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tv   America This Morning  ABC  November 7, 2023 4:30am-5:01am PST

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well done, rob. [applause] he had to earn it. third place to first place. join us again tomorrow. so long. ♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. >> right now on america this morning, protests over the war in the middle east turned deadly here in the us. a jewish man dies after an alleged confrontation with a pro-palestinian demonstrator. what we're learning. plus our exclusive interview with israel's prime minister, what he says will come next. after the
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war in gaza, trump on the stand, what he's saying after his five hours of testimony at his civil fraud trial. >> the tense moments with the judge. what comes next? and the new poll showing trump leading president biden. a veteran democratic strategist, has a reality check for biden. >> a major drug bust, fentanyl laced pills disguised as valentine's candy found in the basement of one home. what makes this drug bust historic? >> breaking overnight, stunning downfall by a tech company once described as a unicorn borne worth $47. billion is now filing for bankruptcy later, the journalist whose only job is to cover taylor swift and a real life sunken treasure worth billions. but who does it belong . to >> from abc news in new york this is america this morning.
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>> good tuesday morning, everyone. i'm andrew dymburt. >> good morning. i'm alison kosik in for rhiannon. and we begin with protests surrounding the war in the middle east turning deadly here at home. >> a jewish man has died after an alleged confrontation in california. it comes as today marks one month of war between israel and hamas. it was one month ago that hamas militants waged that barbaric attack on israeli civilians, killing 1400 people. >> us officials have been urging israel to pause the fighting in gaza, but israel has intensified its attacks on hamas targets and prime minister benjamin netanyahu tells abc news. even after the war, israel will oversee security in gaza indefinitely. >> abc's liz landers is here with the latest. beginning with that deadly protest here in the us. liz, good morning. good morning, andrew. >> police in california are investigating a jewish man's death after he was allegedly attacked at a rally where pro-israel and pro-palestinian sides collided this morning
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month into israel's war with hamas. tensions appear to be escalating here in the us with one demonstration turning deadly . police near los angeles say 69 year old paul kessler died from his injuries at a rally sunday, hitting his head on the ground. witnesses say a pro-palestinian protester struck kessler with a megaphone before he fell. in washington state, pro-palestinian protests converged on the port of tacoma, briefly blocking what they thought was a shipment of military equipment for israel. >> my grandmother is palestine indian and i'm from jordan and i want palestine to have peace in indiana, police say a woman drove her car into a building believing it was a jewish school. >> but the building actually belongs to a group known for anti-israeli views. and in arizona, a man is charged for threatening to execute a rabbi. the justice department claims the man wanted to kill, quote, every other jew he could find.
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it comes as israeli forces prepare to move into gaza city. the hamas run health ministry claims more than 10,000 palestinians have been killed in gaza since israel declared war on hamas last month. speaking to abc's david muir last night, prime minister netanyahu ruled out a humanity pause in the fighting unless hamas releases the more than 200 hostages it's holding. >> as far as tactical, little pauses. and our here and our there, we've had them before. i suppose we'll check the circumstances in order to enable goods, humanitarian goods to come in or our hostages, individual hostages to leave. but i don't think there's going to be a general cease fire. >> meanwhile, the pentagon is reporting a significant uptick of attacks on us troops in both iraq and syria, at least. and that's by iranian backed militants, at least 46 troops have been injured since october 17th andrew. all right, liz, thank you. >> meanwhile, today is election day. voters will decide a range
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of important issues across the country. in ohio, for example, voters will decide whether to enshrine abortion rights in the state's constitution. then in virginia, voters will decide whether republicans take full control of the state's government. the governor has promised to pass a 15 week abortion ban. if that happens. and in kentucky, democratic governor andy beshear is seeking reelection in a deep red state. a win could give democrats some hope. despite president biden's lagging poll numbers. >> now to former president trump's message. after taking the stand at his fraud trial with his daughter's testimony. still to come, trump is attacking the judge and new york's attorney general while selling dating. his latest poll numbers this morning, former president donald trump is off the witness stand and back on the attack. see what a scam this is? >> this is a case that should have never been brought. >> trump's five hours of testimony yesterday were punctuated by insults and aggravation. much of it directed
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at judge arthur. and. he always rules against me, trump said. this is a very unfair trial. the judge threatened to throw trump out of court, yelling to his attorney, can you control your client? this is not a political rally. i beseech you to control him if you can't. but i will judge engoron has already determined trump defrauded banks by overvaluing his assets and inflating his net worth to get better rates on bank loans and insurance on the stand, trump conceded he knew what was in his financial statements, but largely deflected blame to deputies and accountants, saying , i have people, i pay them a lot of money. i assume they keep good records. trump also claimed that when factoring in the trump brand, his net worth is more than what's on paper. >> this is a scam, and this is a case that should have never been brought. and it's a case that now should be dismissed, he rambled. >> he hurled, hurled insults,
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but we expected that at the end of the day, the documentary evidence demonstrated that in fact, he falsely inflated his assets to basically enrich himself and his family. >> after leaving court, trump also referenced the new york times siena college poll that shows him leading president biden in several battleground states and losing ground among black and young voters worried about the economy and biden's age. david axelrod, chief strategist for the obama campaigns, is questioning whether biden should stay in the race, saying if he continues to run, he will be the nominee of the democratic party. what he needs to decide is whether that is wise, whether it's in his best interest or the country's. >> i think history will be kind to joe biden based on what he's done in his first in his term as president. and, you know, the question is, how will it end? will it end with the defeat of
