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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  November 15, 2023 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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protesters. good afternoon. thanks for joining us. i'm larry biel and i'm ama daetz. >> today is a big day at apec along with the presidents meeting in woodside. there's a big party set for tonight in about an hour. president biden and other dignitaries will gather in san francisco for a welcome reception. this is a live look at the venue at the exploratorium on the embarcadero. the event begins. at 5:00. and coming up in just a few minutes, abc7 news anchor dion lim will have a preview. >> there have been protests all around apec events today and at the chinese consulate. well, there have been a few skirmishes overall. the protest have been relatively peaceful from the protests to the president. >> we have it all covered. abc7 news anchor kristen sze is live at moscone center for the ceo summit and abc's seven news anchor dion lim has a preview of tonight's exclusive reception. >> abc seven news reporter luz pena will join us live outside moscone center where the protesters, as we mentioned, were out in force today. and abc seven news reporter zach fuentes is in woodside where president biden met with china's president today as well. >> and about a half hour ago,
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president biden and president, she walked the gardens at filoli in woodside shortly after their meeting. so let's check in with zach fuentes, who's live with a look at what happened today. zach >> yeah, we're about a mile away from where that meeting happened. it's still pretty active out here right now to all day long we've seen supporters of president ji's visit and critics as well. most of those critics are behind us. we're now seeing a sea of those supporters leaving after word that president xi has just left came down. now of course, this has been a very highly anticipated event for president biden, his visit to the bay area today. we finally got our first look at the two presidents meeting for the first time in more than a year as ready president biden and chinese president xi jinping greeting each other in front of filoli estate in woodside to host you in the united states is a great honor and a pleasure. our cameras captured the moments. both motorcades arrive and the two later gave opening remarks
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before launching into their hours long discussion lines. >> mr. president, we known each other for a long time. we haven't always agreed, which was not a surprise to anyone. but our meetings have always been candid, straightforward and useful. >> through a translator, president xi also opened with words expressing hope for a productive meeting for two large countries like china and the united states, turning their back on each other is not an option. following a number of events, including the chinese spy balloon earlier this year, the relationship between the two countries has become even more strained since the two presidents last spoke. she acknowledged that the two countries have key differences as it is an objective fact that china and the united states are different in history, culture, social system and development path. >> however, as long as they respect each other, coexist in peace and pursue win win cooperation, they will be fully capable of rising above differences. >> biden has said he'd see the meeting as a success if the two countries could get back on a normal course of correspondence, emphasizing the need for both
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china and us militaries to have contact with each other. i think it's paramount that you and i understand each other clearly. >> leader to leader with no misconceptions or miscommunication. right now, there are reports that an agreement will be reached to help stop the flow of chemicals used in the production of illicit fentanyl. >> still, biden has even more on his agenda, including talks on responsibly managing economic competition between the two countries. also concerns over taiwan's pursuit of formal independence. ji's goals are said to include addressing what it sees as a us refusing to relax certain trade restrictions and looking for a pledge from the us to not encourage taiwan to pursue formal independence. you might, and we are expecting to hear from president biden just a short time from now following his meeting with president ji. really quick i want to tell you about some roadway impacts for you at interstate 280 and edgewood on both sides, things are still closed. there's also closures on 280, highway 92 that you're going to want to be aware of. san mateo county sheriff's
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office says those road closures could last until eight this evening. but again, we're going to continue to stay here, out at the scene, monitoring everything that's going on. and we're bringing the latest from president biden as soon as we get it. right now live in san mateo county, zach fuentes, abc seven news, all right, zach, thank you. >> now let's get to abc seven news anchor kristen sze who's live at moscone center. >> yeah, that's where the ceo summit took place today. hi, kristen. >> that's right. it was the kickoff and larry, of the ceo summit and that in itself was full of who's who on the list of people that you want to hear in person. so today, the ceos of uber, boeing, google visa and many more were there. let's show you some of the video that we took today from moscone west. the main topic at today's session are sustainability and climate change. global warming is obviously a huge concern. business leaders are trying to balance their growth with caring for the environment. we talked to uber ceo dara khosrowshahi, shahi, about that as he was leaving his panel discussion on. >> it's a pretty incredible summit. and i think that
