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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  November 14, 2023 7:00am-9:01am PST

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code of conduct after allegations of ethics lapses by some justices as they didn't make clear how they would enforce this new code or take complaints. >> number seven, jack in the box is out with a new girl scouts thin mint shake. it is thick and creamy, creamy chocolate mint shake blended with thin mint cookies topped with whipped cream and then thin mint cookie crumbles. you can get it for $5.80 for a regular order. >> that'll be popular. yes. the moon. summer. help me refer to the eggs. >> oh, by the way, good to know. we are worried. >> thanks. glenn. show. >> good morning america for our viewers in the west. with 72 hours to go, the speaker of the house clashing with his own party over how to avert a government shutdown. new house speaker mike johnson pushes for a vote for his plan to keep the government running,
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in need of bipartisan support with the friday deadline looming. into the war zone. >> we're going inside this armored fighting vehicle. we are going towards the specialized children's hospital. >> matt gutman embedded with the israeli military. first on gma, the new videos in the election fraud case against former president trump. what two lawyers told prosecutors in georgia as part of their plea deals. how far they say he was willing to go to stay in office. arson to blame? the traffic nightmare sparked by the massive inferno that shut down one of the busiest highways in the country and when it could open again. supreme court new code of conduct after series of reports about undisclosed gifts and trips. why critics say it doesn't go far enough. sign stealing scandal. michigan coach jim harbaugh speaking for the first time since he was suspended. what he's saying about getting his day in court.
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ready for takeoff? how airports and airlines are bracing for a record setting holiday travel season. the latest on the delays picking up and the shortage that could slow you down. ♪ you've got the look you've got the love ♪ >> you know how we love a surprise. this morning don't miss gma grant the wish of a life time. our producers are sneaking around one american city after 3,000 submissions, four generations of women are about to experience one magical morning. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> good morning america. our surprise super team is hard at work. three cities across america. three big surprises. we can't wait to see some dreams come true this morning. we have a great crowd outside on this -- it's cold outside. this is commitment. it's nurse practitioners week. a group of nurses across the country made their way to times square. take a look at them.
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>> speaking of commitment, eva, nurses know commitment. we are so appreciative of them especially this time of year with the kiddos. we see a lot of nurses. we also have a lot to get to today including why retailers are enticing shoppers with extended deals for the holidays as we keep an eye on inflation. >> first the latest on the race tie srert a government shutdown. 72 hours to go. congress is facing a friday deadline to pass a spending bill to keep the government running. senior congressional correspondent rachel scott is tracking this on capitol hill. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, good morning. for the second time in just two months the nation is on the brink of a got shutdown. the new house speaker, mike johnson, expected to bring his plan to the floor in a few hours, but he's facing growing opposition from members of his own party. this morning house speaker mike johnson clashing with his own party over how to avert a government shutdown now just about 72 hours away. >> i think this is the wrong approach. it's not one that i can support. >> reporter: johnson's plan is unconventional, splitting funding in two parts keeping
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agencies like veteran affairs, transportation and housing functioning until january, and the rest of the government until february. >> what we are trying to do is make sure the government stays in operation. this is a dangerous time. >> reporter: johnson can only afford to lose three republicans. at least a dozen republicans say they will not support it. they are demanding deep spending cuts. >> are you a no? >> yes, i'm a no. we're over 1 trillion dollars. interest on the national debt. this does nothing. >> congressman, are you supporting johnson's plan? >> i'm not supporting this cr as it's been described. i'm not voting for it. >> reporter: that means johnson will need bipartisan support to avoid a shutdown. some democrats signaling they are open to his idea. >> the speaker's proposal is far from perfect, but the most important thing is that it refrains from making steep cuts. >> reporter: if congress does not act, 3.5 million federal workers would lose a pay check including tsa agents and air traffic controllers preparing for big thanksgiving travel. >> average joe american, when the money doesn't come into your account, you may not be having
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food on the table. >> reporter: congress was on the verge of a shutdown back in september, too. that's when we met a calf fearia worker at the library of congress living pay check to pay check. do you worry you won't be able to pay your bills by a end of the month? >> yes, i worry about that. a whole lot. trying not to cry. i'm trying not to cry. >> reporter: now just a few weeks later, she's on edge again. >> it's sad that we have to go through this over and over again when they can just sit down and stop going for this tit for tat and sit down as adults. >> reporter: federal contractors like price would not get back pay if the government shuts down. left out of johnson's proposal any additional funding for israel and ukraine. lawmakers still deeply divided over that. rebecca. >> heavy stakes with the clock ticking yet again. thank you. we turn to the israel/hamas war.
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president biden is calling for hospitals in gaza to be protected as the fighting rages near them, with israeli forces closing in. this morning we have a look deep inside gaza, as matt gutman and our abc news crew traveled with israeli forces to a hospital they say was used to house hostages. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. the israeli military take us into the heart of gaza city. we saw unimaginable destruction there. so much of that city in ruins. they did take us to that hospital where they said hamas had been holding hostages. just a mile away a doctor telling us they have begun to dig a mass grave for 120 bodies that have piled up. they're using gardening tools and their bare hands. this morning northern gaza, a wasteland. we drove into the gaza strip on the jeeps embedded with the israeli military. the destruction lining the road. highrise complexes turned into ruins.
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roads into dunes. in the clouds of dust, vast numbers of israeli troops and armor. we were heading towards a hospital they say was used as a hamas command center. we're now inside this armored fighting vehicle. we are going towards the specialized children's hospital that has been evacuated. about a mile away, al shifa hospital. gaza's biggest. the hospital cut off. the hamas run ministry of health saying this morning the hospital is no longer functioning. it's now burying dozens of bodies there in a mass grave. more than 11,000 people killed in gaza since the war began according to the hamas run health ministry. israeli military said hamas is operating a command center there, too. two biden administration officials say the u.s. has intelligence supporting israel's claim, but the president expressing his concern for the hospital in gaza. >> it is my hope an expectation that there will be less intrusive action relative to the hospital. the hospital must be protected.
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>> reporter: doctors deny israel's claim. just north of there, we disembark outside the hospital into active fighting. we meet israel's chief military spokesman, a former naval commander. you can hear the tanks. this is still very much an active war zone. the admiral telling us that they're still fighting here. the operation here is not over. he said this was the house of a hamas commander wedged between a school and the hospital. beneath it, this tunnel heading towards the hospital. and all around us, those street battles. i don't know if you can hear the small arms fire in the background. we have to get down now. we're using the tank as cover right now. that's why it's rolling with us as we're walking slowly towards the hospital itself. he then led us inside to a hole made by an artillery shell, showing us this children's safe room he says was used as a hamas
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command center. he take us further into the basement where he said he believes some of the israeli hostages were held. what makes you think this was a spot where somebody was held hostage? >> we're going to bring a forensics team. the only reason i brought you in, i'm taking a huge risk because of the fighting outside. tying hostages on a chair in this facility in a basement. fighting us from a hospital. using the children here in this hospital, a hospital for children, as a human shield. this is hamas. >> reporter: abc news could not verify those claims. i have got to ask you though. palestinians still say that they're not getting safe passage in the south when they're going to the south. sometimes they're getting targeted. is that accurate? >> we discussed with the administration in the states. we have two safe passages now going to the south. >> reporter: the israeli
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military said it controls the northern part of the gaza strip, but there is still intense fighting there. we saw those street battles ourselves. we were told hamas is still able to pop out of those tunnels and fire at israeli troops and tanks. they are still firing rockets into israel. gives you a sense of how long this war could still last. george? >> okay, matt. thank you very much. get the latest on the u.s. response to the broad attacks on our forces in the region. chief white house correspondent mary bruce has that story. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, george. well, american forces are facing nearly daily attacks from iranian backed militants. more than 50 attacks so far. more than 56 american service members injured so far. the administration has made clear they are going to be retaliating. we have learned u.s. air strikes in syria sunday night are expected to have killed roughly half dozen militants, making it the first deadly strike. but these drone and rocket attacks are not letting up. in fact, four more were launched in the hours after that deadly u.s. strike.
