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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  December 5, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PST

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worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a wonderful thing. ask your child's eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal their skin from within. now at six, another foggy start to your work day. you are going to want to take your time. if you're crossing the bay bridge this morning, drew and jobina monitoring the weather and traffic conditions.
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>> either you are going to accept the help that we're offering or we're going to have to move you from the sidewalk. >> abc seven news hosting a town hall as the mayor, da and police chief answers some questions about the issues in the city, including homelessness rocking around. christmas tree at the christmas party hop. >> yes, miss brenda. more history for brenda lee. her 65 year old christmas classic setting another record. we love to see it. yes, good morning. >> it is tuesday, december fifth. and we are still doing. >> yes, rocking in the spirit. >> i love that song. and this fog is kind of getting you in the spirit to a little. so a little bit. you're like, ooh, it's cozy weather. yes. you're like, snuggle up. make some cookies. >> yes. something. yes nice silver lining because that fog is thick out there and it is going to stick around for quite
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some time. we're talking about this fog lingering until about lunchtime. a dense fog advisory is with us until 11 a.m. and it's for good reason. look at these numbers. a huge portion, basically from mountain view up through sfo crossing the golden gate into nevada around a zero miles. visibility a quarter of a mile, visibility in oakland and a big portion of the north bay. this is our south beach camera. typically, you'd be able to see the bay bridge. you can't see a single thing from this camera. look at the day planner today. that fog is with us through about 11 a.m. we will actually believe it or not, see a pleasant afternoon. sunshine later on today will break out by 4:00 pm. and mild temperatures in the 60s and 70s. let's see how that fog is impacting our traffic with jobina. good morning. >> thank you, drew. good morning, everyone. we are starting with our live camera from the san mateo bridge where the chp has issued a fog advisory. and look at that. you can barely make out those tail lights there traveling in the westbound direction in towards the peninsula right now. it's a messy situation. so we have an advisory issued there also for the bay bridge, carquinez bridge and golden gate bridge this
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morning. this is our live camera from the bay bridge toll plaza metering lights came on at 535. now we want to get out to abc7 news reporter ryan curry, who i believe is traveling along 101 at this moment. ryan, what are you seeing there? >> yeah, i think you just mentioned moments ago the san mateo bridge. we just came from there and yeah, i can't tell you. it is very difficult to see anything on that road. we're now on 101 traveling northbound and this is a look at what it is right now. you can barely see really anything. it's not as bad as probably some other spots in the bay area. closer to the water. but we've got the windshield wipers going. you can see those lights, those streetlights over the highway. you can barely see them or measuring. that is kind of where we are in terms of how tough it is to see how low the visibility is, meaning we can only see just a few streetlights at a time. and of course, now we're talking about the cars in front of us. we can see them clearly just fine. but as you get further in
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front of us, you can really make them. you can't really make them out all you can see is just those red shadows from those tail lights. so it's good to just kind of give yourself that extra distance, drive slow because it's very patchy at times and it's also difficult to see at times, especially if you're closer to the water, closer to that bay shoreline, be it on the east bay or on this side near the peninsula as we make our way into san francisco. also it's one thing to note that yesterday we had some fog just as thick as what we're seeing today. and the airports were not the best places to be. oakland airport in particular, they had a lot of delays. we counted around 90 delays, around 40, departing about 50 inbound. all were delayed due to the fog in the morning time. and a lot of people we spoke with say it caused a very difficult travel day. we actually tried to land here in oakland, first coast and the pilot pulled out to say, nope, you can't do it. >> and then we tried san francisco and they got rerouted to san jose, which is not a good
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day in terms of flying. >> if you had to deal with that fog. but we're checking this morning. it seems as though things are going much better today right now, as they were yesterday. so far this morning, oakland airport not reporting any delays right now. every thing seems to be going on time. if you're leaving out of oakland airport, san francisco airport, same thing. we're looking at a lot of flights that are in the process of departing right now. at least that's according to their website. so it does not look like the fog is impacting those airports too much, which is good news if you do have some of those early morning flights leaving out of sfo or oakland. and yes, if you are on the roads the morning commute is about to start here soon. and that that thick of it that morning commute is and if you are heading towards the bridges be it the bay bridge san mateo bridge or any of the bridges up in the north bay, just keep an eye out because that fog is so thick. and yeah, just give yourself that extra time because it's not really the best conditions to be on the road this morning, guys, why can't we have, you know, the
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homeless problem cleaned up? >> what are we doing to ensure that future generations, lions, are able to stay in the city that they love? >> show of hands. how many of you have been broken into your business or your home, your car? that's actually more hands than in front of a crowd of abc7 viewers. >> san francisco's top city officials addressed the biggest concerns facing people living and working in the city. abc7 news hosted take action. san francisco, a town hall conversation to tackle some of the city's most pressing issues. mayor london breed police chief bill scott and district attorney brooke jenkins all took to the stage to answer direct questions about the city's challenges is and what it means for the future of the city. >> from drugs to crime to homelessness and empty downtown, our city officials weighed in on all of it. abc seven news anchor karina nova shows us some of the discussion, highlights. >> let's start with the drug crisis. this year through october 31st, 692 people have died from accidental overdoses
