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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  November 9, 2023 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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google tv, amazon fire, tv, and roku. download the app now and start streaming. all right. thank you so much for watching. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley for sandyha patel. larry biel. all of us, we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel. howie mandel and daniel ricciardo, have a great night, everyone previously on "jimmy kimmel live" --
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>> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- howie mandel. daniel ricciardo. and music from lauren daigle. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, there. that's very nice. thank you. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. please, relax. you can relax. that's very nice. thank you for joining us on "take your actor back to workday" here in hollywood where most of the tv and movie business has been stopped, at a
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standstill, since what, it was may i think. the writers' strike started in may. at long last, the actors' strike is finally now over and thank god. [ cheers and applause ] a lot of people affected. the hallmark channel immediately started shooting all 1,200 of its christmas movies this morning. [ laughter ] one member of the actors negotiating committee said there were "tears of exhilaration and joy" in the room after the deal was approved. it only took them a few takes. [ laughter ] very realistic. this is the longest actors' strike ever, 1 dane days. that's a lot of days. to give you some context of how long this strike went on, here is rob lowe on day one of the strike and this is what he looks like today. [ laughter ] well, maybe rob wasn't the best person to illustrate the point, but you get it. it was a long strike. even president biden praised the deal. he said, "now the entertainment industry can continue telling the stories of america and get back to showing those
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big ol' bazoombas on the hbo channel." but it's very good news. finally, actors can get back to their real jobs. which is playing people with real jobs. [ laughter ] it was another "golden bachelor" night here on abc. the "women tell all" special followed by the "women tell all again but slower and loud sore gerry can hear them" special. [ laughter ] there was a storyline on tonight's show, a mystery of sorts. and the mystery was what, and who, gave susan gas? >> i don't know what i ate. but what's coming out of me is deadly. >> really? what did you eat today? >> guacamole. really, this is embarrassing. i don't have gas pains or anything, it's just -- silent killers. i think it is eis i'd dith's fat from her guacamole. >> edith, i'm really suffering. i got gas bad. i need to know what was in that guacamole. >> that was two nights ago. >> it was this morning i ate it.
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>> jimmy: that's the problem. your morning bowl of guacamole was three days old. [ laughter ] the source of the gas seems pretty clear. but what we do not know, is what the hell has happened to this show? >> excuse me. dinner was delicious, by the way. >> hold on a second. you were saying? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that was not a sound effect. that was real. that woman locked eyes with the person interviewing her like a serial killer. like a king kobe ra, she stared into that person's soul while fully letting loose for like 28 seconds. [ laughter ] that woman right there is why they ended the actors' strike. [ laughter and applause ] they're like, you know what?
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we've got to get some grits. anyway. congrats to the whole "golden bachelor" team, you reallied you did yourself. did you watch the "republican presidential candidates tell all" last night? not a ton of people did. it was chris christie, tim scott, nikki haley, ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy. who is just a weird, unlikable cartoon character of a person. [ laughter ] and not too swift, either. vivek did one of the dumbest things a candidate can do. he took an unprompted shot at one of nikki haley's kids. >> mr. ramaswamy, you campaign on tiktok. how do you get tiktok banned if you use it? >> well, i want to laugh at why nikki haley didn't answer your question, which was about looking families in the eye. in the last debate she made fun of me for joining tiktok while her own daughter was using the app for a long time so take care of your family first -- >> leave my daughter after your voice. >> jimmy: leave my daughter out of your advice. sounds like the first draft what was will smith yelled at chris
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rock. [ laughter ] [ applause ] and then things got even rama-smarmier from there. >> the next generation of americans are using it, and that's actually the point. yeah, her supporters are clapping her up, that's fine. here's the truth -- >> you're just scum. >> jimmy: "you're just scum." not exactly. "i knew john kennedy, and you're no john kennedy." but we got the point. he's just scum. florida governor ron desantis didn't say a whole lot last night, but he was up bright and early for "fox & friends." ron has been told he needs to smile more. he always has a look of intense constipation on his face. [ laughter ] at all times. so, he's trying very hard now to come across as human. >> fresh off the gop debate just hours ago, florida governor ron desantis joins us now. governor, i don't know if you have a money to there. [ laughter ] governor ron desantis, thanks so much. best of luck the rest of the way. i know you're digging in in iowa.
