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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  December 8, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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like these have been in the news for quite a few years now. thieves stealing from both high end retailers as well as drug stores. a recent report from the national retail federation said when it comes to inventory losses, a whopping 50% were due to organized crime. >> but now there walking those claims back. abc seven news reporter ryan curry is live in the newsroom with a look at the about face ryan. >> yeah, larry. kristen, good afternoon. organizers in the industry tell me that this is a problem organized retail theft is a problem. but there isn't a clear way to track all the data behind it. we have all seen the videos, massive groups running in, grabbing arms full of merchandise and quickly escaping . it happened as recently as this week at the apple store in berkeley. but it turns out organized retail crime does not have a large impact on the industry as first thought. in april, the national retail federation released a report saying that $94 billion of inventory loss and half of it was organized retail crime. daphne howland, a reporter with
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retail dive, found out that wasn't true. >> they were saying, we have this apple and half of apple. is this orange. >> she says the nrf mistakenly analyzed data from 2021 and 2016 to numbers from two different years, both inventory loss across the industry. >> the reason it was half is retail sales grow every year. plus, the numbers aren't adjusted for inflation. major retailers say they've closed their doors in the bay area because of the crime, including target, which closed three bay area locations. >> retail experts here locally now worry how this affects the way people shop. dr. kirthi kalyanam at santa clara university says right now there is no clear way to determine how organized crime affects inventory loss. >> we actually do not have a good handle on how much of retail theft and retail, how much of theft and crime and the
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damage it's causing dollar amount wise to retailing. >> retail theft is a problem. but he says if the nrf doesn't report accurate data, the whole industry will suffer. >> you want to store based retailer, you are not exactly helping consumer confidence by by blaming your financial performance on retail theft. >> now, dr. callanan went on to mention organizations like the nrf should consult him and other professors who study the retail industry. he says that way it makes the report more credible. live in the newsroom, ryan curry, abc seven news. >> brian, thank you. crews are cleaning up after a smash and grab at a cvs store in san francisco's richmond district. a witness told police that five people drove a car into the store on 32nd avenue at clement street. they took an atm that was inside the store and got away in a waiting car. so far, nobody's been arrested in the east bay. >> a pleasant hill man suspected of shooting and injuring his wife remains locked up inside a home. the shooting happened on
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cleopatra drive around 7:00 last night. police say they were called to conduct a welfare check after a man locked his wife out. they say she was wounded when he fired a shotgun at a barricaded door as she tried to get inside. police say they tried to contact the man for hours but couldn't. he remains inside the home. police have left the scene saying he's not a threat to the public. >> three bay area gang members will serve decades in prison for the murders of three people. one of the victims was a 15 year old boy, just happened to be an innocent bystander. the gang members include fernando madrigal, who lived as a justice reform advocate until his arrest. our abc seven team spoke with madrigal about his work combating youth violence just three months before he murdered the 15 year old. he's facing 33 years for that and another killing for two other men are facing sentences of up to 26 years in the other murder, along with another shooting, new help in the fight against crime. >> in oakland, 22 new cadets graduated to the city's police
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department at a ceremony today. >> and abc seven news reporter anser hassan spoke to several graduates who shared why they are committed to the city of oakland. are we? what. i do is that go for your dismissed these are the newest recruits to the oakland police department. >> graduates of the 192nd oakland police academy. i don't think there's any better city than oakland, sir. >> and originally i only applied here and that was my only goal. and i'm thankful that i had the opportunity to get through. >> we are in the business of relationship shefs relationships with coworkers as other professionals at community, we serve the strength of these relationships is dependent upon trust and acting police chief darren allison was among the senior officers and city officials in attendance. >> these 22 graduates bring the total police force to 724 officers. >> this is probably one of the toughest times to be an officer in the united states of america. but you all have stepped up and we honor you for that.
