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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  December 29, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PST

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green day. janelle monae, ludacris is going to be there. >> they got it all. like it. everybody. >> yeah, a lot of good performers there. >> good variety, but you can start watching it at 8 p.m. on sunday night right here on abc seven. >> way to go. all right l.l. cool j. >> yeah, that'll be good. >> everybody's there. yeah. happy new year. >> have a great day everyone good morning america. rogue wave. massive swell slamming into the california coast. up to 30 feet high, sweeping onlookers off their feet. some carried 50 yards away. at least eight hospitalized, this truck lifted and swept away, as a new s we're live on the scene. millions on the move. this morning the holiday travel season on track to break records.
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the tsa expected to screen 2.5 million people. what to know if you are heading out this morning. breaking overnight. banned from the ballot. maine's secretary of state ruling donald trump cannot appear on the republican primary ballot, citing the assault on the capitol january 6th. the former president fighting back, vowing to appeal. what it means in the race for the white house, with the first votes less than three weeks away. new year security. police ramping up precautions around the country. >> this is our super bowl. >> and in times square, thousands ready to deploy. what to know as the clock ticks down to 2024. breaking overnight. massive attack. putin's forces pounding ukraine, and the biggest assault since the start of the war. missiles and drones striking major cities. what's next? demolition day. the home at the center of the idaho college killings torn down. this morning what the families
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of the victims are saying and will it hamper the prosecution? counting down to sales, with christmas in the rear view mirror, the biggest deals as we head into the new year. how to score big on electronics, clothes and that last minute get away. ♪ i'm coming up so you better get this party started ♪ >> plus, it is time to say bye to 2023. do you need to say so long to your christmas tree? the debate going viral. and we are ready to rock and roar into 2024. >> 3, 2, 1! happy new year! >> ryan seacrest is joining us live. it all starts right now! the stars ready to take the stage, the ball ready to drop, as we gear up to count down into the new year. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america.
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>> good morning america. we're getting the party started. >> yes, we are. >> good morning. great to be here with demarco an eva on a busy friday. we're going to take you to the times square ball, with everything you need to know about the new year's eve celebration. as we close in on 2024. >> sounds like a treat. we can't wait for it. first a lot of news, including the big decision overnight. maine removing donald trump from the ballot and his vow to appeal. jon karl join us to break it all down. we begin with the extreme weather as millions get ready to hit the skies and the roads including that rogue wave in southern california literally sweeping people off their feet as it pounded the coast line. will carr is there in ventura, california, with the latest. good morning, will. >> reporter: good morning, eva. there are dangerous conditions up and down the california coast. here in ventura, a rogue wave swept across this wall into the streets here. you can see the damage that came with it. the water destroying this garage, sweeping into this
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community and sending at least eight people to the hospital. this is the terrifying moment a rogue wave slammed into the california coastline. people running for their lives trying to outrun the water. this man sprinting with the water closing in. you can see several on lookers swept off their feet, carried by the rushing water. some people pushed 50 yards down the street. at least eight people were taken to the hospital. storms brewing in the pacific producing waves more than 30 feet high, slamming the coast from san diego up to san francisco. the waves breaching the sea wall in ventura county. the force of the water so strong, this life guard had to be rescued. civilians stepping in and
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pulling her to safety. restaurant surveillance capturing the moment their patio was swallowed up. residents now dealing with the after math. homes and cars covered in debris. this car's hood and roof smash in. first responders searching the waters from the air and using jet skis. officials warning people blocking to see the water show to stay away and be alert. >> if you turn your back for even a split second you can be knocked over, swept away. >> reporter: we're expecting dangerous conditions into the weekend. as for the eight people sent to the hospital, their conditions are unknown this morning. whit? >> really some incredible scenes from california, will. thank you. it is going to be a jam-packed weekend for holiday travel, so let's get right to abc news transportation correspondent gio benitez at newark airport with what we can expect. gio, good morning. >> reporter: hey, whit. good morning. we just learned more than 2.6 million people were screened at airports yesterday.
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in fact, the tsa tells us they are busier this year than last year for a longer, more sustained period of time. let's look at the numbers here because these are the estimated airline seats that were sold for today. 3.7 million. when you add it up through tuesday, the 2nd, we're looking at 17.3 million seats. how about those planes in the air? today nearly 44,000. but look at tomorrow. more than 48,000 flights. the busiest day next week is wednesday, the 3rd, with 44,000 for that big return home. now, if you're driving, the roads will be very busy today between 2 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. tomorrow between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. while it's been very smooth this entire holiday season by air, some of those drivers are people who got delayed by some of that weather and decided to just rent a car. however you're traveling, though, be prepared for that traffic on the road. be prepared for the crowds at airports. just arrive early. that's your best advice, demarco. >> that is the best advice, gio. thank you. we appreciate it. let's check in with somara
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theodore for the new year's eve forecast. no pressure, somara. >> right? all right. well, if you are living on the west coast traveling up and down i-5 you will be running into a ton of rain. we're expecting heavy showers along the coast line. this all came just after all those waves we saw. as we head into your friday night and then early saturday morning, that's when the heaviest rain hits los angeles. even some mountain snow. meanwhile, on the east coast, things aren't that bad. we are dry and quiet along the i-95 corridor. still foggy. lot of clouds. you don't have to worry about rain coming from those clouds. it's further inland where we could see some rain and snow. here is the big question. what's going on new year's eve night at midnight across the country? we're looking dry. it will be pretty chilly in seattle, 38 degrees. i wouldn't mind being in miami. 66 at midnight. that's a look at the forecast. eva, back to you. >> i think all of us would take miami at 66 degrees. turning to security preparations for the new year's eve celebrations.
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the nypd ramping up to keep everyone safe as they ring in 2024. our senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky has details. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, eva. two days from the ball drop, times square is preparing to host 1 million people. the largest police force is vowing to keep everybody safe and secure. this morning thousands of new york city police officers are getting ready to deploy for new year's eve. >> this is our super bowl. we plan for it all year long. >> reporter: while there are no specific threats, the celebration comes during what the fbi and nypd call a heightened threat environment, caused by the war between israel and hamas. demonstrators tried to disrupt other iconic holiday events in the city, the thanksgiving parade and tree lighting. authorities are concerned they'll try again on new year's eve. >> you have seen a small pocket of people who are becoming part of the protest who are trying to rile up the crowd. we cannot tolerate that. >> reporter: police are also mindful of a knife attack last year's eve that targeted three
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officers. >> for us in the intelligence community, it's something we feel like we probably missed something. that's a concern for us. >> reporter: this year the police are widening the security perimeter an looking for any oddities, people who seem like they're doing surveillance in advance. the elaborate security plan also includes dogs, drones and speck spectator check points. we've had a look at con peu den shall assessments of new year's eve celebrations beyond times square mentioning everything from fire work, barges in san francisco to outlaw motor gangs in los angeles, police here and elsewhere have a long history of keeping new year's eve revellers safe and these celebrations secure. eva? >> all right, aaron katersky. whit? now major headlines in the presidential race. the trump campaign promising to fight a new ruling that would keep the former president off the ballot in the state of maine. republican nikki haley facing backlash over her response to a question about the civil war. our chief washington correspondent jonathan karl is joining us with the latest.
