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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  December 28, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PST

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for the holidays. sweet yeah, but don't llamas spit? oh, yeah. >> i think they're known for spitting if they get scared. >> right. yeah. which with a lot of people around. yeah, they're probably not very comfortable. that is true. >> just saying i think i think our animals at sfo and our bay area airports, we got we got the dogs, the rabbits got everything . whatever brings a smile to your face right. good morning america. wicked weather on the move. torrential rains drenching the northeast overnight. the fast moving storm unleashing flash flooding, while in the heartland, cars slide off the interstate, trucks jackknifing on what is expected to be one of the busiest days to drive. we're live on the roads and at the airport this morning. what to expect if you're heading out. showdown over the border. the mayor of new york issuing an executive order after texas buses thousands of migrants to
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the city and leaders in chicago and denver, too, calling for federal assistance, as secretary of state antony blinken meets with the mexican president. what's next as the crisis deepens? threat of a widening war. israel warning it will act after hezbollah attacks from the north. we are live in the region. demolition day. the home of the victims of thes idaho college murders set to be torn down today. why the families of two of the victims are fighting to stop it from happening. the evidence they fear could be lost before the accused killer goes on trial. facing justice. >> guilty. >> guilty. >> guilty. >> jodi hildeb pleading guilty to four charges of child abuse. franke said she brain washed her into harsh parenting. why hildebrandt admitted to the crimes and how much time she could spend behind bars.
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>> miracle survival. the 27-year-old man rescued after nearly a week trapped in a mangled truck, surviving on rain water. what he's now saying from his hospital bed about the hours long battle to free him. billion dollar dreams. no winner for the jackpot overnight, the prize now growing to $760 million. how high can it go before someone strikes it rich? ♪ if i could turn back time ♪ and cher turns back time. what she's now done for the first time in more than two decades, and the holiday song that helped her get there. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> and good morning america. so glad to have you with us. so great to be here with eva an demarco this morning. we got a lot to cover, including that major storm on the move. another washout here in the northeast. >> it was a mess of rain coming down in sheets overnight. the fast moving storm traveling up the i 95 corridor on one of
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the busiest travel days of the year. >> we have full team coverage tracking the weather, what to expect on the roads and in the skies. we start with our transportation correspondent gio benitez. gio, good morning. >> reporter: hey, eva, good morning to you. this storm caused a slew of flight delays yesterday. remember, the majority of people traveling right now are driving. and we've seen a mess on the roads. overnight flooding, a threat for millions across the northeast. drivers navigating rain soaked streets in new york city. remnants of the storm making for mayhem in south dakota after 17 inches of snow fell, drivers forced to abandon their cars after sliding off interstate 90. semitrucks jackknifing. this one completely flipped over. in missouri, snowfall reducing visibility for drivers to less than a mile. and in the sky, another busy travel day expected. travel troubles not limited to weather. southwest airlines encountering a number of bird issues this past week. a southwest flight bound for
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austin -- >> big flock of birds went through. may have hit one there. >> reporter: -- turned around and returned to ft. lauderdale following a bird strike shortly after takeoff. >> you need an emergency vehicle? >> give us everything he has. >> reporter: this is the second bird strike for southwest in the last week. overseas, passengers and crew members aboard an american airlines flight from lax to london forced to make a wild landing. the boeing 777 seen drifting on its approach. the crew struggling to bring the plane to a safe landing at london's heathrow airport. this holiday travel season on track to break records. >> it's been a lot busier the last couple times we traveled. >> reporter: airlines for america says the airlines have sold more than 39 million seats during the busiest part of the holiday season. that's up 16% compared to last season. now even with those flight delays yesterday, we still saw more than 2.6 million people flying by air.
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today will also be very busy, but hopefully a lot calmer weather wise. >> fingers crossed for that. all right, gio. thank you. as gio mentioned right there, the storm coming at the worst possible time, as millions of people are heading out for the holiday weekend. faith abubey joins us at hartsfield jackson airport in atlanta with how things are shaping up in the skies. faith, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, whit. the tsa is expecting another busy day at airports across the country. here at hartsfield jackson, things are moving pretty smoothly. on average it's taking travellers about 20 minutes to get through the security line which is in stark contrast to what we saw just a couple of days ago. travellers were telling me it was taking them well over an hour to get through the security lines because agents were short staffed. some of them even missed their flights. tsa said things were much better yesterday. on average it was taking people about 32 minutes or so to get through the security lines. that is great news for the tsa ahead of what will be one of the
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busiest days this holiday travel season. tomorrow. on friday alone, they're expecting to screen 2.5 million passengers nationwide. now, if you're traveling by car, traffic is building back up slowly ahead of new year's eve. as you heard gio mention, aaa is expecting today to be one of the most congested on the roads this holiday season. if you live in a large metro area, expect your travel times to be up to possibly 20% longer and double the delays if you live in places like d.c., san francisco, or denver. that is according to analysts. they're saying the best time for you to hit the road will be before lunch time or after 7:00 p.m. demarco? >> all right, thank you very much, faith. let's check in now with somara theodore for a look at the forecast. she's tracking the very latest for us. it's a mess. >> i can't help but feel this is all my fault. >> oh, no. >> no. >> it's the weather. oh my goodness. good morning.
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wooster, how are you doing? i do have friends in wooster. it is a dreary start out there. it was foggy in boston as well the past couple of days. so when's the rain going to leave? take a look at this time stamp. 7:00 p.m. tonight. you can see most of the rain is situated north. new york city, while things do calm down today, we could see a few passing showers through the evening. might get you on the back end. by 2 p.m. tomorrow this storm turns into a snowstorm in maine. especially in the woods of maine farther north there. and then by saturday morning at 9 a.m., we're gearing up for weekend festivities farther inland from the east coast, from pittsburgh down to roanoke, up into syracuse, we could see lighter snow showers. finally, we're heading out to the west coast. we have gotten a barrage of storms over the past few days. today no different. another west coast storm is getting ready to enter, bringing heavy rain to places like eureka and san jose. the big question is, how is this going to impact the actual holiday? i'll have that coming up. for you back to you, whit. >> we'll check back in a moment. thank you. now to immigration crisis, border crossings are on track to break records in december.
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now a coalition of democratic mayors are demanding federal help as bus loads of migrants arrive on their door steps. abc's trevor ault join us now with more. trevor, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. so this is the port authority in manhattan. this is where these buses are required to drop off the migrants at specific times with specific notice. the mayor and several other leaders of prominent cities say they need substantial federal help as this problem keeps growing. december is now on track to have the highest number of border patrol apprehensions ever according to customs and border protection data. on average, nearly 10,000 apprehensions a day over the last week. this morning a trio of mayors from new york city, chicago and denver are all calling for federal support responding to the national immigration crisis, accusing texas republican governor greg abbott of cruel and inhumane politics, bussing migrants across the country. >> we're looking at about $160
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million in potential costs going into next year's budget. that's almost 10% of our entire city budget. >> reporter: new york city's mayor issuing an executive order requiring advance notice for buses dropping off migrants in the city, now only allowing their arrival weekday mornings between 8:30 and noon. this as official wednesday shuttled hundreds of people to overcrowded shelters throughout the city. >> to be clear, this is not stopping people from coming, but about ensuring the safety of migrants and making sure they can arrive in a coordinated and ordinarily way. >> reporter: the mayor's office says more than 7,000 asylum seekers have arrived in new york city in just the last two weeks. earlier this week hundreds of asylum seekers were flown to the northeast, forced to stop in philadelphia due to bad weather. wednesday secretary of state antony blinken visiting mexico, meeting with the president there to discuss the historic levels of migration. a source familiar with the talks says the u.s. is hoping to find
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ways to convince mexico to do more to ramp up immigration enforcement on its side of the border, discuss incentives to encourage people to stay in mexico rather than cross into the u.s. the talks come as another large caravan of thousands of people slowly advances through mexico headed toward the southern border. the leaders of the group reportedly made up of people fleeing central america are carrying banners which read exodus from poverty. republicans in congress are trying to require a strengthened border security package be tied to any further funding for ukraine. we do know senate negotiators met on capitol hill on wednesday trying to hammer out a deal. eva? >> trevor ault for us there. thank you. overseas to growing concerns of a wider war in the north as there are new attacks on u.s. forces in the region and israel issues new warnings to combatants there. foreign correspondent britt clennett is in jerusalem with more. good morning, britt. >> reporter: good morning, eva.
