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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  December 28, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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ashley. thanks for joining us. california's coastline is in the danger zone today. here's a live look now from our santa cruz camera tonight where it's been stormy. most of the day. all evacuation orders were lifted this afternoon, but the damage is done. capitola, which is still recovering from last winter, got hit hard again today. high waves came crashing in battering businesses and leaving behind debris and even sand. barriers were not enough as people took precautions to try to prevent a repeat. >> this help block us a bit, but this one day is all it takes for this to be cleared out. >> our floor is ruined. it'll take at least a month to repair. i would think. >> work crews are still working on repairing the wharf that was heavily damaged last january. it is supposed to be done this summer, as long as we don't go through another rough winter >> and what a scene in santa cruz. the waves were high enough to knock over people who were watching the angry surf at what they thought was a safe
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distance. this is over near the santa cruz lighthouse. all right, so let's bring in abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel. >> it's been intense. sandy, how bad is the surf today? it's been pretty bad. >> how about 29ft? dan and ama and that was point sur, 28ft. bodega bay, now bodega bay. this is the second highest at this buoy since 2008. so let's look at a live picture right now from our santa cruz camera where you can see the rough surf is still pounding the coastline. i do want to alert you to the big waves tonight because dangerous, possibly deadly surf will continue. stay off the jetties and rocks. these are just safety reminders. stay out of and away from the water. never turn your back to the ocean. keep pets on leash, out of the water and just a reminder, even though the waves are still slowly coming down, they will take some time to slowly subside tomorrow. high surf warning until 3 a.m. tomorrow. large breakers 28 to 33ft. right now we have six footers at monterey bay. 17
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footers at bodega bay, up to 40ft. still possible with dangerous swimming and surfing conditions and a risk of rip currents. those wave heights will slowly come down as i mentioned tomorrow morning, by 7 a.m. and then they'll pick back up again as we have a level two storm headed our way on live doppler seven, you can see that storm winding up and here's a look at what you can expect on our storm impact scale. when it's a two, it's a moderate strength storm rain, heavy at times, strong winds and rough surf. a slight possibility of thunder. and with this comes storm concerns. tomorrow night, standing water on the roadways. a very high likelihood. localized flooding, high power outages. it's going to be in that moderate to high category and sierra snow late in the evening is going to be in the moderate category. i'll be back to time out the storm show you exactly when you'll need the rain gear tomorrow. coming up ama. >> all right, sandhya, thank you . it has been a stressful day for people in stinson beach where storm surge brought high waves and flooding and prompted an evacuation order for most of the day. abc seven news reporter
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cornell bernard is live in mill valley and joins us with the latest tonight, cornell. >> hey, i'm just a wild day. you know that evacuation order was lifted just a short time ago in stinson beach after high surf flooded parts of the town, taking a lot of folks by surprise. >> yeah, high surf crashing into this stinson beach neighborhood thursday, filling streets with seawater in a matter of minutes. >> right now, uh, we're just trying to keep the houses from flooding from above. >> a clear view of the storm surge enveloping most of the beach, flooding about a half dozen streets as the situation quickly sounding the call for sandbags, members of marin county search and rescue team were filling them as fast as they could. a front loader delivering the bags to beach berms to try and keep the water out. by 9:30 a.m, firstrillionesponders leaders issued evacuation orders for neighbors in harm's way. >> we're asking everyone to get
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out of there. our objective is life, property, environment in that order. so our main, main goal right now is to make sure everyone is out of there safely. we found james ells leaving his home. >> there was a mandatory, uh, evacuation. >> and so what are you doing? >> well, i'm evacuating. um, my house is built up a story up, so i'm not concerned about the house. i've been through heavier ones than this with no damage, so i'm sure we'll be okay. >> we're just trying to barricade to make sure that we're in better hands than last year. >> bella bond says last year, a storm left a foot of water inside her home, and this time she's not leaving, hoping some outdoor furniture will help keep things dry. >> and then i was like, oh, we have a picnic table in the back. >> in it. we measured out was perfect. >> so by 230 the evacuation order was lifted, but lots of ocean water left behind after a wet, stressful day, the ocean is a very dynamic, dangerous place. >> always as a kid it was never turn your back on grandmother ocean, so make sure you know that.