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george? >> mary, on another subject. the president about to have a high stakes summit with the president of china. >> reporter: president biden will be making his way here to san francisco in just a few hours for this critical summit with asian pacific leaders. but all eyes will be on the meeting tomorrow between biden and chinese president xi. on the agenda, rising costs, economic competition, tension in taiwan and chinese military aggressions. they will all be discussing the wars in the middle east and ukraine. the administration has been blunt and frank. they are not expecting a lot of big announcements out of this meeting. what they are hoping to do, the goal here is to prevent any misunderstandings, any miscommunications that could lead to future conflict, george. >> thanks. we will turn to the election interference case against donald trump in georgia an new video what attorneys told prosecutors about the 2020 election after agreeing to cooperate last month. senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky has the story. good morning, aaron.
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>> reporter: good morning to you, george. prosecutors in georgia have heard accounts of former president trump's efforts to cling to power in 2020 directly from those who were there trying to help him do it. abc news can now show you some of the tapes. this morning what two attorneys who used to advise former president trump were willing to say to prosecutors as part of their plea deals. >> he always wanted to know where things were in terms of finding fraud that would change the results of the election. >> he would contact you? >> sure. >> reporter: sydney powell and jenna ellis pleaded guilty to reduced charges and agreed to cooperate. abc news obtained portions of video recordings of their confidential interviews with prosecutors. >> his trusted advisers were telling him he lost. >> right. >> i guess my question is why was in his mind your credibility higher than theirs? >> because i didn't think he had lost.
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>> reporter: aides were telling him he lost, but powell said trump was so determined to stay in office, he weighed a plan to seize voting machines in multiple states. >> that would have allowed the machines to be secured in four, five states or cities and see about doing a military or whatever everybody agreed on review of the machines. >> reporter: jenna ellis told prosecutors she was at the 2020 white house christmas party when trump aide dan skavino said trump simply planned to review the leave office. >> he said in an excited tone, well, we're not gonna leave. we don't care. >> reporter: ellis said she asked him, what do you mean? >> he said the boss is not going to leave under any circumstances. we are just going to stay in power. i said doesn't quite work that way, you realize. he said, we don't care. >> reporter: skavino did not respond to request for comment. an attorney for trump called the purported conversation meaningless, since trump ultimately did leave the white house. trump has denied any wrongdoing.
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>> it's not a direct quote from donald trump where donald trump is saying he's going to remain in power no matter what, but it lends credibility to other testimony that we've heard from other witnesses that he was going to stay in power no matter what. >> reporter: ellis and powell are two of four defendants who have pleaded guilty in a case. we're told others have previously been offered plea deals. george, anyone cooperating could be called to testify once this sprawling racketeering case goes to trial. >> that's just one case. the civil fraud trial is going on in new york city. donald trump jr. was back on the stand. >> reporter: he was here as the first witness for the defense. he painted a much different picture of the trump family real estate portfolio than the judge, who has said all that trump properties were overvalued. nearly three dozen times trump junior used the word spectacular to describe trump properties. the result of his father's genius and vision. for example, he said trump turned the old post office in washington, d.c. into one of the
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finest hotels in the world. he called trump world tower, next to the united nations, just a sexy place. and mar-a-lago, one of the few american castles. all testimony meant to bolster the defense claim that valuing real estate is more art than science. george? >> aaron katersky, thanks. eva? now to the supreme court issuing a new code of conduct for its nine justices after reports of undisclosed luxury travel and gifts. our senior national correspondent terry moran has more. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, eva. the supreme court has come under intense pressure in recent months because of those startling revelations about justices, including clarence thomas and sam alito accepting lavish vacations from wealthy donors and not disclosing them. for the first time the court issued an eight page code of conduct which all nine of the justices signed. it covers things like, how justice should deal with things like accepting gifts, or potential conflict of interest in cases that come before the
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court? or extra judicial activities like writing books or making speeches. and the bottom line, it's pretty vague. it calls on justices not to engage in activities that, quote, detract from the justices' office. or interfere with the performance of the justices' official duties. here's the kicker. this code of conduct, it has no enforcement mechanism. who decides if a justice has violated the code and what to do about it? each and every justice for himself or herself. they are literally the judges in their own cases. critics say that makes this code less set of rules than a set of suggestions. democrats are now pushing for tougher ethics rules including an inspector-general for the supreme court. however, if the justices don't like that law, they could, of course, strike it down, arguing that it threatens their independence under the constitution. rebecca? >> all right, terry. thank you. we turn now to the latest check on inflation.
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new numbers are due out this morning that will influence the federal reserve's next move on interest rates and what you pay on those credit cards. elizabeth schulze is in washington with that. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. this report will show how much progress the fed is making in its fight against inflation. consumer price index is expected to increase 3.3% in october compared to a year ago. that would be an improvement from the rate in september. it is a lot better than that 9% peak in june of last year. one reason that inflation is cooling is lower gas prices. the national average is now $3.35. that's down $0.26 just in the past month. used car prices are also expected to decline. but overall prices for many daily essentials are still stubbornly high. the cost of rent, groceries, car insurance and medical care were up last month with many american households still paying hundreds of dollars more every month for the same goods and services simply because of inflation.
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that helped explain why some retailers are enticing shoppers with extended deals this holiday shopping season. many are offering they will guarantee to match the best price of their competitors. guys? >> which can be a great thing or a really tricky thing if you end up shopping more because of it. elizabeth, thank you very much. coming up, we hear from michigan coach jim harbaugh for the first time since his suspension in the sign stealing scandal. also ahead, paul pelosi former house speaker nancy pelosi's husband, testified in the trial of the man charged with brutally attacking him. and how airlines are preparing for what's expected to be the busiest holiday travel season ever. a new record. but first we go over to you, ginge. >> been near record heat in south florida for the last couple days, over the weekend. now we're going to break that, but it's going to come with a whole lot of rain really fast. some flood watches will be popping off. hollywood beach, florida, north of ft. lauderdale. such a classic look. i'd love to take a jog there this morning. look at this. the heavy rain coming in, you won't be able to jog as care-free by wednesday night
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into thursday because it's going to miss, unfortunately a lot of the drought areas. and hit here along the east coast. cape canaveral down to miami, flood watches start tomorrow, go through thursday. they could end up with up to half foot. your local weather now in 30 seconds. three two.
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coming up, three big surprises in three cities across america. could it be yours? we'll be right back. discover different black friday deals at target each week. ♪ i never knew there was ♪ ♪ a love like this before ♪
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reception for the apec ceo summit that's at moscone center, west. the apec annual ministerial meeting also gets underway today and is day two, an event called apec meets silicon valley in california, in which representatives from apec, countries in bay area business leaders gather. they're meeting on a 100 year old ferry moored at pier nine. but probably the big event is the fact that the president is coming to town today and we'll be here for the next couple of days. had jobina. >> hi, reggie. definitely good morning, everybody. we're starting here at the bay bridge toll plaza. metering, lights came on at 509. if you're traveling towards the bay bridge, we have one westbound lane closed and one eastbound lane closed until friday at 9 p.m. and that is due to apec at the richmond-san rafael bridge. we are in week six of the sigalert. we have three westbound lanes closed due to a fiery, deadly crash that happened many weeks ago. that closure still in place. and then again, we'll end here with the toll plaza at the bay bridge because that is our busy spot. reggie jobina, thank you. >> we're going to
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ask anyone who hates wasting a day off or has an important appointment they can't miss. ask anyone who's got better things to do than shop on black friday at norcal honda dealers.
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>> happy new year. namaste. >> let's take a look at live doppler seven this morning where we do have some light showers working through the north bay. this is a level one light storm on the abc seven storm impact scale impacting the north bay the most with the biggest impact just being slick roads for the morning commute here outside of the north bay. we do anticipate pretty dry conditions and that's what future weather shows you as we go hour by hour. the rain showers mainly in the north bay with drier conditions south. we'll go into the 60s and 70s for daytime highs. reggie, thank drew. >> if you're streaming us on the abc7 bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching. good morning america this is our call to inaction. >> to answer the call of the recliner, we're getting takeout because we've been out all day long. >> it's the black friday sale for a limited time. save 30% store wide la-z-boy. long live the lazy. >> is it possible to be more
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capable and more practical. able to perform here and here make a statement while barely making a sound and command the road as well as what lies ahead. how do we get there? >> matters is. courage is more than a word. >> it's her life story. growing up in a segregated town and successfully fighting to overturn her school's ban on black cheerleaders that took courage and winning a seat in congress where few looked like her courage. braving death threats to cast the sole no vote against forever wars. courage. it's time we elect barbara lee to the senate to represent all of us. >> she speaks for me as responsible for the content of this advertising. >> great resort and casino welcomes all asia pacific
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economic cooperation leaders to our beautiful bay area. as the premier sponsor of apex san francisco, we are honored to support continued efforts for creating an inclusive and sustainable future for all over the past two years. >> jersey mike's fundraiser for feeding america has been a huge success. their efforts help provide more than 75 million meals when people needed it most. but there's still work to be done. >> thank you, claire. this year, we'd like to invite you back to jersey. mike's for another special weekend. come in this saturday and sunday. where 20% of all sales will be donated to feeding america, helping families in need. >> together, we always make a difference. walmart black friday deals are live. >> get this barbie playset for 12.97. the skull candy headphones for 49 bucks and so many more. amazing deals. shop online now and save big with walmart black friday deals at simplisafe.