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yeah. israel is upping the rhetoric against hezbollah. deadly exchanges of fire intensifying along the border. israel's minister warning the idf will act to remove the militant group if the lebanese government does not stop them from launching attacks on its territory, saying that it's time, the time for a diplomatic solution is running out. this fueling fears that a broader war could be just around the corner. today a funeral is being held for a high ranking iranian general who tehran says israel assassinated a few days ago. iran has vowed to retaliate for it. >> let's talk about concerns for a wider conflict. are we seeing more attacks in the region there? >> reporter: well, an iran backed militant group claiming responsibility for another drone attack on u.s. and coalition forces at erbil air base in northern iraq on wednesday. this new attack is the latest of the more than 100 incidents where iran backed groups have targeted u.s. troops with rockets and drones since the
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start of israel's war against hamas. it comes just days after the u.s. carried out multiple air strikes on iran linked militia targets in iraq. eva? >> britt, thank you. demarco? turning to that legal victory for donald trump. the michigan supreme court declined to hear a case that sought to have the former president barred from the ballot in the upcoming primary. it's just one of dozens of cases seeking to rule him ineligible to hold office due to his conduct on january 6th. our senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky is tracking this for us. good morning. >> reporter: challenges to president trump's eligibility to appear on ballots in dozens of states have added intrigue to a primary season now just over two weeks away. trump is cheering the decision to keeps him on the ballot in michigan, and he's attacking the different outcome in colorado. this morning the michigan supreme court is keeping donald trump on the state's primary ballot.
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majority of the justices declined to hear a challenge to trump's eligibility writing, we are not persuaded of the questions presented should be reviewed by this court. instead, they let stand a lower court opinion that said in michigan, who to place on the primary ballot is determined by the political parties. >> voters have the ultimate authority and should have the ultimate authority to decide, with their power, who should become president. >> reporter: trump said on social media the michigan supreme court acted strongly and rightfully. he said the colorado supreme court fell prey to the scheme after ruling last week trump is ineligible based on his conduct on january 6th and section 3 of the 14th amendment which disqualifies candidates who engage in insurrection after previously taking an oath to defend the constitution. >> this particular qualification is more nuanced than a more civil cut andrei issue where the facts are clear in terms of the candidate's age or place of birth. >> reporter: overnight the colorado republican party asked the u.s. supreme court to overturn the state supreme court ruling knocking trump off the ballot.
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trump is expected to file his own appeal. the party argued the colorado decision userped the right of the people to choose their elected officials. challenges to trump's ballot eligibility are pending in more than a dozen other states. trump is also facing criminal charges over january 6th and efforts to overturn the last election. in that case, special counsel jack smith has asked a judge to restrict the arguments the defense can make at trial saying trump should not be allowed to inject into this case partisan political attacks that have no place in a jury trial. eva? >> aaron katersky, thank you. now a new study that says children are far more likely to be hospitalized for rsv than for the flu or even covid. morgan norwood is here with that. good morning to you, morgan. >> reporter: good morning, eva. respiratory illness season is in full swing. chances are you or someone you know is getting over a cough. this new study out of sweden lays out what has the highest chance of landing children in the hospital. rsv, covid or the flu?
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so let's talk about it. the study looked at merely 2,600 children and found kids with rsv were 11 times more likely to be hospitalized than kids with covid. of those admitted to the er, close to 82% had rsv, 31.5% covid an about 28% the flu. so according to the cdc, as many as 80,000 kids under 5 will hospitalized with rsv every year with 100 to 300 deaths with those with rsv. those with rsv usually contagious for about 3 to 8 days and may be contagious a day or two before they start showing symptoms. which is why the cdc says these numbers drive home the importance of immunizations for children and pregnant mothers. there are vaccines and antibody shots available. fda approved two vaccines for adults over 60. still, the cdc says hospitalization rates for covid, influenza and rsv remain relatively low. eva? >> thanks, morgan. whit? we turn to the incredible
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survival story of a man trapped in his truck for nearly a week after a crash. he's now speaking out, thanking the good samaritans and first responders who saved his life. andrew dymburt is here with that story. andrew, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, whit. perseverance, good luck and little goodwill from a couple fishermen saved this man from certain death after a car wreck left him stuck, stranded and out of sight. this morning an incredible story of survival. 27-year-old matt raoepl smiling from his hospital bed after being trapped in this mangled truck for nearly a week drinking rain water to stay alive. >> it's a miracle that he's alive. >> reporter: rescuers don't think he would have made it another night but thanks to fishermen he did. >> i looked inside and moved the white air bag and there was a body in there. >> reporter: late tuesday afternoon, mario garcia and his son in law were walking along the creek looking for a fishing spot, but finding the unrecognizable pickup instead. >> my first instinct was call for help.
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>> i went to touch the shoulder. the moment i touched the shoulder he swung around. he woke up. >> reporter: the wreckage just out of view from passers by went unnoticed for six days. ream was pinned, unable to reach his cell phone to call for help and his yells went unnoticed. >> six day, almost a full week, of just people being within feet of you and nobody knows you're there. >> reporter: it took rescuers hours to free him, bringing him up to the road above and the awaiting helicopter where he was taken to south bend memorial hospital. matt had to have his leg amputated and still has a long road to recovery, but is thankful to those who saved his life. his message this morning, no matter how tough thins get, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, sometimes in the least expected way. part of his leg had to be amputated but he is alive. a website is raising money to help pay his medical bills. guys? >> trapped in that car for a week. that's how you know it's not your time to go. a week. all right, andrew. thank you for that report. coming up the off campus house
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where the four idaho college students were killed set to be demolished today. why the victims' families are pleading with authorities to put the move on hold. you tube mom ruby franke's ex-business partner pleading guilty. why she took the plea deal and how much time she may face behind bars? cruise mania. the plan for a new 3 1/2 year voyage in the pipeline as epic cruises make a big splash. first back to somara. good morning. >> good morning, whit. we're headed to the west coast where santa cruz california last year took quite the beating as this moisture was spewed from multiple atmospheric events. you can see now another storm is coming not really helping their case. we've got coastal flood warnings along the coast line there up to 35 foot waves. beach erosion is a concern with this next round of rain moving in. as far as totals go, we could see 1 to 2 inches. further inland we could see 3 to 6 inches of snow in higher elevations. that's a look at the forecast across the country. local news and weather in 30 seconds.
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or maybe some red berries special k. in so many craveable varieties so you can do what's delicious. the target clearance run is on. dash in now for savings up to 50% on select clothing and shoes for everyone, plus beauty and personal care and their favorite toy brands. don't miss the target clearance run. the new contra costa county investigation into the troubled martinez refining company. supervisors will be meeting with the oil refineries corporate leadership. contra costa health held an unannounced inspection at the refinery tuesday. authorities are concerned about the slew of recent flaring incidents and releases of hazardous ash. >> and good morning. we're
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following your commute this morning. or drive as it may be. and if you're planning on taking the ferry this morning from larkspur into the city, it's a slow boat due to mechanical issues. so the 720 that you just missed to the 850 and 1005 will all be the slow boat. so add 15 minutes on to that drive or ride, i should say. and very slow. uh, as far as commuting this morning we are looking at very light traffic. it's a slow morning, i should say, at the bay bridge toll plaza. kumasi >> thank you sue. meteorologist drew tuma has a quick look at in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to
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they were fit with good feet, arch supports. >> i definitely feel the heel to toe walk. >> i'm not feeling any pain, especially in my heel. that's that's where i always feel it. >> i don't feel the knee pain. i didn't notice any pain in my back. i feel like i could walk all day in these. >> oh, you're a blessing in disguise. >> try them for yourself with a free arch. support fitting at the good feet store, this may look like a holiday shopping showdown, but it's a nissan sales event to add. >> get 1.9% financing for 60 months on rogue. better hurry, these offers won't be back in stock. we were. >> discretion is advised >> we're tracking a high surf warning this morning where wave heights up to 40ft are possible. so please do not get into the ocean water. keep your pets away as well as the ocean. current is dangerous. the next 24 hours, we'll take a look at how the day shapes up. it's mostly cloudy throughout the day, some pockets
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of drizzle. it's humid. it's also mild. today. by 4 p.m. we'll have those temperatures going into the 60s, which is above average for this time of the year. tomorrow though, rain is back in the forecast, heavy at times in the afternoon in the evening it's a level two on the storm impact scale. kumasi. thanks, drew. >> we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc seven the news continues now a good morning america >> listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. oh. hi, guys. >> hey. so what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking bigelow tea. >> it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. >> that's what a cup of tea is. a moment for you. someone you love. >> oh, it tastes really great. >> yes, it was always bigelow tea. wow. >> that's what my family hopes for. >> cheers. cheers >> here's hoping we can all be
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apply by february 12th at universal city of maryland global campus, an accredited university that's transformed adult lives for 75 years. you're not waiting to win. you're ready to succeed again at umbc. dot edu. i can order contacts five minutes and get them the next day. >> bam! wow. >> right now you can save 30% on your first order. >> plus fast free shipping right to your door. ♪ dj play a christmas song i want to be dancing all night long ♪ welcome back to gma. santa bringing cher as a christmas present with her new holiday hit, "dj play a christmas song now." her first time to hit the list in 21 years. the perfect present for cher and us this holiday season. >> that's gonna be in my head all day long. >> i know. >> my first broadcasting job was a cher concert.