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>> the graduation marks the end of six months of training in areas of physical fitness, the use of firearms, as well as courses in law and ethics. lieutenant brian hubbard has been part of the academy for the past ten years. he says a lot has changed over that time. >> it used to be when i first started, a lot of heavy just on firearms for options, physical fitness. now it's how do you talk to people? how can you better serve your community along with receiving their diplomas, several cadets were singled out for merit, such as alex snow, valedictorian. >> he grew up in san jose but chose to serve in oakland. >> it's just a call to service. i believe that you knoha duty ts a great time to do that. there's no better time than now, but the biggest round of applause went to officer mahendra wilson, officer mahendra. the only female cadet in the class. >> the oakland native says she chose opd because she wants to be a force of change in her city. >> giving back to me is protect
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ing the young ones. that's where it starts. we have to make sure they're safe. they get home from school safe. we have to make sure they get jobs. we have to make sure as a family we come together as a community. we're a family, sir. the officially police officers, they're still more training ahead. >> next is 16 weeks of field training. they'll likely be out on the streets on their own starting in june. in oakland, anser hassan abc7 news. >> the city of oakland is promising to streamline the process of recruiting new 911 operators. that's after the discovery that about 1000 applications from potential dispatchers went unprocessed for about a whole year. >> it is a priority for us to make sure that we are processing these these hirings in a timely manner. and so i think we are demonstrating progress in doing that. and so we have of up to 74 positions authorized there are 16 vacancies at this time. however, in the previous month we've hired an additional four dispatchers. we have another 11 in various stages of training and another six coming online.
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you know, after after the holidays. >> the mayor's office says the city has made contact with all of those applicants, encouraging them to reapply. uh- the city is in the process of overall upgrades to the 911 system. a street vendors forced to stop selling items at their usual marketplace in san francisco's mission district took their complaints to the streets today. >> they held a march to city hall protesting the 90 day shutdown, which has been in effect for two weeks now. dozens of vendors say they've been told to stop selling or they've got to move to a designated sales zone. as law enforcement tackles unpermitted vendors selling stolen items brazenly in the area. yesterday, the city announced financial help a one time $1,000 payout. but many of the vendors say that is simply not enough. >> right now, let's turn our attention to the weather. it is friday and it's going to get colder. >> it seems already cold enough for some, but abc seven news meteorologist sanjay patel here with a freeze warning. yeah, once again for the same area. >> larry and kristen this morning, temperatures dropping down to freezing and even below in some of our wind sheltered
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valleys as we take a look at a live picture from our exploratorium camera, nothing but sunshine right now, even though it is still crisp out there. temperatures are going to tumble tonight. a freeze warning for the north bay valleys begins at midnight. it runs until 10 a.m. tomorrow. so temperatures as low as the low 30s. you'll want to protect any tender plants. don't forget to bring your pets inside and, of course, cover your pipes. outdoor pipes could get damaged. we have a freeze watch issued for the same general area for sunday morning as well. so it's going to be a couple of more cold mornings ahead as we go hour by hour this evening at 5:00, we're looking at temperatures in the 50s. by 7 p.m, you're already starting to see those 40s. and a look at 10 p.m, you're down to 37 degrees in santa rosa. you're going to notice it as we head towards 11 p.m, close to freezing in some of our north bay valleys. i'll be back to let you know what's in store for the weekend and next week in just a few minutes. kristen all right. sandhya thank you to new gene therapies that doctors hope can cure a sickle
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cell disease are now approved by the fda. >> one of the therapies is out of stanford. it is the first approved therapy based on crispr. the gene editing tool that won its inventors a nobel prize in 2020. the fda says the one time treatments can be used for patients 12 and older. in the us, an estimated 100,000 people have sickle cell disease. >> a big boost today for california's high speed rail project. president biden today has awarded more than $8 million for ten rail projects, and two of those projects are right here in california. one is a new high speed rail corridor between la and vegas, the other more funding for the high speed rail that will eventually keyword eventually go from la to san francisco. abc7 news reporter zach fuentes with the latest. the california high speed rail has been a long talked about project that for some has generated a lot of excitement. >> people that are living in fresno could be working and in silicon valley or downtown san francisco. but after hitting a series of roadblocks, the long