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on pace to be the deadliest year yet. mayor london breed responded with the actions currently in place to prevent future overdose deaths. >> how can we ensure that these numbers go down? >> we are not only making arrests for those who are dealing drugs on our streets, we're making arrests of people who are using drugs with the hopes of trying to get people into treatment, moving on to crime videos we've all seen of car break-ins and retail theft anchor reggie aqui pulled the audience on who's been impacted by one of these types of crimes. >> most people raise their hands. here was his question for the police chief. when the city asks san francisco residents to give the city a grade when it came to how safe a city we are, they gave it a c plus, i'm wondering how are you going to raise that grade next year? >> we have reduced car break ins from that point to now 50. i
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think our strategies, our bait cars, our surveillance operations, the visibility in the right places at the right time, all those things are working and most importantly, i think we arresting the right people. but you know, those show of hands, i mean, i can add my hand to that list. i know somebody and it's happened to me. so i understand this very well as from every perspective. but we are we are going in a positive direction when we talk about property crime, thefts, retail thefts, they're down. they're down statistically. and, you know, i'll put in a caveat that not everybody reports everything. we understand that. >> the other big topic, homelessness, 5% of the city's budget is going into solving the problem. here's a question posed by an audience member about cleaning up the streets. you did great things with great things with dreamforce, and we're kind of thinking, why can't we have, you know, the homeless problem cleaned up all the time? >> like we have in those two
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events? >> what we are doing is being as aggressive as we can on to get people off the streets and give them, you know, an ultimatum. it's either you are going to accept the help that we're offering or we're going to have to move you from the sidewalk. >> half of the homeless population in san francisco just basically says, i don't care how many times you come out and see me this, i don't want to go. what's the recourse if we cannot make it comfortable for them to pitch a tent on our sidewalks and stay? >> and so that's the theory of being able to now respond and say, you have been offered shelter. you have refused it. now you must move. >> and what about our downtown recovery? all those empty buildings, the san francisco office vacancy rate is now above 30. more than 3,000,000ft■!s of retail space is vacant. mayor breed says she has a plan for that, which includes moving in artificial intelligence companies. >> as i hear you say, i a lot. and that gets me concerned again because i think here we go again, putting our eggs in one
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basket. and i famously is about getting rid of people. >> but it's i but you also heard me talk about a soccer stadium. you also heard me talk about you , university of california, berkeley or other universities that are looking for housing, housing and classroom space and lab space. we need to give downtown a lot more attention because of what it generates for our city's budget in order to help run the city in the first place. if you missed the town hall, there's still ways that you can check it out. >> take action. the event is now available on abc7 news bay area streaming app. you can find that wherever you stream and the full conversation will be airing again right here on abc seven this saturday, starting at 9 p.m. and then again sunday at 6 p.m. still ahead, stanford researchers are trying to help those with traumatic brain injuries, the procedure that stimulated the brain in one patient and changed her life. >> then an iceberg three times the size of new york city. yes, it's a big one. and now it's on the move where it came loose
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after 30 years, 610 this morning, it's all about dense fog. >> an advisory in effect until 11 a.m. this morning. looking at the travel impact, the highest impacts right now felt along the peninsula and in parts of the north bay or down to zero miles. visibility in spots. so we'll track this fog, show you when it lifts and a wet forecast on the way for your wednesday. all those details right after not a choice, but getting help and finding treatment for your meth or cocaine addiction is up to you. treatment for stimulant use disorder is often covered through medi-cal, medicare, and many private insurance plans. choose change california. find proven treatment options like contingency management that are right for you at (gentle music)
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we're seeing areas of visibility less than a quarter of a mile. a lot of spots this morning are down to zero miles visibility. so use those low beams this morning. some extra time and some extra distance for the morning commute because this fog is going to stick around for much of the morning after 11
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a.m. you can see that fog is going to lift up. we will actually get a bright afternoon on the way. i know it's kind of hard to believe with all that fog out there right now, but it will burn off later on today. and by 3 p.m, we'll see bright conditions and mild temperatures in the mid 60s to the low 70. 65 in the city today, 67 in oakland, 71. in san jose, about 69. in santa rosa, 65. that high in antioch. tomorrow, though, we break out the rain gear as our next storm moves through here. it's a level one, a light storm on the abc seven storm impact scale. we'll go hour by hour, show you future weather as this rain moves through. plan out your wednesday coming up in about eight minutes kumasi. >> thank you, drew. still to come, the iconic lighthouse along our coast getting a makeover and how long? israel's defense minister believes the war with hamas could last ...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function
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for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. imagine that. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma.