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donald trump or not? that's what he has to consider, because how it ends is important. >> as for the fraud case against president trump, there is no jury. the judge will decide whether to ban trump from doing business in new york and whether to find him hundreds of millions of dollars. trump's daughter, ivanka testifies tomorrow. >> the captain of a scuba dive boat that caught fire, killing 34 people off california has been convicted of negligence. the fire in 2019 was the deadliest maritime disaster in recent us history. jerry boylan was the first to abandon ship when the fire broke out. the victims died in a bunk room below deck. boylan has been found criminally negligent for not posting a nightwatchman or training his crew to fight a fire. he faces up to ten years in prison. >> three men have been arrested after one of the largest drug busts in new england's history. investigators say they found 220 pounds of controlled substance inside a home north of boston, including 20 pounds of fentanyl laced pills that were shaped
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like valentine's day candies, as there were more doses seized in this one house in lynn than there are people in massachusetts. >> and the street value is close to $8 million. the drugs have been linked to at least one overdose death officials also seized fake percocet and adderall pills. >> the father of the gunman accused of killing seven people at a july 4th parade in highland park, illinois, has pleaded guilty. robert crimo was supposed to go on trial yesterday for allegedly helping his son get an assault rifle despite knowing he was a danger to the public. instead, he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor and will spend 60 days behind bars. his son's trial date has not yet been scheduled. >> federal regulators are warning about a growing risk on the roads. bling on your steering wheel, they say after market rhinestone decals that decorate steering wheel logos can turn into a sharp projectile in a crash. they're made of metal or plastic that breaks into pieces when your airbag deploys. at least one driver was blinded in one eye after a crash
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. >> time now for your tuesday weather. in the pacific northwest today, although it's not expected to be as heavy as it was over the weekend. up to a foot of snow is possible in the sierras and northern rockies. meanwhile, more than 235 million americans will be feeling some november heat today. record highs are possible from colorado to the carolinas, especially across the southern us. checking today's high temperatures elsewhere, 40s and 50s around the great lakes, 60s and 70s from boston to dc 70 in southern california. coming up, an attack on the high seas. killer whales sink a yacht. >> also ahead, the close watched gun rights case at the supreme court today affecting victims of domestic violence. and the shortage in school cafeterias forcing a change in the lunch
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line running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. i was always so itchy especially when i was hot. now my skin doesn't itch as much. now we're staying ahead of her eczema. there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the inside to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body
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that can cause eczema. so, they can have clearer skin and less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a wonderful thing. ask your child's eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal their skin from within.
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on good morning america. >> we're back with another killer whale attack in the high seas. orcas sank three boats off spain earlier this year. and guess what? they are at it again . orcas surrounded this polish yacht sailing through the strait of gibraltar, ramming the vessel for 45 minutes until it sank. the crew is okay and experts still aren't sure why the whales are being so aggressive. >> now to the supreme court hearing a closely watched gun rights case today. at issue, whether some people accused of domestic violence should be barred from owning a gun. here's abc's derrick dennis. >> this morning, victims of domestic violence are watching the supreme court closely. justices are taking up a challenge to a federal law that bans americans who are under domestic abuse restraining orders from owning a gun. i have
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three in my head. >> i have one in my right side and one on my left side. >> lucia cretin was shot repeatedly by the abusive father of her daughter. >> i said i couldn't be with anybody else but him, and he showed it by hitting me. >> she believes the law would have protected her, had a restraining order been in place. but police told her there was little they could do. >> he shot me behind my head and in each hip and i fell right next to my daughter every year, judges issue thousands of domestic violence restraining orders, limiting contact between an aggressor and victim, and blocking some 77,000 gun purchases through the federal background check system. >> we know that it's not just intimate partners murdering their their partners. we know that they're doing it with firearm arms and that these laws are preventing them from doing that. >> but the supreme court has a decision to make after a lower court ruled the law violates the second amendment. >> this statute actually ends up disarming a bunch of law abiding
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or otherwise good people. judges often issue mutual restraining orders, which disarms both the victim and the abuser. >> at the same time, domestic violence survivors like lucia argue keeping the law on the books is a matter of life and death. >> people that are a danger to themselves or to someone else, they need to not have the access to a deadly weapon because guns make situations more fatal. it makes abuse more fatal. >> hundreds of gun safety and domestic violence prevention advocates are expected to rally at the supreme court today, say gun rights advocates say they'll be there, too. as oral arguments begin. andrew allison derick, thank you. >> milk cartons that are a part of millions of school lunches across the country are now in short supply. there's plenty of milk, but cafeterias in several states are scrambling to find other options for those half pint cartons. the shortage is being blamed on supply chain issues. some schools are now using bulk milk dispensers or cups of milk in the meantime,
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federal officials are allowing districts to temporarily skip the school lunch milk requirement. >> coming up, the stunning downfall of a tech company once worth $47 billion. >> also ahead, the search for a california woman missing after california woman missing after attending a yoga retreat introducing finish ultimate. engineered for the ultimate clean in the toughest conditions. dry burnt-on stains. old dishwashers. very hard water. even when you skip the rinse. its new cyclesync technology releases the right ingredient at the right time, and finish ultimate breaks down stains, cuts grease, and boosts shine for the ultimate clean. even in the toughest conditions. ♪ hey... it's me! your dry skin! i'm craving something we're missing. the ceramides in cerave. cerave, with three essential ceramides, helps restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture and we can feel it long after. cerave moisturizers.
