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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  December 13, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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marsh. i'm meteorologist sandhya patel, bringing you a warm up first and then a wet pattern. we'll take a look at the forecast coming up. abc seven news at 6:00 starts right now. >> building a better bay area moving forward. finding solutions. this is abc seven news. they do call 911. >> let's take forever. >> oakland is failing to meet the state standard to adequately respond to 911 calls. and the abc seven news i-team found out new data shows the problem is only getting worse. good evening . >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. the problem is so bad it's threatening access to critical funding. >> yes. stephanie sierra has been following this, and she's here tonight with more steph. >> yes. ama and dan new data shows oakland not only has the worst 911 dispatch response here in the bay area, but the worst in the entire state. people in life threatening situations are telling us they're being left on hold for 1020, even up to 30 minutes. in some cases.
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just the emergency. oakland's 911 system is reaching a new breaking point. >> 07911 would even pick up failing residents not once or twice, but tens of thousands of times. >> that's according to new data analyzed by the abc seven news i-team. whether it's people calling to report human trafficking operations and nobody do nothing says this owner of an east oakland auto body shop who's tired of being left on hold. and it's the same problem for residents attacked and robbed at gunpoint, stuck with a busy signal. >> just ridiculous. oakland is no longer oakland anymore. >> the stories go on. opd's 9-1-1 center receives more than a half million calls each year, according to a recent civil grand jury investigation. the city's emergency communications center failed to answer about half the calls within the state's requirement of 15 seconds. that needs to happen 90% of the time to be in compliance.
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>> if we would have the support, for example, jesus pelayo told the i-team he had to wait more than 20 minutes to reach a 911 operator as his friend was having a heart attack. it's unbelievable. unbelievable. but it truly happens. >> pelayo. says he had to rely on people calling 911 in neighboring cities to get his friend help. so it's very difficult. >> it's very hard. >> and he's not alone. the state has threatened to withhold funding to oakland if the city fails to improve its 911 response times within a year. that's according to this letter from the california office of emergency services, sent in july . that was more than six months ago, and the response times have only gotten worse. data obtained by the i-team shows the average time it took for a dispatcher to answer a 911 call in 2020 was 28 seconds. this year, that figure is nearly double at 55.8 seconds. and that's not accounting for the whole time. there are times when folks are
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hanging on 911 for 30 minutes or longer, and we're talking about real emergencies. preston turner works for oakland city councilman noel gallo. he says he hears dozens of complaints like this every week. >> too many to count. according to a recent alameda county grand jury report that the city's emergency communications center is not well prepared for a major disaster and lacks a disaster recovery plan. >> the city agreed with this finding. so what's actually being done about it? in september, mayor xiang tao announced, we are also preparing a major upgrade to our computer aided dispatch system. >> as you we all know this as the cad system, which this will help connect, respond orders to the scene of a call. >> the grand jury report also found opd's cad software supplied by motorola is 20 years old, and the technology that the city purchased in 2018 was never implement. now, city officials worry it's too late to even use it, since motorola recommends making major upgrades to their
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technology every five years. that money is supposed to go to technology upgrades. so did it. or was that 2018 investment wasted? and the i-team asked the mayor's office about this, but staff could not provide us with a direct response. they also could not clarify if any upgrades have actually been completed. we did, however, receive the following statement from mayor tao saying, quote, oakland's hard working 911 dispatchers need more support to ensure they have the resources they need to answer, dispatch emergency calls in a timely manner. we have also taken steps to harden our phone system against future power outages like we saw this past summer. but councilman gallo says the problem is back. >> but even last friday, i came to my office and the phones weren't working. um, this phone wasn't working or my emails weren't there. >> this points to concerns over the lack of it. invest >> it's really important that we make sure that our 9-1-1 system, our 9-1-1 dispatch system, has the state of the art best technology available, a process councilman dan kalb says is long overdue.