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largest iceberg is on the move. this is a 23, a mega iceberg. it is three times the size of new york city. the iceberg had been grounded for more than 30 years in the weddell sea before it became loose last week. scientists say it's now drifting quickly past the northern tip of antarctic. the antarctic peninsula, thanks to the help of strong winds and currents. new developments in the expanding war in gaza. we're getting a better sense of just how long israel's intense bombing campaign against hamas could last. jobina is live with what israel's defense minister is saying about the war. jobina thank you, kumasi. >> israel's defense minister sat down with abc news off camera. he says he believes the war in its current intensity will last at least another two months. he says israeli military leaders increasingly concede that killing all of hamas's estimated 30,000 fighters will be impossible. he also says their goal is to, quote, break the chain of command, having already
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killed 40% of battalion leadership, up to 600 americans are still inside gaza. israel is dropping leaflets urging people to move to designated safe zones. the country says it will only consider another pause in the fighting if hamas returns. the 15 women and two children still in its custody. the state department official suggests hamas is holding those women out of fear for what they may reveal about the sexual violence they may have suffered. the reason this pause fell apart is they don't want those women to be able to talk about what happened to them during their time in custody. phone and internet service went down again in gaza last night, only adding to the chaos for civilians there. we've been following the developments out of gaza since the war began. you can find the latest updates anytime at abc seven and download the abc seven bay area app to get breaking news alerts and live stream updates. stephanie jobina, thank you. >> well, after less than a year
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in business downtown san francisco restaurant has closed its doors. electric chicken and rice announced its closure on social media. the owner tells our news partners the san francisco standard. he struggled to make ends meet and the ban on private cars along market street is largely to blame. he signed the lease in 2019 before the street became car free. he says he would not have signed the lease if he knew cars would be banned for the first time. >> a christmas classic hits number one on the billboard hot 100. we are talking about brenda lee's rockin around the christmas tree. rockin around the christmas tree at the christmas party. >> hop. >> okay, the song has peaked at number two for several years now. it is taking the top spot 65 years after it came out, lee recorded the song in 1958. she was just 13 years old. she's the oldest woman now to top the billboard charts. and when asked
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about the renewed success of her song, she said, you can't keep a good song down. all right, miss brenda, that is so right. >> i love that song. >> it is a classic. >> it is home alone. yeah. like take him out with, like, characters and the shadows. yeah. oh gosh. but does it sound like a 13 year old's voice? >> i know. that's what i was thinking. >> to hear that. >> that's amazing. she was just 13. wow >> well, miss brenda speaking of christmas, you guys, have you got your trees up? >> oh, yeah. >> yeah, you do? yeah. what do you mean you do it december 5th. what are you gonna put yours up? >> i know i usually put mine up like. >> yeah, two weeks in or so. is yours up? >> it is. >> it is. i know you and i had chatted about that on sunday. >> we're like, who got those lights on? wow >> 20 days you got to wait for. >> it's been a lot going on. yeah you're like, it was just thanksgiving. >> it was. i'm still going. i
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know. it's where your brain is. you're like, i just ate. i was out. okay, look at live doppler seven and the visibility and this is i mean, really impressive what we're watching. i mean, imagine traveling 101 basically from mountain view all the way up into petaluma. you would experience pretty much zero miles of visibility the entire way. this is very impressive fog. it's very thick right now. and it's not our typical, let's say, karl, the fog, it's what we call radiation fog. and that's when we get on clear, cool winter mornings. it just settles into our valleys. and then along the peninsula. and it's going to take its time getting out of here. here's a live look. this is our abc7 oakland airport camera. you can see a couple of blinking lights from the aircraft right next to the camera. barely see terminal one out there. that's how thick the fog is. so we'll keep that fog in the forecast through about 11 a.m. the fog will lift by lunchtime and the afternoon. i know it's tough to believe out there right now, but it's a nice
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afternoon. it's pleasant sunshine and temperatures in the 60s and in the 70s. but tonight, it looks like we'll repeat this fog forecast. one more time heading into wednesday. but wednesday afternoon features the return of wet weather. here's live. doppler seven along with satellite. this front is going to swing through here about the middle part of our day on wednesday. it's a level one light storm on the abc seven storm impact scale tomorrow. so we do expect some slick travel, some occasional downpours. here's future weather tomorrow morning, we'll deal with that fog one more time before that wet weather begins to move through here later in the morning. that front's pretty much on top of us, right around the middle part of the day and then into the afternoon. it's swinging to the east. we expect about a 10th to a half of an inch of rain with this storm system. here's the accuweather seven day forecast, all about that dense fog this morning. rain tomorrow, some scattered showers on thursday behind this front. get ready for some frosty mornings coming our way starting on friday jobina. >> thank you, drew. good morning, everyone. so we just got some word from bart right now that they're running trains that slower speeds due to these visibility issues that we're