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sustainability should be one of the big topics here and appropriately so. >> how does uber fit into that picture here? >> well, we're racing. we're or we're moving to get all of our fleet electric as fast as we can . >> all right. one of the exhibits here that drew the most attention was this. it's an autonomous zero emission air taxi they hope to bring to market by 2030. and it's been developed by mountain view company wisk aero, the futuristic taxi is being tested in gilroy. wisk is a part of boeing. we caught up with the chief sustainability officer at boeing to ask him why they're investing in this technology. >> airplanes have always been more fuel efficient or they wouldn't get bought, so the continued investment in more fuel efficient airplanes will always be important. but then the big thing is, can we use another form of energy? >> now these air taxis are powered by electric batteries, the same technology that's in our phones. governor gavin newsom also came around to check
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it out. i asked him what his impressions were, and he linked it to california and its place in innovation. governor, what do you think of the technology? >> it's this is this is the stuff of dreams, right? as kids. and this is george jetson. >> is this how california. my wife is this how california leads? california is leading. >> and that's what's exciting. when we say about california, the future happens here first. and this is a demonstrable example. >> all all right. there was regular work being done as well. by that i mean the world leaders, the ministers, once sticking point, though, was what's being called the san francisco principle on trade, which is supported by all economies. >> but one. and as such, we are still unclear whether apec will be able to fulfill this mandate. nonetheless, that was us trade representative katherine tai talking about china's opposition to the san francisco principles.
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>> now these principles incorporate sustainability and inclusivity into trade and investment policies. all member economies are on board with this one except china. so for all of biden and xi's sounding a tone of collaboration, clearly there's still points of contention and disagreement. but meantime, somebody who's actively involved with advising and supporting apec's 21 member economies and trying to bring about agreement is the executive director of the apec secretariat , rebecca santa maria. rebecca, so nice to see you. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me here. thank you for being the gracious host at san francisco. is oh well. abc7 takes full credit for that. >> i'm kidding. but you are from singapore right now, right? is that. yes. because that's where the secretariat is. tell people what that is because a lot of people had not heard of it until now. >> yeah. it is a 21 member economy. sorry, 21 economy. we made membership. right. and we are based the secretariat is based in singapore. so a lot of the work is done through the
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secretariat because there are a lot of work streams, there are a number of work streams in apec and we have command and control center as it were, based in singapore. >> i see that you go to so many of these panels. i heard you at a couple of these and when you look at today, the biden and xi meeting and where they agree or disagree, i know all the member economies are watching closely. why is that? >> now it's so important that these two major parties of apec meet and have those important discussions. you know, there's a lot of noise around the relationship between china and the us. so having these meeting sort of reassures us because the more we meet and have these dialogs, the better it is for us because you build that relationship, you build the understanding, you know, it's distant relationships have their own challenges, bringing the parties together face to face is so important for all of us. >> you know, one big part of the discussions here is on free trade, and that is something that you've seen some of the
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protests on san francisco streets about. is there something you want to say to the those out there voicing their discontent? do you understand their perspective? >> know, it's important for us to hear them out as well. and some of the i think some of the discontent, if you want to put it that way, and from what i've heard, is really we're all on the same page. we are talking about sustainability in trade. we're talking about inclusive inclusiveness in trade, bringing in the small and medium enterprises. we also had recent just yesterday we had the indigenous peoples come in and talk to us. so that inclusivity is key to the work that we're doing this year, driven by the us. so it's really about hearing each other out and i think that's where we need to do more of our messaging about the work that we're doing in trade to be more inclusive and sustainable. sustainability is such a big part of our conversation in this year. >> look, there are a lot of side statements by lateral statements coming out of this, but the big one, the one that you hope that the 21 member economies will
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sign on to, what do you hope will be in there? what's most important to you? >> you know, it's about emphasizing our working together, how at this stage in the global economy, you need more collaboration, more working together to look at issues of sustainability, climate change is high on our agenda. the fact that we could all come together and have those really tough discussions on where we want to see the world going forward is, is an achievement for apec. >> rebecca santamaria apec secretariat, i'm so sorry. because of the announced moments, i think we have to cut this off. i do hope you get to enjoy san francisco while you're here. all right. >> thank you. thank you. >> all right, back to you guys in the studio. we'll have a lot more for you coming up at 5:00 and 6:00, including how california's agriculture is also in the spotlight. >> all right, kristin, great perspective there. thank you. >> earlier today, a large group of demonstrators gathered outside the chinese consulate in san francisco. this is being billed as, quote, the biggest unwelcome protest against chinese president xi jinping. now, the protesters believe the