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awaited rail line still is not here friday, though those in support of it are cheering after the announcement from president joe biden, part of 8 to $8.2 billion investment are making in ten major rail projects across america. >> nearly 6.1 billion of the $8 billion is coming right here to california, nearly half to the brightline west project to connect las vegas to los angeles and the rest of the high speed rail project that would connect los angeles to san francisco. >> this investment has concrete benefits that will keep us on schedule to open that initial operating line. it's could not be done without this investment. >> the project has seen deadline extensions and cost overruns for years and though the new funding keeps it on track, the current deadline is still years away. >> all of this will be completed will be an initial operating segments in that 20, 30, 20, 31 window, roughly the long project has had an impact on many in the central valley like this fresno business owner impacted by the construction of lots of street closures. >> people have had to find different ways to get to chinatown to central fish, even
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though the new funding comes from the bipartisan infrastructure law. >> not all lawmakers are excited about it. in a statement, the vice chair of the state's assembly transportation committee, assemblymember vince fong, said in part, today's funding is a drop in the bucket as costs continue to spiral out of control. what will democrats cut from the budget to keep funding this money pit? former governor jerry brown, who led the earliest efforts to get the project going, spoke friday about the new funding and a call that included speaker emerita nancy pelosi inherent in a big project like this are difficulties and plenty of critics. >> but the fact that the president, with all his experts, have felt it appropriate to put up billions of dollars, that's a big vote of confidence. >> fuentes, abc7 news. >> any moment now, president biden is expected to arrive in los angeles for a fundraiser. this event hosted by hollywood heavy hitters, including steven spielberg and shonda rhimes, is trying to help build a better bay area by holding officials accountable. >> today we hear from san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins. a shopping spree
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for a good cause. and up next, we're live with abc news meteorologist rob marciano there is nothing like it dancing is my passion. but with my moderate-to-severe eczema, it hasn't always been easy. i was constantly itching. whatever i was doing now, i'm staying ahead of my eczema there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the inside, to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so, adults can have long lasting, clearer skin and fast itch relief serious allergic reactions can occur, that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems,
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such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pains, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a powerful thing. ask your eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal your skin from within. ♪ my name is josh sanabria and i am the owner at isla veterinary boutique hospital. i was 5...6 years of age and i knew i was going to be a vet. once alexandra called me to let me know that bank of america had approved my loan... it was important to me. we not only just provide the financing piece, we do everything that we can to surround them with the right people. all you need is a perfect, amazing team that will guide you through the right steps to be successful. and that's what bank of america was for me. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya.
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it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. on around those bears and those wolves are having to go harder at herbivore and cavs. it's a terrible domino fit that i see coming in alaska and it scares me once flowing with abundance,
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native tribes have been sounding the alarm about the overfishing of alaskan salmon. >> now you can learn more about this issue and how native alaskans live on life below zero. first, alaskans new episodes are available on nat geo. previous seasons are streaming now on disney plus. all right. we've got a fun surprise for you today because joining us now is abc news meteorologist rob marciano. >> hi, guys. hi so nice to see you guys in person. you know, we get to talk over the years, the headsets every once in a while. but in person, so much nicer. you actually exist. >> you're not an ai projection or anything that's great in person. real, actually. you're working on another natgeo project, right? >> oh, yeah. that's that's an interesting story that i'm looking forward to seeing. but yeah, you know, we're all owned by the same mickey mouse, right? and nancy is right in there. so anytime you get an opportunity, we work with the talented people over there. you jump at it. and so i've been i'm working on a book project, which is going to challenge me on many levels in that it's about, remember those books, the how stuff works that
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nat geo put, they put them out about every 10 or 15 years. this is another iteration of that, except we're really starting to push the envelope and see not just how stuff works now, but how stuff works. the stuff that we're going to be using in the next ten, 20, 50 years, the future. >> wow, that's really cool. >> working title is the next big thing, which is exciting. and so what better place to find the next big thing than northern california? so i've been out here this week exploring some things in silicon valley. today i was over at the livermore lab, you know, had their big announcement. actually a year ago this week where they had had an ignition of nuclear fusion and able to take out more energy than they put in, which is a huge step in the holy grail of clean energy. and if we can tap that, if we can get that, that's the thing that's exciting. and to see the passion and the excitement and the scientists that made that breakthrough still a year later, how hopeful they are for our future as a society in our lifetimes. that gets me fired up. so that's one
