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tv   Nightline  ABC  November 14, 2023 12:37am-1:07am PST

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>> jimmy: thanks to paul dano, nick offerman, seth rogen, thanks to 2 chainz and lil wayne. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next. thanks for watching. good night! this is "nightline." >> tonight, crime influencer. >> let's go fishing. >> a rare interview with logan paul. the wrestler, boxer, and original influencer.
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>> i was 7 years old with a video camera in my hand. >> we want prime! >> the controversy surrounding his crazy popular prime energy drink. why paul says even haters keep on clicking. >> if people don't like me, they'll watch my fight to see me lose. if people do like me, they watch my fight to see me win. plus, megan fox. >> what is your problem, stan? >> the "transformer" star opening up with her relationship with machine gun kelly, and the loss they experienced. >> like he blames himself. i blame myself. >> the hollywood hardships she says she has faced. >> i've had to go up against some of the most powerful men in the world. >> and why she says "jennifer's body" gave her the only thing she likes about being famous. >> we always share your bed when we have slumber party. >> line will be right back. wowwww... this new charmin ultra soft smooth tear
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♪ >> run down the street, bro. i just woke up. >> let's go fishing. >> that's what we do. that's what the lo gang does. >> if you so much as turned on a screen in the past five years, then you may have heard about this man. >> just like some classic. >> reporter: it's hard to describe logan paul's social media profile as just one thing. >> have i this -- >> reporter: when logan paul is in fact so many things. >> i got nothing to say. >> reporter: a youtuber who collects pokemon cards. a boxer who fought floyd mayweather. a wwe champion whose signature move involves vaulting himself through the air like a flying squirrel. >> i think the things that we're doing are cool, and i like to share the story. >> reporter: at just 28 years old and with over 91 million followers combined across his social platforms, logan has become a virtual mainstay for hoards of young millennials and
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gen zers who connect with his boyish antics and brash machismo online. people love to hate you. >> it's fun. sometimes i hate myself. i think that comes with being the united states champion. >> reporter: you're one of the original social media influencers. what do you think of it? >> some positives, some negatives. i really appreciate the opportunity that is social media. you know, anyone can pick up a phone now, make a video, edit it and distribute it to millions of people around the world, like that. that's insane. >> reporter: the numbers don't lie. millions of followers hang on logan's every post. but that kind of reach means major influence, particularly to his young audience. he is also the co-owner of prime. >> we want prime! >> reporter: now a major player in the sports drink space. that's also catching heat from congress. >> the problem here is that the product has so much caffeine in it that it puts red bull to
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shame. but unlike red bull, it is specifically targeted, the advertising campaign is targeted at kids under 18. >> reporter: we'll get more into that in a minute. but first, a pressing question for our non-gen z audience. who is logan paul? >> i'd -- i'd like to think that at core i embody the essence of possibility. i love the idea of doing things that are impossible, or things that seem so far-fetched and crazy that when you tell your friends, they laugh at you. and then you do it, and then you do it again. >> reporter: before he was a global sensation, logan and his brother jake grew up in suburban ohio. in many ways, life for logan paul up until college was pretty run-of-the-mill. doing all this research on you, i was like you had a 4.0 at ohio, studying engineering.