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>> since 2020, the grand jury has been told the rollout date for this critical software and hardware update would be in another six months, but this report says that still needs to be implemented and personnel still needs to be trained. the delay in implementing this software is impact. the ability for dispatchers to map locations of incidents requiring a response in real time so they can direct calls to police. >> we want to undo the cycle of for short staffed. they're working overtime and that creates a lot of pressure. and therefore they want to kind of find somewhere else to go. >> and kalb says the recruitment has been overlooked. a new report shows 1000 dispatcher applications were not processed from april of last year to april of this year. >> it's inexcusable. now so now we're trying to catch up. >> according to an email obtained by the i-team, opd has budgeted for 76 dispatcher related positions, but to date, there are still 14 vacancies and the victims dealing with it hope those mistakes stop.
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>> that's the change that we wait for now. >> speaking of changes, the mayor says she's working on recruiting new dispatchers and taking steps to retain veteran dispatchers. four were hired last month and we know of 11 that are currently in training. as for the air mishap, we're told a continuous hiring system has been implemented to prevent that from happening again. so a lot to keep following here as we always say in an emergency minutes, even seconds counts. absolutely >> thanks, stephanie. of course, all right. >> and we do have another i-team story coming up at 630. bait cars and glitter bombs. see how a former nasa engineer is getting back at people who break into cars. >> breaking news here. just in the nba has just lowered the boom on warriors star draymond green within the last hour, the league announced it has suspended green indefinitely for hitting jusuf nurkic on the of the phenix suns in the head. watch this now there it goes. during last night's game green has been ejected three times
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this year. once for the chokehold he put on minnesota timberwolf center rudy gobert. abc seven's sports director larry biel will have more on this major suspension coming up later in sports. >> an icon in the wine industry, mike grgich, has died. the press democrat reports he passed away yesterday at his home in calistoga. grgich was a pioneer in winemaking, helping to turn napa valley into one of the world's premier wine regions. he was also an integral supporter of the north bay nonprofit roots of peace. the group removes landmines worldwide, putting vines and other crops in their place. grgich was 100 years old. >> new at six video of the new menorah being installed at oakland's lake merritt. this is at the amphitheater at the south end of the lake. it replaces the one desecrated and tossed into the lake sometime last night. arabic graffiti that translates to free palestine was found scrawled where the menorah once stood. this incident is now being investigated as a hate crime. i don't know why anyone
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would do this. >> i know that it's toxic. the air is toxic these days. um, and it's just it shouldn't be that way. and we should be better than that. >> oakland's mayor shengtao calls the act of vandalism an attack on the entire city. a down south in los angeles. today, 75 protests were arrested for shutting down the 110 freeway. they blocked the road, calling for a ceasefire in gaza. the demonstration started just after 9:00 this morning and brought traffic on the southbound lanes to a complete standstill. chp officers actually had to break up several scuffles and fights between protesters and frustrated drivers. >> coming up next, a matter of time how much longer people living in rvs along one san francisco street will be able to stay? also ahead, what number are you? >> i'm. >> i checked yesterday. i'm at 195. >> he's waiting for a permanent shelter bed. emphasis on waiting tonight. see what it takes. we walk through the process. the homeless have to go
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francisco for those on the streets and for those trying to avoid living on them. dozens of families living in their rvs got some breathing room today when a plan to impose parking limits was postponed. the four hour restrictions on winston drive near stonestown mall were to take effect a week from today. abc seven news reporter luz pena has been covering this issue for months, and she's in the newsroom tonight. lewis how much longer do people actually have? >> we will have to wait and
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actually see what that time frame time frame is going to be down. sfmta confirmed to us today that they will postpone the parking restrictions until next year, but they did not specify as to when exactly. for almost two years, lupita has lived in this rv on winston drive. >> my small kitchen, for months. >> the sfmta parking restrictions approved to go into effect next tuesday have been looming over him. the restrictions would mean that everyone here would need to move their rv's every four hours. it was very complicated thing. >> um, more or less more than 100 rvs moving on the city. so we don't know where we can go. >> several months ago, sfmta's director of streets said this area was dangerous, citing many injuries and the need for a bike lane. >> the plan is to build is to widen the sidewalks by building seven boarding islands for transit riders to safely get on and off the bus on lake merced boulevard, and to build a two