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of several things that i'm working on here. and we were up at you near uc davis working on some lab based milk products. cow, cow milk grown out of a lab . you know, cows aren't great for their cute and all right, but they're not great for the environment, right? i mean, you know, this idea. so it's not good for climate change. so if we can produce stuff that is good from cows without having that carbon footprint, that's also an awesome thing. and the bright minds of their another little startup, northern california. this is where all the bright minds are. so that's a story that will come on gma in a few weeks and we're excited about it too. excellent. >> nice. so rob, i have to ask you the question because because we both know el nino is huge. obviously we're under the influence of an el nino. and one of the my favorite questions that i get is, is el nino coming ? we know it's here now. i mean, what do you think about the predictions for el nino? >> well, you know, it always gets by the way, thank you for asking about my son. he is getting bigger. you're so and
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you never know what he's going to bring, much like el nino. but you know, california is one of the west coast. it's fair. early. you know, it's a little bit easier to predict. when you keep us out of that mega drought that we've been in. and that would be good. so, yeah, but they're saying that it could rival the 97, 98 el nino and that i remember working around the clock. >> i mean, that was just flooding and major damage around much of the west coast. so obviously, we don't want to see that either. the other end of the extreme. no, i remember that was kind of my first el nino, too. >> and i was working in portland, oregon. so it was my first experience with the west coast. and what that all means. and it was a it was an eye opener to me. it really was. so there are indications that it
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could be that way, that analog, as the scientists like to say. but hopefully it will be more spread out and not just in one spot. we can all survive it here come march and april. otherwise you'll be kind of living here more. that's not a bad thing either, larry. you know, like i love coming out here. last year, i'm like, oh, i get to go to california again. but my friends out there are getting hit with all this nastiness. >> you're welcome to come back anytime. i love it here. >> so nice to see you guys in person. thank you. >> good to see you, rob. how much traveling do you do? >> it comes and goes. you know, the last couple of months have been a little bit on the lighter side. and then, you know, the horrific of the war that took our new center stage. so it's like the news cycle, right? you lead with weather when news is a little bit lighter and the weather is more serious. and sometimes it flips back and forth. but this thing has me traveling around. are you guys playing? oh yeah. stuff. so yeah, so wild guy. wild just a couple of months ago, that hurricane or tropical storm coming through southern california, the deserts of palm springs and that was so surreal to me that it's one of those weird what? yeah, crazy things as a meteorology artist over
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over my career that i never thought i would experience, let alone report on it, which is a tropical storm coming right over palm desert. and that happened, you know, less than a year ago here in california. again, all the craziness happens here. yeah. >> i mean, i never saw anything like that in all the decades that i have been covering the weather. so i'm with you there so we can check that one off the box. absolutely >> the adventures of a national meteorologist. rob, thank you guys so much for. >> oh, by the way, i started this week with a kgo family, lizzie, bermuda as your friends with her, too. i've known her for over 20 years. and we had tacos on tuesday. so thank you, lizzie, for making tacos. nice. >> she made the tacos. >> yes. >> come on. she makes some awesome tacos. >> that's nice. >> good to see ...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing
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my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at
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a snow lab near soda springs received 11in of snow on wednesday. >> india, that's off to a pretty good start, right? >> absolutely. is off to a good start. you know, believe it or not, kristen and larry, the statewide sierra snowpack right now running 39% of average. now in the last 24 hours, they got over a foot at palisades tahoe and some areas got up to a half a foot. so it's all good. let me show you a live picture right now from zephyr cove, where it is so pretty. and you can see the snow capped mountains there. obviously, all is calm. tahoe reporting temperature of 30 degrees and clear skies. now,
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this weekend, they'll have freezing fog and some clouds, but they're not expecting any snow in the near future. take a look at the satellite and the radar live. doppler seven tracking the storms once again aimed at the pacific northwest. the next series of storms not expected to be as strong as what they experienced with the record rain the past week or so. and the flooding, the severe flooding here locally, we have pretty quiet weather, just some wispy clouds passing through. here's a live view from our south beach camera right now. 56 degrees in the city. it is 57 in oakland. upper 50s in places like san jose right now, half moon bay, 55 degrees. walnut creek, just basking in the sun right now. upper 50s santa rosa, napa, fairfield, concord. you made it up to 60 degrees. 57 in livermore. now some of our coldest spots like santa rosa, napa, livermore, fairfield dropped down to the low and mid 30. we are in for another cold night. so here's a look at the headlines for the weekend and next week. tonight temps