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>> your safety is the only thing that matters. we designed smarter ways to detect motion for fast emergency response. we create hd cameras so you can see what's happening in your home from anywhere. all powered by fast protect technology exclusively from simplisafe for faster police response. right now, get 50% off a new simplisafe system so you stay safe. 24 over seven. there's no safe like simplisafe. >> if you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean, not spreadsheets. you need to hire. >> i need indeed. >> indeed you do indeed. instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. welcome back to gma. a big announcement from earth wind and fire this morning. the band is joining forces with chicago to bring back their heart and soul tour.
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the 30-day tour kicks off next year in july across north america wrapping up in september -- [ laughter ] do you remember? george? >> you can keep going. [ laughter ] >> or we can get to the headlines we're following right now including house speaker mike johnson, clashing with his own party over how to avert a got shutdown with a friday deadline looming. johnson will need bipartisan support to asroeu a shutdown. arson may be to blame for a massive inferno in los angeles that's closed one of the busiest highways in the country. it appears section of the i-10 freeway will remain closed for the foreseeable future. drivers are urged to avoid the area. iceland is on alert for a volcanic eruption. about 900 earthquakes have been detected. officials declared a state of emergency and evacuated a town of nearly 4,000 people over the weekend after roads cracked and buildings suffered structural damage. nasa astronauts were doing a
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space walk outside the international space station when something went wrong. a bright white bag, there you see it going, slipped out of one of their hands and it's now floating through space, orbiting our planet about 450 miles over earth. experts say the bag should remain in orbit for several months and will rapidly descend. don't worry about being hit by this tool bag. it's expected to disintegrate in the earth's atmosphere. for now, you can actually get a glimpse of the bag. all you need is nasa's app, using a telescope or even a good pair of binoculars. one of our senior producers said he drops his tools all the time. good thing is they don't float off. we also have a lot more ahead including how the looming government shutdown might impact your holiday travel plans. that's coming up. michigan football coach jim harbaugh, speaking for the first time since he was suspended in the wake of the sign stealing allegations. harbaugh said he'll be in court when michigan appears the suspension. demarco morgan has the story. good morning. >> reporter: george, good morning.
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yet another black eye for one of the nation's top ranked football programs reputation. the coach said he is looking forward to clearing his name come this friday. this morning michigan's head coach, jim harbaugh, says he'll do more than attend a hearing challenging his three-game suspension in an alleged sign stealing scheme. >> i'm gonna talk on friday. just looking for that opportunity, due process. not looking for special treatment. >> reporter: the punishment handed down by the big ten conference accuses michigan of conducting an impermissible, in person scouting operation over multiple years, resulting in an unfair competitive advantage. purdue university head coach ryan waters voicing frustration on his talk show before his boilermakers suffered a 13-41 loss to the wolverines. >> we know for a fact they were at a number of our games. and so, you know, we've had to teach our guys a new language, in terms of some signals.
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>> reporter: in a letter, big ten commissioner acknowledging there's so far no evidence harbaugh was privy to the infraction writing, the conference has not received any information indicating head football coach harbaugh was aware of the impermissible nature of a sign stealing scheme. >> from what we know, harbaugh didn't know about this. so it does strike some as overly punitive to punish the coach for this action. on the other hand, the purpose of deterrence, we want coaches to be mindful of what their staff are doing. >> reporter: michigan hoping for harbaugh to be back on the field this saturday. >> senior in high school i had a civics class. what i took away from that class was that you're innocent until proven guilty. >> reporter: interim head coach moore backing his boss after beating penn state saturday. >> want to thank the lord.
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want to thank coach harbaugh. love you, man. >> reporter: and while he can't be physically with his team on game day, he is allowed to coach at practices throughout the week. guys? >> demarco morgan for us there. thank you. now to paul pelosi, nancy pelosi's husband, testifying in the trial of the man charged with brutally attacking him in their san francisco home last fall. our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas has that story. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: eva, good morning. that dramatic hearing, paul pelosi walked into the courtroom and, for the first time, told the world the story of that nightmare of a night. nancy pelosi's husband facing his alleged assailant in court, telling his story publicly for the first time about how he was attacked in his own home. this moment caught on police body camera. >> drop the hammer. >> reporter: pelosi describes being awakened in his own bedroom by a man looming over him holding a hammer. pelosi saying it was a
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tremendous sense of shock to recognize someone had broken into the house and looking at him and looking at the hammer wondering if he was going to be murdered. i recognized i was in serious danger. prosecutors asking him about this fateful 911 call. >> this gentleman just came into the house. he wants to wait for my wife to come home. >> do you know who the person is? >> no, i don't know who he is. >> reporter: pelosi recalls speaking to the dispatcher in code wanting to alert the police that he was in grave danger without provoking the suspect. prosecutors asking pelosi why he was so coy on the call. pelosi saying there was this very large man threatening. he told me he was going to take me out. pelosi also told the jury they planned to kidnap and possibly torture his wife, then speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. >> i was going to talk to her. >> hold her hostage and do what?
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>> talk to her. if she told the truth, i'd let her go. if she'd lie -- >> reporter: pelosi saying monday he remembered waking up in a pool of blood. his skull cracked. pelosi said his injuries were incredibly painful and he's tried all these months never to watch any news coverage of the incident saying, quote, i made my best effort possible not to relive it. that is until yesterday. guys? >> all right, pierre. thank you. coming up, the big question this holiday travel season. can airlines and airports keep it together with staffing shortages and record passengers? our own trevor aisle seat ault is on the case. >> that's what they call me, rebecca. good morning. airlines have been rolling out a lot of new changes. we have data on the chances your flight will be delayed or cancelled. we'll tell you everything you need to know before you take off for the holidays. that's coming up next on gma. yu need to know before you take off
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for the holidays. that is coming up next on "gma." [car traversing over uneven ground.] [silence in the vehicle.] [car traversing over rocky ground, babbling creek in the background.] [minimalist piano enters, plays throughout.] (dad) we got our subaru forester wilderness [heavy sound of water coming from waterfall.] [heavy sound of water stops abruptly.] to discover all of the places that make us feel something more. [heavy sound of water from waterfall re-enters.] (vo) subaru is the national park foundation's largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all.
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(bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion and may cause infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before treatment, tell your doctor if you have diabetes, ibd, or are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. tepezza may raise blood sugar and may worsen ibd. tepezza may cause severe hearing problems which may be permanent. (bridget) now, i'm ready to be seen again. (vo) visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos.
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♪ my name is josh sanabria and i am the owner at isla veterinary boutique hospital. i was 5...6 years of age and i knew i was going to be a vet. once alexandra called me to let me know that bank of america had approved my loan... it was important to me. we not only just provide the financing piece, we do everything that we can to surround them with the right people. all you need is a perfect, amazing team that will guide you through the right steps to be successful. and that's what bank of america was for me. hey. ♪(christmas music) hi. (♪) thank you. (♪) cheers. (♪) oh my goodness, look at you! (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro for your husband! iphone 15 pro — ♪ (wife) carolers! to tell me you want a new iphone? (♪) a better plan is verizon. (vo) this holiday turn any iphone, in any condition, into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium, apple tv 4k, and six months of apple one. all three on us. it's holiday everyday with verizon.
