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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  December 6, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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have identified the shooter but are not releasing a name yet. that person was killed by police who responded to one of the first 911 calls. las vegas police say three people were killed in the shooting and a fourth is hospitalized. >> but upgraded to stable condition tonight, four other people were treated for panic attacks. >> no student should have to fear pursuing, pursuing their dreams on a college campus as the unlv campus will be closed through friday. >> and a decision will be made about next week, which is scheduled to be finals week before the holiday break. this is las vegas, third mass shooting this year and the second in december. so far this year, there have been 631 mass shootings in the us. >> mass shooting is defined by the gun violence archive as four or more people injured or killed, not including the perpetrator. the archive counted 645 mass shootings in 2022 and 689in 2021, which was a record high. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm ama daetz.
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>> and i'm dan ashley. we'll turn our focus now locally tonight. and we're asking this question, what does it take to keep san francisco in business during big events? >> ended up being one of our slowest weeks since we opened compared with this time last year, it's over an 80% loss in revenue. >> that's how some restaurants describe apec. the week long event in november when san francisco hosted world leaders and 30,000 guests for discussions of international issues and economic importance. today the budget finance committee at city hall heard from some of those business owners with hard numbers in terms of losses, and they were eye opening. abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez is here to talk about the possibility maybe leanne of compensating them. >> yeah you have to feel though for these small business owners, you know, because security was so tight, it was so hard for people to go in and out of there and they never reached these small. they were so excited and
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optimistic going into this. they really thought they were going to you know, it was benefit booming. yeah. they thought, well, you know, the mayor of san francisco will have the last word on that compensation. but it appears that these small business is affected by apec will get something right. several thousand dollars to cover their losses. but they say this could have been avoided. many small businesses near moscone center believed apec would deliver substantial gains for them. we now know it had the opposite results. one by one, they spoke of the impact the event had on their businesses as san francisco supervisors listened. we lost close to $30,000 being closed for that time. manuel ramirez owns bonchon korean fried chicken for two middle days of the convention we made for the entire day. >> what we do in one peak hour of weekend operations. >> here's what we know according to a report from the yerba buena community benefit district, all 13 hotels in that neighborhood
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did very well. >> apec institute did a lot of good opportunities, but the vast majority of the 113 restaurants and cafes had poor results because the number of visitors to that neighborhood was down by more than 33% on average, the revenue from small businesses was down by more than 64. >> today, some of them complained that the secret service in charge of security, he misled both the city and businesses as apec started to step in. >> we anticipate a three day heavy closure with a little setup. it was much larger than expected, as we can all know. it really became a ten day shutdown for the entire neighborhood, hurting them even more was the constant advice to downtown workers to stay home for fear of traffic jams and disruptions like that trickled into every corner of the downtown and the city in general, and it had tremendous impact in anticipation of the impact apec would have on the neighborhood. >> the board of supervisors passed a resolution to set aside
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$10 million in a reserve fund. it has yet to be determined how much compensation these affected businesses will receive. >> we have precedent for going up to around $50,000 per business. i think that's a good goal. the businesses would have to provide financial loss. we've done that in the past with rent relief and other opportunities. businesses say any action should be taken sooner than later. >> now, here's something we learned today. 911 operators were told it was not an option that they had to work overtime during apec. now, think about it. you had the protests in the area. you had delegates and world leaders. so anything could have happened. so they were needed at that time and that meant an added expense. so the supervisor says are also pushing to use some of that reserve money to cover that overtime. another thing that i forgot to mention was that many of these events were catered. all right? so, i mean, why leave the venue?
