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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  December 1, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PST

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-listen up. why do you drive so fast?? you're ignoring the and the flashing lights. please slow down. pay attention. how would you feel if that was your mom? flashing lights mean move over. now at six ceasefire expires, the fighting resumes between israel and hamas. but this morning, a stunning report claiming israel learned about the attack plan more than a year ago. governor newsom and desantis going at it. >> the two leaders facing off, one on one for the first time. the issues they talked about on that debate stage plus caltrain's done a great job of
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putting this package together so we can get more christmas out to all the people along the peninsula ringing in the holiday season. >> caltrans holiday train is back and we're getting a first look at this year's train and the organization it supports. it's so much fun. good morning to you. >> it is friday, december 1st. your rent is due. >> yes. thanks for the reminder. yeah, i'm here to help. not the best reminder, but it's okay. we all got to. got to do it right? yeah. yeah, but let's get a check of that weather today. >> it's looking nice out there today. this afternoon, we have a little bit of shower activity. we got to talk about temperatures right now we are in the 30s and in the 40s for the most part, it feels like december 1st out there, 38 in santa rosa, 43 in concord, the same in san jose, 39 in san ramon, the city right now is the mild spot, so to speak, coming in at 51 degrees. here's a live look. this is sutro tower this morning. it is a quiet start to the day. we'll have a lot of sunshine early on with our next
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cold front this afternoon. it'll bring back more cloud cover and the chance of an isolated shower. i think the best chance in the afternoon is along the marin and sonoma county coastlines. most of us, it's just a partly sunny sky and it does turn breezy once again. we'll have those winds gusting about 10 to 20mph. and that makes it feel cool with daytime highs only in the upper 50s to lower 60s guys. >> new developments, the cease fire between israel and hamas is over. israel resumed combat operations overnight after accusing hamas of violating its truce. jobina is at the live desk and jobina we're now learning israel may have known about the october seventh hamas attacks months in advance. >> yes, reggie, a bombshell report claims israel obtained the battle plan used by hamas to carry out that attack over a year ago. the new york times reports the israeli military reviewed a 40 page hamas document last year. it called for a, quote, barrage of rockets at the outset of the attack drones to knock out the security cameras and automated machine guns along the border. israeli
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intelligence reportedly, quote, dismissed the plan as aspirational, but hamas followed the blueprint with shocking precision. abc news has not reviewed the document yet and is israeli's military declined to comment about 140 hostages remain in gaza, including at least eight american ions. us officials admit they know little about the american hostages condition. >> we will not stop working until we get every hostage back home with their families and loved ones. at the same time, we continue to surge humanitarian assistance. secretary of state antony blinken is warning israel to do more to protect palestinian civilians in gaza during the truce, hamas released more than 100 hostages, including eight yesterday. >> in exchange, dozens more palestinian women and teenagers were freed from israeli prisons. reggie >> thanks, jobina. we're going to continue to keep you updated
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on what's happening in israel, gaza and here at home. you can find the latest updates anytime at abc7 and download the abc7 bay area app to get breaking news alerts and live stream updates happening today. >> house members are set to vote on whether to expel congressman george santos. a bipartisan investigation alleges that the new york republican spent campaign funds for things like rent designer clothes, even botox. santos was also indicted on 23 federal criminal charges, including identity theft and credit card fraud. he pleaded not guilty to the republican ethics committee chairman said that santos is at the center of a complex web of unlawful, lawful activity. >> he has manufactured his entire life to defraud the voters of his district and honest choice for a member of congress. >> santos defended his legislative record as stellar and said he's at peace whether he gets expelled or not. if two thirds of house members vote to oust santos, his exit would be
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immediate. >> now to the so-called red state versus blue state debate. governor gavin newsom and florida governor ron desantis argued about some of the nation's most pressing problems in last night's highly anticipated face off, desantis attacked newsom over crime, homelessness and population loss in california. newsom called out desantis on his struggling presidential campaign. abortion and lgbtq plus rights. here in the bay area, there were, of course, mixed reactions about who won. you're going to hear now from the chair of the san francisco republican party. >> i think a lot of that has to do with i think ron desantis, frankly, is smarter guy and a more seasoned guy. >> he says desantis showed more strength on topics like the economy and immigration. now on the other side, some say newsom scored big for criticizing desantis over his controversial don't say gay bill. >> he's also 41 points down in florida, his home state, and governor newsom was kind enough to bring that up a couple of
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times. >> desantis will be back on stage next week for the fourth republican primary debate. that's happening in alabama. former san jose mayor sam liccardo has taken a major step toward a run for congress. he hasn't made an official announcement, but yesterday, liccardo filed the paperwork to run for the house seat that anna eshoo was about to vacate. liccardo served as san jose's mayor from 2014 to 2022. she said last week that she won't be running for reelection next year. santa clara county supervisor joe simitian announced that his candidacy for the seat on wednesday. >> the bay area air quality management district issued four notices of violation to chevron connected to monday's flaring episode at its richmond refinery. three of the violations were for visible emissions and one was for being a public nuisance. chevron says a partial power failure caused the flaring and air district spokesperson says the investigation is ongoing and more violations may be issued.