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mile long protected bike lane that will slow down the speed of the speeding traffic and separate cyclists from that traffic. >> but today, sfmta confirmed they're taking a step back. their parking restrictions will now go into effect in 2024. right now, we do not have a start date, but we will continue to work with h'sh and the supervisor's office. >> it sounds like, um, you know, sfmta has communicated that she used were very grateful for that. we would love a more official delay or as much of a delay as possible. >> well, we contacted supervisor melgar's office. this is her district. they declined to comment on camera. the city's department of homelessness and supportive housing said they've made contact with approximately 100 households in the area living in vehicles as of november 10t 2023, they've moved 24 households out of their hicles and into housing, 30 households into the housing placement process. three households penng referral, 18 households still inhe pcess of being matched to a provider,
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meaning at least 75 people are being helped out. some didn't even know about this help. the city hasn't come to offer you guys any sort of housing help. i know, and for more than a year there have been conversations about the city opening an rv site for these residents. today, the department of homelessness and supportive housing said they have been unable to identify a suitable property for this type of service in the newsroom. luz pena, abc seven news okay, luce, thanks very much. >> and for people who are homeless, accessing a shelter bed is really difficult. >> how difficult though? abc seven news reporter leah melendez is here to show us what it takes. leanne you know, i am so glad i did this story. >> oh, really? because i really now understand the process. i really i was there, right? so i'm going to state the obvious and it's that being homeless is extremely hard in this city. as we found out, the process of getting a permanent shelter bed in the city is complicated and
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not practical for many. quite often people think that the unhoused line up every night waiting to get access to a shelter bed. today in san francisco, it's far more complicated. >> every other place i've lived before here, you can just walk in and get a shelter bed. if they had an opening. but here you can't do that for many, the first point of contact is the homeless outreach team. >> hot. they help people get on a waiting list for a shelter bed. if not through them. a phone and the internet are other options, so let's check it out. first, i dial the number and i wait. your call is very important to us for spanish press one. so here i'm supposed to talk to somebody or leave a message with my name and contact information. >> often you can easily submit your waitlist request online, and now i'm being encouraged to go online. >> let's remind people that these are the unhoused. some
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don't have a phone. they may have lost it or had it stolen. you're sleeping, you're not watching it, and so you lose your phone, your hot team, your homeless outreach team, worker calls and says there's a spot. >> and then you you don't have your phone to answer the bed. what happens? and then you back. you're back at square one. so how do they contact you if something becomes available, like a shelter bed? >> um, i give them my email. >> the department of homelessness and supportive housing says it's working on making the process more seamless because once the city contacts a person, they only have up to 72 hours to respond. we found john waiting outside an emergency shelter. he moved here from iowa to months ago after thanksgiving , he finally got on the waitlist for a more permanent shelter bed. what number are you? i'm >> i checked yesterday. i'm at
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195. that's where i, um, am at currently. >> and you started close to 500? >> i think it was 490. yeah john, like hundreds of others, is waiting to get into one of the city's three largest shelters, msc south, which can house 410 people next door, 334 and sanctuary three, 200 people at these three locations are allowed to stay indefinitely without having to pack and leave early the next morning, we found yvonne and her dog zeus. >> at one of them. how long have you been at this shelter? >> for a couple of years. two years, a couple. i've been at all of them. >> during those two years, you couldn't find some kind of more permanent supportive? >> they offered. i did not want what they offered, what they offered her in terms of housing, was located primarily in the tenderloin, known as a hotbed of illicit drug use. >> yvonne told me she wasn't
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about to give in to temptation. live it. >> been there, done it, got the t shirt to prove it. you know what i mean? i don't want to go backwards. i want to go forwards and i don't want to make bad choices. >> currently, san francisco has a total of 48 shelters offering more than 3200 beds. yet those who don't get in more than 4000 people have no option but to sleep on the streets. among their stock are the interfaith winter shelters, four of them, but they only operate from november through march. they come in late afternoon and stay till 7 a.m. the next morning, and during that time time they get a home cooked dinner. >> at night. they sleep in the facility. it's nice and cozy and warm and then in the morning we come in 5 a.m. and cook breakfast and serve them breakfast. and then they have to go back out onto the street at seven in the morning when john leaves any of the emergency shelters, he's now left and navigating life as an unhoused person and this year, the
