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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  December 2, 2023 11:00pm-12:01am PST

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a rainy saturday for parts of the bay area had people pulling out the umbrellas. so what's in store for the rest of the weekend? good evening and thank you for joining us. i'm diane lim. we have seen rain throughout the day for much of the region. so right away, let's get to spencer tracking it in your 24 hour accuweather forecast. hi spencer. oh hey, diane. >> the rain has tapered off significantly since earlier in the evening. as a matter of fact, as we look at live doppler seven right now, we see little patches of green indicating moisture in the air. but much of this is not hitting the ground. so we just have isolated light
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showers right now, which takes us into our day planner for tomorrow, early tomorrow morning. there's still a chance of some isolated showers, mainly in the north bay. thus i put their north bay shower question mark, but it will be a bright day for most of the day with some lingering clouds, but perhaps more sun than clouds going through the midday and afternoon hours. temperatures getting up into the low 60s around the bay and inland, maybe even a few mid 60s. but by 4 p.m, you'll see it cooling down on the coast already into the upper 50s and sun will sit pretty early tomorrow. 4:50 p.m. under partly cloudy skies and temperatures will be back in the mid to upper 50s because as soon as it gets dark it starts to cool down. i'll have the accuweather 70 forecast in a few minutes. diane >> 450 sounds so early. spencer yeah, really? all right. thank you. and don't forget you can keep track of the rain anytime with the same live doppler seven radar that spencer and our entire weather team uses. it's available on demand on the abc7 bay area app in san francisco. a coalition of bay area
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communities held a rally in march demanding an immediate and permanent ceasefire in gaza. organizers say they're calling attention to the hundreds of palestinians that have been killed since the pause on the war ended just yesterday, our abc seven team spoke with one man who's family is in the gaza strip. he keeps in contact with some of them daily hearing about the conditions right now, things are terrible. >> destruction everywhere. this bombing campaign is even harder than before the so-called humanitarian pause. well, we're here to advocate for our people and elevate their voice. we're also here as americans, as citizens in a country that has been the primary sponsor and supporter and funder of what's going on. what's going on right now is genocide. >> he says his family feels supported and heart warmed when they hear about demonstrations in other countries. as, meanwhile, fighting has escalated in the middle east
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after the seven day long ceasefire expired. israel has resumed its attack on gaza as the humanitarian crisis also grows. there is also the fate of more than 130 hostages that are still held by hamas. abc news reporter ines de la cuetara is following the story from tel aviv. >> the thunder is sound of rockets. once again bombing in gaza. israel launching airstrikes just moments after the week long ceasefire with hamas collapsed. the idf releasing this video of their attacks. the hamas run health ministry says at least 200 people have been killed and over 650 wounded in the past day alone. hamas also targeting southern israel, releasing this video showing militants launching drones. both sides blaming each other for the renewed fighting. and now many questioning the fate of the more than 130 hostages still being held by hamas, including eight american is in gaza. the un says about 1.8 million people have been displaced. many hospitals overrun, chaotic situations
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unfolding. you can see injured women and children pouring out of an ambulance and rushing into this medical facility for help. >> we cannot see more children with the wounds of war, with the burns, with the shrapnel littering their body, with the broken bones here, a mother standing by with her wounded daughter screaming, what's happening is a tragedy. >> israel urging people to move even further south. 22 year old student tala hatzalah already fled the north and now has to move again. where's the shelter that we can go? >> and they can't bomb? tell me just one place. name it for me and i will go to it in dubai. >> for the united nations, climate change conference, vice president kamala harris joining world leaders to discuss what gaza will look like once the fighting stops. >> we all want this conflict to end as soon as possible and to ensure israel's security and ensure secure city for the palestinian people. we must accelerate efforts to build an enduring peace.
