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tv   America This Morning  ABC  October 2, 2023 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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now on america this morning, the fallout on capitol hill after lawmakers avoided a shutdown in house speaker kevin mccarthy strike a deal with democrats. but will it cost him his job? plus, the democrat explaining this image after he was accused of pulling a fire alarm at the capitol in order to delay a vote. >> the frantic search in upstate new york, a nine year old girl
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seemingly vanishes while on a bike. the emotional plea from the governor as more than 100 people searched the state park for the girl nightclub tragedy. >> multiple people killed in spain where a fire tore through several nightclubs. the dramatic video as witnesses describe escape seeing the inferno, the historic strike possibly days away. >> hospital workers across five states threatening to hit the picket lines as their contract expires, marking what would be the largest health care strike in us history. what the workers are demanding from the city of light to the city of bite. >> the bedbug problem in paris. as the city prepares to host the olympics and taylor swift stealing the sunday football spotlight again, showing up to travis kelsey's game. >> new details about their day before kickoff. it's monday, october second new york. >> this is america. this
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morning. >> good morning, everyone. i'm andrew dymburt. >> good morning to you. i'm rhiannon ally. we begin with a temporary fix to keep the government running. >> congress passed a spending bill to avert a federal shutdown and now they have 45 more days to come up with a long term plan. president biden is urging lawmakers to include new aid for ukraine and house speaker kevin mccarthy's job is on the line now. >> an investigation is underway after a new york democrat pulled a fire alarm ahead of the 11th hour vote. abc's justin finch has the latest now from washington. good morning, justin. >> rhiannon good morning. and speaker kevin mccarthy and house members are also now bracing for a republican plan to kick start the process of ousting mccarthy as soon as today. >> the bill is passed on the heels of a bipartisan deal to fund the government until november 17th and narrowly averting a shutdown. >> house speaker kevin mccarthy now facing fire from within his own party. >> i am relentless and i will continue to pursue this objective. >> florida house republican matt
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gaetz threatening to introduce a motion that would allow house members to reject mccarthy from the speakership with a majority vote. gay rights drubbing mccarthy for brokering a deal with democrats and, quote, not reining in spending. mccarthy says he's determined to keep his gavel. >> bring it on. let's get over with it and let's start governing. >> after signing off on the short term spending deal, president biden slamming republican leadership. >> i'm sick and tired of the brinksmanship and so are the american people. >> the plan includes $16 billion in disaster rate relief, but forgoes funding for ukraine on a nonstarter for many house republicans, who instead want to boost border security spending. republican lindsey graham saying senators are working on legislation to fund both priorities to the republicans, who say ukraine doesn't matter to us, you're wrong. >> respectfully, you're wrong. the war gets bigger, not smaller. there can was and new
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york house democrat jamaal bowman is fighting republican accusations that he was obstructing the house's work after setting off a fire alarm saturday. >> abc news obtaining this surveillance photo appearing to show bowman acting, creating a red alarm. bowman calling it an innocent mistake, saying he was rushing to make a house vote and didn't know it would activate the whole building. the capitol police is now investigating that fire alarm incident as speaker mccarthy is calling for an ethics investing station into bowman while some republicans say bowman should be expelled, rhiannon all right, justin, thank you for that. >> california governor gavin newsom is set to announce a replacement for the late senator dianne feinstein. abc news has learned newsom will select laphonza butler, a former aide to vice president kamala harris. it would make butler the only black woman in the senate, as well as its second openly lgbt member. senator feinstein will
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lie in state wednesday in san francisco, where she was mayor before heading to the senate. her funeral is thursday. dianne feinstein died last week at the age of 90. >> former president trump confirmed he plans to attend the opening of his civil fraud trial getting underway in new york today, he posted see you in court on social media, then attacked the judge and new york's attorney general. the judge already found conclusive evidence that trump and his eldest sons and the trump organization inflated his assets by as much as $2.2 billion. abc's aaron katersky has more on what we can expect. police are preparing for protesters. >> they've put up metal barricades around the courthouse ahead of trump's arrival here when he will confront the judge who ruled last week. much of his wealth is a mirage and the product of fraud. >> the trial is for the judge to determine how much trump should pay. the state is asking for $250 million is now to the desperate search for charlotte senna, the nine year old girl who seemingly vanished from a state park in new york.