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>> jimmy: when he smiles, it really does light up a room. [ laughter ] i never realized how much warmth he radiates. donald trump was not at the debate. i bet this drove him nuts, though. of all the topics they covered last night -- abortion, the border, ukraine. donald trump was 17th. he was the 17th most talked about subject behind venezuela. [ laughter ] he only got 56 seconds of love. which, according to stormy daniels is about all he needs. [ laughter ] [ rim shot ] thank you. donald was busy hosting his own event about 30 minutes down the road. and his opening act was none other than one of america's all-time favorite sitcom moms. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. end the [ bleep ]! we want trump, the magadore, to kill that [ bleep ] damn ball!
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and the bull [ bleep ] [ bleep ] damn ball! >> jimmy: i'm sorry, roseanne, could you speak up? [ laughter ] some of the folks in puerto rico are having trouble hearing you. what a journey for roseanne. it's great to see her back, and what a job she did introducing don jr.'s fianceeliminate. >> oh, here -- let -- the next big -- person up here is a beautiful woman, k.g.! kimberly garfoyle. >> jimmy: kimberly garfoyle. i will never call her anything other than kimberly garfoyle from now on. [ laughter ] that is her name. thanks, roseanne. all the scariest creatures from trumpland were on the bill last night. including his former spokesgoblin and current governor of arkansas, sarah huckabee sanders. >> when i worked under president trump in the white house, i saw firsthand a side to him that a lot of people didn't.
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a great boss. a mentor. and an outstanding father. >> jimmy: you know who hasn't seen the outstanding father side of donald trump? this guy. >> guys, i'm not pretending -- like i get it, i know where i'm from. i'm the son of a billionaire from manhattan. and if i go to a grocery store today and i'm pissed off? no, what does it tell you? >> jimmy: they ran out of axe body spray? i don't know. [ laughter ] they didn't have your java-flavored monster energy drink? [ applause ] so, then daddy took the stage to remind the crowd that his legal problems are really their legal problems. >> every time i'm indicted, i consider it a great badge of honor. because i'm being indicted for you. thanks a lot, everybody, i appreciate it. thank you. i'm being indicted for you. >> jimmy: he committed the crimes for himself, but he was
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indicted for us. [ laughter ] he was indicted for our sins. and of course, no trump rally would be complete without a little fudging of the crowd size. trump said he was standing in front of tens of thousands of people, even though the venue only held 5,200. he's back to exaggerating crowd size. [ laughter ] at this point, the only way for trump to draw a crowd of 10,000 is with a sharpie. [ laughter ] there were so many empty seats, you couldn't tell if it was a trump rally or a trump inauguration. but still, he had the people who were there eating out of the palm of his baby hand. >> and your congressman carlas jiminiz, do you know her? some people say carlos -- you don't like him? [ boos ] what's going on? carlos, come on. we've got to get that straightened out. >> jimmy: yeah, maybe get his name straightened out. play that
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t >> some people say carlos jiminez. >> jimmy: some people say that. some people like carlos jiminez. after the rally, trump went truth postal. he shared, and then deleted, shirtless photos of the judge presiding over his fraud trial in new york. he wrote, "unhinged judge engoron posting half-naked photos of himself to high school alumni newsletter he controls." oh, my goodness. look how scandalous. you know if trump looked like that without a shirt, he would've put his body on the 20 dollar bill. [ laughter ] but he's right. have some dignity. i mean, you're a judge. if you want to be taken seriously, don't show off your muscles in an alumni newsletter. you photoshop yourself with muscles. [ laughter ] on an nft and pretend to be a cartoon superhero, like an adult. [ laughter ] i mentioned the other night senator ted cruz has a new book. it's called "unwoke: how to defeat cultural marxism in america."