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and members of congress are calling on regulators to hold the martinez refining company accountable for that recent flaring. representative john garamendi says as long as we use fossil fuels, refineries have to be more mindful about people's health. >> there's a long history of this particular refinery of flaring, of emissions of various kinds being sent into the air and contaminating the community nearby. that's got to stop. >> he is asking the state and the county to closely monitor after the refinery. martinez refining company says a recent flaring happened after an operational incident saying, quote, we have been maintaining clean combustion during the flaring and ground level. air monitoring has shown normal measurements. the billionaire backed group proposing to build a new city in solano county has now opened office space in the area. >> california forever opened up several offices near the planned development area, which is near travis air force base. the
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california forever projects backers hope to build a new city that they say will be walkable and affordable. the offices have teams collecting information on what local residents want. for solano county's future. as we told you earlier this week, they had a community meeting and there was a lot of pushback from members of the community combating traffic congestion in the east bay. >> the new technology that could change the way you commute. >> honoring the native american community. the special events to recognize its contributions in the south bay. >> time now is 608 this morning. we have an isolated chance of a shower. later on this afternoon, but there's a better bet of wet weather tomorrow morning. it's a level one, a light storm on the abc seven storm impact scale to kick off the weekend. we'll go hour by hour in future weather show you those running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable.
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we experienced one yesterday afternoon. you noticed that the winds were really gusty yesterday between 20 and 30mph. this next cold front will kick up those winds once again, not as strong, probably on the order of 10 to 25mph. when we talk about those wind speeds. but it will bring us a chance of an isolated shower today and a better chance tomorrow. future weather later on this afternoon. we talked about how it likely be the coastlines of sonoma and marin county that have the best chance of finding some showers. most of us is just a mix of sun and clouds. but watch what happens tomorrow morning. that's a better chance of finding some light rain falling. first thing on our saturday. it is a level one light storm on the abc seven storm impact scale. we will show you that storm impact scale. reggie coming up in just a few minutes. >> okay, jerry. thank you. caltrain's holiday train taking off again. we're live with a
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sneak peek of this year's train and where you can find it this weekend. we're going to take a little break now. first, a live look outside. it's 611 the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis... for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis tried to hide from you. or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime. dad! once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors.
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find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu.
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transit. it would connect four cities in the east bay. all autonomous glide way. cars are five feet wide. it will move through pittsburg, antioch, brentwood and oakley. you would have to use an app and go to an access point, sort of like a bus stop. once a car arrives, you get in it and then it takes you where you're going. so it takes you from, say, pittsburg directly to a bart station or to the downtown community center or to a university or a school like los los medanos college and all
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those really important points of interest to the community. so important to note these are traveling on their own on roads. so you won't see cars on here. it's not on a rail pick up and drop off. locations have yet to be determined and the first glide way cars will be operating within 3 to 4 years. the goal of sailing across san francisco bay on an all electric powered ferry boat just got a multi million dollar boost from the feds to ferry operators. >> sf bay ferry and golden gate ferry will get a combined $22 million in federal grants. sf bay ferry will use the money to install battery energy storage systems to power a new fleet of all electric boats. >> and next year we'll award a contract to a shipyard to build our first three emission free ferries here in san francisco. >> and this is greatly will greatly advance the san francisco bay ferries efforts to transition to zero emission
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ferry service by increasing charging capacity, setting the stage for clean, green, american made american made vessels. >> golden gate will use the money to rebuild the sausalito ferry landing, making it more accessible to commuters. >> all aboard a fun tradition returns to the bay area this weekend. caltrain is rolling out its holiday train tomorrow, but this morning we're getting a sneak peek. the train decorated with more than 75,000 led lights. abc's seven news reporter lena howland is in the winter wonderland this morning. hi lena. >> hey, reggie. good morning to you. we certainly are in a winter wonderland this morning with some snow outside of caltrain's holiday train. they're getting ready for a weekend full of fun. and this morning, we're joined now live by major matthew madsen with the salvation army. he's here to talk about the toy drive that's a part of the holiday train this weekend. so explain to us a little bit about why you're
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doing the toy drive as a part of this. well, good morning. >> and it's december. >> we've made it. this is a great event. this caltrain toy drive is fantastic. we start here in san francisco, go all the way down the peninsula and every stop along the way, we do a little concert up on this stage. we collect toys and those toys go right to the kids in those communities. and as we all know, it's times are tough. things are getting more and more costly and parents are having to make tough choices. we want to make things easier on parents this year and help them make make the holidays a little more special for their kids. >> and what do folks need to know? obviously, they need to be unwrapped and new. anything else that's correct. >> and just come on down. you're going to enjoy it. it's a party atmosphere. when we arrive at the station, it's almost like the polar express. we arrive here. >> you enjoy this music, have this fun fellowship time, and then give a toy away. >> if you can't make it there, i encourage everybody to get on our website. san francisco dot salvation army dot org where you
