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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  December 17, 2023 5:00am-6:01am PST

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but that's all about to change. coming up, the rain on the way to the bay area. good morning. it's sunday, december 17th. i'm stephanie sierra and speaking of
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that rain, lisa is here with the latest. yeah. >> good morning to you. we're looking at dry conditions right now. there are a few showers offshore. and as we check out live doppler seven you'll see for yourself. they're kind of parallel to the coast. there and we are dry at the moment. but we are bringing in our level one system for today. as a few isolated showers will be with us for your sunday. most of you will see more clouds than rain, and we'll see more widespread rain tonight. could see a few areas of breezy winds at times, so this level one system will ramp up overnight and it will be a level two by tomorrow. look at the mild temperatures 52 in oakland, 55 in san rafael. cooling numbers just in the low 40s over into livermore. upper 30s, though in santa rosa, everyone much, much milder. anywhere from 11 to 18 degrees warmer. this morning due to the cloud cover. the southerly winds . so we'll take the clouds through the afternoon. temperatures will be cooler today and we'll look for a few showers from time to time. with the chance of rain increasing tonight. and we'll talk about
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the wind and how much rain is expected for your monday, tuesday and beyond. stephanie. >> all right, lisa, thank you. in the north bay now utility workers will begin deflating a rubber dam on the russian river near forestville tomorrow. the dam is being emptied to prevent any flooding that might happen because of the upcoming storm. it's typically inflated in spring or early summer, when water demand increases. for the latest weather conditions, you can check out the abc seven bay area app. you can access the same live doppler seven that lisa and the weather team uses. search abc seven bay area in your device's app store to download it now. now to the war in the middle east. outrage families protested in israel after the israeli military admitted it accidentally killed three hostages. the idf saying in a video that the shooting of those hostages was against the rules of engagement. abc news reporter johny fernandez has the latest saturday protesters. gathered in tel aviv demanding
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answers after the israeli military admitted to accidentally shooting and killing three israeli hostages in northern gaza on friday. >> the men, identified as 28 year old yotam haim, 26 year old alon shamriz and 22 year old samir tallahatchie. prime minister netanyahu calling the deaths an unbearable tragedy, according to the idf's preliminary investigation, a soldier saw them as a threat and opened fire, killing two instantly. the third man was injured and ran back into the building. someone then cried help in hebrew. the idf then saying the battalion commander ordered his troops to stop firing, but another burst was fired, killing the third hostage. >> the idf is doing everything we can uh. there's been a multiple successes and there will also be mistakes. >> idf lieutenant general herzi halevi, releasing a video statement saying the hostages did everything possible. so israeli troops would understand being shirtless so they wouldn't
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be suspected of carrying explosives and waving a white cloth. but he said tensions overcame the situation and admitting the shooting was against the rules of engagement that is forbidden to shoot at someone who raises a white flag and seeks to surrender. so far, at least 20 israeli hostages have died and more than 100 hostages are thought to remain in gaza. confirmation saturday that another one was killed in hamas captivity. 27 year old inbar heiman. she tried to run on october 7th but was captured by hamas terrorists on motorcycles at the rim. music festival. since the war began, more than 18,000 people have died in gaza, according to the hamas run gaza health ministry. johny fernandez abc news, new york. >> well, back here at home, labor supporters gathered in oakland yesterday in a show of solidarity with the palestinian people. workers from bay area unions and their backers gathered at oscar grant plaza to
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make their voices heard. they are calling for a permanent cease fire in the conflict and an end to the occupation of gaza , and a halt to u.s. military aid to israel. >> we do not support u.s. taxpayer dollars going to a genocide abroad, going to support a regime, committing an occupation of the palestinian people for decades. >> the workers want president biden to stop supporting the conflict. they say that money should be supporting communities here in america to. well, new overnight, the chp is investigating a deadly crash in the east bay. it happened on highway four in martinez. this is what's left of that mangled vehicle. a woman driving by says she saw the crushed car and stopped to help. the chp believes the vehicle was traveling westbound on highway four near murillo avenue when the accident happened. >> for an unknown reason, the vehicle went off the roadway, maybe struck a tree. um there was at least three occupants. an