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ted has been out trying to sell the book. his last book, he had to get his own campaign to buy thousands of copies to get it up the list. which is sad. so we decided this time we'd help him out with an assist from one of the stars of "rupaul's drag race," none other than trixie mattel. [ cheers and applause ] >> hello, hello, children, hello, hi, hi. that's the energy i was looking for, whoo! how do we feel about reading today? yes? >> yes! >> okay. i think we should select something to read. let's see. um -- "the who cares, right? made-up story. "our solar system." yeah, right. the earth is flat, thank you. how about -- "unwoke." "how to defeat cultural marxism in america" written by ted cruz. [ laughter ]
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do you know who this guy is? >> no. >> it looks like somebody from the fbi. >> "take something everyone loves, stuff it folk of woke neo-marxist ideas and put it on the air. if people point out the ideas and the show are bad, you can always claim they're racists, fascists or both. disney's reboot of the beloved "little mermaid" was a case in point." did anybody see that? instead of admitting that disney had managed to ruin a classic, defenders of the subpar remake, including its star, accused the public of racism. >> but then the original little mermaid was good and the other little mermaid was good, the new one. >> can't they both be good? >> yeah, they both are. >> children liked the little mermaid, right? >> yeah. >> so it's almost like they should be the ones to say if it's good. >> i just want to say out loud right now, the book is wrong.
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>> thank you. so boring, right? >> yeah! >> wait, wait. instead of skipping a page -- skip a book! [ laughter ] >> we should just -- all right, let me just. "in the winter of 2021 when weather conditions in texas were unacceptable, i took a harmless trip to mexico. all of us who are parents have a responsibility to take care of our kids, take care of our families. as a senator i have the added responsibility to my supporters to look and feel my best at all times. which is why it was of the utmost importance i head to cancun to tan my nipples in peace." >> that's just disturbing. >> on the count of three, we're going to decide whether or not we like the book. are you guys ready? >> yes! >> one, two, three -- oooh! what was your problem with the book? what do you guys think? >> what in kind of a world would somebody need to tan their
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nipples? >> especially since you can just do it at the tanning salon, right? >> i know. crazy, right? >> i found a little bit of a base tan with spray tan gives you depth of color, but that's just me. well, i think we all learned a lot today, what do you think? >> no. >> no, we learned nothing today. >> well -- there is more in the book. you know, i couldn't get through all of it today because we only have an eight-hour school day. so i thought i would give you all copies of "unwoke" to take home, share with your family, friends. all right, kids. those are your books. you can do whatever you want with them. >> okay! we can do whatever we want. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks to trixie mattel, and you're welcome, ted. we have a good show for you tonight. formula 1 driver, daniel ricardo is here. we've got music from lauren daigle. and we'll be right back with howie mandel.
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>> jimmy: hi, there. welcome back. tonight, he is one of the finest racers in formula 1. on saturday, november 18th, he'll be tearing through the strip in the las vegas grand prix. daniel ricardo is with us.