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experiencing right now out there on the roadways, you're definitely seeing that from the bay bridge. this is the view from our south beach camera. and you can maybe make out just on the bottom left hand side of the screen, a few headlights that are making their way across. this is the western span. you should be able to see a lot of cars right now, but you can't. metering lights came on at 535. by the way, if you're headed that way through oakland. i experienced this myself this morning, especially traveling along the maze, even though this is our 8-80 at the coliseum camera, you can see how foggy it is here. as well. this is going to be a trouble spot for you. the good news is that we're not seeing a lot of crashes this morning, so that's a positive and we hope to keep it that way. kumasi >> all right. thanks, jobina now we're checking in with ginger zee who is live with what's coming up on gma. >> good morning, ginger. >> hey, stephanie kumasi. it's nice to be with you both this morning. so coming up here on a tuesday, we'll start with the latest on that story we're all following the growing humanitarian crisis in the middle east as israel expands its ground offensive with
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nowhere for people to flee. and jamie fox made his first public appearance since his hospitalization in. we're going to tell you what he said and how he got emotional about that mystery health battle. and with less than three weeks until christmas, the shipping deadlines that you just got to know and how you can save on sending those holiday packages. also this one had a lot of people talking at the office, millennials who say they feel abandoned by their parents because they aren't helping raise their grandchildren. i know that ben and i talk a lot about this, but we just think it's more of just an unfortunate reality that we live so far away. i wouldn't so much say abandoned, but they definitely are choosing them. it's their lives. >> it's their season. they are living. yeah. >> yeah, that's quite a talker. >> this is my mother is in town cooking up a storm in the house. she's visiting me. ginger and i'm like, take care of me, not the grandkids. we don't have that. >> see, she's still taking care of you. exactly. she's still doing her job right? >> oh, we love it. well we will see you soon, ginger.
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in 2001. it let her with burst lungs and brain bruising. now she was in a coma for two weeks. in 2018, arata was presented with a chance to fix the problem . she was having a first of its kind procedure, surgically implanted a device deep in her brain to stimulate and activate the neural networks that were subdued by the crash wasn't capable of holding down a relationship, wasn't capable of having children and being a mother. >> and i feel like this device is giving me the opportunity to possibly have those. >> arata hopes her willingness to be the first patient to try this new procedure can help other people going forward. peja pigeon point lighthouse is about
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to undergo a facelift. the 19th century landmark overlooks the coastline between half moon bay and santa cruz. it has been closed to the public for more than 20 years now. the state park service has signed a $16 million contract to replace failing bricks and masonry, repair the interior tour and rebuild the upper levels of the tower. work is scheduled to start on january 2nd. it's expected to take two years to complete. next, at 630, the supreme court decision so divided one justice even called someone a nutcase. and their arguments. then the fine crews could face for its handling and cover up of an incident right here
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produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. who's now at 630. >> a dense fog advisory in place throughout the morning here in the bay area. your commute will
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be impacted. then san francisco touting new policies to stop car break ins just hours after ten cars are broken into in the city's hayes valley neighborhood . then trips to the moon won't be happening any time soon. the government says nasa's plans aren't realistic. >> well, good morning, everybody. it's tuesday, december fifth. yes. >> let's check on your forecast. meteorologist drew tuma is here and we're going to talk more about that fog. >> yeah, and it's not just your run of the mill car, so to speak. it's carl in overdrive right now. there's a lot of areas that have visibility down to zero miles right now. that dense fog advisory is with us pretty much the entire morning through 11 a.m. look at these numbers. so many cities right now reporting zero miles. visibility that is as bad as it gets out there. that is very thick fog from petaluma stretching down into sfo. pretty much the entire peninsula through mountain view and even oakland right now down to a quarter of a mile visibility. speaking of oakland, here's our abc7 oakland airport camera and you can definitely tell that fog