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>> get outta here. >> radio station handing out stickers for promotion. >> look at you now. there you go. >> thank you cher for that an the hit song. we appreciate it. coming up here top headlines we're following. of course, that torrential rain drenching the northeast overnight with threats of flash flooding as the heartland digs out from a blast of snow on what is expected to be one of the busiest days to drive. the future of artificial intelligence under legal scrutiny as new york times sues open ai and microsoft for copy right infringement. the news outlet claims millions of its articles were used to chain ai chat bots that compete with "the times." in a statement open ai said it hopes to find a mutually beneficial way to work with "the times." and breaking overnight. gypsy rose blanchard has been released after serving seven years in prison for her role in the 2015 killing of her mother claudine, who forced her to pretend she was disabled and under go medical procedures as part of a fraud scheme.
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gypsy rose's ex-boyfriend remains in prison where he is serving a life sentence for the murder. >> i'm still here at work, so that means powerball was a bust. no big winner. the jack pot soaring to $760 million. fourth time this year the powerball prize topped half a billion dollars. it's now sixth on the list of all time biggest jack pots. we've got a lot more ahead including the craze for super long cruises. we're talking 3 1/2 years on the high seas. that's a long time. that's coming up. now to the idaho college murder case. the off campus house where four students were brutally stabbed to death is set to be demolished this morning. two of the victims families speaking out, opposed to it come down. mola lenghi joins us with the details. >> reporter: good morning. one victim's family says they support the decision to demolish the house saying it would be good for the entire university community while two other families are adamantly against it. they are speaking out.
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this morning as the king road home where those four university of idaho students were murdered last year is set to be demolished, some of the victims' families are speaking out against that decision. the families of kaylee and kernodle said in a joint statement that the house, as it stands, holds key evidence that could help answer important questions such as what were the vantage points of the roommates? what could they hear from where they were in the house? how far was dylan when she saw bk? and why didn't he see her? could the roommate hear anything from the third floor? they claim bryan kohberger a criminology student at a nearby college, entered the house in the early hours of november 13, 2022 and stabbed the students to death. the judge who entered a not guilty plea on kohberger's behalf denying his request to drop the charges against him. in the latest statement, the families urged the importance of seeing the angle from the back
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of the home, asking, was he able to view the inside of the house and what was going on from the outside by sitting in a car or walking by? >> the families believe there's an enormous amount of evidentiary value in that house. they thought it would be beneficial to give some more specific statements and reasons why there might be evidentiary value to maybe shake the tree a little bit so people can kind of understand where they're coming from. >> reporter: the families going on to say, if the home is demolished, will all of these questions be answered later on with diagrams, models, technology, etc if they become an issue at trial? if not, then leave the home alone. >> there are questions the prosecution and defense should be asking themselves how they're going to present it in court. >> reporter: prosecutors are pushing for trial to begin next summer, but an official trial date has not been set by the judge, eva. >> thank you, mola. demarco? turning to the latest in the you tube mom case. now ruby franke's business
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partner taking a deal, pleading guilty to four counts of child abuse. rhiannon ally has more on this story. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, demarco. some really stunning admissions of abuse coming out of this case. franke's business partner jodi hildebrandt admitted to things like forcing or coercing a 9-year-old girl to jump into a cactus several times. that's not all. at one point millions of people were watching the duo on the popular you tube channel eight passengers. tough love parenting advice. now both women are headed to prison. this morning an admission of guilt. >> guilty. >> guilty. >> guilty. >> reporter: jodi hildebrandt seemed anxious before pleading guilty to four of six counts of aggravated child abuse. she is the close business partner of ruby franke, who is known for her tough and often controversial parenting tactics on her now deleted you tube channel.
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>> i will say it one more time then you will lose the privilege to eat. >> reporter: just last week franke stood before the same judge, pleading guilty to the same felony abuse charges. >> my deepest regret, i'm sorry for my family and children. >> guilty. >> reporter: friends turned co-defendants often seen together in online videos offering life coaching advice for families. >> i'm jodi hildebrandt. >> i'm ruby franke. >> reporter: it was hildebrandt's home that franke's son escaped from in august, climbing out a window and running to a neighbor's house for help that led to their arrest. >> i just had a 12-year-old boy show up at my front door asking for help. he's emaciated. he's got tape around his legs. >> reporter: that 911 call setting off a frantic search of franke's home. police seen in this body camera video with guns drawn. both plea deals give chilling details about how two of franke's children were convinced they were evil and punishments were necessary to repent.
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those punishments included hours outside in the heat, physical restraints and being denied food and water. franke alleged hildebrandt brainwashed her. >> i'm not even going to let you eat breakfast until you get your chores done. >> reporter: hildebrandt's attorney said she pleaded guilty to protect the children. >> she takes responsibilities. it is her main concern at this point that these children can heal, both physically and emotionally. >> reporter: and with both franke and hildebrandt agreeing to a plea deal, there will be no trial. >> the court, the state and the defendant often times are going to look to see what is the best choice of action for the children involved? no one wants to retraumatize them by having them testify. >> reporter: now both hildebrandt and franke face a maximum of 15 years in prison. that's for each of the four counts which are expected to be served consecutively.
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it's ultimately up to the judge's ruling. they will remain behind bars until sentenced in february. >> truly disturbing details. thank you. coming up here, switching gears. cruise craze. the new demand for extra long journeys at sea. (retailer) what i feel in my heart during the subaru share the love event...'s just so rewarding. (woman) we believe in love. not just our customers... ...but also our community. (man) and the subaru share the love event is truly an example of that. (woman) over two hundred eighty-five million dollars donated is phenomenal. (retailer) it absolutely sets us apart... ...from all other car companies. (vo) right now, get a new subaru and subaru and our retailers will donate three hundred dollars to charity. get one point nine percent apr financing on select new 2024 outback models during the subaru share the love event. the target clearance run is on. dash in now for savings up to 50% on select clothing and shoes for everyone, plus beauty and personal care and their favorite toy brands.
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don't miss the target clearance run. new features in the weightwatchers app just dropped! i've lost 60 pounds and i can still enjoy all of the foods i love. small changes lead to big results. weightwatcher's new app features can make your weight loss journey easier, so all you gotta to do, is you. join weightwatchers today.
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it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪
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all right. we are back with all right. we are back with the new era in the cruise industry after taking
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a massive hit during the pandemic, cruise lines are offering new experiences and longer journeys of months, even years. there have been major set backs. gio benitez is joining us with that story. gio, good morning. >> reporter: hey, whit. yeah. these long cruises are now incredibly popular despite the fallout from the group that did not set sail as planned. now there are some new opportunities on the horizon. take a look. this morning another company says it's planning a massive journey on the high sea, this time for three and a half years. they already have a ship and it's expected to launch in may. >> it's really meant for you to immerse yourself in the culture and really be the ultimate world cruise. >> reporter: the cruise will stop at ports in 147 countries starting as low as $89 a day. that's more than $115,000 before taxes and fees. >> it probably is really appealing to a person who is like, boy, i could spend money
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and sit in a condo or in my house, or i could go see the world. >> reporter: the news comes after life at sea cruises announced in november it was postponing its three year cruise. the cruise liner telling abc news its decision to postpone was made in order to secure a new ship with more public areas. now they're hoping to set sail next year. >> they just didn't have the know how and didn't know how to put together that big of a project. >> reporter: janice said she is still waiting for her refund of about $66,000. 66-year-old selling her home and taking out a chunk of her retirement fund to be able to fund the trip. >> they haven't answered any of my phone calls or requests to get an update on being paid. i'm really tired and disappointed. >> reporter: the company telling abc news last week we started with the transfers of refunds, continuing this week and hope to finish all very soon. but sometime those long voyages do sail as planned. a nine month royal caribbean cruise has gone viral on tik tok.
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the ship departed earlier this month. the hash tag royal caribbean ultimate world cruise already racking up more than 14 million views as passengers document their trip. kind of like a reality tv show. >> i wanted to capture the every day part of the trip because often when you travel, you remember the high highs and the low lows, but you don't remember the quiet moments. >> reporter: many land lovers following along on tik tok. >> if you want to know who to follow for world cruise, i'm your girl. >> reporter: so far the passengers said it's been smooth sailing. >> everybody is eager to meet everybody. make communities, make connections because we know we're all together. >> reporter: so you might be wondering why are these cruises so popular? lot of it has to do with working from home. the internet has gotten so good and so fast on these ships that people are quite literally working from a cruise. so not too bad, guys. >> all right. i can only handle that buffet for about three days. >> seven days.