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[ cheers and applause ] later on, a grammy-winning singer and songwriter. this is her self-titled album. music from lauren daigle. [ cheers and applause ] you can see lauren live here in los angeles tomorrow night at arena. next week, we've got new shows with a lot of guests. seth rogen, nick offerman, paul dano, julianne moore, juno temple, glenn howerton, kurt and wyatt russell, with music from the hives, lay-vay, david, 2 chains and lil wayne. please join us for those. [ cheers and applause ] i guess the strike is over, huh? our first guest is a very sick man who is both a longtime judge on "america's got talent" and hosts a podcast with his daughter, jackelyn, called "howie mandel does stuff." please say hello to howie mandel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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howie, thank you for coming. you know, you're our first guest post-actors' strike. >> you know, i do know that. and i was backstage before the show. i swear to you this is not a joke. and i bumped into this man. why are you laughing? guillermo. because i love guillermo. i walked up to him, "hey, guillermo, it's great to see you, how's it going?" he goes, "i cannot believe this strike, i'm so happy the strike is over." and i said, "so am i." he goes, "because starting next week, we can have good guests." that's what he says. [ laughter and applause ] i swear he said that to me. nothing makes you feel more wanted. >> jimmy: well. that's why he's our maitre d'. >> he really is. too bad you're here tonight, howie, because next week you
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would see people who are unbelievable. >> jimmy: oh, yes. so sorry that happened. >> guillermo: i'm so sorry. >> what? >> guillermo: i'm so sorry. >> for what, for what? >> guillermo: too much tequila, sorry. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: tequila. >> he says that to me. he said it out loud in front of -- i walked out of the dressing room in the bar area, there's like 100 guests and friends of guests. he goes, "next week!" he cannot wait. >> jimmy: he considers you to be part of the family. >> right. you don't want to spend time with the family. you want to go out with great people. with your friends. >> jimmy: although i feel like i've seen you a lot this year, right? a lot more than i usually see you. when is the last time we saw each other? >> not as great for me as it was for you. >> jimmy: oh. >> no, it was great. i don't know if you know this. what you said. i'm sick. i have -- i don't go out. i do not go out. i'm not part of the whole hollywood thing. i'm not fremds with a lot of the
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great guests you have here. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you don't touch people. >> i won't touch people. i have a very good friend, a mutual friend, jeff ross. you had a birthday dinner for jeff ross. >> jimmy: correct. >> and he assured me that, you know -- we won't be around a lot of people, jimmy's going to make it kind of private and outside, there's no germs, please join me. and i did. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i did. and i go, oh my god. i told my wife, i haven't been around a lot of people in a setting in just -- parties. i don't know what to do. first of all, i want to say, it was the best pizza ever. >> jimmy: pizzeria bianca, right. >> you set up on a table on the sidewalk. >> jimmy: right. >> we weren't in the restaurant. i don't have to mention this, but you had a lot of big hollywood -- >> jimmy: jeff did, jeff invited everybody. >> a lot of people there, a lot of big hollywood names. i was dressed -- really uncomfortable. i haven't been around this kind of -- been to a party, i haven't done it. the first course comes out.
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everybody takes a step. and then i look up and your friend and my friend daniel kellison, he gets up on the table, he stands against the wall outside. he just -- he's just doing this. and i'm sitting there. nobody -- you continued eating. everybody's eating. i go, "there's a man jumping." [ laughter ] nobody's saying anything. maybe this is, you know -- why is he jumping? do you know why? >> jimmy: i don't remember. >> you don't remember? >> jimmy: no. >> he said he had indigestion or something like this. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, right. >> he had indigestion. i asked way after. i'm sitting there going, am i next? do i go up next? [ laughter ] [ applause ] i didn't know, i swear to god. i thought maybe when jimmy throws these parties, okay, we'll start from the other end table. and like the fork, you go to the left. he jumps, then i need you to jump, and then you took off. and i go, "where did jimmy go?"
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they said he went to get something from his car. then you come back with a bag. and i stood back. i didn't know what was in the bag. everybody's reaching in the bag. they're taking these pills. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i go, what is that? i heard them say, acid. [ laughter ] i went, oh my god. this is so hollywood. one guy's jumping, and he's getting acid for everybody. people are going, "these are good, do you want one?" i went, "no, no!" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that was antacid. >> antacid. [ applause ] and i'm just going to give him a plug because they are the most delicious antacids on earth, the alka-seltzer chewables. i have a zip-loc bag full of them in my car. >> what was great, it made me feel so out of place at this hollywood party. jimmy kimmel serving acid. one guy jumping into the corner. everybody reaching in your bag, "these are delicious."