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they didn't go out and look exactly. oh, wow. >> you know, i guess on the positive side, maybe down the road, just a little trickle down kind of idea here. but it did elevate san francisco's impression on the world stage once again. maybe that will help attract some more visitors down the road that could ultimately help these businesses. >> and as we mentioned before, hotels did prosper. i mean, they really did benefit. all right. >> thank you, liane. >> all right. we are on week two of san francisco, banning street vendors on mission street from selling outdoors for 90 days. abc7 news reporter luz pena has been covering this from the very beginning. she's in the newsroom . louis, many of these vendors say they don't have the money to pay rent next month because of this. >> it's heartbreaking. dan these vendors are pleading for city officials to intervene and help them. many of them don't think they will be able to survive 90 days, making 5 to $20 a day, a 2137 mission street. the storefront the city rented for at least 43 vendors to sell indoors during the 90 day ban, we found only ten vendors. it's
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week two. let's see how these vendors are doing. we met juan mendoza up front. he grabs his merchandise and persuades people to go in. this is what i have to do every day to stand out here. >> a promotional un edificio vendors and start promoting what's happening inside. >> ana nunez sells accessory his she used to make $200 a day. how are things going? marlo? marlo very bad. >> some days i make $10, 15 or 25. >> that's not much. across from ana, we met maria with tears in her eyes. she said, go to the bathroom and i cry. >> see? no solo para mi para todos los estamos aqui and is not only difficult for me, but for every other vendor inside the city. >> imposed the 90 day ban as a strategy to get rid of unpermitted vendors selling
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stolen items on the sidewalk. 24th street was a hotspot. we drove by it and noticed it was clean. an sfpd was on site a block from this location on lilac alley. the city opened another nine spots for vendors. so now we're at the second location to speak to vendors and figure out how much they're actually making here. hola. we haven't been able to sell anything in here. now bandido. nothing. nada nada, nada, nada. >> come in. susana rojas is the executive director of casa veinticuatro, the nonprofit that runs this site. >> the other people that i've spoken to today tell me they don't have enough money to pay rent. are you hearing the same thing? yes, correct. >> that's that's one of the biggest concerns. >> other vendors are now considering breaking the ban. >> for me, there is no way i can stay in here for another week. >> so what's your plan to go out? >> and if i have to break the law? sorry i try to do my best. i try to comply with the city,
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but obviously it doesn't work. >> and this just in. the mayor's office confirmed that starting tomorrow they will begin offering an emergency relief package for low income households for these vendors and begin a marketing campaign to promote the market places and local businesses in that area. in the newsroom, luz pena, abc7 news. >> maybe that will help. all right, loose. thank you very much. >> an elderly man accused of driving drunk and killing a cycling champion in april today says he is not guilty of involuntary manslaughter charges . ethan boyce was killed in the crash on arguello boulevard near inspiration point in the presidio. the 81 year old suspect went before a judge today to answer to charges. as abc seven news reporter suzanne has the story. >> the choices arnold lowe made that day killed ethan boyce, attorney charlene ramon represents the family of ethan boyce, the champion cyclist was struck and killed on april 4th by suspected drunk driver arnold kinman.
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>> lowe. lowe, who's 81 years old, went before a judge and pleaded not guilty. the judge says lowe can avoid time behind bars while waiting for his next court hearing as long as he abides by strict regulations, he's not allowed to drive or consume alcohol. he's not allowed to use his passport. ramon spoke on behalf of ethan's mother and brother who attended the court appearance. >> seeing him in person was obviously difficult, and the reality is it was hard for them to be there today, even though this process is supposed to bring some justice and some closure for this family. they lost a son. they lost a brother. they lost an uncle. so there is no closure for them. >> the case also frustrating for boyce's friends who say it took too long to bring charges. the us attorney chose not to answer when asked by abc7 news why it took eight months to bring lowe's case to court. we also asked boyce's family attorney about that and what the family thought about lowe being out on his own recognizance. attorney ramon says the family's focused
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on healing and accountability. >> if ethan was alive, what he would tell people is for people to have empathy for mr. lowe because that's the kind of person ethan was. but he would also want to see arnold lowe stand up and admit what he did, admit that he was wrong and say he's sorry. >> neither lowe, his wife, nor his attorney, commented wednesday. lowe will return to court in january in san francisco. suzanne vaughn, abc seven news. >> the owners of a san jose daycare where two children drowned in a pool in october face new charges tonight. the two women appeared in court today, but the case was put over because both asked for an interpreter. the new charges stem from a separate incident involving a different group of children. prosecutors did not go into detail about what happened, but added seven misdemeanor counts that the women face felony charges in the drownings and the defenders had one job.