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>> yeah. good advice. the chief says no major damage reported, but the town nearly ran out of sandbags today. luckily, a neighboring fire department brought more in. and we're live in marin county tonight. cornell, bernard. abc seven news. >> all right, well, cornell, more rain tomorrow with another storm. what's the advice for the stinson beach residents tonight? >> yeah, the chief says tides and swells should be lower tomorrow. but with that storm coming in, people should still stay vigilant, be ready for power outages and possibly more flooding because the rainy season is definitely here. >> all right, cornell bernard, thank you so much. and don't forget you can check out the abc seven bay area app for the latest on weather conditions. and to access the same doppler seven. our weather team uses search abc seven bay area in your device's app store to download it. new at six google is settling a lawsuit that claims it secretly tracked people who thought that they were browsing the internet privately. >> the lawsuit sought at least $5 billion. the terms of the
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settlement are not being released. lawyers expect the deal to be finalized in february. internet users claim that google tracked their activity through analytics apps and cookies, even though they chose incognito mode. >> today, contra costa county supervisors delivered a letter to the martinez refinery with a list of demands over safety concerns. it comes after a surprise inspection tuesday. residents are now voicing their concerns as personally, you know, there are concerns with raising a family here with two girls. >> one of them has asthma, so just making sure our air quality is safe, um, there's always concerns with the environment and everything. living close to a refinery, but i feel like wind chill was here. there were just more precautions taken for the community, for our families, and then also for the workers who work there. the letter seeks safety changes in nine areas. >> the county says the refinery has committed to those changes. >> abc seven news has obtained a threat assessment from the fbi, warning about new year's eve celebrations in san francisco. this confidential assessment has
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been shared with law enforcement before the holiday weekend. abc seven news reporter stephanie sierra is in the newsroom with a look at exactly what that assessment involves. stephanie yes. >> dan. well, while there is no credible threat confirmed at this point, i do want to point out the assessment states the new year's eve celebrations here in san francisco are some of several the fbi is tracking, including concerns about the unprotected coastline and fireworks barges that are considered possible targets. new year's eve in san francisco was flagged by the fbi as a, quote, attractive target for would be attackers because of its size, cultural significance and associated media coverage. that's according to a new threat assessment sent to law enforcement from the department of homeland security. >> we need to be aware that there are threats out there or there are or, um, people that are out to do harm. but for san francisco, there's nothing credible, there's nothing specific. and there's nothing that's prohibiting us from from celebrating the new year. >> assistant san francisco
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police chief david lazar says while there is no credible threat to san francisco, the department is prepared there will be additional officers out and around all of the planned venues. >> the fireworks show along the embarcadero. but we'll have additional officers all throughout the city. >> the fbi lists concerns about domestic or jihadi extremists acting on their own, in addition to possible cyber attackers. the note indicates law enforcement is also concerned about drones being used. >> we do not recommend anyone bring out a drone, just adds a layer of complication. it's a homeland security issue. >> the fbi cited specific concerns related to san francisco, adding the large, unprovoked coastline and fireworks barges could be targets, as sfpd says they are working in coordination with the u.s. coast guard and their marine unit to respond accordingly. alameda police chief nishat joshi is preparing to do the same. >> we are going to have our officers on patrols, they're going to be diligent. we're
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going to be looking for any information or any indication that our community is a threat. again, i want to reiterate, we don't have any specific information that our community is at risk free. palestine >> the document noted the current threat environment is made more toxic and dangerous by the ongoing israel and hamas war. as the report notes, threats and hate speech have skyrocketed since the october 7th. hamas attack. the fbi adds this follows the reemergence of isis and al qaeda propaganda online. >> and if we think something's out of place, definitely everyone should report it. >> now, the groups behind the protest that shut down the bay bridge last month say no demonstrations are currently planned this weekend, but they do say that could change. and of course, law enforcement agencies are preparing accordingly. live in the newsroom stephanie sierra , abc seven news. okay, stephanie. >> thank you. >> what will it take to name oakland's next police chief? some say the commission is starting over. they're meeting right now. plus we go for the
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first time. >> bart's new faregates are in use, and being tested, but only
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fare evasion, which cost the system millions of dollars every year. abc seven news anchor karina nova is here to explain how these gates are different, and the plans, karina, for more to be added to other stations. >> dan, this was a big investment and a big step forward for bart. this system upgraded its fare gates for the first time in 20 years, hoping to prevent fare evasion. and we were there for the big reveal at the west oakland station. the
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west oakland bart station looked a little different today for riders who got to experience a prototype of these five new fare gates. bart spokesperson anna duckworth explains what people will experience from now on. >> these are seven foot tall gates. we're testing out two different door materials at west oakland, or testing out a polycarbonate material, and then also like a perforated metal type of material, just to see what's going to stand up better to things like, you know, graffiti, vandalism, wear and tear. the doors are kind of swinging. saloon style, open and close. it's going to be really hard for anybody to climb over or under or push through these gates. >> for bart, fare evasion has been an ongoing issue, and one that abc seven has covered in the past. these gates aim to address people who choose to get around paying. >> people can't just enter the system without paying, so what we want to do is deter the fare evasion itself, enforce fare payment, and that's going to help our revenue, which does get impacted by people who don't pay to get into the system.