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is thick. you can barely see the terminal lights. any aircraft. that fog is sticking with us through 11 a.m. believe it or not, we'll actually get a decent and pleasant afternoon by 4 p.m. it is sunny and pretty mild with temperatures in the 60s and 70s. let's see how that fog is impacting the commute this morning with jobina. good morning. >> good morning, drew. thank you. hi, everyone. we are going to begin with our san mateo bridge camera. you can see the glow of the tail lights for people traveling in the westbound direction. that's why we have all of this red light coming through the fog. but it is difficult to see in this spot. it's a little bit better in san rafael as we show you this live picture of 101. those tail lights traveling in the southbound direction. but you can definitely see that fog sitting a little bit higher above the traffic and off to the distance further south. and then bart, now having some minor delays due to the fog. they're running trains at slower speeds due to weather impact. and we have abc7 news reporter ryan curry out there. and ryan, where are you now and what are you seeing? yeah jobina we are on 101. >> we're seeing a lot of dim
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lights from the streetlights and we're seeing a lot of red shadows from the tail lights that are in front of us. not a lot of visibility in this area for right now, especially if you're kind of closer to the waterfront, which is where 101 is right now. so if you're on your morning commute in this area, you have to be careful because it's not the best visibility right now. we can kind of show you what it looks like on the road where we are right now. you can see the tail lights directly in front of us. we can obviously make those out. but look at the streetlights both on our right side and in the in the median close to the other side of the road. you can barely see these lights. i mean, they're only coming in 4 or 5 at a time, which gives you an idea about how difficult the visibility really is in this area. plus some of the lane markers in other areas have been kind of difficult to make out as well. so, again, if you're driving in this area, be it from the bridges on 101 8-80 over on the other side of the bridge, just know that it's not the best right now and you have to give yourself just that little bit of
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extra time and a little bit of extra distance between you and the car in front of you. because even though those cars, you can see those brake lights, it's difficult to kind of see how far in front of you that car really is. so keep that in mind. the other thing we're also keeping an eye on are the airports. you know, yesterday when we had that crazy thick fog, it created a lot of delays at oakland international airport, about 90 delays, 40 outbound and 51 inbound. not the best scenario for people for people flying out, some of them waiting on the tarmac for hours. >> i'm gonna say about good four hours. we sat on the plane for four hours, four hours. >> and they wouldn't let you off. >> you could at your own risk, but i don't want to take a risk. so a lot of us just sat there. >> so the good news is, is that it does not look like it's so far being nearly as impacted by the fog. that is, the airport's so far. oakland airport not
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reporting many delays. right now. everything seems to be moving on time. if you're flying out of that area. sfo, a similar story. we're tracking some of the flights that currently are listing them as departing or having just departed, which is good news. if you have flights coming out of their best, though, to give yourself some extra time. if you do have one of those early morning flights because or just keep checking your flight status because you don't really know how things can be changing with the way this fog is moving and how thick it is. so just keep an idea for how long it's going to take for you to get to and from the airport as well as making sure your flight is still on time or if it is eventually going to be delayed. so that gives you an idea for what it's like on the roads. we'll send it back to you guys. yeah, definitely. >> take it slow out there, ryan. thank you. last night abc7 news hosted take action. san francisco, a town hall conversation to tackle some of the city's most pressing issues. mayor london breed police chief bill scott and district attorney brooke jenkins all took to the stage to answer direct questions
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about the city's challenges is and what it means for the future of the city. >> abc7 news anchor reggie aqui key pulled the audience on who's been impacted by one of these types of crimes and most people there raise their hands. and this was his question for the police chief. >> when the city asks san francisco residents to give the city a grade when it came to how safe a city we are, they gave it a c plus, i'm wondering, how are you going to raise that grade next year? >> well, i think we already are on our way. we have reduced car break ins from that point to now 50. i think our strategies, our bait cars, our surveillance operations is the visibility in the right places at the right time. all those things are working and most importantly, i think we're arresting the right people. >> you had a tremendous success this past year with the new bait cars, you know, going out there and planting and keeping an eye on them and then grabbing people. but we've been doing that years ago and we stopped.