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and, um, one deceased. >> there was two babies. yes. one, i think passed away and um, the other that i was holding was is looks like he's in critical condition. they were resuscitating him when i looked over after i was pulled away from him. >> the chp has not confirmed the ages or identities of the three people in the car. we are waiting for an update on the condition of the two that survived in brentwood. three suspects were arrested last night after a deadly shooting earlier in antioch. antioch police says a man was shot and killed last night during an altercation with another man right near waldie plaza. it's unknown if the victim was unhoused. investigators later identified a car thought to be involved in the shooting and found nearby in brentwood, you can see brentwood, swat teams here searching for the suspects. in this video, three suspects were taken into custody near the 1200 block of dante avenue, and as of right now, it's unclear how the suspects were involved in this shooting. we'll stay
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following that back here at home, a story you'll see only on seven. a san francisco restaurant owner has some beef with the city and thieves who made off with around $5,000 of premium wagyu meat. the owner of ace wasabi, right here in the marina district, says that at around 550 thursday morning, multiple suspects jumped a gate and entered their storage unit. you can see on this surveillance video individuals rooting around in the freezers. as ken lowe says, in just about ten minutes, they made off with around $5,000 worth of that pricey meat and some seafood. now, this isn't the first time lowe has been a victim of crime, but it's the first time he's filed a police report. >> car's been broken into five times in the last three years. my restaurants have been broken into four times in the last three years. i'm hoping that getting this word out that the city understands that, um, hopefully we'll make some changes. i mean, whatever we're doing now isn't working. um,
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it's. i'm numb to it. i'm saddened by a city that isn't holding people accountable. we reached out to sfpd for more information, but have not heard back yet in the east bay. >> now, the campaign to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price says it will be ready to get enough signatures to move a recall vote on the ballot. but price's campaign says a new leaked document shows the recall is not being motivated by public safety. here's abc seven news reporter anser hassan. >> this draft fundraising document linked to the campaign to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price, was leaked to price supporters. she spoke about it at a rally on saturday. >> they did not get a recount in november, so they decided they'd have a recall in january. three as soon as we took office. that is anti-democratic. yes >> page nine of the document explains that fundraising has been focused on large businesses who, quote, have had significant negative impacts to both their
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portfolio valuations as well as the personal safety of their employees and families. those. fighting the recall, known as protect the win, say this reveals that protecting property value is being prioritized over public safety. >> this campaign plan says that they are concerned with the value of their portfolios as real estate developers, there is nobody in here. there is nobody who comes through our office. that is a real estate portfolio. yes we are responsible for the lives of real people and the impact that our system has. recall, price recall price. >> the recall price campaign admits the document was leaked, but they say it's not the smoking gun that the other side wants voters to believe. >> the funny thing about it is 13 pages long, but they picked one sentence out of 13 pages to kind of focus on. >> brenda grisham is one of the primary officers with safe save alameda for everyone. it's
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leading the recall effort, she says. even if business owners are concerned about their bottom line, that doesn't mean that the recall is about picking profit over safety. >> our home for businesses here and at any given time, my staff can be in the way of harm. so you know, just because they have major dollars, they still have an interest in what's going on in the county. >> price hasn't even been in office for more than a year. the recall campaign says they'll be ready to submit well over the necessary number of signatures early next year to get the recall on the ballot in alameda county, anser hassan. abc seven news. >> well, looking ahead to your morning commute, tolls may be going up on the golden gate bridge again. yes, the bridge district is considering another five year plan to hike tolls, the marin independent journal says officials are faced with a looming budget deficit. revenues plunged during the pandemic and many commuters have not returned
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. tolls ticked up to $0.35. so now the total is $9.75. on july 1st, which is the final increase in a five year plan that started back in 2019. all right, let's take a peek outside with lisa. good morning. >> hey good morning. rain is offshore and it will be moving into the bay area throughout the morning hours. we're going to track it for you. here's a look from our dry roof camera. so we're dry right now. but that changes. i'll be tracking the sunday monday, tuesday, wednesday rain in a few minutes. >> thanks, lisa. also ahead, should we be worried about a holiday surge in respiratory illnesses? the trend doctors are seeing right now in the bay area . plus, we're not the only ones expecting rain. the major storm headed for millions along the east coast
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you should feel that, like, right back here. oh, yeah, i felt that! good, that is so much better than last week. thanks, i've been doing 'em every night while i'm watching tv. - oh, what are you watching? it's a mystery. high quality care that meets you where you are. look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease.