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>> bart has made other recent changes, which include phasing out paper tickets for clipper cards and increasing fares by 5.5. come january 1st. daily ridership is still down about half this year compared to pre-pandemic numbers, but today, duckworth says bart took a step forward in their goal for a better and safer user experience. >> this morning. the initial feedback was very positive. people were happy to see that we're doing something you know, people let us know that west oakland is a place where they've seen fare evasion happening. so to not see it happening this morning because of these new gates kind of show us initially that it's working. >> bart will announce the next eight stations to get the new fare gates at the january 11th board meeting, and all more than 700 new fare gates will be installed systemwide by the end of 2025. and that entire project is costing $90 million. dan >> okay, karina, thanks a lot. now, karina mentioned that bart fares are increasing january first by 5.5. bart is also
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increasing its discount for clippers start riders from 20% to 50. clippers start is a program for low income residents . again, that that discount increases. on january 1st and you can find out what else is changing in the new year with this article about california's new laws. you'll find that on our website, abc seven happening now. >> the oakland police commission is meeting just a day after oakland's mayor rejected all three finalists for police chief . >> abc seven news reporter melanie woodrow has a look at what's next in the search for a chief. >> it's unclear when oakland's mayor will appoint a new police chief. >> the police commission must now return to the drawing board to come up with a new list of possible candidates for the mayor to consider. in an email to abc seven news, the police commission president writes, quote, we respect the mayor's decision to ask for a new list of candidates. the oakland police commission will continue to perform our duty under the city charter to review candidates and provide recommendations to the mayor. the commission will work
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collaboratively and diligently with the mayor to find exceptional candidates for oakland. while the names have not been officially released, activists and city officials have been talking about the candidates, including former oakland police chief laurent armstrong on the police commission, set her up. >> i don't know why you would send armstrong to her. she fired armstrong. she told you she was not going to hire him again. so you actually just wasted a slot for cap brooks, executive director of the anti-police terror project, sees a wasted slot. >> councilman noel gallo sees the only possible candidate. >> chief armstrong, was the best police chief. we had and the one that needs to continue to robert harris of the oakland naacp shares his perspective. >> leronne armstrong is not only eminently qualified, but is a person who is home bred right here in this community. >> they come here to oakland from outside of oakland. they don't even know where fruitvale avenue is. do you think it has to be somebody that has worked or lived in the bay area? >> there's absolutely no data
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that shows that to be true. and in fact, there are some reports that show that the more local the police department is, the more violent they are, brooks says. >> whether from oakland or oklahoma, the department needs change. >> we need someone who is willing to blow up the ways in which we do public safety. >> now, the question is when it sets back the search tremendously, we need a police chief today, today, not tomorrow, today. melanie woodrow, abc seven news, leadership of the oakland police department has been tumultuous. >> for about a decade, lauren armstrong had the job for two years, from 2021 to february of this year. that's when mayor shengtao fired him, citing an investigation that found he'd mishandled two misconduct cases. an independent arbitrator, though, cleared him of those accusations. armstrong replaced interim chief susan manheimer, who replaced anne kirkpatrick, who in 2017 was oakland's first female police chief. she was on the job for three years and was fired in 2020 for reporting alleged misconduct. but kirkpatrick fired a fillled a
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lawsuit disputing her termination and one prior, chief, sean whent, resigned in 2016 after members of the department admitted to having sex with an underage prostitute who went by the name celeste gwap. following his resignation, oakland went through three chiefs in nine days right, let's turn now back to the weather. >> we showed you some of the dramatic surf around the bay area today, but more wet weather is coming. >> yeah, a little more intense to sandia. >> absolutely. >> we're going to see some heavier rain and certainly strong winds coming our way. >> so dan let's look at live doppler seven right now. the storm that is heading in our direction is right here. here's the area of low pressure. you can see that the rain is falling out ahead of the storm. but this storm is really winding up. and as it is, we're going to notice those winds crash talking. i do want to show you the flood advisory thatrillionemains up until 10 p.m. tonight. it's not here, but if you are traveling, this is for the carmel lagoon area to. it was extended again.