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and we are your bargain bliss market. what is bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. this thanksgiving, we're giving you even more reasons to celebrate. we are offering you $21 off a jennie-o frozen turkey with in-store discount. that's as low as $0.50 a pound. so why wait? hurry in to your neighborhood grocery outlet today. because this deal is only available while supplies last. we are back on gma. with thanksgiving right around the corner many americans are getting ready to travel for what's expected to be the busiest holiday season ever. trevor ault is at la guardia airport with a look at how airlines are preparing to handle that big rush. good morning, trevor. nice to see ya. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. nice to see you, too. all these airlines are ready for this big travel rush. but so many people learned first
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hand last year what can happen when things really go wrong. we are looking into changes the airlines are making and the real impact it can have on the chance your flight is delayed or cancelled. this morning airlines and airports across the country bracing for what's expected to be the byiest holiday season travel rush ever. >> this is shaping up to be a record setting year. >> reporter: tsa expecting to screen 30 million passengers between november 17-27. that's 2.7 million passengers a day, up 10% from last year. but we remember last year and the massive meltdown over the holidays, with widespread cancellations leaving thousands of people stranded. >> i'm still stranded. i need to drive nine more hours. i'm upset. i'm stressed. i'm tired. >> reporter: so far this year, cancellations have dropped dramatically, down to just 1.6% of flights with delays ticking up to their highest level in a decade slightly more than one in
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five flights left largely by jet blue, frontier and spirit. consumer complaints about airlines are also soaring, nearly doubling in the first three months of 2023 compared to last year. the air traffic controller shortage also raising concern. on capitol hill last week the ntsb's lead investigator blamed the shortage for 23 close calls this year where planes nearly collided on takeoff or landing. >> while these events are incredibly rare, our safety system is showing clear signs of strain that we cannot ignore. >> reporter: airlines admit there's an issue. >> we certainly need to see more air traffic controllers in place. we're managing through the events. on good days, like we're having today, we just have to be mindful that when weather hits certain parts of the country, there are going to be constraints. >> reporter: with the holidays looming, the airlines are ready to hire tens of thousands of new employees. american airlines expanding its schedule and flying bigger plane, too.
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>> we're going to carry more customers than we ever have before. about half million more than last year. >> reporter: united adding more 550,000 seats to meet increased demand. >> my number one recommendation to people would be pray for good weather. that is always the key. i would also say get to the airport early. if you don't have your airlines app, get it because of constant notification about your gate, any delay, any type of cancellation or anything like that. >> reporter: and also looming over all of this is a possible government shutdown, which would halt the pay for screeners and air traffic controllers. though even if that does happen, the flight schedules should continue uninterrupted. >> as long as they show up to work without pay. okay. so, trevor, air travel complaints have also been going up this year. if passengers do run into those issue, what are their rights? what do they do? >> reporter: yeah. so every airline's gonna be a bit different. the good thing to know is that the department of transportation
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has a dashboard that you can turn to if your flight is delayed or cancelled. if it's the airline's fault, they'll tell you what each airline can give you. you all heard there in the piece, the best thing is to download the app for that airline. if there's a problem, that's usually the quickest way to get the answer. >> i have got them all on my phone, trevor. just to clarify, you are an aisle man? >> reporter: got to. not because of space, but because i'm constantly pestering them for more pretzels. [ laughter ] >> thank you, trevor. coming up, grammy nominated gospel singer who was nearly kicked off her feet for singing. the video is now dividing the internet. and next our play of the day. de internet. and next, the play of the day.
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♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ we're back with our play of the day. another walkoff win coming down to the kicker. broncos visiting the bills. will reeve has "monday night football" highlights. >> good morning everybody. we had five walkoff feel goals sunday. it was so much fun, we added another one. this month night game started out slow. lots of sloppy play. not so many points. but things picked up in the second half. by the end we had a nail biter. we'll go to the fourth quarter. the bills are up one point with 2:00 to go. russell wilson and the broncos need to gain a whole bunch of yards to get into field goal range. let's take a quick pause to acknowledge damar hamlin, coming in with 1:39 playing his first defensive snap of the season since he suffered cardiac arrest in january.
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there he is making his first tackle. a great moment for him. a not so great series for the bills. this pass interference penalty puts the broncos in field goal range with under 30 seconds to go. will lutz lines up for the win. wide right! looks like the bills win. but wait. flag on the play. the bills had too many men on the field. that brings the ball five yards closer. lutz gets a shoot redemption and he makes it. there he is, the walk off win for the broncos on the road. bills fall to 5-5. four turnovers for qb josh allen. he had two interceptions. lost a fumble. next monday super bowl rematch, eagles/chiefs. 8:15 p.m. eastern on abc and espn. i'll be back here to talk about it. can't wait for that game. >> of course you will, will. thank you. all right. coming up, in celebration of the new disney movie wish, demarco morgan is in philadelphia about to surprise four generations of an incredible family with trip
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of a life time. they have no idea their wish is about to come true. i hope they have their good jammies on. live on gma. you don't want to miss it. theid jammies on. it is on "gma" and you don't want to miss it tina was a star at her quinceanera. jordyn is a high school track star. hayley became a physician assistant and an astronaut. subject 2: give thanks for the healthy kids in your life and join us to make a difference that could last a lifetime. hey... it's me! your dry skin!
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discover different black friday deals the united states at target each week. ♪ i never knew there was ♪ ♪ a love like this before ♪ [upbeat music] ♪ never knew a... ♪ get low prices and early black friday deals at target. >> this >> this is >> this is an image of san francisco before the pattern changed. for the most part it will be rain. few of the highest elevations may see snow. it's low. tomorrow through thursday and then again friday into saturday. even southern california could see a quarter inch or so of rain which is early but we're starting to get into that wet season. coming up our big "monday night football" give away surprising the ultimate kansas city chiefs fan. and our new series the american classroom looks at college
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graduates that are facing that all important student debt now that the pandemic pause is over. one recent grad is going to share her journey to pay it off. you don't want to miss those tips. local news and weather coming up next. pay it off. you don't want to miss those tips. and your sanity. >> ask anyone who owns a honda thursday night football on prime. >> it's on. welcome to thursday night football.
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>> thursday night football is on. it's joe burrow. those teams touchdown up against lamar jackson. >> he makes it look easy. we're back in the saddle again. it's an afc north clash. >> cincinnati versus baltimore stream thursday night football only on prime. dancing honors a true queen. >> it's whitney houston night with guest judge billie porter. what a ride. >> dancing with the stars live tonight. bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc7 news. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc7 mornings jobina is looking at traffic. >> thank you, reggie. good morning everybody. we are going back to the bay bridge. it is our hotspot today. the backup is to cutting boulevard in richmond. now that is very far.
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so that is because of a number of issues. one metering lights came on early at 509. today we also have one westbound lane blocked and an eastbound lane blocked due to apec. take mass transit if you can and if not, give yourself extra time. hey joe. >> yeah. hey jobina. we're tracking showers throughout the afternoon this morning. a lot of that rain is focused in the north bay. we'll have more moisture moving into the north bay as the day goes on. areas outside of the north bay, it's just a mainly dry day. it's a level one light storm with scattered showers, slick roads in the north bay and what we'll find is that we'll keep showers in the forecast through about midday. then that line will lift north for drier conditions this afternoon. widespread wet weather returns to everybody tomorrow afternoon. >> reggie, drew, thanks for streaming us on the abc7 bay area app. abc7 at seven continues. for everybody else, it's good morning america. >> hash browns are the french fries of breakfast. >> who says it's not french fries that are the hash browns of lunch and dinner. >> that's also true.