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department of homelessness and supportive housing spent 22% of its $672 million budget on shelters. >> still more beds are needed and their plan is to add 1000 shelter beds over the next five years. and it's really hard for john, as we saw, to navigate his way around because he leaves the emergency shelter at seven in the morning. he might go to the library. it doesn't open until 9:00 in the morning. right. and you know, he has to charge his wheelchair there, right? it's tough. >> it's really it's a daily struggle. >> yeah, right. >> all right. thanks, leanne. thanks >> san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins is facing some pushback following the comments she made about the homeless during our abc seven town hall last week. so >> so i think the recourse is obviously outside of the criminal justice system, but is it? it is. i mean, the criminal justice system is just say no, i'm camping here. well, no, they have to be made to be uncomfortable is the truth of the matter. we cannot make it comfortable for them to pitch a
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tent on our sidewalks and stay. >> abc seven news inside insider phil matier spoke with the da's office today about that comment and got an explanation. >> with 50 to 60% of the people on any given night saying no to shelter, what do we do to somebody that just decides they want to pitch a tent and she was very clear it wasn't something criminally that she could do. it wasn't going to charge them. that wasn't going to be it. but she said, you know, we can make them feel uncomfortable. and that upset some people because they said, well, what makes you think it's comfortable to be on the street? and to begin with? but her point i spoke with her, her staff today is that we can't just be compliant with it. and while she's concentrating now, much of her strength on going after the bigger dealers in the drug war on drugs right now that are selling openly. we also have a lot of users in those tents. mayor london breed echoed jenkins comment when we spoke with her yesterday on getting answers as. >> and abc seven spent an hour with san francisco's mayor,
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police chief and district attorney to tackle the city's chronic issues, the commercial free conversation is now streaming online. find it on demand on the abc seven bay area app. all right, coming up next, a look at the weather forecast for san francisco and the entire bay area. >> wherever you live, s
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us to enjoy some sun along with some higher clouds. take a look at why we're not seeing the rain just yet. high pressure in control of our weather. it's what we call a dirty ridge. it's strong enough to keep the storm track away, but not strong enough to keep the high clouds away. which is why we saw the filtered sunshine that storm track that you're looking at is going to start to shift from well up to our north to the bay area as early as sunday. right now, as we look at live doppler seven, there are some high clouds around. but the good thing about this is it's going to insulate us. so this morning we had low to upper 30s for our coldest spots. tomorrow. it's not going to be quite as cold because of the cloud cover, and we won't see as much fog forming . there will be some patchy fog, but not as much coastal flood advisory begins at 11 a.m. tomorrow, runs until 2 p.m. that's because the high tide is coming up just past 11 a.m. tomorrow, 6.64ft. so you could
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see some low lying flooding. so just keep that in mind. here's a look at your forecast headlines. the next week. ahead tomorrow filtered sunshine friday and saturday warm near record territory for some cities. and as we head towards sunday going through the middle of next week, a wet pattern sets up. so be ready for that. a live view right now from our east bay hills camera. just a pretty view looking across the bay there. 57 in san francisco. so low 50s from oakland to hayward right now. san mateo 54, san jose 58 degrees and kgo roof camera looking around the bay bridge here, you're noticing that the coolest spots are in the north bay valleys. 48 in santa rosa right now, 45 in petaluma. napa. you're at 49 for 44 degrees in fairfield. and low 50s concord and livermore as we go, hour by hour, high clouds. tonight at 7:00, those clouds will continue to stream in through tomorrow morning. and even past that as we go, really throughout the afternoon and evening. so you will see the sun, but it's not
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going to be a completely clear day all day long. your morning temperatures will be in the upper 30s to the upper 40s to start the day tomorrow afternoon . here's the way it's going to look nice in the south bay. above average. today's high temperatures, by the way, were above average as well. we had upper 50s to the mid 60s, 68 in san jose tomorrow, 70 degrees in gilroy 66 in milpitas on the peninsula, you're looking at 65 in redwood city, low 60s here near the coast and in san francisco, 62 degrees. pretty nice looking day. and in the north bay you're looking at 61 in san rafael, vallejo, 64 degrees in santa rosa in the east bay. low to mid 60s, 65 fremont, 63, oakland 62, berkeley. inland areas, we'll call it filtered sunshine as those high clouds continue to stream through 61. in concord and walnut creek, 63 degrees for you in livermore. now we're going to look at futurecast, keeping it dry until sunday. this is when the wet weather moves in and we'll see a rain snow mix in the sierra monday. this continues tuesday. this