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>> the vice president reiterating. as israel resumes fighting, they must be intentional and limit as many civilian casualties as possible and as delicate. abc news tel aviv, a 7.6 magnitude earthquake rocked eastern areas of the philippines as people ran from their homes in a panic as the quake hit just after midnight. >> it prompted tsunami warnings across the region, reaching the southern part of japan. some 2000 miles away. state officials originally warned of life threatening wave heights, but after detecting small tsunami waves in manila, they determined the risk had passed and lifted the warning. there are reports of property damage and power failure near the epicenter. no deaths or serious injuries, though, were reports add to the north bay now where a bird flu outbreak in petaluma led to more than 250,000 birds being euthanized, according to the press. democrat the first case was detected last week at reinhart duck farm in the two rock area. the second was
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detected monday at a farm located west of petaluma off bodega avenue. the owners at sunrise farms chicken estimate their loss alone could be more than $3 million. officials say this outbreak is one of the worst ever. in sonoma county street vendors in san francisco say being forced into two new market places is destroying their businesses. today marks the end of the first week of a moratorium that removed vendors from mission street. the ban means vendors both with and without permits, cannot not sell things on the sidewalks of mission between cesar chavez and division. vendors call the ban unjust and say the space doesn't allow them to thrive. >> vendors would have earned maybe 200 a day throughout the week. some have earned as much and as high as about $10 a day, $3 a day in terms of living in san francisco and trying to survive in this city. there is no mathematical way that the formula that they've put in
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place is going to allow them to do that. >> the city says the ban was necessary because of safety concerns related to unauthorized vending and illegal activities as new at 11, when the half moon bay community was devastated by tragedy earlier this year, nonprofit ayudando latinos asignar or alas, played a critical role in helping farm workers and their families. for years, though, the organization has been a huge part of the latino community. tonight, it's celebrated its 10th anniversary, showcasing the arts. abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn gives us a closer look. >> this was an evening to celebrate mexican culture and tradition. tsay. night to celebrate the efforts of, alas, for the past ten years. supporters say the nonprofit has helped the latino community on the coast side grow and thrive by offering cultural arts programs for kids and seniors, but also critical
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services like case management, art resources, health services, translation and tutoring. >> last chance for ayudando latinos as helping latinos dream . the acronym is also stands for wings. so that's what we truly believe in, and it's giving wings to our community. >> fernando cervantes is a construction worker. he says alice has helped his entire family. >> he is helping the community and half moon bay. and thank you and we appreciate all the help and all support for us hispanic people. my grandparents who are in their late 80s are actually part of a program for senior citizens right now. >> saturday night was a chance to recognize the efforts of alice san mateo county supervisor rob mueller honored the organization for its service. alice has a partnership with 23 farms. organizers say alice has helped the community grow as well as heal, a new project that doctor belinda hernandez arriaga planted to be able to bring art and culture directly on the farms for our
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farmworkers was this was a special performance by farmworkers. >> so we're happy to be able to provide music classes on the farms to the farmworkers as healing therapy, music therapy for them, the mass shooting and vigils for the farmworkers killed in half moon bay back in january are a painful experience for this community. >> see, the tragedy brought awareness to the struggles of farmworkers on the san mateo county coast. many community members appreciate what alice has done for them. >> they helped out as much as they could. i mean, they gave they gave back to the families that were in need. compassion their goodness was shown their kindness and their hard working to help. >> and support people in the community in every way. >> we're just grateful, you know, to be here today, continuing to support our community in half moon bay, suzanne phan, abc seven news. >> alice making an impact. well, still ahead on abc seven news at 11 tonight time to shine in the
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bay area. numerous communities got into the holiday spirit tonight with some hoping to boost business. we'll take you to some of the celebrations. and this is also giving season a familiar face lends his support to a familiar campaign. what's needed most right now and the effort to make sure everyone one in the bay area has a happy holiday season -why do you do it? -you ignore the signs and the flashing lights. -that's my dad. -that's my mom behind those cones. -how would you feel if that was your family? -flashing lights mean "move over."
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salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain.