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jon, good morning. >> good morning, whit. the decision by the secretary of state of maine is a controversial one. just overnight the state of california rejected a similar effort to keep trump off the ballot. it's also a decision the trump campaign is already saying they will appeal. overnight maine's secretary of state determined donald trump took part in an attempted insurrection on january 6th and is therefore, ineligible to be on the state's republican primary ballot for president under the 14th amendment. >> the secretary of state has access based on section 3 of the 14th amendment. no presidential candidate has ever engaged in an insurrection. >> reporter: section 3 bars anyone who swore an oath to defend the constitution and engaged in insurrection or rebellion from holding certain offices in the federal government. the trump campaign responded by
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calling bellows a, quote, hyper partisan biden supporting democrat and vowing to immediately appeal her decision to state court. there have been efforts in more than 30 states to take trump off the ballot, but so far only maine and colorado have decided to do so. the implementation of those rulings by both states are on hold pending appeal. the legal battle comes as nikki haley, who had been gaining momentum as a leading nontrump candidate is playing defense over a comment on the civil war. >> what was the cause of the united states civil war? >> well, don't come with an easy question. i think the cause of the civil war was basically how government was gonna run. the freedoms and what people could and couldn't do. >> reporter: as her answer continued, she never mentioned the word slavery. the former governor of south carolina, the first state to succeed from the union, tried to clean up her comments the next day. >> of course the civil war was about slavery.
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>> reporter: ron desantis, who himself faced criticism earlier this year for suggesting some slaves benefitted from slavery criticized haley. >> it's not that difficult to identify and acknowledge the role slavery played in the civil war. she's shown time and time again, when it's time, when the lights get holt, that she wilts under pressure. >> reporter: with different states going in different directions, even the secretary of state of maine said overnight the decision about keeping trump on the ballot or taking him off will ultimately need to be decided by the supreme court and which she said she will respect the court's decision, assuming they take it up. >> all right, jon. we'll keep an eye on that. all of this happening as we head into the new year, just weeks until the actual voting begins. what are you watching for on the campaign? >> reporter: in new hampshire, trump has a huge lead in the republican primary, but his lead in iowa and new hampshire is slightly smaller. if trump's rivals are gonna stop
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him from getting the republican nomination, they're gonna have to find a way to beat him early. >> jon, you also spoke to three women who are former trump white house staffers who are warning about a second trump term. let's listen to part of that conversation. >> we all witnessed him trying to steal a democratic election before and going to historic an unconstitutional lengths to do so. and that just shows he's willing to basically break every barrier to get into power and stay into power. >> his rhetoric has just gotten increasingly erratic. he has literally called for things like doing away with parts of the constitution. wanting to weaponize the doj, to enact revenge on his political enemies. >> reporter: whit, this was a remarkable discussion, for the first time bringing together three women who served steps from the oval office in trump's white house including cassidy hutchison, who you remember from the january 6th committee. it was the first time they came together, talked about what
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brought them to this point of portraying donald trump and warning of what would happen if he came back into the white house. that will be this sunday on "this week." a very interesting conversation. >> as you know, he remains ahead in the polls and keeps the commanding lead heading into iowa. jon, thank you. you can catch more of jon's interview with those former stump staffers this week. demarco? >> want to get to some breaking news overnight. russia bombarding top cities in ukraine an what ukraine is calling the biggest assault since the war began. marcus moore is live in london with the latest on this story. good morning. >> reporter: demarco, good morning. ukraine's air force says it has never seen so many locations targeted simultaneously. this attack involving six major cities across ukraine, including the capital, a maternity hospital and residential targets were either hit or damaged. we know this morning that at least 18 people have been killed and more than 100 injured. there are reports that people are still trapped in the rubble of a collapsed building.
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also that the rocket, the debris from those rockets rain down and cause fires. ukraine said most of the rockets were shot down, but some did get through the air defenses. russia launching more than 150 missiles and drones in an attack that went on for ten hours overnight. ukraine's air force says this is the largest attack on the country since the start of the full scale invasion. it comes as the united states has announced an additional $250 million in aid, but 2024, next year, will be another difficult one for ukraine as they endure this war and plead for more support from the west. eva? >> a reminder that war is far from over. thank you, marcus. now to millions of workers getting a pay raise in the new year. minimum wage workers in 22 states are in for a pay bump to kick off 2024. morgan norwood has details. good morning, morgan. >> reporter: good morning to you, eva. while our economy defied odds despite rising inflation and cost of living increases those who lived on minimum wage have
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had a much harder time paying rent, buying groceries. the essentials there. things like fight for 15 have been advocating for higher minimum wage for more than a decade. starting january of next year, close to 10 million workers across 22 states will have more money in their pay checks. that's all thanks to a boost in minimum wage. let's talk about this. more than half of those workers are in california, hawaii, new york, all states where the cost of living is especially high. it will be massive for maryland, hawaii, nebraska. pay also going up for their minimum wage workers by at least $1.50, hawaii $2. despite this progress though, there are still more than 17 million workers earning less than $15 an hour and 20 states still use the federal minimum wage of $7.25. but there is good news for millions more workers. three more states plus d.c. are due to raise their minimum wage later on in the year. guys? >> all right, morgan. thank you very much. let's switch gears, talk about the countdown to 2024, shall we? millions of people around the
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world will be watching the new year's eve celebrations in times square. right now crews putting the finishing touches on that dazzling crystal ball to ensure it's ready to ring in the new year. andrew dymburt has an up close look at all of it. andrew, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. hang on one second. i'm having a little trouble seeing. there we go. now i can see. we are so done with 2023. in all seriousness, when it comes to new year's eve, there are a lot of imitators, but there is only one ball, and it's in a square, times square. we are only two days from this massive celebration. it's all about this six foot sphere behind me, 26,000led's, can display billions of color patterns. takes about 60 seconds to make its full dissent. i don't know about you. i don't start counting down until there are ten seconds left. when that clock finally strikes midnight, oh, it's going to be a sight to see. there's a giant sign that says 2024. that's gonna light up. there's gonna be confetti pouring into the streets.
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people will be cheering, smiling. going to be one giant celebration, guys. i'm looking forward to it. [ laughter ] >> andrew, thank you. >> i didn't realize my microphone was on there. >> you had something to say. >> andrew, thank you. coming up, the house at the center of the idaho student killings is demolished. what it could mean for the prosecution. the great christmas tree debate. when should the tree decorations come down? the battle raging on social media. the best sales. the best deals happening now. and we count down to 2024 with ryan seacrest. first back to somara with more on your new year's eve forecast. >> we've got to get them prepared. if you're going to be celebrating in times square, dry conditions. that's good news. temperatures around 40, but it's going to feel like 33 so please dress in layers. bundle up nice and warm. your local weather coming up in 30 seconds.
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>> here we
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officers are also gathering outside of highland hospital. we're waiting for an update from oakland police about what is going on to see if an officer of anyone else was hurt. >> and good morning. we are following slow traffic. a couple of spots for you this morning. otherwise it's pretty light in that oakland area that we just spoke of northbound 880 is slow near the embarcadero, so no stalls or accidents. just that police activity that we've been speaking of. and we do have an accident. this one was temporarily blocking all lanes in the city. north 101, just near third avenue. that has been cleared. traffic is recovering. >> thank you. sue meteorologist drew tuma has a quick look at th
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sunset sky. let's fly by fly, to fly by. to fly. wherever you go in the world. >> one airline goes further. to make it feel exceptional. qatar airways going places together.