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>> seven days and i'm good. >> bloat and float after awhile. >> thank you, gio. thank you very much. coming up next remembering a comedy giant. tom smothers. we're back in a moment. smother. back in a moment. ♪ ♪ a tiny pinch of knorr chicken bouillon will save you more gas than driving downhill. because just one sip of this delectable silky chicken ramen noodle soup will put an end to your drive-through dinner rituals. it's time to bring out the cook in you and tell him to throw that glorious powder in that tasty silky combo of delightful carrots... (whispered): yummy ...luscious mushrooms, and a touch of bok choy. (whispered): good call. knorr taste combos. it's not fast food, but it's soooo good. ♪ ♪
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students... students of any age, from anywhere. using our technology to power different ways of learning. so when minds grow, opportunities follow. ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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why do dermatologists worldwide recommend la roche-posay? effective skincare like la roche-posay double repair face moisturizer delivers double-action to help repair skin's barrier and provide 48-hour hydration for healthy-looking skin. la roche-posay. i know what it's like to perform through pain. if you're like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine, nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes
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and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt. back now remembering tom smothers, along with his brother dick, were a beloved comedy duo. tom passing away at 86.
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andrew dymburt is back with more on life and career. >> reporter: good morning. with his sharp wit and disruptive devines to tv norms, tom smothers was nothing but a pioneer attacking race, politics and war all while making millions laugh along the way. ♪ if i had a ship i'd sail away >> reporter: tom and dick smothers made a name for themselves in the late 1950s performing as folk musicians, blending comedy into their routine. tom on guitar and dick on bass, their unique style would land them appearances on tv in the '60s and eventually their own show the smothers brothers comedy hour. >> i'll start with a song. here we go. >> this is a song you're going to remember and enjoy long after i'm gone. ♪ old jeff on the bottom of the dog froze that dog to the ground he couldn't get up and he couldn't get around but he sure knew how to lay down ♪ >> reporter: the show was a hit with younger audiences featuring
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musicians and comedians other shows would shy away from due to political reasons. ♪ i'm only 18 i got a ruptured spleen and i always carry a purse ♪ >> reporter: their endorsement of the counter culture prompted cbs to censor the show. the war with the network came to a head in 1969 when the show was cancelled. >> the problems of the young people is never reflected in television. it has to be. just because it's unpopular, it has to be. >> reporter: in 2008 nearly 40 years after the comedy hour was cancelled, tom smothers was awarded an honorary emmy. >> i dedicate this emmy to all people who feel compelled to speak out. >> reporter: steve martin, a writer on the comedy hour saying, tom smothers, irreplaceable, a benefactor to free speech in the age of television. tom died at his home in california, he was 86. tom's brother dick saying our relationship was like a good marriage. the longer we were together the more we loved and respected one
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another. guys? >> thank you. coming up cold weather must haves coming up the cold weather muffs this season, and the secret to layering. plus lori bergamotto brings us the hottest home decor for 2024. we'll be right back. ♪ and i sav. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ the target clearance run is on. only pay for what you need. dash in now for savings up to 50% on select clothing and shoes for everyone, plus beauty and personal care and their favorite toy brands. don't miss the target clearance run.
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once in a lifetime is never enough. never enough! ♪ love and happiness ♪ when i wear diamonds, i feel powerful. i feel on top of the world. diamonds! diamonds for all. pandora. lab grown diamonds. good morning and welcome back. st. louis, missouri got in on the snow flakes. they got about 1.5 inches north of the city. that cold air and flurries dive deeper into the tennessee south. temperatures in nashville on friday at 1 p.m., 35 degrees. i need you to stick around. coming up adam driver, penelope cruz are behind the wheel talking ferrari, and chef joshua
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weissman is live looking up to fly. to fly. to fly. >> wherever you go in the world. one airline goes further. to make it feel exceptional. qatar airways going places together. >> you look like a responsible family guy looking for something with a little more space. >> with the click of a pen. you can get a new volkswagen at the sign, then drive event. hurry end to lease a new 2024 tiguan
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for zero down, zero deposit, zero first month payment and zero due at signing. limited inventory available. >> what happened? found someone dead. what? >> only murders in the building is now on abc. i think we could solve this case for an exclusive winter event. i'm so on board with this. only murders in the building tuesday on building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. >> this is abc seven news. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's sue hall with a look at traffic. hi, sue. >> good morning. kumasi and we're going to the golden gate bridge. we had an earlier stall that's long been pushed off the span and traffic is flowing nicely. just wanted to show you that the fog has lifted there and we still are experiencing slight bart delays. now down to ten minutes due to earlier police activity. south city to daly city. >> hey, sue, we're looking at the coast today. that high surf warning is in effect. you can see wave heights up to 25ft right now around bodega bay.
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waves could go as high as 40ft throughout the morning and early afternoon. so you want to stay out of the water for people and pets, especially because that ocean current is dangerous. today, the day planner will have a mix of fog and sun this morning. it's just a mostly cloudy. it's humid out there and we'll have mild temperatures later. today will go into the 60s for daytime highs. now tomorrow we do have rain returning to the forecast. it's a level two in the afternoon and evening. kumasi thank you drew. >> we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc seven now to get the hospital out the tones. >> town. whoa! hurry into your
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local acura dealer for the season of performance event going on now, is it possible love your home from the floor up at the floor store? >> we think so. whether it's soft, comfortable carpet, natural hardwood, or the newest in flooring, durable and stylish luxury vinyl plank. we have flooring for any room in your home, along with an abundance of natural stone and quartz countertops for your kitchen or bathroom. the floor store, your bay area flooring authority our year end clearance sale is going on now up to 50% off store wide. >> 18 months interest free financing and no sales tax. >> you can experience china before communism, the celebration of china's rich cultural heritage. this holiday season. >> give your loved ones the best holiday gift. shanghai coming to the bay area starting december 29th. are
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hands that do the fixing need fixing? >> when the hands that do the caring need caring. that's a job for o'keeffe's working hands. it's america's number one selling hand cream and guaranteed relief for extremely dry, cracked hands. also available in o'keeffe's lip repair. >> dad, are you okay? >> it's our phone bill. we pay for things that we don't need. loaded bundles, the reckless spending no more. >> that's a bit dramatic. a better plan is verizon starts at $25 a line. >> did you say $25 a line and save big on things? >> we love like netflix and max? oh that's awesome. >> spaghetti night dinner in 30. >> oh, happy day. >> a better plan to save is verizon. it starts at $25 per line, guaranteed for three years, and get both netflix and max for just $10 per month. only on verizon. >> here's hoping we can all be home for the holidays. not really celebrate like only the jeep brand can with everything
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you could ever wish for, including jeep grand cherokee, the official vehicle of winter. join the family that lets you go anywhere and do anything. jeep there's only one during the jeep wrap up the year sales event. >> well-qualified current fca lessees can lease the 2023 jeep grand cherokee for 299 a month, or finance and get no monthly payments for 90 days. >> happyew year from all of us at abc santa. >> good morning> good morning ac good morning america.ning ac it's 8 a.m. wicked weather on the move. torrential rains drenching the northeast overnight. the fast moving storm unleashing flash flooding. while in the heartland, cars slide off the interstate, trucks jackknifing on what is expected to be one of the busiest days to drive. we're live on the roads and at the airport this morning. what to expect if you're heading out. what a new study reveals about low carb diets and weight loss and why they're not all created equal.
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dr. sutton breaks it down. former real housewife star teddi mellencamp sharing new insight about her battle with skin cancer. the fellow housewives star who spotted the trouble, how her latest surgery went and her message for others. menopause retreats are revolutionizing the world and making big promises. why some doctors are urging caution. buckle up. we're putting the pedal to the metal with adam driver and penelope cruz. >> you were supposed to save me! >> you blame me for his death? >> picking up behind the scenes and behind the wheel of ferrari. ♪ i'm burning up for your love ♪ we are burning up for chef joshua weissman's buttery chicken wings to fudge brownies, just in time for new year's eve. he's live and saying --
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>> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> good morning america. thanks for being with us. you can already smell what chef joshua is cooking up. i think he is speaking my love language. brownies? >> always something for you, right? chewy brownies at that. as we gear up for 2024, lori b knows what's cooking when it comes to home decor, and the number one material that's going to be everywhere next year. >> looking forward to all of that. but first a look at top stories breaking at 8. starting with wicked weather and torrential rain making driving dangerous on what is expected to be the busiest day on the road. somara theodore is here with a look ahead. good morning. >> good morning, whit. that's right. we're starting off with a storm in new underwood, south dakota. that winner storm left behind 18 inches of snow in parts of south dakota. that led to overturned vehicles. very precarious driving situations out there. lots of spinouts. this morning we're dealing with what's left of that storm system
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on the east coast. we've got a lot of fog again. boston, where are you? shrouded in fog there. rain coming down as well. dreary start out there in new england. good news is by 7:00 p.m. tonight lot of that starts to move out of massachusetts, heads into maine. we could even see snow in parts of maine by 2 p.m. friday. then on saturday morning we start to see some light snow flurries further inland in upstate new york. that's a look at the forecast, whit. back to you. >> thank you very much. demarco? with this storm coming at the worst time with millions heading out for the holiday weekend, gio benitez is back with the travel forecast. gio, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, demarco, good morning. yeah, yesterday was a very busy day at airports. tsa screened more than 2.6 million people. thousands of flights were delayed because of weather somara was just talking about. most of the flights did take off so that's good news. today is going to be another very busy day at airports. but tomorrow, that's expected to be the busiest.