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4:48 am
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europe. he was implanted with a device that sends an electric current to the spinal cord before the treatment, he would fall about five times per day. >> a major update this morning in the search for a california yoga instructor who seemingly vanished in guatemala. nancy ng was last seen october 19th. kayaking with people on a yoga retreat. authorities overnight said witnesses told them nancy drowned after going for a swim. the prosecutor's office says her group waited 24 hours to report the incident. the fbi has joined the investigation as nancy's family questions those drowning claims. as my dad, he and this sounds terrible, but he he keeps his phone next to him at night just about like he's hoping for a ransom call. >> you know, something that will prove that nancy might still be alive. the family says the statement about a drowning conflicts with evidence they've received, although they did not elaborate. >> now to the stunning downfall
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of a company that was once the most valuable startup in the us. this morning, office space rental company wework is hoping to rework its business filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy. the company, once privately valued at $47 billion announcing the move overnight after years of controversy and poor performance, shares plummeting 98% since 2021, trading at just $0.83. >> yesterday, i moved into a new office space called wework. look, it's beautiful. it's just like a good environment to be in. >> founded in 2010, wework was once considered among the world's most valuable startups. >> we're about to change the way people work and where people live, but more importantly, change the world. >> the stunning downfall detailed in a hulu documentary. while rebecca jarvis spoke with the director about missteps made by the co-founder and former ceo. >> where do you think things went wrong? adam began to expand his his vision beyond their core business thinking that we work
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could solve some of the most intractable global problems imaginable. >> in 2019, the company's ipo failed due to larger than expected losses. it eventually went public during the pandemic, but as remote work severely impacted the corporate real estate landscape, the company's value plummeted and the company, which recently had more than 4000 employees, will now restructure. >> coming up, the journalist whose only job is to cover taylor swift. >> plus, a real life sunken treasure worth blions. but who treasure worth blions. but who does it belong ♪ ♪ ♪ we're building a better postal service. for more on-time deliveries. and easier, affordable ways to ship. so you can deliver even more holiday joy. the united states postal service.
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has. he was the standout choice here from a pool of hundreds of applicants. his duties will include exploring the singer's influence on music, business and social issues. >> no word if they're hiring a travis kelce reporter just yet. next the president of colombia has ordered the speedy recovery of a sunken treasure worth about $20 million. >> it's from a centuries old shipwreck in the caribbean. it was filled with gold, silver and emeralds. what else would it be filled with when it sank in the 1700s? and a us company is suing for half of it. >> the american company claims it found the treasure in 1981 and gave the coordinates to colombia's government. under an agreement to split said treasure . >> next, doctor phil coming back to tv. >> this time he'll be in prime time. he ended the dr. phil show back in may. but now dr. phil says he's coming back on a newly created network. the new dr. phil prime time starts early next year. next, how about this for a really big deal? >> oh, yeah. haynes has unveiled a pickle flavored ketchup. the company says the new combo follows a survey that found 73%
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of americans they enjoy the taste of pickles. next the close encounter from a man fixing his truck. >> this happened in colorado, an elk with a huge set of antlers stop by and started ramming the guy's truck, the one he's trying to fix. there he is apparently left with even more repairs. >> now to louisiana. that's an owl. yeah resting inside a truck. it flew in through a window as the truck was driving down the road. >> and one more animal to show you. arnold schwarzenegger's donkey interrupted arnold's appearance on last night's manningcast during monday night football. because when lulu football. because when lulu needs to eat, it there's challenges, and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world.
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welcome to big tobacco's fantasyland. a new, healthier world without cigarettes. as long as you don't count the 6 trillion sold worldwide every year. and vaping won't lead to smoking, if you ignore the research that says otherwise. in big tobacco's fantasyland, the deadliest industry is your friend. shh...
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adding tolls to your commute. now at five. the proposal that could cost you and how you can weigh in starting today. >> happening today, a law limiting gun access in domestic violence cases will be debated in the supreme court. the first case involving guns to reach the justices since last year's landmark decision on expanding gun rights. >> it's already been one month since the hamas attack in israel sparked the war that's now playing out in gaza. we're going to hear from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu as his forces push


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