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>> buy one, get one for $1, choose between a sausage mcmuffin, a sausage burrito or hash browns. but up, up, up, up. >> my name is josh sanabria and i'm the owner at isla veterinary boutique hospital. i was five, six years of age and i knew i was going to be a vet once. alexandra called me to let me know that bank of america had approved my loan, it was important to me. >> we not only just provide the financing piece, we do everything that we can to surround them with the right people. >> all you need is a perfect, amazing team that will guide you through the right steps to be successful. and that's what bank of america was for me, for barbara lee, courage is more than a word. >> it's her life story. growing up in a segregated town and successfully fighting to overturn her school's ban on black cheerleaders that took courage and winning a seat in congress where few looked like her courage. braving death threats to cast the sole no vote against forever wars. courage. it's time we elect barbara lee
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to the senate to represent all of us. >> she speaks for me as responsible for the content of this advertising. it's stylish, quick, and gets up to 57 mpg this is the all new prius, one of 15 hybrid and electrified vehicles from toyota. >> and that beast with all that stump pulling power, hit the hybrid two or want to kick the pump altogether. meet the all electric toyota bd four x, the hybrid and electrified vehicle leader toyota. let's go places when our kids get on an electric school bus, they know that the green energy future is happening now. >> my name is matthew velasco and i'm the director of maintenance operations and transportation here at pittsburg unified school district. p-g-and-e's had a program to make the ev school busses really work. we have a solar and wind farm that helps power the zero emission school busses. our kids are learning there's a better future ahead. our community sees
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that our families, the kids, the future of the ev program here at pittsburg unified school district is truly bright. >> we drive into winning with a $300,000 lexus and cash anniversary giveaway only at graton resort and casino. win a 2023 lexus plus 60 winners of 500 cash every saturday saturdays in november from 7 to 10 p.m, all unclaimed prizes will roll over to the grand finale, drawing november 25th at 11 p.m, drive home in the car of your dreams with a $300,000 lexus and cash anniversary giveaway only at grayton resort and casino. >> track the rain with live doppler seven now on the good morning america. it's 8 a.m. with 72 hours to go the speaker of the house clashing with his own party over how to avert a government shutdown. his plan to keep the government running and needing bipartisan support with the friday deadline looming.
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the grammy nominee who was nearly kicked off the plane because she wanted to sing. >> they're enjoying it. >> social media split on the standoff. student debt prices. now that the pandemic pause is over, millions are facing loan payments for the first time in years. how one recent grad is paying down her debt.
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>> we had over 3,000 people apply for this once in a life time trip to disneyland paris. # >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> good morning america. hope your day is off to a good start. as we count down to the movie wish, demarco morgan has a surprise for four generation of can't wait to see that surprise coming up. ginger is here to break down the latest findings in a new climate report just released by the white house. >> first the start on the race to avert a shutdown. want to go back to our senior congressional correspondent rachel scott. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, good morning. the nation is on the brink of a got shutdown for the second time in just two months. the new speaker of the house mike johnson planning to bring his bill to the floor today but he is facing growing opposition from members of his own party. johnson's plan is a bit
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unconventional. it would keep certain parts of the government including veteran affairs, housing, transportation funded until january, the rest funded until february. he can only afford to lose three republican votes. right now at least a dozen say they will not support it, demanding spending cuts. that means johnson will need strong bipartisan support to get this done. this morning democrats are signaling they could get behind this idea. of course, the stakes are just so high. if congress does not act by friday, millions of workers could go unpaid, including tsa agents who are already bracing for a very busy holiday travel season. rebecca? >> then there's that question of whether they show up to work unpaid. okay, rachel. thank you very much for joining us. we turn now to the latest check on inflation. the new numbers this morning will influence the federal reserve's next move on interest rates and what you pay for your credit card or a new mortgage. we go back to elizabeth schulze with more on that. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning.
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this is prices of everything from rent to groceries are heading in the right direction. consumer price index is expected to increase 3.3% in october compared to a year ago. that would be an improvement there the rate in september. here's the good news. gas prices are down. national average $3.35. that's down $0.26 just in the past month. used car prices are also expected to decline. while the prices for many products and services are still frustratingly high, the federal reserve will likely see this report as a sign inflation is cooling and could hold off on additional interest rate hikes for now. eva? >> elizabeth, thank you. now to the new white house climate report just released this morning finding the effects of climate change are getting worse in every part of the country. ginger is here with more. good morning, ginger. >> not surprising, eva. this report is issued every five years.
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few of the big take aways this year, global temperatures have increased faster in the past 50 years than any time in the past two millennium. greenhouse gases are higher today than any time in the last 800,000 years. the drought in the southwestern u.s. is the most severe in the last 1,200 years. this final map says it all. climate change costs. this is how much disaster has cost each state, from 2018 to 2022. you see florida with more than $90 billion. in the 1980s our country had an average of $1 billion disaster every four months. these days there's one of those every three weeks. and that is adjusted for inflation. so while china emits far more there the u.s. today, our country still holds the legacy load. emits more per capita than any other country and is responsible for part of chinese emissions because indirectly we consume chinese goods. guys, there is hope. they say all of this, the degree to which we warm, most of it is in human hands.
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>> ginger is always on this important story. coming up in our gma morning menu, why a grammy nominated gospel singer's singing nearly got her kicked off a flight. our new series the american classroom. after the pandemic pause, millions must restart repaying their student loans. we spoke with one recent graduate about her journey. lauren sanchez opening up about her engagement to jeff bezos. what she's saying about what could be one of the biggest weddings in the world. we have a special surprise on the way, lara. >> we sure do. rolling up my sleeves for this one. demarco and our team are in philadelphia. shhh. they are about to surprise one amazing family an fulfill their disney wish. that is coming up on good morning america. don't mist it. "good morning america." "good morning america." don't miss it. ne really mine? (mom) honey, like i said... you get your own room. (vo) support housing
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contact your volvo retailer to learn more. we're back with our cover story. grammy nominated gospel singer bobbi storm nearly kicked off a flight because she wouldn't stop singing. morgan norwood here with that story. good morning. >> lot of people talking about this. s go. singer bobbi storm said she was excited about her two grammy nominations when she burst into song on her delta flight. this morning we are seeing the moment she was nearly removed from the plane. it's raising new questions about air travel etiquette. >> sit down. >> i can sit down. >> and be quiet. >> i'll sit down. seat belt sign's off. >> reporter: this is the moment grammy nominated singer bobbi storm is approached by a delta crew member for getting out of her seat and singing in the aisle after she says the plane returned to the gate for a maintenance issue. >> i just found out i'm up for two grammys.
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my very first time, you guys. [ applause ] >> reporter: the clip posted to her instagram shows the crew member coming back a second time as she allegedly didn't comply with instructions. >> i'm your flight leader. i need you to follow my instructions. my instruction is for you to answer my question. are you able to be quiet? >> what do you guys think? ♪ >> reporter: storm is a gospel singer featured on the maverick way. when she wasn't taken off the flight, her video now generating a fresh debate about plane etiquette. one user writing the plane is not a stage. another saying don't let anyone steal your joy, amen. >> clearly there were people who were uncomfortable. others who probably enjoyed her singing. lovely voice. but there's a time and a place. >> reporter: delta telling abc news they've been in contact with the customer adding, for the safety of our customers and crew, it's always important to follow crew instructions. storm taking to social media after the flight.
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>> what's the problem with asking people and them giving me the go to share something that i'm proud of. >> certainly a sticky situation for everyone. attempts to reach storm's management team for comments were unsuccessful, guys. >> thank you, morgan. >> that is some story. see what happens with that. let's get some pop news from lara. >> let's do it, george. i think it's time. our first story could be a headline from the '60s. both the beatles and the rolling stones are on top of the charts this morning, guys. the beatles with their ai assisted new song "now and then" are at number 7 on the billboard hot 100 chart. the stones are right there with them with their song "angry" coming in at number 6 on billboard acult alternative chart in its ninth week. the beatles song originally reported as a demo in the '70,never finished. it was completed using ai to add george and john's part and released on november 2nd. both songs "now and then" and
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"angry" streaming everywhere. >> this takes me back to my childhood. my mom loved the beatles. my dad loved the rolling stones. my sister and i had to choose. which are you with, beatles or stones? i love that. exactly. >> also in the news everybody's talking about the future mrs. bezos. she's in the december issue of "vogue" magazine. news caster turned helicopter pilot lauren sanchez sharing new details about her life with amazon founder jeff bezos. in the article, accompanied by stunning photos by annie lebowitz, sanchez shared that he hid her 30 carat pink diamond ring under her pillow. that needed to be a big pillow. while they were at the cans film festival. she thinks he may have blacked out when she found and opened the box. i get it. there are no firm plans yet for the wedding or who will design her dress. she said she'll get to the details when she has a second to
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stop. sanchez talked about planning her first trip to space aboard the new shepherd, reusable rocket. the other big commitment in her life, bezos's earth farm, a commitment she an jeff made to creating climate solutions saying it is the most important work she has ever done. you can read more of her interview in the december issue of "vogue" that hits newsstands one week from today. >> very nice. finally, five months after the series finale of ted lasso hit our tv screen, two of the stars are reunited. it started out as a jason sudakis duet with his mate singing "shallow." then hannah knottingham saved the audience. check this out.