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can donate and volunteer. we need a lot of volunteers this time of year. amazing. well, matthew, thank you so much for your time and good luck to you this weekend. >> i know a lot of people are so excited to come out and see you and hear your performance as well. he was part of the team performing with a trumpet as well. and tell us what group you guys are with. >> we're just a group of salvation army folks that got together for this event. we're not with any specific group. >> they're amazing. well, thank you, matthew, for your time. for now, we're going to toss it back to you guys. i was impressed that major matthew also plays this band. >> he knows it all and he does so much great work. lena, thank you so much. so fun. you know, last year we needed this. was it colder? it felt chilly. >> i remember i had a hat on and yeah, i remember that too. i think i even had the gloves on it. yeah really chilly last. >> do not ask me what the weather was last december. first. not do not. do not set me up. >> in my mind it felt like i just have a sense memory of
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seeing you out there and thinking that it seemed colder than what lena is experiencing. >> but you know what? >> i've always cold. i'm from palm springs, so i'm shivering when it's like 70. >> you're like, this is freezing cold. >> but no, it was. and you guys saw the snow. >> it's cool. yeah very snoopy. it's snowing out there. not real snow because you don't know what snow is. >> it's so that kind of looks like the snowflake. that's how they do it. >> yeah. >> they have an outside the frozen show. when it's over. that was magical. you see this whole show and then it's snowing in san francisco. >> don't open your mouth. >> nasty. >> that's not for you to taste that. look at it. don't eat it. because there are a lot of kids out there. it's just good advice . generally, you just come up with all these great observations. >> sure. i never thought about. >> sure. happy holidays. every day of the year. every day of the year. >> follow that. mama always said when it's snowing outside this morning. >> here is santa cruz. a live view. it's just a really nice morning. we have here. we do start with clear skies, but our
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sky will change as a cold front moves through here. it'll bring additional cloud cover. but our winds will also increase, not as blustery as it was yesterday. yesterday we had wins over 30mph. today, it's more on the order of about ten to 20 or 25mph as that front moves through today, there is the chance of an isolated shower in the north bay. it would be very light in nature. most areas are just dealing with a blend of sun and clouds today. but tomorrow it's a different story. looking at the rainfall estimates tomorrow morning, we are expecting light rain to cross the region. it's for that fact. the abc seven storm impact scale is in use tomorrow for a level one light storm scattered showers, breezy slick roads, low visibility. your biggest impact as these light showers move through. they're pretty much done by lunchtime tomorrow. so tomorrow afternoon, we are dry on sunday, totally dry today. it's a blend of sun and clouds this afternoon, quite cool for december 1st, low 60s for our daytime highs overnight tonight, we'll track those showers moving in and we'll find those numbers
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in the 40s and in the 50s. here's the accuweather 70 forecast plan next seven days for you. spotty showers tomorrow morning. dry tomorrow evening, totally dry on sunday. then we'll start to warm those numbers. up next week before another chance of rain on thursday jobina. >> thank you, drew. good morning, everyone. starting with the richmond, san rafael bridge in week eight of this sigalert, we have a 1.4 mile long backup as you approach in the westbound direction. eastbound, you're nice and clear. again, a reminder that no wide load vehicles are allowed there at the bridge, the san mateo bridge . no problems to report in this area. we have a wind advisory for the dumbarton bridge. our drive times are beginning to creep up just a bit for our super commuters. tracy to dublin, 35 minutes. >> gloria jobina, thank you. now let's turn to ginger zee. she's live with a look at what's coming up on gma. >> good morning, ginger. >> hey, good morning to you, gloria and reggie. it's nice to be with both of you. so we're following that breaking news. a new report from the new york times that claims israel learned of hamas october seventh attack plan more than a year ago as
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israeli forces resume their military campaign against hamas after the cease fire ended. our team is on the ground with all of that. and then felicity huffman speaking out for the first time about that college admissions scandal and why the actress said she did it and who she's apologizing to. and then the golden bachelor met his match. we're going to sit down with the happy couple to talk about their journey to love and what's next for them. plus, we are counting down to christmas, kicking off 25 days of deals and we have a special gma gives back with a lot of burpees and pull ups. ooh, you don't want to miss it. oh my gosh. >> not the burpee. >> yeah, that's a tough one since shivers down my spine. >> yeah. >> miss ginger zee, we are congratulating you on ten years. years as chief meteorologist at abc news. >> congrats. thank you. very exciting. yeah. no, i actually, i knew it was around this time, but somebody had made me the most thoughtful video and sent it and i thought, geez, that the time flies. but it also goes, you know, slow enough that i don't know either way, i'm incredibly grateful for the time
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i've had here and can't wait to see what's next. >> and if you follow ginger on social media on instagram, then you'll see that she posted this whole video that looks back at these ten years and it is amazing to watch and you all are in it and we're in it. it that was the first thing drew said this morning. he's like, we made the video. that's really fun. >> yeah, you were highlighted. come on. >> well, ginger, we honestly are better having you around here at abc news. and also just better knowing you. so thank you for that. >> yeah. >> thanks for all your hard work. you do incredible work and we'll see more of that work at seven. >> thank you guys so much. >> i appreciate it. >> con you ping and pong that body. you plunge that body. you green that body. you brain power that body. you practice... and practice that body. you make it rain that body.