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flooding has already occurred this afternoon and there is still a possibility, especially around carmel river state beach parking lot, the surrounding neighborhoods. so keep that in mind as high tide and high surf are combining to cause issues and certainly high tide leading to some more minor low-lying flooding. so coastal flood advisory is in effect for our coastline until 2 p.m. tomorrow afternoon on live doppler seven. we do have a lot of cloud cover, a couple of sprinkles showing up, but they're really isolated. the rain is still off the coast line. san jose camera looking lovely tonight. 59 degrees in san francisco. san jose 67, oakland 59 san jose. got up into the low 70s well above average. san mateo 57, half moon bay 59 degrees. sparks in downtown san francisco from our sutro tower camera 58, in san rosa. currently you're at 60 in napa, upper 50s, concord, fairfield, livermore and oakland airport. camera all is quiet now. the headlines for the week ahead. high surf warning remains up due to rough, dangerous waves.
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storms coming in tomorrow with downpours, gusty winds and for your new year's eve celebration is dry for most areas, but not all isolated showers can't be ruled out, so here's a look at the storm impact scale. moderate strength storm. it's a level two for tomorrow. rain will be heavy at times with those strong winds . rough surf. although two things i do need to point out. the stormiest period is going to be in the afternoon and evening, but there will be showers out ahead of it and the surf will be rough, but not quite as intense as after tomorrow. early tomorrow morning as it will continue to subside and there is a slight chance of thunderstorms. wind advisory is for all areas shaded here. that's 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. tomorrow. southerly winds cranking, gusts to 50 miles an hour means there is potential for downed trees. certainly power outages and your holiday decorations may get blown around , so you'll want to secure them before that happens. tomorrow morning. the winds start to pick up 26 to 31 miles an hour at 7 a.m. notice those winds really
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ramping up over 40 miles an hour and half moon bay by noontime. still gusty, but this time the wind shifts from the coast and the higher elevations to inland areas. in the afternoon, it will be gusty as well. so we go hour by hour. tomorrow morning at 5:00, the commute begins or your getaway for the holiday weekend begins and there is going to be some wetrillionoadways due to showers. the main event comes in tomorrow afternoon. there will be some heavy rain beginning in the north bay at noon 1 p.m. and really starting to move into san francisco and the coastline around that time as well. 3 p.m. it is stormy across the region. if you could stay off the roads would probably be a good idea, as ponding on the roadways will be happening. there will be some low lying flooding. 6:00 still pretty stormy. 9 p.m. turning over to more scattered showers and it's not going to be quite as heavy. scattered showers continuing your saturday morning early afternoon. and then this system is on the way out of here . rainfall projections will be highest along the coast and in
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the north bay, where we're looking at over an inch highest elevations over two inches. the rest of you, anywhere from a half an inch to three quarters of an inch. your morning temperatures in the 40s and the 50s. tomorrow afternoon. it is stormy. high temperatures will be in the 50s and 60s. and here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast level two tomorrow. level one for your saturday new year's eve. mostly dry, but there will be an isolated shower or two and then dry start to 2024 before another storm moves in the middle of next week. and dan, all right, thanks, sandy, very much. >> well, coming up next, the best of the best according to barack obama. but his list of favorite movies might be a little
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53 points, while the nasdaq fell four points. the s&p 500 inched near a record high, gaining one point. new data shows claims for unemployment benefits soared higher than expected last week, though numbers for those in need of jobs remain historically low. >> former president obama. is sharing his annual list of favorite movies. >> theory will take you only so far. >> oppenheimer made the list, but blockbuster winner barbie did not. obama's top three movies were produced by his own production company, higher ground. he says all films on his
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list reflect the hard work of the writers and actors who went on strike. this year, saying their action, quote, led to important changes that will transform the industry for the better. coming up next, a look at the controversy caused by nikki haley, who's hoping to become president. >> when asked about the reason for the civil war. also ahead, and i hope these events don't deter other palestinians to still be proud of their identity . >> he and his friends were shot, the possible targets of a hate crime. now this survivor in the bay area visiting family for the holidays speaks about what he's been
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14 protesters were arrested today at travis air force base for blocking access to the base. the protesters were there in support of palestine and claim the base is one of the leading suppliers to israel's military. organizers say not. they not only want the military aid to end, but they'd like to see an immediate cease fire as well. in the hamas-israel conflict. well, three palestinian college students were shot at in vermont on thanksgiving weekend in what