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continues. waves of rain and showers all the way through wednesday. so we are estimating that we'll see several inches of rain. this is early estimates one to almost three inches for the bay area. it's going to be a good dose for california and we certainly need the rain. the accuweather seven day forecast will feature that dry pattern. warmer weather friday and saturday. we're going to bump those temperatures up into the low 70s around the bay. and then bringing in that level one sunday through wednesday. certainly cooler pattern by then . ama and dan. all right. >> thank you sandhya. >> all right. coming up next from oakland to oprah, a small business in the fruitvale neighborhood gets named a favorite. also ahead, i'm missing a window. >> not cool. san francisco. not cool. >> mhm. his car got broken into. then he got back at thieves. we are talking bait cars and glitter bombs. the abc seven news i-team has
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but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at
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pranking those who break into cars in san francisco. >> the former nasa engineer built backpacks that shoot glitter and a very foul odor at the thieves, and records their reactions with hidden cameras. and this year, rover. enlisted the help of our own i-team reporter, dan noyes. >> and dan is here with the story. we smile at this story. dan absolutely. well, dan. and it was really interesting to see how mark rober's mind works. the pranks are entertaining, but they also provide some valuable information about who's breaking into cars and where the loot is going. mark rober had not planned on making another glitter bomb video. then his car got broken into in san francisco this year. >> i'm missing a window. not cool. san francisco. not cool. >> so he launched his biggest effort yet set a bait cars with hidden cameras, placed backpacks inside with a newly engineered special surprise. a contraption that shoots glitter, emits a foul odor, and plays a countdown
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that invariably makes the thieves ditch the backpack. three. two. two. >> you know, it was really great working with you, dan, because you're like a professional. you've been doing this for 40 years, so the combination of both of us was like, really interesting because i could get these things stolen. we get this great footage and then you could run the plates and do more of like a in depth investigation. i think the combination of that worked really well over the past eight months. >> rober and his team recorded 25 car break ins, but something surprised him. most weren't those groups of apparently organized thieves. we often see on cell phone videos, something like 80% of our break ins were just individuals, so not groups coming around in cars. >> and honestly, it felt like a lot of them, it could have been their first break in almost right? like they weren't very good at it. they couldn't break the window or they got scared off really easily. >> i was also able to track license plates used in the crimes. they often turned out to
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be from stolen cars to make the criminals harder to catch. i went over to my car and my license plates were gone. a retired san francisco state professor, gerald eisemann, had played stolen twice from his car parked in front of his oakland home. i showed him the video of his plates being used in a break in. what do you think about seeing your plate used in a crime like this? well i'm grateful that i reported it so that the trouble wouldn't come back toward me. mark rober also took note of my investigation earlier this year, a videographer placed air tags on his gear, and after a car break in in oakland, he watched the equipment travel into san francisco. he's on the phone with the san francisco police officer when he sees his camera gear arrive at this location in the 300 block of leavenworth, and he goes, oh yeah, that's a known major fencing operation. >> everybody in the bay area knows that they can bring their stolen goods and offload them there. >> so mark rober rigged a laptop with a tracking device. >> we took an actual gaming
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laptop, removed the extra fan, and in its place added a gps tracker that would continuously stay charged by using the laptop battery. that way, we'd always know where it was, even if they wiped the hard drive. >> he got it stolen and tracked it to the same location. >> that was bonkers to me. like you publicly outed this as a fencing operation. a month and a half ago, and it's still being used as a fencing operation. >> our work has given me many other leads to follow by the way, you have to see the car that mark rigged with bulletproof glass, just as a way to mess with the criminals, as i said, is very entertaining. but with some valuable information. >> definitely. yeah. all right. thank you dan. thanks. >> all right. if you have a story for dan and the i-team, you can call this number on your screen or go to abc7 slash i-team. >> they'd be delighted to hear from you. we are getting a price tag tonight on what it cost san francisco to host last month's apec summit. a report says more than $11 million was spent on overtime pay. the bulk of it was for the police department. the