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the tsa expects to screen more than 2.5 million. but based on the numbers we've been seeing here, that's likely going to be higher than that. if you're hitting the roads today and tomorrow, also some of the busiest. washington, d.c., denver, san francisco up to 20% longer travel time, with double delays. so just be prepared to sit in traffic. unless you get going before noon or after 7:00 p.m., those are the best times to drive. so plan ahead to avoid that gridlock. just make sure that you're checking the weather so you can be safe on the roads. demarco? >> that is the best advice. eva? now a new study out of harvard showing not all low carb diets will help you lose weight and that putting an emphasis on high quality nutrients might just be better in the long run. abc news medical correspondent dr. darien sutton joins us to break it down. okay. what does this study tell us? >> good morning. in this study just published yesterday. it's in gama, large peer medical journal. they are looking to ask the question, are low carb diets built the same? in this study, they looked at
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over 125,000 adults. they followed them for over 30 years. all of these adults had low carb diets. some meat based, some plant based. some adults chose unhealthier options. they found although they all kept it low carb that at the end of the period those who chose more high quality options were able to sustain that weight loss, which was the goal in the first place. overall, it's just a reminder that, again, not all low carb diets are the same and you want to focus on the high quality nutrition. >> explain this for us for those who don't understand the concept of low carb but also low quality food. what is that? >> the goal is, at the end of the day, the goal is choosing the better carbs. lot of people know bad carbs. we know french fries. we know potato chips, white bread. we understand these. there are some other factors inside our diet that contribute to high quality low essential nutrients and highly processed foods. jam, jellies, honey roasted nuts, honey mustard, sweetened yogurt and sweet tea. these are all low quality carbs
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that you want to avoid. >> what are the high quality low carbs? >> at the end of the day you want your carbs to have as little ingredients. you want to focus on those complex carbs. things like whole grains, quinoa, brown rice. wild rice. you want to make sure you are choosing nonstarchy vegetables. a reminder, these digest slowly, prolong energy, you feel full longer and you have better insulin regulation which at the end of the day is the goal. it's not so much about weight loss. maintaining our metabolic goals and remaining healthy as we grow older. >> that's why fitness experts are all eating sweet potatoes. >> exactly. >> i was thinking about all the cookies i had. low quality carbs. all right, dr. sutton, thank you so much. we do want to look at a member of our team who was a clue on jeopardy. have a look. >> after a bone marrow transplant, she told viewers on february 20, 2013, i have been waiting 174 days to say this. good morning america. greg? >> who is robin roberts? >> you got it.
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>> hard to believe it's been 11 years since her successful transplant. as robin always says, blessed and highly favored. right? >> say that again. we love robin. >> we all love robin. coming up our morning menu. reality star teddi mellencamp is opening up about her battle with skin cancer. how a fellow housewife discovered it, and her new message to fans this morning. >> start your engines. the stars of "ferrari" adam driver and penelope cruz are taking us behind the scenes of the movie racing into theaters and getting award buzz. fashion expert erica wark is here with how to layer up. plus josh weissman gets us ready for new year's eve with some easy dishes to feed a crowd including one of eva's favorites, chewy fudge brownies. that's coming up right here on gma. >> my favorite, too. >> okay, whit. okay, whit. my favorites, too. ♪ ♪
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(vo) your pet's favorite products are now packed with rewards! earn points however you shop. and discover rewards you and your pet will love. download the mypurina app today to get started. mypurina. your pet, our passion. one app. we're traveling all across america talking to people about their hearts. who wants to talk about their heart? [honking] how's the heart? how's your heart? how's your heart? - it's good. - is it? - i don't know. - it's okay. - it's okay. - yeah. - good. - you sure? - i think so. - how do you know? it doesn't come with a manual and you're like
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oh, i got the 20,000 day check up, right? let me show you something. put two fingers right on those pads. look at that. that's your heart. that is pretty awesome. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. and it's the only personal ekg that's fda cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think this costs? probably in the hundreds. $79. oh, wow. that could be cheaper than a tank of gas. for a limited time, kardiamobile is available for just $74. hurry, these prices won't last. get kardiamobile for yourself or a loved one at or amazon. (son) dad. you ok? get kardiamobile for yourself or a loved one (dad) it's our phone bill! we pay for things that we don't need! bloated bundles, the reckless spending! no more... (mom) that's a bit dramatic... a better plan is verizon. it starts at 25 dollars a line. (dad) did you say 25 dollars a line? (sister) and save big on things we love, like netflix and max! (dad) oh, that's awesome
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(mom) spaghetti night -- dinner in 30 (dad) oh, happy day! (vo) a better plan to save is verizon. it starts at $25 per line guaranteed for 3 years and get both netflix and max for just $10/mo. only on verizon. i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive. (vo) the love that goes into a subaru comes out when subaru and our retailers share the love.elp again. one hundred and sixteen thousand animals supported. thirty-three hundred wishes granted. four point three million meals provided. and over four hundred national parks protected. be a part of something bigger.
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get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru and our retailers will donate three hundred dollars to charity. get one point nine percent apr financing on select new 2024 outback models during the subaru share the love event. so this is the, uh, place! is molding? did you do that? mhmm. hold on, are you on the raisin bran crunch? good boy! do you want to see the kitchen? (♪) the target clearance run is on. d dash in now fore savings up to 50% on select clothing and shoes for everyone, plus beauty and personal care and their favorite toy brands. don't miss the target clearance run.
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we are back with our gma cover story. a former real housewives of beverly hills star teddi mellencamp an her battle with melanoma. she just had another surgery this week and spoke about her journey. zoreen shaw is in l.a. with details. good morning. >> reporter: teddi said she always had a spot on her back that she thought was a birth mark. the way that it looked just kept evolving. she got help and she's battling the scars and the emotional toll that skin cancer has taken. this morning former real housewives of beverly hills star teddi mellencamp opening up about her painful journey battling melanoma.
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>> that was the most recent to be removed so that one is a little sensitive. >> reporter: she first discovered she had melanoma, the most serious kind of skin cancer in march of 2022 while on a run with kyle richards. >> she said, teddi, the spot on your back, one spot looks so different. i'm not allowing you to not go to the doctor right now and get it checked. honestly, we were on a run and we went went to the dermatologist straight from there. >> reporter: she said doctors had her try immuno therapy cream. >> it was still at a stage where it was okay that we could experiment. but nothing was happening on my skin. they had me up the dosage. >> reporter: the then tried other treatments, had over a dozen spots removed but was still not in the clear. >> there was that initial heartbreak. you are like, but i went through so much. that should have, in my mind already decided it was working. >> reporter: teddi is now focused on what she can control, under going another surgery to
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remove cancer just this week. >> i'm out of surgery. it was painful, but i am so grateful. i am hoping they got it all. >> reporter: what are the next steps for you? where do you go from here? >> i want to start the new year. i want to keep fighting, i want to keep pushing. >> reporter: helping her push, her family and fellow real housewives. >> i talk to kyle richards, erica, lisa rinna. tamra judge has been a huge support. >> reporter: you have become such a big advocate for this. why? >> because i overlooked it so much. i didn't even think skin cancer was a big deal. i didn't even think sun protection was a big deal. i want people to realize the magnitude of it. >> reporter: teddi says her big message is to look into life insurance when you are healthy and get your skin checked every single year. she says so many people have already told her they are doing it. one person even calling it the teddi check. guys? >> all right. thank you.