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why did we stop it? >> well, you know, things change and the tactics used by the people that do these types of crimes change. >> or if you miss the town hall, there are still ways to watch. the take action event is now available on the abc7 news bay area streaming app. find it wherever you stream and the full conversation will air again here on abc7 this saturday, starting at 9 p.m. and again this sunday, starting at 6 p.m. well hours before that town hall police reported ten car break ins in the hayes valley neighborhood. >> someone took this video along ivy street yesterday. one resident says the break ins don't make a lot of sense. >> it's really frustrating and really annoying. and yeah, and yeah, and they and they didn't even take anything. like i looked around, i was like, there's nothing missing. not even my sunglasses. >> the hayes street shopping area has been identified as one of the city's top trouble spots along with fisherman's wharf and
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alamo square. residents worry that as the car burglaries are pushed out of high visibility areas, criminals will target surrounding neighborhoods. >> an advocacy group called together sf action is making plans of their own to reform the city. they're hoping to amend the city charter through measures on next year's ballot. one amendment includes cutting the number of city boards, commissions and advisory bodies by half. another would be empowering the office of mayor london breed to hire and remove department heads without commission approval. so these two measures provide clear authority over who's in charge. >> in san francisco, government so that voters can get beyond the endless finger pointing that we've been stuck in now. and be able to hold the elected officials accountable. >> business owners and residents support the proposed changes next month, together, sf action will start gathering 50,000 signatures for each measure to qualify for the november ballot. >> today, the hayward city council will discuss punishment for spectators at sideshows. a
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proposed ordinance would allow hayward police to enforce citations, including charging spectators with a misdemeanor. they could also be fined $1,000 and face up to six months in jail. some bay area cities have similar ordinances, including pittsburgh and san jose. >> happening today, faculty union members are set to strike at san francisco state university. organize workers say more than 1500 members will join the picket line. it's the second in a string of four one day strikes planned at cal state university campuses this week. this is what it looked like yesterday when union faculty members at cal poly pomona walked off the job. the faculty members, including professor, librarians and counselors, are demanding an immediate 12% wage hike. csu is offering 5% each of the next three years. now tomorrow, cal state los angeles faculty members will walk out, followed by sacramento state historic multi-million dollar settlement with the maker of oxycontin is hanging in the
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balance at the supreme court. >> jobina is at the live desk with what happened in the courtroom. jobina. >> thank you, kumasi. the supreme court seems divided as it reviews a landmark bankruptcy settlement for purdue pharma. that's the company behind the powerful painkiller oxycontin. the drug is linked to tens of thousands of overdose deaths. the justices heard arguments over whether the owners of purdue pharma, the sackler family, can be protected from future lawsuit. it's under terms of the settlement. under the bankruptcy deal, the sackler family would pay about $6 billion to settle lawsuits with opioid victims and state governments. but the biden administration says by guaranteeing immunity, the deal violates federal law. justice elena kagan questioned if the government should end an agreement that was approved by opioid victims. it's over whelming the support for this deal and among people who have no love for the sacklers among people who think that the sacklers are pretty much the worst people on earth, they've negotiated a deal which they
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think is the best that they can get. >> so i'm wondering why one nutcase holdout should hold up something like this. >> members of the sackler family have denied any wrongdoing, saying the company developed oxycontin to help families. the court's ruling is expected some time in june. stephanie jobina, thank you. >> well, still to come, the ingredient in your favorite sushi that could do wonders for your memory. >> and a live look right now at the big board, the new york stock exchange. you can see we're down right now by about 135 points. another update on the markets next. >> then the investigation into this massive house explosion near the nation's capital. what police were looking into just moments before this blast. and stay with us on the abc seven bay area streaming app at seven for abc, seven at seven. we're live weekdays from 7 to 8 a.m. you can download the app now wherever you stream. >> 641 this morning and it's all about the thick fog we are
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dealing with across a huge portion of the bay area. a live look at the san mateo bridge. you can barely see the headlights and the tail lights closest to the camera right now. we are seeing some pretty high impacts with this dense fog. let's take you down a street level along the peninsula. some of the highest impacts right now due to the thick fog felt from los altos, palo alto, woodside, redwood city. basically up 101 into san mateo as you approach sfo this morning, we have some high impacts across parts of oakland, alameda for sure. as you cross the bay bridge, you have low visibility into the city. and in the north bay we have our highest impacts with this fog. basically in the valley of sonoma county right now. but still some thick fog around napa as well. areas are seeing zero miles. visibility right now. future fog forecast showing you this fog lingers until about 11 a.m. so it sticks around pretty much all morning long. but the afternoon believe it or not, it's going to be a bright afternoon and pretty pleasant with temperatures in the mid 60s to the low 70s. but tomorrow rain returns to the forecast with a level one light storm on the abc seven storm
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impact scale. we'll go into detail show you the storm hour by hour on future weather coming up in ten minutes. but we hee-haw! here we go! ahhhhh! that's ludacris. all your holiday favorites... both classic and new... i think we're all in for a very big christmas treat. on the disney bundle, with hulu and disney+.
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loving this pay bump in our allowance. i think we're all in for a very big christmas treat. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today.