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>> here's a holiday. thought to ponder. is it truly a wish list? if you only have one wish? here's to getting everything that you're hoping for this season. make your wish list a reality with exceptional offers. during the season of audi was special for us. >> i think that i learned more in this performance than i actually do in a whole week of school. >> bring your family. >> let your children experience this. i wish i could see it again, like right now. >> give your loved ones the best holiday gift. shen yun, chrissy jackson, we've been expecting you. now streaming on disney+ live doppler seven showing you some drizzle, some light showers this morning. >> we are waiting a cold front this afternoon that will bring about heavy rain this evening, and some gusty winds to level
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three. a strong storm on the abc seven storm impact scale later on today for downpour. strong winds, possibly some isolated flooding. the exploratorium camera is wet out there. we're really highlighting this evening. by 5 p.m, that's when the heavy rain is moving through and those gusty winds as well. kumasi >> thanks, drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc seven >> rakubian has been bringing families together for over 50 years. there's a new 2024 thor chateau is now discounted at just 77.998. your holiday adventures begin at rick van deck the halls with bring out the toys. >> and the boys
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>> looking for better hydration at half the price? try curel ultra healing lotion, the dermatologist tested formula contains an advanced ceramide complex and provides two times more hydration at half the price. try curel. price. try curel. >> start your day with ♪ i'm gonna knock you out ♪ >> you're dancing, whit. >> how can you not dance? >> classic ll cool j. mama, he is going to knock you out when he headlines dick clark's rockin new year's eve with ryan seacrest. right outside times square. the show has an all star lineup around the country to ring in the new year. the man himself, ryan seacrest is live here in the flesh to tell us all about it.
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>> going to be a lot of fun and a fun weekend ahead. first the top headlines we're following right now. southern california hit by that rogue wave. more than 30 feet high, sweeping people off their feet. some carried 50 yards away as a new storm system takes aim at the west coast with millions on the roads and in the skies today. one of the busiest travel days of the year. breaking overnight, maine ruling donald trump cannot appear on the primary ballot citing the assault on the capitol on january 6 president former president vowing to appeal, with the first votes in the 2024 race less than three weeks away. overseas an american woman has been confirmed dead, killed in the october 7th attack on israel that morning. 70-year-old judy and her husband captured this video of the beginning of the hamas attack. her husband also killed that day. some encouraging news for home buyers, as mortgage rates dropped to a 30-year fixed rate of 6.61%, the lowest rate since may, marking nine straight weeks of declines. las vegas is expecting a
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potential record number of weddings on new year's eve. that's because the date 12/31/23 is a repeating pattern. 123, 123. >> okay. >> it's known as a specialty day in the las vegas wedding industry. plus it's new year's eve. the current record for weddings in vegas, 4,492 in a single day. >> wow. >> that's a lotta love. >> also we have a lot more ahead including the debate on when you should take down your christmas tree. i wasn't throwing jabs. >> no, of course not. >> little shade. >> that is coming up. >> exactly. we love love. all right. let's get to some other stories we are following. to the idaho college murders case and reaction from the victims' families following the demolition of the off campus house where the killings took place. mola lenghi joins us with the latest and what it might mean for the case now. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit.
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those in favor of demolishing the house say this was an important step in moving forward, but at least some victims' families say this house could have still provide some evidence in the upcoming trial. this morning the site of the off campus home where four university of idaho students were brutally murdered is now an empty lot. >> we just didn't feel that it was the best decision for the university. >> reporter: it was over a year ago when prosecutors say bryan kohberger a criminology graduate student stuck in the rental home and stabbed kaylee goncalves, madison ethan chapin. the crime scene was given the u of i. school officials say tearing down the house was necessary for closure. >> this is the next step toward healing for our community. we have not made it a secret since the time the house was given to us that our intent was to demolish the house. >> reporter: fbi investigators
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were at the house this past october gathering information that possibly could be used at the trial. >> you can go room to room to do that, to make sure that you get every possible conceivable piece of evidence before you turn the house back over to someone, or in this case have the house demolished. the jury can now not walk through the crime scene where this occurred. it's so important if the jury so desires, to be able to walk physically into the rooms where these attacks occurred. how the person got into the house. they can physically go through every door, every window. >> reporter: the goncalves and kernodle families protesting, opposing the demolition, insisting it was still a key piece of evidence. >> there were that many people inside that house. there was more evidence there than they probably knew what to do with. >> reporter: but not everyone argued against the demolition. the family of the only male victim, 20-year-old ethan chapin, saying in a statement, we are supportive of the decision to take down the king
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street house for the good of the university, its student, including our own kids, and the community of moscow. the anguished families of the victims putting public pressure on the court to speed up justice. >> these children can't speak for themselves. it's our job to speak for them. having an empty parking lot is way less important than making sure these kids get justice. >> reporter: well, university says for the moment, the land where the house was stood will remain a vacant lot. meanwhile a trial date has not y yet. a judge entering a not guilty plea on kohberger's behalf. if convicted, kohberger faces the death penalty. whit? >> thank you, mola. demarco? now to a final shopping push as we end the year. lot of people are in return mode there are some great deals to be had. morgan norwood is here with the latest on this story. good morning. >> good morning, demarco.
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the holidays have come and gone, right? maybe you're done with gift shopping for everyone else but you've got extra christmas cash or gift cards on hand. take it from me, i give you permission. you can thank me now to treat yourself. you are in luck. new year sales are all about electronics and clothing. that's where we start. for clothing, stores like macy's are offering up to 60% off on coats, jewelry, shoe, designer accessories. up to 50% off at nordstrom's. that's their half yearly sale. a wide variety of items going on sale. 70% off designer picks. for electronics, best buy is having an accessory sale up to 65% off items including device chargers and speakers. we all love those. travel deals, those are also having a moment. let's face it. you have worked hard this year. you need that last minute get away. hotel chains like ihg hotels and resorts offering a 20% discount across participating u.s. markets with its flash sale. if you're in the mood for a cruise, maybe set sale with royal caribbean. right now up until new year's eve, you can save up to $650 and
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30% off family friendly cruises. the best part about it all is kids cruise free. those are the deals. i want to talk about returns for a second. according to our shopping expert, 40% of retailers are now charging return fees. so the best advice, get familiar with the store's return policy. better yet, go in person to save money. if you're feeling a little more ambitious, you can sell those unwanted gifts through market places. i will not tell your aunt you gave away that sweater. guys? >> that's bad, selling a gift you didn't want. >> i just tell my aunt so i can get that receipt. [ laughter ] >> there you go. >> smart. morgan, thank you. coming up next, the big debate over christmas trees and decorations. when should you undeck the halls? trevor ault is here tackling the controversy. >> i don't know where to stand now. we know all three of you know the effort that goes into getting everything set up for
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the holidays. eva pointed out this is starting to look sad after christmas. when do you take it all down? you put up the tree, the light, you deck the halls. we're going to excuse this debate. there's a lot of different opinions. that's coming up next on gma. if you're like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine, nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt. the target clearance run is on. relief is possible. dash in now for savings up to 50% on select clothing and shoes for everyone, plus beauty and personal care and their favorite toy brands. don't miss the target clearance run.
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(♪) ♪ (you've got the love) ♪ (♪) pandora. loves, unboxed. back now with that big christmas tree debate. the 25th has come and gone. so when is the right time to take down your christmas tree and decorations?