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is being investigated as a possible hate crime. one young man was left paralyzed. >> abc seven news reporter anser hassan sat down with one of the students who's in the bay area visiting family for the holidays . >> i'm uh- doing okay. regarding physical recovery. psychological recovery. it's very hard. >> it's been one month since kanan abdul hamid and his two friends survived a shooting thanksgiving weekend in burlington, vermont. and what may be a possible hate crime dealing with the aftermath of the shooting has been tough. but, he adds, the war in gaza weighs even heavier. >> it's very hard to process the shooting when uh- your psyches all really focused on what's happening and gaza and palestine, it's very hard to witness a blatant genocide in our modern times. >> kanan is visiting family in the bay area on break from college for the holidays. the night of the shooting, the three were headed home, speaking arabic wearing keffiyehs, the traditional palestinian scarf. when they were shot at close range. keenan had minor injuries, but his friend hisham
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awartani was left paralyzed and we're hoping he's charged the full extent of the law regarding a hate crime. the suspect, 48 year old jason eaton, faces three counts of attempted murder . keenan says the shooting demonstrates the rising anti-palestinian, anti-arab and anti-muslim sentiment across the country and the challenges the college students face. >> i always felt threatened on an intellectual level. sharing your truth, sharing your history , sharing what palestinians have experienced for 75 years of oppression could get you in trouble. usually due to rash actions based on ignorance by others. >> keenan was born in the us, raised in occupied west bank. having experienced israeli occupation firsthand, he says he will likely remain in the us after graduation. he believes in a two state solution, but thinks the chances for that has been slipping away even before october 7th. >> i see the israeli state doing like it usually does and occupy territories against blatantly
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against international law and continue to encroach onto the west bank, keenan knows the three of them are lucky to be alive. >> he says the path to healing will be long. he knows that what they wear and how they talk make them targets. but he says he's not going to hide who he is. >> i'm always going to represent palestine and i hope these events don't deter other palestinians to still be proud of their identity. >> anser hassan. abc seven news. >> the house where four. university of idaho students were killed last year, is no longer standing tearing down the three story home in moscow, idaho, early this morning. it comes from mixed with mixed feelings for the victim's family. some are firmly against the demolition, saying doing so destroys one of the most critical pieces of evidence in the case before a trial date is even set, the family believes there's an enormous amount of evidentiary value in that house.
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>> they thought it would be beneficial to give some some more specific statements and reasons why there might be evidentiary value to maybe shake the tree a little bit so people can kind of understand and where they're coming from. >> prosecutors claim brian coburg, a criminology student at a nearby college, entered the house in the early hours of november 13th, 2022, and stabbed the four students to death. he faces the death penalty if convicted. it's a battle for the ballot. >> maine is now the second state to remove donald trump from its primary ticket. that decision is based on the 14th amendment's insurrectionist ban. the colorado supreme court removed him from the ballot earlier this month, also citing the 14th amendment. that ruling is on hold pending appeal. the trump campaign says it will appeal today's decision to maine's state court system. a spokesperson says, quote, we are witnessing in real time the attempted theft of an election and the disinformation disenfranchisement of the american voter. presidential
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candidate nikki haley is now clarifying her position on what caused the civil war. it's a follow up to a question she was asked at a town hall event yesterday, when her answer did not include any mention of slavery. abc news reporter justin finch shows you what was said. >> former south carolina governor nikki haley, now attempting to rectify her remarks on what caused the civil war. >> and, of course, the civil war was about slavery. we know that that's unquestioned and always the case. we know the civil war was about slavery, but it was also more than that. >> haley, addressing the backlash today after first facing that civil war question from an attendee at her new hampshire town hall wednesday. >> what was the cause of the united states civil war. don't come with an easy question or anything. >> i mean, i think the cause of the civil war was basically how government was going to run the
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freedoms and what people could and couldn't do. >> haley's initial answer, not referencing slavery and the attendee refusing to respond when she turned his own question on him in the year 2023, it's astonishing to me that you answer that question without mentioning the word slavery. republican rival florida governor ron desantis pouncing. >> she's asked a very simple question and responded with just a really incomprehensible word salad. >> president biden, posting a social media response with video of haley's answer and replying it was about slavery as new hampshire prepares for his presidential primary next month, donald trump is working to maintain his front runner status despite mounting legal challenges in new hampshire. >> trump is below the 50% threshold, so theoretically, if you could consolidate all of the non trump support, you could beat him there. >> the democratic national committee is slamming haley's remarks, accusing republicans of pandering to extremists.