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>> most important above all, which was to return them to their parents safely. they did not do that. >> neither the women nor their lawyers commented following today's hearing. they are due back in court at the end of the month on to storm watch now. >> we will begin with a live look at snow falling at zephyr cove in south lake tahoe. you can see that there a foot or more of snow could fall in the sierra at highest elevations by tomorrow night. now, today, here in the bay area, we got rain. abc seven news was in martinez where people needed umbrellas and drivers use their windshield wipers. today's storm ranked level one on the abc seven news storm impact scale and we have another one on the scale for tomorrow. >> we do have a pattern going here. abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel explains what we can expect. sandhya umbrella weather will continue. >> dan and we are on a roll here. let's take a look at live doppler seven right now and we are still looking at some showers coming down right now. so let's get you into street
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level radar in the south bay monterey road across highway 101. you will notice santa teresa boulevard, some light to moderate showers. we also have showers just southeast of livermore. and as we widen the picture here, this storm has been battering the pacific northwest with heavy rain, flooding concerns also in northern california and they've been seeing the snow and now sierra is seeing the snow, as you just saw in that live picture. here's a look at the hour by hour forecast. so those showers will be isolated this evening as we head into tomorrow morning. areas of dense fog forming. it's not going to be widespread, but we will have fog and then that will get replaced by some wet weather by 9 a.m, light to moderate showers at noontime and they'll be scattered as we head into really the early and middle part of the afternoon. it's a level one on our storm impact scale tonight and tomorrow's scattered showers, brief downpours, rough surf and breezy conditions. so if you are going to be stepping outside, outside, make sure you have the umbrellas. i'll be back to let you know exactly how much more rain we're expecting. plus all the warnings with the storm
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coming right up. dan okay, sandhya, thanks a lot. >> keep track of the rain anytime. i'm with the same live doppler seven radar that sandhya uses. it's available on demand on the abc seven bay area app download it wherever you stream coming up next, a look at the resilience of redwoods. >> what enables them to survive some of northern california's worst wildfires. >> and tonight, we'll be joined live by seven on your side's michael finney, who helped retrieve taylor swift tickets in tokyo, no less. stay with
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but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at
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the spectacular redwoods of big
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basin state park are still standing. and in many cases, they're making a miraculous recovery, too. and now researchers say they understand why. abc7 news south bay reporter dustin dawsey shows you what they found inside the trees. >> the historic fires of 2020 took an incredible toll on nature's giants. reminders of the ccu lightning complex fire remain on the mighty redwoods at big basin redwoods state park in the santa cruz mountains. but these hundreds of years old trees remain resilient. >> you know, it wasn't clear initially if they were going to survive. you know, there's not really a precedent for this kind of event. you know, my first impression was this park is destroyed. you know, um, but pretty quickly it became apparent that a lot of those trees had actually survived. >> biologist drew peltier and a team from the save the redwoods league in northern arizona wanted to learn why that was. they knew that some of the biggest redwoods have up to a foot thick of bark to protect the insides of the tree. and when it comes to finding against fires, the study learned what's on the inside matters.
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>> trees produce sugars from photosynthesis and then they kind of have two choices they can use it for growth or metabolism or something, or they can store it for later. they have these really old 50 to 100 year old carbon reserves that have accumulated for many decades that they can draw upon to build new leaves and do new photosynthesis. >> that's what we saw when we visited the park. new life from what some experts thought was the death of the tree, the new sprouts coming from what's known as a bud trace, a line that runs from inside the tree to the surface that could lead to new leaves, peltier says in a biology anticipation of an event like the wildfires, some of these trees grew. the bud traces thousands of years ago. so in a sense, then the trees were actually more prepared for the fire than we were. >> yeah, yeah. and so that's kind of the surprise, is that the trees actually, you know, they were able to survive it and they're able to recover. they're not going to look the same as they did in the past and it's going to be a while. um, as to whether or not they'll survive, it seems like they're doing okay, but perhaps they'll be more sensitive to things like