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mayor's office says the federal government and california highway patrol will pick up their own overtime costs. san francisco did pay for chp officers, hotel rooms. the city received about $20 million in private donations, which should help offset a good bit of those costs. >> house republican has passed a resolution today formalizing their ongoing impeachment inquiry into president biden. the resolution directs three powerful committees to continue investigating biden, to see if there are sufficient grounds to impeach him. house republicans claim the president has abused his power and the business connections of his son, hunter. before today's vote, hunter biden spoke about that publicly on capitol hill. >> in the depths of my addiction, i was extremely irresponsible with my finances. but to suggest that is grounds for an impeachment inquiry is beyond the absurd. it's shameless. there is no evidence to support the allegations that my father was financially involved in my business because
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it did not happen. >> hunter biden says he's willing to testify in the impeachment inquiry, but only if it's a public hearing. >> a coffee roaster in east oakland is creating nationwide buzz for being featured on oprah's list of favorite things. read bay coffee's holiday gift set is featured on the list. another oakland item is also one of oprah's favorite things washcloths from sweet july, a ayesha curry's store, red bay coffee ceo and founder, is thrilled, of course, that his coffee was included on the list. they were also featured in 2020, making. it to oprah's list is made is put red bay coffee, our headquarters on the map, right? >> for sure. right? because oprah likes nice things and you know. and what's not to like when you're talking about specialty coffee roasted to perfection in and served with love and respect, he admits it's been tough for small businesses in oakland, but says the positive attention can help turn things around, go out shoppin
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and you'll see happy people loving the holidays. >> but con men see easy marks. i'm michael finney and coming up, a conversation with the special agent in charge of the fbi, san from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31 at
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first rate steady. the central bank has increased them 11 times since march of last year. next year it indicated it might cut rates three times. >> some information tonight that might help save you some money. last holiday shopping season. the biggest internet scams roped in 12,000 americans and resulted in losses of $73 million. more than a million of that actually came from here in northern california. seven on your side's michael finney is in the newsroom with more on how michael not to get taken in by these people. >> yeah, many people believe that the con in con man comes from the word convict, but it actually comes from confidence man, because that's how they used to label a criminal. they
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got your confidence enough to trick you out of your money. well let me tell you, the world is filled with those guys these days. check out the holiday shopping and you'll see. happy people buying wonderful gifts. go online and you'll get the same type of vibe, but it's more treacherous. they're special agent in charge of the fbi. san francisco field office. robert tripp explains why scammers love anonymity and they like ready cash, and the internet, unfortunately, offers both of those things to scammers. >> certainly we have seen people victimized in person through direct contact with scammers, but almost all of what we're seeing comes online. >> special agent tripp says. when online know who you're buying from, we see a lot of the simplest kind of scam that you can think of. >> the non delivery scam. somebody out there shopping for gifts for their family, they'll see an incredible offer either in an email that they receive on solicited or online. they'll pay
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money for what they think is going to be a great gift for a family member, and they'll never receive the good. it was a scam from start to finish, tripp says. >> it's harder to spot a criminal now because they're using the latest technology well , i tell you, i has had an impact on the scams that we're seeing. >> and in the past, a lack of fluency in english is a potential red flag. if you're dealing with somebody that you don't know. however, with ai scammers are able to create very , very convincing exchanges with victims, especially over text. >> now, if you get ripped off, reported immediately to your credit card company or bank, then report the crime. you can do that online. if you go to our website. i've got all the information you need there. so you can do all of that. just go to abc seven on your side. excellent. >> all right michael thank you. sure. there is rain in the seven day forecast. >> sandia shows you when it will
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arrive next. and do get in the holiday spirit especially when itrillionains. but anytime with the yule log we are streaming it 24 over seven. find it on abc seven in the music is very common. yeah, or put it on your big screen with the abc seven bay area streaming tv app if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto, a medicine specifically designed for heart failure. entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, you can keep on doing what you love. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb.