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>> authorities say she was riding her bike with friends around a loop when she decided to go around one more time by herself. this morning, a massive search underway for a nine year old girl who went missing while on a family camping trip in upstate new york. >> i came here to just have an ordinary time. the kids could have a chance to be in nature, have a chance to be kids, but instead, the day turned into every parent's nightmare. >> charlotte senna was last seen saturday evening in moreau lake state park, north of albany. officials say she was riding her bike around a loop with other kids when she decided to go around once more alone. she's fine to go around one more time by herself, be that big girl, do it by herself. >> literally 15 minutes later, she hadn't come back yet. and that's really when the nightmare begins. >> 30 minutes later, her bike was found on that loop, but there was no sign of charlotte, her mother calling 911 to report her missing. more than 100 searchers, including police,
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forest rangers and residents from the area combing the state park from the air and the ground , hoping to find charlotte. yes today, authorities issuing an amber alert believing charlotte had been taken after that exhaustive search when we couldn't find her here, it was quite possible that an abduction had taken place. >> we are leaving. >> no stone, no branch, no table , no cabin unturned and untouched, unexamined. and our search to find charlotte, charlotte's family, describing her as a joyful fourth grader who had just been elected to the student council. >> she was last seen wearing this orange tie dye pokémon shirt. police asking the public to call in with any information that could lead them to her. >> we continue to dedicate all resources that we can to find charlotte and bring her home safely. >> police are searching a lake at that park. in a statement, charlotte's family says they just want her returned safely. >> at least nine people are dead
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after a church roof collapsed in mexico. video under investigation by mexican authorities seems to show the moment the building's roof came crashing down during sunday mass. about 30 people are believed to be trapped under the rubble. a four month old is among at least 50 people injured . spain's deadliest fire in decades remains under investigation. it happened this weekend as dozens of people gathered for celebrations at adjoining nightclubs as. morning at least 13 people have been killed and several others injured after a fire ripped through several nightclubs in spain. according to investigators, the fire started at the la fonda nightclub early yesterday morning before quickly spreading to two adjoining venues. shock ing footage shows firefighters inside one club battling the blaze. the roof eventually collapsing complicated search and rescue efforts and making it difficult to pinpoint where the fire started. witnesses say several birthday celebrations were underway at the popular clubs when the fire broke out. the
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survivor tells reporters he left with his friends less than one minute before the alarms went off and all the lights went out. the tragedy unfolding in the town of murcia in what is believed to be spain's deadliest nightclub fire in more than 30 years. the town's mayor declared three days of mourning in the victims memories, ordering flags lowered to half staff. at least 15 people were still missing after the fire. spanish authorities are investigating the cause. >> we have new details in the deadly semi truck crash in illinois. a coroner says the five people who died after the ammonia started leaking from the truck saying they were killed by exposure to the chemical. the victims included a father and two children, one seven and the other ten. autopsies are set for today and authorities say it appears the accident started when someone tried to pass the semi. >> former president jimmy carter celebrated his 99th birthday at his georgia home with his family, his wife and extended family. carter is the nation's longest living former president at the carter center in atlanta, 99 people became us citizens to
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mark the big day. and well wishes from around the world were played on a digital mosaic . >> happy belated birthday to him . time now for a look at your morning weather. the northeast will have poor air quality today as smoke from canada's wildfires moves into the region once again. the conditions are expected to linger into tomorrow, creating hazy skies. and we are watching across country storm moving out of the northwest today and bringing unsettled conditions to the rockies. strong storms to the south are part of that same system. checking today's high temperatures still hot across the plains ahead of that front. behind it, 50s in the northwest , 90in kansas city, 83 in washington, d.c. massive strike looming in the health care industry. >> also after a three year pause, tens of millions of americans will start paying student loans again. >> what borrowers should know and hear from the nascar pit