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drought. we're definitely a repeat fire. and so those are the types of things that we would hope to avoid for them. >> climate change may make it harder on these trees, but we're learning they remain equipped to survive for the long haul. at big basin redwoods state park, dustin dawsey, abc7 news. >> it's withstood the 1906 and 1989 earthquakes and now is being recognized as a national historic civil engineering landmark. the lower crystal springs dam was completed in 1890 and is still going strong. there is now a plaque to mark this feat. it's part of the watershed that serves about a million people in san mateo and san francisco counties. the dam is located in san mateo county and is right next to 280. the san andreas fault runs less than a mile from where it's located, stands the test of time. it sure does. >> all right. let's turn back for the full weather forecast. >> that's right. let's get to sandyha patel for how much more rain we could get. sandhya, we're going to get some more showers at least for another day. >> all right, dan and amy, let me show you right now what it looks like from zephyr cove. we're going to take a look at
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that. and you will see that the snow is coming down. they have been seeing some heavy snow up there, but they have also seeing a mix of rain and snow in the last hour or so. basically, if you are heading up, i would take the chains with you. they are requiring chains on most roads leading up to tahoe right now. mixed precipitation in tahoe, winter weather advisory until 10 p.m. tomorrow. snow and blowing snow with those gusty winds. ridgetops up to 50 miles an hour . we're looking at 5 to 10in of snow above 7000ft. even more than that, a foot to a foot and a half. the snow level is going to go from lake level 7000ft to 4500 tomorrow morning. so that is something you want to keep in mind in case you want to get away. as we look at live doppler seven right now, we are tracking some showers. let's start you off in the southern part of our viewing area, monterey road, heading across 101, going across the south bay. there is some wet weather and the storm has been kicking up the surf wave heights currently 12 to 13 foot waves. monterey bay, five foot high
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surf advisory going for most of the coastline until 4 a.m. tomorrow, 18 to 22 foot swells are expected. beach hazard statement is primary for the northern portion of monterey bay , and that's in effect until tomorrow morning as well. watch out for strong currents and hazardous swimming conditions as we look at the current winds. still a little gusty around parts novato 22 miles an hour. raindrop on our lens from our san jose camera where it is 60 degrees right now, 56 in san francisco. oakland by the way, kentfield has picked up close to an inch of rain a few hundredths in the southern part of our viewing area. half moon bay. 57 degrees. and it is a wet oakland airport runway there, 54 in santa rosa, 55 for you in napa, 52 in petaluma, mid 50s, concord and livermore. here's a look at the forecast headlines and what you can expect. winter like weather showers, gusty conditions through this evening. fog tomorrow morning will be dense and pockets giving way to some showers and then friday through the weekend we're
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talking about going from a cold morning to brighter afternoons. but certainly will be some frost around during the morning hours. so on our storm impact scale, this is a light level one, scattered showers with brief downpours, rough surf and breezy conditions will continue tonight at 7:00. the showers are very isolated. you will notice that's the case at 8 p.m. as well. and then as we head towards tomorrow morning, we'll see a combination of some dense fog and cloud cover as we go towards the 9 a.m. hour notice the wet weather returns. it's the second part of the system that's going to bring us wet weather in the north bay at 9 a.m. crossed parts of the east bay, the peninsula. these showers will be scattered in nature going into the early afternoon in the south bay. and then by the time the evening hours arrive, this system is gone. so additional rainfall will range anywhere from a couple of hundredths of an inch to about a third of an inch there in ukiah in the mountains. once again, you know about that winter weather advisory. so keep that in mind. your morning temperatures tomorrow, 30 to 50
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and certainly some fog around. so watch out for that tomorrow afternoon. looking at high temperatures in the upper 40s to the low 60s, it's going to feel like winter is just around the corner. accu weather seven day forecast level one for tomorrow with those scattered showers, cold friday and saturday, even sunday morning. but we'll certainly see brighter skies. so if you're looking for dry weather to go get that christmas tree or maybe do some holiday shopping, you don't have to worry about lugging those bags in the rain, all that. it's actually looking pretty good. >> all right. thank you, sandhya. all right. >> a bit of controversy across oakland unified school district today over an unsanctioned and teach in to discuss the palestinian cause. we'll have that tezspire can help you have fewer attacks