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it's just this antacid. >> jimmy: we still have no explanation for why he was jumping. >> i thought you told him it would -- >> jimmy: he decided that, i had nothing to do with it. >> not a smile, not "excuse me." we're just eating. everybody's going, "are you going to finish the salad?" and he's just -- >> jimmy: excited for pizza. >> like that. it made me feel old. >> jimmy: you say you don't like to leave the house, but you're about to go on the road now, right? >> i do go on the road. >> jimmy: that is a positive for you? >> it as positive -- we're going to be in new york next week, connecticut, i don't know where else. pennsylvania. people are plotting. [ cheers and applause ] no, no, no -- >> jimmy: red bank, new jersey. >> yes. i like my time on stage because i'm this far from people. but i do think -- travel is not my thing. i got freak the out after a couple of weeks ago when i saw the people on the airlines, they pooped down the aisle. >> jimmy: yeah, that's not for you. >> no. >> jimmy: at all. >> no. i'm afraid to catch a cold in
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the plane. i don't want to be [ bleep ] on. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, no, yeah. you've always said that, you've always been really clear about that. >> yes. talk about turbulence. you know what, i don't want -- how does that get -- like, if i have to do that, i would just stay in my -- i wouldn't. why do you leave? why would you leave when has happening? your seat? and spread it? then there's people on tiktok taking pictures. so i freaked out. i'm going to be honest with you. i freaked out. i started taking private. >> jimmy: private jets. because of the diarrhea? >> because of diarrhea. >> jimmy: does this have something to do with the video we have? >> yeah. >> jimmy: do we need to set this up? >> yes, yes. i started taking private jets, which is also -- i don't know the difference between acid and antacid. i'm also not that bougie. but i figured -- do we have time i can tell this? >> jimmy: yes. >> okay. so i -- i figure, private jet, people think that celebrities are crazy, a lot of people have
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riders, you get a contract, "i want the green m&ms." i'm landing in a private jet, people are going to think i'm this kind of person. so -- so -- so i have the number of the guy that's picking me up at the airport. he doesn't know me, it's just a driver. >> jimmy: okay. >> so i have -- this is what i write. i text him before -- i write that i'm the manager, howie mandel's road manager, he has certain rituals that need to be adhered to. [ laughter ] thanking you in advance. i made it up as i was going. "my name is rich, i'm the road manager, i'll be the first person you come in contact, i'll be carrying a small pink bag. i will hand the bag to you when mr. mandel approaches, he likes the bag to be held within three feet of his head." >> jimmy: oh my god. >> regardless of where he goes, making absolutely no eye contact. it will take him the next two minutes to garner his footing, which may consist of pacing,
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walking, before entering your vehicle. before he enters the vehicle, he will lean forward and extend his hand backwards, at which time you will hand him the said pink bag. as soon as howie gets the bag back, he will give you a signal and you will make your way back to the vehicle at triple pace." >> jimmy: okay. now -- >> one more handoff. i gave him these instructions. >> jimmy: can we take a break? when we come back, we will conclude this with i assume this video? >> what, you -- >> jimmy: you want to do it right now? >> no, i need a break. would you do this and this was a good guest next week? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yes, i would. howie mandel is here, we'll be right back. may: monsters are an inescapable reality. ♪ what's monarch? (eerie sound) lee: you saw it. something happened that monarch didn't want us to know about. ♪
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how did they get here? (growling) run! (ground exploding) (load roar) ♪ this world, it's not ours. (crashing impacts) lee: believe me. (roaring) ♪ experience the art of high pressure brewed coffee and espresso with the l'or barista system. enjoy richer, bolder flavors complete with velvet smooth crema. now brewing peet's coffee.
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and we are your bargain bliss market. what is bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. this thanksgiving, we're giving you even more reasons to celebrate. we are offering you $21 off a jennie-o frozen turkey with in-store discount. that's as low as $0.50 a pound. so why wait? hurry in to your neighborhood grocery outlet today. because this deal is only available while supplies last.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: lauren daigle and daniel ricciardo are on the way. we're back with howie mandel. you teased us, you teed it up -- >> i'll recap. i'm flying to my date in a private jet. i texted the driver who's picking me up saying i was the manager, we're handing him a pink bag, the pink bag has to be held three feet from my head, you can't make eye contact, he needs to get his footing. at a certain point i will crouch down, lift my hands, i need the bag to be handed over to me. on signal i need you to run back to the car at triple pace.