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so many opinions on social media. trevor ault, our very own christmas tree expert, getting to the bottom of it all. [ laughter ] >> christmas tree. >> yeah yeah. >> you're just so tall. >> okay. all right. it's something i threw together this morning for the live shot. we all know how much work goes into setup for these decorations. i know everyone's holiday celebrations have looked flawless. now it's decision time. when are you supposed to undeck your halls? not everyone can agree. ♪ so you put the work in getting everything ready. the tree, the lights, all the decor. but if your holidays are now behind you, you may find yourself in the middle of that decorative debate. >> i'm in christmas pajamas. >> reporter: do you leave it all up to ring in the new year? >> we need to take down the decorations because i am over all of this clutter. >> reporter: or get it out of the door before 2024? >> does taking down my christmas decoration on december 26th make
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me a grinch? >> reporter: christmas was just four days ago, but a lot t of tik tokkers are start taking their decorations down. take tori, mother of two, who says she likes to start the new year fresh. >> it just gives us more space. i can have my home back. it's overwhelming with all the toils and everything. >> reporter: but for others like tiffany, it's far too soon. >> we spend so much time putting them up. the lights and the cute snowmen definitely keep me happier and keeps the kids occupied. >> reporter: tiffany knows not everybody is happy to let the decor stick around. she said there's even disagreement in her own house. >> my husband being one of them. really would have liked to have taken them down already. for us, i think it brings so much joy to our lives that might as well keep it up for as long as we can. >> reporter: there are some who celebrate the 12 days of christmas which begin december
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25th, meaning they technically have until january 5th. others might wait to mark cultural celebrations like three kings day on january 6th or orthodox christmas on the 7th. even if you don't have lingering holidays beyond new year's, etiquette expert amber hewitt says there's no hard and fast rule. keep your decorations up as long as they make you happy. but don't be afraid to shift gears to the next season. >> if you can start to look at other ways to decorate your home all year around, you can bring that magic and festivity and that excitement for coming home to something that feels decorated and warm. >> there is also a safety aspect to this as well. if you have a real christmas tree, the more it dries out, the more likely it is to catch on fire. the national fire protection association says fire departments respond to more christmas tree fires in january than they do in december. what do we think? how long -- >> february. that sat there. >> here's the thing.
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mom is tired. i just made christmas magic. when i get to it, i get to it. [ laughter ] >> february. >> long as possible for me. >> i can just keep this here? >> right there. >> thank you. coming up next our play of the day. ryan seacrest is here in the flesh with a preview of the annual dick clark rockin new year's eve. he's hosting right there in times square. back in a moment. biiiig moment here for charles who ate a big 'ole bowl of raisin bran crunch ...and packed a downright immaculate carry-on.
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big chuck, you sock rollin son of a... (♪)
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why do dermatologists worldwide recommend la roche-posay? effective skincare like la roche-posay double repair face moisturizer delivers double-action to help repair skin's barrier and provide 48-hour hydration for healthy-looking skin. la roche-posay. all right, guys. we're back with our play of the
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day. we are gearing up to bring in the new year with the annual dick clark's rocking new year's eve entering its 52nd year on air. the incredible host, ryan seacrest, is joining us to tell us all about the star studded lineup. good to see you. >> welcome. >> yeah. [ applause ] >> you are here early. star studded. so many names popping into my head. we've got, obviously, ll cool j going to be here, hometown crowd. he'll be here. sabrina carter will be here, in times square, post malone in las vegas, cardi g, meghan thee stallion. >> jelly roll. >> jelly roll will be here, too. >> we have to talk about the super group. they will be in seoul. that's a first. >> first time we are going to south korea live. this is a global event. every year we try to grow it. this year we've gone global. >> you've done this many, many years. you see the artists come through. do you catch yourself singing along? who is your favorite to sing
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along to? >> there's an issue when i sing along. i hosted a singing show. i never sing on that singing show for a reason. i think meghan thee stallion is one i might sing along to, which will be fully embarrassing. [ laughter ] >> make sure that camera's nice and close. >> when it's midnight, "new york new york" plays here in times square. i found myself embarrassingly singing along to that, too. so i apologize. >> you can't help but sing along. >> what's your favorite part about hosting this? you've been doing it for quite sometime. >> there is an amazing calm here. i think around the country right before the ball drops. everybody sort of gathers, all eyes are on the ball. you're with somebody you love. there's that explosion of hope and celebration. that, to me, is always the greatest moment. >> and the kissing, as whit noted. [ laughter ] >> there's a lot of kissing. >> that's what you are supposed to do. >> i hate to break it to you. >> do you know what the problem is? >> you need to grow up. >> now that i have kids though, i'm usually chasing them around.
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it's a little bit different. >> you can still give a kiss. you are allowed to kiss your kids, too. >> every day. >> we will talk more, ryan. >> he's coming back. stay with us. (vo) the love that goes into a subaru comes out when subaru and our retailers share the love. one hundred and sixteen thousand animals supported. thirty-three hundred wishes granted. four point three million meals provided. and over four hundred national parks protected. be a part of something bigger. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru and our retailers will donate three hundred dollars to charity. get one point nine percent apr financing on select new 2024 outback models during the subaru share the love event.
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the target clearance run is on. dash in now for savings up to 50% on select clothing and shoes for everyone, plus beauty and personal care and their favorite toy brands. don't miss the target clearance run. welcome back. take a look at this earth cam shot of pensacola, florida. it's gorgeous, but it is cold. windchills below freezing. as we head into the weekend that cold air follows for the state of florida. take a look at tallahassee. temperatures will be in the 30s as we head throughout much of the weekend. sunday morning 33 degrees there. as we head into miami in the low to mid 50s. it will be cold. make sure you have the coat. here in new york you need the coat as well. coming up ryan seacrest is here
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with a special new year's rockin eve announcement. that and more coming up after the break. service from the state. that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance with financial help to lower the cost of health coverage. you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month every plan covers preventive care. doctor visits, emergency care, and more . if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the
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way. cover california this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31st at or. >> the celebrity jeopardy! semifinals are here. like anything can happen. >> yes. you did good. but you failed me in the end. so celebrity jeopardy returns tuesday, building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions. >> this is abc seven news. good morning everyone. >> i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's sue hall now with a look at traffic. hi, sue. >> good morning. a couple of trouble spots to highlight. let's go first to where are we going first? oh, we're going first to oakland where we had an earlier issue with some breaking news along 880 and lena howland has been out there this morning following that police activity. also in the city earlier accident cleared still recovering. drew. >> hey, sue. we're tracking some light showers this morning on live doppler seven crossing the
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region. but heavier rain is on the way. later this afternoon. winds are picking up along the coast. we're gusting to 30 and half moon bay gusting over 20. in the city, a wind advisory is in effect until 7 p.m. tonight. a level three strong storm coming our way with heavy rain later on. it's light showers right now from sfo. the day features those winds picking up, and we're really highlighting the evening at 5 p.m. that's in the rain is the heaviest and we could have some ice kumasi. >> thanks, drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes, but you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc seven, the news continues now with good morning america. >> after a catastrophic injury. there are a million. what ifs, but the most important question is what now justice. takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk a personal injury law visit walk up law .com. >> during kia's season of giving back sales event, give yourself the gift you've been waiting for all year. cars like great deals