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salonpas. it's good medicine. in order for small businesses to thrive, and they need to be smart, reliev efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get a $1000 prepaid card with a qualifying with qualifying gig bundle. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business. call or go online today.
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-listen up. why do you drive so fast?? you're ignoring the and the flashing lights. please slow down. pay attention. how would you feel if that was your mom? flashing lights mean move over. and whether perception aligns with reality. our in-depth coverage culminates monday with take action san francisco. it's a town hall event where we'll talk with san francisco's mayor,
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police chief and district attorney. it'll be hosted by abc7's reggie aqui lyanne melendez and phil matier. you can watch it live on monday, streaming at 7 p.m. well, it is that time of year. several east bay cities from san ramon to oakland to antioch held their annual christmas tree lighting ceremonies tonight. abc's seven news reporter anser hassan was there when the pleasant hill mayor got a little help from santa. >> i think it's time to light a christmas tree. so, everybody give me a count of three. one, one, two, two, three. >> the countdown is on to christmas. saturday night. several bay area cities, including pleasant hill, held their annual christmas tree lighting. >> we are having an amazing time . pleasant hill is just an amazing community. everyone gets together during all the holidays throughout the year and it's just a great way to meet everyone and just get back together again. >> emma pender and her family
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were among the several hundred participated in pleasant hill's holiday block party in downtown. >> it's getting bigger and bigger every year. he's five years old. she's almost two. so, you know, as they become a little bit more aware of christmas, it becomes a bigger deal for our family. christmas tree, tree, the activities range from caroling to music, train rides and free food. >> we got free cookies and now we're looking for a face painting. it's been the best part, huh? >> getting cookies around the bay area. >> thousands participated in christmas tree lighting ceremonies in the city of alameda. more music, more food. as families came out for the city's winter market and tree lighting. what's been the big the best part of that so far? >> the hot cocoa, the bautista family have been living in alameda for ten years. >> catherine bautista says the sense of community is just as important as the festivities. >> it's nice to bring the neighborhood together. it's really nice. you don't get it a lot. one more time. >> merry christmas in the east
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bay. >> anser hassan. abc's avenues. >> cookies and hot cocoa. well, it's also a weekend of holiday giving across the bay area. but this season, charities are asking for more help to assist those less fortunate. some nonprofits say financial donations are down and they blame inflation. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard shows us how generous folks are stepping up to help. >> this is holiday express. merry christmas, santa and his crew were all aboard the smart train spreading good cheer down the tracks. >> from santa rosa to larkspur. >> this is our holiday express, an annual event. we do a toy drive with a toys for tots and we're just out celebrating the ride was free. >> if you brought an unwrapped toy for a family in need, this holiday. >> oh, they love it. they're the ones that want to do it. they pick out the gifts and give them drop them in the box. i drop them in the box this year, but they love thinking about that giving giving away to the other
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kids. >> yeah. i mean, we know all across marin, all across the state, all across the nation, there's just a lot of people in need, i think around the holidays really all year round. we should be thinking about those that could use some extra support, but especially around the holidays. and that's really what this is all about, smart says the drive collected more than 600 toys on saturday in santa rosa. >> the salvation army getting some star power from north bay celebrity chef guy fieri, who was bell ringing for donations. his foundation taking it a step further by bell ringing. >> there's not enough awareness, so people got to just walk by, but they don't know where that money really goes and what it does we do. so we've asked people to come down and we said whatever they put in the kettle today, we'll match with the salvation army says giving is down this season at a time when the need is great due to the high cost of living in the bay area, people are feeling a little more reluctant to give because they feel like maybe, perhaps they have to hold on to it, you know, for that rainy day. >> but it's events like this where more people see guy out here giving and they feel they
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can give to the redwood empire. >> food bank says it's financial donations are down 25% this holiday compared to 2022. at a time when more families are requesting food to make ends meet. >> you're very concerned with what the new year is going to look like if we don't make our numbers this holiday season, things will have to change in the new year. north bay charities are hopeful the public will step up and come through during a season when they're generous. >> city is needed most. mary christmas in the north bay cornell bernard, abc seven news. well today san francisco celebrated the 40th annual swedish christmas fair a traditional lucia procession was performed at the event inside the saint mary's cathedral with nearly 50 youth attendees. >> also enjoyed food and drinks and traditional swedish items from vendors. one organizer says she gets emotional when the event finally comes to life. >> i get all teary eyed. i get