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pitchers will tumble this weekend. we're looking at cold frosty mornings and next week, dry and milder days. so in case you really don't like that chill, just hang in there. let me show you what you can expect for future cast. so the wind direction out of the northwest is keeping it on the cool side today to as we head towards tomorrow morning, high clouds continue to stream in. they'll just filter the sun. a little more cloud cover on sunday. but if you want to go get that holiday tree or go do some holiday shopping, you certainly don't need to worry about lugging the tree or your bags through the wet weather, although we always can use the rain. here's a look at those temperatures. the first thing tomorrow morning, 30 degrees in santa rosa dropping down to 34. in livermore, 38. san jose low, 40. san francisco and oakland. lots of sun for the south bay tomorrow, mainly sunny day, 64 degrees in san jose, 60 and sunnyvale on the peninsula, redwood city, 59 and half moon bay. san francisco, 60 degrees right about where you should be in the north bay. 63 for santa
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rosa. a nice recovery considering how cold it's going to be. santa rafael vallejo, 60 degrees in the east bay, 61. oakland, fremont had inland. make sure you have your sunscreen, 59. concord, 60 degrees in livermore. here's your accuweather seven day forecast and while yes we're going to notice that chill the next couple of mornings at least it's going to be nice during the day and as we head towards next week we'll warm it up for you. some areas around the bay like san jose getting up into the upper 60s, tuesday is mid 60s. wednesday's upper 60s. so larry and kristin will bring back some warmth later on. happy about that, right? >> absolutely. >> that's all larry does is bask in the sun. >> well, when there is sun sandhya. yes. okay but we need the rain and we need it's got to. >> yeah, we do. and hopefully we'll get it back around mid december, right now it's looking like dry through next week. okay. >> thank you, sandy. >> congratulations are in order for abc7 news reporter luz pena today she was recognized as one of the ten most influential latina journalists in california
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. the list was compiled by the latino journalists of california , the oldest latino journalism organization in the us. so a huge congratulations to liz. so so luis so well deserved. absolutely >> yeah. >> all right. it's been several days since our abc7 take action. san francisco town hall and we're keeping our promise by holding city officials accountable. so coming up next, abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez speaks with san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins. >> when you took office, you vowed to really go after the open air drug market, holding drug dealers accountable. the da's response is next entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists.
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to be scenic, but its buildings are increasingly vacant. this is an issue that impacts san francisco's economy as well as its livability. during our abc7 take action san francisco live event city leaders outlined some potential changes. abc7 news reporter j.r stone has a look at the ideas and a potential timeline. >> we broke news last week that downtown san francisco's vacant office space rate is at an all time high of 35, meaning that more than a third of all office space in the financial district is sitting empty. something that san francisco mayor london breed addressed in our abc7. take action. san francisco discussion monday night in my economic recovery plan and it has everything to do with changing what downtown what we traditionally know downtown to be. mayor breed said that her vision of change doesn't just involve filling those downtown
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offices where in many cases companies have gone remote. it also has to do with housing. >> something as simple as converting office space to housing and being able to do that without going through a process is something we've already done. >> as erickson is with the emerald fund, a san francisco real estate developer company. we spoke with him after the town hall. he says tax incentives from the city and the state are a must at over a 60 year period. >> eventually, the city will collect roughly three times the amount of taxes by abating it. right now. >> others we spoke with last week described an office to housing change as anything but simple. >> we definitely need new housing, but it's very difficult to make those kind of conversions. but i think that we will start to see some happen fairly soon on a smaller scale. and then if the proper incentives are put in place, you
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know, maybe two, two years plus from now, that's colin yasu kochi, who's the executive director of the tech insight center at cbre, which focuses on the tech industry and how it affects commercial real estate. >> yasu kochi believes that the office to housing type of conversion could likely ramp up in two years, but only if interest rates drop. during monday's event, the mayor would not say how long she believes it will take to bring san francisco's downtown back. erickson says there's no quick fix here. cutting the red tape is likely to take a year and a half in his opinion. then at least another eight years to make a dent. if you take 5 million out of 25 million, that's a significant percentage. >> and if you and if you then chew up the remaining space at 2,000,000ft■!s per year, you get down to a reasonable number within ten years. >> mayor breed also spoke about bringing things like a soccer stadium, college classrooms or