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to discuss the conflict in the middle east. teachers could voluntarily take part in the teach in about the role of palestinians in the conflict. parent organizer nate landry says the purpose is to fill in the gaps in education about this decades long conflict. it is rare in american education settings, or at least it has been in my experience for palestinian voices, for palestinian experience to be centered. an official from the american jewish committee told abc7 news. the content of the teaching is biased and could
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lead to increasing anti semitism. oakland unified superintendent sent out an email on monday making it clear the district does not support the teaching. >> new developments with a san francisco born college student who was shot in a possible hate crime in vermont. his aratani was released from the hospital today. he was walking with two other palestinian students when they were shot over thanksgiving weekend. he is paralyzed from the chest down because a bullet lodged in his spine. a suspect is under arrest. the shooting is being investigated as a possible hate crime because two of the victims were wearing traditional palestinian scarves. >> coming up next, the abc7 news i-team goes to the first court hearing for a local pastor charged with sexual abuse. plus >> i'm a little concerned that we don't have a balanced approach. >> abc7 continues our commitment to building a better bay area after organizing take action san francisco this week. we're finding solutions to the drug
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tonight after a deadly mass shooting today, las vegas police say three people were killed and a fourth who was also shot is hospitalized but stable. tonight officers killed the shooter who cnn is now reporting is a 67 year old former college professor. it's not clear what connection he had to unlv. did he teach there? we don't know. the las vegas sheriff is not releasing a name just yet. >> we watched a lot of fear her across the faces of those young men and women that unlv today and it's unfortunate that they had to live through that. >> aerial footage shows a massive amount of first responders on the scene shutting down streets surrounding the campus. that prompted a ground stop at harry reid international airport for a time, which is very close to unlv. the ground stop has since been lifted. >> the pastor of an east bay church for central american immigrants had his first court appearance this afternoon facing 16 charges involving the sexual abuse of four victims. abc seven news i-team reporter dan noyes
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broke this story on friday. >> he was in contra costa county superior court today for the latest. >> pastor victor hernandez pineda appeared before a contra costa county judge for the first time in the child sexual assault case against him. deputy da greg chiarella is the prosecutor on the case. anytime that someone in a position of trust has apparently betrayed that trust, it is a very serious matter. >> the pastor's attorney asked for the arraignment to be continued to january and did not enter a plea on hernandez's behalf. >> i am very new to the case. >> i just received the formal complaint in court today and i have received no evidence at all. >> i first confronted the 53 year old pastor of iglesia, pentecostal movimiento de gloria in richmond for our report. last friday. victor. i'm dan noyes from channel seven. i need to talk to you. would you do an interview with me, please, about what? i'd like to talk to you about the accusations means that young girls and young women are making against you of sexual
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abuse. will you talk to me, please? the 21 year old daughter of a church elder told me when she was 13, the pastor tried to convince her it was god's will, that they have sex. >> me, cerca de la escuela. he took me to a hotel near the school, and at that moment i told him that i didn't feel safe, i didn't feel good, and that we shouldn't do it. >> but he made me do it. >> police arrested hernandez friday and prosecutors charged him with 16 criminal counts, seven counts of forcible rape of child under 14, forcible rape of person over 14, lewd act upon a child. and child molestation. ian, also today in court, the prosecution asked for protective orders that the pastor stay away from the alleged victims and not buy or possess firearms as i believe you are aware, there is some information that this defendant may have access or have had access to firearms. as i showed the pastor's assault weapon in our first report and the photograph, he took of karen cifuentes holding it during the time she says he was sexually
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abusing her. pastor hernandez's family attended the hearing, did not comment as they left and two former members of the church approached me. >> i'm a father of two daughters and members of the church as well, and we believe in god, you know, and we can't believe that something like that happened. >> i saw your news and i just wanted to come in person to say thank you. you know, because you're done a great job bringing this guy to the law. >> the richmond police are investigating new leads into more possible victims. so there could be additional charges as the case moves forward for the i-team in martinez. dan noyes, abc7 news. >> and if you have a story for dan and the i-team, you can call this number on your screen or go to abc7 slash i-team and a shocker in washington. >> former house speaker kevin mccarthy is leaving his seat in congress and soon. the california republican announced today he is resigning from office at the end of the month. mccarthy was elected as the 55th speaker of the house back in january, but his term was cut