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♪ tell me something boy are you trying to fill that void or do you need more ♪ in the shallow we're far from the shallow now ♪ >> as you can tell, she also has a wonderful singing voice. she's got a great career. it was all for their charity thunder dog, a charity event that celebrates the seventh year raising money for steps of faith. helping amputees in need. this year raising over $800,000 at the big event. really fun. not worried about work, i'm sure. we sure do miss that show. >> thanks, lara. check in with ginger now. hey, ginger. >> wow.
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i'm stunned. that was so good. let's look at jamaica. hurricane season is not over. this area of thunderstorms that is off central america trying real hard to get to jamaica with heavy rain by the start of the weekend. so we'll look for that to potentially be called vince. either way it will bring heavy rain that's gonna slide across cuba there and over haiti. dominican republic may get some of that before it gets to the turks area. let's get a check closer to home. three two.
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>> now to a new side of bird johnson. here's a preview clip with the former first lady talking about the moments after president john kennedy was shot. >> the car accelerated faster and faster. i cast one last look back over my shoulder. a bundle of pink, like a drift blossom lying in the back seat. it was mrs. kennedy laying over the president's body. >> we are now joined by the director, also known for films including john lewis good trouble. thank you for joining us this morning. what a remarkable piece of history this is. tell us about it. >> thanks for having me. so happy to be here. so lady bird johnson recorded 123 hours of audio tape while she was in the white house. the clip that you just saw, that's when she starts her recording. just a few days after the assassination. when you think about that,
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there's been so much reported and written about this period. but her vantage point, first in the car behind where jfk was assassinated, but then in the next several years in the white house. so we have her first person account of this really tumultuous time. >> it is so rich because both she and her husband recorded hours and hours of tapes in the white house. did anything surprise you about lady bird johnson? >> everything surprised me about lady bird. i had done a four part series about bobby kennedy. i made a film about john lewis. i knew a lot about this period and the archives. but her take on that period of history was remarkable. some of the things she tell us are that johnson suffered from extreme depression. he almost resigned during a state of the union address. she actually wrote his resignation letter out and she's recording as he's delivering the speech to the nation. we didn't know really until the
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tapes were revealed how close we were to having a president step down live on national television. >> just incredible. you made an interesting choice. only lady bird johnson's voice in the documentary. >> i wanted this to be lady bird's chance to tell her story. so much has been written and recorded about this period. yet, so often the case that women are kind of erased from the story. she's known, people know her for planting flower, and she did so much more than that. her research, her work with foundation for nixon to create the epa. she was really an environmentalist. president johnson signed 300 bills to protect the environment during his term in office. largely lady bird was responsible for that. >> you had the family's blessing to do it but they didn't see it until the premiere. what was the reaction? >> it's all nerve-racking when you show the family a film for the first time. both daughters have become
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incredible champions for this movie, traveling with us. some of my most gratifying memories are shared with both of them. lucy johnson said at the end of our premiere south by southwest. she said thank you for giving my mother the last word. >> that is great. and thank you for coming in. the lady bird diaries is now streaming on hulu. rebecca? >> thank you, george. we turn to our "monday night football" ticket give away. this morning teresa crane thinks she's on gma to talk about what a die hard kansas city chiefs fan she is. but instead, we're gonna give her the ultimate fan surprise. we'll talk with her in just a minute. but first here's her story. >> chiefs is the name, we're going to win this game! >> reporter: teresa crane cheering on the chiefs for decades. >> chris jones, my favorite. patrick mahomes, travis kelce. >> reporter: when she married her husband, they became their biggest fans. >> we watched the game all the time until he passed away in
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2019. >> reporter: teresa honoring his memory. >> i continued to watch the chiefs. not only for myself, but also for my grand kids and my son and my daughter. >> reporter: creating the red slipper chiefs society, a group of friends and fans. >> when the chiefs are needing some help, we start clicking our heels together to give them a little bit of a boost. >> there's no place like home. teresa crane joins us now from hers in kansas city. it is so nice to see you, teresa. >> thank you very much for having us! >> you got to kick those heels up at some point so we can see them. i'm not gonna make you do it. don't worry. we're thrilled to have you here. i love it. i love it. you're with members of your red slipper society. let's see those slippers. you just shared them with us. tell us how it all got started. >> yes.
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i love kansas city. i love the chiefs. i love to get my friends on football nights or days. i wanted something fun for us to do so i found these slippers. i have made a pledge for them to say before the chiefs game. so if we take the chiefs to victory on game night and if we give them that extra boost. >> we love that here. we love that here. you do that pledge every day on game night. we have a special message for you. just take a look at this. >> thank you. >> how's it going, teresa? harrison bunker here with the kansas city chiefs. are you ready for some football? i'm sending you a special surprise on behalf of the chiefs. we appreciate your dedication and love for this team so much that we are sending you to this monday night game against the
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philadelphia eagles. congratulations and go chiefs! >> yes! we love your excitement. we know you're getting your special shoes on ready for that. but before we go here, we have another special message for you. please take a look. >> hi, teresa. it's donna kelce here, travis and jason's mom. i heard you were a huge chiefs fan. i want you to continue cheering your team with the red slipper society. so i am sending you our favorite pizza from papa john's. congratulations, teresa, and go chiefs. >> and the great news. teresa, when you have that pizza, you don't need a new pair of slippers. you can enjoy it as much as you want. keep wearing those red slippers in celebration of the chiefs. i'm glad the people in the back row there are enjoying this. all those members of your red slipper society. we're just so thrilled for you. how are you feeling?
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you ready for monday? >> this is fantastic. i mean, i started the red slipper society just to have fun and just to be watching the games because i do love the chiefs. i would like for you to join this society. >> oh, wow. wow. >> you know, i'm a minnesotan girl. that would be maybe a little problematic with my vikings. but red and purple, they do go nicely together so maybe we can work something out. >> that would be fantastic. i would love that. >> teresa, i love your energy. i love all the women there, the community you've created. thank you and everyone. let's go. chiefs yes. take that pledge. be sure to check out the eagles facing the chiefs on monday at 815 eastern right here
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on abc and on espn. and coming up, we have another big surprise . this one is for generations of the allen family, about to go on the trip of a lifetime. demarco is there ready to surprise them. get your good jammies on gma. >> this week. wake up with the bella twins on twin love and chris pine live. >> it's so good. >> plus, fasten your seat belts because gma is taking you to vegas baby for the f one las vegas grand prix. your mornings are about to get fast and cool. live on gma extra ordinary fascinating. >> a compelling insider's view of a presidency like no other. a film is graceful and laser focused as its subject. >> that's a large order for a woman. the lady bird diaries now streaming on hulu. >> when the announcer calls my name the world almost fades away. it's the biggest it's the most famous dog event there is. >> welcome to the world's
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greatest dog show. >> the composite action in dog dancing is very stiff here. >> every dog has its day on the dance floor. >> dancing with my dog is the closest thing to magic a winner. all crufts 2023. >> the secret life of dancing dogs streaming only on hulu november 17th. >> after 40 years of i want to press my luck. >> the stakes keep multiplying. if you land on that square, you will win 40 of something amazing for oh wow, press your luck. >> new tonight on abc hoop is something i think we'll find a lot of tonight building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. good morning everyone. >> i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. we're going to check in now with jobina for a look at traffic. hi, jobina. >> hi, kumasi thank you. good morning, everybody. so we are staying focused on the bay
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bridge today. we are experiencing one lane down in the westbound direction and eastbound direction that is due to apec metering. lights came on at 509 and the backup is extensive, going all the way to richmond from the bay bridge right now. so you can see those speeds on 580, around 13mph around el cerrito and berkeley. and then it picks up a little bit towards emeryville around 25mph. we'll end with the sig alert at the richmond, san rafael bridge. kumasi. >> thanks, jobina. meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> travel there is nothing like it. dance sing is my passion, but with my moderate to severe eczema, it hasn't always been easy. >> i was constantly itching for whatever i was doing. now i'm staying ahead of my eczema. >> there's a power inside all of us to live our passion and dupixent works on the inside to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so adults
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can have long lasting, clearer skin and fast itch relief. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a powerful thing. ask your eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal your skin from within. >> hurry up. we're gonna miss first chair this one. >> next. we're gonna be late. has anyone seen my old ski suit? just wear the new one. >> oh. want to wear the new one? >> ready? yeah car, right? no. >> thought he was with you, dad. >> who's ready to shred some pow flora? >> don't forget bmw rotem sales event is on now. hurry in for credit of up to $3,000 on select models now through november 30th
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. >> hey, bay area live with kelly marcus. >> coming up, we'll chat with brie and nikki garcia. they're going to tell us about their new reality series, twin love. >> that's at nine on abc7. we will see you shortly. live doppler seven. we are tracking scattered showers out there this morning. another round of rain headed for the north bay is just clipping parts of the city and south city this morning with some light showers. we do expect the bulk of the moisture today to go into the north bay. it's a level one, a light storm on the storm impact scale today. outside, it's partly cloudy from the exploratory rain stays north for much of the day kumasi. >> thank you, drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc7 >> we know nothing of these pages. >> you command great magic. but with this book, i fear it commanding you. please, put that book down.