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this morning, an investigation is underway in arlington, virginia, after a house explosion rocked a neighborhood not far from the nation's capital. police were already at this home before the explosion when they were investigating a flare gun reportedly being shot from the home. officers say they obtained a search warrant, but the person inside would not come out. that's when the person started firing several rounds and then the home exploded. >> but you could feel the sound concussion. you could you could. it was it was impressive. i've been here for 50 years and i've never experience anything like
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that. >> police say the only person inside during the explosion was the person firing the rounds. the extent of their injuries is not known. panera bread is facing another wrongful death lawsuit tied to the company's charged lemonade drinks. >> the suit claims the drink caused the death of 46 year old dennis brown of florida after suffering cardiac arrest on his way home from a panera restaurant. it comes after new jersey woman's family filed a similar lawsuit back in october. panera says a large charged drink has 390mg of caffeine and that is close to the fda's recommended 400mg daily maximum intake. panera still stands by the safety of its drink. >> general motors driverless cruise service is facing a possible fine for its handling of an incident here in san francisco, california. regulators claimed the company tried to cover up the severity of the event in which a person was dragged about 20ft by a cruise robot taxi here in san
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francisco. back in october. in addition to the suspension of cruises, state license has a penalty of about one and one half million dollars may be added. there will be a hearing in february to determine whether gm misled regulators about the accident. cruise issued a statement pledging to respond in a, quote, timely manner to these accusations. >> we're learning more about the scope of a data breach involving the dna testing company. 23 andme. hackers accessed at around 6.9 million customer accounts back in october. and they were also able to see personal information for dna relative connected to those victims. hackers got ancestry data and health related information based on people's genetics. and now two other dna testing companies, ancestry and myheritage, are mandating to factor authentication. >> now for your morning money reports. another wave of job cuts at bay area tech companies, this time at yahoo! sports news
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division. according to the chronicle, the cuts are part of the sunnyvale based company's ongoing plan to slash 20% of its staff by the end of the year. separately, san francisco based twilio says it will lay off about 5% of its workforce. nearly 300 people are being impacted. it's the third round of cuts at the cloud computing company since 2022. a congressional watchdog group has found that astronauts might not be returning to the moon as soon as nasa had hoped. >> the government accountability office says it is unlikely the artemis moon landing will happen before 2027. nasa had hoped to put astronauts back on the moon in 2025. delays to critical things like test flights and a spacesuit redesign are being blamed for that extended timeline. this morning, we're hearing from ryan seacrest about his excitement to take over as host of wheel of fortune. he says he's overwhelmed with enthusiasm. >> i grew up watching it. i'm such a fan. pat sajak is one of the greatest hosts in television
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. he is a legend. vanna white is unbelievable. she is a national treasure. i'm so happy she's going to be there with me. i can't wait to meet people every night and literally do my best to make them feel at ease and comfortable so they can win a ton of money. that's what my job is. >> ryan also just opened the new seacrest studios at a children's hospital in salt lake city, utah. you can hear more about that and his foundation coming up at seven on gma. and you can watch wheel of fortune weeknights at 730. after jeopardy! right here on abc seven. >> a recent study finds wasabi could provide health benefits for older people. researchers in japan said a type of mustard oil found in the plant's roots can help memory and cognitive abilities for people. 60 and older. cognitive improvements were seen in people's ability to process short conversations and perform simple calculations and match names with faces. researchers say this could help develop new products for memory,
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enhance mint. got to say, i love was a big fan. >> more the merrier. yeah. in my book. >> really? yeah. >> you know you put it in, you mix it in. >> oh my gosh. not the heat more not the heat. >> i'm with you, though, are you? not a big with me either. >> much too much. >> it is way too little. >> does go a long way. it does. it does. but i love it. >> i will say probably put too much on there, but that's fine. >> i like it in the soy sauce. >> yeah, it's good. let's try and mix out some of this fog, shall we? it is thick out there this morning. here's a live look at sutro tower, just some of the tallest skyscrapers poking out through the low level cloud cover. we have a dense fog advisory in effect until 11 a.m. so we're going to keep a lot of this cloud cover in place for much of your morning. but once we get rid of this fog, it's a pleasant afternoon. it's a bright day this afternoon. temperatures on the mild side in the mid 60s to the low 70s for the most part. so dense morning fog to afternoon sunshine 67 and san rafael 65. in the city today
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71 in san jose. so it is mild in the south bay today 67in oakland. the same in napa. it looks like we'll have another repeat performance of this fog overnight tonight around the bay shoreline in our valleys. so be aware of that will likely track dense fog wednesday morning but wednesday during the day we have rain returning to the forecast. here's why live doppler seven along with satellite our next cold front is approaching and this will swing through here right around the middle part of our day. on wednesday, we bring in the abc seven storm impact scale. it's a level one light storm tomorrow with light to moderate rain and occasional downpours, showers from time to time. here's future weather. start out with that fog. first thing tomorrow morning, then the rain arrives in the north bay first and then it's pretty much on top of the region right around 12, 1230 in the afternoon. and then it's swinging through the east bay and the south bay into the later portions of the afternoon, on into the early evening. rainfall estimates. with this storm system, we're thinking anywhere from about a 10th to up to half of an inch of rain here locally and a little bit of snow coming to the sierra late tomorrow night to early thursday. you