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his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at
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sky star ferris wheel time now is 513. in the north bay. a dramatic rescue friday in sonoma county, near jenner. take a look at this video. a car crashed on a highway one and went down a steep ravine. landing upside down. you can see it here. the sheriff's office sprung into action and used a helicopter to reach the victim. they managed to pull the person out and get them safely to a hospital. we haven't received an update yet on their condition. hospitals around the country are starting to fill up with people who have respiratory illnesses. how alarmed should the bay area be about this holiday surge? abc seven news reporter tara campbell has some expert analysis. >> a warning from the cdc this week. the worst of the respiratory illness season is likely yet to come, and low vaccination rates are leaving the most vulnerable at risk. >> people went to thanksgiving being all over the country. there was a lot of flu in the southeast and the gulf states, and then they came back home,
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ucsf doctor peter chin-hong is talking about the flu and the rapid rise in hospitalizations in california. it's up 400% in the last month. and it's rising very quickly. >> but the good news, says the doctor, there's still time to get protected. >> it's still enough time to get the flu shot. and the flu shot is really well matched to what's circulating and also circulating are new variants of covid 19. we have a couple of emerging variants around, and you may need to bolster your immune system a little bit more for some of these variants, but so far the numbers are low. more people are going for flu shots, so about 40% of the population is getting that, including kids. fewer people going for covid shots about 17% of the population. but most concerning only about 37% of those over 65. so i do worry about it. >> i already had three times covid, so yes, i do worry.
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sumati is 66 years old and says she's keeping up with the vaccines and taking precautions. >> actually, i'm going tonight to a party and we are all trying to get a covid test. >> i already had mine today. >> meanwhile, the younger people i spoke with didn't seem to have a worry. >> i have noticed that people have been wearing more masks than before, but that's it, right? i'm not really concerned over it. >> not really. i don't it doesn't affect my plans unless it unless like the situation getting very severe and it could get more severe with covid cases expected to peak in the new year. >> tara campbell abc seven news. >> a storm that drenched florida with heavy rain and gusty winds will now move out of florida and make its way north. now the heaviest rain during the day will target coastal georgia, the carolinas and the mid-atlantic region before it accelerate up the coast. the storm will reach its peak strength tomorrow when it tracks close to the northeast coast. the system is expected to
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bring nor'easter like impacts to the northeast coast, just minus the snow. well, back here at home, another system impacting us locally. we're expecting that rain. let's check in with lisa on the timing of all that. >> yeah, you said minus the snow and that's going to start with us as well. it's a warm system but we are going to see some snow on the back side of it. the colder air moving in later on tomorrow. so that's a good news scenario. we've had a the system that has been sitting offshore lurking, finally beginning to move in in the next couple of hours. so the low is way separate from this initial band of rain moving into some pretty dry air. but as it does, i think we're going to begin to get our heads wet here in the next couple of hours. so there's a look at live doppler seven, where we have cloudy conditions, and then as this pushes through this morning, then we'll see a break throughout the rest of the day as we look at our current
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temperatures, mostly in the 40s and even 50s. so we're talking the cooler numbers just in the low 40s. that's a good ten degrees warmer or even 15 degrees warmer than we have been upper 30s santa rosa and that's still five six degrees milder, 54 san francisco is 44, in palo alto with 50. in hayward. our forecast headlines. then we still have a spare the air alert with those hazy conditions to start out a few isolated showers and then more scattered downpours as we get into the overnight hours. but there is a rain band offshore there that we're going to track for you. and then monday we could even see an isolated thunderstorm. so here's a look at the model. and it shows 730 that it gets awfully close to the coast. and yes, pushing up from the south there. so the breezy winds right on through about noon. and as this continues to push throughout the afternoon, we'll have cloudy conditions stopping this at 1130 tonight. and you can see how the downpours get a little more intense. so we're going to see the heavier rain through the overnight hours.