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her speaking out, generating awareness no doubt going to help others. now a new trend in the wellness world. menopause retreats, where women gather with health professionals to learn more about the physical and emotional changes they are going through. but not all doctors are sold on this idea. reena roy is here with details. good morning to you, reena. >> reporter: eva, good morning to you. menopause is something that affects millions of women around the world each year. but even though it is so widely an experience, experts say there is a major lack of education around it. this growing trend is hoping to change that, so women can enter this new phase of life better prepared. >> i think i'm finally in menopause. >> welcome to the club. prepare to be sweaty. >> reporter: from hot flashes to weight gain, mood swings or maybe no symptoms at all, menopause is different for everyone. >> unlike when girls first get their period and their mother says, okay, honey, this is what to expect. no one does the what to expect when your estrogen levels take a plunge.
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so women are blindsided when it happens to them. >> reporter: enter menopause retreat, a wellness trend recently growing in popularity, like this one at canyon ranch in massachusetts hosted by indi garay. it looks and feels like a spa get away, but the main focus, learning how to navigate midlife and menopause. >> one of the highlights was being with a group of like-minded women who were all there because they wanted to prioritize their health and well-being and have the attention for three days of this world class doctor who treated us all like her patients. >> reporter: dr. robin noble, certified menopause provider and ob/gyn leading the retreat with group sessions and private consultations about hormonal changes and how exactly they impact things like mood and sleep, plus bone, heart and sexual health. >> this is the way at some level to kind of bring women together, allow them to talk about
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individual symptoms. answer some questions. have a deeper understanding of what the rest of their life and health risks might look like. >> it was really nice to have an opportunity to hear other people experiences and you felt more connected to the experience yourself. >> reporter: but some doctors warn of get aways that promise miracle cures and encourage women to do their research. >> like everything else on social media, there's a lot of, number one, misinformation and, number two, a lot of people that are making a lot of money. most important thing is to see who's running them and who's speaking. >> most of these retreats do come with a hefty price tag but there are a lot of other resources out there. experts recommend the menopause society where you can find useful information and practitioners who can help answer your questions. eva? >> thanks. it is time to talk fashion and perfecting the art of layering can be a challenge so erica wark is here with tips on
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dressing warm. you can shop some of these looks by scanning the qr code on your screen. welcome. >> thank you for having me. >> i love doing this. i look like a snowman when i get cold. you're using us as models. walk us through some ideas. >> i wanted to get started with one of my favorite things which is the blanket scarf. it's a lot of fabric and can be overwhelming. what i love is we're working with neutrals. only $14.99. it's reversible. let's amp it up. what we're going to do is put it over your shoulder. >> test it on eva. >> she's wearing the perfect outfit today. we're going to have almost the same length. we're going to peg a belt. we're only going to attach one side of the scarf. we're going to leave the other
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side open. you will see why in a second. kind of like the bougie aunt. >> the bougie auntie, the rich auntie. >> we're going to add this guy. we're sort of creating a faux cardigan. >> i like that. >> you're going to take this extra piece here and glamorously flip it over. >> oh. >> i'm going to hand this to you. >> yes. thank you. >> now we've got this fabulous look here and a scarf so it's two for the price of one. we're going to take it a step further. i'm also going to give you a glove to put on. we can bling things up with fun glove ideas. these are on sale for $44. they're nice and blinged out. they also have a three quarter length which is fantastic for the colder temperatures. i'll get you to just wear that one for now. then i'm going to grab a coat for you. we thought of everything. we are really layering here. we're going to add this gorgeous neutral coat. we all have a classic black at home so why not choose an alternate neutral like a beautiful creamy white.
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i also love this texture. it's super elevated and only for 100 bucks. also an incredible price point. if you are a took or beanie wearer, a casual option is great and incredibly warm. what's great about this brand, sunday main is it's silk on the inside. really great. you don't have to deal with all of that static. >> all right. we have two other looks to get to. how about for the guys? >> this is all about starting with a great base layer. i found' this orange option, this beautiful cop per. it's made of recycled nylon and down for just $39. great for your price point. it does all of the technical things you need to do. what's great about this, super light weight even though it's down. it's going to keep you warm but won't get bulky when you add a gorgeous pea coat. i really love this option.
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this is done in navy. this one's from zara. it's a great alternative to black. we're going to add a pop of color with this gorgeous scarf. >> okay. >> this is demarco's style. >> you are a natural. now we're adding color from the copper as well as navy to complete the look. i think you look amazing. >> all right. i'll take it. let's go to somara. i don't want to take up all the time. >> i'm going to grab this coat. >> whoa, whoa. >> i know what i want. shopping. where are we going to wear this coat, demarco? how about in demarco iowa. >> okay. all right. look at demarco island, florida. it's beautiful. not really. really dreary and wet. it's going to be cold in florida in the coming days. look at this. you're going to need this coat in tallahassee. sunday morning temperature 33. fort meyers in the 50s. even miami chilly on new year's day, in the low 50s. that's a look at the weather across the country. let's see what's going on closer
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now to one of the movies racing to the top of the box office this holiday week "ferrari." it's a bio pic full of fast cars and family drama. chris connelly had a chance to talk to two of the movie's stars, adam driver and penelope cruz. >> reporter: they might be the sexiest stars of the holiday movie season, not the humans, the 1957 sports cars in "ferrari." the thrill and danger as they're raced to the limit.
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it's a room with a viewpoint that of adam driver's enzo ferrari. >> one of us are racers. >> your deadly passion. a terrible joy. >> he's found his own method of coping with death. he's built a wall to shut off emotionally. >> reporter: driver portraying an italian legend nearly two decades older than he. the embattled grief stricken demanding boss of the family business. >> that was the key to understanding who he was. that he was a racer first, someone very calm on the surface but has this constant engine going. >> you get the feeling he likes the drivers but loves the cars. >> yeah. yeah. he kind of famously seemed cold blooded, on the verge of bankruptcy because he's more interested in racing cars than being a salesman. the racing world itself is changing. death rate of drivers is 50%. it's a very tumultous time. >> tumultous, too, is his
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private life. a mistress and child he's hidden away. his wife laura, co-owner of the company, steeped in anger and loss, as penelope cruz attested to when she visited his real life residence. >> you could feel the deep depression that he was having for so many years. she had a difficult personality. >> but she is broken. >> she is broken. that's what people didn't want to see. that's why i took it as something personal, you know? the need of getting her a voice because she represents so many other women in the world that also don't have one. you were supposed to save me! >> you blame me for his death? >> each devastated by the illness and death of their only son. >> they are broken, like so many couples that never recover from the loss of a child. >> hopefully that scene in the movie you get the sense that this is the first time they are saying these things out loud. we wanted all accents to be
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subtle. the idea they are speaking to each other in their own language so they're not making mistakes of their italian speaking english. >> from the sounds of the cars to the spectacle of a race, the director michael mann puts people on the track and driver's seat. >> we raced some contemporary ferraris. i drove one of the chassises of one of the cars. you are immediately aware of how dangerous they are. >> did you ever drive one while on set? it from there. like without motion, it is kind of heroic in the way that those drivers were following an ideology that was more important to them than, you know, personal safety, which i think is very romantic. >> for good morning america, chris connelly, abc news, los angeles. so cool. yeah, that movie looks like fun. the car is pretty cool, too. yeah, ferrari is in theaters right now and
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coming up, laurie lee is here with the hottest decor trends of 2020 for. >> so what will the year 2024 bring? 2024 2024 ooh good question. >> counting down to the year 2024 right before new year's rock and eat. what do you say we get this party started sunday night on abc? >> the daughter makes a gruesome discovery. her mother is found dead in her bathtub. friday night, the stunning true crime. >> all of these little things creates a picture. >> this is suspicious. there is a big shock ahead. >> really stunning. 2020 friday night on abc. >> i was 13 years old. the day i escaped my father's cult. >> our father was the leader of a mormon religious cult. he was more revered than jesus. we were taught to conceal the polygamist lifestyle. >> he raised us all with a gun in our hands. >> our family was killing people . >> really good people were left to do terrible things.
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>> this is when i found out that i was born and raised in a cult. >> daughters of the cult only on hulu. >> ryan seacrest hosts dick clark's new year's rockin eve live on abc. >> the celebrity jeopardy! semifinals are here. like anything can happen. >> yes, you did good, but you failed me in the end, celebrity jeopardy returns tuesday, building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. >> this is abc seven news. >> good morning. i'm gloria rodriguez from abc seven mornings. let's get to sue with a look at your traffic. good morning sue. good morning gloria and we take a look at some of the fog still lingering in san rafael, headed south on 101 past the northgate mall. >> you are pretty shrouded in fog, but once you get past port hill and get into central marin, it's a little bit better. for example, here is the richmond-san rafael bridge toll plaza on the other side of the
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bay that is clear all the way across the span, and minor delays. >> all right, sue, thank you so much. meteorologist drew tuma has your accu weather forecast coming up after the break? >> granite expo has everything you need to remodel your home or business. >> we have the best selection of quartz and granite countertops. choose from a wide variety of cabinets and vanities. visit us at our emeryville location or at the granite >> here's a holiday thought to ponder. is it truly a wish list? if you only have one wish? here's to getting everything you're hoping for this season. make your wish list a reality with exceptional offers loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery?