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so emotional because i grew up doing this every year in sweden, and it just brings me right back and even though sweden is not catholic, this is a really dark time in sweden and this is the way that we bring light into everybody's homes and families and schools. >> they're so sweet. >> the event also offered fun for all ages, including a classic fish pond christmas ice crafts. a visit from santa and spencer. we learned something today because you've been to sweden before and it's actually called what a saint lucia. >> saint or santa? santa lucia. yeah but it can also be called lucia celebration. >> i did not know that. >> yeah. how about that? and santa claus could be a generous this year. we give him a round of applause. >> oh, my goodness. what? wow. did you wait all year for that? >> no, i'm sorry. >> it. of course you did. >> see, you look at our weather. we had wet weather for parts of the day. there was a there was
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some pretty good shower activity earlier in the day, but it tapered off and became very spotty and isolated. and here's why. here's a look at the satellite radar composite image. we have a plume of pacific moisture that's just pounding the pacific northwest, including northernmost part of california. some of those showers are working their way down into the bay area as they have been over the last 24 hours. but they really haven't amounted to very much. and right now, we see green patches indicating moisture in the atmosphere. that is for the most part not hitting the ground, but isolated showers are still a possibility during the overnight hours. the wind is pretty calm across much of the area right now and it's a little bit milder by a few degrees than at this time last night. six degrees milder in fairfield, seven degrees warmer in novato and so on. we go to a live view from our exploratorium camera looking at partly cloudy skies over san francisco where it's currently 57 degrees. we had mid 50s at oakland mountain view, san jose, 53 at palo alto, 57 at half moon bay. and we have calm conditions right now in emeryville under partly cloudy skies. other temperature
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readings 56 at both santa rosa and napa. upper 50s at novato, fairfield, concord and 53 at livermore. and looking across the embarcadero where it's dry from our rooftop camera. these are our forecast headlines scattered showers are still possible tonight mainly the north bay. the remainder of the bay area is not likely to receive any precipitation. isolated north bay showers are possible again tomorrow, mainly in the early part of the day. and we can expect milder weather next week with some chances of rain for tonight going into the overnight hours. the forecast animation looks like this. lots of clouds. and notice little patches of showers moving through the north bay. in fact, through the northern most part of our viewing area. generally north of santa rosa, is where we can expect showers going into the morning hours. so clouds will linger tomorrow. skies will be bright. there'll be some sunshine burning through, but it is not out of the question. we could see an isolated shower or two rainfall estimates daetz by 11:00 tomorrow night. not very significant at all. mainly 100th
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to two hundredths of an inch as about all we can expect. and there's light snow in the sierra from the same system bringing us light rain about 1 to 2in by 11:00 tomorrow night. overnight low temperatures tonight, upper 40s to low 50s highs. tomorrow will be mainly in the low to mid 60s around the bay shoreline and inland on the coast, mainly low 60s. and here's the accuweather seven day forecast. as you can see, monday and tuesday will be mainly sunny, mainly bright. i should say a few clouds around and really mild high temperatures in the upper 60s both around the bay shoreline and inland. both of those days i wouldn't be surprised if 1 or 2 inland areas hit 70 on monday or tuesday. wednesday it cools down a little bit. clouds increase. there's a chance of rain, pretty good chance of rain. in fact, on wednesday, thursday, a slight chance of rain, but it's going to get sharply cooler. and next friday and saturday, we'll have bright skies, dry conditions, but highs will reach only about 60 degrees next friday and saturday. so some cool pre winter weather is coming out. >> definitely a different
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pattern. >> yeah, absolutely. >> by the way, i spent your entire forecast trying to think of a pun that would match yours. ask me maybe in another half hour. >> you didn't weather the storm very. >> no. oh, my gosh. >> i don't know what precipitated this. >> go ahead. we got a good one. >> thank you. you. >> still ahead tonight on abc seven. the warriors know a thing or two about assists and they are handing them out right now. we'll take a look at their holiday both simple and life-changing. what's not a choice? addiction to opioids like fentanyl. but even with opioid use disorder, you still have a choice. by choosing treatment, you choose family,
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i don't have kids at all. it's so good, it makes it look like i have magical powers! with 80% less scrubbing, mr. clean magic eraser makes cleaning easy. also available in sheets! today. they hosted the holiday tree and new toy giveaway. it took place at the thrive city outside the chase center in san francisco. the team partnered with kaiser permanente to give the trees and toys to 150 bay area families in need. today's event also included holiday themed family fun activities.
