gotta whole list of names on the way i ain't
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messing with the same one, i love when you drop it down low but you're still high maintenance ♪ ♪ and you gotta get your hair done i'm a go hit taye up it's like god did your makeup ♪ ♪ you might just be my main one ♪ ♪ you need to be honest with you you don't need to be toxic with me you might just be my main one ♪ ♪ new york city ♪ >> can i take you back? ♪ let me love you let me be the one to give you everything you want and need ♪ ♪ baby good love and protection make me your connection show you the way love's supposed to be ♪ ♪ baby you should let me
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you should let me ♪ ♪ baby you're my so can we make this thing ♪ ♪ you should let me love you let me be the one to give you what you need ♪ ♪ everything you need ♪ ♪ love and protection make me your selection let me show you what love's supposed to be ♪ ♪ baby you should let me love you ♪ [ applause ] >> give it up for the new contestants! let's go. [ applause ]
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cloud cover this morning. here is a live look. our south beach camera showing you the bay bridge this morning. we have partly sunny skies out there, increasing sunshine as the morning and afternoon goes on. a minor warm-up today compared to yesterday low 90s returned in our warmest spots inland. we'll go into the mid and upper 70s around the bay shoreline. carmassi >> thank you, drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark and we'll be back at 11 for midday live. we hope to see you then. have a good morning. all right. here ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, host of the new reality competition series "buddy games," josh duhamel. and from "dancing with the stars," judge carrie ann inaba. plus, we continue "live loves ny week" with a performance from the legendary and iconic blue man group


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