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>> first look at disney's new movie "wish." ♪ now time for our disney wish surprise. demarco morgan is in philadelphia outside the home of the family we're about to surprise. more than 3,000 people entered a contest to win a trip to disneyland paris. these four generations are about to find out they're the winners, headed to paris tonight. how's it going, demarco? >> reporter: oh, george. it's absolutely going amazing. this surprise has been weakness the making. let's not waste any time. let's get this party started. four generations, they have no idea what's about to go down until now. knock knock knock. hey, guys. i see some family in here. what's up, everybody? >> hi. >> reporter: who is this guy walking in my house. i'm demarco morgan with "good
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morning america." come on out. come on out. don't waste no time. come on, we got millions of people watching. come on. come on, guys. >> what, what, what? >> reporter: come on. come on. come on. stop asking questions and come on outside! i get to tell you -- come on out. hurry up. miss wanda. she's so beautiful. >> oh my god! >> reporter: come on out. come on out! come on out! come on, miss wanda. let me help you with the step. you are gorgeous. you are so gorgeous. watch your step. watch your step. okay. here we go. here we go. listen to me. walt disney studios and disney parks is sending you to disneyland paris! you're going! [ screaming ] yes! yes! yes! how do you feel? oh! how do you feel? you feeling good? >> i told you. i said don't give up.
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we won! when they came back and asked, i said we're going. >> yes, you are! yes, you are! congratulations. come on out. come on downstairs. we're not done. guy, by the way, miss wanda is 92 years young. looking absolutely amazing. let me help you down the stairs. come on. come on, miss wada. we got to keep the show going. come on. come on, guys. this is absolutely amazing. watch your step. you're feeling good? >> oh, lord. >> come on. come on. >> thank you! >> we won! >> reporter: yes, you did. you know what this is leading up to the movie, the disney movie "wish." we want to let our viewers know how we got here to begin with. let's look at this right here. ♪ >> you're a star! >> reporter: there are many stars in the allen family. from sonia and erika to lyla. >> strong, sensitive, caring,
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heartwarming. >> reporter: but the biggest star, miss wanda. >> when she comes in the room, you want to stand at attention out of respect. but when she says something, you want to listen. >> reporter: the 92-year-old setting the tone for her family. >> like a picture you want to take. things you want to keep close to your heart. >> reporter: even with current health struggles, miss wanda's spirit never waivering. >> one of my mother's mottos is keep it moving. >> yeah. yeah. >> reporter: her family more excited than ever to celebrate with her in the city of love. >> i have spent a lot of hours of sleepless nights in the past week waiting for this event to occur. [ laughter ] for those four generations just to be together, it's going to be phenomenal.
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[ cheers ] >> reporter: we want to thank mr. ed right here. he's the one who helped us pull this surprise off. thank you very much. you did a wonderful job. let's talk to miss wanda. >> okay. >> reporter: celebrating 70 years of marriage. unfortunately, we lost your husband a couple years ago. tell us how you're feeling today. today is the anniversary as well. >> oh, man. >> i just thought about it a lot today. thinking about what a good husband he was and how well he treated his family. for us, family came first. you know? it's about taking care of your children, your grandchildren. and keeping everybody together in peace and harmony. >> reporter: that's what it's all about. this is your first time going out of the country. first time going on a ride. this is on your bucket list. [ laughter ] we know that, lyla, you're 12. right? you've been dreaming about going to paris since you were 4 years old. what does this moment mean to
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you? >> i don't know how to explain. i'm very excited. [ laughter ] i think i saw like this ratatoulle thing in disney. i want to go there for sure. >> reporter: you got your go to list already. let's talk to you. mom, you were responsible for the submission here. >> yes. i just felt that my family, especially my grandmother, deserved an experience like this. so i decided to take my chances. >> reporter: mom, sonya, how do you feel? >> i'm so proud. i'm just so happy. i don't have any words. just pride. >> reporter: mom is like, who is this man coming in my house? [ laughter ] we are so happy for you. you are so deserving. we got a lot of surprises for you throughout the rest of the week. you're going to disney tonight. >> what! >> oh, no. >> reporter: guess what? you got bags right here. lyla has a bag full of disney toys just for you. yay.
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so we're excited. god bless you guys. safe travels. you deserve it. we'll send it back to you. >> demarco, that was so much fun. thank you. "wish" is in theaters next wednesday. tickets on sale now. tomorrow one of the movie's stars, chris pine, will join us
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tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. back now with our series america's classroom. rebecca, you took a look at the
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american education system. >> that's right, eva. as student loan debt continues to rise in the u.s., we spoke to one graduate about her journey towards paying hers off. when nisa graduated college in may 2020, it was a unique time. not just because she wouldn't be able to accept her diploma in person, but also because of the government pause on paying back student loans. >> i would not have been able to move out. and i'd probably would still be at home had they not been paused. >> reporter: when the pandemic hit, the government also set the interest rate to 0%, but now 3 1/2 years later, nissa joins the more than 28 million federal student loan borrowers restarting their payment. nisa, an account executive for a public relations firm, knew the day would come. with that, lifestyle changes. from meal prepping to cutting back on her social life and taking on freelance work on
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weekends. >> the money that i make from my freelance gigs goes straight towards my student loans. >> reporter: she pays nearly $600 a month chipping away at $52,000 in student loan debt. >> i'm afraid that i won't be able to pay them back even though i have been taking extra measures to make sure that i have it under control. >> reporter: americans have $1.77 trillion in federal and private student loan debt with average monthly payments ranging from $200 to $299. while president biden's attempt at debt relief was overturned by the supreme court in june, the administration recently released a draft of a narrower policy aimed at helping the hardest hit student loan borrowers. >> you need to focus on what payments you need to make. we don't know what will be happening in washington. you do know what you have to do and i would stay focused on that. >> reporter: despite the daunting task, nisa is hopeful. >> making that first payment, i was able to see how much i have in debt.
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but also feel like i can get it done. hoping that all the steps that i have taken will pay off in the end. >> a great example, nisa. also, the department of education has instituted a 12 month on ramp to repayment. that's through september 30th of next year. during this time any borrowers who miss monthly payments will not be considered delinquent or reported to credit bureaus. but those missed payments will accrue interest. something to consider. also take a look at maybe loan consolidation. this can work. it puts everything in one payment. it can make things more seamless. >> huge burden though. >> yes, it is. all right. ginger, over you. >> thank you, rebecca. dreams really will come true when you wish upon a star this holiday season. this segment is sponsored by verizon. in celebration of the new disney movie "wish." together they are helping make under privileged children's dreams a reality. use your phone's camera to scan the qr code you see on your
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screen and you'll be swept off to a magical wish upon a star augmented reality experience. watch as your room transforms into the night sky with a constellation of stars. each will represent the wishes of children around the country. if you tap on one of those stars you will be able to fulfill the dreams of children in your community with a donation directly to your local toys for tots chapter. the wish upon a star web ar experience is available now through december 1st. there's plenty of time to grant those holiday wishes. don't miss disney's "wish" in theaters next wednesday, november 22nd. let's get a check closer to home. coming up, help is on the way for a nonprofit dedicated to helping veterans get a new home. stay with us. helping veterans g.