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all right. shifting gears to sports and tomorrow's 40 niners eagles game has been circled in the calendars for months. chris alvarez joins us now with a preview of sports. hi, chris. >> hey, don. coming up in sports , brock purdy and the 40 niners return to the linc for a rematch with the eagles. plus warriors down to the wire. who provided the last second heroics in a thriller in la. got your answer in sports you ping and pong that body.
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game 20 a win and the warriors get back to 500 at ten and ten. andrew wiggins warmed up, ruled out for a second straight game after slamming his finger in a car door earlier this week. moses moody again got the start in his place and let moses cook the effort down low. great effort rebound and then put back as good as he falls down 21 points in 32 minutes for moses. draymond green started out hot from deep buries the 4445 from downtown in the first quarter he had a season high 21 then added nine rebounds feeling good stephon curry went on a personal eight zero run to end the half
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oh that's just pretty and then hit him with a home alone down the sideline dubs up 19 at the break led by as many as 20 two fourth quarter now game a little bit closer jonathan kuminga put it on a poster oh the hammer warriors up seven early in the fourth quarter. the clippers trailed the entire game until all fresno state's paul george a little step back three over klay buckets 8.9 seconds to go and la goes up one final seconds step drives doubled gets it out to draymond in the corner and misses and the game is over warriors lose a game they led for all but eight seconds 113 112 another brutal loss to me it felt like we deserved to win tonight. >> we took care of the ball. we kept them off the foul line. we showed poise when they made their runs. so this one hurts way more than the sacramento game. >> you shouldn't lose a game. you're up 23 points. i don't care what goes wrong. we shouldn't lose that game. but you got to get those guys a lot of credit. they never quit this
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version of our team. >> this is the team i expect going forward. but no question, this this hurts huge game tomorrow in philly. >> niners and eagles go head to head in an nfc championship rematch same site where brock purdy suffered an an elbow injury excuse me that required surgery the young quarterback treating it as if it were any other game but this matchup with the ten and one eagles is critical. whether purdy wants to admit it or not. >> am i going to go into the game saying i want revenge and all this kind of stuff? it's not like that, you know? so i'm just going to try to go do my job and be the best brock that i can be for this team. >> obviously, with, you know, us losing in the nfc championship last year, you know, there's definitely emotion that comes with it, but you got to let those natural emotions just come as they do and just focus on complete execute. >> and there's more media people this week of practice i've seen all year, you guys tend to, you know, make things a little bit bigger than they are. it's a week 13 game. yes, it's against the philadelphia eagles. yes. they're the one seed. we're fighting for potential seeding. yes. that's all big sec
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championship number one, georgia had won 29 straight. >> the bulldogs hadn't lost since the 2021 sec title game back when nick saban and alabama beat them late first half bam up three. jalen milroe found georgia transfer. jermaine burton for the score. alabama led by ten at the half and roll tide puts georgia's win streak to sleep alabama wins 2724 taking the sec title making things very difficult for the playoff selection committee tomorrow show abc seven sports sponsored by river rock casino dion chris, thanks. >> much more to come on abc seven news at 11 developing news out of los angeles where police might have already cracked the case of who killed three unhoused people this week. and a towering italy is leaning a little too much. it's probably not the famous one. you're thinking of. the warning that's being issued tonight
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for 89 years...