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maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. xfinity. >> we're special for us. >> bring your family. let your children experience this. i was just so amazed. >> they're amazed. raising amazing dancers. i wish i could see it again, like right now, this holiday season, give your loved ones the best holiday gift . >> we're looking at our coastline, the high surf warning is in effect through the entire day. today. you can see current wave heights are up to 26ft. in bodega bay, we could see waves up to 40ft possible later on this morning. that is certainly dangerous. swimming and surfing conditions. it is cloudy out
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there from our exploratorium camera. here's a live look. it's just clouds throughout the day. it is humid. it's also mild in the afternoon. we'll get those temperatures going into the 40s for daytime highs tomorrow. heavy rain, gusty winds return in the afternoon and evening. it's a level two on the storm impact scale. >> gloria. all right drew, thank you so much. the news continues right now with good morning america. have a wonderful morning morning >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> few rain drops on the lens. welcome back to gma. just a few days left until the new year. all of january, gma will help you roar into 2024. we got tips to help you upgrade your closet, your wallet and your lifestyle. eva already got a jump on 2024 when it comes to home decor trends. she's with lori b. good morning. >> i'm no expert. thankfully lori is.
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countdown is officially on. experts are weighing in with the trendiest home decor picks of next year. our lifestyle contributor lori bergamotto is here with the best buys to shop for this season. you can scan the qr code on the screen. let's start here. >> yes, we shall, with wavey scallops. are you into the scallop trend? >> i like a straight line. [ laughter ] >> straight line. all right. listen, this is why we talk about the top decor of 2024, eva, because some people like a straight line, some like a wavey scallop, like me. this is all about adding that soft curvature. >> pretty. >> it's so pretty. things like bedding, rugs. apartment therapy is calling this one of the biggest trends we will see in 2024. you can do it on furniture for sure, but we suggest because it's more affordable and an easy way to test drive the trend to pick things like bedding. this is a great resource if
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you're trying to find something a little trendier. you don't want to spend a ton of money yet get good quality. this is from amazon, a great little throw rug. those are things you can experiment with with home decor, where you get the trend but you're not fully committed to buying a brand new table. >> or couch, that's expensive. >> kitchen. my new favorite thing is a kitch in. let's talk about what this means. first of all, domino is telling us that pintrest reports are showing 75% interest in search for kichy kitchens. what is that? eclectic things. it's bright colors. people painting their cabinets colors of the rainbow. jewels. think of velvet elvis. that's what kitch is. we suggest because kitchen renovations are extremely expensive and the sort of thing you want to keep the kitchen classic and then add the trend in other ways.
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we are suggesting doing it with your dinnerware. this is a fun way you can get these colors. pretty blue, kelly green. you can see this adds a lot of pizazz. these start at $28. this is a thing you can serve and have that feel of a kitchy kitchen. serve it with baked alaska if you want to go in on everything. >> this reminds me of the plates my grandma had hanging on the walls, but a better version of it. >> exactly. anthropologie. they know what they're doing. you're going to like this. corduroy. it's in a straight line, eva. look at all these lines. architectural digest said this is going to be the texture that is really the 2024 texture. we saw a lot of corduroy couches at high point market, where we see furniture trends emerge. corduroy couches can be pricey. we found these throw pillows under $15 at amazon, 33 different shades.
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truly something for everybody and that nice soft texture. >> something for the minimalist in all of us. >> okay. this one we got to get into. this is the chrome trend. what this is all about. we saw disco in 2023. we are taking that disconess out and just keeping the shine of chrome. it's all about showing that surface. we've got great things from architectural digest. amazon, affordability is key here. just add this to your room and you're good to go. >> easy to do. happy new year. >> to shop the item, scan the qr code on your screen or go to good coming up, doctors say a drink of cold water threw one man's heart out of rhythm. his warning for others. stay with us.
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from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits,
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emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31 at >> what will the year 2024 bring? >> 2024. >> 2024. >> good question. >> counting down to the year 2024 right before new year's rocking eve. >> what do you say we get this party started? >> sunday night on abc.
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back with the gma health alert. atrial fibrillation or a fib is a common type of heart rhythm condition that affects millions of americans. many of whom are young and healthy. reena roy is back with the story of one young athlete who, a drink of cold water, could have been deadly. reena, good morning. >> whit, good morning to you. imagine taking a nice refreshing sip of cold water and suddenly your heart feels like it's beating out of your chest. that's what happened to the young man we spoke with, and now he's warning others. 34-year-old franklin has been active in sports his whole life. one hot summer day when he was 18, franklin started to feel
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heart palpitations. >> as i'm drinking the water, probably the most noticeable thump in my chest that i have ever -- i have never experienced before. i remember that i got super light headed. i'm sure that's when i passed out. >> reporter: doctors diagnosed it as atrial fibrillation where the upper chambers of heart beat irregularly. it can form blood clots that travel from the heart to the brain and is the leading cause of stroke. but after doctors shocked his heart back to a normal rhythm, he continued to have episode after episode. in fact, over a 15-year period, he went to the hospital at least 25 times to have his heart rhythm shocked back to normal. while in college, he noticed a trend. a fib occurred after drinking cold water. >> after a grueling workout i would drink cold water. usually mid gulp, if it was too big, i would feel the double thud.
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>> reporter: sure enough, doctors confirming his a fib triggered by cold water. the nerve can get stimulated by cold water, coughing, even shaving. this slows down the heart momentarily taking over the body's natural pacemaker, making it more likely for you to go into atrial fibrillation. memorial herman's doctors performed a minimally invasive procedure to treat his condition. >> sometimes symptoms are very profound and the person will say, oh, my heart is beating out of my chest. lot of times they are subtle. pay attention to your symptoms. >> reporter: franklin hasn't had an a fib episode since the procedure. his message, don't ignore your heart. >> for many out there that engage in sport, if you feel something, don't be afraid to tell your parents. don't be afraid to tell your physicians. don't be afraid to go to the emergency room. >> now the procedure he had does not work for everyone and is not considered a cure. a fib causes about half million hospitalizations a year and the
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cdc said the death rate from it is rising so very important to keep an eye out for any symptoms. guys? >> scary there. >> yes, it is. now to a new hulu documentation with anti-queer legislation on the rise around the country we live here explores how lbgqt families are seeking acceptance in their church, schools and neighborhoods. altering what defines a nuclear family. the hulu documentary "we live here" depicts challenges and discrimination that everyday midwesterners face in the rise of anti-lbgqt + laws. >> we are probably one out of three black families, let alone gay families. >> reporter: the director and producer taking charge to amplify these stories, spending months in the search for families who feel comfortable in sharing their experiences. >> they faced a lot of recrimination, backlash potentially in their communities.
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for us, the families who do participate, we refer to as courageous. >> after the 2016 election, we started to realize how much backlash there was and we really wanted to focus on, how are families faring even though gay marriage was passed? >> they are mad at me because i am an indigenous queer woman sitting at the table. the death threats that come with that. people are still shook that we are here. >> reporter: this year 550 anti-lgbtq + bills have been introduced in state houses across the country. 74 pieces of legislation have been enacted into law and more than 225 of those bills restrict the rights of transgender people. >> we're in rural iowa. it's rare to have parents of the same gender. >> reporter: mia and katie were high school sweethearts raising five children who lived in iowa during filming and faced expulsion from church after mia came out as a transgender woman. >> as a trans person who was grappling with my own identity inside a religious system, a
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system that i knew and had informed my beliefs. i had to get to a point where i let my faith inform my identity in a positive way. >> when mia came out, she invited me into the awareness of a deeper part of myself. i would hope people would be able to see this is love. >> it is streaming now on hulu. now a check of weather with somara. >> hey, eva. good morning to my friends at home. are you coming here for new year's eve? we are preparing our humble abode for you. you can see times square, they're getting ready. what do you need to know? the only thing falling from the sky will be confetti. no rain or snow. it will be cold. make sure you're layered up. temperatures at midnight hitting 39. winds coming out about 5 to 15 miles per hour. it is going to be breezy. you want to wear those layers and dress nice and warmly. that's a look at the for
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>> all right. now to 100 wishes disney and make a wish teaming up to make wishes come true for kids struggling with serious illnesses. for this wish, we met pj, who didn't let having leukemia dim his dream of becoming an actor. >> when they say what do you want to be when you grow up, i have always said acting. >> reporter: acting has always been in the cars for pj. reagan. just ask his former classmates. >> when teachers ask that, my classmates would answer for me because everybody always knew. >> reporter: but life throwing pj a curve ball when he was 11 in the form of leukemia. >> the only time i heard of cancer was from a family member that i lost.