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even a european spa concept to the downtown area, loosely thrown out ideas of what the future of downtown san francisco could look like. j.r stone abc7 news. >> and in addition to the economy, there are also serious concerns about public safety and the fentanyl crisis. >> abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez sat down with the district attorney brooke jenkins to talk about the work that needs to be done. and leanne joins us now. >> yeah, there was a lot to talk about. you know, larry, abc seven news has committed to following up on the issues that affect the bay area. we spoke to jenkins on monday during our town hall. but we felt there was more we needed to know about public safety and the drug crisis. it's been 17 months since brooke jenkins was appointed san francisco's top prosecutor, replacing progressive reformer chesa boudin. at the top of her agenda was doing away with the open air drug market and holding drug dealers accountable for their crimes. how's it going for you
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so far? what grade would you give yourself at this point? >> i would give myself an a for effort. i don't want to make it seem as though we have have completed the task. but we now have more law enforcement partners at the table assisting with addressing this issue than this city has ever had. >> this is more about human nature and human behavior than it is about our city. in fact, it's quite common to see both events addressing public safety. >>n thursday night, they came together for another town hall in the bayview neighborhood. this year, jenkins has fillled 798 drug dealing cases more than boudin ever did in a single year. but that's also because police have made more arrests. still, jenkins faces the same issue that boudin did when trying to convict a drug dealers even motions to detain dealers are rarely granted. and now where is the problem there? who is the problem? >> the judges who are hearing these motions are the problem. we are articulating a public
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safety reasoning behind and asking that these drug dealers be kept in custody. we're explaining that many of them have been arrested not once, not twice, even three times for dealing fentanyl in our city. and these judges are not taking it seriously. >> criminalizing drug use during the crack cocaine epidemic of the 80s put more low level offenders in prison, which then took a toll on the justice system. jenkins says she steers away from that level of prosecution. she insists fentanyl is too deadly to ignore. the public safety risk that they pose is nothing like drug dealers of the past. >> we are talking we have 2 to 3 deaths from overdose every day in our city from fentanyl. >> jenkins says her office tries to off ramp as many drug users into treatment programs. yes this criminal justice system has to be a tool for intervention with our drug addiction community. >> right now, given we're trying to save their lives with regard to public safety, jenkins makes no apology for taking a
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different approach when charging the people involved in organized retail theft rings. >> how were they being prosecuted today versus, let's say, two years ago? >> we are going to be asking that offenders who are committing organized retail theft as a crew be held in custody while those cases are open, as we believe they pose a significant public safety risk to shoppers, to workers in these stores. and we also have to make sure that on the back end, we have appropriate consequences. >> that brings us to proposition 47, making some property crimes a misdemeanor. if the value doesn't exceed $950, prop 47 was a ballot measure that was passed by voters across the state. >> and so not we didn't necessarily understand what the long term impacts would be. and so now we're discussing how we might have to repeal portions of that. but as voters, while voters may be consider tweaking proposition 47 or not. >> jenkins believes the california legislature can do more to introduce bills to
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toughen up certain laws when it comes to fencing operations, and especially the fentanyl crisis. and just off the top of my head, ab 367, it was meant to add sentencing enhancements for those who seriously injure or kill through fentanyl that that was rejected. now i started reporting in the late 80s and i remember, you know, just how people would phrase certain things, like, for instance, before it used to be tough on crime, and now you see a lot of these politicians in big urban cities who say, let's take a more balanced approach. and i think they're more closer to that reform. they all talk about . so anyway, interesting conversation. yes. something it would be nice to find something that worked. >> yeah, for sure. >> and not go to the extremes, right? >> yes. thank you. sure. >> the take action event is now available on the abc7 news bay area streaming app so you can find it wherever you stream and the full conversation will air
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on tv. this saturday. that's tomorrow at 9 p.m. and sunday at 6 p.m. >> now coming up, the truth about germs and wearing your shoes indoors and an unusual sentence for a woman who was accused of throwing food at a fast food worker. the f how are you doing between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente. there's challenges, and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs.
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where you enter studies have revealed all types of things that can latch on to the bottom of your shoe. sure, there's the typical bacteria and germs, but also outside pollutants. lead pesticide tides and fecal matter . >> well, that's pleasant. joy i mean, to me, this is not anything new because i'm not sure if you know, but like in asian cultures, typically you take off your shoes. >> right? but typically the host offers you slippers and you would never dream to walk into someone's home, like dirtying up their rug or floor with a crud on the bottom of your shoes. >> do you do that at home, christian? >> i tend to go barefoot. i have slippers, so i sometimes. yeah, but we never wear shoes. >> but you take your shoes off. yeah. you know, my wife has wanted to do that for a long time. i've been too sort of lazy because i've done it the other way for such a long time. but it, you know, it does make some sense. i try. i just try not to think about it. >> yeah. and it's comfortable.