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you are probably smarter than people give you credit for. >> i think that's probably the real answer. yeah, look, i didn't get here by accident, you know. it was a bit of strategy and stuff and maybe a little bit of intelligence. but if people know that, the shtick is over. so i'm going go ahead and play dumb jock for now. >> no, i don't care. i don't care, mel. >> reporter: log began and jake started to build a following on vine. you remember vine, right? when vine went the way of myspace, the pair moved to youtube, where for the last seven years logan has amassed a following of 23 million followers. i'm curious what you think is the secret sauce that makes you successful at it. >> i really love what i do. i was 7 years old with a video camera in my hand, taking videos of my brother doing funny stuff around the house. and because of that, i get to make it my life and my business. >> reporter: but it's his latest venture, prime, that is aiming
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to tackle the high-powered $193 billion sports and energy drink market, which has long been dominated by industry giants like gatorade and power aid owned by pepsi and coke. combined, these companies are worth more than $500 billion and command the lion's share of the market. let's talk about the success of this company, prime. >> drink prime, yeah. >> reporter: $1.2 billion in sales. >> yeah, yeah. >> reporter: that's pretty crazy. >> i don't know what's going on, eve value. that's a lot. that's a big number. we saw an opportunity. we think the sports drink market, the hydration category was a bit archaic. a lot of the leading companies in the vertical are really high sugar and have really old formulas. we saw an opportunity to make a great product that was a better for you product. >> reporter: prime's drinks have zero added sugar, but the company's energy drink has 200
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milligrams of caffeine. catching the attention of politicians like new york senator chuck schumer, criticizing the company for marketing to young fans and demanding the fda investigate prime for its caffeine content. >> prime is born from the reels of social media and the enigmatic world of influencers. kids see it on their phones as they scroll. wh >> reporter: what did you think of the fact that chuck schumer is talking about you, but are you guys targeting children? >> that's such a heavy claim, but i want to dive into it. we are a social media first company, social media creators, and we market on social media as such. the thing about social media, there is data, there is analytics. so when claims are made like oh, you're marketing to kids, we can see if that's true or not. 90% of my audience is above the age of 18. 93% of prime's audience is above the age of 18, according to instagram's analytics. when people like chuck come out
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and say marketing to kids, it's an easy thing to say, but is it true? according to the data, it's not. >> reporter: abc news reached out to instagram to confirm paul's statistics, but has not heard back thus far. there are other drinks with similar amounts of caffeine in them. why do you think they went after your drink? >> when you create a product that is disruptive as prime, money is coming out of someone's pocket. we're eating up the market share of some of the biggest corporate conglomerates on the planet. they aren't happy about that. >> reporter: still, there is a public concern over kids' exposure to energy drinks. according to the american academy of pediatrics, caffeine and other stimulant substances contained in energy drinks have no place in the diet of children and adolescents. >> the american academy of pediatrics recommends that children under 12 do not consume any amount of caffeine. the recommendation is zero milligrams of caffeine. children older than 12, the limit is about 100 milligrams of caffeine daily.
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>> reporter: it's not the only popular product with a soaring caffeine count. products like bang energy, 5-hour energy and celsius all contain at least 200 milligrams of caffeine or more. >> 200 milligrams of caffeine in an adult may have no effect. it may be considered a healthy amount in that adult depending on the size. but in a child, in somebody less than 12 years old and depending on how small they are, that may have a much greater impact, depending on the child's weight, and it may cause more serious effects than it would in an adult. >> reporter: is there anything that you would say to parents or kids out there that are young? because i know there is a disclaim other tonight energy drink. it's not meant for kids under the age of 18. >> caffeine consumption isn't recommended for kids or anyone under the age of 18. that's an industry standard thing, not a prime specific one. but i think in general, people need to be smart what they're putting in their bodies, right. like our energy product says
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"energy" on it. it comes in a can. it's 18-plus. it's marketed on social media posts. our hydration product comes in a bottle, all ages. don't be a consumer that just buys any random thing and puts it in your body like do a little bit of research. just like you would with anything you're putting in your body. >> reporter: it isn't the first time logan himself has courted controversy. in 2018, he caught fire from the internet after he decided to post this video from a visit to japan's so-called suicide forest. the video contained footage of what appears to be the body of someone who died by suicide. logan apologizing at the time to my colleague gma anchor michael strahan. >> this was a horrible lapse in judgment. and i can, will, and am going to learn from it and be a better person. >> reporter: you're not new to controversy. >> i don't know what you're talking about.
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>> reporter: you are pretty comfortable with controversy i would imagine at this point. >> you grow up online in front of people. i'm not perfect. i'll never be perfect. i've made mistakes. everyone's seen them. i've also had a lot of successes, and i'm blessed for all of them. but as long as i learn from my failures and move forward appropriately, which is all i can do, yeah, i think we're doing an all right job. >> reporter: but in the meantime, he is keeping busy with some of life's most meaningful moments. in july, logan got engaged to danish supermodel nina agdahl. >> i really love that girl. i love her a lot, yeah. >> reporter: are you excited? >> i'm excited. >> reporter: and he is now looking forward to next chapter, a little less boyish, a little more grown up. how soon are we going to see logan paul the dad? >> god willing within a year maybe? honestly, i just want to be a good dad. i really just want to be a good dad. it's cool to make your own