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meantime, president biden remains the democrats 2024 president choice as the party seeks to rally support around reproductive rights. justin finch, abc news, washington. >> still to come on abc seven news at six. bigger waves than they've ever seen before here from surfers at half moon bay's mavericks beach. also ahead. >> never realized there were four coyotes behind me. >> he never realized there were four coyotes behind him, but luckily these dalmatian ones did. that story,
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north carolina wolves have been on this continent longer than people have been on this continent. >> when indigenous people were living on the land, they lived in harmony with the wolves. they respected them. it was only when european settlers arrived that we started to persecute the wolves. they're just as american as we are, although they're protected, they still need more help and we do think that kids can make a difference. and if
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kids care, then maybe we can help the red wolves survive into the future. >> the red wolves are the cover animal for the december issue of national geographic. kids, families can learn more about how to help protect red wolves and other endangered species. in the newest issue of nat geo kids . disney is the parent company of both national geographic and abc seven. >> they are beautiful. all right, well, deanna and tasha, two dalmatians that earned the praise of good doggy reporter tiffany chan in boston. shows you why. >> you know, when they say a dog is a man's best friend. come on girl. dog walker justin lee learned just how true that is. while out for a nighttime walk with these dalmatians. deanna and tasha near a brighton apartment complex. >> deanna got, like, very upset and she looked up, jumped backwards, and i said, what's wrong with her? >> a pack of four coyotes quietly lurking behind them, her barking is what alerted him to look back, and she knew right
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away. before even you did. >> i never hear him. so when i look at the back, i just saw them. i never realized they were four coyotes behind me. the coyotes were bold, lunging at the leash. >> dalmatians deanna uh- grabbed him from the side of the neck and checked his neck one time, and i tried to keep him. >> i kicked him. >> deanna, the smaller of my two girls here, bit it, bit it in the neck and convinced the pack to run away. >> the dog's owner says she's not at all surprised, as this isn't the first time her dogs have been targeted by coyotes, and they tried to make a circle around us and ran around in circles trying to close the circle. >> and i just made my way back to my unit, with my back to the buildings and skedaddled inside. >> leanne and the dogs were unharmed, charmed, and their owner is crediting their breed. >> they're meant to drive away coyotes, wolves, foxes, rabbits, anything that would bother a stable or horses. >> and there's no doubt in the
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dog walkers mind that these two were looking out for him that night. do you think they were protecting you? >> yeah, of course they were meant for that. >> wow, that is incredible. those are good dogs. >> very good dogs. >> tiffany chan reporting an amazing story. >> certainly. >> all right. coming up next, an update on tomorrow's storm. expected to be stronger than what we had earlier this week. sandia will have the rain timeline on a sierra advisory and your new year's eve forecast, too. >> the abc seven storm impact scale. >> it's going to be a two moderate storm from 1 to 5 light to severe. >> no. exactly how every storm will impact you. >> wet and windy once again, be prepared with the abc seven storm impact scale from abc
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day. abc seven news is on at 10 p.m. so we can take you back to ryan seacrest at 1030 for the countdown to midnight. and on new year's day, catch the rose parade. it will be here live on abc seven at 8 a.m. monday. >> talk a little more about the weather, even the locals in half moon bay are surprised by just
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how massive the swells are today at world famous mavericks beach. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dawsey found people from all around the world flocking to the coast to enjoy nature's show. >> with big storms come big waves and big time surf. and there's no place bigger than mavericks and half moon bay. >> the waves look absolutely massive and it was everything that, uh, we expected. it was really big. i would say maybe. 40 to 60 foot waves. >> miguel blanco flew into town all the way from portugal to surf the historic waves of mavericks. it was difficult to see from our vantage point on the shoreline, but this incredible footage shot in the water gave us a look at what the brave surfers were able to see. i can't imagine what it's like staring at a 40 foot wave and dropping in. >> if it's your turn and you just got to go, you know, like when you see a big wave, you're kind of scared. but at the same time, you're you're feeling like you should go and you go and you just go and enjoy the ride for