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short when he was voted out in october. he hasn't said what his next steps are, only that he, quote, will continue to fight for his country, whatever that means. there's no word yet on who will fill mccarthy's house seat. california governor gavin newsom is required to call for a special election within 14 days time to fill the vacancy. >> tonight, we're making sure our take action san francisco event has long lasting impact. our candid conversation with mayor london breed police chief william scott and district attorney brooke jenkins on monday touched on solutions to everything plaguing san francisco, from homelessness and crime to drugs and an empty downtown. >> i mean, i have lost friends and relatives to drug overdoses in this city of san francisco. >> tonight. abc7 news reporter tara campbell takes a closer look at the goal of tackling the drug crisis. where we are and where we're going on the streets of san francisco. >> a drug overdose crisis is set to hit new heights. the city is on pace for its deadliest year
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yet amid the fentanyl epidemic and could see the loss of 800 lives. these are 800 people who have mothers, grandmothers and inside the abc7 take action town hall monday. roughly 200 people gathered asking city leaders the tough questions. >> how can we ensure that these numbers go down? next year? >> well, part of it we're already doing we are not only making arrests for those who are dealing drugs on our streets, we're making arrests of people who are using drugs with the hopes of trying to get people into treatment. >> the city is now more than six months into a multi-agency effort to shutter the open air drug market, including california highway patrol. the national guard, dea and the fbi. tom wolfe is recovering from addiction to fentanyl and wants to know how long the support will last. >> what can you tell us about our our ability to sustain that operation to try to close down the organized drug dealing
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that's happening in san francisco? >> police chief william scott saying as long as it takes. >> we've had some very successful operations. >> they've already arrested hundreds of drug dealers. >> we're almost at 900, which is almost double where we were this time last year. and those cases are being prosecuted. >> and district attorney brooke jenkins says there's more that could be done to keep drug dealers off the streets, calling on the courts to take more action. >> we have filed over 300 motions to detain defendants in drug dealing cases. that means keep them in custody while their cases are open and we have only had a little over 30 of those motions be granted. and so that means 300 drug dealers who are in a revolving door in our courthouse. >> but some of the audience saying the city is focusing too much on law enforcement. i'm a little concerned that we don't have a balanced approach. gary mccoy is with healthright 361 of the nonprofits helping people on the streets. and he says there needs to be more efforts put to
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providing treatment and other services. >> is that is 24 over seven drop in centers that is wellness hubs. that is staffing. i would have liked to have heard exactly how they're going to fill the shortages, like how they're going to hire mental health professionals. >> what they're going to do to bring them in. >> it's a question tanya tillman asked directly. her son roman struggles with severe mental illness and substance use disorder. >> how will the city hire and find the professionals need to fit the demand or fill the demand for mental health care? >> good question. >> yeah, well, thank you for your question, and i can answer that. one of the things that we did, we opened in a year or so ago a linkage center and in order to staff up the resources necessary part of that emergency declaration gave us the ability to hire a couple of hundred additional mental health and social workers to assist with
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this issue. we've added more people. we, of course, need to continue to add more. >> i would like to have heard a plan on how they plan on filling those shortages. >> i mean, as of right now, my son is currently waiting to be placed in a dual diagnosis facility. >> meanwhile, roman and others will have to wait as the city continues searching for solutions. as tara campbell, abc seven news. >> and if you missed the town hall, there are still ways that you can watch the take action event is now available on the abc seven news bay area streaming app. you can find it wherever you stream and the full conversation will air on tv. this saturday at 9 p.m. and sunday at 6 p.m. >> today it was announced taylor swift is time's 2023. person of the year. so why can't one bay area man even get the swift tickets he paid for? i'm michael finney. well, look at that.
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how are you doing between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente.