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an eligible 5g phone. click, call or visit a store today! are getting a first look. it's located in bolingbrook, illinois . it's currently under construction. it's named after a not so popular mcdonald's alien character. the ceo briefly spoke about the new restaurant during
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an earnings call over the summer. he said it's, quote, a small format concept with all the dna of mcdonald's, but its own unique personality city. and there is a new attraction at rockefeller center's top of the rock observation deck. it's called the beam experience, and it invites visitors to recreate the iconic lunch atop a skyscraper paper photo. it shows iron workers during the building's construction in 1932, eating 850ft above ground. and the beam experience opens today. tickets run $160 per person november was native american heritage month, and in the south bay, a special ceremony helped cap off the month. yesterday members of different northern california tribes were recognized and honored as indigenous leaders. the state assembly member ash cora, hosted the event at a middle school there in san jose. remaining members of the tribe held atlantic knowledgement prayer, and they also shared the tribe's
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history in and around the city of san jose. preserving the tribe's history is what inspired alfonso salazar. >> our history. it's part of our history, not just their history. and it's important for us to learn from what happened back then. >> he dedicated his mural along the guadalupe river to the tribe in 2021. salazar was recognized for his leadership in the arts. congrats. and next, at 630. holiday shopping campaign. the efforts from one east bay city to make sure that shoppers are safe. and as we head to break, let's get a live look outside this morning. it is a beautiful friday and the sun is rising. we'll have a check of your forecast coming up in
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♪give me something sweet let's celebrate♪ ♪a little bit for me, a little bit for you♪ ♪no need to be greedy there's enough for two♪ ♪a little bit for me, a little bit for you♪ [distant music] ♪oops, oh, it's gettin' late♪ ♪and i almost forgot to celebrate,♪ ♪invite everybody, yeah, you're coming too♪ ♪i've been waitin' all year to get down with you♪ ♪we snackin'♪ your dog is your best friend.
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that is until your roommate gives her irresistible pup-peroni. taking advantage of your short-term amnesia. [clears throat] be your best friend's best friend. now it's 630 calls for a change of venue. the attorneys for the
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man suspected of killing cash app founder bob lee requesting his trial be moved outside of san francisco. >> drastic drop in retail thefts. the work, san francisco police say they're doing to stop those crimes from happening throughout the city. plus you're not the right person for me to live with. >> are. >> oh, we're just going to leave it at that. wow >> the dramatic finale of the golden bachelor, gary turner handing out the final rose and proposing to one of the two women who were left. >> you know, guys, i started watching this because a friend got me into it and i did not watch last night because we sleep super early to wake up. super early, right? yeah. but now i've seen it all over social media, so i know who won. i got the spoiler. >> so is she the one who won or is she the one who didn't win? >> i don't want to spoil it for others, but i think we're going to spoil it. >> she won. oh, yeah? >> so why does he say i don't want to live with you?
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>> he's probably being dramatic. i didn't get to watch the whole thing, but from what i'm seeing, she was texting my mom this morning because she's obsessed with the show from the get go. >> she called the winner from the first episode, so she's super proud of herself. she's like, i knew it. i knew it. >> congratulations, mommy. >> i know you did it. >> is she happy with the outcome? >> i did not ask that question. okay >> well, we'll get the report later. >> i'm not that invested. i was like, i didn't care that much. yeah, that's, like, good for you, you know, it's actually a good show. >> like i said, my friend got me into it. but anyway, let's get started with a check of that weather because it's kind of chilly out there. >> it's nice out there behind us. so it looks beautiful this morning. it is chilly. we have temperatures in the 30s and 40s, 39 right now in san ramon, 37 in napa. we're at 43 in palo alto, 45 in half moon bay. certainly take that winter jacket with you this morning. live look from sutro tower. we have a bit of a breeze out there that'll pick up this afternoon with another cold front. so we'll have sunny skies early on, increasing clouds this afternoon and along the marin and sonoma county coastline, there is possible isolated showers this afternoon. most of us remain dry and breezy with
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those temperatures in the 50s and 60s. those winds are going to gust about 15 to 25mph this afternoon. kind of adding to that cool feel with those below average temperatures by 4 p.m. all right. that's the forecast. let's see how we do on the roads with jobina. good morning. good morning, drew. >> thank you. so the backup is continuing to increase at the richmond-san rafael bridge. this is by far our busiest spot with this ongoing sigalert. there we are in week eight of in san jose. looking live at 101. nice and clear in the south bay. our drive times reflect that as well. tracy to dublin slightly slowing at 41 minutes but we do have a disabled vehicle in pleasanton that is starting to cause a large backup on southbound. 684 castlewood so if this is a part of your commute, give yourself some extra time. >> jobina thank you. lawyers for the man accused of killing tech executive bob lee and now want the trial moved out of san francisco. the demands come after photos of the suspect inside of his jail cell were posted in a san francisco standard article this week. the attorneys for nima momeni say the photos are illegal because the legal team did not agree to