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local iron banner, he wished he didn't have to share incredible waves like these with everyone else, but he recognizes the legacy of mavericks spans the small surf town of princeton and half moon bay. >> that's like pretty gnarly. i mean, it's super big people from all over portugal, brazil, tahiti, hawaii. we got kai, lenny and his brother out there. yeah yeah, a lot of a lot of amazing surfing going down. >> hbo was on hand creating a documentary of the day's events, but a look through the sails and mist shows crowds of spectators here to catch the action, as well. >> we're seeing some huge swells , big waves and some surfers that are crazy going out there. it was crazy enough to just watch the surfing, but hundreds took the two mile walk to the coastline from the town to line up and down the steep cliffs of the beach. >> san mateo county officials did what they can to suggest people stay away, but these waves brought them to the bay area from far and wide. it's amazing. >> yeah, we're pretty lucky here. pretty special place we
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live in. >> it certainly is. i mean, it might become a yearly event for this always. and when you see this, the question isn't why, it's why not at mavericks and half moon bay, dustin dawsey, abc seven news that's intense. >> that is unreal. you can't blame people wanting to see that. that's pretty impressive. you have to know what you're doing. oh 100. all right. let's update the forecast. any more of those big waves coming? >> meteorologist sandyha patel knows sandhya. >> absolutely. and ama and dan. yes we're going to continue to see some rough surf. so let's take a look at that high surf warning until 3 a.m. tomorrow. right now san francisco boy is reporting 18 footers, though the wind advisory has expanded. just moments ago, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. but you will notice more areas under that advisory. wind gusts up to 50 miles an hour. so you might want to tie down any of your holiday decorations on live doppler seven. there are a couple of isolated sprinkles showing up, but the main storm is off the coast. it's a level two for tomorrow and it is going
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to bring us gusty winds along with rain. so first thing in the morning the showers arrive before the storm and then here comes that storm. 1 p.m. you start to notice some heavy rain. the downpours at 5 p.m, your evening commute. your evening getaway is going to be rough as we head into tomorrow afternoon. i would if i were you. stay off the roadways if you can, because this is going to be the worst part of it. 5060 is as far as the sierra goes. winter weather advisory 10 p.m. tomorrow until 10 p.m. saturday. we're looking at 8 to 12in above 6000ft, one 1 to 2ft for those peaks. but with those gusty winds, travel will be very difficult with chain controls and travel delays. now here's a look at sunday evening as new year's eve plans begin. a system is scraping the coast as it heads down towards the south. and then here comes another storm for next week. the middle of next week, where they'll see some more snow in the sierra. saturday scattered showers. level one for your new year's weekend. mostly cloudy sunday might be an isolated shower. it's a dry start to 2024, and
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here's your accuweather seven day forecast two tomorrow, one saturday we're going to go with another storm. middle of next week. >> ama and dan here we go. >> thanks, andy. >> all right here we go. we're talking about the niners as well. we have chris alvarez here i was trying to think what's scary are those waves are being blitzed in an nfl game. >> i don't know that i want to do either. i don't think i'd survive either one. i probably not coming up in sports. find out how four niners quarterback brock purdy is moving on from monday's four interception game. plus, how can anything top the eggnog and mayo bowl celebrations we saw yester
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top seed still controls their own destiny. with a win at washington sunday and a home win against the rams in the following week. the nfc playoffs will run through levi's quarterback brock purdy suffered a stinger in the loss. has though, been a full participant in the practice the last two days. he should be good to go. sunday today he spoke for the first time since month. his career worst four interception game, and says he can use that experience to his advantage. >> you know, the whole season right. building up to like what they're saying is a huge game on christmas monday night football and all that. um and it was a big game. and so, so, um, you know, for me, it's a great learning experience just in terms of you know, not, you know, buying into what's going on around and what's being said. um instead, you know, executing,