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>> jimmy: okay. >> okay? then i will receive the bag again from turnover. can you imagine? you're picking somebody up. you're going like, what is this? why does he have so many rituals? he's not a good guest. [ laughter ] this is this week. anyway. my friends who travel on the road carry iphones. they videotape this. as it's happening. >> jimmy: okay. >> watch it with me. i'll take you along. that's rich, my road manager. >> jimmy: okay. >> the guy with the hat is the driver. play it. >> jimmy: all right. >> he handed him the bag. that's me. trying to get the footing. within three feet, he's also carrying an ipad. i sped up. i'm going the other way. how could i not find the door? because i don't have my footing. that's the vehicle i'm supposed to be getting in right there. there it is. just getting my legs in the footing. nope. need to pick up some speed. this guy is intent on getting a tip. he's following me on one level. let's see how far he'll go.
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is he willing to climb? let's find out. i am. i climb up one level. will he come with me? yes! he's climbing with me. yep [ cheers and applause ] he's up there. that can't be it. there's a tree. let me see how far up this tree he will go. does he want to quit driving at this point? i think that's too much. it's time for the handoff. remember i said we're going to have a handoff, i'm going to turn 180 degrees, i'm going to squat, lift my hands, you have to hand off. turn, hands up, squat down, pass off, pass off, pass off! i have it. [ applause ] now -- wait. remember, when he signals, i've got to get him back to the car at triple pace, triple pace. you can't just walk back. there he goes! triple pace. he opens the door for me. the final passoff. he takes the bag. i go in the car.
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and hilarity ensues. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well done. oh, you are a crazy, crazy, crazy person. >> thank you. thank you. that's what i do. >> jimmy: oh, boy. >> that's what i do. and you manage to also work so much. you've got another what, "america's got talent" fantasy camp, league? >> fantasy league. we pick the best of the best from all over the world. that's coming out in march. [ cheers and applause ] and my podcast, "howie mandel does stuff." i get to work with my kid. >> we had a lot of fun. you have fun working with your kids? >> my kids are great. my youngest daughter is pregnant. >> jimmy: oh, she is. congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] >> wait, don't. she's 13. [ laughter ] [ rim shot ] >> jimmy: howie mandel, everybody. go see him. you can listen to "howie mandel does stuff" and howie live,
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november 16th in red bank, new jersey, and the 19 in this westbury, new york. tickets at we'll be back with daniel ricciardo! type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea
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or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. you know that feeling of having to rewash dishes that didn't get clean? i don't. cascade platinum plus has me doing dishes... differently. scrub? soak? nope. i just scrape, load and i'm done. only platinum plus is bigger. with double the dawn grease fighting power and double the scrubbing power. for a no rewash clean... and a cabinet ready shine. rewash? not in my house. upgrade to cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently.
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why did you invite him? he was out there all alone. great party. i really feel the warmth. i wish this night would last forever! i'll get a mop. m&m's. for all funkind. the first time you connected your godaddy website and your store was also the first time you realized...