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this is for 30 monday morning. so some very heavy rain getting ready to head to work. you're going to get into some really wet pavements, some ponding on the roadways and then as we go through the rest of the day, the showers become more scattered, but the colder air moves on in. so this is 8:00 monday and you'll see that we still are looking at lines of heavy downpours into your tuesday morning. more rain and that system has a different trajectory. the tuesday wednesday system stopping this into wednesday. and you notice how healthy the rainfall totals are with over three inches in the north bay. but the second system really is going to focus along the coast and the peninsula. so that's why we have those pretty good totals of over two inches from mountain view, the san carlos. so the winds tomorrow, check it out 29 to 3540 miles an hour. so a breezy day as well. and then as we look at this time frame well into next sunday. so looking at a lot
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of healthy rain, even though we're looking at a dry weekend. so we'll get through the rain during the middle of the week, two to maybe 2.5ft of snow in the sierra nevada, 60 to the upper 60s today. so still on the mild side, but the accuweather seven day forecast, our level one system, the rain is with us this morning. level two for the downpours on monday and then as we look towards tuesday and wednesday, way more scattered. but we'll still have that heavier rain in pockets. >> okay, good to track that monday morning commute and the rain. we certainly need it. yeah, we sure do. all right lisa thank you. still ahead on abc seven mornings. maybe you found the deal of the century or maybe it's a scam coming up, we have a way to find out and stay safe online while you're shopping this holiday season ...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems.
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it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. imagine that. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma.
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your money safe. >> tis the season for holiday shopping. and that means it's important to stay vigilant online when we are in such a rush to get the right gifts, to get the right deal, to do what we think we need to do during this season to make it pleasant for ourselves and our family and our loved ones. >> i caution, or to be very cautious before we engage, before we provide our financial data as millions. of americans check off their gift lists, experts warn cyber crime is on the rise. >> we recently did a survey with ipsos, and what we found were about 30% of individuals in america have been victims of some sort of cyber crime, tammy hudson, a cyber security client officer for wells fargo, says artificial intelligence has made some scams more sophisticated and tougher to spot. >> threat actors using artificial intelligence and specifically bots to gain user
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credentials. still assets and get other information that users more common than not put out on social media. various social platforms and the threat actors use that to build a profile in order to more easily guess what those credentials may be. >> but there are things you can do to keep your money safe, hudson says. keep the security software on your devices up to date. change your passwords regularly. avoid using public wi-fi and double check the link and name of the website you're on. >> make sure that that url, which are the letters within that website address, has https instead of just http. the s on the end of that website indicates that it is secure, and you should also avoid saving your personal and financial information on a site. >> instead, hudson recommends typing it in each time you make a purchase, and the safest method of payment. credit card. >> when you are using a credit card, there is a certain amount of historical information that is attached to that credit card.
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typically threat actors don't like to engage with the use of credit card because of that tracking. >> reena roy, abc news, new york . >> happening tomorrow a major deadline for holiday shipping for delivery by december 25th. the united states postal service says the recommended deadline for ground service or first class mail for day shipping is monday, december 18th. same for fedex. it says the last day for four day shipping is also tomorrow. as for ups, tuesday, december 19th is the final day to send packages via ups three day select. now all of these carriers have overnight options, but it can get really expensive if you do it that way. you'll find more information on shipping deadlines over on our website at abc seven and it could be your last chance to get christmas gifts in person at one of the last toy stores in san francisco. co-owner matthew luna family run jeffrey's toys told abc seven news that the
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store on kearny street and union square is permanently closing. he says many factors are to blame, including fewer people visiting downtown. he also says the store needs the city's help. jeffrey's toys is expected to close around mid january for 45 years, jeffrey's toys was located on market street. that location closed in 2015 due to a rent hike. well, still to come this morning. the trial of the century a historic day at the vatican with a shocking outcome. plus, the deadlines are fast approaching. when to send your gifts? we'll have more details on that
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♪tasty glazed turkeys that won't be forgotten♪ ♪their warm mac and cheese has us feasting like kings♪ ♪these are a few of my favorite things♪ every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company ( ♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days,
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with significant improvement over time. ( ♪ ) morning. rain is coming. it is coming and we're going to make up for those deficits all around the bay area. >> we are way behind, but with
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several days of rain, this is pretty much beneficial rain because it will be spread out over 4 or 5 day period. live doppler seven. picking up on the line of rain showers offshore the low way off shore and as we get in a bit closer, you can see it's not too far away. so this morning, next couple of hours, we're going to bring in some scattered showers, a level one system, breezy winds at times and then more widespread rain tonight with heavier downpours and the colder part of the system arriving tomorrow. it is 50 in hayward. good morning to you. 43 in livermore with 54 san francisco and temperatures up to the north in the upper 30s. so we'll be looking at the milder start. the great skies, the spare, the air alert, and then the rain as it advances through early this morning, some downpours there and we'll talk about the drier afternoon ahead. stephanie. >> lisa thank you. and with the official start of winter coming soon, some of the bay area are doing everything they can now to avoid additional damage. after the whirlwind start of the year.