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have that photo taken. abc seven news reporter j.r. stone spoke to a legal analyst who calls the motion a long shot. >> certainly, mr. lee's drug use was trumpeted by the defense early on in this case, and his reputation has been diminished because of that. and now the defense is saying that mr. mommy's being targeted because of these jail photos. it's just interesting that the defense comes out and complains about pretrial publicity. at the same time, they're holding press conferences after every court appearance. >> the legal analyst believes the judge will likely strike down that motion in january. a tentative trial is set for march san francisco police say retail thefts are dropping drastically. >> thanks to their undercover efforts. chief bill scott says more than 300 arrests have been made in the past three months. so far. the department's blitz operations have led to a 30% drop in retail theft over the same span. >> some of them repeat
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offenders, some of them the first time they've come on our radar. but the bottom line is many of these offenders are very , very prolific. they are responsive for a lot of the issue that we see in our city. scott says the city plans to come down hard on repeat offenders. >> he hopes the arrests, which included seven teen people at one store in the mission district this week, will send a message to would be shoplifters in oakland. >> city officials launched the think oakland first campaign to help shoppers feel safer this holiday season. police, business leaders and store owners have band together to increase safety measures in shopping districts while also encouraging shoppers to support local businesses basically, all the officers but patrol will be focused on the business districts for the next 30 days. >> we want everyone just to really support our business district so that we can stay vibrant and alive and be a part of your communities. >> police say additional officers will be out in shopping
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districts across oakland, including jack london square, the laurel district, piedmont, fruitvale and parts of east oakland, all new at six, palo alto based theatreworks will live to see another play. >> the company says it exceeded its fundraising goal of $3 million, allowing theatreworks to at least finish its current performance season in august. the company said it was struggling to bounce back from the challenges brought on by the pandemic. officials say they needed a lot of money to avoid shutting down theatreworks raised $4 million from hundreds of donors. >> new at six, san francisco's getting a brand new way to safely park your bike. they're calling these bike hangers. they're lockable half cylinder shaped metal sheds along the street. the only cost you $0.05 an hour. they're already in place in two locations on fourth and main streets by the metro, on and on. howard and second streets. it's part of a two year pilot project supported by mayor london breed that's meant to offer a safer way to park your bike across the country. >> people are talking about san
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francisco's image crisis as crime tense. drugs empty downtown streets and closed stores are sending a bad message around the globe. how do we move beyond these issues and build a better bay area? well, that's what we'll address in a live town hall style event on monday with mayor london breed. police chief bill scott and district attorney brooke jenkins. take action. san francisco will stream live on monday starting at 7:00 pm. and if you have questions that you want us to ask, just scan the qr code on your screen to submit them. you can also go to abc seven slash take action sf. >> today is world aids day. it's the 35th anniversary of the day to remember those who have died and those who continue to live with hiv aids. the only federally designated memorial to the aids epidemic is right here in san francisco. the national aids memorial grove in golden gate park hosted a fundraiser last night. today they'll have a series of events highlighting the continuing struggle to end
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the epidemic. this year, events include five time olympic medalist and lgbt q plus activist greg louganis. he is one of 1.2 million people in america living with hiv aids. >> today marks the 68th anniversary of rosa parks arrest on a bus in montgomery, alabama, in 1955. park's decision to not give up her seat to a white man sparked the 13 month montgomery bus boycott, ultimately kicked off the civil rights movement. lawmaker are pushing for a bill to honor the civil rights activists. the congressional black caucus hopes to make december 1st national rosa parks day and a federal holiday, and it would be the first federal holiday honoring a woman. >> actress felicity huffman is speaking publicly for the first time since the college admissions college admissions bribery scandal rocked higher education. she became the face of the scandal while buying her daughter an unfair advantage. jobina is at the live desk and she's explaining why she did it.