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>> jimmy: hi, there. music from laurening dayal is on the way. just over a week from now, our next guest will rocket down the las vegas strip at over 200 miles-per-hour in the himiley anticipated formula 1 l vegas grand prix. watch it live saturday, november 8th, on espn. please welcome daniel ricciardo. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ thanks for coming. it's great to have you here. formula 1 is always a hugely successful sport over in england and europe, et cetera. but it wasn't so popular here until this netflix show. and now it's super popular here. do you find that people now recognize you a lot more because
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of that show? >> absolutely. yeah. >> jimmy: right, yeah. >> it's funny. >> jimmy: do you like that? that is a good thing? [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. yeah, it's funny. because a lot of the time now people come up to me, "oh, you were great in the show." so my reaction is, do they know i race? [ laughter ] do they think i'm an actor? >> jimmy: a real housewife or something like that, yeah. >> so i kind of look at them like, "thanks." i'm kind of second-guessing, do they actually know what i do? it's funny. it's really blown up. >> jimmy: there are people who separate your race car career with that reality show, huh? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's crazy. >> it's funny. i try to remind them. but i think it goes over their head. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: are women throwing their bodies at you here in the united states? [ laughter ] [ cheers ] >> i find now, they're
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certainly -- they're not as shy to say, "i have a crush on you." or they will let me know what driver they do have a crush on. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they tell you about other drivers they have a crush on? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what, do they expect you to pass that along? [ laughter ] >> pretty much. they're waiting for me to say, oh, like -- they want to know if that's a good choice or not. [ laughter ] thumbs up? or mm? >> jimmy: you can make a break a lot of the these guys, yeah. what you do driving is physically exhausting, yes? >> yeah. >> jimmy: it takes a lot of concentra concentration? >> yes. >> jimmy: we have some video, i think it's from a race that you won in machine co, the grand prix. take a look inside the car. there you are. and it doesn't seem -- [ laughter ] it doesn't seem that rigorous, it really seems like you're pretty relaxed. >> that's terrible. >> jimmy: yeah. ♪ what are you singing there? >> oh -- we can cut.
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we can cut. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: do you mess around when you're in a race? do you sing, screw around, relax at all? >> there's moments where i do. like, it's -- unfortunately -- so people say, can you play music in the race car? we've got earpieces in, we're getting constant communication from our team, our engineers. there's constantly dialogue through the whole race. but if i could listen to music, i think i would drive faster. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you think so? >> yeah. >> jimmy: at least it would feel like you were driving faster. >> on the road i'm very sensible. >> jimmy: speaking of music, u2 has been in las vegas playing at the sphere, they've had a residency there. do you know what i'm about to tell you? >> i may have seen it, yeah. >> jimmy: bon though was on stage this weekend, he was comparing members of the band to various drivers. and when he got to himself, well, look who he compared himself to. >> on vocals -- daniel ricciardo!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> i guess he saw the video. >> jimmy: right, right, he knows you're singing in the car. you guys have a real camaraderie there. [ laughter ] >> that was one of the greatest compliments ever. it's funny. definitely the last few years since the sport has, you know, blown up, it's -- yeah, there is some of those moments that like, yeah, i call them pinch me moments. >> jimmy: is there another one that you're thinking of right now? >> that was already quite overwhelming. >> jimmy: sure, i bet. >> not really, but even just people may know me or recognize me that maybe i'm a fan of. >> jimmy: i see. >> and i'm like, oh! so yeah that's where i'm like, "oh, okay, i was meant to be fanboeing you." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there are only 20 drivers in formula 1, which is so -- there are 26 players on a baseball team during the regular
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season. it's crazy how hard it is to be a part of that group. so you get to know, i would assume, some of these guys. you get to like some of these guys and maybe not like some of these guys. then you want to stay in that top 20. that's got to be a lot of pressure. >> it's -- you know, i don't think there's many sports where, yeah, the field is so small. you get to the top of something and it's -- there's room for so little. and it does create a crazy -- yeah, like competitiveness between us. but it also, i think with that, there's a crazy amount of respect. because we all are aware of, i guess, like you know, the hurdles or the, whatever, sacrifices or everything that we did to get to that point. so there's always an element of respect. i think there's -- because we do race fast, and it can be dangerous. like the competitiveness is there. that's what got us there. yeah, you do tend to -- yeah, like we have something pretty great in common. >> jimmy: yeah, right. it's a club that -- a very small
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club you're part of you're going to be driving on the las vegas -- i'm from las vegas and it's crazy to me that you guys are closing the strip down to race on the strip. >> you must hate us. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, not at all. i will tell you people in las vegas are very excited about this. they're really -- like, you know -- a lot of crazy things happen in vegas. this one, they are particularly excited about. you've got to be careful, though. because there are people with, like, margaritas -- [ laughter ] daiquiris that are 4 1/2 feet tall. you could easily run somebody over. [ laughter ] just don't discount that factor, all right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: if you see a red light, stop, is what i'm saying. >> i guess there's normally -- what you're saying is there's normally 19 others that i have to watch out for. >> jimmy: there could be thousands, yeah. literally thousands. it could be magicians. there could be strippers walking across. [ laughter ] you don't want to hit a stripper. >> no. >> jimmy: what are the physical attributes that make a great driver?