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chinese people are suffering under his leadership. >> and there were also protesters outside moscone center today. >> yes, abc seven news reporter louis pena is live with that part of the story. louis. >> that's right. activists have been protesting throughout downtown san francisco since 7 a.m. today. and you can still see a small group of them right behind us, as well as law enforcement blocking several streets leading up to moscone center, pueblo. pablo anita hundreds of activists take to multiple streets of downtown san francisco, blocking traffic and trying to stop apec attendees from entering the summit, or activists who are prepared to lock down even to get arrested if it comes to that for the objective of delaying the ceo summit as much as possible for four hours, a human chain was created to disrupt one of apec's main entry points where ceos were meeting. >> in that meeting, they plan to
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cut more free trade deals that will poison the planet, drive wages down, cut jobs from people . >> the no to apec coalition includes about 150 antiwar climate and labor organizations, and it led the group that protested for multiple causes. >> and we were really successful. we were able to cause disruptions across all of the traffic throughout san francisco, make a statement that we as filipino people, as workers, as youth, as women really oppose the decisions that are being made and trade deals that are being brokered as well at apec. >> as a motorcade was escorted by chp officers past second street, another group of activists with a new federal state of china movement lined up another apec entry point. >> so we're here to send a message to xi. this is not the place he should be. he's a dictator. okay? so he's a totality korean dictatorship and the democracy and freedom does not have any room for him. and so we're here just to send him a
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message that we are absolutely wanted to take him down with the global spotlight on san francisco and more than 500 people dying on these streets from fentanyl so far this year. >> today's meeting between the two world power leaders could be crucial for the us to put pressure on china to crack down on the facilities, making fentanyl. but these protesters don't trust it. >> i wanted to warn americans because you're dealing with the devil they never honor any agreement. you just have to look at the history. >> these activists tell us they will continue to organize for the rest of the week, hoping these ceos and world leaders see and hear them in san francisco. luz pena abc seven news. thank you, lewis and abc seven news is your station when it comes to everything apec 2023. >> our complete coverage has everything you need to know on abc seven or your abc seven news bay area app. >> now we're expecting to hear from president biden in just a few minutes, his live news conference s after today's meeting with china's president
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xi. and i've just been told that it's been pushed back from 415 to 5:00. so whenever the president speaks, we'll have that for you. it is the epic apec party. we'll take you outside for a live preview and the effect that apec is having on small businesses here in san francisco and why it's not quite what they were expecting. >> spencer christiansen of today's wettest weather is about to push into the bay area over the next couple of hours. i'll have the accuweather forecast coming up when abc7 news hi, my name is damion clark. if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really
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outside of the. studios. yeah. >> president biden is set to speak at tonight's party that also features a performance by singer gwen stefani. abc seven news anchor dion lim will not be attending, and that's a story in and of itself. but you're up on the roof is what it looks like right now with a preview of what to expect tonight. dion >> larry, how did i get so lucky to score the hottest ticket in town? basically this is the mayor's reception for the president. and first lady. and even better, i get to attend as a civilian, a resident of san francisco, which means as soon as i'm done with my hit for the news at 5:00, i scurry on over across the street where you can see there are members of the secret service. so much law enforcement and more. all of this started early this morning since the wee hours of the
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morning, the corner of front street and the embarcadero has been abuzz with excitement. >> it's really nice to see all the police and the coast guard and different law enforcement agencies here feel like really good to be here right now. >> hundreds of california highway patrol and sfpd officers secret service members and even a security drone are all in place for wednesday night's apec leaders. welcome reception at the exploratorium, which happens to be across the street from the abc7 news studios. the party hosted by mayor breed for president biden and the first lady is attracting a lot of attention from visitors. did you know you were coming in the midst of apec? >> no, not until we got here. >> we drove into the city over the. which bridge was it? bay bridge over the bay bridge. and it was like, fine. like we were expecting to hit traffic and stuff and it was absolutely fine. >> hundreds of guests are expected to attend, including community members from different neighborhoods of san francisco. they'll be serenaded by superstar gwen stefani, whom we caught doing a sound check. for