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now places like santa cruz county were battered by brutal storms and some neighboring some neighbors are still recovering from storm damage to wildfires. santa cruz county has been accused plating repair costs, public information officer jason hopkins said the county has already spent $75 million on work this past winter. sometime early next year, we should finish up the permanent repair. >> so that's what i mean by these things. layering on top of each other. we're just now finishing that. we're going into another winter, so we'll have to see what this winter holds for us. um, we're crossing our fingers that it stays light, but of course, that is not what a lot of people are telling us at this moment. >> now, hobert encourages residents to clear gutters and fix any leaky roofs at this time . he also urges anyone to sign up for emergency alerts at crews you can check out the abc seven bay area app for the latest on weather conditions and access the same live doppler seven that lisa uses. you can find that in our devices app
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store just to download it. a fire in san francisco's mission district was quickly put out by firefighters overnight. you can see crews working on that building in this video here. it happened near the intersection of 18th and harrison streets. the san francisco fire department says the fire was quickly knocked down by firefighters from fire station seven. it's unclear. how or when this fire started. we are working to get more details, but thankfully no injuries were reported. officials say harrison is closed to traffic between 17th and 18th streets to rome now, and the scandal that shocked the vatican, a cardinal once considered a possible contender for pope, was found guilty of embezzlement and sentenced to more than five years in prison. the verdict, coming from a vatican tribunal. abc's lama hasan with the fallout from what's been called the trial of the century. >> in what is called the vatican's trial of the century,
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cardinal angelo becciu, who formerly acted as pope francis's chief of staff, found guilty of embezzlement and fraud. >> giovanni angelo, the court sentencing him to five and a half years in prison and find some $8,700. >> he is now barred from holding any public office in the vatican. once seen as a possible contender for the papacy, the 75 year old, now becoming the most senior vatican official ever to be tried for financial crimes. the trial, lasting two and a half years, included 86 hearings, but you, along with nine other defendants, were accused of financial crimes, focusing on a property deal in london that cost more than $380 million, which ended in a huge loss for the holy see. eight defendants were convicted to prison sentences ranging from three years and nine months to seven years and six months. they deny any wrongdoing only one defendant, the cardinal's former personal secretary, was acquitted. the sprawling case also included investigations
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into vatican funds donated to a charity run by bharti's brother, and the payouts of almost $600,000, allegedly given to free a missionary nun kidnaped in mali by islamic militants. the cardinal strongly denies any wrongdoing. his lawyers saying they will appeal the sentence. lama hassan, abc news, london. >> four months after devastating wildfires swept through part of maui, the heart of lahaina has reopened. warm mauna how beautiful music on maui is. culture and history wrapped up in what's called mele. this weekend, free guitars for kids delivered nearly 200 instruments to the island. many of the kids lost everything when their homes burned. i lost a guitar two ukuleles, um, a drum and piano. >> we want to give you something that can help with your journey and help keep music that fire
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music in your life. >> organizers teamed up with local artists to share the healing strength of mele with the children. more than 300,000 air fires are being recalled because they can burn you. the recalled appliances are two of the power xl models made by empower brands, the company says. a plastic piece used to connect to food baskets inside can break and cause a burn. these were sold at target, walmart and kohl's stores from august of 2021 throughctober. of this year. if you have one, you can contact the maker for a refund. happening today if you are looking for a way to give back this holiday season, there's a toy and blanket drive in fremont this afternoon. it's at the fremont hindu temple on delaware drive. volunteers will be taking donations from noon until 2 p.m. today. they say the toys and blankets collected will go to kids in alameda, santa clara and contra costa counties. a street in san francisco's
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civic center neighborhood has been renamed to honor an iconic musician, michael tilson thomas, who served 25 years as the san francisco symphony music director, was celebrate today with the unveiling of way. congresswoman nancy pelosi and mayor london breed were on hand to dedicate the section of grove street between van ness avenue and franklin street to tilson thomas. way is right in front of davies symphony hall, a very fitting location where tilson thomas has led so many performances. you set the bar of what it means to be a noble, honorable person in the course of the work that you've done in your music career. >> and we are so thankful and appreciative for everything that you've done to make san francisco such an extraordinary place for the arts. >> though tilson thomas is battling an aggressive form of brain cancer, his work will, at
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the symphony at the davies, specifically, will continue in january and february. coming up later this morning on abc's this week with the new hampshire primary just over a month away, new hampshire govnor chris sununu, together with nikki haley in a sunday morning this week exclusive live well, sununu's endorsement that helped swing the vote for haley in overtake trump. you can watch the full interview on this week with george stephanopoulos at eight this morning, right here on abc seven. well, a family in kentucky got something extra when they picked out their christmas tree. look at this, a small owl. wow the tree was in their home for four days. and get this, they didn't even notice anything unusual. but when they hired someone to clean the carpets that person noticed the tree was swaying a little bit when he plugged in some equipment. well, lucky for him, he took a closer look and said, there it is. that owl was sitting on a lower limb before it disappeared into the tree.