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>> probably reflexes. that's definitely one of them. i would say our neck. neck strength. >> jimmy: oh. >> and reflexes, reactions, all that sort of stuff. >> jimmy: neck strength, okay. i've got a pretty good sized neck. [ laughter ] reflexes. i know there's a little exercise that you guys do. this is -- what is this called? >> it's called catch the ball. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: catch the ball. >> oh my god. >> jimmy: you've got some balls -- [ cheers and applause ] i'm wondering, can you show us how it works? can you show me? you want to try? you do it to me? okay. tell me what to do. >> straight in the deep end. >> jimmy: all right, okay. >> so basically just rest your hands above -- yep. you can touch if you like, it's fine. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: then what? >> so i'm just going to release one and you have to catch it. >> jimmy: catch and release.
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why do we have so many balls? >> we'll be here all night. ready? >> jimmy: all right, yeah. >> oh! >> jimmy: all right. all right. all right. i should have quit while i was ahead. >> one more. >> jimmy: okay, all right. [ cheers and applause ] see, i can drive. well. i wish you a lot of luck. it would be great to win that thing, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. it's a nighttime race. you like driving at night? >> yeah. everything feels faster. >> jimmy: you're going to have a lot of fun in vegas. the formula 1 las vegas grand prix airs live saturday, november 18th on espn. daniel ricciardo, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be back with lauren daigle!
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in big tobacco's fantasyland, the deadliest industry is your friend. shh... >> jimmy: thanks to howie mandel, daniel ricardo, and trixie mattel. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next. but first, this is her self-titled album, here with the song "turbulent skies," lauren daigle! [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ ♪ ♪ we're caught up in turbulent skies but i don't mind it no i don't mind ♪ ♪ we may be tossed on the winds of chaos but i won't hide ♪ ♪ no i won't hide i see the fear is knocking at my door ♪ ♪ i will not tremble i'll face the light as long as i have ♪ ♪ got you by my side then everything's fine on turbulent skies ♪ ♪ this love is rough this love is fierce
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this love is fire ♪ ♪ deep in my bones down to my soul you're my desire ♪ ♪ whatever comes i know that all my heart will ♪ ♪ be yours be yours be yours on ♪ ♪ turbulent skies on turbulent skies we're caught up in who's ♪ ♪ wrong and who's right will we find it what will we find ♪ ♪ we may be searching all our lifetime for clearer skies ♪ ♪ to ease our minds you promised you will guide us where to go ♪ ♪ so i look for your eyes to show me what's unknown as long as i have ♪ ♪ got you by my side then everything's fine on turbulent skies ♪ ♪ this love is rough
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this love is fierce this love is fire ♪ ♪ deep in my bones down to my soul you're my desire ♪ ♪ whatever comes i know that all my heart will be yours, be yours ♪ ♪ be yours on turbulent skies on turbulent skies ♪ ♪ the pressure's strong when we are flying at these heights when ♪ ♪ troubles may feel like they're coming from all sides i know the ♪ ♪ one who parted clouds of fire by night delivering the darkness ♪ ♪ to the light oh he is with us as we ride on turbulent skies ♪ ♪ this love is rough this love is fierce this love is fire ♪
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♪ deep in my bones down to my soul you're my desire ♪ ♪ whatever comes i know that all my heart will be yours, be yours ♪ ♪ be yours one turbulent skies on turbulent skies ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is "nightline." >> phil: tonight, reparations. the surprising dark history of this diamond in the desert, home to multimillion-dollar


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