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on the confidently capable sorento and the spacious sportage. not to mention offers on the all electric ev6 and the fun to drive forte. visit your local kia dealer. lease a new 2024 sportage lx for 259 a month . >> during your pregnancy, see, you'll take about 6 million breaths. two breaths as you get pfizer's maternal rsv vaccine. a briscoe, the only maternal vaccine given between 32 through 36 weeks of pregnancy to protect babies against rsv from birth through six months, 6 million breaths to meet your baby. no you've helped protect them against rsv. a briscoe is not for everyone and may not protect all babies of vaccinated mothers. don't get a bruise. vote if you've had a severe allergic reaction to its ingredients. people with a weakened immune system may have
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a decreased response to vaccination. the most common side effects among pregnant women are headache, pain at the injection site, muscle pain, and nausea. in clinical trials with the briscoe, low birth weight and jaundice were reported more frequently than placebo, so every breath matters. talk to your ob gyn or other health care provider about pfizer's maternal rsv vaccine. a brisbo. more moments are made at home, so why not enjoy them with new flooring and countertops from the floor? >> store your bay area flooring authority our year end clearance sale is going on now up to 50% off store wide, 18 months interest free financing and no sales tax. >> here's hoping we can all be home for the holidays. not really celebrate like only the jeep brand can with everything you could ever wish for, including jeep grand cherokee, the official vehicle of winter. join the family that lets you go anywhere and do anything. jeep there's only one during the jeep wrap up the year sales event,
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well-qualified current fca lessees can lease the 2023 jeep grand cherokee for 299 a month, or finance and get no monthly payments for 90 days. >> you can't go back to preinjury life, but you can move forward to a better future for justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law call 866. walk up law. >> wishing you a safe and healthy new year from abc. seven. good morning america. it's 8 a.m. rogue wave. massive swells slamming into the california coast, more than 30 feet high, sweeping onlookers off their feet. some carried 50 yards away. at least eight hospitalized. this truck lifted and swept away, as a new storm system takes aim. the holiday weather and travel forecast just ahead. we're rescuing your cold weather skin with the right
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stuff from cleansers to moisturizers, the most hydrating products to keep you feeling great this winter. get ready to roar into 2024. with just two days left, the last-minute party prep ideas, from a wall of wishes to kissable crackers. we've got all the tips and tricks to make your new year's eve sparkle. and the host with the most is ready to ring in 2024. >> three, two, one! >> ryan seacrest joins us live. what's in store for the party of the year, celebrating all over the world? he's saying -- >> good morning america! [ applause ] >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> i want to say it now. i have to go after him. [ laughter ] good morning america! give it a little extra juice. thank you very much for being with us. just two days left in 2024.
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we are so excited to have ryan seacrest with us here this morning. >> he is so cool. the studio is buzzing with excitement. our crew getting ready to celebrate the new year. we've got you covered when it comes to ringing in 2024 with last minute party plans to kick 2024 off right. we also have a once in a life time super bowl surprise honoring two college students who are also rotc cadets. you don't want to miss this. first busy morning here. looking at top stories breaking at 8 starting with that extreme weather this morning as millions get ready to travel on this holiday weekend, including that rogue wave in southern california. somara theodore is here with the new year's eve forecast. good morning. >> good morning, whit. that's right. the west coast going into the new year very active out there. take a look at this incredible yet terrifying video, this rogue wave hitting ventura county, california. you can see folks running, being swept off their feet. dangerous situation. this is what we don't want you to do, hanging along the coast line when we have high surf warnings.
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you'll just get washed away. this is typical california. unfortunately, we still have high surf warnings in effect for parts of southern california and just south of san francisco. meanwhile, on the east coast, things have quieted down. even though the rain is gone, it's still foggy. we've got a lot of cloud coverage along the i 95 corridor, things are quiet. if you look further inland, you are anticipating rain and snow showers in upstate new york. let's get to the all important new year's eve forecast. midnight, baby. look at what's going on across the lower 48. dry conditions for the most part. up in seattle chilly, upper 30s. down in miami, i'm totally digging that. 66 degrees. demarco. >> i can see it there. somara, thank you very much. it is going to be a jam packed weekend for holiday travel. abc news transportation correspondent gio benitez is live at newark airport with what we can expect. gio, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, demarco. good morning. we are watching that weather in the northeast. right now delays and cancellations are looking very
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low. that's good news there. but it will be busy today. hopper is estimating the number of airline seats sold for today 3.7 million between now and tuesday the 2nd. we're looking at 17.3 million seats. an incredible amount of planes in the air today, nearly 44,000. tomorrow more than 48,000. wednesday the 3rd that's looking to be the busiest next week as people go back home. more than 44,000 flights. on the road, try to avoid driving between 2 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. today, and tomorrow between 5 p.m. an 8 p.m. i'm going to say it again. best time to get on the road early in the morning or late at night. for flights you want to try to get on the earliest flight possible. eva? >> good advice from gio. thank you very much. now to the final preparations in times square for one of the biggest new year's eve celebrations in the world. all eyes are on that massive sparkling crystal ball that will help millions of people say hello to 2024. andrew dymburt joins us from
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times square with more on all the festivities. hey, andrew. >> reporter: guys, good morning. i mean, the buzz is building. you can feel the excitement in the air. can you believe it? only two days from the iconic new year's eve ball drop here in times square. the eyes of the world will be watching. this year they've got a special ball for us. we're told it weighs six tons, about six feet tall. it has 27,000led's that can display billions of different light combinations. pretty cool if you ask me. it goes up officially at 6 p.m. eastern on new year's eve, then takes 60 seconds to make its dissent. after that, that's it for 2023, we're into 2024. if you do plan on coming down to times square to watch this in person, just know about 1 million people are expected to join you. i'm no expert, but i don't think there are enough bathrooms to accommodate 1 million people so just keep that in mind. remember, you can always watch from the comfort of your home
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right here on abc starting at 7:00 p.m. eastern on new year's eve for dick clark's new year's rockin' eve. there will be some great performance. meghan thee stallion, ll cool j and my girl cardi b. >> that's lineup right there. >> it is. >> got it. >> skip over the bathroom part. thanks, andrew. coming up in our gma morning menu, we are getting ready to rock and roar into 2024 with last minute party planning tips from the duo -- [ laughter ] >> things are happening up there. >> cameo. >> hi. that guy right there, king of new year's eve, ryan seacrest, is joining us as well. >> gotta love it. also ahead, lori bergamotto is here with the last right stuff of 2023. she has the most hydrating products to save your skin from those cold winter blasts. give ryan a microphone and a horn. [ laughter ] plus, rotc cadets jordan and vaquan have no idea they're about to get the super bowl surprise of a life time as we salute their service.
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that is coming up right here on gma. it's good. hone bill! we pay for things that we don't need! bloated bundles, the reckless spending! no more... (mom) that's a bit dramatic... a better plan is verizon. it starts at 25 dollars a line. (dad) did you say 25 dollars a line? (sister) and save big on things we love, like netflix and max! (dad) oh, that's awesome (mom) spaghetti night -- dinner in 30 (dad) oh, happy day! (vo) a better plan to save is verizon. it starts at $25 per line guaranteed for 3 years and get both netflix and max for just $10/mo. only on verizon.
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back now on gma. with just a few days to go until 2024, we have some last minute tips and tricks to make your new year's eve party extra shiny. >> exactly. we're going to get the party started early. here to help us out is mother daughter duo alison bruhn and delia folk. they are from the style that binds us. you can shop all these looks using the qr code on the bottom of your screen. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> great to have you.