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you know, in the moment, making the right reads, being consistent. um protecting the ball. um, all those things, man, it's such a good learning experience, but it's tough to play with a lot of football after you have four picks and stuff, especially when you're down versus that type of defense. and i think that was the best experience for him. how to feel that, to know what's happened, to know why it's happened and still have to go out there and sling it around and play, and i think that's the best experience you can get from that game. all right. >> the warriors five game winning streak was snapped in denver on christmas day. and after 30 games they're 15 and 15 tonight. they open a huge seven game homestand looking to build some momentum or continue some. and it starts by hosting miami tonight in a couple of minutes. speaking of momentum, andrew wiggins is turning a corner after a slow start and being moved to the bench. wiggs is averaging 17.6 points per game in his last three contests, scored 22 monday in denver. head coach steve kerr likes what he sees. >> wiggs has been great. um, looks like a different guy. um, he's, uh, attacking the rim. he's getting fouled. he's he
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looks more fluid. he's really responded well and may be our best player. um, you know, in denver. and so i'm really thrilled with the way he's he's responded and the way he's playing. and hopefully that continues. you know the way i look at it, chris and dario kind of anchor that that second group there. they're the constants. but wiggs has really given that group another attacker and a post up guy you saw in denver. he scored 3 or 4. whoops. right at the rim. and that's what we need from wiggs. but he can do that with the starting group too. so if he keeps playing well then he very well could end up back in the starting lineup. but you know, we're just kind of taking it day by day. >> college football playoffs begin or the semifinals on monday. alabama michigan playing in the rose bowl yesterday. those two teams treated to a magical experience at disneyland. coach harbaugh and nick saban among those posing with hold on, wait for it, mickey mouse. that's an iconic photo. and speaking of iconic, this is my new favorite bowl game. it's the pop tarts bowl k state defeated nc state 2819.
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the real story there, the pop tarts mascot. it was unveiled today. came out of the toaster. he's dancing with the ref. i'm a huge pop tarts fan and this s makes me a bigger fan. and they were joking. they should make this a bigger bowl game and move it to like new year's eve or new year's day. i don't disagree, i mean, this mascot is all over social media. i'm a brown sugar cinnamon that look more like a strawberry that did look. >> the rainbow sprinkles. >> yeah, i like cherry. cherry. >> that's. >> is there a bad one? >> there's really not s'mores. >> s'mores is good. you are a connoisseur. yeah, i'm a connoisseur of pop tarts. >> socks. that pop tart ornaments. >> oh, wow. yeah, they were gifts for christmas. >> nice. now we know where to get your next year. >> yeah. thanks for things. yeah. >> all right. coming up tonight on abc seven at eight. celebrity wheel of fortune. then at nine, it is press your luck, followed by the $100,000 pyramid. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. did i say pyramid or period? i messed it up last time. i think pyramid. i did say pyramid. >> okay, pop tart. okay, pop tarts. >> remember, abc seven news is
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streaming 24 seven. get the abc seven bay area app and join us whenever you want, wherever you are. that is it for this edition of abc seven news. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel, chris alvarez, the pop tart, prince. >> we appreciate your time. have a great evening. we'll see you again at 11. >> blueberry. raspberry. cherry strawberry. cinnamon and you've got a. >> this is abc 724 seven. in francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland? yeah >> you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area
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♪♪ this way to health insurance. from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is... ♪♪ today's third group of second chance contestants are a postdoctoral researcher originally from cincinnati, ohio... a salmon conservation associate from boise, idaho... and a copy editor from san pablo, california... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--ken jennings.
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[cheers and applause] thank you, johnny. welcome back to "jeopardy!" second chance. so far this week, we've seen christopher pennant and then greg czaja secure their first "jeopardy!" wins ever and a spot in the second chance finals. today that same happy fate awaits either raquel, mitch, or xanni. good luck, players. let's kick things off with the jeopardy! round, shall we? and these categories. ♪♪ first up... then... doing it... then... you'll give us the year of each historic event. followed by... and... raquel, what strikes your fancy? nba nicknames, $600. nicknames of giannis antetokounmpo include the alphabet and this rhyming one, including a nationality. xanni. -what's the "greek freak"? -yes. uh, hey, where's that? for $600.


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