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them on the bay. while we did talk to some who weren't pleased about the commotion on overall, this was the sentiment of this is wonderful for san francisco. >> and i hope that all of these people here will bring the city back to what it what it has potential to be. >> it is such an exciting time. now back out here live on the roof. you are taking a look at the stage, all of those glittering lights where gwen stefani herself will be appearing in just a matter of hours. it was so cool because we are so close, we actually could hear from the windows of our offices here at abc7 and her doing her sound check. so it should be very exciting tonight. right. and we will have much more coming up in just about an hour on abc7 news at five. larry and sending it back to you. >> diane, before you go, what are you most excited about or anticipating ing at the party this evening? one person maybe that you want to have a
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conversation with or just taking in the entire aura of the event? >> i'm most excited about rubbing it in your face that you didn't get invited and that i did well. >> you do that with regularity. i was looking for something a little bit deeper, but okay. >> no, no, no, no. >> i think it's an honor to be there and just to soak it all up, because it's not very often the story comes to you. we often travel all over to get the news of the day. so to have it in your own backyard is exceptionally cool. >> well, i'm sure you'll have a great time tonight and then tell us all about it later. thanks, diane. >> all right. so as everyone going to get rained on as they're arriving, spencer christian has the answer to that. >> well, actually, dion's closer to the rain than i am right now. but i'm looking at the graphics and the and the computer model. so here's what's happening right now. the satellite radar composite image shows that storm stubborn, lingering low pressure system that's just been meandering off the coast the last couple of days with its counterclockwise circulation
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still kicking waves of moisture up into the bay area, producing some light rain showers for us. and that's what we have right now. as you can see, in fact, showers are beginning to become more widespread right now. and a little bit more intense as we get into the late afternoon or early evening hours. on the exclusive abc7 storm impact scale. this is a level one storm through tonight. we can expect light rain and showers with some brief downpours developing very shortly and gusty wind along with those downpours and of course a wet evening commute. now here's the forecast animation starting at 5 p.m, notice between five and about 7 or 8 p.m, we'll get some of the steadiest heaviest rain we have seen in this 24 hour period. but it won't last very long before it breaks up into more widespread light showers late tonight. as we approach midnight. now, let's take a look at current conditions before we go on with the forecast animation. it's not windy across much of the bay area, but getting quite gusty down around half moon bay and san jose where that surge of rainfall, that more widespread rainfall is moving up in our direction and accompany by stronger and
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gustier wind the 24 hour rainfall total rainfall 24 hour temperature change shows that it is about 4 to 6 degrees cooler in most bay area locations than it was at this time yesterday afternoon. here's a view from our rooftop camera looking toward the exploratorium. and you see that sign on the embarcadero welcoming apec 2023. it's currently 62 degrees here at san francisco. oakland 63, 70 at mountain view, 72 at san jose. so milder down south and mid 60s at palo alto and half moon bay. nice view from mount tam looking at cloudy skies over the bay. 63 right now. both santa rosa and novato, napa 65 low to mid 60s. also at fairfield, concord and livermore and from our exploratorium camera we show you clouds over the bay bridge. these are the forecast headlines. we'll have showers and brief downpours through this evening. slick roadways, of course, may affect the evening commute. and this rainy, unsettled pattern will linger into the weekend. overnight. look for low temperatures mainly in the low to mid 50s. so it'll be
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relatively mild and highs tomorrow. well, let's start with the forecast animation at midnight to show you what we can expect in the morning hours. light scattered showers between midnight and about 6 a.m. and then we get a little bit of a break with some clear skies breaking through the clouds in the early morning hours. but clouds become thicker. later in the day, we get another surge of afternoon and early evening showers tomorrow, similar to today's pattern, but not quite so heavy. and high temperatures tomorrow will range from a mid to upper 60s generally across the entire bay area. the rainfall totals by 11:00 tomorrow night, up to a half inch in the wettest locations. and here is the accuweather seven day forecast. this pattern will be with us into saturday. best chance of rain on saturday though is in the morning. it looks like we may get some partial clearing in the afternoon hours on saturday. certainly some sunny skies on sunday and monday as we go into next week, this rainy pattern will be behind us. all right. >> so half the weekend will be nice. >> half the weekend will be very nice. yeah. thanks, spencer. >> okay.
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>> all right. coming up, a kidnaping scam with a new twist. bay area parents being targeted. and we'll have advice from of for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine. in order for small businesses to thrive, and size they need to be reli smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity.