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>> excited? >> yes. >> these are a nod to robin roberts and her wife. they used this for their wedding. that's obviously for new year's eve. >> we're celebrating. as far as the party happening this weekend you have some fun ways to kick that off, right? >> yes. we set it up in stations. the first station is going to be the wish wall. when your guests come in, they write down their wish for 2024 and put it on the wall. not the resolution, the wish. and then time to get glam. so you can put on something glam. everything is photo ready. this will be a great photo back drop. then we move to food. >> my favorite part. that's what matters most to me. every party i judge by the food they have. >> right. right. >> no party is complete without snacks. since new year's rockin eve will be broadcast from l.a., puerto rico, we have themed snacks. for new york we've got minicheese cakes.
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also plantain chips from puerto rico and hollywood popcorn from l.a. we recommend having drinks and snacks that you know your guests love. eva, we heard you were a big fan of cheetoh's. [ laughter ] >> who doesn't love them? >> exactly. >> you elevated the snacks for me. >> lastly, we have these roasted rosemary cashews that they make every year in alabama. they are divine. we cannot wait for you to try them. also, look at this 2024 design with the cheese. >> that's so clever. >> perfectly on theme for the evening. >> great. we're moving down the line here. >> moving down the line. >> you know holiday poppers from the christmas table? we are going to make them ourselves. you can have your guests do it with you or do it ahead of time. >> this is counting down. counting down to midnight. >> right. take an empty toilet paper roll and put kisses in, then wrap it up with paper. when you pop it at midnight, every guest is going to be
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ensured a kiss at midnight. >> you keep talking about the midnight kiss. >> there they go! [ laughter ] >> got to give me a real one next time. >> yes, yes, yes. >> we also have a little champagne. this is actually dealcoholized. even though it's called naughty. it has no alcohol and 50% less sugar content. you can celebrate at night and feel great the next day. >> we like that. >> favors. >> gotta have favors. in order to ensure that your guests are going to feel refreshed in the new year, we recommend a feel good goodie bag giving it to them as they are leaving. this can include masks, under eye mask, gatorade, makeup wipe, lip balm, hand lotion. >> hydration is key. >> i feel like the recovery step. >> right.
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>> thank you so much. great to have you. we appreciate all the tips. >> happy new year. >> happy new year to you. of course, you can check out the style that binds us on instagram and for more of these last minute tips you can scan the qr code on the screen or go to good morning demarco, i saved you a boa. >> i hope so. i need that recovery package there. [ laughter ] all right, guys. as we close out the year, we want to express our gratitude to those who serve our nation. we have a big surprise for two young rotc cadets preparing for careers in the military. they attend south carolina state university, an hbcu, second only to west point in commissions black army officers. take a look at this story. >> meet jordan and vaquan. these two cadets are standouts among the ranks at south carolina state university's rotc bull dog battalion. >> they are very dedicated.
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they have adopted and committed themselves to this program. >> vaquan, a graduate student, pursuing his master's, was recently promoted battalion commander for the 2024 spring semester. and jordan enrolled into the rotc program her junior year after receiving a two year army scholarship. she will be competing for active duty commission this summer. when not training, vaquan and jordan are busy cheering on their favorite nfl team, los angeles rams, dallas cowboys. with the nfl salute to service honoring and empowering active duty members, veterans and their families, these two dedicated students just might be in for a super bowl sized surprise. all right, guys. let's give it up for jordan and vaquan in the studio. [ applause ] good to see you. >> and from south carolina. >> i have to ask you, why did you decide to get involved with rotc? >> for me, it was always something that interested me. when i was little i would see my
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family members, their head shots in their uniform in my grandma's living room so it sparked my interest. i talked to my family and i was like, i want to go do rotc and try to change something up. and, yeah. >> vaquan, you were already enlisted in the national guard when you joined the rotc. what was it that made you want to take that next step? >> my family members, my uncles and grandparents, they all served. they were on the enlistment side. they said you might want to join rotc and become an officer. and lead america's sons and daughters. that was a reason why. i joined so you can learn what's going on. >> that leadership role really something. >> definitely. definitely. >> you are a cowboys fan. right? watching the game tomorrow? >> yes, sir. >> you are a rams fan. >> i am. >> so you know something about kobe durant? he has a message for you. >> hey, vaquan and jordan. i am corner back for the los
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angeles rams and graduate of south carolina state university. i heard about your story. i wanted to thank you for your service and keeping up with the reputation of what it means to be a south carolina bull dog. i also heard you both were big football fans and wanted to give you a little something to show how much we appreciate what you do for this country and school. on behalf of the nfl, we are sending you two super bowl tickets to this year's super bowl in las vegas. congratulations and enjoy the big game. [ applause ] >> super bowl tickets. what's your reaction? you loving that? [ laughter ] >> i'm loving that. [ applause ] >> you have room for me? [ laughter ] >> by the way, we want to say thank you to the nfl salute to service, a year round effort to empower and connect with our nation's active duty service members. veterans and their families can also watch the dallas cowboys take on the detroit lions
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tomorrow 8 p.m. eastern time right here on abc. somara, can you top that? [ applause ] >> no, i can't, but i am so proud of you both. all right. so let's take a look at nashville, tennessee. it is so cold out there right now. still got the christmas decorations up so they're feeling the spirit. cold through much of the tennessee valley and ohio valley. look at some numbers. temperatures in the 30s, through this morning, climbing only to about 36 by 1 p.m. in nashville, 33 up in columbus, pittsburgh 34. even as far south as atlanta, georgia, 36 degrees down there. the chill is setting up. they're also in for a bit of snow showers through the tennessee and ohio valley. that's a look at the weather across the country. now let's get a check closer to home. >> here we
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♪ oh oh the right stuff ♪ >> that song can only mean one thing. time for the right stuff. the cold air can be a beauty nightmare for our skin. it's friday, and that means lori bergamotto is here with a fix for all of us. you can shop these skin savers using the qr code on the bottom of your screen. let's get started with the first step in skin care. cleansing. >> the cleanser. exactly. i know you're really into skin care. you can see eva has the most beautiful skin. let's start with this brand that you will see a lot in drug stores. you can get it on amazon. dermatologists love this brand. it's french. this particular cleanser is their hydrating cleanser. when you're looking for a cleanser, you don't want
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something that's going to foam unless you have super oily skin. you want to retain as much moisture. people love this. it has 30,000 five star reviews. because it keeps your skin's ph balance and won't strip away the skin barrier. really affordable. you may have seen articles about teens using things that are harsh. this is a great buy if you do have a tween or teen that the whole family can use it. >> i love that you can get it in the drug store. next is the toner. >> this is a misnomer. toner, people are like, do i need a toner or not? you need this product. this is a toner plus. this does it all. this is from burst skin care. it is called baby cheeks. what it is, it is like a hydrating milk. it can erase makeup which is cool. part cleanser, part moisturizer. it's made with bamboo extract,
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algea, coconut water. it's going to keep your skin barrier intact and you aren't going to lose any moisture. i love using this right when i wake up and right before i go to bed. it does give you baby cheeks. who doesn't want baby cheeks? >> we're all trying to get baby cheeks. i didn't appreciate the baby cheeks when i had them. >> exactly. now you need a moisturizer. you want something creamy. this is a top seller at sephora from skin fit. this is their barrier plus. you keep hearing me talk about barrier. >> it's all over tik tok, too. >> yeah. there you go. that's the thing you're trying to protect especially in the winter. once you start losing that barrier, all that moisture just goes away. we are trying to keep it in and add some more. what i love about this, they've done clinical trials where people have seen, in one hour, that their skin looks more radiant, dewier and just feels plumper. if you can get that kind of result in an hour, sign me up.