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so in my mind i just thought cancer, i'm gonna die. >> reporter: luckily, his doctors catching the cancer early in 2014. pj's relentless optimism leading the way. >> you know, going through this, i don't want to be down and have other people down. i always try to find the positive in everything. >> i'm right here. >> reporter: helping keep that smile on his face. >> i'm delerious. i can only yell. >> reporter: the show blackish bringing him joy during all the ups and downs of treatments. his wish, to visit that set, granted by make a wish. >> we're going to the set of blackish! >> we are going to see people that we have grown to love on tv. we are going to see them in person. i was really, i was star struck before meeting them. >> reporter: and meet the stars he did dancing for tracy ellis ross, eating with anthony anderson. >> i don't know if i was really hungry, but if anthony anderson
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wants to make you a tuna sandwich, you eat it. >> reporter: even recording his own voiceover just like anderson's character dre. >> who could forget sherman oaks very own andre and rainbow jones? >> reporter: the unforgettable experience leaving pj feeling not only like part of the family, but also with some new swag, too. >> i got three pairs of shoes. every time i wear them, people ask, where did you get them? i'm like, actually, i went to california, set of blackish. it leads to the whole story. >> we are going to start calling pj hollywood. >> right? [ laughter ] that was awesome there. so proud of him. >> very cool. >> coming up, joshua weissman sharing secret sauce and tips for the perfect chicken wing. come on back. joshua weissman is sharing his secret sauce and tips for the perfect chicken
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welcome back. if you're hosting a new year's eve party our next guest has crowd pleasing recipes easy to make, all from his new cookbook texture over taste.
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>> scan that qr code on your screen to get the recipes and shop at good morning america. joshua weissman. >> welcome. [ applause ] >> thank you. >> happy to be here. >> i was just going to say we're going to talk about the food in a minute but let me ask you about the book. interesting title here. texture is contentious. flavor, right? what is it about the texture that was so important? >> my thought is this, right? we always talk about flavor. the whole book talks about flavor. but nobody wants to talk about texture? what about a crunchy potato chip? or ever eat a french fry and it wasn't crunchy and was not good? >> the experience. >> you can have a perfectly salted fry but when it's not crunchy, it sucks. [ laughter ] we're bringing attention to texture. >> i appreciate the honesty about all of this. we're doing this recipe from the creamy section of your book. talk us through this. >> there's a little crunch in here. there's diversity in texture. we got butter chicken wings. i think butter, chicken and wings should have been a
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marriage a long time ago. very simple. you're going to make a very easy butter chicken sauce. we have ours already marinated. got a little bit of ginger, salt, white pepper. not too crazy. let them sit in the fridge for a couple minutes. right? here's our sauce. very basic. onions. hopefully everyone can find that. lot of time when i make dishes like this, the first thought is, josh, i don't have time to get all these word ingredients. >> you should have an onion. >> i hope you have onions, guys. please. garlic. have that, too. little ginger. okay. then an array of different spices. if you don't have them, that's fine. most are basic. >> do you need help with this array of spices? >> could you, please. >> this ginger will give it a kick. right? >> long distance stretch. >> okay. put in all the different spices. got a little salt, sugar just to balance out those flavors. let that toast in the pan. does it hit your nose? >> you don't think that's too much ginger?
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ginger is spicy, isn't it? >> cooking breaks down the spice. got the sweetness from the onion to balance all that out. right? once that's done. >> i'm glad i put an apron on. >> crazy for the white. see how this is prepared? all black. tomato sauce is going to go in. a little chicken stock. you can also do a different stock. if you want to do vegetable stock you can. not necessarily vegetarian. i guess you could do fried tofu. something for everybody. so this gets mixed together. gets cooked down. then it's going to get blended. very important that you blend it. don't leave it like this. i like a smooth sauce. ever go to a restaurant and the sauce is just eh? it's hot. add heavy cream. now the cream comes in. here's the key. once this is all mixed together, the number one thing for butter chicken that nobody talks about. butter.
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more butter. okay. just a little bit. just a little bit. >> just a little bit. >> just a little? >> that's a little. >> i thought you were going to put the whole stick in. >> i can if you want. don't tease me. i'll do it. the whole point of the butter is to bring it altogether. it's going to emulsify. it's going to become very creammy. the butter is the richness here. that's going to come together. it's going to cook down and boil. and you're left with a beautiful sauce that's nice and rich over there. >> all right. let's keep it moving. >> frying the wings. i'm gonna toss them. who wants to lower them in for me? you feel comfortable helping with that? with your beautiful perfect shirt. okay. grab a couple put them in. >> eva knows how to fry chicken. she does. okay. all right. talking some smack up here. >> we just reach in with our bare hands. kidding, kidding. [ laughter ] heat. you can either double fry or single fry.
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if you single fry they will be less crispy. these are double fried. look at that. >> yes, yes. >> once they're done, flip it. >> we have 30 seconds, chef. >> all right, all right. >> get to the brownies. >> wings are the star. boom wings done. brownies. i like my brownies mixed however you want them. but you can add different mixes to this. these are my chewy fudge brownies. barbecue potato chips, fine. >> barbecue potato chips. >> pop tarts in the brownies. what's wrong with that? it's new year's. who cares? whatever is there. >> mix them up. >> put them in the oven. you are left with these. these are my nutella pretzel brownies. >> wow. >> they're chewy, crunchy, multitextured and delicious. >> the final product right here, joshua. thank you very much. we appreciate it. i'm taking one of these wings. you can shop for the ingredients on good morning joshua, thank you. we'll be back.
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pops! ay son! ya got a little somethin' on yuh face. needed a quick shave. quick shave? respect the process! it ain't my dad's razor, dad, it's from gillettelabs. gillette...labs? gillette's ultimate shaving experience.
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this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face. gamechanga! while the flexdisc contours to it. lookin' smooth. feelin' even smoother. how 'bout hookin' me up with some gillettelabs? check your texts. you're the best. nah, you're the best. the best a man can get keeps getting bettuh. the next generation of shaving is gillettelabs. so what were the year 2024 bring? >> 2024 2024? good question. >> counting down to the year 2024 right before new year's rockin eve. what do you say we get this party started sunday night on abc? >> got to clean up these wings here. i'm on almost half a dozen now. >> i'm surprised by how many. so much. >> thanks for watching everybody
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. >> have a good one, folks. we'll see you tomorrow. >> get back into that big play in the front. mhm. right now there's just so much happening in our world. >> so much at stake at the start of every morning. >> making sense of it all. that's not always so easy. and that's where we come in. >> good morning america. we want you to know every morning we're right here. >> and we got you. i was 13 years old the day i escaped my father's cult. >> our father was the leader of a mormon religious cult. >> he was more revered than jesus. we were taught to conceal the polygamist lifestyle. >> he raised us all with a gun in our hands. >> our family was killing people . >> really good people were left to do terrible things. this is when i found out that i was born and raised in a cult. daughters of the cult only on hulu. >> prepare to be amazed. >> general hospital comes to prime time. let's do it. your favorite stars return. >> this is a surprise to
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shopping showdown, but it's a nissan sales event and good thing my rogue has intelligent all wheel drive, and so does my altima. >> now get. 1.9% apr financing for 60 months, or save up to $2,500 on rogue. better hurry, these offers won't be back in stock building a better bay ar moving forward, finding solutions. >> this is abc seven news. >> good morning. i'm gloria rodriguez from abc seven mornings. here's sue hall with a look at your traffic. good morning sue. good morning gloria. >> and you can see behind gloria the bay bridge is moving nicely. everybody's at the limit. and that's pretty much the story all around the bay area with this is 280 san jose at 17. and also look at the bay bridge toll plaza. it never really did get busier than this. pretty indicative of what's in store tomorrow. two drew. >> hey, sue, we're watching the coast at high surf. warning is still in effect. we have wave
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heights that could reach up to 40ft along our coast today. we also now have a coastal flood warning as we approach high tide around 1130. this morning. the combination of high tide and those strong waves could lead to some coastal flooding. so we will watch very closely live. look at santa cruz. you can see the waves are active. it's just a pretty cloudy day out there today. take a look at the forecast. mild in the 60s gloria. >> all right drew thank you so much. time now for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back kelly and mark. we'll be back here it's live with kelly and mark. today, the mega-talented matt bomer. plus, survivor's jeff probst tries to stump mark and snl star keenan thompson. also, tips on how to stay healthy while traveling. all next on live!


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