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and by the way, since this type of scam can really happen anywhere in the bay area. abc7 news reporter anser hassan spoke
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to officials with some advice while kids were at school in oakland. >> a few parents have been targets of kidnaping phone call scams telling someone that you've kidnaped their child and that you're not going to give them back unless you unless that person gives them money. >> and so that's a really grotesque thing to do to anybody . >> john sasaki is the communications director for the oakland unified school district. he says one family got a call this week. another family got a similar call earlier this month. several more scam kidnaping calls have been reported. this school year, and they even had a child voice, a child like voice in the background saying, please don't hurt me or something to that effect. >> so it was a pretty realistic threat. >> sasaki says the family immediately called the school and learned that their kid was safe. the school next notified the district, which then alerted the police. he says there are no patterns of targeting any one school or geographic location in the city, but it has been mostly elementary school families. >> we want our families to be really aware and have all the
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tools that they need to ensure that they can get through a situation like this safely. >> so the district sent out an email with suggestions for what to do. it says know that if your child is absent, the school will call. you also write down the phone number and any other traits of the caller. then call the school and police. >> usually a cue is if these scammers are calling from a block number because as true kidnapers are going to probably call from the child's phone as a verification. >> dr. lisa hill is a professor of criminal justice at cal state east bay, who studies human trafficking. she says it's important for families to have these conversations with their children, even those in high school. she adds. if you get a call, ask to speak to the child and have a family code word. >> if, in fact, this is a real kidnaper, the parent can say, have my child give you the code word. in oakland anser hassan abc7 news. >> scary scary to even think
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about getting one of those calls. coming up. obviously a big world event, but is it doing enough for businesses here in the bay area? abc7 news reporter lyanne melendez hits the streets to find out. >> and we are counting down to tonight's big apec event as san francisco's exploratorium. this is a live look along the embarcadero where it will be
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we will have a live preview coming up on abc7 news at five. and while san francisco will benefit tremendously from this week's events for many small businesses, aipac hasn't done enough. yeah, a lot of workers have stayed home this week trying to avoid hectic traffic situations ones and that's severely impacting a lot of mom and pop shops. abc seven news reporter leah melendez spent the morning near the embarcadero. what did you find? >> well, you know, it's amazing how much you learn about an issue when you sort of get out of your car and, you know, you've public transportation, deal with people and just move around the different areas. you learn a lot and so today, when we set out to do this story, we really didn't have an objective or an expected station. we just thought it would be a good idea to give these small businesses a voice. so here we are in san francisco, perhaps the cleanest downtown in the entire country, at least for this week. i noticed that whenever there's a major event, especially this event, all of a sudden those who
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are unhoused, those who have mental health issues, they seem to disappear. >> they seem to be pushed out of the way or hidden away. >> so what's going to happen after apec? >> i think what's going to oh, what's going to happen after apec? they'll be back. >> i run every day to embarcadero center and they're reaping painting. re posting re steam cleaning everywhere. >> hey, no one is complaining but keeping these streets tidy for a week is of no concern to small businesses here on drum street on the embarcadero. this walgreens used to be here. it closed and i remember this 7-eleven store right here, but it was robbed. so many times that they finally gave up, gone. and then you have the oasis grill, which at lunchtime was so popular that there was always a line around the block back. so when the pandemic hit, they were
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devastated. and then people came back to work two, maybe three times a week. if that. and this week, many people were encouraged to work from home to avoid the traffic and the madness near apec. much to the detriment of local eateries as we were expecting to be all our customers last week, they were you going to be busy, you're going to be crazy. >> but nothing so yesterday we expected to get busy very day on monday. so today we don't sell only a few orders, but nothing. it's the same song and dance at focus market and bakery and the mexican restaurant hotel. >> next door. this is like a week of lost revenue, like an extreme loss of revenue. >> really? yeah i'm the only one working. >> so put your mayor hat for on a second. you're the mayor. what would you do to improve this area? to bring business back? >> i would host an event or bring more attractions to us. they took away the skiing thing or the skating rink during