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stay with us. >> "gma" seasonal giving is sponsored by verizon. ( ♪ ) weathertech gift cards have the power to wow everyone on your holiday list. offering a variety of american made products... weathertech! nice! like floorliners... cargo liner... seat protector... boot tray... cupfone... sink mat... pet feeding system... anti-fatigue comfortmat...and more. order the weathertech gift card instantly for the perfect gift at
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♪ from the mountains to the coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪
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>> welcome back. november is national veterans and military families month. this morning lori bergamotto is in st. louis with a powerful story. good morning to you, lori. >> reporter: good morning, lara. that's right. as we honor our veteran, i am so excited to introduce you to one former marine who is on a mission to create a safe haven for veterans like himself, providing houses like these, to give those veterans a fresh start. this segment is sponsored by wells fargo. they are honoring people and organizations who are going above and beyond in their communities. in this small st. louis community a picturesque tiny home, lives are changing every day. a safe haven for veterans experiencing homelessness, these men and women are given more
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than just a roof over their heads. they're given another chance at life. >> we serve every single veteran that's ever taken an oath to serve our country. it does not matter if they are in the service for one day or 100 years. >> reporter: brian meyer is a retired combat marine and ceo of the veterans community project, a nonprofit built by veterans for veterans to help them transition to a stable civilian life. >> they come into a home that's fully furnished, all brand new. in addition, we've established these homes, windows only on one side. bed that faces the door. we're pet friendly. >> reporter: the volunteers from the community helping build these tiny homes with love and encouragement written into the foundation. >> i didn't think there was anybody or any organization that would turn around the problems that i was having. the veterans community project
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little by little chipped away at that. i still can't believe it. >> reporter: chris perry served in the marine corps for eight years. he says they provided a path way to a better future. >> i started college. i started to build my credit. i got a bank account. got a vehicle. i started feeling independent again. >> reporter: now the organization is being recognized by wells fargo as part of their doing wonders effort. >> we're launching this effort on small wonders across the united states. we're doing it with partners like veteran community projects to ensure these visions are realized. this goes far beyond the investments we make. some of the impact we have when we work together to make positive change. >> reporter: since day one, wells fargo volunteers getting hands on, bringing this community to life. >> wells fargo takes action for these meaningful projects for our customers and our community. over the last decade, wells fargo has demonstrated commitment to veterans housing
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causes by donating over 400 homes and a value of somewhere around $60 million. this is across all 50 states. >> i believe it is our civic duty to reinvest in those individuals who need our help and need that hand up. >> joining us now is brian mier co-founder and ceo of the veterans community project. thank you very much for having gma here this morning. >> thank you guys for being here. >> okay. well, i see you getting a little teary eyed. me, too. that was incredible. i know you think you are here to talk more about your organization. >> it's what i love to do. >> i know. and i feel bad that i lied to you earlier. but we have a surprise for you. there's someone who wants to meet you. come on in, the senior executive vice president at wells fargo. and she has an even bigger surprise for you. christie? >> so at wells fargo, we are so focused on putting people and communities first.
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as the bank is doing, we are focused and committed to supporting veterans and their families in their need. i am excited to share with you that wells fargo is providing a grant of $25,000 -- [ applause ] -- to the veterans community project. [ applause ] >> so incredible. to your left here. amazing. >> that's what you were hiding earlier? >> that is major, that grant. okay. it's awesome. but wait. >> there's more? >> that's really awesome, but there's more. exactly. that's my line. christie, take it away. >> so, ryan, i am really excited. we found your wish list online that had both all the items that you would need to house these houses here in st. louis, but also the wish list to be able to fill your outreach pantry. so i'm excited to share that wells fargo, we have bought everything on both of your lists. >> oh my godness. [ applause ]
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>> everything on your wish list wells fargo is providing. as christie said, almost 2,000 items on that list. [ applause ] that's going straight to this incredible organization and this amazing community. now tell us how will all of this impact the veterans community project? >> all these items here, when a veteran moves into that home, everything in it's brand new. that veteran gets that sense of pride, dignity, having new things. from the day they move in, they own it all. because we're transitional. we're trying to set them up for long term. so they take it with them. we're about establishing that foundation long term. this a veteran will own an take with them. it just really means something to that person when they move in. [ applause ] >> you mean so much to all of us. thank you for your service. thank you for everything you do.
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thank you to this incredible community. guys, back to you. >> wow, lori, thank you very much. brian, fantastic work. that is just incredible. we will be right back. credible. we will be right back. >> "gma" honoring heroes is
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we are grocery outlet and we are your bargain bliss market. what is bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. this thanksgiving, we're giving you even more reasons to celebrate. we are offering you $21 off a jennie-o frozen turkey with in-store discount. that's as low as $0.50 a pound. so why wait? hurry in to your neighborhood grocery outlet today. because this deal is only available while supplies last. >> announcer: gma this week. wake up >> gma this week, wake up with the bella twins.
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plus fasten your seat belts because gma is taking you to vegas for the las vegas grand prix. your morning is about to get fast and cool live on gma. >> walt disney studios and disney park is sending you to disneyland paris! you're going! [ screams ] yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! >> back to the moment of the morning. 92-year-old wanda's reaction was so good when we told her she was going to disneyland paris with her family. >> 12-year-old lyla already going through her wish list. we know our kids would do the exact thing. >> of course. >> so much fun to see their enjoyment. we wish them a bon voyage. >> we wish you a great day. go ahead and tell him, troy. monday night football on abc and espn. and then the next morning, watch for the tuesday morning
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nfl ticket giveaway for tickets to a monday night football game. >> this week on the number one daytime talk show oscar winner ariana debose. plus, funnyman ed helms and robert smigel. and are the ladies ready for triumph? the insult comic dog? i'm all in. it's all this week on abc's the view. extra ordinary. fascinating. a compelling insider's view of a presidency like no other. a film as graceful and laser focused as its subject. >> that's a large order for a woman. the lady bird diaries now streaming on hulu. >> when the announcer calls my name the world almost fades away. it's the biggest. >> it's the most famous dog event there is. welcome to crufts, the world's greatest dog show. >> the competition in dog dancing is very stiff here. >> every dog has its day on the dance floor. >> dancing with my dog is the closest thing to magic. our winner. oh, crufts 2023.
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>> the secret life of dancing dogs streaming only on hulu. >> welcome to what's waiting for you at the top. >> these unforgettable. faces, a murder at the end of the world now streaming only on hulu. >> it's back this friday at 10 a.m. airport. home appliances warehouse sale event held at their product distribution center in hayward and get dramatic discounts up to 70% off liked upload laundry units as low as 300 refridge generators as low as 450 in stock and ready to take home same day. come see the largest appliance warehouse sale in northern california starting this friday at airport home appliance warehouse in hayward. >> when it comes to your health you do you you ping and pong that body, you plunge that body,
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you green that body, you brain power, that body you practice and practice that body. it rain. that body you flu shot that body and now you spikevax that body. because even though the pandemic is over, covid 19 isn't spikevax by moderna is a vaccine to help protect you against covid 19. you shouldn't get spikevax if you've had an allergic reaction to spikevax or its ingredients. rare cases of inflammation of the heart muscle and outer lining have been reported. the most common side effects are injection site pain redness and swelling, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain and fever make vaccination against covid 19 a part of your health routine. spikevax that body with spikevax by moderna. >> join hillsdale shopping center for our rockin holiday show and tree lighting. friday, november 17th at 5:30 p.m. featuring live performances from impersonators elton john, cher
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and travis allen as elvis. plus santa's arrival all how does he have time to visit everyone in one night? >> well, he has vip parking. and how does he know if i've been naughty or nice? he sees everything. everything let me guess. he's got lots of storage to. and that's how he does it. >> the electric bmw road home sales event is on now. >> lease the 2024 bmw i5 edrive40 for 7.99 per month. now through november 30th, building a better bay area moving forward , finding solutions. >> this is abc7 news. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's jobina now with a look at traffic jobina. hey kumasi. >> thank you. good morning, everybody. so we are going to start with the sigalert we're following right now in oakland and it is due to a vehicle fire that you can see here on the map
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on southbound 880 at 66 avenue. all lanes are currently blocked in the southbound direction and then you're facing a lot of onlooker traffic in the northbound direction. and there's a crash a little closer to the maze to. hey, drew. hey, jobina. >> we are tracking light showers out there. live doppler seven showing you our next kind of round of moisture is working through parts of marin county this morning on its way into sonoma and napa county. and that's where the focus of the wet weather today. it's a level one on the storm impact scale with slick roads. the biggest impact in the north bay. the day planner today will keep the south bay dry. temps in the 60s and 70s kumasi. >> thank you, drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark and we'll be back at 11 for midday live. hope to see you then. wow, it's live with kelly and mark. today, from the film "good burger 2", kenan thompson.


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