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punch to break in a levee at menlo park. and what happened next is the beginning of a magic transformation. abc seven news anchor karina nova has the story . >> in case you missed it, san francisco bay just got bigger today. cheers went up as crews breached a levee just a few hundred yards from highway 101 near menlo park, and as the crowd watched from a nearby hilltop, the waters poured into a former industrial salt pond. 300 acres that will slowly and steadily turn into the bay area's newest tidal marsh. >> nature can really restore itself in many cases if we give it a chance, if we give it a head start, if we give it a push and that's what we're doing here. >> david lewis directs the nonprofit save the bay. the
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group spearheaded a volunteer program to green the edge of the ravenswood site over the last several years, creating what's known as a horizontal levee to absorb the rising tide from sea level rise. >> we've involved so many people as volunteers in this work, and each of those people who gets to touch the bay and see the results, we're really planting seeds for the future. future generations. >> the late senator dianne feinstein worked to acquire the site from the cargill corporation. state managers say when the tidal marsh begins growing in, it'll provide critical habitat for birds and wildlife, along with a multitude of other benefits. amy hutzel directs the state coastal conservancy. >> yeah, the tidal marshes around san francisco bay are doing a lot to benefit people and to benefit the environment. they sequester water, greenhouse gases. they sequester carbon. so they're helping us reduce climate change impacts. they help us adapt to sea level rise. >> the new marsh is just the
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latest piece of the largest tidal wetland restoration project on the west coast, including the don edwards national wildlife refuge. when it's complete, the project will restore more than 15,000 acres forever changing the shoreline of san francisco bay. >> there's so much love for the bay, so when we're out here looking at the bay, restoring itself, i think that really gives us hope. >> karina nova abc seven news. really remarkable work. >> and just to put this into perspective, it's estimated that san francisco bay lost nearly 85% of its natural wetlands to development since the days of the gold rush. wow. >> that is a big percentage. yeah all right, let's talk about our weather and whether we will be able to see a show in the sky. that's a good question. >> sandhya patel has the forecast. sandy. >> yeah. ama and dan. we're talking about the geminid meteor shower. it's peaking tonight. so if you are going to be checking it out, definitely move away from bright lights. there will be a new moon and high clouds
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that may interfere. but it's late tonight through early tomorrow morning. if you're lucky, up to 120 meteors per hour and one of our directors said he actually was lucky enough to see them. so hopefully you get lucky as well. take a look at the rainfall this month. calendar shows you that we've only had four days of rain in december for san francisco. there's definitely a deficit. this is one of our wetter months, but we're going to start to change that around as you look at our rain chances beginning to go up on saturday, but it's really not until late in the day for mendocino county and then for the rest of the bay area. it's sunday through wednesday on live doppler seven. we have the high clouds around as we head into tomorrow afternoon. temperatures will be in the upper 50s to the upper 60s at or above average, with the mix of sun and high clouds. here's your accuweather seven day forecast. enjoy the dry and warmer pattern, particularly friday and saturday when we may see some records here. plenty of high clouds around, but just really pleasant weather and then much needed rain coming our way. sunday through wednesday. all
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one's on our storm impact scale, so dan and emma, i think we'll be ready by then. >> excellent. yeah. thanks, andy . >> all right, larry, get us caught up on green fight night. yeah. >> you know how when you're a little kid and your parents say, don't touch that stove, it's hot. so how many times do you have to touch it before you realize i'm about to get burned here, and you change your behavior? drain green is going to be out for a while. exactly how long? unclear. the nba is suspending the warriors star. what is it going to take for him to get back out on
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but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at
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the question was how long the nba is ruled. and we're still not really sure because green has been suspended indefinitely. draymond status as a repeat offender. obviously a big factor in the punishment. and draymond said his intent was to sell the foul call on the suns center. he did not intend to hit nurkic. he claims. but it just looks really bad. draymond has played in 15 of the warriors 23 games, suspended five games for choking rudy gobert. that was just last month. the nba says green will be required to meet certain league and team conditions before he's allowed to return, according to adrian wojnarowski of espn. draymond gm mike dunleavy and green's agent rich paul are expected to meet tomorrow discussing some path of counseling and help for green to move forward. here's draymond with his explanation from last night. >> he was pulling my hip and i