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dan, to kick off those shoes. yeah. yeah >> and it depends on whose home you're going to too, right? like if somebody says, can you please take off your shoes? i mean, you don't want to go in and offend them. >> what if you go to someone's home, there are more germs inside than outside. >> are you are you talking about the people? but, you know, in hawaii, it's custom to take off your shoes. you go to a holiday party, you see hundreds of shoes on the floor outside. yeah, yeah. oh, interesting. this is interesting. a woman who threw her burrito bowl in the face of a chipotle employee got a really unusual sentence. in addition to a month in jail, rosemary hayne was sentenced to work two months in a fast food job. now, hey, and apologize. but she said she was unhappy with the way her food was prepared. the judge said, quote, i bet you won't be happy with the food you're going to get in jail. i know the judges. i like them already. yeah, exactly. >> you know what? i actually love this sentence. it's a great punish isn't in that sense, but it's also a great perspective to have. i don't know about you guys. i worked those jobs. i was a busboy, dishwasher, waiter,
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host, all that stuff. and i think you behave better when you understand what it's like on the other side of that counter. we all need more empathy. >> yeah. yeah yeah. >> i mean, no doubt. and those jobs can be stressful. and dealing with a lot of people who aren't always in a great mood. and you know, you get the brunt of it, you know, especially in a fast food restaurant to where people want to get in and get out, you know, i like the sentence. >> yeah. okay. speaking of fast food, mcdonald's has launched a new spin off restaurant, the first cosmix location opened near chicago today. cosmix has a beverage heavy menu, lots of coffees, lemonades and iced teas. i think even boba. they sell just a few sandwiches as well as mc pops, which are donut holes filled with cookie butter or hazelnut or other flavors. sandy, does any of this appeal to you? >> i would try the coffee, kristen, but i'm not a big like donuts and lemonade and iced tea person. i definitely would try the coffee. it looks good. yeah, i'll go for the donuts. >> they sound pretty good. >> i was. i was going to say, i
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gog to be here. mr. sweetuy is tooth. yeah, that looks good. sorry. the pops look like malasadas well. >> yeah, actually, they do look likealasadas. those are portuguese desserts that are common in hawaii. if ty'res good as a malasada, they'll have a line out the door. oh, yeah. with larry. yeah, well, malasadas are like beignenets ad new orleans, but on steroids with filling and very sweet or not too sweet. they can be very sweet. you could put different fillings in there. so that's what that looked like as well. tomorrow's national christmas card day celebrated on the ninth because that's the day, the very first commercial christmas card was printed back in 1843. also, it's a reminder to get those cards and your mailing list together if you still have a list, depending on how fast you send them out. the last date for christmas arrival is december 20th. sandy, you still send out cards? >> i don't. not sadly. and larry, i have a reason for it. a few years ago, our oldest daughter said, mom, we've got to
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do holiday cards. and i said, it's too late. no, no, no, it's not too late. they'll make it. so my husband said, go ahead. but i don't think they're going to make it. they arrived the day we were leaving to go celebrate christmas. we were putting labels and stamps on like 40 cards. it was so stressful, you know, so we stopped doing that a few years ago. >> that's how many we send out today. angela organizes this. larry, you've probably already gotten your card because i've been signing them. beale comes up early in the alphabet. it should arrive any time now. you two ladies will get yours a little later. further down in the alphabet. but we send out a lot. i like it. it's >> i don't even want to say this, but, dan, i appreciate the card. i really do. oh, here we go. i don't. i just put them in a stack and let others open them up. oh dan, don't bother sending that one to. >> yeah, don't send them out. >> yeah. worthy. find a girl by kristen and my last name and move us up and send larry glass. >> let me just say it this way. this will be the last year you have to worry about it. oh i take all the cards i get.