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now, thankfully, the cleaner was able to track it down and release it safely in the family's backyard. what a surprise. all right, just ahead, a look at how the giving spirit here in the bay area is brightening the holidays for hundreds of children. and here's a live look atop our roof cam, looking at the bay bridge this morning, seeing the ferry building colored in green, lisa will have your forecast coming up in just a few minutes ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪
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♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪ ♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ ♪ ♪ merry christmas! ♪ rich chocolate layers sprinkled with festive peppermint. with love from san francisco. ghirardelli peppermint bark squares. makes the holidays a bite better. i know what it's like to perform through pain.
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if you're like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine, nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt. this morning. time now is 539. to the peninsula, where over 1000 children and teens were able to take home new toys. samaritan house of san mateo hosted the event for underprivileged children. and this year, nearly 4000 toys filled the nonprofit's
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warehouse. we're just joyous. >> this is our our mission reminder of bringing hope, dignity, um, and caring to our community. from our community. you know, our overall mission being keeping folks fed, clothed, healthy and housed. this is the added extra right? it's the compassion side of everyone enjoys or deserves a joyous holiday this year. >> a generous donor stepped up to make sure all the kids had a gift card to take home. we love to see that, especially during the holidays in the north bay. families in need are getting the holiday they've been hoping for. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard shows us how a marin county nonprofit helped make the holiday special for hundreds of children. mary christmas and mrs. claus were posing for pictures and listening to a lot of wish lists from kids in north marin in mexico. >> we don't have any toys, and i tell them, you, you are lucky to
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have all these presents. >> maria mercado's son just got a bike. it's all part of the annual holiday share and toy drive hosted by nonprofit north marin community services, helping low income families. maria says because of them, christmas will happen. >> after all, they are uh- amazing because we pay, you know, a lot of rent in this area and we don't have a lot of money to give, you know, presents for him. >> it's the 51st year for this event benefiting almost 500 kids. director say many families are living on the sharp edge of the bay area's economy. >> the need is so high right now. we have over 90 people on a wait list for rental assistance. um, we're very grateful that donations are coming in. i'll check it out. >> there's about 2000 toys in all of these purple bags, each bag custom made for kids and families this holiday. >> it's amazing. we're going to go see what's in here, and we're
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going to put it under our christmas tree. and it's just going to add to the excitement for them. >> christi dupree's two sons can't wait to see what's inside. hey sweetie, at a time when it seems everything is expensive, many parents are feeling relieved and grateful. but the things their kids are wishing for this season? no, i think that it's extremely difficult for people right now. >> and the fact that we are going to bring toys and gifts to people, um, during the holidays is extremely gratifying. >> yes. >> in novato, cornel bernard, abc seven news. >> take a look at this san arrived in style at alameda county station 28, in newark for yesterday's toy drive. this year, the grinch also made a surprise guest appearance. as you can see there, the kids got to meet santa while community members brought toys to the firehouse. they will go to the local nonprofit organizations several to distribute to underserved kids and their
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families for firefighters say there was a record turnout for this year's event. lisa, it's so great to see that. >> yeah, fun. definitely getting in the spirit and the rain, which is on the way. definitely making it feel like winter. we also have snow to talk about in the sierra nevada. pretty nice view here. where the skies are cloudy, but that's going to change. we'll be adding up the rainfall totals as soon as today. my accuweather seven day forecast is next lisa thank you. >> and also next steph curry seals the win in. yeah. the warriors facing the brooklyn nets last night at chase center. abc seven sports anchor chris alvarez breaks down the matchup
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♪ smiling first can help -next! someone find the courage to do the same. bounced from one doctor -next! someon to the next.urage did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you. i came here to find love. but instead, i found a best friend.