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and boy, is this something. >> ing yes, there are lots of feelings about her explanation. reggie huffman spoke to our sister station in los angeles. she said she wanted to give her daughter a chance at a future for which meant breaking the law . the oscar nominee paid $15,000 for someone to falsify the results of her daughter's sat exam. huffman says she had second thoughts when she took her daughter to take the test in 2017, but went ahead with her decision. >> i know this seems crazy at the time that that was my only option to give my daughter a future, and i know hindsight is 2020, but it felt like i would be a bad mother if i didn't do it. >> huffman said. fbi agents woke her daughters up at gunpoint the following year before taking her into custody. i've been apologized to the academic community and to students and families who sacrificed to get where they are legitimate. lee huffman was one of dozens of
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wealthy parents accused in the varsity blues scandal, conspiring to use bribery and fraud to get their kids into top colleges. she pleaded guilty, spent 11 days in prison and paid a $30,000 fine, as well as community service. reggie watts, jobina. >> thank you. >> providing relief from stress. meet the newest member of the santa rosa fire department to help their staff deal with trauma from wildfires. >> and you're looking live at the big board at the new york stock exchange. another update on how the markets are doing. coming up next. plus i got this drinking my cup. >> i'm out of breath. oh the renaissance is here for beyonce's highly anticipated concert film, now in theaters and possibly, maybe, i think so. >> featuring jobina fortson. we'll tell you about that later. and also the free item you can get if you go to see at select locations this weekend. and stay with us on the abc7 bay area
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streaming app at seven for abc seven at seven. we're live every weekday from 7 to 8 a.m. i'm looking forward to interview i'm doing this morning with our carl schmitt who works at our abc station in la. he just did a documentary about a special san francisco location that supports people with hiv aids who do not have a permanent home. so we'll have that at seven oh. >> we've got to check that out. stream us on the app seven at seven starting in just about 20 minutes. here's a live look outside our exploratorium camera. it is clear out there, a light chop on the bay waters. we have some chilly temperatures, especially in the north bay this morning. some of our coldest spots like rohnert park, petaluma starting out at 38. we're at 37 in american canyon and napa, 36 right now in ukiah. elsewhere, we have temperatures in the 30s and 40s from san ramon to oakland at 4642 in palo alto, the city, one of the warmer locations right now coming in at 50 degrees. live doppler seven along with satellite. here's our next cold front. this is going to move through here later on this afternoon. bring back that breeze later today. and then the isolated chance of a shower. we say isolated because the best
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chance of finding a shower later on today is really along the coastline of marin and sonoma county. future weather. those clear skies give way to increasing cloud cover. there's that chance of a light shower later on this evening, but again, most spots are going to remain dry. so we have sunshine now giving way to more cloud cover later on. temperatures in the low 60s for daytime highs tomorrow. uh- though we all have a better chance of seeing showers. a level one light storm to start out your week and we'll go into detail hour by hour in future with our time out that rain and show you the storm impact scale in nine minutes. but we'll there is nothing like it dancing is my passion. but with my moderate-to-severe eczema, it hasn't always been easy. i was constantly itching.
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whatever i was doing now, i'm staying ahead of my eczema there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the inside, to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so, adults can have long lasting, clearer skin and fast itch relief serious allergic reactions can occur, that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pains, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a powerful thing. ask your eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal your skin from within.
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vending machines. naloxone is the emergency medication that can stop an overdose. it will now be available for free in five vending machines throughout
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the county. the medication can now be found in two county jails. a juvenile hall, a santa clara university and mission college. the county has plans to install more machines at health and community centers. and if you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction or other issues, you can find a list of local resources on our website. that's abc7 slash take action in the north bay. >> the newest member of the santa rosa fire department is now on duty. he won't be responding to any emergencies. in fact, he's a dog. it's maverick, the therapy dog. he'll provide some relief from stress and trauma for staff who experienced a lot since the 2017 wildfires. captain cory ricker is maverick's handler. >> he's able to come to work with me. he can sleep at the firehouse house. he can go on calls. he can be engaged. we can go visit fire stations. >> you know, everything that we've lived through here in santa rosa since 2017, with all the different fires we've had, having that tool available and
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having a resource available that comforts them and calms them down and allows them to talk better and be part of our peer support team is just it's just another added bonus. this is a huge responsibility, but also this is a really good dog and it's really fun to be around him and have him with me. >> what a good boy, maverick was trained by the national institute for canine science and training, paid for by the nonprofit santa rosa fire foundation. maverick won't be the only firehouse dog for long because another therapy dog will join him next year. >> and he is adorable all. well, hikers now have access to more than 18 miles of trails in the east bay. the new tyler ranch staging area at pleasanton ridge park in sunol is now open. the space has new amenities, including dozens of parking spaces, equestrian staging, restroom rooms, water fountains and also a family picnic area. there are also access to 2500 acres of open space for pedestrian equestrian and bicycle use. and the grand opening is on sunday. >> if you are still eating
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leftovers for thanksgiving like the great mariah carey once said, it's a wrap. the us department of agriculture says that refrigerated leftovers only last for four days. does that means monday was your last day to safely eat leftovers. and now you're wondering, wait a second. when did i eat that turkey? when did i get that stuffing again? it's over. everybody if you froze your leftovers, you're good. but the usda says frozen food is at its best quality for 2 to 6 months time to clean out that fridge. >> thanks, reggie. well, president biden christened the holiday season with the 101st national christmas tree lighting. the white house tradition goes back to when calvin coolidge was president. that was in the 1920s. the national park service had to scramble to make it happen last night, though, because heavy winds knocked over the tree on tuesday. this year's national christmas tree is a 40 foot tall norway spruce and there was a tree lighting in the east bay last night. >> just one of many happenings