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crew member recovering after he was hit by a spinning truck
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week on good morning america. >> we are back now with fallout from the controversial police raid on a small kansas newspaper in august. the police chief who ordered the raid on the marion county record has been suspend added. it happened after a local business owner accused the paper of illegally accessing information about her. state police are now investigating. >> the stage is set for what would be the largest health care strike in us history, 75,000. kaiser permanente employees in five states are threatening to walk out on the job on wednesday now that their contract has expired. the coalition of unions representing them said it remains far apart with the company on key issues. the workers are seeking pay raises better pensions and protections against outsourcing. the company
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said it would continue to negotiate in good faith. meanwhile striking actors and hollywood studios are returning to the bargaining table today. the new talks come just days after the writers ended their walkout. the actors have been on strike since july. major sticking points include streaming residuals, ai and better pay, not a federal student loan payments returning after a three year pause. >> tens of millions of americans are making those payments yet again amid stubborn inflation and rising interest rates. here's abc's derrick dennis this morning. >> 28 million american borrowers are rebalancing their budgets as the three year pandemic pause on federal student loan payments expire. >> interest is 7.65. >> borrowers like sarah wood in denver now require to make payments on their student debt this month, for the first time in more than three years. >> as that relief during that pause period was huge with her $440 monthly bills due again, wood says she'll cut her spending and hold off on saving
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for her twin daughter's college education. it's just a tightening of the belt across all areas. you need to live in a house. you need to pay groceries and then you kind of have to figure out where to skimp and save the average federal student loan borrower owes more than $37,000 in debt payments averaging between 200 and $300 a month. >> a big toll on borrowers like michael lopez in anaheim, california. already struggling with stubbornly high inflation and rising interest rates. >> it makes it a moving target when we're trying to adjust our habits in the face of paying these payments and having a kid, not only do you have to figure out all of that, but now you need to do it while the cost of everything is fluctuating so much a harsh reality for borrowers disappoints by the supreme court's decision in june, striking down president biden's plan to cancel up to $20,000 in debt for millions of americans. >> borrowers should expect a bill that lays out how much you have to pay each month, at least 21 days before your due date. it's likely that most borrowers have received their bill
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already, but those who haven't should contact their loan servicer right. >> shannon andrew, our thanks to derek dennis there. coming up, the historic performance by simone biles. >> also ahead, taylor swift at the chiefs game. again, new details on where travis kelsey details on where travis kelsey was before kickoff next some people just know there's a podcast about that. those are the people who know to choose allstate. big tea drinker? yeah. there's a podcast about tea. he knows and he wants you to know too. i was listening to a podcast on if dogs know they're dogs there's a podcast about that? just like he'd want you to know about allstate. there's a podcast about fly fishing... ...called why is that person doing that?'s called tea-rrific. are you listening to a podcast? yeah, it's about multitasking. some people just know there's a podcast about that. those are the people who know you're in good hands with allstate. once in a lifetime is never enough. never enough! ♪ love and happiness ♪ when i wear diamonds, i feel powerful. i feel on top of the world. diamonds!
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diamonds for all. pandora. lab grown diamonds. (woman) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (vo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body... ...regulate blood sugar... ...and mounjaro... ...can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro... ...lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not... ...for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it,... or your family have medullary thyroid cancer,... ...or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro... ...and call your doctor right away... ...if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain,... changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro... ...with sulfonylurea or insulin...