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holidays. that took a lot of loss last year, as we used to be open from six in the morning to eight at night. we can't even do the evening because there's nobody down here in five years. >> where do you see this area going headed? >> i pray that it goes up. i don't see it going up, but i pray that it goes up. we'll be here. i know that we strive every day to move forward and we give all that we can. we haven't raised our prices just to keep people coming back. we hope they can survive now, right next to those businesses is, of course, the embarcadero center in june, it was announced that there were plans to convert two vacant retail spaces into a child care facility. >> one of those conversion projects that we keep hearing about, well, that's not going to bring back the nightlife, but it may encourage some employees to come to work downtown in person. more often if there is a child care facility right there. and
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of course, i didn't know that that skating rink was closed. justin herman plaza, that brought a lot of families. >> yeah, for years and years and years. i'm just wondering, the business people that you spoke to, was there the anticipation on that? because you're going to have so many dignitaries in town that there would be a lot of business and the restaurants would be packed? is it just the street closures kind of scaring everybody away that they don't want to have to deal with any of it? >> i think they all thought they're going to trickle down towards the embarcadero. these delegates, people press that are with these dignitaries, but that wasn't the case. and of course, a lot of people, you know, those dignitaries are in a very, you know, enclosed area. and as we saw today, they're not moving. i even asked one of them, i said, have you seen any dignitaries? have you seen any delegates? and they're like, not a single one. oh, wow. yeah. so again, and then people staying home. yeah. >> and the delegates haven't seen any of us. yeah all everybody's confined in one
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area. yeah. is it safe? liane, thank you so much. >> well, bart hasn't reported an increase in riders this week. agency officials thought apec would boost ridership, but the amount of people using the train on monday and tuesday was about the same as recent years. more than 150,000 people rode bart on monday and more than 180,000 people rode it tuesday. bart says it was tough to predict how apec would affect service. we have been building up our capacity to be ready for whatever the event might bring, but along with that, we've been tempering expectations because of course everybody is changing or many people are changing their plans, especially when it comes to whether they're going to go into the office this week. >> if they work in downtown san francisco, bart hopes this week still helps with this long term goal of convincing riders who haven't been on bart in a few years to use it more regularly. >> well, tomorrow president biden is set to speak at the second day of the apec ceo summit. but there's also a panel featuring salesforce ceo marc benioff and elon musk. and there will be an event at the legion of honor. and that means new
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street closures coming tomorrow and the bay bridge lane and ramp closures continue through friday . we're still waiting to hear from president biden after today's summit with chinese president xi. he's expected to speak at the time, keeps getting pushed back. first it was 415, then it was 5:00. and now we're told 515. whenever it happens, we'll bring it to you live. the legal battle over social media continues and the accessory usually reserved for beaches and bathrooms is now on the runway. feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪ )
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rain will likely face a suspension for his actions during last night's game against the minnesota timberwolves. things got out of control really early. you'll see green grabbed timberwolves center rudy gobert around the neck following a tussle that started with klay thompson and jaden mcdaniels. green thompson mcdaniels all ejected. draymond was kicked out of a game just a few days earlier for getting two technical fouls. and i keep checking my phone and refreshing to see if and when the nba will hand out a suspension for draymond. you know, it's just the same thing over and over again where he continually is stepping over the line. and as they determine discipline, your past record counts, dan and everybody. i mean there's montages of draymond incidents
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all over social media it's just again and again and again in the nba. you know, i fear that there's going to be a longer suspension than is probably warranted. >> well, you know, his strength is also his weakness and that everybody loves his passion, his commitment, his energy and enthusiasm. and he's the guy they rally around and he defends his other teammates. but there's a line and he keeps crossing that line. and to your point, the nba may get tired of it at some point. i mean, again, his greatest strength is also his greatest weakness. >> yeah, it's like when does it stop? like, what do you have to do? what kind of suspension do you have to give him for him to maybe think twice? if it's possible and not do it again? >> well, remember, he was suspended from an nba finals game, so you think that would be that would have been the moment. but clearly, we've had a lot of moments since then, including punching one of your own teammates. so we'll see. maybe we'll get word tonight on what the suspension is for draymond green, if there is one. but the assumption is there will be well, a lawsuit against several big name tech companies is moving forward.