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believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine. i know the importance of taking care of myself. and siz how are you doing relieve between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente.
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as we turn now to los angeles, where a man is behind bars in connection with the killings of four people in a matter of days.
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>> police say the suspect is connected to the deaths of three homeless men and to a deadly home invasion. abc's alison kosik is following this developing story. >> 24 hours ago, we announced there was a killer on the loose. now he is in custody. >> for fatal shootings that occurred in the los angeles area this week have all been linked to one suspect, according to the los angeles police department, 33 year old jared powell was already behind bars, accused in a follow home murder. and now police connecting him to the deaths of three homeless people across los angeles. i'm grateful that this suspect in this case is in custody and no longer a threat to our community. powell pulled over by cops wednesday night, detectives tracking his license plate after the follow home shooting. according to police, finding a gun in his car and arresting him for murder. then investigators say they linked him to those other murders. >> the suspect responsible. we believe based on our
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investigation, passion for the murder of four individuals over the course of four days. >> authorities is allegedly linking his car to all of the crime scenes. the los angeles police chief saying the motive is still unclear, but believes if the tracking technology had not alerted police to his license plate, more people may have been killed had they not had those access to those tools. >> this individual, i am convinced, would still be moving about the city in the region and killing individuals, innocent individuals, helpless individuals. >> and the sheriff says there could be more victims out there who they don't know of yet. the district attorney says the major crimes division will go over the case monday to decide charges. allison kosik, abc news, new york. >> police in las vegas are searching for a shooter that killed one man and injured four others at a homeless encampment on friday night. a dark sedan was seen driving away from the scene, but police haven't confirmed a connection. las
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vegas police say there does not appear to be any sort of link to the killings in las vegas. developing news now today, vice president kamala harris announced new funding for climate action at a united nations summit in dubai. harris said the us would pledge another $3 billion to the green climate fund, the fund that helps developing nations adapt to the climate crisis and cut fossil fuel pollution in. the money will come from congress's bipartisan infrastructure law passed last year. the move comes after criticism that america wasn't doing enough. harris is calling for transformative change to make up for the lost time in fighting global warming. i am optimistic with ambition and bold action. >> i know we will build a cleaner, healthier and more prosperous world. >> 123 countries signed a declaration for acknowledging the link between climate change and health. an italian landmark
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is tipping over and is at risk of collapse. and no, we are not talking about the leaning tower of pisa. this is garisenda tower in bologna, italy. it was built in the 12th century and the area around it has been blocked off since october four. a new report put it on high alert of collapse as it now leans at a 4 degrees angle. inspectors found the base to be deterior rated. officials will be building a protective barrier to catch debris and protect any nearby buildings. and in vatican city, the pope's health is said to be improving. he plans to read his sunday address from indoors at his residence, casa santa marta, to avoid exposure to the cold weather. the vatican says pope francis is still being treated, getting antibiotics for bronchitis and has no fever. his recent health issues forced him to cancel his trip to dubai for the united nations climate change conference. still ahead tonight on abc seven news at 11. your dad has a terminal disease.
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you want him to meet your family. but the us government says no. see how seven on your side fixed this very difficult problem. >> i'm spencer christian. we still have a few isolated showers here in the bay area, but skies will be a bit brighter tomorrow. i'll have the accuweather forecast coming up when abc7 news at
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to meet your family, but the us government says no. where do you turn? you call seven on your side. michael finney explains how he helped this family out. >> hey, how are you guys doing today? pretty good. pretty good. good wonderful. it looks like everybody got here, huh? yeah, they made it. finally. i'm just trying to get in daetz. yeah. yeah they got the okay. >> they were on a flight.