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in the bay area this week. this is in dublin. the dublin civic center celebrated its 40th annual tree lighting there. there were lots of family friendly activities. music games and even snow. do you see it? it's on the ground. >> yeah. >> i don't know why we're so far away from it. we're afraid of snow now. it's our morning money report. some retailers are quietly changing one of their return policies holiday shoppers returning gifts they bought during black friday and cyber monday shopping sprees could get the following message. keep it returns services firm gotg says 59% of retailers tell shoppers to keep items that cost more to ship back than they're worth. last year, 26% of companies had a return list policy. now we take a live look at the new york stock exchange as trading gets underway this morning. you can see that we're up slightly about 15 points. >> it is beginning to look a lot like christmas for bay area riders. caltrain is rolling out its holiday train this weekend
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with lights, music and, of course, santa for abc7 news reporter lena howland is live in san francisco right now with a look at the celebration and the trains. true purpose. yes. and lena, you have had santa out there. you've had so much stuff going on out there. what's happening now? hey gloria. >> that's right. we are here at caltrain's holiday train where we are just seeing getting a great view of what things will look like this weekend for caltrain holiday train. and right now, i'm joined by dan lieberman. dan is a spokesperson for caltrain. and dan, i know a lot goes in to creating this train to get it ready for this weekend. talk to us about what goes into this. our volunteers started building this train in september of this year. >> they've been coming out week after week putting this whole thing together. we've also rebuilt our power car this year. that's been totally redecked and rewired. so it's really been a lot of effort putting this in to just to make sure we can come
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down the come down the peninsula this weekend. >> and we know that this is all a part of a much bigger purpose, a part of caltrans toy drive to make sure that everybody has something underneath their tree this year. tell us a little bit about the toy drive and what folks need to know before they come out to this. absolutely. we're partnering with the salvation army and the marine corps reserve, toys for tots program. >> so we're asking everyone to bring an unwrapped new gift. we'll have a donation bin at every at every station. all the all those gifts will be going to needy families around the bay area. wow >> what are you most looking forward to this weekend? i know there's so much fun. there's so many good things to look forward to. what's the most special part to you? >> every time we roll into a station and pop the doors, you just get to see every kid's face light up as santa claus comes out. it's a great way to spend the weekend, and it's a great way for families to come on out and have a great time. wow. >> so magical. thank you. dan for joining us. we really do appreciate your time. i want to pull up the schedule just to
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give you guys a good idea of what to expect this weekend. so on saturday, the train will be in san francisco at fourth and king station before making stops in redwood city mountain view, sunnyvale and santa clara on sunday. stops include the san francisco station millbrae burlingame, san mateo and menlo park. now, back here live, we're joined now by the one and only santa claus. >> what a wonderful time we're having. we want all of you to come out and see the wonderful entertainment that caltrain has put together. all the elves and the sleigh and the santa is all coming down from the north pole just to share this time with with caltrain and reggie and gloria. was a frosty the snowman says hi. oh they said, frosty says hi. >> thank you, santa. yeah >> i wasn't sure where we were going. >> i was a little nervous, actually, but. >> phew. okay, just. just a greetings from my friend frosty.
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>> if you recall, last year, frosty was there. he's conspicuously absent this year. i know, but that's when you were out there and frosty did the frosty dance. >> yeah, he had a very cool dance, very specific. i was so hoping to see that this year. me too. >> but i guess he'll be out there this weekend, you said, right, lena? yeah. >> santa frosty will be out here all weekend long. he's not here this morning. i heard. maybe frosty slept in. he needs his beauty rest to get ready for this weekend. but he'll be there. >> i'm just glad that he wasn't a victim of layoffs. >> i was worried that budget cuts cut out frosty, but it looks like he lives to see another train. >> we're so excited for that. that's right. thanks so much, lena. >> all right. thank you, lena. well, today is the day that beyonce fans have been waiting for renaissance. >> a film by beyonce is now in theaters. the renaissance from a renaissance. >> honey, honey, i'm so excited.
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>> beyonce's renaissance tour broke records, taking in nearly $580 million dollars. it became the highest grossing tour for a black woman. the film features the concert and behind the scenes work leading up to the tour. if you see it this weekend at amc theater, you'll get a free mini renaissance world tour poster. amc also has renaissance popcorn tins and cups you can buy where i am seeing it. they have a special clark fans and a whole swag bag. >> they have a whole swag bag for extra or for free. >> yeah. >> what's it? >> did you get it? >> no, i think it's for extra. got it. okay. i have my brand new t-shirt. >> i got it last night. it's so cute. >> and you all are seeing it, right? you're going to. >> oh, yeah. we're seeing it. >> but guess who is in it? >> apparently. >> everyone, listen. okay, so i haven't seen it myself, so i do not want to oversell. i do not know what to expect. all i know is that i was at dinner last night and suddenly my phone is burst eating from the seams. my friends on the east coast went
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to the late night showing apparently myself my sister and our two best friends are in it during crazy in love. so if you're going to the movie, listen in to crazy in love. i had the alien superstar hairstyle. these like silver glasses. you're probably going to be like, she isn't in it because. but it's me. maybe i don't know. >> but i cannot believe this. this is the very first thing. first exchange we had this morning. in addition to the fact that mother beyonce dropped a new song, started. she has fed us. >> yes. yes. >> i mean, the way in which we were all communicating at way too early of an hour today. yeah >> hyped. >> hi. all caps. >> all caps. >> i want to see this, though. >> jobina try to film it in the movie. now, gloria, that's not allowed. >> i never do anything to mother. yeah, that's true. never mind. >> i don't want to break the law. >> take a mental. take a mental. >> i'm going to take a mental picture. >> take a mental picture. parker entertainment. >> yeah, yeah.