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...raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant,... ...or plan to be. side effects include nausea,... ...vomiting, and diarrhea,... ...which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. weekly manjaro back now with sunday night football. >> the chiefs visiting the new york jets over 80,000 fans were in attendance, with one fan getting about as much coverage as the players does. sunday night means only one thing in america. sunday night football. apparently not football. she's here. >> taylor is in the house. taylor swift's in the building. >> come on, swifties. you got to love it. >> taylor swift. of course. millions tuning in to catch a glimpse of the megastar. oh, and maybe some of the game, too. welcome to new york. >> it's been waiting for you. >> nbc sports anticipating a
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swifty heavy audience dropping this promo ahead of the chiefs jets game. and before kickoff, carson daly prepping swift nation with this primer chock full of taylor references the new york jets. >> they've been left with a blank space after losing their star quarterback tonight. sure, they're going to try and shake it off. but against the defending super bowl champs, it's probably not likely to happen. maybe only in their wildest dreams. swift was there to watch rumored love interest travis kelce, a tight end for the chiefs taking on the jets. >> the new york post reporting kelce was seen leaving swift's apartment before the game. so while it seemed inevitable she would show up, it wasn't until swift was seen going through security at metlife stadium that swift mania kicked into high gear. >> taylor swift is in the building here to check out the jets and the chiefs. but more specifically, obviously, travis kelce, the cameras spending almost as much time on taylor as on the game. >> swift seen cheering as the chiefs scored their first touchdown. and while the trailer romance may be in doubt, the swifty effect is not. kelce has
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gained more than 1 million followers since the swift rumors began and his jersey sales have spiked 400. and some more. taylor magic, the chiefs avoided an upset, winning 23 to 20 a nascar pit crew member is talking about his life or death experience on the track. >> it happened during this weekend's truck event at talladega. charles plank was carrying a tiger when driver zane smith lost control, slid off the track and slammed into plank. he got knocked backwards but is expected to be okay. and plank described the moment of impact. >> i decided to ditch the tire that i was holding on with my right hand and jump up and i just ended up hitting it with my hip. i was always told, if you're going to get hit, just kind of let your body go limp. that's that's what i did. i just laugh about it. i mean, there's no sense in being mad. >> well, plank says he's ready to go for nascar's next stop. >> all right. coming up, the bedbug problem in paris as they
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prepare for the olympics. >> plus, beyonce's renaissance tour ended last night in kansas city. she and a programing note from abc audio. >> the award winning podcast series reclaimed a forgotten league, is back this season, tells the stories of black baseball players in the early 20th century who were shut out of the major leagues. follow reclaim the forgotten league wherever you get your podcasts, it's as the world keeps changing, so does covid-19. that's why this season's covid-19 shots have been updated. they're one of the best ways to help protect yourself against covid-19.
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in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. >> this week on good morning america. it is time to pulse. >> we begin with queen bee on the big screen. >> beyonce just wrapped up her wildly popular renaissance world tour and she made a movie about it. trailer was released last night. it's said to be about beyonce's hard work and involvement in every aspect of the production. >> the renaissance tour reportedly raked in some 450 million bucks. the movie hits
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theaters december 1st. can't wait. >> yeah, right. and now to the unwanted critters taking over the city of light. >> yeah. researchers of bedbugs is underway in paris, france, and that has officials nervous because the city is hosting the summer olympics next year. bedbugs have been reported at the city's main airport and on its subway system. the city's deputy mayor tweeted, quote, no one is safe. he's now calling on the prime minister to organize a conference on battling the bedbugs better than rats. >> yeah. >> next, more history for simone biles, the four time olympic gold medalist now has a fifth move bearing her name at sunday's world artistic gymnastics championships. >> biles became the first woman to land this difficult vault. the twisting move will now be named the biles two. she finished first after her qualifying session. it was her first competition since the 2020 olympics, and finally, the sphere is open for business in las vegas. the massive $2.3 billion entertainment site made its debut saturday with two concerts by u2.
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>> look at this video. the 188,000 square foot venue is being billed as the world's largest spherical structure. the arena could fit the entire statue of liberty based torch comfortable inside. this looks incredible. >> so much fun. i think i'd have a ball if i was there. top a ball if i was there. top headlines next. aah, it's a good day to cough. oh, no! bye, bye cough. later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours?! hmmm, ok. not coughing at yoga. antiquing not coughing? not coughing at the movies?! hashtag still not coughing?! aaah. oww! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. it's not cough season. it's always comeback season. ( ♪ ♪ ) hey sharon, did you know triscuit is crunchy on the outside
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old and new. november deadline. congress brokering a bipartisan deal to fund the government. but it could cost house speaker kevin mccarthy his job. plus house. >> and because the government isn't shutting down the arrival of the blue angels will happen. fleet week begins today in san francisco. we have everything you need to know about that week long event. good morning. welc


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