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>> this is a family reunion. more than three years in the making. >> we're so happy we're here now. and you guys helped us do that. we're so thankful. but we lost years of time that as a family, we could have been together. >> at first we thought it was the thai government that was holding everything up so they would have more reason to hold things up. yeah. then we found out it was the us government that's holding us up and they were really that upset us and flew infeld, his son lauren lives in thailand with his wife, aria, and their daughter lily. it was important for this group to be all together here in san jose a few years ago, my dad was diagnosed with als and it's a degenerative disease that slowly lose. >> you slowly lose function in your body all your. >> the problem was every time they applied for a visa, they were denied a visa and they applied a lot. >> lauren is a us citizen. lily has dual citizenship, but aria
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is a thai citizen and she was denied a visa by the us embassy. now gayle has been working the system every way she could. she eventually reached out to seven on your side through our web page and we went to work. we also suggested she contact congressman jimmy panetta's office. she did. and boy, were the folks there wired in. >> there's this thing called a humanitarian parole, which means if you're coming to see someone sick, very sick or take care of them in the us, they give you some they give you time to go there. >> here's congressman jimmy panetta. >> they tried the b-1 b-2 visas to come here as a spouse that didn't work. we found this workaround, this i 131 parole, which basically allows them to come in for humanity purposes. within four months, we're able to get her that visa to come in.
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this is a process that normally takes 7 to 16 months and that is how everyone ended up here. >> we really appreciate everything you guys did. all right. we'll see you guys. >> bye bye. have a good time. in the us. >> oh, we will. thank you so much. the congressman singled out staffer bertha munoz by name, saying she is his office. >> his immigration guru. so if you need help, you know who to talk to. i'm michael finney. seven on your side. >> that is terrific. the snow is giving a slow start to ski season. nonetheless visitors are making their way up to the sierra mountains. the sugar bowl mountain resort is now open right now. keep in mind, only two lifts are operating, but they hope that the steady snowfall will happen for this winter season. >> first day breaking in the new boots. i've been here for about 20 years and, you know, we've had just this trail open and turned out to be an epic year. so you never can really tell.
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>> sugar bowl is in a prime spot for making snow using snow gun technology. they're able to build up a base on the terrain before other locations, though, levels are lower than this time last year. meanwhile, other resorts are delaying their opening tomorrow as they wait on more snow on the slopes in the weeks to come. well i'll be patient. yeah, we are on that pattern. it feels like definitely cooler here. and i mean rainy with the precipitation. yeah, that's true. >> and we've got that atmospheric river out there right now. but most of the moisture is going to our north, but it will eventually drop down and bring us more rain and more snow to the sierra. here's a look at live doppler seven. you can see a few isolated showers just sort of trickling through the bay area right now. mainly in the north bay. so for tonight, mostly cloudy, maybe a shower or two up north overnight lows will be in the upper 40s to low 50s tomorrow. still a chance of an isolated shower or two in the north bay. not likely anywhere else in the bay area. highs tomorrow under partly cloudy, partly sunny conditions will be mainly in the low to mid
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60s. and here's the accuweather seven day forecast monday and tuesday. bright and dry days and pretty mild to high temperatures in the upper 60s inland and even mid to upper 60s around the bay shoreline gets a little bit cooler and cloudier on wednesday . we expect some rain on wednesday. right now it's hard to say how great a chance there is a lingering chance of showers on thursday. but look at the cooldown at the end of the week. we go from upper 60s, early in the week to only about 60 degrees in the afternoon on friday and saturday. so it's going to be pleasant weather, but it's going to be much cooler than what we expect the next few days. >> that forecast makes me forget it's december here. >> i know. i know. it's going to feel kind of spring like early in the week. >> it'll feel like december later. >> oh, again, just wait. yeah. spencer, thanks. let's get to chris again with another preview of sports. hi, chris. >> hi, deon. coming up in sports, we go around the country for some championship saturday highlights. plus 49 ers eagles. the rematch, how the niners can make a statement in south philly tomorrow. sports is next