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>> respect your rules. >> yes. >> see this? sorry parkwood. we did not mean that. yeah that's amazing. >> good morning. here's san jose. a live look. we are dealing with clear skies out there. winds pick up this afternoon with the passage of a cold front. not as gusty as they were yesterday, but we'll call it breezy out there later on today. we do have the chance of an isolated shower as a cold front moves through here. i think it's very limited in terms of any rainfall we'll see today. we're not giving it a number on the storm impact scale, but tomorrow we are, because we do expect more widespread light showers to start out the weekend. so it's for that fact. we will bring in the abc seven storm impact scale for tomorrow morning. it's a level one light storm to start out the weekend. scattered showers. your biggest impact is going to be slick roads and low visibility. that rain should be over by lunchtime on saturday and then tomorrow evening looks to be dry. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. we'll track those spotty showers tomorrow. dry on sunday. warmer weather starts to move in to the forecast later next week with another chance of showers on thursday jobina. >> thank you, drew. good
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morning, everyone. we're following a new crash right now in hayward that's causing a minor slowdown as you approach the san mateo bridge. the crash itself southbound 880 past west tennyson road this is a note from bar if you are taking it this weekend, especially if you're going through daly city or also the glen park station, there will be a free busses shuttling in between those two spots due to the tree removal and track upgrades that will be underway day. you can expect up to 30 minute delays in that area . we'll end with a live picture from the bay bridge toll plaza metering lights came on at 533. gloria. all right, jobina thank you so much. >> america has its golden couple . gary turner on the golden bachelor handed out his final rose. i came to the realization that that you're not the right person for me to live with >> you're the person that i can't live without. oh, my god.
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>> oh, my god. why do they do this to her? >> oh, i know. they scared her for a second. turner also got down on one knee and asked teresa to marry him. >> of course she said yes. the wedding will be a live television event on january 4th. and coming up on gma, the golden bachelor talks about what life has been like with his new love. now that the cameras have stopped rolling. >> he did do an interview with kumasi a few weeks ago, and he was really lovely. >> yeah, he seems really, really nice. >> i'm happy for him. yeah, he's been through a lot. >> congrats to them. well, coming
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but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get a $1000 prepaid card with a qualifying with qualifying gig bundle. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else.
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learn how you can get $1000 back for your business. call or go online today. again, targeting the gaza strip this morning after a week long truce expired. an estimated 140 hostages are still being held by hamas. number two, new york representative jorge santos faces a critical vote to expel him from the house today. >> lawmakers are expected to weigh in whether his actions,
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fabrications and alleged lawbreaking warrant the chamber's most severe punishment. >> number three, the cdc is issuing a warning about precut cantaloupes contaminated with salmonella. several varieties, batches of whole and precut cantaloupe products have been recalled from popular retailers such as kroger, trader joe's and sprouts. farmers markets. >> number four, wrightwood mountain high resort in the san gabriel mountains opens to the public today. the resort just finished a $1 million makeover, including new furniture, rental equipment and other remodels. >> and number five, we have clear conditions out there right now. live look from the tam cam, though, sky conditions will be changing as a cold front swings through here this afternoon. it'll bring back more cloud cover for the second half of the day, pick up our winds a bit. there is the chance of an isolated shower. that best chance along the coastline of marin and sonoma counties. most of us it's breezy and below average in the upper 50s to lower 60s. >> number six, we have a very light commute for you today as we bring you this live picture
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from walnut creek showing you 680. for reference point. the bart station is off to the left hand side. >> number seven, six landmarks in downtown san francisco will become canvases for a holiday light show. the lights glow sf arts festival is back for a third year. it starts tonight. >> beautiful. it's a good way to get into the holiday spirit. >> very cool. >> and then see renaissance starring jimmy de vorzon. >> maybe. have a great day. >> see you. good morning america for our viewers in the west. the cease fire between israel and hamas ends, as a new report claims israel learned of the hamas attack plan more than a year ago. breaking overnight israeli forces resume their military campaign against hamas after a group of hostages are freed. and the new report from the new york times saying israel new hamas attack plan months in advance and missed it. martha raddatz live from d


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