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could see right around tahoe city incline village, a couple of inches, some of our highest peaks approaching about a foot of fresh powder. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. back here at home, dense fog to sun today. rain returns tomorrow with a level one light storm. scattered showers continue thursday behind that front, colder weather moves in here, especially in the mornings. we'll track some frosty mornings both friday and saturday. jobina. thank you, drew. >> good morning, everyone. so in addition to the fog, we have a new immediate need in the south bay. this is going to be a major crash between two big rigs in mountain view on northbound 101. before l.a street. your speeds are around 14mph there. so a heads up if that's a part of your commute. now to some live pictures showing you that foggy impact. this is the bay bridge toll plaza. a metering lights came on at 535. i know for myself, it was very difficult to see through the maze this morning and elsewhere along 880 near the coliseum. it's very foggy as well. not so much at the richmond-san rafael bridge, but we do have a large backup here due to the ongoing sigalert. so we still have three westbound lanes blocked here and
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no wide load vehicles allowed. >> stephanie jobina, thank you. a holiday tradition on the east coast has gotten so big that a hollywood legend had to see it for himself. actor chevy chase was in new jersey over the weekend and he was there to help light up a house for christmas, just like he did in the 1989 hit national lampoon's christmas vacation. >> go. >> i hope you really have a great christmas. i love all of you. it's so great that you came out for this. it's very, very nice of you. >> certainly in the christmas spirit and all of this for a good cause, the proceeds and toys from the event will benefit the nonprofit organization called george's house. the charity believes every child deserves a toy at christmas and a home to spend it in. the founder says he started this idea years ago decorating his own house. now it's expanded to a whole village where people who
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also love the movie can come and celebrate and even dress up as characters as as you saw just a moment ago, get into it. >> now to a holiday makeover for dogs. montville pet adoption service in san francisco is taking in 100 dogs over the next week. the organization specializes in finding homes for older dogs. the new arrivals are all getting mudville makeover from emergency health care to brand new holiday outfits. >> all of these dogs are pure perfection. they've come from shelters all over the area that are over crowded and all of them are seven years or older. they're lovely with people and other dogs. oh you can see all the dogs up for adoption on the mudville website. >> there's even an adoption event every saturday at montville's headquarters in san francisco. it's so cute. >> well, for the first time ever, disneyland resort is releasing all the dates for its lineup of special events and
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limited time festivities for the coming year. take a look here is the event calendar. and it's full. there's lunar new year. celebrate gospel. the food and wine festival star wars season of the force, pixar fest, halloween time a celebration of coco and then the holidays at the park. during pixar fest. two new parades will debut with a daytime parade at california adventure and a nighttime spectacular at disneyland. disney is the parent company of abc7. >> okay, what's on your list? stephanie? >> i got to say the star wars season of the force is intriguing to me. i know i'm curious what reggie would say though, right? the disney expert i know he probably want to go to all of them. >> i'm looking at the food and wine festival. i looks like that's going to be great and celebrate gospel be good too. >> yeah. >> yes. >> you know what? there's so much to do and it's fun because this is such a celebratory time and it's right down the street. >> yeah. there we go. well, lots
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to look forward to. >> yes. up next, the seven things you need to know today. >> you can watch all our newscast live and on demand through the abc7 bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. you can download the app now and start streaming. >> oh, look at this beautiful. >> yes. as we head to break, please check take a look at what's going on outside right now. at 655, we'll be right back
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of the region until 11 a.m. this morning. our cloud cover is going to linger pretty much all morning long. look at current visibilities out there right now . we're fluctuating to zero miles. visibility up to a quarter in our worst spots. so this fog is going to linger through the next about four hours around the region. number two, i'll show you some of that fog starting with our bay bridge camera. >> this is from the view of our
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south beach cam. you should be able to see at this point the western span of the bay bridge. not an option right now. we have a fog advisory there. also one for the san mateo bridge at this live camera. and the chp is also issuing advisories for the golden gate bridge and carquinez bridge. bridge number three. >> here is a live look from our oakland airport camera. we are seeing the fog right now. we've been really seeing it all this morning. there have been quite a few delays here. also so we checked in at sfo, san jose international. everything's on time there. and number four, today's faculty at san francisco state are expected to walk off the job as they demand better pay. >> it's part of a four day rolling strike that started at cal poly pomona yesterday. >> number five, if you missed our take action, san francisco conversation last night, you can watch it right now. it's streaming on our apps and abc7 the town hall style event brought san francisco's mayor, police chief and district attorney all together to discuss the city's challenges and
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solutions. and number six, starting next year, cbs will change the way it prices prescription drugs from a complex formula to a simple retail markup plus flat fee. >> the company says it will mean the price of most drugs will go down. >> number seven, we're ending the show with these dancers giving it all we say. >> get it. good morning. good morning to that. >> good morning america for our viewers in the west. more evacuation warnings and the growing humanitarian crisis in the middle east. inescapable, a dire humanitarian situation, as israel expands its ground offensive. armored vehicles amassing at the border with nearly 2 million people already displaced, and more with nowhere to go.


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