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señor snuffles, you stole my sock, and now you've stolen my heart. will you accept this milk-bone as a symbol of my love? ♪ more dog ♪ (dog bark) we have rain on the way and lisa will have those details coming up. a big weekend as college
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football's bowl season kicks off, the cal bears traveled to louisiana looking to beat texas tech in a final showdown at the independence bowl. abc seven sports anchor chris alvarez has your morning sports. >> good morning. one of the more electrifying warriors in quite some time was back on warriors ground last night. monte ellis, one of the stars of the we believe warriors and the man who the warriors traded to eventually hand over the keys to stephen curry, took some time to hang with dub nation, signing autographs outside the team store ahead of the warriors nets game and inside getting a standing ovation during his first time at chase center. good to see monte back in the bay. stephen curry doing his thing. hits the three career number 3500 for the all time three point king. just 500 until he gets 4000 under four minutes to go. now in the second quarter, warriors defense kevon looney, klay thompson putting pressure on klay now with the ball. passes up three. he gets jonathan kuminga bucket inside. warriors led by 16 at the break. and as many as 18 steve kerr was
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happy until they blew the lead. cam thomas with a game high 41 as brooklyn retakes the lead with steph on the bench. but steph was superman when he returned and given the dubs the lead with just under seven to go. look at this move to the basket for the deuce. curry scored 12 straight points, gave the warriors the lead for good. step back three. you bet team high 37. new giants center fielder jungwoo lee from korea. he's enjoying himself. warriors win 124 120. their first win in ten days. >> they haven't won in a while, so it was nice to you know, get over to get over the hump, get to the finish line with a win. it's crazy as it sounds with all that we've accomplished, i don't know the to answer how we solved the season. let's just win on saturday. >> he willed us to victory. he was special tonight. just his ability to create shots and make shots from all over the floor, at the rim and the mid range from 35ft. i'm grateful for steph's performance tonight. it really put us over the edge. >> college football now the cal
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bears won three straight to end the season and reach their first bowl game since 2019, playing on the first day of bowl season, taking on texas tech in the independence bowl in shreveport, louisiana. cal fans who made the trip, they were pumped, especially sparky. check him out right there. he's fired up. things get goofy on the opening kickoff. texas tech gets it. the returner is hit hard, and cal's kicker, michael luckhurst recovers the fumble for the bears and very next play, they make him pay. fernando mendoza finding monroe young 25 yard score seven. nothing bears in 15 seconds. later in the first though, game tied at seven, mendoza to tron grizzle break in free headed towards the goal line. kenny score and just short out of bounds. next play jaden not he's going to punch it in on his 21st birthday. makes it 14 seven cal. he announced he's returning to cal next season and a little celebration with some skittles, but the red raiders scored 27 unanswered. tahj brooks is going to find his way to paydirt, 3114, in the third,
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mendoza tough game for him. threw three picks as cal falls 3414. they finished the season six and seven. coach wilcox a loud message for the off season. >> love the guys on the team. we got great guys on the team, really good people, but we need better football, more consistently and so we got to demand that from ourselves. um, and the players need to demand it from themselves and their teammates. so, uh, this doesn't build a fire for your off season workout program, then you're probably in the wrong sport or at the wrong place, and the 40 niners will clinch the nfc west with a win in arizona later today. >> that's your look at sports. have a great sunday. we'll send it. >> all right let's check in with lisa. good morning. >> good morning. we have some tropical moisture offshore some thunderstorms. and it is going to be muggy out there today. winds out of the south. this air mass coming up from the south. so it is going to be mild to muggy with scattered rain showers in the next few hours. here are some of the thunderstorms offshore. but we're dry right now and you can
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see the temperatures are up in the 50s. for most of us, it is 50. in hayward, 52 in fremont, 57. in san rafael. that's a usually cool area, but we do have a 39 in santa rosa and some low 40s in livermore. so as we look at our forecast headlines, hazy, spare the air alert again today with the rain showers scattered throughout the day. we have a line moving in in the next couple of hours. and then monday, tuesday and wednesday more rain on the way. the second system really looks to skirt the coast and the peninsula, so rainfall totals are going to be impressive, but over a 4 to 5 day period. here's a look at some of these thunderstorms and the downpours that are about to move in, say 7:00 this morning through the first half of the day. so you can see the scattered to wide spread rain showers from the north bay, even in the east bay. then that moves through. we get a bit of a break throughout the afternoon soon. this is 1130 tonight and you'll notice more rain a little bit