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was swinging away to sell the car. made contact with him. um as you know i'm not one to apologize for things i meant to do, but i do apologize to you, sir. um because i didn't intend to hit him, so i was just selling the car because he was grabbing me and pulling my hip back. so i spun away, and unfortunately. i hit him. you know, i also don't think i'm an accurate enough puncher to do a full 360 and connect with someone. >> what's going on with him? i don't know, personally. i feel like that brother needed help and i'm glad he not try to choke me. but at the same time, it's nothing to do with basketball, man. like i'm just out there trying to play basketball and they're swinging. >> yeah, it's clearly not a basketball play. klay thompson off to a poor start this season. according to shams at fanduel, the warriors offered klay a two year extension worth around $48 million before the season. klay turned it down. he's making $43 million this year. so that would be a huge pay cut. the way he's
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playing now though 24 mil. seems like that would be more than anybody else would be willing to pay. but klay still remains one of the best shooters in history when he's on brock purdy leads the nfl in passer rating completion percentage and yards per pass attempt in his first full season as the 40 niners starter. so the question is, is that good enough to win the mvp award? the perception is, is that purdy is neck and neck with dak prescott of the cowboys in the mvp race, even though the niners crushed them head to head. but purdy's accomplishments seem to be marginalized in the national media, most likely because he was the last pick in the draft a couple of years ago. purdy will lead the niners into arizona, looking to hold on to their one seed in the nfc. niners have another candidate for the mvp in christian mccaffrey. he leads the league in rushing. so which player should get it kyle shanahan i'm trying to get me in trouble with those two guys. >> i think he's playing the best on the on the team that's playing the best in the entire league. if it's not him, i think christian should get it. you know, one of them has. i mean, i feel like it's kind of a no
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brainer. >> that's the only reason i won it. overly comment on either one of them because i don't want them to cancel each other out. um but if any, if any non quarterback's going to get an mvp, i don't get how christian mccaffrey can't if it's going to a quarterback then i don't have to talk about christian. i can talk about our quarterback niner co-mvp's has a nice ring to it i think. >> so back to draymond. people are saying well what are they going to do with him. they signed him to a four year $100 million extension just this summer. so the warriors feel and they've been you know open about saying we can't win a championship without him. the question is can you win a championship with him with all this behavior. and i actually believe him that he didn't intentionally try to it didn't look like he turned squared off and punched, kind of lost his balance, whatever. but he hit with such force that he didn't pull it either. >> i mean, he, you know, he may not have done it deliberately. >> no. and when you look at the body of work, the history that precedes all of this, it's like, okay, well, geez, you know, just keep going. yeah, exactly. the league is trying to make some sort of a statement here. all right. >> thanks, larry. yeah. >> all right. coming up tonight
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on abc seven at eight. celebrity family feud, followed by celebrity wheel of fortune at ten. watch the $100,000 pyramid and then us at 11 abc seven news at 11. remember, we're streaming 24 seven. get the abc seven bay area app so you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. that's it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel larry biel, all of us here. we appreciate your time as always. hope you have a great evening and that we see you again at 11. >> this is abc 724 seven. in san francisco. >> live in the south bay in san jose. in concord. live in oakland? yes. >> you're watching abc seven news live. anytime, anywhere. >> here we are. >> we are. we are, we are, we are we are where you are never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. >> download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and
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and a marine officer currently serving in stuttgart, germany... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings. [applause] thank you, johnny gilbert. and welcome back to the semifinals of this champions wildcard competition. in yesterday's game, it was our professors tournament semifinalist gary hollis who secured a spot in the finals with a convincing runaway victory. today there's a second spot up for grabs, and we're welcoming tyler, emma, and ed back to the alex trebek stage. good luck, champs. let's start finding out which of you it will be, as we get into the jeopardy! round and these categories. first up... then we have... ...for you. then a little game of... and finally... tyler, you begin the game for us.


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