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>> i'm going to lather that all over my body. >> exactly. exactly. we go from daytime to nighttime. i heard you say this can be a nightmare of time for people. cold outside, the heat is blasting inside, your skin is going crazy. enter dream cream. that's actually what this is called. it's from fresh. it's their super loaded skin cream. you use it overnight. the key with night cream, you want something that's going to deliver heavy duty results, but you don't want it to feel heavy on your face. this one is super light weight. if you want to whisk texture. it uses the super loaded proprietary. it has antioxidants. that is going to give you that beautiful radiance when you wake up the next morning. i love this because it does work overnight as you sleep. >> it doesn't feel too heavy, even on my hand. >> no. super, super lightweight. finally, we can't forget about your body. >> this is what you are supposed to lather? >> this is from cerave.
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tub of amazingness. another affordable brand people know and love. you can use it on the whole family. this is packed with hylauronic acid. any kind of skin can use it. even if you are excema. lot of people love this. it's packed with things that are so good for you. from head to toe we've got you covered. there's no reason for dry flakey skin. >> my mom always says, don't forget about the rest of your body. >> cracked elbows, dry hands. >> i need more cream right now. >> as a matter of fact, we are doing that right now. >> thanks, lori. you can shop the products by scanning the qr code on your screen or going to good morning coming up ryan seacrest is here with us live. you don't want to miss it. live. don't want to miss this.
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raised us all with a gun in our hands. our family was killing people. really good people were left to do terrible things. >> this is when i found out that i was born and raised in a cult. >> daughters of the cult. only on hulu. >> okay, it's time to start the countdown. >> so what will the year 2024 bring? 2024 2024? good question.
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>> what will elon musk be doing in 2024? in 2023, the only thing we could agree on is taylor swift. you know what we're going to be able to agree on in 2024? taylor swift again. >> counting down to the year 2024 with robin roberts right before new year's rockin eve. what do you say we get this party started sunday night on abc? >> whenever news breaks, we are here in israel, a nation at war in rolling fork. >> this tornado tore through this town from lewiston, maine, the scene of a horrific mass shooting from the scene of that deadly missile strike. >> abc news live. >> everywhere in iceland. let's go on the 2024 campaign trail here at ten downing street. >> wherever the story is, we're going to take you there. >> you're streaming abc news live, abc news live, you're streaming abc news live, abc news live streaming free everywhere. >> why do so many people start their day here from abc news. >> this is start here to be in the know and get a different
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take on the day's top stories. >> start here. >> that's a part of the story i bet you didn't see coming. >> make it your daily first. listen wherever you get your podcasts. >> lions, cowboys. saturday on espn, abc and espn plus. >> what happened now? >> someone dead. what >> only murders in the building is now on abc. >> i think we could solve this case for an exclusive winter event. >> i'm so on board with this. only murders in the building. building a better bay area moving forward and finding solutions. this is abc seven news. >> good morning. i'm gloria rodriguez from abc seven mornings. let's get right to sue hall with a look at your traffic. good morning sue. >> good morning gloria. it is definitely not without trouble although it's pretty holiday light out there. so a few trouble spots. 8-80 near the embarcadero in oakland. been police activity there most of the morning. you can see both north and southbound are slow and leaving pleasanton. we've got an accident near bernau
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blocking the middle lanes all right. >> thank you so much. sue and meteorologist drew tuma will have your accuweather forecast coming up after the break. >> rakubian has been bringing families together for over 50 years. a new 2024 thor chateau is now discounts at just 77.998. your holiday adventures begin at rec van thought to ponder. >> is it truly a wish list? if you only have one wish? to getting everything that you're hoping for this season. make your wish list a reality with exceptional offers in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing
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the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. from xfinity. rakubian has been bringing families together for over 50 years. >> a new 2023 integra launch is now discount at just 134 .998. your holiday adventures begin at rec van. >> hey. bay area live with kelly marcus. coming up, we'll chat with gary oldman from slow horses, plus a performance from maisie peters. that's at nine on abc seven. we'll see you shortly. live doppler seven showing you light showers crossing the region this morning. ahead of some heavy rain and gusty winds later this afternoon. the winds are picking up close to the coast right now.
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we're seeing gusts anywhere from about 20 to 25mph. it's a level three strong storm this afternoon for heavy rain, strong winds and some rough surf. live look from our rooftop camera. it is gloomy out there. some light drizzle this morning. it's the evening by 5 p.m. we're highlighting that time frame for heavy rain. the possibility of some flooding. gloria. >> all right, drew, thank you. the news continues right now with good morning america. and we'll have another update in 30 minutes. >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> welcome back. we have a very special guest. the man with the longest resume in show business. [ laughter ] >> exactly. >> in the studio with us. of course we're talking about the host of the "american idol." on air with ryan seacrest, founder of the incredible seacrest studios across the country. now ryan seacrest is back for the biggest party of the year. we are talking about dick clark's new year's rockin eve
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with ryan seacrest. ryan, good morning. [ applause ] >> great to be here. that's the longest title of a show in the history of television as well. thanks for having me, one more time. >> okay. before we get to it, we do need to say happy birthday. >> happy birthday. your birthday was on christmas eve. >> that's right. >> does that mean family and friends can just give you one present and take care of both? >> absolutely. >> is that what they do? >> mom, connie seacrest, you know who you are. socks and underwear. however, i will tell you technology of underwear in these modern times is really improving, so thank you. >> that's why you need a new pair every christmas eve. look at the pictures and everything. >> as a child we used to go to the mall and get the cookie cake. there it is right there. >> i love that. >> my sister. you can see how much i have not grown. [ laughter ] >> this is your 19th time hosting this. >> i can't believe that myself.
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as so many people, i watched this growing up. this was the tradition for us. i also watched dick clark host the show. for us to be out there, it's grown to be global. we're all over the place, not just in times square. >> how do you get ready? for a man who goes to sleep on any given day at 8:30. are you gonna be up all night? >> it sounds so good. it's going to be an all nighter. the show goes until past 1 a.m. the adrenaline rush. you get out there. you pace yourself. we start at 8 p.m. you're pacing yourself. there's such a rush that runs through your body. think about being under that ball at midnight. such a bucket list opportunity that i get to do every year. >> this year you have a new co-host, rita ora. what advice do you have? >> what advice would you give? >> to me, she's a legend. i have known her for a long time. she's an artist. she does live television as well. she's a great presenter. she has a great sense of humor. she's going to bring energy and fun.