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>> the suit accuses google meta, snap and tiktok of being addicting to teen users. it also claims the social media platforms are harmful, especially when it comes to mental health. the company has tried to get the lawsuit tossed out, but the federal judge this week denied that request. east spencer, i know you've got you've got grand dudes who are going to be getting to that age where, you know, they're getting on social media. what do you think? >> they're not on it yet. but i'm i know a lot of people, you know, teenagers, young kids who are and i don't know what to think because i don't know what the suit is seeking to get out in terms of damages like are they trying to are they claiming that social media platform games are purposefully trying to get young people hooked? i mean, what are they looking to get out of the suit? >> yeah, and you have to in any lawsuit, i mean, without damages, you have to prove damages to win any kind of judgment. so it's interesting. it's complex. clearly there is an issue with young people being so connected to their devices in ways that none of us were as
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kids. it's a it's an issue. but >> and it's made to be addicting. yeah. >> yeah, right. yeah. >> right. >> to keep you on it. >> it's not only teenagers. i mean, there's a lot of people i know that are addicted to it and just can't. yeah, exactly. dan yeah, although we joke, but my phone is right next to me. >> yes, right. yes >> many people who have reached the age of maturity are hooked, but maybe not the stage of maturity. that's true. >> spencer. >> i don't i don't think he's talking about anybody. no, no. right, right. would you try fish flavored brandy? no. no. yeah well, let me sell it first. okay new hampshire distillery hopes its newest flavor will make a splash. it's called ed saison de . that's what you speak. >> that was great. somebody >> somebody took a spanish up here and somebody took french. >> so the person that took french is laughing. that was great. >> yeah. >> yeah, that's. >> so what does that mean, larry? >> it means it's french for spawning season. i've done a lot of research on this. oh, yeah, we. we. yeah, it was each bottle
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of apple. brandy is juiced with smoked trout, but then topped off with a small helping of fish eggs. this in a nod to brook trout, which is new hampshire's state fish. none of that sounds appetizing. it seems like a bit of a reach. yeah i just hope that they i hope this is really crazy expensive because they're not going to make it up in volume. >> no, that's good. >> no, you're not going to sell a lot of them. >> no, probably. i don't think so. do you want to pronounce it properly? >> i can't. i don't have the words in front of me. stars.and fry. no i think you did an amazing job, larry. oh, yeah. >> i can't top that. fabian all right. oh good job. >> dan okay, well, balenciaga famous for its high end clothing, along with some surprising styles, is back with another doozy. okay, so the designer label just dropped a $925. terry cloth towel, skirt. yes, it's a towel. it comes with an adjustable belt, though. buttons and is embroidered with the balenciaga logo. the company
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has previously released a $1,700 trash bag purse, a lay's chip purse, and already worn out out shoes. i just. >> well, it is adjustable. i mean, at least there you go. >> it comes with a belt. >> yeah. >> yeah, i could see. >> okay, there's one use i could see for that terry cloth skirt. so sometimes when we go to the swings in the morning, even if it hasn't rained, there's water, there's dew on it. so we always have to bring a towel with us so we can dry it off before we. there we go. so for $925, i'm sure that's what the fine designers. >> valencia aga had in mind is, you know people on the swing maybe maybe dan going out for their swing. oh, yeah. >> but what about those footwear thingies there? oh a couple of those, actually. >> you never spend that kind of money, but a couple of them look pretty cool. i mean, you know. but boy, what is that old p.t. barnum line? there's a sucker born every minute and two to
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take them, right? oh yeah. >> well, if you got the money. yeah, you can. you can play and get your own towel. adjustable towel, skirt with a belt? yeah, with a belt. that's adjustable. yes. makes all the difference. that's it for the f but some can stop you in your tracks. like the tens of thousands of people who were diagnosed with certain hpv-related cancers. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain diseases caused by hpv. including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and does not treat cancer or hpv infection. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers.