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all in the family, maude, sanford and son. one day at a
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time. the jeffersons and so many other great tv shows. he won two peabody awards and six emmys in his long career and holds the record as the oldest emmy nominee and winner. lear passed away yesterday at his home in los angeles at the age of 101. taylor swift is time magazine's person of the year. >> swift had a groundbreaking year with a kickoff of her eras tour, which is projected to become the biggest of all time. and the first to gross over $1 billion. she beat out eight other finalists, including chinese president xi jinping, open ai founder sam altman as well as barbie. and one local swifty might think the title person of the year should belong to michael finney. >> we say this every year, but or at least second place. michael is here now. >> fatter. sexiest man alive. >> i'll go with sexiest man. not even close. important look, i was able to do my part, though, to help one bay area couple with a birthday wish. jared kaufman
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lives in oakland, and he's showing me a photo of he and his girlfriend, sofia. she is a swiftie. jared is a smart shopper. unfortunate >> lately i had missed i had missed the opportunity to see to see her locally in the bay area. and so i was doing research on all the different tour location and i think she's playing again in indian apolis and miami and a few other places. and i was comparing flights and concert ticket prices and tokyo ended up being quite like significantly cheaper than any of the other places. >> he was planning a surprise birthday gift for her, so he bought taylor swift tickets in tokyo. >> the concert tickets were around $500 and flights were around $500 as well. so all in flights and tickets were around $1,000 versus just tickets in the states that i was looking at were anywhere from 1200 to $1700
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a piece. >> all as well. but then he didn't receive his tickets. >> stubhub responded that they were that they apologized for the issue with my tickets and let me know that they were looking for replacement tickets, which was news to me at this point. i was like, oh, a replacement tickets. i never heard that. there was anything wrong with my original tickets. >> he was given a special link to try and find replace, but says that wasn't working. so he got online and sent his issue to me that is when things changed. >> magic magic happened. i got a call from someone at stubhub. they were able to find replacement tickets for me. >> stubhub issued a written statement telling us in part, stubhubs fan protect guarantee ensures that a ticket buyer will get in the door and if any issues occur, we'll find an equivalent or better ticket or provide a full refund. but our priority is always to get our
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customers in the door. stubhub also told seven on your side that it is taking extra precautions to fulfill taylor's international tickets because they know so many people are buying them here, buying airplane tickets, booking hotel rooms to go there. >> yeah. >> good work. thank you. thank you. thanks, michael. >> all right. well, wet weather today and we will see more showers tomorrow. sandia has forecast that will include the but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry,
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or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at
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great moment. san francisco's annual tree lighting ceremony kicked off this evening at the civic center plaza across from city hall. entertainment included tap dancing, christmas trees, snow flurries, free holiday crafting, plus a book and a toy giveaway. >> five, four, three, two, one. happy holidays and tonight's tree lighting in sacramento was virtual. >> the governor's office says the change was due to safety concerns regarding possible protests. oakland's interfaith gospel choir was part of the prerecorded ceremony. for the first time ever, a native american child helped light the 60 foot tree, and we are always
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in the holiday spirit here. >> what's cozier than the yule log? we are streaming it 24 over seven. find it on abc seven or put it on your big screen with the abc7 bay area streaming tv app. >> there's something about that thing that just goes some cocoa over. all right. let's update the weather forecast. >> yeah and it's a perfect time for the yule log sandhya with the rain absolutely. >> ama and dan just sit back, enjoy the rain from outside from inside your home with the cocoa and obviously outside. inside is where we're seeing the wet weather. pier 39 camera is showing you the clouds right now and the ferris wheel, it's visible. things will be changing as we head towards tomorrow. here is a look at the rainfall totals so far. kentfield picking up close to an inch of rain. san francisco, 1500s, a little less than that in oakland, san jose, right, in two hundredths of an inch. concord three hundredths and half. moon bay 2000/100 of an inch on live doppler seven. it has quieted down quite a bit, but we did get some brief downpour showers as the front came through. sierra still seeing snow behind it. we've got
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a disturbance that's going to bring us scattered showers as we head towards tomorrow. so isolated tonight, tomorrow morning, we begin with fog. tomorrow, by 9 a.m, we start to see the rain moving into the north bay. it spreads around the lunchtime hour across other parts of the bay area. pockets of moderate rain. and i wouldn't be surprised if there is an isolated thunderstorm embedded in there in the early afternoon with the sun coming through. so just keep that in mind. it's a level one tonight and tomorrow on our storm impact scale. scattered showers, brief downpours, rough surf and breezy conditions. here's a look at the high temperatures for tomorrow with those scattered showers looking at anywhere from the upper 40s around lakeport to the low 60s in san jose. everyone else in the 50s. and here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. scattered showers with a level one storm for tomorrow. so we're looking at cold couple of mornings coming up friday through sunday, but certainly dry days in case you have outdoor activities. now next week we're going to warm it up into the mid 60s for some of our warmer locations. so it's actually looking nice and very