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>> i put them up on the kitchen wall. it's nice to look at them. >> dan it is nice. you know what we do is and again, it's my wife's idea. hang ribbons down the kitchen wall different and staple them onto the ribbon so that you could just see them as kind of a decoration. >> yeah, we put them up by the fireplace. >> we. i love cards and love getting them. so you can send them to dan, we've sent you christmas cards. >> you usually get our christmas cards in early january. that's how we do it. >> and you know what? they go up on the ribbon every year. >> oh, that's nice. that's nice. >> larry, you're a grinch. running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. i was always so itchy especially when i was hot. now my skin doesn't itch as much. now we're staying ahead of her eczema. there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the inside to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation
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a shopping, but not for themselves. abc7 news reporter lena howland was in san rafael for the big shopping spree. three, two, one. >> let's go shopping. >> one by one. an army of elves raced into target to help make sure santa doesn't miss any san francisco families this holiday season. there's nothing better than when they get behind those carts and they have a target store all to themselves and they get to buy whatever they want. >> the nonprofit behind it all called dig deep sf, was founded ten years ago by two men raised by single moms in tough times. >> now, the group made up of young professionals, spent the past week asking friends and family to dig deep. and boy, did they. >> we decided to really engage all these teenagers and middle
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schoolers to go after their parents and friends and we got almost $100,000 in over a week. >> teens behind the fundraising got to be the ones doing the shopping. they're buying gifts for older youth between the ages of 8 to 12, often overlooked, worked in most toy drive efforts . >> we picked out a lot of legos because legos were a part of my childhood, so we kind of wanted to like give give the kids our childhood. i think i'll definitely be looking for like something like play trucks, maybe like a tonka. >> the toys will be benefiting families that might be going through a tough time this holiday season through the salvation army's angel tree program. >> i think everybody knows that the dollar is not going as far as it used to. and in the bay area, this is one of the highest cost of living in the world. and we're trying to make a difference for those families that are stuck in the margin. >> a project that meant the world to 16 year old landry ahearn, a returning volunteer. so rewarding to be able to give the gifts to kids who otherwise wouldn't get it. and it's just
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an amazing thing. and it's so fun. all of these toys purchased by santa's elves here will be handed out at the salvation army's toy distribution event for registered families in san francisco on december 19th. in san rafael, lena howland, abc seven news. in danville, police were out today helping toys for tots with a fill the cruiser event. >> officers were at the marshall store on fostoria way collecting new unwrapped toys. they'll be back there next friday from 1 to 5 p.m. if you would like to help donate, you can also drop off toys at the police station. >> all right. we're heading into the weekend. it sounds like you're going to need maybe a hat. some gloves, some sweaters. >> good chrige yes absolutely. >> so if you still have to do some shopping, this might be a good time to go get those for your loved ones or for yourself. >> winter like chill in the air this morning and we're going to do it all over again this weekend. larry and kristin live, doppler seven showing you pretty quiet picture. we are not
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expecting any rain tomorrow afternoon after the morning. cold weather that will experience. we're going to warm up nicely. there will be mainly sunny skies, 50 60s now looking at the next ten days, in case you're wondering about rain, nothing through next friday. but as we go beyond that mid december or so, we are talking about rainfall. and right now the projections are showing rain fall in inches. so mid december may get stormy around the bay area. stay tuned. this is still days away and obviously it'll change the accuweather seven day forecast. chilly mornings dry days this weekend we'll warm it up next week. kristen and larry. >> thank you sandhya. a new art exhibit is designed to inspire the spirit. the exhibit opened today at san francisco's contemporary jewish museum. it's called first light rituals of glass and neon art and features artworks in neon glass and plasma, as well as large scale sculptures and installations. it will be there through april 28th. >> very cool. all right. are you
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weekend for a one of a kind concert. reporter sandy kenyon from our sister station in new york sat down with brazilian superstar anita in the energy glows, you'll be falling in love with the girl from rio. >> oh, she was famous first in her native brazil. >> then came all of south america and now the world. thanks in large part to tiktok, which anita credits with making her a superstar. if you are like me, big in my country, but starting to explore other territories, i think it's a platform that helps you to go to spread your thing over to places that you couldn't even imagine. her videos have been viewed more than 21 billion times. the devotion of her fans obvious when so many of them try to imitate her move. it was really fun to see the whole world and jumping on my movements. the show in arizona this weekend breaks new ground as a music experience from tiktok.
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>> you will feel like you're part of the experience when you're watching through your cell phone. i think it's like a whole cultural thing to get together with all these people. >> the stream will run for many hours and offer unprecedented access. >> tiktok is going to have all the content of the artists back backstage getting on stage and all these things that people love to see. i mean, me particularly, i'm going to do all these things. >> a big crowd is sure to be watching on the app. >> are you ready to turn up the heat at tiktok in the mix with me? >> what makes this truly special is that millions more will also be able to see her show next weekend on hulu and disney plus what will be the difference between the tiktok experience and the hulu disney+ experience? >> the tiktok is going to have the whole concert, the whole festival live for the hours and hours of event and the hulu is going to have like a comp of the best moments and abbreviation of one hour, all of which will help
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her create new memories for her fans. >> you already know i'm sandy kenyon, abc7 news. >> the one hour compilation of the best moments from the event will be available next friday on disney plus and hulu. abc seven news is streaming 24 seven. get the abc seven bay area streaming tv app and join us whenever you want wherever you are. that's it for abc7 news at four abc seven news at five with dan and ama is news at five with dan and ama is coming your way next. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind.
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