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was released this spring, december third has been circled on the calendar 40 niners eagles an nfc championship rematch as the niners trying to put some heat on the nfc's top seed with a win. the 49 ers would improve to nine and three just one game back first place philly. more importantly, san francisco would hold the head to head tiebreaker. hi, george. plenty on the line when these two take the field tomorrow afternoon. and the war of words started earlier this week from eagles linebacker hassan reddick. you know, as this season been going on, not much talk is cheap. >> you know, they get to come back in the late it was a lot of boos last year, a lot of crying, a lot of what if a lot of this a lot of that. they get a chance to come back in here line and prove it again. >> it's ten months later here. have some of your feelings kind of subside added i mean, or i
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don't have no feelings. >> i don't have no feelings right now. just getting ready for sunday and see how it go. we definitely know what happened last season. a lot of words going back and forth. despite that, we got another opportunity. they have another opportunity. >> it's just such a different teams. you know, it's the 2023 eagles versus 2023 niners you know all we talk about is there is no greater motivation in than not wanting to let each other down. >> every single game is huge in terms of going into the playoffs and setting yourself up for where you're going to be at in the playoffs. so that's how we're looking at it. that's how i'm looking at it for us, it's another great challenge. >> cannot wait big ten title game. jim harbaugh back from suspension leading number two michigan against iowa michigan running back blake corum scored two touchdowns makes it 17 nothing in the third quarter and his parents though they have to be proud. iowa's offense has been brutal all year and the fans know it. they might as well be down 50. the hawkeyes offensive struggles continue. michigan's defense pitches a shutout, forcing two fumbles and about the only thing michigan
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didn't do was give coach harbaugh a gatorade bath. look at the ex quarterback. he stills got moves as michigan wins 26. nothing they can't get him. they'll likely be the number one in the college football playoff rankings when they're announced tomorrow. former cal quarterback jack plummer and louisville trying to upset undefeated florida state in the acc title game seminoles down to their third string quarterback due to injury and their only touchdown and direct snap to florida state running back lawrence to a feeley. he's in touchdown florida state with the lead after a blocked punt though louisville trying to go for the lead plummer picked off by tatum bethune in the end zone his only pick of the game was costly and florida state wins 16 to 6 finishes the regular season undefeated but could get left out of the playoff because of the quarterback situation and that's because one loss texas just crushed oklahoma state in the big 12 title game longhorns looking like they deserve a playoff spot. three first quarter touchdowns including to the lineman to andre sweat heisman pose there 35 to 14 at
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the break and then keilan robinson speeds and then tiptoes down the sideline 57 yards. texas wins 4921 making their case for the playoff in their final big 12 game before moving to the sec next year. college hoops got a bay area battle. mark madsen and cal hosting herb sendek and santa clara. cal guard jalen cohn had himself a day seven of ten from deep splash, a game high 26. but the broncos hanging tough down nine johnny o'neal triple is good brings the broncos within six with seven and a half to go and it's all bears down the stretch. look at chianti kennedy oh my the hammer so nice we show it twice and more 84 to 69 snapping a four game, losing streak and hey did you see this? the stanford women's soccer team will play in the women's college cup national championship monday after their semifinal victory over byu last night. scored two goals in the first four minutes of the semis. first, it was ali montoya and the second minute, then fifth year player maya dom,
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another. in the fourth minute, stanford beat byu two nil. with the win, stanford will play top seed florida state. and for the first time in the history of the women's soccer national championship, both teams enter undefeated heated. abc seven sports sponsored by river rock casino dion. >> chris, thanks so much. and that's it for tonight everybody. i'm dion lim. the news continues tomorrow morning at 5:00 for spencer. and chris. thanks for joining us. see you tomorrow. >> this is abc. 724 >> live in san francisco, live in the south bay in san jose. in concord. live in oakland. yes you're watching abc7 news live any time anywhere. we are. we are. we are. we are. we are. we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc7 bay area streaming app. join
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