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colder air moving in and we'll see the possibility of some thunderstorms throughout the day. this is early monday morning, so that commute is going to be a tough one with the slick roads, the breezy winds. this is your monday night. you can see the main system moving up to the north, but then the second system arriving with those scattered downpours from the coast to the peninsula up through the sacramento valley. and then as we get into the tuesday later afternoon period stopping this right here, we've got the widespread rain. so for vast amounts are pretty generous . but this takes us right on through wednesday night. so it's only sunday. so we have four days. but this will come in pockets. some heavier downpours from time to time as we get into your monday and then your tuesday time frame. so over three inches santa rosa you can see yountville, three inches richmond, oakland. and then that second system really focusing on the coast, the peninsula, san mateo, redwood city and ben loman could be near three inches, certainly down around ben lomond. and this certainly
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looks like a lot of rain here. but that's that second system that really wants to hug the coast and not push far inland. but it will have some colder air. it will have breezy winds. the first system has the breezy south winds. this is your monday afternoon soon winds up to 40 miles an hour along the coast. and then as we get into that second system, this takes us through tuesday night. this is where we get some of that colder air, and we've got over two feet, maybe 2.5ft of snow. so the cloud cover, the mild conditions today with mid upper 60s out there feeling pretty muggy. and as we get into the overnight hours we'll have the downpours, temperatures in the 50s. you can see it looks like a pretty active night. and morning. the accuweather seven day forecast cast. this is our level two system as we get into monday. and then for tuesday and wednesday, we'll have to watch that. we could, uh, you know, if we could divide up the bay area tuesday. looks like the heavier rain along the coast and peninsula for a change. where the north bay won't be seen that much. so these are cut off lows
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that are not with the flow of the jet stream. and so that makes it harder to forecast how much and where the rain is going to fall. >> okay, of course we know you'll be but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy
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2062, and that powerball number 25. no. one, though, matched all six numbers. so the jackpot rolls over to 543 million for tomorrow. drawing and the winning numbers from last night's $23 million super lotto plus drawing three, six, 12, 17, 29 and the mega ball ten. there was one jackpot winner. the ticket was sold at a store in northridge in southern california. the jackpot resets to $7 million for the next drawing on wednesday trip. the greatest, greatest monumental dream of your life and that will
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undo all the magical candy cane. >> wow, look at that outfit. >> berkeley hosted their holiday fantasy parade, where characters waved from the streets as you just saw there. the sidewalks were filled with many people decked out in costumes. you see santa on roller blades there, making his way down the street, many on stilts that were decorated with led lights. you see plenty of lights, though on the trees. people were invited to drive by, but as you can see, many joined the fun on the streets. well, a virginia thrifter turned a less than a $4 item into more than $100. the woman bought this vase for $3.90 at a goodwill store back in june , and she noticed some markings that led her to think it was high end. so she shared a photo on facebook and other users identified it as an authentic venini. she initially thought she'd get up to $50,000 for it,
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but a person only identified as an esteemed collector ended up buying it for $107,000. that is a bargain win if i've ever heard one. well there's a new baby animal at disney world. an african elephant was just born at animal kingdom. it's the first calf birth in seven years. disney is the parent company of abc seven. well, coming up on abc seven mornings at 6 a.m, the latest in the israel-hamas war. the tragic mistake that killed three hostages with the israeli defense force is now saying. plus, is there a respiratory illness virus surge on the horizon? what you need to know before you head home for the holidays
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6:00 am
outside this morning. it's a clear sight, but that's all about


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