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today's politics, of course, there's controversy here. so here's the issue. the democratic national committee scheduled south carolina's primary to go first because it's a more
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diverse state. new hampshire rejected that because state law there requires its primary to be the first in the nation. that rejection means that new hampshire is now out of compliance with the democrats of the party. is keeping president biden off the ballot in the state. democrats will now have to write the president's name in, and it remains to be seen if a vote to keep the government funded and prevent a partial shutdown will actually be taken tonight in the us senate, according to reports. democratic and republican leaders have said a vote could possibly happen this evening. the leaders say they support the stopgap spending bill passed by a wide margin in the house yesterday. congress has until 1201 saturday morning to fund the government or force a painful shutdown for time's a charm for jimmy kimmel. >> the late night host has been invited to host the oscars again this next year. it will be his fourth time emceeing the award show. the only people to host more. johnny carson, billy crystal and bob hope. the 96th oscars will be held at dolby
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theater in los angeles on sunday, march 10th, and you will be able to watch it live right here on abc seven. >> it's kind of a thankless job, you know, because if the jokes are good. right. >> but if they're not, then people get upset. and then there was the one year that he was hosting where they messed up the vote at the end. oh yeah. >> oh, yeah. >> you probably just still getting over that. >> all right, let's get to our weather now. and when we might get some more rain. spencer well, i'm trying to get over the rain because we've had quite a bit of it. >> here's a look at our abc seven exclusive storm impact scale. the current storm is level one. so through tonight we expect light rain and showers, but there may be brief downpours with gusty wind and a wet evening commute, obviously. here's our forecast animation taking us through the early evening hours when we'll get the steadiest and most widespread rain. it'll start to taper off a bit and break up into really widespread scattered showers during the late night and overnight hours early tomorrow morning, we'll get actually a bit of a break with the clouds
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parting and some clear skies showing through. but then later in the day, tomorrow, especially late afternoon into early evening, we'll see another wave of steadier, more widespread rain coming in. and by 11:00 tomorrow night, we expect rainfall totals to range anywhere from just under 2/10 of an inch, up to about one half inch in the wettest locations. high temperatures tomorrow mainly in the mid to upper 60s. so not a very wide range of temperatures. and here's the accuweather seven day forecast. as you can see, we expect more showers on friday and into saturday morning before we start to get some partial clearing and then sunnier days, drier days for sure and milder weather sunday through next wednesday larry. and emma. >> all right. thank you, spencer . >> we're only eight days away from thanksgiving, 40 away from christmas, the holiday shopping frenzy just beginning. yeah. >> and this year, some of the hottest toys are all about nostalgia. we' but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain
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watch the $100,000 pyramid and then stay with us for abc7 news at 11. as you know, the holidays are right around the corner. now is the time to start thinking about your shopping and if toys are on your list. abc news reporter reena roy has a look at some of this season's top toys. >> the new surprise plush. you can make experts say one of the top trends in toys this year is literally a surprise. >> these toys where kids can mix things together and create their
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new friends, really capitalizes on the surprise toy trend that we've seen really kicking into high gear. make my puppies home with a surprise inside. >> my puppies home lets kids build a dog house, fill a bowl with water and an interactive dog pops out. it's one of good housekeeping magazine's top toys of the year, another popular category every year is nostalgia for, hey, furby. furbys are back along with other old favorites like lite-brite touch and tamagotchis. >> parents like to buy things that they remember from their their youth and that have been new and improved for a new generation. >> and the queen of summer high barbie high. ken barbie is back again for the holidays. >> barbie toys are super hot this year because of the movie. it is the best day ever. >> other top picks from good housekeeping magazine this year are bum bombs, small plush toys with different themes and character was very soft, very cuddly, slightly weighted. >> so they feel like a beanbag and a great value there. >> and lego creator, house building and rebuilding.
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>> that's the heart and soul of lego creator. >> good housekeeping also has some tips to help you get good deals this season when you're shopping, add things to your cart, even if you don't intend to buy them right away, you'll get alerts from most retailers when things have dropped in price. >> don't shop too late, but also don't panic if it's not available in real time. things usually get restocked before christmas. >> reena roy, abc news new york. >> san jose is ready to crack down on retail theft during this holiday season. it was one of several cities to receive grants from the state and is now beefing up its law enforcement resources. and that includes dedicated teams in the police department as well as the santa clara county district attorney's office. >> as to the people of santa clara county, i say we will do everything we can do to make your holiday shopping safe to our local retailers. i say we will work to ensure your employees and your businesses thrive. >> five officials say there was a 25% increase in retail theft
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from 2021 to 2022. san jose received more than $8 million in state funding to try to fight back. abc seven news streaming for you 24 over seven. get the abc7 bay area streaming tv app which will allow you to join us whenever you want. wherever you are and it's free. all right, that's going to do it for this edition of abc7 news at four. i'm larry beil. abc seven news at five is coming up next and we'll leave you with a live look at the exploratorium right across the street from our studios. people are gathering for that exclusive apec party tonight. we're also expecting to hear from president biden in just a few minutes. all of that coming up on abc seven news at ...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks...
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