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legacy. i think it's much cooler to create someone who has the potential to make a legacy of their own. >> our thanks to eva. when we come back, actress megan fox's dark secrets revealed in a new book of poems. why she sayshe had to write it. to help protect from hiv. i prep without pills. with apretude, a prescription medicine used to reduce the risk of hiv without daily prep pills. with one shot every other month, just 6 times a year. in studies, apretude was proven superior to a daily prep pill in reducing the risk of hiv. you must be hiv negative to receive apretude and get tested before each injection. if you think you were exposed to hiv or have flu-like symptoms, tell your doctor right away. apretude does not prevent other sexually transmitted infections. practice safer sex to reduce your risk. don't take apretude if you're allergic to it or taking certain medicines, as they may interact. tell your doctor if you've had liver problems or mental health concerns. if you have a rash or other allergic reactions,
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fox tells abc's kayna whitworth how she got through it. >> i wrote a lot of things that didn't make it in the book because i was like this is maybe for god's eyes only. >> where did you find the strength to not only write about it, to put it on paper and put it out there for the world to see? >> i did really believe that if i didn't get this out of me, it was going to cause cancer or some kind of chronic illness, because it was just living inside of me, eating me alive. >> reporter: this is a side of megan fox few have seen. known for her scene-stealing roles in the blockbuster "transformers" franchise -- >> it squirts the fuel in so you can go faster. >> oh. i like to go faster. >> reporter: and the cult classic "jennifer's body," and in music videos like machine gun kelly's bloody valentine. ♪ ♪ you'll be my bloody valentine ♪ >> reporter: the hollywood star now stepping into a new role as
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an author. you said your freedom lives in these pages. >> yeah. >> reporter: do you feel liberated now that it's out there? >> in many ways, yes. there is a lot of rather dark subject matter written about in the book, and so there is the freedom of having finally put it somewhere. >> reporter: this new book of poetry, a part diary, part metaphorical work of art detailing her tumultuous and sometimes volatile love life. >> true love, twin flame, trusted friend, naive girl. so many secrets hiding behind your scorched earth temper. i would say at different periods throughout my life, i was dealing with some really heavy experiences with different people. >> reporter: that involved physical, emotional, and mental violence essentially? >> yes. >> reporter: there is one poem, and the entire poem is "i hate men" seven times. >> yeah. i just want to say the book is
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written specifically from my victim mentality, my victim self. that's not a whole listic representation of who i am and what i believe, but it's a poetry book. i'm not encouraging anybody to hate men. but is this a book about how part of me hates men? for sure. >> it seemed so dark and so real when you talk about someone spitting on your face and smudging it and holding you down and hitting you, and then falling asleep on top of you so that you couldn't call police. >> intentionally, yeah. that's all real. those are all real experiences, yeah. that's probably the most graphic poem that i wrote. >> reporter: by sharing her harrowing past, fox says she is now reclaiming her voice. >> reporter: as i was reading, if someone of it was also a metaphor for how you were treated in hollywood.
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>> reporter: some of it is definitely a metaphor. none of it is what i would call fictional. those are all real life experiences that i had speaking about my career in hollywood and about how i've had to go up against some of the most powerful men in the world, and the mirror that i've had to be for them and the way they've projected on the me. so that definitely is not really a metaphor, but that is a poem addressing that specifically, yeah. >> reporter: despite her blockbuster hits with some of entertainment's biggest names, she says it was her role in "jennifer's body" -- >> i am a god. >> okay. >> reporter: that proved to be a poignant experience for her. >> so i have so many girls in particular coming up to me and saying like you helped me come out to my parents. you helped me realize i was gay or bisexual, or you helped me understand my sexual identity. i'm so grateful that i was a part of something that has affected people in that way. that's the only thing that for me at least rewarding about
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being a celebrity. the rest of it is kind of terrible. >> reporter: terrible, and she says sometimes painful. but one thing she's not revealing in her book, names of the accused. >> this is not an expose that i wrote or a memoir. i'm not trying to draw attention to who those people were or were not. but throughout my life, i have been in at least one physically abusive relationship and several psychologically very abusive relationships. >> reporter: when you decided that you wanted to do this, who in your personal life was your biggest supporter? >> the person who actually told me i should write a poetry book is colson. >> reporter: colson bake. >> also known as machine gun kelly. the artist and fox romantically linked up nearly three years ago. she writes about their love story in the book, and also the intimate moment of losing a pregnancy. >> we were not able to see a
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pregnancy through at one point in our relationship. and there was a tremendous amount of like grief and emotional fallout that we went through together. i obviously went through a space where everybody blames themselves. like he blames himself. i blame myself, and why did this happen. and if she could have said goodbye to us, if she could have told us why she was leaving, do you think she would have? >> reporter: fox now transforming the trauma she says she faced on to pen and paper. her message to women, you don't have to stay silent. >> it gives like an elegant place for your pain to live, to put it into art makes it useful to other people. and so you don't just suffer with it on your own. >> our thanks to kayna. we'll be right back.
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that's "nightline." you can watch all of our full episodes on hulu. we'll see you right back here tomorrow. thanks for staying up with us. good night, america.


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