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nice. >> all right. thanks, andy. >> all right. although we're going to be inside watching football over the weekend. that's regardless of the weather. well yeah, we'll be doing that niners are sunday that looked like a good forecast for the game against seattle as they get ready for the seahawks. >> we got all the news and notes from practice on the way plus we hear from dre greenlaw on that sideline incident with the
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eric armstead did not practice, head coach kyle shanahan said today he could miss a game or two as he deals with injuries to his foot and knee. we'll wait and see. on the positive side, brock purdy was named the fedex air player of the week while deebo samuel was named the nfc offensive player of the week. all kinds of awards. and there's a new guy at practice number 32, safety, logan ryan signed yesterday to provide depth in the secondary. ryan told reporters he was on a cruise when the niners kept calling, to which he immediately stopped drinking and went to the gym. the 49 ers have been cruising four straight wins ■since the be week and ready for another battle with an old division foe. >> i think when you're a really good team, these are the types of weeks where you have to not fall into the trap of feeling good about yourself and come out and take it to another notch. and if we could do that, then we're exactly who we need to be. >> we know what happened the last time we beat an nfc east team. pretty good and we obviously are aware of that. and we have a really tough opponent in seattle. we know what they
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bring every single time we play them. philly's gone and is done and over with. you know, we're not talking about philly from here on out. we're to on seattle. >> and there is still, though, plenty of talk about sunday's sideline incident between dre, greenlaw and eagles security guard known as big dom. both guys were ejected. as of now, there's been no additional action by the nfl. greenlaw said both sides exchanged formal apologies. and it's something he wished didn't happen. >> he seemed like a genuine guy. it seemed like a guy that everybody loved in the building. so i hate that. honestly i really hate that it even escalated and went to that. that's never something i haven't even been a part of or seen in the game. >> i think that stuff happens all the time and people break it up. there's no penalties and you can go back and you move on with your life and you get it going. dre just got ejected and when they look at why, i guess that guy should to, but that's why i don't want that guy made an example out of and i don't. i just i think what should have kept it moving personally we'll keep it moving to baseball where christmas will come early for one fan base. >> according to jon morosi of, the prize free agent,
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shohei ohtani, expected to make a decision on which team he will play for in 2024 and beyond by the weekend. sunday looks like the date another big bats changing team. multiple reports say the yankees closing in on a deal to trade for outfielder juan soto. the three time all star he can hit 284 hitter 160 home runs in six seasons set to join a yankees lineup that already has aaron judge and giancarlo stanton. but they were disappointing last season. a big win in the south bay santa clara county, the san jose earthquakes and the city of san jose teaming up to build a state of the art soccer fields or facility that is the development will take part on 30 acres of santa clara county fairgrounds, 16 acres developed to the public lighting. there's four lighted fields, world class turf on those fields, and the quakes will be building their new practice training facility on 14 other acres, eight soccer fields will be built. warriors blazers tonight, andrew wiggins is starting. he's back. steve kerr said he also expects chris paul to play tonight. oh, really? that's good news. >> yeah, for sure. >> those guys in the lineup. >> thanks, chris. >> all right. so because you'll be glued to our tv tonight, what are you going to watch? well, on
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abc seven tonight at eight, you can catch celebrity jeopardy. that's followed by celebrity wheel of fortune at ten. watch the $100,000 period and then, of course, stay with us for abc seven news at 11. do remember that abc seven news is streaming 24/7. you can get the abc seven bay area app so you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. >> don't forget the yule log, the yule. >> yes. >> don't forget the yule log and dan said, just don't burn your fingers. >> yeah, exactly. don't get too close. that's the key. >> good distance. all right. that is going to do it for this edition of abc seven news. thank you so much for joining us. i'm ama daetz. and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. >> chris alvarez, all of us here. we appreciate your time. we'll see you again tonight at 11.
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♪♪ from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is... let's meet today's past champions-- a client operations manager from van nuys, california... a financial manager originally from lake orion, michigan... and an economic real estate professor
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from dana point, california... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings. [applause] thank you. thank you, johnny gilbert. and welcome back to "jeopardy!" as our "jeopardy!" champions wildcard continues. yesterday, it was season 37 winner and musician andrew chaikin who showed off both his beatbox skills and his "jeopardy!" prowess as he pulled off a dominant runaway victory. today we welcome three new past champs as quarterfinalists. good luck, ed, kate, and patrick. let's get to work in the jeopardy! round. here are your categories. one daily double on the board. we start with some... then... after that a... you'll name the work. then... g-e-t in quotation marks. ed, you begin the game. watery songs for $600.


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