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i know she's excited about it. looking forward to it. thank you, rita, for being part of your program. >> you don't actually sit them down and be like, look, here's how it's done, sort of thing? >> i just did that with you that one time. >> and i cherish it. you do have a very big announcement that i'm told we can reveal for the first time about sunday's show. what is it? >> the bidens will be with us as well as they celebrate their new year's eve. i don't think they will be under the ball. >> next to cardi b. [ laughter ] >> can you imagine? >> the first lady and potus. a new group. but they will be with us live on new year's eve as well as artists in miami and las vegas. post malone will be there. ll cool j here. the show, for the first time, will be simulcast on 160 iheart radio stations across the country. >> wow. amazing. >> we're trying to make it bigger and bigger in scale every year. >> we talked about the star
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studded lineup. are you ever concerned because it is live tv that something could go wrong? >> it does. so, yes, i am. i think we've seen things go wrong. isn't that the beauty and magic of live television? whether it's the elements or something that is delaying an artist from getting to the stage because of the crowd? that to me is the fun of this. >> nothing ever goes wrong on gma. [ laughter ] it's perfect. ever. >> we're not on a delay when you're counting down to midnight and you never know what's going to happen on those hot mics. you know what happens on those hot mics. [ laughter ] >> i do. i am learning. >> and so i relish in that. i love that part. >> not talking about new year's eve. as a fan of "wheel of fortune." >> oh my gosh. >> can i buy a vowel? i mean, are you so excited? >> i am. you have no spendable cash. [ laughter ] i'm beyond excited. pat sajack is a legend. no one can replace him. vanna white, she's become a dear
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friend. i'm so much looking forward to being on stage with her. i love the show. giving away cash and prizes every night in america's living rooms is the greatest job. i'm very excited about that. fortunately, i signed a deal to stay on with iheart radio for a few more years. so i will postpone retirement. i thought after live with kelly and ryan i was going to take a break. >> why? >> so much for that 8:30 p.m. bedtime. >> yeah. >> always working. right? our intro to you just added 30 more seconds. [ laughter ] >> what's the tag line? >> exactly. ryan, thank you very much. >> happy new year. great to be here. tune in, everybody. it's going to be a lot of fun. >> can't wait for the party and all the fun. dick clark's rockin' new year's eve kicks off at 8 p.m. eastern right here on abc. thank you again. >> good to see you. >> coming up here, 100 wishes. meet the woman whose experience as a wish kid changed her life and how she's now giving back. stay with us.
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>> ryan! [ applause ] from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31 at
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>> what will the year 2024 bring? >> good question. >> counting down to the year 2024 right before new year's rockin, eve. >> what do you say we get this party started? >> sunday night on abc. >> 3, 2, 1! >> new year's rockin eve is coming up. dick clark's new year's eve with ryan seacrest on abc. just rolling on down the street. we're back with 100 wishes. disney and make a wish teaming up to make wishes come true. for wish 77, we met jen pratt. her wish was to go to walt disney world. those experiences ultimately led
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to her life's work. take a look for yourself. ♪ tale as old as time ♪ >> i loved belle. i loved that movie. ♪ true as it can be ♪ >> i think it really spoke to the importance of finding the strength within. >> you should learn to control your temper. >> just like disney's belle, jen pratt discovered her own inner strength and perseverance after being diagnosed at age 11 with bone cancer in her leg. >> my life went from being very normal to very not normal. i wasn't able to attend school regularly. i spent a lot of time in the hospital. >> jen finding comfort in movie, particularly "beauty and the beast." so when the make a wish foundation asked for her wish, she told them it was to go to disney world after her treatment. >> that trip will forever be one of my most cherished memories memories. it was a turning place for me during my treatment to be able to look ahead to what was to
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come after. and give me hope for the future. >> medical school would lie in her future, and now she's called dr. jen, working as a pediatrician at the very same hospital where she was treated as a kid, children's minnesota. >> we just can't under estimate the power of hope, the power of positivity in the treatment of children and their families. >> imagine that. everything happens for a reason. >> amazing. >> now she's a doctor. >> so cool. cool story. >> somara, what do you got for us? >> we're getting ready. does new york city have a bad angle? i don't think so. beautiful. even with the fog overlaying the city. what do you need to wear? layers. temperatures will be in the upper 30s to around 40. look at what it will feel like. that's the most important number. 33 degree, dry, light wind, so no rain to contend with.
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finally, one quick look at the remainder, the entirety of the country, lower 48 there really looking dry. we could see a few showers or sprinkles towards the mid-atlantic. that's a look at the weather across the country. >> coming up the gma buzz pick for your holiday weekend read. one of eva's favorite i hear. e. .
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>> eva: back now with this friday's gma pick. recent favorite of >> book with friday's gma buzz pick. a recent favorite of mine which also happens to be our gma december book club pick. >> the frozen river, a thrilling mystery inspired by an 18th
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century midwife who made her mark on history. here is erielle with a special message. >> good morning america. thank you for choosing "the frozen river" as your december book club pick. thank you to every reader who reached out to tell me how much they enjoyed the story. thank you to eva and gio. i loved getting to talk with you. this is truly the most fun i have ever had in a single month. happy reading and happy new year. >> an author shoutout. >> i feel like we would be friends through this book. [ laughter ] "the frozen river" is available now. you can read along with us on instagram and gma book club. this is such a good one. >> you said it gets straight to the point. >> right into the murder right there in the beginning. we'll be right back.
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>> what will the year 2024 bring? >> 2024. >> 2024. >> good question. >> counting down to the year 2024. >> what do you say we get this party started? >> sunday night on abc. >> before we go, you are looking live at our control room. [ applause ] yes yes yes. love all of them. all of us here at gma, it is truly a pleasure and privilege to be with you every single day. there are so many people working behind the scenes to bring you good morning america every morning.
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they are the best in the business. >> legitimately. a big thank you to each and every one of them and to you for watching. don't forget, weekend gma still happening. >> absolutely. >> happy new year, y'all! >> happy new year, guys. py new . ♪
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from america's number one news comes the all new abc news app. if you love being in the know, you're gonna love this
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experience. the all new abc news app. download it now. >> right now, there's just so much happening in our world, so much at stake at the start of every morning, making sense of it all. >> well, that's not always so easy. >> and that's where we come in every morning asking the straightforward questions. >> you want answered. >> and yes, put it in a smile on your face. >> two abc s good morning america. we want you to know every morning we're right here and we got you, we got you. >> we got you. >> america's favorite way to start the day gma seven a watch. good to watch read. where can i get a great deal on what. i'm just dying to buy. oh it's all right here gma life. get the latest celebrity buzz deals and steals and the coolest lifestyle tips from gma i love that so much. streaming weekends on abc news live. >> abc celebrating music's highest honor. >> the rock and roll hall of fame with performances and tributes to this year's
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tricks like tracking you down in your hospital room to get your signature, but one wrong move could ruin your case and leave you deep in debt. call berg injury lawyers northern californians have trusted us for over 40 years. let us protect you from the insurance company and fight for the money you deserve. get bird one 800 400 berg. >> building a better bay area moving forward. finding solutions. this is abc seven news. good morning. >> i'm gloria rodriguez from abc seven mornings. here's sue hall with a look at your traffic. good morning. sue good morning. an injury accident blocking lanes on 680 southbound in pleasanton just before banal injuries involved. >> as i mentioned, they should have one of the two lanes cleared shortly and traffic remains stacked back to 580. drew sue, we're tracking some light showers, live doppler seven this morning, some scattered drizzle, some scattered lightrillionain, but we're awaiting a pretty potent
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cold front here. >> you can see it on live doppler seven, bringing heavy rain later today. it's a level three for the second half of your friday downpours and strong winds. it's already gusty out there from our sutro tower camera. so some clouds, some drizzle. the winds pick up the time frame. we're watching 5 p.m. for that heavy rain to move through gloria. >> all right drew, thank you. time now for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back at 11 for midday live. have a great day. midday live. have a great day. it's live with kelly ♪♪ today from the thriller slow horses, gary oldman. and the time is now. find out how to reset in the new year. plus, a performance from singer songwriter maisie peters. ♪♪ all next on live. ♪♪


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